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    Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Biome Suggestion: DEAD Volcanoes

    Minecraft Caves & Cliffs Biome Suggestion: DEAD Volcanoes

    Caves & Cliffs Biome Suggestion: DEAD Volcanoes

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:51 AM PST

    I emphasize the "dead" part of this suggestion because I am NOT suggesting a "natural disaster" type thing. I totally agree with Mojang that big impactful events that the player cannot control or predict shouldn't be part of minecraft. Instead, this suggestion is a non-ambitious biome that I think would be a cool addition to the update & fits perfectly with the theme of it.

    The idea is for there to be an underground biome with lots of lava in it's caves. And for that biome to, like the lush caves biome, be detectable above ground via a big volcano-like mountain. I think this would be a cool addition to the underground part of the update as it adds more variety, while also fitting really well with the cliffs part of this update because it's a volcano.

    I tried to come up with an idea that's as realistic & feasible & easily to implement as possible, despite my admittedly little knowledge of coding & game making. My thought process was that, since the game already has caves with lots of lava, and the game already has mountains, it shouldn't be too difficult to have a different type of mountain biome wherin caves that has lots of lava in them generate in all underground y levels instead of just the lowest one.

    submitted by /u/Brick-Stonesonn
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    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:32 AM PST

    Lots of kids play Minecraft, and Minecraft isnt always family friendly. I have an idea for safechat. It will censor all the swears and bad words. There would be a way to turn it off of course. I think Minecraft should have something like this cuz lots of kids play it.

    submitted by /u/Seriously_nobody
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    A different kind of endgame: The Primordial End

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:45 AM PST

    The end is bleak. Which is fine imo it helps sell the barrenness of the environment, but I'd like to expand upon the end without ruining whats already there. Thus, the primordial End. This would be a new dimension only accessible after defeating the ender dragon, after collecting dragons breath you could combine it with eye of Ender's to create Primordial Eyes (8 eyes of ender surrounding one dragons breath makes 8 Primordial eyes) these would take you to a new type of stronghold, the overgrown stronghold, these would have Sculk everywhere and a new type of mob, the Sculk zombie, which would act like the warden and Sculk sensor, utilizing echo location.

    Once advancing through the stronghold, covered in Sculk moss and vines you would find the ancient portal. This portal however, is different to the normal end portals as after placing 9 Primordial eyes in it (3 would spawn guaranteed to help balance it) it will not activate, as you will need to place something in a block above the portal,a nether star.(imo this helps encourage players to do the wither) Once you have placed a nether star, you may enter the primordial end. You will be greeted by endstone, sculk, the fossils of long gone creatures, primordial endermen and chorus trees.

    For starters primordial endermen (they'd look the same but with green/teal eyes and particles) would drop Primordial Pearls which we I will come back to in a moment. Chorus trees would be chopped by players to retrieve chorus wood, a non flammable durable teal wood type But back to Primordial Pearls When mining in this dimension, you can come across enderite ore. Once mined you can craft enderite ingots by surrounding a primordial pearl with enderite to create enderite ingots, these would work the same as upgrading to netherite. Put netherite armor in a smithing table, and upgrade it to enderite, it would appear teal in design. Its properties would be the following

    •Upon death the items would return back to you, like loyalty (dying in another dimension causes them to only return upon entering the dimension)

    •Looking at endermen or primordial endermen when wearing the helmet will not anger them

    •xp would be able to be collected from twice the range

    •5% chance to not lose durability upon taking damage (it would have slightly less durability than netherite to balance it out)

    •mending repairs 1.75x better than other armors and tools

    •Tools would be faster, obviously

    •Higher Enchant value than gold

    Note: Enderite would still have the same values and attributes as netherite, also would repair the same way.

    The Primordial end would also have randomly generated structures, such as Outposts (extremely rare structure) These outposts contain a horde of sculk zombies And a warden But if you manage to fight your way through all of them, you'll be rewarded with a new music disc (end themed) With a endstone colour for the disc. A Enchanted golden apple, a enderite ingot, 10 diamonds and a random set of items, e.g xp bottles, gaps, etc. You would also be able to find new flora here e.g primordial flowers and trees. Anyways that my idea on how to expand on the end. Thank You

    submitted by /u/CaptainDamnflame
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    Moss carpet stacking like snow

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:33 AM PST

    I think it would be a very welcome feature if the moss carpet could behave similarly to snow layers. It would open a lot of possibilities for additional environment and landscape design

    submitted by /u/Kimzhal
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    Expand the wool occlusion to dampen sounds

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 10:50 PM PST

    I saw a post earlier about the annoying sounds when your world is full of redstone contraptions. The top suggestion for this is to be able to turn off redstone sounds in settings. While I think more control through settings is a generally a great idea, I think something that could be applied 1) situationally and 2) within the game world itself seems to be Mojang method of solving problems.

    So, then, what is the solution? Well, they've already introduced it in a limited capacity. Wool can be issued to block "vibrations" from reaching sculk sensors. What if this extended to sounds too? Maybe one layer of wool could make the volume of the sound lower, and then two or more could silence it. This way, it makes sense within the established features of the game, and there is a greater sense of control. (Areas where you want to hear the sounds will be unaffected, and you can put a layer of wool over particularly noisy machines)

    submitted by /u/grrrreatscott
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    Add Spyglasses spawning in Shipwrecks on FPS list

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:42 AM PST

    It's been one day and I see over 10 of these out of nowhere

    submitted by /u/Nightfall-memer
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    Hanging Roots should drop 0-2 sticks when broken without Shears

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:51 AM PST

    Similarly to Dead Bushes the Hanging Roots, added in the most recent snapshot(21w05a), should drop 0-2 sticks when broken without shears(or when their support block is broken)!! That would be quite interesting and would mean that the players have more ways to obtain sticks while exploring caves for logn periods of time, which could help a lot!

    If you want to support this suggestion than vote for it in Feedback Site

    submitted by /u/JoKrun83
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    Occupied minecarts should deal damage to entities they hit based on their speed.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:25 AM PST

    Like anvils. Just kinda makes sense, yknow?

    submitted by /u/coelacanth-thoughts
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    Regeneration potions should have the same effect as poison on undead mobs

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:44 AM PST

    If you didn't know already, undead mobs like zombies and skeletons, take damage when splashed with a healing potion, and heal when splashed with a harming potion. Now, taking this into consideration, all healing buffs should damage undead mobs and vise versa, but that is not the case. I propose a small change where regeneration on undead mobs has the same effect as poison, and poison on undead mobs has the same effect as regen.

    submitted by /u/Rockboy_1009
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    Tap birch trees to collect birch sap

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:40 AM PST

    Måste man dricka märg i benen

    You must drink marrow into your bones

    That is an old saying from Sweden, to stay strong and healthy after a long winter. In the spring, people went to the woods to tap birch trees to do just that, collect birch sap to drink. It looks like water, its clear but it taste sweet and contains the nutrients the tree stored during the winter.

    Drinking birch sap wasn't unique to Sweden though, its a traditional beverage in other parts of northern Europe, Asia, and North America as well. And since Minecraft is from Sweden, I thought it'd be nice to add birch sap harvesting in the game, like when they added their summertime tradition of berry picking with the taiga update.

    The Spile

    To tap a birch tree, craft a spile at a crafting table with an iron ingot and nugget. You can place the spile on the side of a birch log and birch sap will start dripping from it. If you place a cauldron under the spile, it will eventually fill up, as it would if you placed a cauldron under dripstone. If you place a spile on all 4 sides, sap will only come out of one side.

    The spile itself can have unrelated uses, such as dripping water or lava, or simply as decoration like a leaky faucet.

    The Birch Sap

    Once you have birch sap in a cauldron, you can use a glass bottle to collect a Bottle of Birch Sap. Drinking it restores 6 hunger like honey.

    Since honey already clears Poison, birch sap clears Slowness because it is inflected by Strays and the idea is you drink birch sap to ward off the effects of the winter frost.


    Support this suggestion on the feedback site:


    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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    Colored bundles!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:59 AM PST

    Ever since they said you could put gifts in bundles I thought that they should be colored, the idea will appeal players Who use bundles but want to color coordinate there inventory, I can't think of a single downside other than it taking time to make.

    submitted by /u/xDarkChaosx02
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    Jungle Temple Update

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    With the archaeology feature coming soon, I see an opportunity to give temples some love. I think that jungle temples should have a few changes in the update, namely buffing their traps. The arrows in the dispensers should be poison 2 tipped and I would add some danger to the puzzle. I also think that there should be a unique ceramic decal that comes from them, along with sand temples, strongholds, bastions, nether fortresses, and even ocean monuments. They could go as far as adding a unique artifact like a lost painting. Even if none of what I suggest gets added, I hope that jungle temples are updated in some way soon.

    submitted by /u/BrickDaddyShark
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    Idea: If you name a music disc Dinnerbone, the audio is played backwards

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:55 PM PST

    Idea: If you name a music disc Dinnerbone, the audio is played backwards

    I saw this on a youtube video of Pigstep played backward but thought it would make a cool addition to the Dinnerbone easter egg...

    Credit for idea goes to Tepignite on YouTube


    submitted by /u/FloSeeker
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    Shattered Obsidian: A New Block That Can Be Obtained In The Deep Dark

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:55 AM PST


    We all know that water+lava equals stone or obsidian. We also know that warden have supersonic hearing. With that, we also know the iconic sound of turning lava into obsidian. It would be weird if the warden didn't react to it, right?

    How to Obtain

    When obsidian is made, the warden is attracted to it, naturally. It will study it, and deem it no threat. However, sometimes it will "punch" the obsidian block, shattering it. Thus, shattered obsidian is made. It is not as hard as normal obsidian, taking only half the time; however, when broken with a normal pick, it will drop 3-6 shattered obsidian shards. 9 obsidian shards make up a shattered obsidian block.


    Shattered obsidian shards introduces a new weapon: throwing knives. They can be crafted in a 4x4 with a shattered obsidian shards and a stick under it, making two knives. They can only be thrown, and is heavily affected by gravity, making it a short ranged ranged weapon. After thrown, the weapon "shatters", making it un-reusable. However, when it hits a mob, it does 5 damage and does bleed. Bleed is a new effect that does more damage the more someone moves. Starting at 1 damage per second, it can quickly escalate to 2 hearts a second by moving around. The effect is non-stackable, so throwing knives needs to be spaced out a little. It also does slowness 1 for the duration of the bleed(4 seconds). You can also, by using a smithing table, combine shattered obsidian shards with a weapon to increase the weapon chance of bleeding by 5%, up to 50%. This costs experience. The slow is also not applicable on a weapon. Wooden and stone swords cannot be given bleed. Of course, the block can also be used as decor(I'm bad at art so I don't know how to make the thing). Blacksmiths have a chance to buy blocks(5 for 1 emerald) or maybe shards(32 for one emerald)


    This is a possible representation of how the warden reacts to certain noises. You need a constant source of lava, so it can't be abused(too much). Also the chances of a warden making shattered obsidian is not a guaranteed. Add that with how dangerous a warden is, and how you need to be active the entire time when farming it, gives it a reasonable price to compensate for its slight overpowered-ness.

    Advancements ~~ yay

    A Simple Circus Trick- Throw and hit a knife on a mob.

    Shattered Glass- mine a shattered obsidian block

    submitted by /u/InfoNut1121
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    Bioluminescent Fungi for the Mycelium Islands

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:02 AM PST

    The mycelium islands desperately need an update, so here is one way to spice it up a little (more ideas coming in the future)

    Bioluminescent Fungi

    Bioluminescent fungi would look a lot like the already existing giant mushrooms. However, at night, these fungi glow in the dark. It provides a awesome ambience to the mycelium islands and would be great for builders.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    New end biome. Chorus Forest

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:47 AM PST

    New end biome. Chorus Forest

    This is how this biome could possibly look like but lets list all the things and what they do

    first this biome would generate very rarely in outer end islands.

    The new chorus trees will have 2 variants. Bush and Tree. the tree would be a big twisted tree being the well tree in the image, whilst the bush would be the smaller ones. they would have the new chorus stem as a ''wood'' block. they would also have the chorus leaves which in the tree type would sometimes drop chorus fruit or saplings for these trees. whilst the bush type would have flowering chorus leaves which would drop chorus fruit and a new chorus berry, but we'll get back to that.

    another thing is the purple grass which is called chorus growth. this when bonemealed would spread to surrounding endstone (kinda like moss) they would serve the purpose of placing these saplings on them.

    finally the chorus berry which could be eaten do teleport where the player is currently looking as an in between of randomness of chorus fruit and preciseness of ender pearls. these chorus berries could also be brewd into a potion which when drunken would teleport the player away and stun them for 2 seconds. this could be used as a powerful splash potion which not only teleports but also stuns any enemies away.

    If you have any thoughts leave them in the comments.

    submitted by /u/vGustaf-K
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    Use glow berries and/or glow ink to make highlighters

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:35 AM PST

    Oftentimes it is difficult for players to accurately communicate positions. At short range one could throw a snowball at a block to point out a mistake in a build ("oh, you overlooked a dirt here"). But this is still relatively difficult to see. Spectral arrows already exist with which players can mark mobs, however this requires damaging the mob.

    I suggest the following solution to these problems: craft glowing projectiles that behave similar to snowballs / eggs by combining snowballs with glow berries and/or glow ink. Possibly also allow the use of a dye in the recipe.

    The projectile would behave similar to snowballs. Upon hitting either a block or a mob it would apply the glowing effect in a distinct colour. For a mob this would work similar to spectral arrows: For a certain duration (also 10s?) the glowing effect is applied to the mob). For a block the projectile would summon a small sphere or dot inside the space of the block which has the glowing effect.

    Benefits: Easier communication about position with other players, less reliance on the nametag above players. Easier communication about building (especially through walls). This would also help with the cave update as it will be vital to know the position of other players.

    submitted by /u/Leandrodon
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    Ice ramps!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 05:34 AM PST

    Ice ramps will come in two variants being packed and blue and crafted like stairs with their respective block.

    They would look like stairs made of ice but instead of two steps, it's four. And it can be water locked.

    They will make it so a player can't climb up them without frost Walker or maybe just leather boots. This could make a use for an unused enchantment and more creative parkour and walls.

    But most importantly in my opinion, boats should be able to go up them. This will make nether tunnels easier to make, boat racing more fun and just make using boats easier.

    submitted by /u/BulbasaurGod_20_
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    Iron golems and iron blocks should rust

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:42 PM PST

    In real life when iron gets wet and is exposed to oxygen it begins to rust, would be cool to see this implimented into the game.

    It Would work in a similar same way as the new copper blocks but instead of turning blueish it would turn orangey/redish. It would also only have a chance to age when it is exposed to rain/water, if it stays covered/dry it won't age but get it wet and there is a chance it could deteriorate.

    This would also work for the iron golem, if the golem is in rain or falls into water then it would start to take damage, again also linked to the random tick speed so it isn't quick.

    You could also potentialy use coal with the iron to make steel which would be rust resistant.

    What do you all the think?

    submitted by /u/thebadminecrafter714
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    Improving the tameables of Minecraft - not your typical "dog beds and dog variants post"

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:01 PM PST

    Improving the tameables of Minecraft - not your typical "dog beds and dog variants post"

    A pet update is a concept literally everyone has been wanting recently, so i thought i'd put a little spin on it. Unlike other suggestions, this is not a "give me dog beds and dog variants", this is a series of posts which will improve all tameables and add a couple new ones. This post details wolves/dogs, hyenas, and llamas.

    Wolves & Dogs

    Wolves are mainly unchanged, except for the fact they are no longer the method for obtaining dogs. Dogs are separate from wolves, but are the perfect companion for them. Like cats, you'll have to find strays in villages and tame them with bones, and dogs also similarly to cats come in 8 different normal breeds, which for the dog are: dachsund, corgi, husky, great pyrenees, beagle, golden retriever, shibe, aussie, and the rare 9th diamond retriever.
    Wolves attack things for you, whereas dogs will not. They're more of a companion than a fighting buddy. Dogs have three main uses: fetching dropped items for you, digging for loot(similarly to how the archeology system works, but without breaking blocks), and being an overall better companion. When a dog sees a dropped item, it'll fetch it and bring it back to it's master. When a dog is on a dirt block, it'll occasionally dig in it and uncover various items, like sticks, bones, and the occasional iron or gold nugget. There's loads of potential for dog based item collection, farms, and all sorts of stuff revolving around dogs.


    Hyenas are speedy hostile dog-like animals which are used by pillagers during raids to seek out villagers and the player. During a raid, a pillager may spawn with 3-7 hyenas attached with leads. When they see a player, they'll let go of the leads and release the hyenas to attack the target. Hyenas come in 3 main colors, grey(like ravagers), brown, or tan with spots. During the event that the raid is defeated, hyenas will run away and despawn once out of sight and out of the village. They can be tamed by dropping them bones while a raid is not going on, so you may have to trap some and after the raid is defeated then tame them.

    A pillager with a pack of \"hyenas\" (ignore the fact that they are wolves, I was too lazy to come up with a decent texture cause I'm not super great at pixel art ;-;)

    Hyenas' main uses are as attack dogs and animal hunters. Unlike wolves, hyenas will attack entities the player shoots with a bow/crossbow or uses magic damage on. They also can be commanded to attack entities the player looks at by whistling with a Savage Whistle, which is dropped by pillagers handling hyenas rarely. It also can command hyenas to teleport to you when shift clicked. Hyenas also inflict slowness upon attack, which stacks every couple hits making them prime attack dogs and allowing you to catch up and do the final hits. I also mentioned they're prime animal hunters. Hyenas will attack pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, parrots, and horses, making them good candidates for mob farms and hunting adventures.


    Llamas are already pretty great as they are, they can carry chests and travel in caravans which is something no other mob can do. My suggestion is that they work a little more like minecarts and boats, where entities will automatically mount llamas in their hitbox. Imagine being able to transport villagers using a caravan! I know this is a small change, but it'd really make llamas worthwhile and extremely useful especially endgame.


    In my next post in this series, I'm most likely going to focus on mounts and things associated with them.

    submitted by /u/drew2388
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    SeaShore Biomes

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST

    On the edge of some oceans there are cliffs, as as the water erodes the rocks it can form arches and other cool structures. It would be cool if there would be a biome that could add these features. There could also me multiple variants for warm/cold oceans.

    submitted by /u/DragonMaster_11
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    Instead of Slime Chunks, what about Slime Caves?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 03:09 PM PST

    The idea of Slime Chunks always felt too technical and didn't sit in the game very well to me. So, Slime Caves are a biome where slimes spawn at an increased rate, and which have some water and chests with slimeballs. It would essentially replace slime Chunks and make them fit into the game more naturally.

    submitted by /u/MithrandilPlays
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    With MC Earth coming to an end, add the mob variants to the vanilla game!

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:33 AM PST

    Minecraft Earth is ending support, which is a shame because it has some cool mobs. Mojang never added the mobs the regular MC because they wanted people to experience it only in the spinoff game, but now that it is ending it would nice to continue the mobs and add the variants to the game.

    Mob Variants

    Most mobs would be skin variants that randomly would spawn, not depending on biomes. They would not have special abilities or drops, and would just be there to add extra ambience and a breath of fresh air.

    Biome Variants

    These would be variants that have special drops and spawn depending on biomes, but they don't get their own spawn egg and are not considered new mobs. These include...

    • Moobloom-Flower Forest
    • Cluckshroom- Mycelium Islands
    • River Turtle- Swamps
    • Horned Sheep- Mountains & Tundra
    • Heated Parrot- Crimson Forest
    • Mushpanda- Mycelium Islands

    New Mobs

    Some "variants" would now be new mobs. These include...

    • Bouldering Zombie: These new zombies would be able to climb up walls, making them perfect for the C&C update. I also decided to mix the lobber zombie with them, so they can throw rotten flesh sometimes that would slightly poison you and make you nauseous.
    • Bone Spider: This spider would live in the lowest caves of the world. They would also spawn in structures like the stronghold and spawners. The bone spider has the unique ability to pounce as well.
    • Skeleton Wolf: This wolf would spawn at night in dark oak forests. They also spawn when a skeleton kills a wolf. They will attack you and make your dog untamed.


    There would also be two new golems, that would spice it up a little.

    • Furnace Golem: Furnace golems would burn any mobs it hits, and would have more health than a regular iron golem. However, it has a downside that the fire inside it would be put out when touching water. If this happens, it would not attack hostile mobs, just go up to them and block them from getting to the villagers or player, inevitably sacrificing unless the player uses flint and steel to lite the fire again. Summoned with three iron, one magma cube and a furnace on top.
    • Melon Golem: Melon golems would be like snow golems but with a melon head. Instead of snowballs it would shoot melon seeds from it's mouth. If the seeds don't hit a mob, then it will have a chance of growing a melon where it landed. Also, the golems hop instead of gliding, and can survive warmer temperatures as long as they are in the shade. Summoned with two snow blocks and a melon on top.

    Well, this is all the mobs/mob variants that should be added because MC earth is being cancelled. I hope you enjoyed and have a great day.

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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