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    Minecraft Moth mob for the caves

    Minecraft Moth mob for the caves

    Moth mob for the caves

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 06:40 AM PST

    Consept model I made:
    Render: https://imgur.com/xJElz4n
    Isometric and from above: https://imgur.com/80KAmBn

    I thought a moth would be a cool cave mob, so I made a model and a few ideas for it:

    The moth spawns in a new biome called the overgrown caves, a lush type but it's dark and filled with glowing and other types of fungi! It's attracted to any player-made light that's not the sun (it doesn't like the surface) and it will roam around the light!The moth doesn't attack the player, but it's wings make sound that sounds normal, but give a very high vibration count so the warden will be notified that there is a new pressence in it's caves! The moth sleeps on the walls and ceilings when there are no lights to focus on!They can also spawn in the other biomes, but they spawn more frequent the further you go and they spawn more in the Overgrown caves!

    (Maybe I'll pump out some more ideas later, but this is what I got atm)

    Also I'm not at writing suggestions like this, so sorry if it was annoying to read!

    submitted by /u/Hooplurd
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    Oceans should gradually get darker as you go deeper.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:13 PM PST

    Skylight shouldn't be reduced by water at 1 level per block of water, as this means oceans are already at their darkest once you're 15 blocks deep.

    Instead skylight should be reduced by 1 light level for every 4 blocks!

    This would make it so there would still be a visible difference between depths when diving really deep into the ocean, and it would also be a bit more realistic.

    This 1 to 4 ratio would reduce the maximum light level to zero over the course of 60 blocks, which would be a good depth for the oceans.

    Of course this extended light-reduction isn't really supported by the lighting engine minecraft uses, but it's surely possible and I really think it would be worth the effort!

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Splash water bottles should create water particles, not potion particles

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:31 AM PST

    (flaired as magic for potions, not sure)

    This is self explanatory, if the particle colors can change so can the particle itself. It makes more sense because there is no special potion effect so there shouldn't be potion particles.

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/harry1o7
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    Leather Armor Invisibility

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Since it's made of an organic material, it would be cool if we could craft lingering invisibility potions onto leather armor the same way we apply those potions to arrows. Some possible limitations is that it might not make the armor completely transparent or that it can't be applied to enchanted armor in survival mode.

    Wearing leather armor is already very much an aesthetic choice that doesn't provide much in the way of combat enhancement so increasing its synergy with invisibility potions doesn't seem like it would be unbalanced, but I can understand if more PvP-oriented players might disagree.

    submitted by /u/jishdefish
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    Mediterranean biome

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 12:56 PM PST

    The Mediterranean Bush is a biome that is seen in the Mediterranean, of course, south Africa, India, Mexico/ California. A wide spread biome like this is a good addition to the world, adding a semi arid biome to the mostly temperate and boreal biomes of minecraft.

    The grass will be the same color as a savanna, the ground will be primarily coarse dirt, and a new dirt/sand hybrid.

    The trees will be maritime pine (acacia shaped with spruce blocks instead), acacia, oak, olive, and small spruce trees.

    The ground cover will be bushes, (like in the jungle biome), and boulders ( like in the mega taiga), as well as cacti, deadbush, grass, and lavender.

    It will generate adjacent to warm/ lukewarm ocean biomes

    The villagers will live in sandstone houses with brick roofs and will have a greek style temple as the building housing the priests workstation.

    The villagers will be dressed in cyan mainly, like the console edition's greek mythology texture pack.

    The terrain will be hilly, like a half mountain biome.

    The biome will randomly generate quartz pillars, like the ruins of a temple

    This is to give it something unique, like it's own desert temple

    These will be rare, of course.

    The will have zombie villager conversion related treasure, like golden apples and weakness potions, with a little extra loot on the side.

    I hope the flair is correct

    submitted by /u/Useful-Army
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    A message like "respawn point broken"

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:28 AM PST

    This would pop-up whenever your respawn point is broken .it would stop greifers from breaking you respawn point

    submitted by /u/spookyink2570
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    Lush Caves should spawn more frequently near and in flower forests

    Posted: 25 Feb 2021 06:52 PM PST

    Flower forests are themselves lush, so why not have Lush caves spawn more frequently under flower forests? This also means that the Flower Forest will be populated with Azalea trees, further enhancing the biome itself.

    Edit: Lush caves should also spawn more frequently under Jungle Biomes, for they are REALLY Lush. Thanks u/jellydude69, u/AMswag123, and u/Mr_Snifles!

    submitted by /u/Savo34
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    New fuel source in the Deepslate layer

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:21 AM PST

    As coal doesn't currently generate in the Deepslate level I think the dark depths need a new fuel source.

    Oil Shale would be a new ore with a very unique method of mining. It would be grey and striped, and it would leak black oil like crying obsidian cries. It would be found in small quantities, maybe 2-3 ores but would be found commonly in the Deepslate.

    As it's meant to be coals Deepslate equivalent, it would only make sense that it would only be found below y 0.

    If you mined it with a pickaxe it would drop Deepslate and it will spray oil everywhere. If you used an empty bucket on Oil shale you would get a bucket of oil and the oil shale will transform regular deepslate.

    Buckets of oil could be able smelt double the amount of items coals can, but, being a later game version of coal, could be made into bottles of oil.

    Bottles of oil would be a projectile that will coat enemies in oil and inflict them with the flammable effect (I think you know where I'm heading with this). When lit on fire in anyway it will EXPLODE with flames. This will kill the mob instantly and lit all nearby entities on fire! (With players I recon it would have to be nerfed)

    Those are my ideas for Oil Shale! Thanks for reading, and any other ideas or tweaks are more than welcome!

    submitted by /u/One-man-amongst-many
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    An update to spiders

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 07:55 AM PST

    This is a pretty simple change. I think when a spider climbs a wall, it should change its orientation so that it's legs are attached to the wall. This would also allow them to climb on the ceiling upside down. I just feel this would make spiders feel a little more clean and realistic.

    To add onto this idea though, it would be amazing if the player had a way to climb walls and completely change their field of view just like the spiders. Imagine standing on the wall of a building and seeing the entire world sideways.

    There are a few ways this could be implemented.

    1. An item you get by defeating a spider boss.

    2. Taming a spider to ride.

    3. A potion effect of some sort.

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/JumberLakk
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    Mineshafts should be longer

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:32 PM PST

    I've always thought of mineshafts as long tunnels the bore through the earth for miles. So instead of tight spaghetti networks, there should be long "mineshafts" the go for hundreds of blocks with the occasional junction. I'm not saying get rid of the current design, but improving it (i.e. longer tunnels) would be awesome. Oh, and the rails should connect up more often since rails are made of iron and it would take hundreds of years for them to corrode to the point where they dont connect up every few meters or so.

    submitted by /u/IJustShidded
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    Flower pots should connect to chains

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:08 PM PST

    I think it'd be a nice touch to be able to have hanging pots

    submitted by /u/Juls_15
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    Rice crop

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:14 PM PST

    I feel like race would be an amazing addition food wise. The idea is generally most villages near water would have a rice farm and there would be rice plants popping out of small lakes. To farm rice you would have to have water submerged under water. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/ApolloXVII
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    Allow wooden tools and leather armor to be hidden by the invisibility effect.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:11 AM PST

    This would give utility to wooden tools and leather armor. I, personally, have never crafted a wooden tool or made leather armor ever, and I have been playing Minecraft for years. I'm sure people agree with me when I say that they are simply outshined by stone tools and iron armor.

    Yes, leather armor is getting a new use in 1.17—freezing resistance—but more uses isn't a negative.

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    3 Temperature Based Mesa/Badlands Variants

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:10 AM PST

    3 Temperature Based Mesa/Badlands Variants

    The Mesas (Badlands, whatever you wanna call 'em) are super fun biomes to find & explore, everyone loves them! So here's some suggestions from me for some variants that would help them blend in with certain biomes that they clash with.

    When Mesas generate right next to cold biomes like Ice Spikes it clashes hard. I think there could be a variant that has snow - like this!

    Maybe this variant should have more vertical \"layers\" to the plateaus to emphasize the snow, making it look colder. And they should have Spruce trees instead of Oak. Also the foliage color should be like a darker version of the Taiga foliage color.

    Mesas near Forests/Plains biomes could look exactly the same but have greener foliage both on the tops & climbing up the sides - like this!

    Good place for the future cactus plant to be added? ~wink wink

    And last, but absolutely not least, Mesas near Jungles could generate either like the one above or like THIS!

    These are the \"pillar\" mountains in China! In game they would basically just be a thicker & less pointy version of the Mesa Bryce biome with green jungle trees, shrubs, & vines all over. I would suggest no giant jungle trees in this one.

    I should mention that I don't want Mesas to be more common by adding more variants, just that these ones should replace parts of regular Mesas at certain biome borders. And I wouldn't want these to replace ALL mesas next to these biomes, just some. I would want all 3 of these variants to be really rare. :)

    submitted by /u/_Koza
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:54 PM PST

    Fireflies could spawn deep into caves, not as deep as things like the warden. They would probably stop spawning around y=0. They would actually give off light, maybe a little more than a red stone torch. They would be passive, and mainly for looks

    They would be small, not even as big as a bat. They would fly around, just adding life to the caves.

    With it would come a firefly hive, and I know that they don't have hives, but there needs to be some way to do this next feature; holding one would make fireflies swarm around you and eventually go inside the nest, placing said nest, anywhere, would make fireflies come out during the night time. They would fly around in a ~20 block radius around the nest, and would come out every night.

    submitted by /u/TheChikenestOfMen
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    Rabbits should spawn rarely in plains and savannas.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:41 AM PST

    This would please people who don't want to seek out specific biomes to hunt for rabbits, while also not denying the opinion of those who think that rabbits shouldn't spawn everywhere.

    I don't have exact chances, because I'm not familiar with how mob spawning in Minecraft works. Forgive me.

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    Flat ice

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 08:34 AM PST

    They should add flat ice to minecraft like a snow block and a snow layer, and wool to carpet. The difference between the ice block and the flat ice, is that when you step on it, the flat ice will break within 3 seconds of standing on it from how thin it is. Would also be great for parkour maps as well

    submitted by /u/Bomas_877
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    More realistic trees using leaf-logged branches.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 10:45 AM PST

    It's pretty widely agreed that regularly generated trees are not the most attractive things. The way they generate just looks fake. You can imagine for yourself how they should generate. Many people have built custom trees before that just look amazing. But my suggestion is to improve tree generation by adding branch blocks that can be leaf logged.

    Each wood variant would have 2 different sizes of branches. A large branch would be 10 pixels wide. And a small branch would be 6 pixels wide. Each of these branches would have a few different states based on the blocks around them.

    The first state is leaf logged. This just means it's complexity surrounded by a leaf block. This can be modified by the player by placing a leaf block onto a branch or shearing the leaves off a branch.

    The second state is connecting branches. A connecting branch can be attached to any of the four sides of the branch and can be either size for 8 different states. This can be modified by the player by placing a branch on the side of another branch.

    For crafting. A large branch is worth 2 planks and a small branch is worth 1. You would also be able to craft a log into 2 large branches or 4 small branches.

    I think this would really help to make tree generation a lot better and give builders some great new tools to work with. But tell me your thoughts. I would love to hear any flaws in my suggestion or ways this suggestion could be better.

    submitted by /u/JumberLakk
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    Caves, Cliffs and Waterfalls

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 01:53 PM PST

    I would like to see a new type of water block called turbulent water that acts similar to flowing water with the purpose of adding proper waterfalls to the game

    Turbulent water would be blue with a misty appearance and emits particles or maybe even have 2d sprites similar to fire, grass, Cobwebs or the bushy trees found in the vanilla tweaks datapack (idk just throw some ideas out there)

    Turbulent water would only spawn if flowing water falls a specific number of blocks or if it collides with a certain amount of blocks. It would also require multiple water sources in order to naturally spawn

    I imagine these would empty into either a lakes or rivers

    I know people have mentioned waterfalls in the past but I feel like if there was ever a time to implement proper waterfalls it would be now during the Cliffs update.

    submitted by /u/Critical_Conscious
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    Change End Terrain Generation

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 09:51 AM PST

    End terrain generation seems super bland and flat now that the other two dimensions have crazy terrain and have game changing updates. I get the end is suppose to be a pretty bland place to be but it seems left out at this point. Im not asking for biomes or ores or anything like that (though that would be cool), Just more vertical terrain is enough, at least for me.

    Image Link: https://ibb.co/bBtG5kd (1 Block equates to about 10 Blocks)

    submitted by /u/Background-Web-484
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    Change the Tunnelers' Dream superflat preset to 354 blocks of stone instead of 230

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 04:03 AM PST

    I think this would be appropriate as 1.17 is going to be the cave update. I know that there are other presets that could be changed along with the height limit however I just used this one as an example.

    submitted by /u/Leafy122
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    Change bed hitbox to half a block

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 02:03 PM PST

    its a small thing but its annoying. it looks the same height as a slab, but when you try to crouch walk over it, you cant. I know it technically also looks slightly taller than a slab too, but if you're in the block a little bit, it looks like your in the sheets.

    submitted by /u/UhOhPoopyHead
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    Make rabbit hide more common and rename it to "rodent hide".

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:48 AM PST

    If rabbit hide was called rodent hide, it could be dropped by a lot more mobs than just rabbits!

    There could be squirrels in all types of forrests, mice in undeep caves, (and even hostile rats in some types of caves).

    The point of these new mobs would be to simply make rodent hide a more common item (and be cute), thereby making the bundle more accessible. It would also make the 4 hide to 1 leather crafting recipe a bit more popular.

    Squirrels would require the presence of logs to spawn, to make sure they stop spawning in deforested areas. Rabbits should probably spawn more commonly in plains biomes. And mice would require a low light level, similar to the bat, except more useful.

    With these spawning conditions, rodent hide would be accessible from most common surface biomes, and caves close to the surface.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    A cave dwelling mob:hound!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2021 11:29 AM PST

    (look my profile for see the drawing of the mob) The hounds are skittish undead humanoid mobs lurking in the darkest corners of the caves, this mobs have a frog like looking and have a purple skin and lichens and moss growing on their boddy, around of their stomach area their flesh is gone and this reveal their ribcages and bones, this monsters can be heared from miles away with the weird sound they creating (its also a new ambient sound), this mobs are completely blind and fear from any light source like torchs or fire, they following the player from the sound they creating and following them from a safe distance untill they show a weakness trait such as low health or bad potion effects (poison, wither etc.), These mobs can climb to every surfaces expect ıron blocks and mostly travel in caves with jumping to a surface to another like a jumping spider, with their powerfull legs this mobs can jump to 6 block hight and 8 block forward! So be carefull in caves and always remember, stay in the light...


    • hounds have a weird hobby like using the sounds they heard while hunting, they can mimic sound of other mobs and even the players foot steps and block breaking sounds.

    • they suddenly become passive if a parrot around the player

      • they cant climb to surfaces like smooth stone, ıron, copper and gold blocks, so player can use those blocks for stop hounds from following him and trap the hounds.
      • player can collect mushroom from hounds with a shear hovewer a sheared hound will got a new fungiless apperance and cant be sheared again and also they completely become passive against the player after sheared... This progress called neutralization!
    • apperantly hounds showing great fear to any light source and scaring from walking in every block light touch, actualy this agressive beasts verry peacifull as long you stay in the light and doesnt provoke them to do something they fear to do... Hunting in the light!

    submitted by /u/hilmiira
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