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    Minecraft Villagers should be scared of unpopular players.

    Minecraft Villagers should be scared of unpopular players.

    Villagers should be scared of unpopular players.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    If a player becomes unpopular in a village (killing iron golems, killing villagers) villagers should stare or run away from said player. Would just be a cool feature and would be a way to tell if you have low popularity,

    submitted by /u/KeanoTsao
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    Stop Making Warden Combat/Anti-Cheese Suggestions

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 02:33 AM PST

    This is NOT directed at anyone in particular; just a general request to the sub overall:

    EDIT: To make clear, I'm not pretending to be the authority on what's a good post or not. I am not claiming any magical "right" to have a "Warden-free" subreddit experience. What I am saying is that for a lot of people (see the 1600+ upvotes up in the corner), seeing the same Warden suggestions over and over again is simply not enjoyable for a lot of people here.

    Please. Please stop making Warden suggestions. It is not even in the snapshots yet, but I see Warden suggestions all the time in this sub, and I'm almost at the point of downvoting them without reading them.

    That awesome bit about the mob's aggression and behavior being based on sound?

    The devs came up with that. By themselves.

    The devs had the idea for a large, incredibly-powerful creature that two-shots players in full Netherite. The devs had the idea for it to navigate the world based on sound. The devs had the idea for it to be better to evade/sneak past it than fight it.

    The devs know what they're doing, and they don't need us spamming ideas and running quality control on anti-cheese mechanics for a mob that we can't even interact with yet.

    Everyone's excited for the Warden, and that's awesome! And it's great the people want to make sure it's actually hard and can't be easily cheesed! But the devs are a lot better at this than we are, and the Warden isn't even in the snapshots yet.

    Once the Warden hits the snapshots, then you can cheese it to the End and back and tell the devs what its weaknesses are.

    Until then, PLEASE, for the sake of the sub and my own sanity, give the devs 15 seconds of breathing room before flooding them with "fixes" to problems they probably solved 6 months ago.

    submitted by /u/Imrahil3
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    Buying the llamas from the trader instead of killing them for the leads

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:13 AM PST

    Instead of killing the trader and getting leashes and llamas, the player should be able to buy the llamas from the trader. Once you buy the llamas the llamas would have chests that have leads and apples. There would be a rare chance to get a Notch apple. This would make trading lamas worth more than killing the poor things (and the trader itself). The trader would remain alive and you could trade with him normally. -Peace✌️

    submitted by /u/Hirmuinen2
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    The Caves & Cliffs Update Should Introduce Immersive Sound Reverb/Echo

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST

    1.17 should introduce a new sound engine.

    Since we are getting big caves and we already have a new, big Nether, I strongly believe that Minecraft's immersion can be immensely improved with a new option in the sound settings (which should be on by default) that detects large, closed spaces (air blocks with minimum % sky exposure) and enables an echo/reverb effect to every sound made in that area.

    I know that there are already some mods that achieve this, but who enjoys installing mods that eventually lose support?

    There could even be wind sound effects within the large caves and on top of the highest cliffs.

    This new sound engine should remain simple and should be toggleable in the sound settings. The furthest it should go is maybe adding a muffled effect when swimming underwater.

    To me, this makes complete sense for Caves and Cliffs because it will make the survival experience more immersive and give a better sense of scale and elevation. These sound effects will additionally add more immersion with skulk sensors and the Warden. Sound occlusion should also affect the reverb/echo.


    1.17 should have new sound options enabling immersive wind, reverb, echo and other basic natural effects.

    submitted by /u/Gammadoeloes
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    The time it takes for a dripleaf to fall through should increase with each level of feather falling

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:17 AM PST

    The title is pretty self explanatory, if you stand on a dripleaf with feather falling, the higher the level, the longer it will take to fall through. This could be useful for map makers wanting to have upgrades or different difficulties for parkour, and would just be a fun thing to have in the game.

    If you want to see this in the game, here's the feedback page link.


    submitted by /u/ekra8154
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    Maxing out your equipment (giving it all possible enchants at max level) will change the effects from a purple glow to red particles that look like charged creeper effects and orbit/surround the item.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:03 AM PST

    I don't really know where I'm going with this one, I just think that maxed out tools should look more badass than they do. I like the purple glow, but red charged crepper like effects would be amazing for perfectly enchanted tools. Just anything other than the purple glow. Maxed out tools just need their own effects.

    submitted by /u/hitlers_sweet_pussy
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    Putting a leaf block in a flower pot now creates a "bonsai" tree.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 07:10 PM PST

    Saplings in flower pots just make saplings in pots. What if puttting leaves in pots creates a bonzai tree?

    It would occupy a 1x1x2 (maybe?) block space, so it is a two block tall structure.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Meteor showers

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    Meteor showers could be a 1/500 nightly event where comets and meteors soar across the sky. This would have no impact on gameplay, and would simply be a nice little easter egg to add some spice to your nights.

    submitted by /u/boythunder1103
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    [Bedrock] "Show Coordinates" should be a personal UI element and not a server rule.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 09:38 AM PST

    I should be able to see my coordinates regardless of if the server owner wants to.

    submitted by /u/daboss317076
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    Dungeon spawners should hang from chains

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:23 PM PST

    Dungeon spawners should hang from chains

    Since mineshafts are getting minor changes in the upcoming update, why not tweak dungeons as well?

    Looks more dungeonesque this way

    submitted by /u/MAGGOTINFESTEDCUNT
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    Heavy attacks should also break shields, not just axes.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:31 AM PST

    I find it strange that incredibly brute attacks like the Ravager and Iron Golem have 100% of their damage blocked by just a simple shield. I think Iron Golem, Ravager, Warden, Zoglin and sometimes the Hoglin's melee attacks will break shields (force them into the cooldown state), and the magic attacks from Ghasts and Evokers should also take them down. I also think that shields shouldn't be able to be held up forever and block attacks until they break, rather enter cooldown after sufficient time.

    submitted by /u/JonathanStardew
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    Boats on ice with carpets should still get the ice effect

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 09:52 AM PST

    The other day, I was trying out what would happen if I put a boat on ice with a carpet on it, hoping it would still go fast so I can use boat-cars in a city I'm making on a server. I was disappointed to find out that, while players get the effect of the block beneath carpet, boats do not. I feel like this would be a small change which could come in really handy because players would now be able to make ice-boat tracks that look however they please, such as a road in a city.

    I made a post on the forums, please go support it to help ensure Mojang sees it: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/suggestions/3063088-boats-on-carpets-on-ice-should-have-the-ice-effect#c1

    submitted by /u/myspace-2
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    Water Attracts Villages

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 11:53 AM PST

    The availability of water has been important for all of human history. This is why many of our biggest cities are on the coast or by rivers. Villages should be more likely to generate by lakes, rivers, and the coasts. These villages should generate around the water. Villages by the water should be on average two times larger than villages inland.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    Piglins in the Overworld get Nausea before they zombify, not after.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    It makes no sense that an undead pig man thing would feel painand nausea. On the other hand, a Piglin experiencing these side affects is logical.

    submitted by /u/OmeetTheMighty
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    Competition to come up with a New Mob

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 09:45 AM PST

    I think it would be cool if Mojang did something like this for the next big update, after 1.17. Maybe players could send in designs plus ideas for new mobs, then Mojang could pick their four favourite. Then, the community could vote on which one out of the four they would most want to be added to the game. I just think it would be a really fun way for Mojang to interact with their community, although they're so good a t this already.

    submitted by /u/lilsnek_
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    New Block: The Feeding Trough

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 02:21 PM PST

    Something that I'm surprised isn't in the game is the ability for animals to eat without needing to be hand-fed by the player. And well yes, sheep can eat grass, they're the only animal that does that, and it doesn't let them breed. So I propose to you a new block: The Feeding Trough.

    The Feeding Trough would probably look like a composter, except it would have the height of a half-slab rather than full block. It would be crafted by putting wooden slabs (of any variety) into a boat formation in a crafting table.

    The Feeding Trough could be placed like any normal block, and upon right-clicking it, the player would be presented with 4 storage slots. The player could then put any animal breeding item (wheat, carrots, seeds, etc.) into those slots. Once the feeding trough had food in it, any nearby animals whose breeding item was in the trough would occasionally walk over to it and consume 1 item. They would then enter the same breeding state as when they were fed manually, and you know what happens from there.

    The feeding trough would essentially just serve as a way to automate animal breeding, allowing you to simply leave food in the feeding trough for your animals of having to always feed them by hand.

    I understand that the edition of this item risks allowing for the over-automation of animal farms, which is a fair point, and one I don't really have an answer to. If you have a suggestion regarding that, please let me know.

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/IAmTheBushman
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    Shooting glow lichen would make the lichen glow even more

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 06:44 AM PST

    Since Mojang doesn't want to add torch-arrows, I think they should give glow lichen another use. Shooting glow lichen with any projectile would make it glow as intence as glowstone. The effect could be turned off with throwing a projectile to it again. This way players can light the caves more without adding any new (weird) item to the game.

    submitted by /u/Hirmuinen2
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    Music in sync to sll players in multiplayer

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 08:18 AM PST

    There is so beatiful and atmospheric music added to the game, but you can't enjoy them at the same time with your friends. In multiplayer it's a shame that only one can have the same experience at the same time. For example, now if you are in the nether with another player, the new music plays only for another player. The rules are, that the nether music couldn't play in overworld, and overworld music in the nether etc. This would connect players more when playing and exploring the minecraft world together. This could be a gamerule too.

    submitted by /u/Hirmuinen2
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    Copper Oxidation Biome Dependency

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:53 AM PST

    The Rate of Copper Oxidation should depend on Biome Humidity. Like in Real Life. It should be way slower in the Desert/Savanna and way faster in Jungles, I won't decide Numbers here, that's something for you and the Devs.It would be cool, if there was NONE in the Nether since the Nether is very dry.

    It could maybe also be faster when it's touching Water, but that could lag too much.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/City-scraper
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    Bats should be living in groups and wake warden up

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 05:38 AM PST

    Bats should be living in groups (colony of bats) sleeping on the roof of big deep dark caves. Whenever player gets very near to them or throw something at them (arrow/snowball) they all start flying around making noises that will wake warden up (sending signals from skulk sensors)

    submitted by /u/Himanshu_Sharma_
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    Make doors, fences, iron bars, and other things with holes in them actually have matching hitboxes

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 06:22 PM PST

    This has already been done with the anvil and hopper so why not those other blocks? This would allow for things like shooting projectiles through holes and interesting mob farms for smaller mobs.

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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    Piglins shouldnt attack you for opening barrels

    Posted: 22 Feb 2021 10:43 PM PST

    Its annoying as hell if your making a base in the nether, and you think your being smart by using barrels for storage instead of chests so that the piglins wont attack you, only for them to attack you anyways. Barrels dont spawn in the nether anyways. It makes no sense.

    submitted by /u/Kikithegreen
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    Packed Snow (kind of like the opposite of Powder Snow)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2021 12:37 PM PST

    Packed Snow is snow that has been packed. It is harder than regular snow.

    Three Packed Snow Blocks could be crafted by putting four Snow Blocks in the crafting grid.

    A Packed Snow layer could be crafted with two Snow layers in the crafting grid.

    A Packed Snowball could be crafted with two Snowballs in the crafting grid.

    Packed Snow layers do not melt.

    Packed Snowballs do significantly more damage than normal Snowballs.

    Packed Snow Blocks can be used to make Packed Snow Bricks.

    (Also possibly Packed Snow Golems could be tougher Snow Golems.)

    submitted by /u/Blaineworld
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