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    Minecraft Put a "Refresh" button on Enchantment Table GUI that costs 1 level/lapis to use

    Minecraft Put a "Refresh" button on Enchantment Table GUI that costs 1 level/lapis to use

    Put a "Refresh" button on Enchantment Table GUI that costs 1 level/lapis to use

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    So, as many of us already know, you used to be able to refresh an enchantment table by just picking up and putting back an item in the table. Now though, enchants are tied to the item as soon as you put it in the table, which makes sense considering you get to see which enchant you're getting before you click it. Because of this, if you don't get the enchant you want you have to go through a whole process to try again:

    Don't get the enchant you want > Enchant item to refresh enchants (spending 1 level) > Exit enchantment table > Use grindstone to remove enchantment > replace item and lapis to try again

    My idea would basically just turn all of this in to one step. Clicking the "refresh" button would use a level/lapis and pick all new enchants. You're still spending the same amount of xp/lapis, only now you can try again right away.

    Don't get the enchant you want > Press refresh button (spending 1 level) > try again

    Just a quality of life suggestion from a guy who really wants a looting 3 book right now :)

    submitted by /u/BrickmasterBen
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    If you survive a fall with only half a heart left, you get an achievement.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 10:13 PM PDT

    The title expletive itself. If you fall down and survive with just 1 health, you get an advancement. You need to have full Heath before you fall so that it actually have some risks at pulling it off. The name could be something like "How's your leg?" and something like that. Dying but surviving using a totem will not count.

    submitted by /u/KAMEKAZE_VIKINGS
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    Add a "Blocks melt" game rule

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Just like there's a game rule that prevents fire from spreading, to allow players to use fire in their builds freely, I think there should be a game rule that prevents ice and snow layers from melting. This way people will be able to use those blocks in builds freely without caring for light.

    (If anyone knows what flair fits this specific suggestion tell me)

    submitted by /u/Alex_Delf
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    potential use for copper: pipes, no more ugly and laggy hopper chains, can transfer items upward (not sure), what do you think?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Each food should have different consumption time

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    There is no reason to use any other foods besides steak/pork, gapples, or golden carrots.

    Stuff like apples or melons should be faster to eat compared to stuff like steak or rabbit stew to give some incentive to use them.

    It also makes sense because eating a whole steak wouldn't take as long as eating a melon slice

    submitted by /u/Chikin2
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    Mineshafts should have more variety in their structure (1.17)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    Mojang has made it clear in past updates that they prefer not to drastically alter old structures and mobs unless they think it is absolutely necessary. However, some structures like dungeons and mineshafts look out of place in large, expansive caves in the new 1.17 update. I think that mineshafts don't need a complete facelift but should instead have small additions be made to it to help enhance underground gameplay and exploration.

    • TNT blocks can be found at the end of mineshaft tunnels connected to a lever with redstone dust and redstone repeaters.
    • Powered rails can be found powered by redstone torches
    • The large dirt rooms in mineshafts can now sometimes have farmland blocks in them growing melon or pumpkin seeds
    • Storage rooms with several chests can be found that can contain logs, chains, rails, gunpowder, TNT, redstone, cobblestone/cobbled deepslate, bones, string, spider eyes, coal, and minecarts
    • Mineshafts can now sometimes spawn with a medium ore deposit at the end of a tunnel containing no more than 20 ore total (all ores except redstone, diamond, and emerald).
    • Long mineshaft tunnel now generate and serve as the entrance to a mineshaft structure.
    • Small rooms with beds, bookshelves and cauldrons can be found.
    • Humanoid hostile mobs that spawn now have a higher chance of spawning with pickaxes and helmets in mineshafts.
    • Mineshafts can generate unexposed to air, having all tunnels covered by cobble and gravel as if it had been collapsed.
    • Creepers spawn more frequently in mineshafts. (still unsure)
    • Mineshaft generation should be tweaked to prevent tunnels from running into each other and have them branch out on the same y-level more consistently.
    • Vertical shafts that go down 15ish blocks; they don't lead anywhere and are more of a pitfall that a player may want to avoid.
    • Mineshaft now generate with tunnels that are walled off with fence/iron bars

    Each of these additions were thought of with the many different playstyles of player's in mind, making sure that there is something in a mineshaft that might incentivize players to explore them and maybe even consider repairing an existing mineshaft. If you have any other ideas that could be added let me know.

    submitted by /u/buddyboy238
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    Holding an Axe or Bee Wax should let you see which copper blocks are waxed/unwaxed.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    If you didn't know, the recent snapshot lets us right click a copper block with bee wax to make it into a waxed variant, and right click with an axe to remove the wax, similar to stripping logs.

    The same way that holding a barrier block lets you see barrier blocks in the world, holding an axe or bee wax should cause waxed copper blocks to appear to have a white tint to differentiate them from unwaxed versions. This would be very helpful for stopping players accidentally missing a portion of your build only to see it turning green later. This wouldn't even be that unrealistic in my opinion because in reality, you would probably be able to see the waxy coating if you look closely.

    submitted by /u/Splitical
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    Make Villagers Effectively Shorter (without changing visual height)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    The appearance of Villagers does not need to change, but their mechanical height causes so, SO many aggravating pathfinding bugs.

    For instance, if a carpet is placed immediately next to a doorway, the Villager will not be able to fit through the door. This causes problems not only when villagers interact with player creations, but when they move around game-generated villages as well. E.g. in some Tundra villages, the Stonecutters job block cannot be claimed because the carpet inside the building stops any villagers from entering, but the villagers will still try to reach the block and get stuck in the doorway over and over again.

    Other problematic blocks include trapdoors and stairs, which can obstruct certain pathways depending on how they are built (mostly hallways, doorways, and stairways). Often times the Villagers can't figure out that they cannot get through these pathways and get stuck in place instead of going a different way. This has been causing me a lot of grief as somebody who loves building in villages and having my builds feel populated, but also likes building on my own terms and doesn't want to cater to the villagers extremely buggy pathfinding.

    All other pathfinding issues aside, making villagers simply able to fit through doorways / opening with a carpet or flat trapdoor in front by making them "shorter" would fix so many problems having to do with villagers getting stuck in annoying places. For reference, I am also using Java Edition.

    submitted by /u/CreamyCrab
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    Boats should be able to tied together

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    We need to be able to tie boats together with lead so you can make convoys.Besides that you can make convoys with lamas and can travel through the sea. Another idea is that if you're playing with your friend or multiplayer, the boat convoy should go faster with each player connected.

    submitted by /u/Ay_Adam
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    The spyglass should be added to the sunken shipwreck chest loot table

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    It would make sense, since people used spyglasses on ships back when the type of ships that shipwrecks are were still used.

    submitted by /u/Funny_Musician2591
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    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    When you fall In the void while holding a totem, it activates levitation for 10secs,maybe shorter/longer

    submitted by /u/SamDaCam
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    Ender Dragon Fossils

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    Due to ender dragon heads on the bows of end ships and the egg that the ender dragon drops, it's evident that ender dragons are a species that were once more prevalent in the End. Ergo, I propose that their remains should exist within the outer islands. This is simple, but it adds a bit of realism to the game (which of course isn't what the game strives for, but regardless, it makes sense). These wouldn't necessarily have to solely be another source of bone blocks, rather, perhaps they could be inhabited by dog-like mobs able to use teleportation offensively and defensively (perhaps at the cost of having a chorus fruit diet and/or being damaged by water).

    submitted by /u/JustAGuyNamedEli
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    Having one spyglass in one hand and second in another will make you use them like binoculars

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Would look like this and give you wider view like normal binoculars would.

    submitted by /u/Dawg_Top
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    Dimension differing enchantments

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    I think that it would be cool if each dimension had its own list of enchantments you could get at an enchanting table. An example of this is that you could get depth strider in the over world but not in the nether, but in the nether you could get soul speed. This encourages building multiple enchanting stations in your world and you can even add more enchantments that can only be obtained by enchanting in the end. I also feel like in the nether and end, instead of lapis for enchanting another resource could be used for each dimension.

    submitted by /u/that-user123
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    horizontal fences and walls

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    we've all heard about vertical slabs, but what about horizontal fence posts and walls?

    what do you think?

    submitted by /u/SEVEX05
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    Plant-hibrid mobs for lush caves

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Why not?The lush caves can be still a peaceful place,but with exclusive mobs to it. I have an example,like a bat covered by moss that can be tamed using glow berries.

    submitted by /u/Jerry_PitchGuyBr6964
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    Biome dependent Big ore veins / generating for all ores

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    In the video Dev Diaries: World Generation, lady agnes announced that new rare big ore veins are gonna be added for 1.17.

    Sadly, thoses veins are only planned to be added for copper ore.

    Since thoses veins are planned to be extremely rare, i feel like it would be a logical and nice addition to extend the generation of theses big veins to all ores. Since it would be such a huge reward, the chance of generating an ore vein should be adapted to the rarity of each ore, and even better, be biome dependent.

    Let me explain, we all know that gold ore is more common in the badlands biome. Players come after this biome if they want gold. For the cave update, it really would be an interesting perspective to search after a biome, in the hope to find an extremely rare big ore vein of, let's say for example, iron in the new mountain biomes. Or to dare a long and risky search in the deep dark, hoping to find a hypothetical huge diamond vein. Possibilities are huge with this feature, and it's high risk - high reward, and also time - intensive. You wouldn't expect to find one of theses big veins before at least 30 min- one hour of searching. It is an invitation to explore the new caves and specific biomes, and i feel like it fits really well in the game and into the caves and cliffs update.

    Don't hesitate to reply with related ideas or thoughts about this feature!

    submitted by /u/SamKx6
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    New Death Message

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Getting Levitating and falling to your death should display: (PlayerName) has discovered Gravity

    submitted by /u/Nemesis0909
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    Undead Brutes

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    If a Piglin Brute becomes zombified, it should become a Zombified Brute. Not as strong as a regular brute, but fireproof, and still completely hostile. I don't want to take away from brutes being the toughest boys in the nether, so a zombie would do less damage and have less health.

    submitted by /u/PiratePig2004
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    Make Piglins only get angry for opening bastion generated chests, not player placed ones.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Pretty much what the title says. I figure this would work if bastion chests generated with a tag marking them as such, so piglins only respond to chests that have this tag being opened? I just think it's annoying that we can't open our own storage in the nether without angering nearby piggies :|

    submitted by /u/Animastar
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    Auto replanting

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Harvesting crops with seeds in your offhand and a hoe in your main hand should plant the seeds.

    submitted by /u/ARANDOMBOB-7
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    Why I think the End needs an update

    Posted: 28 Mar 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    I feel like the End dimension needs an update for several reasons. Here is why:

    • The ender dragon fight has remained relatively simple for a long time. Therefore, the fight against the ender dragon could be updated and made more unique. The ender dragon should be immune to bed explosions because beds are really easy to obtain.
    • The End hasn't had an update since 1.9, a REALLY long time, like more than 5 years ago.
    • The End has so few blocks and items. Both the Overworld and the Nether have lots of block and item variety.
    • Only real fun in the outer end islands is End Cities.
    • So few mobs. Only enderman, ender dragon, and shulkers.

    An End update could revamp all these problems. Perhaps they could improve end cities and add new blocks or items. This doesn't mean I want the End to receive a dimension like the Overworld or Nether though. I also feel the End is like a barren and devoid area, but there still should be a little bit of life.

    However, maybe we could actually add barren biomes. These vast biomes could be huge flat areas inhabited by small arthropods, mainly endermites. Then the End would still be quite barren but with more block and item variety. Additionally, the End could also have its own villager type, (villagers - Overworld, piglins - Nether)

    Maybe there could only be ONE life-filled end biome. This life-filled end biome could be quite rare and many of the End version of the villagers could inhabit here. Being rare though, it could house many exclusive and treasure items.

    This end villager can be called the Endlins. Their currency would be Ender Pearls. Perhaps you could give some trades this end villager could give.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Dye Villager Outfits

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    Simple idea, clicking a villager with a dye would change the base robe color, and hats in the cases of the desert and snow villagers without role-specific hats. This would allow relocated villagers to better match build themes.

    Feedback link (someone else's that I found when searching):


    submitted by /u/DeadMiner
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    The new Goat mob (In my perspective)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    1.17 minecraft: Goats


    -Can be milked with a bucket to make Goat Milk

    -Goat milk can be placed into cauldrons

    -Glass Bottles can harvest 3 scoops of goat milk from the cauldrons

    -Two bottles of goat milk and an egg can make goat cheese (Bottle of goat milk on right, egg in the middle, bottle of goat milk on left) Regens 3 and a half hunger points fully. Makes 41 food types.

    -Bucket of goat milk is not drinkable

    -Bottle of goat milk is drinkable, removes every potion effect. Not a food item

    -Bottle of goat milk can substitute bucket of milk in the cake recipe

    -Goat cheese, when combined with a warped fungus mushroom, creates blue cheese. (Gives the user nausea for 8 seconds, poison for 1 second, and slowness for 5 seconds. Restores 8 hunger points. Worth it?) 42 current foods.


    -Goat horn x1, x2 with Looting 3. Drops 2.5% of the time. Can be used in a potion of defense, a new potion with resistance 3

    -Fleece x1-2, x2-3 with Looting 3. Drops 98% of the time. Used to make wool, or if put through a loom, patterned carpets.

    -Raw goat meat (would need a better name) x1-2, x2-3 with Looting 3. Drops 100% of the time. 1 Raw gives you the hunger effect for 10 seconds, and 2 hunger points. Cooked gives you 4 and a half hunger points. 44 food types.

    Breeding foods

    -Normal grass


    -Rotten flesh (Because goats eat garbage)


    -Carrots & Potatoes

    Trading changes

    -Wandering Trader now gets a arctic version (like the fox), wearing appropriate snow wear. They can only spawn above Y- 285. They have a new trade, 8 emeralds for 1 goat horn, 4 emeralds for a bottle of goat milk.

    -Shepard's get new trades. 7 emeralds for 1 goat horn (Master level), they sell out after 6 trades until they restock. They can trade 5 goat fleece for 1 emerald, and they can trade 3 emeralds for 2 bottles of goat milk. both trades can be found at the journey man level

    -Clerics now trade 5 emeralds for 1 goat horn (Expert level) They run out after 3 trades, however, until restocked.

    -Butchers trades 12 raw goat meat for one emerald

    How the goat acts

    -Randomly rams you. Takes 2 hearts without armor, 1 and a half with leather, gold, and chain-mail armor on. Deal a half heart with full diamond, 0 hearts with full netherite.

    -Headbutts other goats. They cannot hurt each other due to the horns (Explaining the new potion)

    -If you are near a cliff, they will attempt to shove you off

    -They can be "tamed" in a way. Feed them food and then you can milk them. You cannot milk a goat if you have not fed it.

    -Goats will eat the lead if you attach one. You need to make a collar (3 copper nuggets on the left and right side, the center is left item-less, the top middle has a lead, and the bottom middle is a iron nugget. Attach a lead to a collared goat and you can walk it.)

    -If you hurt a goat by mistake, but then milk it, it will produce Spoiled goat milk. This can be used to make 4 minute long potion of poison, slowness II (2 minutes) and Weakness II (8 minutes). You do have a chance for the "tamed" goat to headbutt you if you hurt it however, be safe.

    submitted by /u/Drixotin
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    Turtle master rework

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    I think turtle master is not worth to obtain. Obtaining it is really hard. Here are all the challenges to just get a turtle master potion:

    Must find turtles.

    Wait for turtle eggs to hatch.

    Build a sanctuary for the baby turtles. (protect it from zombies)

    Wait for baby turtles to go up

    Then repeat that process 5 times

    After, go to the Nether.

    Find a nether fortress.

    All in all, it took me VERY long to get just one turtle helmet.

    These are REALLY hard. I like that they are hard to get because of their Resistance. However, the trade-off is just absolutely bad. Not because of their short duration. Because of Slowness IV. Slowness IV is like really slow.

    I understand that these are trade-offs, but Slowness destroys everything. However, I'd still like a negative status effect to balance out the Resistance. It should not be Slowness though. Weakness would be perfect.

    Why? Slowness affects everything, moving from one place to another is much harder. However, weakness only affects combat with mobs.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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