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    Minecraft Right clicking bricks with a pickaxe cracks them

    Minecraft Right clicking bricks with a pickaxe cracks them

    Right clicking bricks with a pickaxe cracks them

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:18 AM PST

    Stone bricks, nether bricks and Blackstone bricks will turn into their cracked version if right clicked with a pickaxe, like the stripped log and path mechanic.

    submitted by /u/Wooddent
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    So the Warden should be avoided and not fought? Make it Immune to enchantments!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:06 AM PST

    If the developers want us to truly avoid the menacing Warden, it should be immune to all Enchantments. This includes Sharpness and Fire Aspect, and everything else. Protection enchantments should also have less effect or (no effect) to negate its damage to make it harder to fight. I'd also say add the Resistance effect to be ignored, but that may be a bit overboard. This change, if not implemented already, would make the Warden a true natural disaster where even fully geared enchanted players cannot use their weapon's and armor's buffs to make fighting it easier.

    submitted by /u/TheDarkSky10
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    New End Biome: The Shattered Islands

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:00 AM PST


    The Shattered Islands will be a new biome in the End. The Biome will be made of small islands grouped together in tight areas, in addition, the islands will spawn much higher and lower than normal End Islands (possibly making use of 1.17s changed height limit). The Islands will provide a use for parkour in survival, similarly to the Basalt Deltas. The player will risk misstepping and falling into the void for some valuable resources that can be found in the biome.


    The resources found in the Shattered Islands will vary based on the height.

    The higher the player goes, the more vegetation the player will find. In addition to small amounts of Chorus Fruit, the player will be able to find other vegetation:

    Chorus Lotuses: A plant that spawns in two blocks, the Chorus Lotus Petal, a leaf like block that will spawn at the base of the plant and the Chorus Lotus Stem, a block that can be crafted into a lavender plank and any other accompanying wood items. The plant would spawn like an upside down crimson or warped fungus tree.

    End Roots: Small, purple vegetation similar to the roots found in the nether.

    Chorus Vines: Purple vines that can be collected with shears and are a great help in traversing the biome.

    End Gourds: End Gourds can be found in the highest reaches of the shattered islands. They are lavender, pumpkin-like block that can be crafted into End Gourd Seeds, a seed that can only grow above y level 150. End gourds can be eaten to restore 10 hunger points.

    In addition to the vegetation, their are other resources to be found in the Shattered Islands:

    Endercore: Endercore is a new, more durable type of Endstone that spawns on the undersides of End Islands. The block is slightly more durable than Endstone and can be crafted into all accompanying decorative blocks.

    Enderite: A new ore that can spawn on the under side of Shattered End Islands in the Endercore. Although Enderite cannot be crafted into an armor or tool set, it can be used in a smithing table to upgrade the elytra, allowing for more time in the air between fireworks usage. In addition, the Enderite can be crafted into the Enderite Bucket (same recipe just replacing Iron with Enderite), a more sturdy form of the bucket capable of picking up to two source blocks of water or lava. In addition, when fueling a respawn anchor with Enderite, the respawn anchor will work in the end.

    End Acid: End Acid is a liquid that spawns in the lower reaches of the Shattered Islands. Although, like water, the acid will deflect all fall damage, it also will inflict the player with poison for 7 seconds. Similarly to all other liquids, it will drip through blocks, however, being acidic, it will drip through up to seven blocks. Unlike water or lava, the End Acid must be collected in an Enderite Bucket and will only be one source block. If the player attempts to collect the end acid in a normal bucket, it will burn through creating the Broken Bucket, a new item which can be repaired with an iron ingot or smelted into an iron nugget. When making contact with lava, End Acid will evaporate, and when making contact with Water, End Acid will be diluted into water. Although End Acid is a tricky liquid to work with, its mysterious properties make it the most effective furnace fuel, fueling a furnace for up to an (real life) hour!


    The Chorus Leech: A bat-like mob that will crawl on the underside of Shattered End Islands and drink the dripping end acid. If the player tries to collect the end acid (even if they failed) the Chorus Leeches will swoop in to attack the player, dealing two health points with only four of their own. Although the Chorus Leeches are weak, in a swarm they could be deadly.

    The Chorus Grazer: The Chorus Grazer is a small, tall mob with a large trunk. Using its trunk it is able to eat the End Gourds. This mob is passive with 7 HP and it drops End Gourd Seeds.

    submitted by /u/TwstdPrtzl
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    (Re)name Jungle Trees

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:24 AM PST

    (Re)name Jungle Trees

    Why I think Jungle Trees should be named:

    Almost every type of tree in Minecraft is named after a real tree - Oak, Birch, Spruce, Acacia, even Dark Oak. So why is it that "Jungle Trees" don't fit this pattern? In recent years, Mojang have made various attempts to make Minecraft more educational with the introduction of endangered animals so I think renaming Jungle Trees to something like Redwood Trees would be nice for continuity whilst still following this trend. Furthermore, whilst it's true that in Minecraft, Cocoa Beans grow on Jungle Trees, Apples also drop from Oak Trees so I can't see that being a problem.

    Why Redwood?

    Redwood trees are one of the largest species of trees, growing as tall as 100 meters, and share several resemblances with Minecraft's Jungle Trees. They have very wide trunks, grow extremely large and produce pink-red wood when processed. Below are some attached pictures:

    Giant Redwood In Real Life

    Redwood Planks in Real Life

    I'm always open to feedback if anyone can find a name more suited to Jungle Trees, or what Mojang actually based them off - this was just a random idea I had when experimenting with resource packs and lang files.

    Edit: u/NamelessTheSecond suggested Mahogany was better than Redwood as they actually grow in Jungles and I am inclined to agree - they also sound nice, so that's an added bonus.

    Edit 2: A lot of people are pointing out that Redwood trees do not grow in tropical rainforests. This is true and Mahogany would be far more fitting. However, I have kept my reasoning for Redwood to avoid confusion, and because many of the points I made also work with Mahogany.

    submitted by /u/Homicidal__Lemon
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    Worms! A New Mob With Multiple Features!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:55 AM PST

    Worms would be a simple mob with several cool features.


    The worm is just a simple, half a block mob that can crawl through certain blocks like course dirt, gravel and sand. They have one heart and can be killed with one or two hits. However, they have a small hitbox so doing this will be hard. They simply go around and live a happy life, unless it rains. When it rains, worms come up to the surface and are much more active. This gives you the chance to get the next item, a bucket of worms...


    The bucket of worms is well, a bucket of slimy worms. You can obtain this by using a bucket and picking up 5 worms. After you pick them up, they fill the bucket.

    There are some things you can do with this. You can throw the worms out to feed either axolotls or chickens. Also, you can put them in a cauldron where they will stay until you need them for future uses.


    With worms added to the game, fishing rods are updated slightly. Instead of throwing an empty hook out and fish taking it, you need to get a worm and put it on the rod. The fish will eat the worm, but you will catch the fish. This makes fishing more realistic and makes worms more useful


    With composters being a newer addition, they could still use some tweaks. And what better way than having worms speed up the process! When you place a worm in a compost, the material inside turns to bonemeal much faster.


    Worms would even help farming! In a way, atleast. At first worms will dig up all existing crops in an area. This may seem like a nuisance, but actually it is much better. The soil is now fertilized. Fertilized soil is a new block that that grows all plants growing on it grow much faster. So, in the beginning the worm is annoying, but in the end it is better.

    Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I wouldn't beg Mojang to add this, and they shouldn't focus their efforts on it, but it would be nice to have someday in the game. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/GeckioGaming
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    underwater caves should have patches of prismarine.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:24 AM PST

    i think that underwater caves should have patches of prismarine because a ocean monument isn't really that common, as when you need one you can't find one and when you don't need one its there in plain sight, since 1.17 is a CAVES update i think caves should have this update.

    submitted by /u/Alternative-Cap-6056
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    End Biome: Cube Crystal Cove

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Copper spears as a weaker trident alternative

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:51 AM PST

    Currently, tridents are the only throwable melee weapons. And that makes sense, theyre a unique treasure type item. However, their status as uncraftables means that a lot of players simply wont bother with them and stick to bows and swords. I dont think iron, diamond and whatever else spears would be good as they would simply make the trident obsolete, as they would be very strong and easier to get. This is why i think that just 2 tiers, trident and copper would be the best choice.

    A copper spear could have the dmg of a stone sword. It would make it an OK weapon, but not one you could just use instead of a trident if you wanted a strong weapon. Still, it could be excellent when starting a world or having access to throwable weapons when you travelling and cant stay in one place for a longer time - copper is relatively easy to get in a quick mining session.

    This is good because it gives copper a use, as well as somewhat solve the issue of trident enchants - im not a fan of enchants with essentially 1 item to enchant with them. I play on a pretty advanced server and we got a chest full of trident enchants, who knows how many of them got grinded or thrown into lava. most trident enchants would work perfectly with the copper spear, except for the water based ones maybe. even channeling works great here, given that copper has a connection with lighting with the rod.

    Recipe could be 2 sticks and 3 ingots in a sorta arrow formation

    ingot ingot
    stick ingot
    submitted by /u/Splatfan1
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    Abandoned Mineshaft Winch/Elevator rooms.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:24 PM PST

    Abandoned Mineshaft Winch/Elevator rooms.

    Here's a new suggestion I'm particularly fond of that is a new room addition to the Abandoned Mineshafts. It's a good time for this, too, as Mineshafts are already receiving a few tweaks and chains are now present there. This new room is the Winch Room.

    A recreation I built.

    Winch Rooms are an uncommon sight in mineshafts, with just one or two being present in most mineshafts while some have none at all. They would vary in width, depth, and height (the example is 11x11 wide and 4 blocks tall), but always have a vertical 5x5 shaft in the center with supports and a mechanism on one side. Some tunnels connect to the sides of the room, and the floor would be made of stone. The chains are connected to a platform that hangs above the vertical tunnel and to the mock control mechanism of the elevator. A chest could also be in the room as well, containing chains among other loot.

    The center platform can spawn level with the room, or partway lowered up or down. Sometimes, however, the chain will be broken near the top and the elevator platform at the bottom, smashed to bits.


    The shaft of the elevator extends far downwards, making a dangerous drop to the cave floor below. In some, there's a broken ladder as well.


    Several tunnels connect to the vertical shaft, where minecarts would have been be loaded onto the elevator and moved upwards and downwards. Often, they're horizontally adjacent to each other. A torch is usually above each opening.

    This room would provide a fresh new experience to mineshafts, and make abandoned mineshafts feel as if they were much more alive, as well as utilizing the chains as well.

    Minecraft Feedback link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077113031/comments/360014517831 (Mine is a comment on the post, as ideas similar to each other aren't allowed there and I felt it was similar enough to be judged as such, though I personally disagree.)

    submitted by /u/Diamond_Helmet59
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    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:45 AM PST

    How about when breeding animals there is a chance that they spawn 2 or 3 babies rather having only one like siblings.

    submitted by /u/Nona_5056
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    Mineshaft overhaul.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:44 PM PST

    We all want icey caves and such. But i have an idea, we should have new mineshafts. Like a snowy mineshaft with "frozen rails" or a sunken mineshaft now that rails can be used under the water. I was also thinking of adding actual entrances becuse it doesn't make sense that the mineshaft is just trapped or hidden. How did the people who were down there make them if it was never connected to the surface? I will be makeing a video of a mineshaft overhaul on my channle (castiel quinzel) if your interested check that out. I will be putting my ideas in that.

    submitted by /u/Castiel__quinzel
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    The Weakened Warden

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:52 PM PST

    What is the most annoying thing about large builds without peaceful turned on?

    Problem #1

    Random mobs spawning across your bases, and you aren't able to use darkness as an aesthetic in any builds without a bunch of limits and workarounds like slabs.

    Problem #2

    People have been talking about how regular mobs shouldn't spawn in the deep dark because it'll take away from the atmosphere, and yet if you avoid the warden you have no other real threat.

    My solution:

    Wardens keep any mobs from spawning within a radius around them, say 40 blocks, and mobs will walk away if they enter that area, chalk it up to the warden scaring them.

    This means if you're in an area of the deep dark without wardens you will still have a threat to deal with. Furthermore you still get that 'it's too quiet' vibe when approaching the Warden.

    Next I would add the ability to weaken the warden. Probably by bringing it out of the deep dark and to a certain y level, then hitting it with a weakness potion or something. This would get rid of the blinking lights effect and make it slower and do less damage.

    You could then hide these in your base to ward off mobs in the late game.

    While that seems powerful, keep in mind that building the infrastructure to move such a massive, dangerous, and perceptive mob to the surface would require a ton of effort and time. Plus the same mob removing effect is already replicated by light, and walls so it's not really a massive benefit, but enough to encourage end game players to do.

    This adds an interesting level to the game of not taming a mob, or killing it for it's drop but moving it for it's passive benefit.

    P.s: if you don't like that idea you could give it a drop which could be put in a beacon for the same mob warding effects.

    submitted by /u/I-Cant-See-Anything
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    Give non-blind mobs actual vision, instead of just a 360° player detector.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:09 PM PST

    Right now, the only requirement for hostile mobs to target you are:

    1. You being in their detection range.
    2. There being an unobstructed line of sight between
      you and the mob.

    This means that if a mob has its back turned to you, it will still detect you as if it were looking straight at you. Even while sneaking (which just reduces the detection range), it doesn't make a difference where they're looking.

    I feel like something could be changed there, maybe make it so that, while sneaking, mobs cannot detect you if you're behind them.

    (To simplify, their FOV would be 180° so that it's just a flat plane that you're either in front of or behind, instead of being a big cone shape or something complex like that.)

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Seeds should only drop when breaking grass with a hoe. As they're only really useful if you have a hoe to make farmland with, and just clog up your inventory most of the time.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:45 AM PST

    Seeds only have two uses:
    breeding/taming birds (chickens and parrots),
    and farming.

    Farming already requires a hoe, so that wouldn't really be an issue.
    However when taming or breeding birds, you might not have made a hoe yet.
    To this I say, a wooden hoe is easy enough to make, and seeds not filling your inventory would be totally worth it!

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Foxes should follow you.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:54 AM PST

    The title explains it all.

    I really love foxes in Minecraft, and I feel the only thing missing is that it doesn't follow you. If you get to far, you can even lose it, and it's a pain to get another one. I understand that there are leads, but I don't want to drag my fox on a lead forever just because I want it to follow me. Yeah that's it.

    submitted by /u/Spiderman1119
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    Tools should sound different depending on their durability when breaking a block

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:05 PM PST

    I think this would be a very good addition to the game because mining with a half broken showel is gonna sound more wonky than mining with a regular one, also it would help you notice when your tools wear down so you don't accidentally break them.

    submitted by /u/MimiLimi333
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    Stuffed Animals - a Survival way to get NoAI mobs

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:06 PM PST

    So, i doubt Mojang would add this because "animal cruelty" or something like that, but I have an idea that would make it possible!


    They are supposed to be evil shats, so why not make it so you could find stuffed (taxidermy kind) animals in the statue rooms, in its own room that would have random stuffed mobs (except for the skeletons and undead) ranging from silverfish to ravagers.

    This would be a good way to make a museum without having to spend time on name tags and enclosures.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatCannibal
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    The caves need a useful ambient mob

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:16 AM PST

    You walking in a cave and are low on food you see a glowing in the distance(like glowsquid) and run towards it and your saved you kill it and are rewarded with food that will extend your journey

    I propose that the caves need another mob that isn't too game changing the cave slug

    The cave slug is a arthropod type mob(another use for bane of arthro) that glows like the glowsquid and likes to eat glow lichen (that's why it glows) and would spawn in all new caves when you kill it it would drop 1 (1-2 with looting 1 1-3 with looting 2 1-4 with looting 3) raw slug meat that would have the same properties as raw chicken minus the poison and you would cook it and get cooked slug meat same as cooked chicken. The cave slug would be breedable with glow lichen and would have a chance to drop some upon death.

    This is my concept for the cave slug.

    submitted by /u/The77thWarrior
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    Mobs like pandas, polar bears and bats need to be given a use.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:59 AM PST

    And, to an extent, dolphins and squids (they're pretty bland mobs that have a couple or only one singular use, like squids dropping ink sacks.)

    Mojang needs to understand that Minecraft is a video game, not a campaign for animal ethics. And, understanding that Minecraft is, indeed, a video game, useless features are just that. Useless. Or they have little value, or their value is undermined by already-existing features (for example, slimes in swamps > pandas dropping slime balls.)

    I assure you that I have never, in my years of playing Minecraft, interacted with a turtle, a panda, a polar bear, a bat (I'm forced to because they rarely spawn in caves, but I obviously never seek them out) or a dolphin. Why? Because slime balls are easily obtained from swamps, polar bears and bats are literally useless, and boats > dolphins in terms of transportation across oceans, sorry. I know you can use them to find treasure, but whatever. And as for turtles? Well, they're a special case. Just because I haven't interacted with them doesn't make them useless. Turtle shells and potions of the turtle master are valid. The existence of turtles is justified.

    You can include endangered animals, I'm not saying remove these mobs from the game, but for the love of god give them something, anything. You can make a statement *and* make a useful game feature. Like the bee. The Minecraft bee is great, it has many uses, and more are coming in 1.17. It is a fantastic mob, and a perfect example of what I'm trying to explain here.

    submitted by /u/MulberryBlaze
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    Shouldn't you freeze to death when swimming in a glacier biome without any armour?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:28 AM PST

    As freezing is going to be a new mechanic in 1.17, it should probably happen in more places than just powder snow.

    Ice cold water would be one of those places, and maybe snowstorms at night should also require leather armour to survive.
    Or you'd have to be close to a light source that melts ice, as those give off warmth and would probably prevent you from freezing.

    Edit There could be an anti frost potion, perhaps made with salt?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Nether portal conversion

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:48 AM PST

    Nether portals are simple. But what if the nether portal warps 8 by 6 block of grass turn into nether rack or Nylium depending if it's right next to a forest or not. 8 by 6 blocks slowly turn into the nether. What if it touches part of a lake? It will part of it would turn to lava but there is still water on the other part making cobblestone between the two. If the portal spread would touch a tree it would either become a warped tree, crimson tree, or it just burns down. A mushroom just becomes warped fungus. Stone becomes black stone. However if anything touches snow, the conversion won't work however just turns part of the snow into grass and regular stuff except planks would turn into warped planks no matter what planks would turn into warped planks. Or it could just burn down like a tree sometimes.

    (Remember, it's just an Idea.)

    submitted by /u/Scwiver
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    Sharks! But not as Mojang imagine

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 12:12 AM PST

    I know Mojang dont want hostile mobs that are animals form the real life, animals should only be peaceful and neutral mobs, and it has all sense becuase in real life no animal would attack you in a violent and uncontrolled way for no reason, thats why we have polar bears.

    Thats why my proposal for add sharks is that the sharks are peaceful giants of the sea, well in a variety of sizes, with a length of 1 block, 5 blocks and 7 blocks.

    They would act in a peaceful way, you can swim near them, they are only interested in attack fishes, squids, turtles and dolphins. Sharks will only attack in specific conditions:

    • When you enter their habitat while injured, I mean without the full life bar, the sharks will attack you, referring to the fact that they detect blood.
    • When you are acting in a desperate way they will also attack you, that is, if you hit with a sword erratically and you are receiving damage like when fighting a drowned, the sharks will feel interested in attacking you but they will also kill the drowned or other mobs that are attacking you.
    • Obviously when you attack them, the sharks will attack but if you attack one shark in a group of sharks, only the one you have attacked will chase you.

    Sharks will attack swiftly and can they can do the same damage as the iron golem, when one shark kills you he will turn back to a slow swim

    Which are the advantages of adding sharks, or what can you get from the sharks?

    • You can "tame" sharks, sharks are enemies of guardians and dolphins (which attack sharks in groups when sharks hunt), if you defend the shark from the attack of this mobs, he will remember it and he will thank you for defending any mob that attacks you in a biome with water.
    • Sharks are the only way to get special items when they kill mobs, for example turtles, you cannot get turtle shells by killing them, but this is a waste drop that sharks leave when feeding and shark attacks always has a sharpness effect, and if they feel threatened with another mob they will also attack it, be it skeletons, zombies etc.

    What is his drop when you kill a shark?

    Well, Mojang dont want to ignite the hunt of species in danger of extintion, for this reason pandas, polar bears, dolphins and turtles dont give you something interesthing, sharks too are species in danger of extintion, for this reason sharks only will drop fish. (But I have an idea for another post "negative xp").

    And finally the shark breeding could be similar to the villagers, sharks have an "inventary" only for food when they have it full the sharks will start their breeding, having 2-3 babys.

    submitted by /u/DraKio-X
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    Netherwart blocks that belong to a large fungus should decay like leaves when the stem is gone.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:58 PM PST

    That's it, just like with leaves, there should be a tag that makes those blocks disappear after chopping the wood away.

    Edit: yes I know about the hoe tool.
    No, these netherwart blocks wouldn't drop themselves or netherwart when they decay, maybe the corresponding fungi.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    With the introduction of the deep caves, witches should have a chance of dropping potions of night vision.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 03:25 AM PST

    Exploring these caves can be difficult when it's dark, and while I'm not complaining about that, depending on your situation finding a nether fortress and killing blazes can be much later game.

    This would also add much more of a reward to killing witches than their normally is.

    submitted by /u/SoftAlmond
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