• Breaking News

    Minecraft Wandering Trader now sells turtle scuts and a small buff to the turtle shell.

    Minecraft Wandering Trader now sells turtle scuts and a small buff to the turtle shell.

    Wandering Trader now sells turtle scuts and a small buff to the turtle shell.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:58 AM PST

    [Really don't know what tag this fits into so please don't remove if it is in the wrong one]

    Nobody likes the wandering trader, right? He is annoying and has overpriced items. The only good thing he and his llamas are good for is for leather and leads.

    So what if we gave him a new, actually useful trade? Turtle scuts. As it currently stands, turtle scuts are a shore and take too long to get. But they are quite useful to make the turtle shell, which is great for under water exploration (and in the future for submerged cave exploration). In the topic of the turtle shell, as useful as it is, it could be better. I think bumping up the 10 seconds water breathing to 20 seconds and making you drown slower would be a great way to buff the turtle shell.

    As for the price of each scut, I think it should be 7-8 emeralds and the trader would have only have 2-4 for sale at a time.

    My main reason to suggest this is because of the new submerged caves.

    submitted by /u/gamersriseup_general
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    Add a use to Bats by feeding them berries.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:57 AM PST

    With 1.17 "The Caves and Cliffs Update", I think it would be the perfect time to add use to the Bat mob that has notoriously been quite useless. I propose adding festures that would make them very similar to the Dolphin but in an underground environment.

    One such Idea would be the ability to feed the bat a sweet berry or glow berry that would in return give the player a minor night vision or other miner-friendly effect (Such as haste).

    I think using berries, or other fruit, would tie the in-game bats to real-world fruit bats as well as give a use to two foods that aren't entirely useful as a food source.

    submitted by /u/Meh_C_Heir
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    Please put volcanoes on the FPS list

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:36 AM PST

    Yes, volcanoes can be a cool idea, but they're so over-suggested. Over and over again I see variations on the same premise, and honestly it's just getting boring. I suggest that they should be put on the FPS list, so as to make room for new, original ideas.

    submitted by /u/lilsnek_
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    Having a banner in your off-hand should display the banner on your back

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 09:38 PM PST

    Simple as that

    Similar way as pillagers can display the omnious banners on their back, players should be able to display them in a similar way either by having the item on your off-hand or the chestplate/helmet slot

    I personally think this could be a pretty interesting feature to have in game, and it could be used to make like player teams, clans and stuff like that

    submitted by /u/Natzival
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    Piglins Shouldn't Attack you if You have a Snout Banner Pattern Shield

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 04:42 PM PST

    In my mind, the Snout Banner Pattern in bastions is kind of the piglin symbol, so I would think if you put it on a shield the piglins would respect you and not attack you.

    Then again, it only comes from bastions, and it is their symbol, so they might always attack you. Which one do you think makes the most sense lorewise / mechanically?

    submitted by /u/glxy_HAzor
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    New structures related to caves and mountains.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:03 PM PST

    New structures related to caves and mountains.

    I really like the new caves and mountains in 1.17, however I was confused about how caves can generate in a river or the ocean, creating a deep, unrealistic and not-so-good-looking holes. Instead, I suggest some realistic and also beautiful structures:

    • Steep shores

    Well, you've probably seen those. Here is the image I found on google


    Now, pretty much all the shores are ordinary and not steep. There should be cliffs generating near oceans too. There could be also caves entries there, like this one


    • Ocean rocks

    Rocks that are located in the oceans, like this


    • Mountain forests

    Forest that grow up on hills and mountains (all of those that we have now are plain)


    • Rivers in ravines and rives going through mountains (that may lead to caves)


    You can probably imagine hundreds of amazing natural things like this that would make the game look cooler. Overworld is based on our real world, and I think we should keep it that way and improve the world generation instead of having a deep, fantasy-like caves mixed up with it.

    submitted by /u/NameSyrname
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    Clay blocks should turn into terracotta when touching lava

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:13 PM PST

    With the new snapshot clay now spawns underground in large quantities as a part of the new lush caves biome and because of this clay can sometimes spawn next to lava pools. What I'm suggesting is that when this happens the clay touching the lava actually turns into terracotta similar to how water turns to stone and obsidian when lava touches it. This would also allow you to get terracotta easier early game without needing to waste a ton of fuel and it would be a cool addition in general. This would also allow terracotta to be easier to obtain in larger quantities if you can't find a Mesa biome due to how much can spawn in lush caves.

    submitted by /u/MonsterHunter6353
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    Big Dripleaf and Small Dripleaf should be renamed to "Dripleaf" and "Young Dripleaf"

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:58 PM PST

    It seems strange when you break a Dripleaf plant and it is called "Big Dripleaf". I feel it should just be "Dripleaf".

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Waxed Stained Glass.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:58 PM PST

    Waxed Stained Glass.

    I had this idea when walking my dog. I silently thought to myself,

    'We have stained glass/panes, but most colored glass in cathedrals or cisterns isn't really see-through.'

    So I sprung to Reddit and thought this up.

    Crafting recipe*

    It would be made with a stained glass in the center, surrounded by 4 honeycomb. This would only make 1 waxed stained glass, however. It could be made with any color and, like stained glass, you can make panes with 6 waxed stained glass. The core aspect of this object is that it lets light through, but is not visibly see through.

    Here's where it gets more complicated (or rather just harder to explain). Each block/pane of waxed glass would have a 1 pixel block outline (in the image). The pixel outline would wrap around the outside of the blocks, not in the middle like glass and stained glass. The pixel outline would separate into different colors, to add the feel of a pristine art piece.

    Very, VERY rough draft I made in like 5? minutes. DEFINITELY not what should be official.*

    Hope you like it, if you don't that's fine. See y'all on another thread.

    submitted by /u/Monobloc_Chair
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    Full gold armor bonus

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:28 PM PST

    I think if players that wear full gold armor should actually have an actual advantage over like just one or two pieces of gold armor. What I thought was this.

    If players wear full gold armor, piglins won't attack players that open chests. Bastions will still be just as challenging as before though, because full gold armor players are more vulnerable to piglin brute attacks.

    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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    Wardens break jukeboxes if they hear them (Will change flair if needed.)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:45 PM PST

    Simple, really, if a Warden hears a jukebox they'll walk over to where it is and punch it and destroying the jukebox, then going back to doing warden things.

    If the jukebox is hidden behind a wall, the Warden will break blocks until they can get to it.

    The disc will drop after the Warden destroys the block, so you don't just lose the disc.

    It can be a neat distraction tool for when you're mining.

    submitted by /u/retroberryb
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    /Changebiome (x) (y) (biome name)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:28 AM PST

    I think this could be an amazing thing for map makers. Right now people making maps based off of certain areas have to go looking for a specific seed or a point in their world which can be kind of difficult. Then taking into account if you need two different biomes next to each other or a specific side or shape, it can be a nightmare! This could be an easy fix that would change the grass color, weather that occurs, spawning odds, and the name of the biome.

    submitted by /u/chickenjoe-ish
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    Minecraft should have Discord Rich Presence

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Discord is a great platform, and a lot of Minecraft's playerbase uses it to communicate & interact. Minecraft even has an official Discord server.

    It'd be nice if the game were to implement Discord's Rich Presence protocol. Showing details like:

    • Your current dimension.
    • Your current gamemode (eg. "Building in Creative" or "Exploring in Survival").
    • Your current server's name (not the IP), or that you're playing Singleplayer.
    • Your current server's icon. (Might not be possible due to Discord's restrictions)
    • Details about what you're doing on your current server, controlled by the server's operator. This would be toggled by the player, in a similar fashion to how server resource packs work (eg. "Playing Bed Wars on Hypixel").
    • There could even be a button to join the server which someone's currently connected to. Again, this would be optional. It would also be great for inviting other players to your Realm, & would help to streamline the process. You wouldn't even have to exchange usernames, just accept the invitation.

    CraftPresence sets a great example of what's possible using the system.

    I've submitted a suggestion on Minecraft's feedback site, it's currently pending review.

    submitted by /u/nickhasoccured
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    1.18 Rain and Rivers

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:35 PM PST

    1.18 Rain and Rivers

    With the new mountain's I think it might be time to look at one of Minecraft's most overlooked features- Rivers.

    Mountains always form the watershed boundaries of rivers and with new snow-capped mountains, this update will change generation to allow rivers to naturally start running down off the mountains. These rivers will be coded so that they grow in depth and width as they progress downstream.



    The improved Rivers will always run to the sea to avoid all the random waterways in Minecraft that never seem to go anywhere. Furthermore, these rivers will have a variety of features such as lakes and estuaries that will create small microbiomes.

    Not only will new river generation allow rivers to actually be reasonable, they will also be part of a new river-based biome. This Biome will extend from the immediate river to a couple of blocks on either side which will have some new vegetation, blocks, and mobs.


    Reeds- like seen in some mod packs

    Hyacinth- To add colour to the river banks

    Algae- Looks like grass from a distance and can be scooped up into a bucket


    Mud- Like powdered snow this block will be found disguised in certain places to slow the player down

    Silt- Replacing some clay at the bottom of the river and on the banks, it will have the chance if mined to drop a golden or iron nugget.

    Detritus- Found at the bottom of the river exclusively this block will all for fast compost and when applied on tilted soil it will increase growth rates of any crop grown.


    Crayfish- These mobs will be burrowed in the silt and mud blocks at the bottom of the river and will hide away if the player makes too much noise. When killed they will drop Crayfish meat which has to be cooked otherwise the player will get the poisoning effect.

    Due to the endangered nature of European Crayfish, a white variant will be rarely seen to raise awareness for them.


    Considering there is no salt and fresh water in Minecraft it's really hard to distinguish what's a lake and what's a sea, but lakes will be generated smaller and with a small biome to distinguish it. There will be some small new changes in plants but with the main change being two new mobs.


    Hornwort- submerged under the water these plants will be much the same way kelp is in ocean biomes.

    Dwarf Spikerush- acting like water grass this block will conceal any fish and the new mobs added to this biome. It will make lakes look more like lakes.


    Ducks- This iconic water foul would be the water version of the chicken in both model and in their drops. They will provide raw duck upon death, which can be cooked to provide the same level of hunger as chicken. They will also reproduce and be drawn to seeds, which they like to eat in real life.

    Lamprey- no new biome would be without completion without a hostile mob, Lamprey are like leeches that attach themselves to players in the water and deal as much damage as a silverfish. They will hide in the Spikerush or other vegetation to avoid being seen before ambushing the player.


    These will be found at the end of the river and will be both the deepest part and the widest. It will possess its own biome the salt marsh. They will be generated in a delta formation to reflect the nature of the biome. It will possess new vegetation, blocks, and mobs. Due to the high level of silt the water would take on a much more brown effect. Furthermore, it would be a biome with an increased spawn rate of fish.


    Cord Grass- much like the Spikerush this would be a water grass species that would dominate the vast majority of the biome.

    Golden Samphire- this flower would be generated throughout the biome to give the area some colour and life.


    Quicksand- Like powdered snow and Mud this block would be a trap block that would sink the player downwards until they suffocate.

    Peat- Found in some places in the marsh, it can be used as a replacement for fertilisers or can be cooked in a furnace to provide a fuel source.


    Crane- a sight to see due to how rare they are, this mob will eat the fish found in the biome, spending its time hunting. If the player gets to close it will fly away and will resist all attempt to tame or put a lead on it. They will drop only feathers.

    submitted by /u/Dry-Ad6134
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    Moss should spawn next to rivers and in swamps.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:39 PM PST

    I think moss black and moss carpets should spawn next to rivers and in swamps as most rivers usually have wet land a round them where moss grows and swamps because, well, they are moist and dark and the perfect place for moss to grow both in real life and in Minecraft

    submitted by /u/SuperCharged516
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    lush caves in shouldn't generate under 0 or near lava

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:03 PM PST

    luch caves shouldn't*

    because that doesn't make much sense to find plants in a very deep cave or near lava

    also it should be more common near the surface

    submitted by /u/Alaa_aldeen
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    A Better idea for Slime Spawning

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:13 PM PST

    I was looking at the lush caves today and I was thinking that it would be a good idea to abandon slime chunks and have slimes spawn in lush caves instead. A simple change but I think it is a worthwhile one. Edit: Slimes should still spawn in swamps as usual, I am only thinking about doing away with slime chunks.

    submitted by /u/The_Great_Qbert
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    A revamp for the Forest! (AKA Birds basically)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:11 PM PST

    being the most common Biome in the game, the forest is admittedly lackluster. with no unique mobs, or real unique reason to come here, many players simply choose to pass through it. but what if it got a much needed update? here are some ideas:

    New features:


    come in 3 varieties,

    - Cardinal: a small, red bird with black details

    - Blue Jay: a small, light blue bird with white details

    - Goldfinch: a small, yellow bird with black details

    - Drop 0-3 feathers upon death

    - passive, unless someone tampers with their nest that is...

    - 2 HP

    - Cats will attack and kill songbirds if given the chance.

    - will try and snatch up seeds and wheat from nearby villages for their nests

    Bird nest:

    a new block that could be used by songbirds to lay bird eggs, a new food source we will discuss later, could hold 0-4 eggs, working like candles, turtle eggs, and sea pickles.

    - hatches baby songbirds after 3 day-night cycles

    - can be harvested by right clicking, and placed back if you don't want to be an Evil monster and leave mama bird with zero children left, but are still hungry to resist one or two eggs yourself :I

    - can be crafted with wheat and haybales

    Songbird Egg:

    - a new food source found in bird nests

    be careful mama's not nearby when harvesting though, or she will swoop on you dealing 1 HP of damage.

    - restores 5 Hunger points

    - must be cooked first or you will be poisoned for 30 seconds!

    But yeah, that's my idea at least, if you have anything to add just let me know down below!

    submitted by /u/leakytoquito
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    Lush caves should intersect ravines and cracks more

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PST

    I think it would be visually interesting and logical if lush caves were to generate more frequently and/or larger if they intersected a ravine or crack that was open to the surface. Plants typically require light, and while the glow berries do provide some light, it would make sense that vegetation would grow more frequently in areas of greater light access. The overall frequency of generation doesn't need to change from whatever mojang has planned, it could be compensated for by adjusting the rarity of non-intersecting lush caves.

    submitted by /u/The_Void_Alchemist
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    Redstone Temples | A Structure of the Deepslate Caverns & A Way to Implement Redstone Golems & Monstrosities

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    Redstone Temples | A Structure of the Deepslate Caverns & A Way to Implement Redstone Golems & Monstrosities


    Let me be fully honest with this one; there's two points I'd like to make. For one, I am not the most creative person nor does my Minecraft building skills reflect that most of the time. Second, let's talk a little about Minecraft's new cave generation. As you may know, caves are becoming more and more vast than ever before. In certain areas, they could even look relatively empty given their expansiveness. Another thing that has been at the back of my mind is Minecraft Dungeons. I'm don't play the game, but I am aware that Mojang have confirmed that it's canon to Minecraft lore, and it's content should be appreciated as such. They have announced that they plan on further bridging the gap between Minecraft Dungeons and vanilla in the foreseeable future. Until then, it is somewhat unfortunate to see certain mobs, items, blocks, etc. exclusive to a certain game. To remedy both of these problems I've been up with a, not highly intricate, but interesting concept that I hope you will like.

    The Redstone Temple

    Redstone Temples would be a new structure that exclusively spawn below Y 0 in Deepslate caverns. I've built a concept for what I picture the structure would look like from the front.

    Redstone Temple

    Redstone Temple (Night Vision applied)

    This new structure would be ominous in appearance, with little sources of light in it's vicinity. It's chances of generating would be similar to that of an Ocean Temple. It'd have a Sticky Piston operated main doorway, along with a staircase leading to a series of labyrinths, tunnels, and rooms made from Deepslate Bricks & other forms of the block type. You will also be able to find Chests with loot table that have a range of different blocks and items, including many different Redstone components use in Redstone circuitry. This would be nice for people who like experimenting and utilizing with Redstone but may struggle with the resources that are needed to do so. Similarly to an Ocean Temple the structure would eventually lead to a room with a (mini-)boss. This is the point when we should bring up the mobs that would be exclusively found in this structure.

    Redstone Golems & Redstone Monstrosities

    Redstone Golem (I did NOT create this mob. It can be found in Minecraft Dungeons)

    Redstone Monstrosity (I did NOT create this mob. It can be found in Minecraft Dungeons)

    Within the rooms of the Redstone Temple you will find Redstone Golems that will attempt to stop your way to getting to the boss mob. The new boss/mini-boss that can be battled in the Redstone Temple is the Redstone Monstrosity. Note I am not a Minecraft Dungeons Player and I know little to nothing about this mob's fighting abilities in that game, so at this moment I will leave the part about it's boss battle out.


    I imagine that new underground structures that can be discovered by the Player would be well received by the community, and especially new challenges that can be found in a survival experience. One of the best parts of the Redstone Temple is that you could avoid it and continue with your mining, so you will not be burdened with a challenge that could be potentially inconvenient depending on the situation you are in. Similarly to Elder Guardians & Ocean Temples it would be an optional venture for an ambitious Player.

    Let me here your feedback in the comment section below. This is likely my most detailed post so far, which isn't saying much honestly. Feel free to give your own ideas to improve this suggestion along with any criticism you may have. Thank you, and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/RealSnqwy
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    Calcite crafting

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:01 PM PST

    1.17 is adding new stone types: deepslate, tuff and calcite. While the first two generate pretty frequently in the underground, calcite is only found in amethyst geodes. This is unfortunate, because it is very nice looking block and great for building. Adding a crafting recipe (for example 2 diorite + 2 quartz = 2 calcite) would be an ideal solution. Tuff could also have its recipe. (maybe deepslate + andesite?)

    TLDR: add crafting recipe for calcite

    submitted by /u/W-Kardo
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    Mountain Stone Variety

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:58 PM PST

    The new mountains look fantastic, they're something I never imagined seeing in vanilla minecraft.

    Where I live, there are many places that feature large rockfaces of red that characterize the region and make it a unique draw for tourists. This got me thinking that the new mountains would be an amazing opportunity to create a unique feel for different regions based only on changing the stone type of any given mountain.

    Since their introduction to the game, diorite, granite, and andesite have had a tentatively useful place within minecraft at best, and are a nuisance at worst. What I propose is to utilize these stone types to diversify the mountain biomes either based on local warmth or as a randomized selection to give a given mountain region a predominant stone type.

    If mountains spawned with these other stone types, that would both give them a more varied feel to each mountain, but also give reason to add bricks and other variants to otherwise neglected (and sometimes annoying) stone types that generate in the world. Other stone types could include tuff, deepslate, and a new warm-colored stone that could be exclusive to mountains. (Though I understand that putting deepslate in a mountain sort of defeats the purpose of it being deepslate).

    Mountains are already incredible, and I see tons of potential in this new region. Here's to hoping they take it too 100% and beyond.

    submitted by /u/AxisCambria
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    A new cave biome: The Fungal Depths

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:22 PM PST

    This biome is a lot like mushroom islands in that there's a lot of mycelium, mushrooms, extreme rarity,and lack of hostile mobs. On top of that, it could have more, larger diamond veins of up to maybe 12. There could also be a pig mob that, like mooshrooms, give mushroom stew. The mushrooms should be able to give "wood" just like the giant fungi of the nether. Maybe they have something to do with each other. Ruined portals could spawn more commonly here too, possibly suggesting even more connections with the nether. There should also be a structure that's unique to the biome, like some sort of an infested campsite. The Infested Campsite could contain some mossy variations of the previously mentioned "wood". Speaking of the mushrooms, they should look like a cross between the giant mushrooms of the overworld and the giant fungi of nether, with an ever-so-slightly closer resemblance to the overworld's mushrooms. And as for the pigs, there should be two mobs. One of the two, the Oinkshroom, should behave almost exactly like mooshrooms. The other one, the pigolin, should look and act a lot like a pig trying it's best to imitate a pangolin. The pigolin would probably have shorter front limbs than hind limbs. There should also be a chance that they'll slowly approach shiny things on their hind limbs, like diamonds and especially gold. This could be some sort of connection between them and the pigs of the nether. As you might be able to tell, I just want to connect 1.16 and 1.17 in a way that I hope seems natural. That's it for this post and (hopefully) see you next post.

    submitted by /u/DerpySheepYT
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    Turning cracked stone blocks to normal ones

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Thanks to u/Corrupted_Kronos' post on r/PhoenixSC i had an idea that you can re-crack the stone blocks that you want with a honey comb by putting the respective blocks and a honeycomb in the crafting grid.I think this idea is good not because it is my idea but because if you find a structure that you want to "repair" you can make it look not so old.Also someone said that the pickaxe should have a second function which is cracking the blocks,which would be a good combination because you can accidentally crack a block without wanting it.I don't know who this was anymore but it is a good idea nontheless

    ok so feel free to talk about this and try to improve this suggestion bla bla bla

    submitted by /u/Minecraft-Steve-64
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