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    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions for March 2021! This Month's Theme is "Transportation"!

    Minecraft [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions for March 2021! This Month's Theme is "Transportation"!

    [Brainstorm] Top Monthly Suggestions for March 2021! This Month's Theme is "Transportation"!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    Your monthly reminder that yes, there are suggestions that do get over 200 upvotes from the Minecraft Community. Truly crazy, innit?

    In this post are showcased all the suggestions for the past month that have achieved beyond 200 upvotes, as well as the 10 closest stragglers that were just shy of making the mark.

    Hello and welcome to another month of forgetting to change the winter subreddit design this month's TMS report! We had a good bit of fun in the MCS Discord at the start of the month (in fact, there's still some remnants of it), and I hope you enjoyed whatever happened on your first day of April too.

    And, yep. The TMS is late again. There's actually two problems that caused it:

    1. Me, u/solar_powered_noob42, who completely underprepared for the TMS.

    2. The bot, u/tms_autofetch_bot, apparently had some issues with collecting the posts this month, so this month's report would be delayed either way. Nonetheless, it's (sort of) fixed thanks to u/TitaniumBrain, though apparently there might be a few removed posts mixed in the list, so watch out for those.

    Anyway, let's take a look at the month of April! To start us off, we have 176 suggestions that broke the 200+ upvote mark, with 27 of those reaching 300+ upvotes (Beautiful!), 17 reaching 400+ (Awesome!), 7 reaching 500+ (Brilliant!), 5 reaching 600+ (Fabulous!), 1 reaching 700+ (Incredible!), 4 reaching 800+ (Grand!), 3 reaching 900+ (Magnificent!), 3 reaching 1000+ (Tremendous!) 13 reaching from 1000+ -- 1500+ (Enlightened!), 21 reaching from 1600+ -- 2000+ (Divine!), 11 reaching from 2100+ -- 2500+ (Legendary!), 12 reaching from 2600+ -- 3000+ (Mythic!), and finally 2 reaching 3100+ (Omnipotent!)

    And here's a look into what types of suggestions made it onto this list:

    • Blocks & Items:35

    • Terrain:29

    • Gameplay:20

    • Mobs:19

    • Structures:12

    • General:10

    • AI Behavior:7

    • Plants & Food:6

    • Magic:6

    • Sounds:4

    • Redstone:4

    • Weather:3

    • Combat:3

    • User Interface:3

    • Controls:3

    • Advancement:3

    • Monthly Theme:3

    • Bedrock Edition:2

    • Dimensions:1

    • Command:1

    • Java Edition:1

    • Achievement:0

    Blocks and Items has been by far the popular this month, and Mobs has gone down the ranks, interestingly. What's great to see is that nearly every post flair has got at least one 200+ upvote post with it (except Achievement).

    THEME: "Transportation"

    Currently transportation is rather limited in Minecraft. In terms of player transport, elytra or blue ice highways are used the most, which means other means of travel (horses, minecarts etc.) aren't worth considering. There aren't many great methods of transportation of items and mobs either. How could these be improved? Alternatively, could new interesting methods of transport be added? Feel free to suggest your ideas surrounding transportation, whether it's player transport, mob transport, item transport or minecarts in general!

    But please note! We have a small section on the FPS List about suggestions related to transport - make sure to check before you click the "submit" button.

    Monthly Challenges April 2021

    1. Get an upvote percentage of 90% with more than 30 upvotes on a monthly theme post (+20 points once, +5 for every 3% more)
    2. Collaborate with and credit at least one other person after brainstorming and writing up your post (+25 points once)
    3. Come up with a unique idea involving revamping existing gameplay or a gameplay mechanic (+10 points once)

    Steps to participate: * Your post must be in r/minecraftsuggestions. Your post will also automatically appear in the "monthly-workshop" channel of the MCS Discord - we recommend that you join. * Be sure to check the rules before you post * Make sure your post has the [Monthly Theme] flair * Must be posted within the correct month

    Special Mentions

    Congrats to u/Mr_Snifles for being MVP for the month, for their 3300+ post!

    We also have the winner of last month's Monthly Challenges (Theme: End Biomes). Last month's challenges were:

    1. Get an upvote percentage of 97% with more than 30 upvotes on a monthly theme post (+30 points once)
    2. Explain the incentive and purpose of your biome/structure etc. (+10 points once)
    3. Include an image of a Minecraft build (e.g. a biome, or a structure in a biome) in your monthly theme post (+35 points, max. 3 times)

    In this one we upped the upvote challenge a bit, which you might have found a bit, er, challenging. Nonetheless there were some posts that manage to achieve this benchmark. We actually have 2 winners: u/Trigonaut, from this post, and u/Oreganized-mod, from this post. And they certainly deserve it for the amount of effort they've put in there! Furthermore, u/Trigonaut has just about sneaked into 1st place on the Top Monthly Challengers leaderboard with their total 195 points, taking over u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568's 185 points!


    Our Discord reached 2000 members!

    Plane (who's back in action) has already made an awesome announcement about it in the discord, so I'm not going to ramble too long here, but to those who are reading this and are in the discord, big thanks to y'all!

    Talking of Discord changes, we now have a #lore-discussion channel, which was archived but is back up and running from this month. If you're interested in that sort of stuff, consider joining the discussion!

    And we have 2 new Admins: the first being u/RazorNemesis , and the second was... checks notes... oh right, me! This means we have a few extra permissions on the subreddit and the discord. We'll be sure to continue to do our best :)

    Easter egg suggestions!

    On Easter, we're going to temporarily allow Easter egg suggestions, just for a bit of fun. It'd be interesting to see what you all come up with!

    This month's wiki changes:


    • Oil (generates underground, highly flammable, makes good fuel, can be sold to villagers etc.)
    • Scoped bows/crossbows
    • Torch arrows, or making spectral arrows emit light


    • Replacing the behaviour of magma blocks and soul sand underwater. (source)


    ♦ Beautiful Suggestions 200 and Beyond ♦

    If there was a suggestion that was missed, please let us know below, especially since the bot was a bit broken this month. Despite our best efforts, we haven't yet reached infallible perfection just yet (we're still trying, impossible as it might be), so some mistakes are still within the realm of possibility.

    (Once again, the 10 honourable ones can't fit into this TMS, so they're down in the comment section.)

    All Monthly Suggestion Posts are catalogued on the subreddit's TMS Catalog Wikipage.

    And finally, you can see some suggestions that have actually been implemented on the Successful Suggestions Wiki Page! Maybe one of these will make it on there someday! If you have a suggestion that actually has been implemented in some form or another, please let us know so that we can update the list. Thanks!

    Note: The comments are not for posing ideas unless they pertain to the feedback theme. If an idea crops up in a discussion, then that's fine, but for posting a suggestion for the community and the developers, that is what the "submit" button at the top right is for.

    Until next time folks, have a fantastic day/night, and take care! :D

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    Change the recipe for jack-o-lantern to require a candle instead of a torch

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    This fits it a little better, as the torch was supposed to be a placeholder for a candle before they considered adding the candle anyway.

    Link to the Minecraft feedback site post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077512131-Change-the-Recipe-for-Jack-o-Lanterns-to-Use-Candles-Instead-of-Torches

    submitted by /u/-SleepDealer-
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    Cave fog

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    An advancement that requires you to compost every compostable block or item

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    An advancement that requires you to compost every compostable block or item

    There should be an advancement that requires you to compost every block or item that is compostable to complete it. This way, the player would be challenged to gather every type of vegetation in the game.

    (Note: Grass blocks are only compostable in Bedrock Edition.)

    This could also challenge the player to venture out in the Overworld and in the Nether since there are vegetations that can only be found in a certain biome and in a generated structure like blue orchids, nether warts, melons, etc. Tall grass and large ferns should also be included because you can find those in savannah village and taiga village chests.

    I can't think of a name for this advancement but it should be related to farming or gardening like "Green Thumb" or something.

    This feature should fit in with the Caves & Cliffs update because of the new lush caves plants that come with it. I hope you like this idea!

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Buff Rails in a Way That Encourages Creativity

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    An idea I've had for a while is to buff the rail's speed in a way that enhances creativity rather than being a flat buff. The reason for speeding them up in the first place is to encourage using them alternatively to the many other easier transportation systems (elytra, boat, horse...). The buff would be rails going significantly faster when placed on top of gravel. This fits with real life's placement of train tracks and gives another use for gravel. In addition, it makes players have to work around gravel falling when building speedy rail systems, encouraging interesting bridges and support systems.

    submitted by /u/-SleepDealer-
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    Minecraft should have wind sounds!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    It actually has in the nether, in crimson forest ambience I guess. And it's a pretty cool vibe, besides, I'd love feel the vibe in the overworld or The End too. Why not? The winds across the endless void, among the trees, bushes into the caves, whistling you from outside when you are in your house. Such relaxing sounds of nature... And I think this is a lack of Minecraft's original vibe.

    submitted by /u/Ok_goodbye_sun
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    The "Adventuring Time" advancement should be split into two separate advancements

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    The "Adventuring Time" advancement requires, in theory, for a player to be into every single biome in the game. The problem is, the advancement ignores many biome variants and is overall inconsistent.

    I propose that the achievement should be split, similar to A Furious Cocktail and How Did We Get Here.

    The first advancement would be sort of a "lite" version of the current advancement, it'd require the player the player to go to all biomes, regardless of variant, these include any variant of:

    • River

    • Beach

    • Snowy Tundra

    • Snowy Taiga

    • Mountains

    • Taiga

    • Giant Tree Taiga

    • Plains

    • Swamp

    • Forest

    • Birch Forest

    • Dark Forest

    • Jungle

    • Mushroom Fields

    • Desert

    • Savanna

    • Badlands

    • Ocean

    • Lukewarm Ocean

    • Warm Ocean

    • Cold Ocean

    • Frozen Ocean

    The second (possibly secret challenge) advancement would require the player to go to these biomes and ALL of their variants. So it'd include Shattered Savannas, Wooded Hills, Flower Forests, Deep Oceans, etc, as well as the regular variants.

    Feedback Website Post (pending approval): https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360077512171-Split-the-Adventuring-Time-advancement

    submitted by /u/PescavelhoTheIdle
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    A Squid spawning at night in a Deep Cold Ocean biome has a small chance of actually being a Glow Squid

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:44 AM PDT


    It would give these dark blue waters an occasional magical feel for the most lucky and/or dedicated explorers. This wouldn't, of course, be in any scale close enough to allow Glow Squid farming in these biomes, as caves would still be the way to go.

    However, it sure would be enough to give some actual unique identity to the Cold Ocean variation that is yet still very similar to regular Ocean biomes.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Strength Makes You Throw Items Farther

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    When you drink a strength potion you will throw items farther. Since you are stronger it would make sense that you would be able to throw items farther. Not the most important thing but it's a gimmick that makes sense. Edit: Someone please tell me where this is on the FPS, I can't find it anywhere

    submitted by /u/Jedis_R_cool
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    Pointed Dripstone should respond to redstone and arrows, to create interesting interactions within caves

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    I was playing 21w13a, and exploring the caves, when a hoard of zombies set upon me. I noticed a patch of stalactites above them, and a primal part of my brain told me: "Spiky rock fall when break, stab monster."

    When a Pointed Dripstone is hit by an arrow (or powered by redstone), it acts as if it was broken, causing the falling behaviour as we already know it. To make this a bit more useful, perhaps it could also sets off a short-range chain reaction to other nearby dripstone. To expand ever further, this mechanic could apply in similar ways to gravel and sand as well.

    I couldn't find anything too terribly similar on the FPS list or on the subreddit already, hope I'm not reposting.

    submitted by /u/Fractured_Kneecap
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    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:09 AM PDT

    So we know how useless pigs are since so many mobs drop meat, and since this guy suggested first I thought I help since pigs need more uses,


    submitted by /u/Kenny-KO
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    Mushroom blossoms - a way to prevent monsters spawning while keeping the dark

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    A big problem with building in survival is lighting up builds while trying to maintain the look of the build itself. If you don't want your builds to be filled with creepers, you need to fill every corner of your base with light sources like torches, which can turn an otherwise clean build to a torch-mania, a problem survival builders face. Lighting up builds also takes away the aspect of playing with lighting, a tool that survival players can't use unless they want a mob invasion.

    To counter this problem, I suggest that spore blossoms placed under mycelium would create an area that would prevent mobs from spawning.

    This idea comes from mooshroom islands, where players are free to build without the danger of mobs. However, not everyone would want or can build in a mooshroom island. So why not bring the mooshroom island to your builds instead of moving up your builds to another place?

    How this would work is that if you take a spore blossom - found in the lush caves - and place it under mycelium - found only in mooshroom islands - the spore would release particles similar to the ones released from mycelium instead of the usual green pollen. To make more sense, the blossom itself can change its colour, taking on a "corrupted", purple look as if the mycelium is taking over the blossom. The range of the mobs not spawning would be similar to the range normal blossoms release their pollen, giving a reach greater than level 15 lighting. Since not everyone wants flowers all over their builds, I suggest that the spores can travel through holes in the wall or non-full blocks like slabs, trapdoors and stairs, integrating a useful ventilation system into builds while hiding the obscure blossom at the same time.

    This idea would give a new purpose to the spore blossoms (not that the decorative feel of the green pollen is useless) and another use to the already useful mooshroom islands. This would also encourage the player to explore their worlds, striving to find both the new lush caves in 1.17 and the mooshroom islands.

    For those who may be worried that this would replace lighting, this wouldn't completely replace lighting your builds, but gives the players another option to prevent mobs aside from lighting and carpets, as you would still have to deal with the particles (hopefully not too many that it's crowded) that may slightly disturb the build at a close range, and using this technique would require late-game exploration to two different biomes. Contrary, this would encourage using both lighting and spores, as it helps give players an option to play with lighting and make survival builds more dramatic.

    So what do you think about this idea? Feel free to add anything or discuss this idea to hopefully make this idea feasible for 1.17

    submitted by /u/dthegoomba
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    Advancement: Unnecessary Wealth

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    This would be an advancement given for holding one of every mineral block. This would be a difficult advancement but it would add a new goal to the game.

    submitted by /u/JonathanStardew
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    The ability to smelt powdered snow buckets into water buckets

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Maybe not super useful but hey it would still be cool

    submitted by /u/SenorSpoons
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    The Minecart Rework

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:56 PM PDT


    1. Furnace minecarts have no use because they do not perform their intended functions
    2. Minecarts are slower and require more preparation than all other alternatives, plus they're literally on rails so they can only take you from point A to point B
    3. Minecart physics is really janky


    - Minecarts should fill a niche built around mass transportation of items, mobs and players.

    Minecart features:

    Minecart Overhaul

    1. Mobs no longer enter normal minecarts.
    2. Minecarts can now be connected to each other to create trains. (Has a weight limit of 5 minecarts each furnace minecart used)
    3. Dyeable minecarts, so each train looks unique, and carts with different contents can be color coded.

    Furnace Minecart Overhaul

    - Add UI with:

    • Slot for fuel.
    • Meter showing how much fuel remains.
    • A throttle spectrum for controlling speed and direction. (topmost option is full speed ahead, bottommost option is full speed reverse, middle option is full stop)

    - Updated fuel system

    • Coal and charcoal are no longer the only possible fuels.
    • Fuel can be inserted by hoppers.
    • Furnace minecarts are automatically turned on and off by activator rails.

    - New appearance

    • Should be remodelled to resemble early steam train furnaces.
    • Should probably be crafted using a blast furnace instead.
    • Rename it to Engine Minecart.

    New Minecarts

    1. Minecart with Armor / Armored Minecart. (stops arrows from damaging the minecart, slight maximum speed reduction)
    2. Minecart with Canopy / Watertight Minecart. (grants water breathing 3/60 seconds of underwater time, fills the niche of underwater roller coasters)
    3. Minecart with Cage / Passenger Minecart. (allows mobs to be trapped, protected from the elements, transported and preserved from any outside contact until let out using right click or an activator rail)

    Rail features:

    Ease of Use

    1. 32 or 24 rails instead of 16 rails per crafting recipe.
    2. Other rail types could potentially have more efficient recipes as well.
    3. Rails could maybe break instantly, to make it easier to gather them from mineshafts and .correct mistakes while building.
    4. Maybe rails could have scaffolding-like placement mechanics? You right click on a rail and more rails are placed in front of it, forming a track.

    New Rail Shapes

    1. T Section Junction Rail. (functions the same as current 3-way junctions, but visually improved)
    2. X Section Junction Rail. (allows rail tracks to intersect each other)
    3. How to use: Using WASD, you can press what direction you want to go.

    Better sound design

    1. A less loud and annoying sound for minecarts.
    2. Perhaps the sound slowly fades away the longer you ride?
    3. Pitch could change depending on whether the cart is moving towards or away from the player.
    4. Sounds for when minecarts collide with things.
    5. Better sounds for furnace minecarts.
    6. Minecarts should feel heavier and more powerful, right now it's like they're made of plastic.

    Momentum Physics

    1. Minecarts should not instantly lose momentum when falling out of tracks.
    2. Damaging collisions with mobs and players when moving above a certain speed, instead of just harmlessly bouncing off and reversing course.
    3. Colliding minecarts catastrophically derail instead of just gently stopping.

    Railway Structures

    1. Generated railway structures that can be used without much preparation.

    Disclaimer: This made as a community effort, yes this is most likely breaking multiple rules but no one wanted to work on it anymore so I felt this was the best ending for the work.

    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    The new flair

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    Why is there a new flair called "Easter Eggs?" Also, what is the point of that flair?

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    make mushroom blocks glow the same amount mushrooms do

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    i just want my glowy mushrooms man

    submitted by /u/LocalAlcoholicIGuess
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    "No daylight cycle here"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    Try to sleep in the nether or the end.

    I think this should be added because advancements are made to teach people, and I think everybody needs to know that you cannot sleep in the nether or the end.

    submitted by /u/Z1mpleEZ
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    Make cobblestone weaker than stone

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 05:41 AM PDT

    Cobblestone is stone, but it's been mined meaning it should be weaker.... Right? Or I just have smol brain idk

    submitted by /u/ripiley
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    New fence/gate variants?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Fences should have log variants

    Ex: Oak log fence, Birch log fence, Spruce log fence, etc...

    Same goes for the fence gates

    submitted by /u/ajgore1
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    Villagers follow the player when holding a special banner

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    Villagers follow the player when holding a special banner

    I propose a new special banner pattern: Emerald Charge

    It could be purchased from the shepherd villager (since they use the loom as a workstation) or could be found as a loot item in some structures.

    Here is an idea for the icon:

    Emerald Charge Pattern

    Holding a banner with the emerald charge causes villagers to rally around you like your own personal raid party. Golems (both iron and snow) will come along as well, to protect your villagers from threats, such as pillager bands who might appear to attack the vulnerable caravan. If this seems too easy, it could be such that only villagers with a positive opinion of you will respond to the banner, so you have to earn their trust before you go luring them off cliffs.

    This is an easier transportation solution for players who want to abduct relocate all their favorite librarians to a more convenient location all at once, rather than fiddling with minecarts or boats. Not so much a method of transporting the player, but a transportation related mechanic that will be useful to some.

    submitted by /u/Trigonaut
    [link] [comments]

    Make Cobwebs Flammable

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Make Cobwebs Flammable

    Cobwebs in real life are flammable while cobwebs are not in-game.

    Example of cobwebs in a previously burned spot, without any cobwebs affected. (21w13a)

    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    Use Amethyst to remove curses

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    One of the worst feelings is when you find an enchanted item that has a couple great enchantments but then realizing that it has Curse of Vanishing, etc.

    A simple, balanced way to combat this would be through amethyst. I think that since amethyst is a rare resource, it still provides a challenge but enables you to remove curses on your tools.

    To remove a curse, the player would simply place the cursed item and an Amethyst Shard in an anvil or grindstone (for an xp fee, of course). The output item would retain all of its enchantments, minus the curse.

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/slash-summon-onion
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    copper/golden buckets which can only pick up bigger mobs

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    these buckets would have the ability to pick up heavier water mobs, like squids and glowsquids, this would perhaps make it possible to have a farm to breed glowsquids manually. also this bucket could be able to pick up more than 1 small sea creatures in a bucket, for example, a copper bucket could pick up 2 axolotls, and a golden one could pick up 3 of them. this also counts for fish. the crafting recipes would take 7 ingots instead of 3, like a normal bucket, the crafting recipe would be like leggings, but upside down. the only downside to this bucket is that it cannot pick up water itself, because that could perhaps make buckets easier to obtain.

    submitted by /u/TerrariaCreeper
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    Epic Bamboozle

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    I think it would be neat if they added sandstone pressure plates and made them spawn in the desert temples but not just that but cover the ground except for 1 tile without one. This would make it so if you don't hear about the update or if you are reckless then you would fall on them. This would also make you have to break downwards instead of just dropping down thus bamboozling everyone who just breaks straight down.

    submitted by /u/Billotron_57
    [link] [comments]


