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    Minecraft If a fish is named fsh, it has no eyes

    Minecraft If a fish is named fsh, it has no eyes

    If a fish is named fsh, it has no eyes

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    A reference to an old joke.

    I originally posted on r/shittymcsuggestions, but I guess it sort of belongs here. You guys should really allow crossposting.

    Feedback site link

    submitted by /u/Hitomi_Minami
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    Ocean Monument Advancement

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Ocean Monument Advancement

    An Ocean Monument advancement would encourage players to find and defeat the three mini bosses of the Ocean Monument. Ocean Monuments have no mention in advancements despite being of legitimate significance being a mini boss area.

    Example of the advancement.

    Minecraft Feedback Website: Find it here (Auto deleted)

    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    Endermen can pick up Chickens.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    It's very simple - if an Enderman is next to a Chicken, the enderman may pick it up. This will store NBT data, so named chickens will remain the same.

    submitted by /u/Jely710
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    All music discs should be in the chest loot table

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Currently in java edition, you can only get 3 music discs via the chest loot table. Why not just make it all 13?

    My idea for the game is everything you do should be able to be figured out by the player on their own without relying on external sources like the wiki. It's incredibly unlikely that the player would ever figure out on their own that creepers drop music discs when killed by skeletons. The game gives you absolutely no hints. I think that feature should be kept in the game for players who already know about it but for the sake of new players I think all music discs should be in chest loot tables so they can all be obtained by exploring the world a bit.

    submitted by /u/NoaiVoid
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    Vine growth should halt just like kelp & bamboo does

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    So vines are nice for decorating a place that's old & what not, but they will over time literally grow from the height limit to bedrock if placed high enough. In my Single Player world I live in a Jungle Biome, & I think the atmosphere could be improved if all the vines weren't all 30+ blocks long. It would look more natural if they had a growth limit like kelp & bamboo, like 6-15 blocks would be good, wouldn't you think? I know there's the old string technique but for a whole biome would be absurd. I just say, small quality of life improvement overall.

    submitted by /u/GucciGooberYeah
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    When killing someone while wearing a skull, the name of the skull owner will appear instead of the player's name on the death message

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    When wearing a vanilla skull like the zombie head or wither skeleton skull, it will show as if the player died from that mob.

    When hovering over the name in chat, it would show the actual player, like when hovering over a dead pet's message to show more information about them. In the server log it would also show the real player

    submitted by /u/Itay_123_The_King
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    Allow players to give Iron Golems flowers

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been put in this sub Reddit before but though I would share it. My girlfriend really loves Iron Golems and was bummed out she couldn't give them one. I think if they added it, it would be a nice small feature. Maybe it would even make an Iron Golem stay around the area you make it in and not have it walk away. Even though this is a small addition I think it would be pretty cool to have. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/CammyBear03
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    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:36 PM PDT


    We have trackless over-ground transport in the form of horses, but they are somewhat high-investment, and inconvenient to bring with you places. I propose a new on-demand situational vehicle:


    The sled is a cheap vehicle that can be carried in the inventory like a boat, and can be placed on the ground and ridden, gliding over snow and ice effortlessly. It can also slide over materials like sand and grass, but not as smoothly. The sled is crafted with wooden planks and any color of carpet, so it'll be accessible to the player very early in the game.

    A Sled (the color of the seat cushion can be changed)

    What makes the sled convenient is that when it is placed, it is automatically mounted, and inherits the player's velocity plus a boost. This means the typical way to use a sled is to get a running start, and dive onto it. The sled will also speed up slightly when falling down a block, and slow slightly when climbing up a block (which it does just like horses) so that you can extend its flight over rolling terrain.

    You can disembark by crouching and punch the sled once to pick it back up.

    Jumping onto a sled

    This will allow you to briefly speed up travel across unobstructed terrain like tundras, and to a lesser extent plains and deserts. If you want a longer-distance travel solution, there is another way to use the sled:

    Dog Mushing

    If you hold onto an animal with a lead, they can pull you along on the sled wherever they go. In the case of tamed wolves, you'll also gain the ability to steer them using the normal movement keys, as if riding a horse. The more dogs you have, the faster you'll go (but not faster than the dogs' top running speed, of course). To add depth to this mechanic, dogs could be bred with top-speed and strength characteristics, like horses, so you can prepare the perfect dogsledding team.


    Note: Some people think that dog mushing is abusive, but it isn't! In real life, dogs used for sledding love the snow, and are taken care of very well, just like horses.

    submitted by /u/Trigonaut
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    let's be real, we need some music customization options.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    You should be able to adjust how often it plays, make it skip certain songs, maybe play some more often. I don't know how technically difficult it would be but I don't think it would be too hard, and it would free them up to add more songs in without fear of people not liking them and not having anything to do about it.

    submitted by /u/althechicken
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    Right-click Vines with shears to turn them into clipped vines that don't spread

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    The title basically says it all, when using vines for decoration you'll often want to be able to halt their growth so they don't start covering everything around them. Right-clicking with shears would be a simple and intuitive way to achieve that. Collecting them with shears just yields normal vines.

    submitted by /u/MrBrobot
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    Powdered Footprints

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Footprints should be added back to Minecraft. They could appear when a player walks over powdered snow with leather boots.

    submitted by /u/JonTravis03
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    1.18: The Lost Isles

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:57 AM PDT


    Sorry if I haven't done a suggestion in months, I had no ideas to post. But today I will tell you what would be the main part of 1.18...

    Behold, The Lost Isles! A rare, tropical paradise full of secrets, from powerful tiki tribes and ancient moais, to huge carnivorous lizards and even an "extinct" mob that's only found on the islands. You shall read all of this big suggestion (I know some things here are on the FPS but dont worry too much cuz they mostly have different uses than to the ones they suggest).

    The Lost Isles

    The Lost Isles would be a very rare biome in Minecraft, around the same rarity as the Mooshroom Island or possibly a bit more common (suggested by u/68Bitdragon. They could possibly sometimes be so rare that in may not even be in a Minecraft world (suggested by u/ian_dies).

    This paradise would be made up of an archipelago, all surrounded by beautiful coral reefs, and traversed by some strange and yet wonderful creatures that are exclusive to the biome (some of the mobs and other suggestions can spawn or generate in the jungles too (suggested by u/OREOSTUFFER)).

    To find your way to the Lost Isles more easily, you can get a Lost Isles Explorer Map by trading with an apprentice-level cartographer villager.


    Primordial Forest

    This sub-biome is quite similar to the normal Jungle biome, but it is filled with palm trees, cycads, banana plants and dangerous-looking but fairly harmless venus flytraps. It's the safest place on the island, with no monsters and predators at daytime (venus flytraps and tar can hurt but those arent a big deal). Ocelots and parrots from the jungle biome can be found here, along with the new monkeys, platypuses, dragonlies, river dolphins and turtles. The jungle pyramid can also be found occasionally, again from the jungle.

    Wild Scrubland

    Like a cross between a savannah and a desert biome, this place would have grass, coarse dirt, sand and sometimes red sand that would mix in. Tall grass, cycads, dead bushes and azalea bushes would be the ground plants here, and palms and acacias being the trees. The moa, only found commonly on the scrublands, would spawn here as a realistically extinct but tiny population of mobs of it's kind found in the entire Minecraft world. There would also terrifying yet majestic komodo dragons that hunt them down, serving as the predators of the sub-biome. Platypus can also be found in the rivers and lakes just like in the Primordial Forest.

    Volcanic Mountains

    This place would nevertheless, be the most deadly sub-biome on the Lost Isles. There would be nothing but basalt and smooth basalt here, along with magma. Charred trees and dead bushes would be the only foliage here. Layers of ash are scattered around. The vents of the volcanoes would spew out lava particles and huge ash clouds that look similar to the smoke from campfires. Magma cubes would possibly spawn here (not sure about you but you can leave your opinions in the comments).

    Volcanic Caves

    These caverns would be found near and under the Volcanic Mountains. It's a dangerous underground realm, with lava pits and lavafalls. Magma, ash, basalt and smooth basalt can also be found here just like it's surface counterpart. The chance of finding diamonds would be slightly higher than in other biomes just like in real life. Magma cubes probably might even spawn here (again you can request your opinions in the comments if that is ok to you).

    Side Note: Sometimes the biomes would be isolated from eachother (suggested by u/64BitDragon).


    Palm Tree

    This familiar plant can be found everywhere on the Lost Isles including the Primordial Forest, Wild Scrubland and the beaches surrounding the islands, except for the uninhabitable Volcanic Mountains. They can also be found outside of the archipelago, in jungles and on the beaches bordering them. Like other trees they can be made into different building materials from planks to gates. If you destroy the leaves, you may have a chance of getting coconuts. It's even in 2018's Biome Vote, so it's confirmed that might officially come to the game.

    Banana Plant

    A palm tree lookalike, this plant is exclusive to the Primordial Forest and Jungle. You can craft it's logs into materials and get bananas from it's leaves.

    Charred Tree

    This dead tree can naturally be found on the Volcanic Mountains but burning logs such as the ones on other trees can also become charred. You can only harvest it's wood with the Silk Touch enchantment, otherwise breaking it without the enchantment leaves you 3 charcoal. With the wood you can craft materials that would look good for a spooky mansion build.


    This ground plant can be found in the Primordial Forest, Wild Scrubland and Jungle. There are 2 types, large and small. I dont know what they could be used for other than decoration purposes, but you can tell me in the comments. The small one can be placed inside a flower pot.

    Venus Flytrap

    This frightful plant is an uncommon sight of the jungles of the Primordial Forest. If you step on it, it'll bite you dealing 2.5DP (Damage Points) of damage, but it isn't really a big deal. It's not just a plant, but an entity. Destroying a flytrap will give you itself as an item which you can place down in your own Minecraft world, even in your flower pot. It will eat most arthropods from tiny silverfish to huge spiders, killing them in a single bite. This can be useful if you hate these annoying buggers and just want them to get out of your house.


    Tiki Villager

    This type of villager would always wear a tiki mask and hold either a bow, crossbow or a spear. It would be found in the tiki villages of the islands. Unlike a normal villager, it is neutral, so dont attack or you'll get impaled. It would hunt the larges moas as a food source from time to time and you can trade with it to get special things exclusive to the Lost Isles, from spears to masks. They keep a distance from komodo dragons.


    This small crustacean inhabits the tropical beaches of the islands and in the water. It can also be found on other beaches including stone shores. It has 4HP (Health Points). If you get too near, it will pinch you dealing 2DP, even if it is a passive mob. They come in different colors and drop 1 raw crab when they die, in which can be cooked. If you play a jukebox, they will dance to the beat, making your own Crab Rave.


    This relative of you would be found playing in the canopies of the Primordial Forest and Jungle. It has 8HP. Many species/variants of monkeys can spawn, from capuchins to tamarins. You can tame it with bananas. Once tamed, it can help you collect fruits such as apples from nearby trees from time to time, perfect for beginner food farms. Tamed monkeys can also be bred with bananas. It is great at climbing trees. If a player drops a food item near a monkey, it'll eat it like a panda does, infact, it'll eat any food. Similarly to the fox, it can also get affected after eating strange foods, like teleporting after eating chorus fruit and getting poisoned after eating a poisonous potato. If a monkey dies, it would drop 2-3 bananas. It is passive.


    Piranhas are fish that would be found in bodies of water in the Primordial Forest and Jungle. They would have 3HP just like other fish. There would be 2 species, the red-bellied one and the yellow-bellied one. It will eat almost any mob that comes into the water in large shoals, but only the ones that are low on health luckily. It's only predators are axolotls. It would still eat other fish and even squid even if they arent low on health. Their bites deal 3-4 DP. As a neutral mob, it would also attack if provoked. It would drop a tropical fish, 1-2 bones and sometimes bone meal on death.


    This weird monotreme mammal spawns uncommonly in bodies of water in both the Primordial Forest and Wild Scrubland. It is semi-aquatic and is good at swimming just like the axolotl (even though it's fully aquatic). It has 10HP. It's a passive mob, but can poison you with it's spur if you attack it, so don't hurt the cute animal. It can be bred with cod or salmon, and can also do something special for you. After being fed, it will head to the water and look for a treat (or even 2 or 3) to give you. This would take a few minutes before the platypus heads back, giving it to you by dropping it. The more you do this, the more it'll trust you, just like a dolphin or fox. It wouldn't be tameable because I heard lots of articles saying that it's illegal to keep it as a pet (unless if you have your opinions). If a platypus dies, it would sometimes drop 1 cod or salmon. There would also be an easter egg (it was easter yesterday where I live BTW) that when naming a platypus Perry, it will look like Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb.


    We have giant spiders in Minecraft so why not giant dragonflies too. However, it would be a fictional, fantasy type of dragonfly. Having 15HP, it would be the size of a phantom, fluttering around the Primordial Forest where it spawns. It would hunt for most mobs smaller than it from time to time, from chickens to rabbits and even the hatchlings of turtles. It would make a buzzing sound as it flies, similar to a bee, but lower-pitched. It would also sometimes rest on the ground after hunting for a while. As a neutral mob, it would fly into the player's face and bite dealing 3DP if it get's attacked. It would also be tameable, by being fed a rabbit's foot. It can also be ridden and be controlled with a rabbit's foot on a stick. The dragonfly would be able to hover whilst being ridden, just by holding the SPACE button, otherwise it will just slowly and gently fall to the ground and collect energy for it's energy bar for flight. However, to make it not outcompete the elytra, it has some downsides: Every second you hold the SPACE button the energy gets wasted bit by bit. After running out of energy it'll slowly fall down collecting more energy just like it does when not hovering in the air whilst being ridden on. The dragonfly's hovering is also a bit slower than the elytra's gliding. Any more ideas for the dragonfly to not outcompete the elytra? Tell me in the comments.

    Komodo Dragon

    The king of all the mobs on the Lost Isles, the komodo dragon, my favourite animal, can sometimes be found lounging or hunting in the Wild Scrubland. This beast of a lizard can grow up to 2.5-3 blocks long. It has 40-80HP depending on the size and even have 1.5AP (Armour Points), and can sometimes be quite territorial even though it is a neutral mob, so keep a distance as this animal has a bite that can deal 8DP and poison you. However, you can sneak to not irritate it. It would hunt moas that coexist with them, by hiding within the foliage and ambushing when they wander close. They would also hunt livestock and even most monsters such as zombies and creepers. Komodo dragons are great swimmers and would often swim from island to island for food, just like they do in the real world. 2 komodo dragons would sometimes rear up on their hind legs and fight eachother (yep, it's actually a real thing), however, it wouldn't cause damage to both mobs. You can breed the lizard with any kind of meat, it sometimes doesn't need to have a mate to breed, just like in real life. The komodo dragon would then lay eggs on grass, dirt, coarse dirt, sand and red sand, similar to a turtle does and leave them behind. Baby komodo dragons would be dark green with yellow-orange stripes and would be skittish and harmless unless you are sneaking. The babies would also climb trees and adults would cannibalize them like in real life. You can even train your own komodo dragon (not tame it but let it trust you, same reasons as the platypus) like some zookeepers do in the real word. You do this by raising a komodo dragon after you hatched a komodo egg and then transporting the baby just like a fox, only so it can be safe from predators. Over time, the lizard will trust you, not becoming shy, and will never attack you even when it grows mature. As a trusting adult, it would hunt down animals such as cows and moas and bring their meat to you. It will also fight enemies if you get attacked by them. But I need more ideas and I don't want it to be nothing but just a more powerful version of the fox, so request some in the comments.


    Nope, it's not the one from the Aether Mod. These huge flightless birdies were hunted to extinction by polynesian settlers in the real world, but since there were good suggestions of other extinct mobs such as the dodo spawning in only rare biomes like islands, I decided that moas could be added, only living on the Wild Scrubland sub-biome of the very rare Lost Isles. Surprisingly, they would be numerous in the scrublands, despite being a very rare mob in a huge Minecraft world. They'd fill a niche of being the "chickens" of the Lost Isles, acting as a food source mob, just like the hoglin is in the Nether dimension. They would have 30HP and be a passive mob. They'd be more accurate than their Aether counterparts, having no wings, no teeth and a small head. They would also be quite fast, an advantage for escaping hunters and predators such as komodo dragons. Like the chicken, it would lay a moa egg every 5-10 minutes, making a deep popping sound, this egg can be thrown to hatch 1-2 moas. It's meat is tasty and would drop 1 raw moa upon dying, but don't think about overhunting the moa to extinction like these settlers did hundreds of years ago.

    River Dolphin

    Not a seperate mob, but a variant/species of dolphin. It would be bright pink in color with grey patches on and around the top. It would also have a small dorsal fin closer to the tail. It can be found in the Primordial Forest's bodies of water as well as the Jungle biome's.

    River Turtle

    Another variant, this turtle would be a bit smaller than the ones out at sea and also be olive or brown in color. Again, it can be found in the Primordial Forest's and Jungle's waters.



    The ones from easter island, these familiar statues would be made of tuff like in real life, and are scattered throughout the Wild Scrubland sub-biome.

    Tiki Tower

    Made of tiki blocks stacked on top of eachother and would be found in tiki villages. They would scare off certain monsters.

    Tiki Village

    Found throughout the Lost Isles, these villages would house tiki villagers and towers.

    Tar Pit

    An small, uncommon lake that can be found on the Lost Isles that is filled with dangerous tar.


    Ash Block/Layer

    Blocks similar to snow and snow layers, but grey and would be found on Volcanic Mountains, Volcanic Caves, and even Basalt Deltas. They are fireproof, unlike snow. If destroyed with a shovel, you will get 3 ash items per layer. Ash layers would act similarly to snow layers as ash blocks act similarly to snow blocks.

    Tiki Block

    Made with 8 jungle/palm-tree planks and a mob head. Each block would have their own expression. A sad tiki block (crafted from a zombie head) would scare away zombies, husks and drowned. An angry tiki block (crafted from a skeleton or wither skeleton skull) would scare away skeletons, strays, wither skeletons, spiders and cave spiders. A shocked tiki block (crafted from a creeper head) would scare away creepers. And a silly (sticking tongue out) tiki block (crafted from a dragon head) would scare away phantoms and (possibly) komodo dragons. Tiki blocks can be stacked on top of another to create a tiki tower that scares off multiple mobs in one destination.


    A liquid, found in tar pits. Once you sink in it completely you would suffocate, but you can manage to swim out of the tar if you can slowly. It would be carried in a bucket just like other liquids. Collecting tar with a bucket would sometimes cause bones to pop out from the same place the tar was collected, as tar pits in the real world such as the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles contain fossils of pleistocene (ice age) animals. This would be perfect for bone farms without all that annoying hostility of skeletons.



    You may just first think this weapon as just the "land version of the trident", but hear me out. It would be crafted with 2 bamboo and 1 flint and can be thrown like a trident, but would only move slowly underwater. It's damage is also weaker than a trident, but once it hits a mob, it would give it a new effect called Bleeding, dealing 1-1.5DP to the target even if the mob is undead. It would normally last for 15 seconds. This would be useful for hunting mobs from long distances even though it is a bit weaker than the trident.

    Tiki Mask

    This mask would only be obtained as a rare gift from trading with a tiki villager. I don't know what use it could do other than for cosmetics or maybe even scare off mobs wherever you go. You can request some helpful ideas in the comments.


    An item collected by destroying ash blocks or layers with a shovel. They would be used as a fertilizer just like bone meal. But I want more uses so keep requesting!


    A fruit that can be collected by breaking the leaves of a banana plant. When eaten it would add 5HGP (Hunger Points) to your hunger bar. It can also be used for taming and breeding monkeys. Eating a banana will leave you a banana peel.

    Banana Peel

    Added to the inventory after eating a banana. Can be thrown onto the ground to make a trap so when something steps on it they slip like on ice and get hurt dealing 4DMG (not sure if the slipping could have an animation when something trips and falls onto the ground before getting hurt, but you have your opinions).


    A fruit (ITS NOT A NUT) that can be obtained by breaking the leaves of a palm tree. They can be crafted with a bucket to make milk, since there are no cows on the Lost Isles.

    Moa Meat

    A moa would drop 1 raw moa on death (whereas if on fire will drop a cooked one). Eating a raw moa will give you 6HGP and if cooked will give you 12HGP.

    Crab Meat

    A crab would drop 1 raw crab on death (whereas if on fire will drop a cooked one). Eating a raw crab will give you 2HGP and if cooked will give you 4HGP.

    Bucket of Tar

    A bucket filled with tar, right clicking on a block will cause the bucket to pour the tar onto the block, just like other buckets.

    Lost Isles Explorer Map (suggested by u/Corbini42)

    An explorer map that helps you find your way to the Lost Isles. Can be obtained by trading with an apprentice-level cartographer villager.

    And that's it for my big suggestion. Any suggestions I should add? Any errors I should fix? Tell me in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Bigmikail2009
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    You can't eat when you have nausea effect

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    If you have nausea effect the food you eat won't do any sence cuz it will just go back, that will add much more usses to this potion

    (wasn't sure what flair fits cuz there is no potion one, so let it be the gameplay)

    submitted by /u/reverser89
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    Ghast Pepper

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    I was about to suggest pepper in Minecraft, it's just a pun for ghost pepper. This name is a placeholder, if someone suggests a better name.

    So, the Ghast pepper spawns in the Warped forest in the form of bushes. Rightclicking the bush lets you harvest Ghast Pepper Pods. Destroying the bush won't give you the pods.

    1 Ghast Pepper Pod can be crafted in 1 Ghost Pepper Seed. It grows on Warped Nylium.

    The effects of the Ghast Pepper Pods are:

    Haste and Speed for 10 seconds, but you're also on fire for 3 seconds, because of how hot the Ghast Pepper is. Also, it's a natural way of getting Nausea. I really like playing Minecraft with the Nausea effect, and perhaps some Youtubers want to do a Nausea challenge.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    A way to get greener grass in non-green biomes (e.g. deserts, taigas, etc.)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:22 AM PDT

    Over time, I've seen more than a few suggestions for a way to get greener grass in thing like desert builds. The problem with most of these ideas that I see is that for them to work you'd need a different type of grass for each biome, and grass from different biomes wouldn't stack together, which is a pain.

    My solution is to not change the grass, but instead have a new block that changes grass around it.

    In lush caves you could find a new sort of bush, perhaps called a lush bush? This bush makes all vegetation within 15 blocks or so brighter, and closer to jungle colours. Having many of these overlapping makes the colour even closer to jungle colours.

    This way you don't need a hundred different types of grass, only one new block that changes the colour of nearby vegetation.

    Here's a link to the feedback page, if you care about that.

    submitted by /u/MCjossic
    [link] [comments]

    Fix fish AI

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    You made a giant fish tank, traveled far to find a coral reef, got silktouch for the reason of getting coral blocks, only to have the fish swim to the bottom of the tank and not move.

    You fill a ravine half way up with water, fish move to a single area and stick together.

    The AI for fish is not that good. It makes for unrealistic behavior when you move the fish to another thing of water other than a generated river or ocean. It needs to be more as if the fish were actually swimming up and down the fish tank or water ravine or anywhere you put them.

    I suggest having fish check if there is an area of water, mabye 2 by 2, and swim there and repeat. There can also be a 25% chance of changing direction, so the fish don't swim forwards only.

    is there 2by2 water? -> yes -> move to one of the 2by2 blocks. -> 2by2 water? -> no -> check in another direction.....

    this let's the fish swim up and down the tank and still have the times where it looks like the fish is just floating in the water when it has to check for more 2by2 areas. also helps keep the fish alive and not end up on land.

    The fish clumps should also be limited to max of 5 fish that were not in the spawning clump.

    Also, the fish should try to get back to their original clump, but if they are ever more than 20 blocks away they should start swimming on their own or find a new clump of 5.

    Either way, fish AI needs to be changed.

    submitted by /u/Agent_Glasses
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    Add Rose Quartz

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Rose quartz is a crystalline pink variant of quartz. This type of quartz would be obtainable in survival by crafting one amethyst shard and one quartz together. Rose quartz would primarily be a building block family, with all the same variations of quartz, but retaining the sound effect of amethyst upon being placed and interacted with, or maybe have a slightly different sound effect.

    submitted by /u/wielderofFire1051
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    Axolotl problem [and how to solve it]

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    I recently started playing the newest Minecraft 1.17 snapshots, and I discovered axolotls when I was in an underground cave system. They looked so cute in my opinion!

    However, from afar, when I wasn't holding tropical fish, I noticed several axolotls killing off huge numbers of fish, squid, along with a few drowned. I was shocked when this happened, so I checked the Minecraft wiki.

    The Minecraft wiki stated that axolotls attack all fish variants, all squid variants, all guardian variants, and drowned.

    I personally think just from this, axolotls attack WAY too many mobs. Like what's the point? Thus, axolotls should attack fewer mobs.

    In this case, axolotls should only attack fish (because they eat fish in real life).

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    'Minor' Pet Update

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    Was brought up during a discussion on here and thought 'Why not expand on that idea?'

    What would be included in the update:

    Tamed Cat/Dog Memorials:

    We've all been there. Gotten attached to a certain Dog or Cat, then BOOM! It's dead and we have very little to remember it by. (A single piece of string for a Cat or nothing for a Dog.)

    Solution: The Broken Collar!

    -The Broken Collar will be an item that is dropped from a tamed Dog or Cat upon death. If the Dog/Cat was named with a nametag, then the Collar will display the name when hovered over in the hotbar, inventory or displayed via Item Frame. If the pet's collar was dyed, it will be the same color. (Red being default.)

    Horses (Disclaimer: I will be mentioning introducing Zombie Horses, which is on the FPS list. Please bare with me, but I understand if this gets removed.)

    If a tamed Horse or Foal (I.e. two tamed Horses were bred together) dies, it has a 10% (Or higher, unsure) of turning into a Zombie Horse/Foal and becomes unbreedable. (Chances increase with death resulting from Zombies and their variants.) Upon death, these Horses will drop the Saddle and Armor they were wearing before death (when they were alive).

    Unsure if they should be curable or not, comment what you think below!

    Abandoned Villages with livestock stables have a 25% chance of having a Zombie Horse or Foal instead of a normal Horse. (Foal being rarer.) When killed they drop 1-3 Exp. and 1-2 pieces of Rotten Flesh. Like other baby variants, Foals drop nothing when killed. These cannot be tamed and cannot be bred, likewise Saddles and Armor cannot be equipped. This is meant to be the natural method of obtaining.

    and finally:

    Broken Nametags

    Any tamed animal named with a Nametag (Parrot, Llama etc.) will drop a Broken Nametag upon death. It cannot be reused. A small memorial for those exotic pets.

    Hope you like my idea(s) and have a nice day! (Constructive criticism only!)

    Also, hope I am not breaking the 'more than one idea' rule. If so, I will be happy to split into different posts. :)

    submitted by /u/Bearkat1999
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    Villages on flower forest

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Literally just regular plains village but with beehives on scaffoldings arround

    submitted by /u/LordGacie
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    Player Reputation on tamed wolves

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    Tamed wolves should have a reputation system like those in villagers wherein if a player that is not the wolf's owner has a negative reputation then they will attack or 'bark' at the player

    Negative reputation can be earned when a player hits the wolf or its owner and positive reputation can be earned by feeding the wolf

    This would be helpful if you accidentally hit your friend or their wolf. If you have enough positive reputation on the wolf, then the wolf would not attack you. But if you have a negative reputation then the wolf will instantly attack and bark at you even if you didn't do anything to the wolf

    submitted by /u/Jemini-
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    More Variety to Dripstone Caves

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    As of 21w11a dripstone caves had only two unique blocks, pointed dripstone and the dripstone block. Now in 21w13a small clusters of pointed dripstone and dripstone blocks can be found on normal caves. To make these caves more unique they should spawn with another block found exlusively in dripstone caves. It would be nice to find a block like Calcite found there, or a completely new block.

    submitted by /u/Sotow22
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    Jukebox Minecarft

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 02:06 AM PDT

    Simply a Minecart with a Jukebox in it.

    submitted by /u/Upstairs-Hurry-4501
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    Wood and concrete walls

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    Pretty simple really, craftable wooden and concrete walls.

    Wooden walls would be crafted using fences in a 2x2 pattern in the grid, just like the crafting table recipe. Concrete would be crafted just like normal walls, and mixing colours would not work.

    The concrete walls would add so much design possibilities, and I think the wooden walls would be appreciated and liked as well. I don't think they would eliminate fences, because a lot of people would still like the thinner fence design for many builds, probably especially animal pens/farms.

    I don't have texture examples with me here, but I'm sure you can imagine it. Just a wall shape with a wood and concrete color texture.

    submitted by /u/Froztik_
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