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    Minecraft Make armour on villagers render

    Minecraft Make armour on villagers render

    Make armour on villagers render

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    When villagers are equipped with armour (via dispenser or commands), the said armour is not visible, it doesn't render.

    I suggest to make it render.

    submitted by /u/Ugo_Flickerman
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    Using Silk Touch on a Spawner should drop the Spawner as a purely Decorative Block

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Spawners look like little cages, which is really cool. While some would consider being able to obtain a functional spawner with Silk Touch overpowered, I think the trade-off to sacrifice a unique utility item for a cool decorative one is an interesting one.

    submitted by /u/VG_Chat
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    New Bow Enchantment: Precision

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    A enchantment that makes your arrow more accurate and become less effected by gravity by 30% per level, up to level III, force upgrading it to level IV+ does not do anything

    submitted by /u/TheDragonVin26
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    A counterpart to the Mossy Stone Bricks for building large, run-down Deepslate buildings.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    A counterpart to the Mossy Stone Bricks for building large, run-down Deepslate buildings.

    Here the Lichen Deepslate Bricks and the Lichen Deepslate Tiles are seen during the day.

    Here they are seen at night, emitting a light level of 7, same as Glow Lichen

    I think that could be quite neat looking, for example in a temple like the End Stronghold, constructed by the player. It would probably be crafted with collected Glow Lichen and Deepslate Bricks, or Deepslate Tiles, respectively.

    The visualization is brought to 1.7.10, with a small mod of mine. The Deepslate Blocks are implemented by the Et Futurum Requiem Mod for 1.7.10.

    Let me know what you think, and if someone already posted this, I'm sorry, I guess we came up with the same idea. :)

    submitted by /u/DariusDarkBum
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    Thorns on Shields

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Title says it all. It makes sense for thorns to be on a shield, so that anything that attacks you does damage to itself. It would work on a shield like it would work on armor. Who else thinks this is a good idea?

    submitted by /u/Monobloc_Chair
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    Improved Wandering Trader (Llamas)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I always found it kinda weird that the wandering trader carries around llamas for no real purpose, I suggest the Llamas have chests on them which contain some insignificant loot and/or leads. This way the llamas make sense as storage for the trader and they look a little better.

    I also suggest the trader itself trades maps to biomes like deserts, jungles, badlands and coral reefs.

    These two changes make the trader a little better imo and I think they would be appreciated more.

    submitted by /u/Quinten25_
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    Creating an invisible spawner using commands

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Imagine how map makers could utilize having small floating mobs that they could display without the bars of the spawner. It could be disabled as well using commands, so the job does not actually spawn.

    submitted by /u/WhenBuffalosfly
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    If you die, your dog or other pets will try to make some attempt to bring an item back to you

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:20 AM PDT

    Dying can be pretty annoying, especially if you're far out. So if you brought a dog with you, maybe they should try to grab an item they dropped to give to you, so if your items do despawn by the time you come back, you'll at least have one or two items to keep

    submitted by /u/2ndmerrik255
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    Ore distribution should work in both frequency and size

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    Let's say your mining at the peak of diamond distribution, let's make blobs of 8 more common the higher you go. At the very tip of diamond distribution, you'll rarely find blobs of 1 diamond. At the peak of distribution, you will still find blobs of 1, but larger blobs will be more common. Apply this to all ores

    submitted by /u/ReactionRD
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    Effect idea : Bleeding

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    Effect : Basically does what the opposite of resistance does, when given will make the entity that has been attacked weaker in terms of health, it will make enemy's attacks deal more damage . Mobs such as : Cats, ocelots, and mobs that hold swords should be able to give this effect when they attack to a entity. This would also make pet cats more useful in adventures . Stuff im not sure about : Should players be able to make anyone bleed with sword attacks or would it be too OP? Personally i would rather this to be in the game considering that axes are the main weapons now. If players were able to duration of the effect would change with attacks strongness if its weak it wouldnt even make you bleed, medium attacks would last 3 seconds, a strong full hit would last 6 seconds. And the last thing : The same entity that had the bleeding effect wouldnt be able to bleed again for quite a long time im not sure how long but i think there should be a cooldown so it cant be abused. While reading this again i had a character development and decided players shouldnt make anyone bleed, bleeding would be kinda cool to make the game more challanging against mobs.

    submitted by /u/AlCollic
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    Piglin Trust

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Piglins are interesting mobs in the world of Minecraft. They are hostile towards the player unless the player wears at least one piece of gold armor. They become angry when you open a chest around them, even if you were the one that placed it. The most interesting about piglins is the fact that you can barter with them by using gold. Bartering is simple: you throw a golden ingot on the ground, a piglin walks to it and picks it up. They examine it, and after a while, they trade the gold for a different item or items, including ended pearls (I guess that makes them "gold diggers"). What I always found strange is that, despite all the gold you give them, they never seem to trust you. In this post, I propose a new mechanic for piglins: Puglin Trust.

    How Piglin Trust Would Work

    Each play set would have a value that determines their "piglin trust." It always starts out at 0. As a player barters with piglins, their piglin trust points would go up, one point for every successful barter involving a gold ingots. If a player barters with Gold blocks, however, the trust points will go up by nine, opposed to one. When a player's piglin trust points reaches 32 (which could be 32 successful barters using gold ingots, for example), the player will have Level 1 Piglin Trust. At Level 1, piglins will act differently towards you; they will no longer be hostile towards you when you aren't wearing gold armor. They will still attack you if you hurt a piglin or open a container block.

    But it doesn't end there. A player can reach Level 2 Piglin Trust if their Piglin Trust Points reach 64. At Level 2 Piglin Trust, piglins will not attack you if you open up a container block, granted that you don't take any gold-related items from it.

    But it still doesn't end there, because if your Piglin Trust Points reach a grand total of 128, you will reach Level 3 Piglin Trust, which is the max tier. At Level 3 Piglin Trust, piglins will pretty much see you as a celebrity. They will attack any hostile mob that attacks you. Additionally, Piglin brutes will become neutral towards you.

    The reason I came up with this idea is because piglins are cool mobs. Ever since their introduction, I dreamt of a way to have good relations with them without having to wear gold armor. If Mojang were to see this and implement this, I would be astounded.

    Below is a summary of the three Piglin Trust Levels and their effects.

    Level 1: Piglins will be neutral towards you, even when you aren't wearing gold armor. (32 piglin trust points required)

    Level 2: Piglins will not be angered if you open a container, as long as you don't take any gold-related items. (64 piglin trust points required)

    Level 3: The max tier of Piglin Trust. Nearby piglins will attack any mob that harms the player. Piglin Brutes will also be neutral towards you. (128 piglin trust points required)

    submitted by /u/HappyGav123
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    A new mechanic which makes beetrots kinda usefull

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    So yea My idea is simple: Sugar 2-5 can drop from fully grown beetrots and its 50% to happen.
    Its like real life because Sugar beetrots make sugar.

    submitted by /u/Kuzyn_WasTaken
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    When you press F4 you will activate F1 effect but your hands will be visible for you

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    When you want to make something cool/realistic with first person but F1 removes everything but the world around you, you can press F4 to get a better effect

    submitted by /u/reverser89
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    Manufactured Cobblestone, Stone, and Wood

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Manufactured Cobblestone would be crafted with 9 cobblestones in a crafting table, yielding 9 manufactured cobblestone. It would have the texture of the top of furnaces, droppers, and dispensers. It would serve as a decorative block.

    Manufactured Stone would be crafted with 2 manufactured cobblestone on top and 2 smooth Stone on bottom in a 2 by 2 crafting recipe, yielding 4 manufactured Stone. It would have the same texture as the sides of furnaces, dispensers and droppers on all 4 sides, with the manufactured cobblestone texture on the top and bottom. It could be placed like pillars or logs, and would serve as a decorative block.

    Manufactured wood would be crafted with 4 iron nuggets on the corners of a crafting recipe, and the rest with wood. It would have the same texture as piston heads on all 6 sides, and would serve as a decorative block.

    submitted by /u/elite4caleb
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    Enchantment to make hoes more worthwhile.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    You could add an enchantment called "reaper", specifically for hoes, which would let you heal when you kill mobs. The amount you heal would be dependent on the enchantment level. Because hoes do little to no damage, players would have to nearly kill a mob, then attack it with the hoe.

    submitted by /u/Sarcastic_Sorcerer
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    Villager Abilities During Raids

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    When a raid starts, I believe that an interesting mechanic should include the villager's AI reacting to a raid based on their neighbours and levels. For example, once you've maxed out a villager's level, the villager will still be capable of earning experience, and once levelling up for the final time, they will unlock a new feature/ability relevant to the raid mechanic. Some of these villagers will provide utility during a raid, whilst others will instead reward the player with greater rewards. Additionally, if a fully maxed out villager survives 3 raids, their current ability will either be upgraded or they will instead have a second feature/ability. Here's the list of abilities based on job type:

    • Armorer This villager will have the ability to give itself and the 12 nearest villagers a leather helmet and tunic for the duration of the raid. Visually, these villagers will appear to be only wearing the helmet. After surviving 3 raids, this armor will be upgraded to a chainmail helmet and chestplate.

    • Butcher This villager will have the ability to give itself and the 12 nearest villagers the ability to consume 1 cooked chicken after losing 30% of their health. Consuming this item will restore that missing 33% health. When consuming this food, the villager's movement speed is unaffected. After surviving 3 raids, this item will instead be cooked beef and will restore 40% of their health.

    • Cartographer This villager will reward the player with 1-2 woodland or ocean maps. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will increase their woodland/ocean maps to 2-3.

    • Cleric This villager will have the ability to give itself and the nearest 12 villagers a speed boost for 4 seconds at the beginning of a raid. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will reward the player with 1-3 bottles o' enchanting after a raid.

    • Farmer After a raid, this villager will reward the player with 1-3 golden carrots and 1-3 glistering melon slices. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will increase their golden carrot and glistering melon slice drops to 2-4.

    • Fisherman After a raid, this villager will reward the player with 2-4 random treasure items including; bows, enchanted books, fishing rods, name tags, nautilus shells and saddles. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will increase their treasure drops to 3-5.

    • Fletcher This villager will have the ability to make all enemies glow for the first 4 seconds at the beginning of each raid wave. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will reward the player with 4-8 spectral arrows after a raid.

    • Leatherworker This villager will reward the player with 2-4 enchanted leather armor pieces. After surviving 3 raids, this villager's leather armor drops will have more potent enchantments.

    • Librarian This villager will reward the player with 1-3 random enchanted books. After surviving 3 raids, this villager's enchanted book drops will increase to 2-4.

    • Mason This villager will have the ability to make the nearest 6 doors locked to Illagers, and take twice as long to break down. After surviving 3 raids, this ability will make it so that doors will take thrice as long to break down.

    • Shepherd This villager will place down 3 unique villager banners that will draw the attention of the illagers. After 6 seconds of distracting an enemy, this unique banner will burn and be destroyed. If this unique banner survives for the duration of the full raid, it will lose it's unique properties and become a regular banner that the player can pick up. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will place 4 banners, rather than 3.

    • Toolsmith This villager will have the ability to upgrade the nearest iron golem by increasing it's detection range to 20 blocks (instead of 16) and decrease incoming damage by 10%. After surviving 3 raids, this villager will be able to buff 2 iron golems simultaneously.

    • Weaponsmith This villager will apply a negative status effect to the 5 nearest Illagers at the beginning of each raid wave. This status effect lasts for 20 seconds and will make the effected mobs take 50% more damage from the player. After surviving 3 raids, this status effect will last for 25 seconds and effect 8 Illagers.

    Additionally, the Evoker dropping the Totem Of Undying would make this new feature OP, so to balance this perhaps a buff to Illagers during these raids would be needed such as larger waves or more dangerous mob types. A different solution would be to make it so that the Evoker doesn't even drop the Totem Of Undying during raids. With the cartographer dropping Woodland Maps, there will still be an indirect way of collecting Totems Of Undying through stopping raids. I understand that some of these abilities could probably do with some balance tweaking to make each villager type feel equally important, so please comment with your criticisms or counter suggestions! Thanks for taking the time to read this lengthy post.

    submitted by /u/OrderOfTheFly
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    Magma fuel to get cobblestone

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    You should be able to put a magma block as fuel in a furnace, and when it's burned up it'll leave you with a cobblestone block. This would work in the same way lava buckets work as fuel, leaving you with an empty bucket

    submitted by /u/elite4caleb
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    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 11:31 AM PDT

    I do not know if this has been suggested before. But my idea is the ability to use /setblock to place the invisible ladders that spiders and cave spiders have in their code to climb blocks. If this was in-game it would be so useful for map makers to make puzzles or a secret entrance to a base. If you agree, let me know! :) (IDK what flair to use)

    submitted by /u/this-nameis_taken
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    Drinking a water bottle should dilute potion effects

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    It's self explanatory. When drinking a water bottle it should lower the effects of the potion you have drinked/been splashed with. The more effects you have the least it works.

    submitted by /u/bruh-man_
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    Note block / Jukebox slight overhall

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Getting swiftly to the point, I think jukeboxes should have a pop up menu when interacted with, and in said popup, a toggle switch that says "local" or "global" will appear.

    Keeping it on local will play how musical blocks do today, only in a certain radius and the volume has a gradual fall-off as you leave the area

    Though, turning it to global would broadcast whatever sounds or music is playing from the block, and the entire server would be able to hear

    Yes I understand the spam capabilities but imagine making lobby themes and such for minigames or adventure maps

    submitted by /u/QuincyBoi
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    Draft Horses

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    Horses are already in Minecraft. But they're rather subjugated to being a class of locomotion. Though, I've thought of a rather interesting concept for a nice Quality-of-Life Update to our equestrian friends.

    Draft Horse - A new beast-of-burden mob! A variant of the normal horse that spawn uncommonly in there own herds in plains and forests, and would have the same health table as a normal horse. Though, they have a higher average speed (there maximum speed is unaltered, though there are less slow or moderate speed horses.) To combat this, draft horses may be stubborn. Denying the player's command to increase it's gait (walk speed), and being ever-so-slightly harder to tame.

    Draft horses single-handedly would be able to carry an inventory and a half of space if equipped with saddle chests like a donkey. But, if there are numerous horses, say, in hitches. They could, in combined effort, cart around minecarts (possibly even small minecart trains) on rails. (Draft Horse over-working and death is not a good idea to me, debate about it in threads if you want.)

    In the end, much like real life, the draft horse would be an important addition to the player's toolbelt. Being stabled on site along your rail lines or near construction, to haul minecart chests of material to one place or another.

    submitted by /u/QuincyBoi
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    Add an Invisibility Stick

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Like the Debug Stick, the Invisibility Stick would be an item that could only be obtained in creative through commands.

    I think this would be useful for when you are building something and you don't want a block in a specific place, for example: when you build street lights and you don't want the daylight sensor to be visible.

    To use it, you would simply right-click on a block (whether solid or not) and you could set it to something like: "invisible = true" "invisible = false"

    submitted by /u/raskatraska
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    Soul soil

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Make that soul soil becomes soul sand when an alive mob (including a player) dies on it

    submitted by /u/D_Class_Personnel_69
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