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    Minecraft Naming an axolotl "Snapshot" turns it into the unused Green axolotl

    Minecraft Naming an axolotl "Snapshot" turns it into the unused Green axolotl

    Naming an axolotl "Snapshot" turns it into the unused Green axolotl


    The green axolotl looks somewhat like a frog, and they always tweet out frogs when there's a snapshot coming. Therefore, they should make an Easter Egg where if you name an axolotl "Snapshot", it turns it to the frog-resembling green axolotl.

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    When Frogs are eventually added with the swamp update, they should have some interesting breeding mechanics


    In Minecraft, all animals are bred the same very simple way. You feed them some food they need to breed, they go into "love mode", they rub each others' noses, and a smaller version of the animal pops out of nowhere. All of Minecraft's creatures that can breed, breed this way......

    Except the turtle. The turtle has these really interesting and somewhat realistic mechanics where they actually lay eggs and you have to keep the eggs safe from environmental hazards for several actual Minecraft DAYS until they hatch.

    I think it would be cool if Frogs, when they are eventually added, have a similar mechanic. When frogs breed, they move to the nearest body of water where they release Frogspawn onto a submerged block in a lake or river. The Frogspawn have to be kept safe from Axolotls, Fish, Drowned, Turtles, Dolphins, Squid, Glow Squid, Foxes, Wolves, undead mobs, and even Chickens and Parrots, who will try and feast on the Frogspawn.

    Similar to turtle eggs, up to four frogspawn will appear in one block, and they can be broken on impact in the same way. After a day or so, the "frogspawn" will become a tadpole, which is also open to being eaten by just about anything. Through about four distinct stages, the tadpole slowly, over another Minecraft day or so, transforms into an adult frog. Once an adult, the frog is no longer prone to being eaten by everything.

    Also, unique to the Frog, the mob has more health the older it gets. In its larval (tadpole) stage, it has only half a heart of health (1 HP), but as the mob levels up towards adulthood, its health increases until it is an adult, where it has 5 hearts (10 HP).

    Upon reaching adulthood, the game could also reward you with something in the same way you get a Scute from a turtle upon it reaching adulthood, but I'm not sure what this would be.

    I just think it would be very interesting to see another animal that is bred in a more complex way, similar to turtles, and it would be amazing to see a tadpole grow up into a frog.

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Crocuses in new Mountains biome


    Hi! :)

    Because of incoming Mountains update I have an idea to add for them new type of flowers - Crocuses.

    Crocuses are beautiful, purple flower with orange pistils and perfectly fits the new update. They rarely drop Saffron, from Saffron you can cook Saffron Soup, very powerful at healing.

    But, the main reason is the look - I really lack this type of flower in Minecraft. And new Mountains would be amazing with valleys and hills planted with Crocuses.

    Some pictures of them (real life): https://imgur.com/a/EkGvPL1

    Feedback thread: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360054919352-Crocuses

    Note: It is a refresh of my idea from last year. But since last year was focused on Nether, I think that I may rushed with posting that one year ago.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/JCaltyk
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    Some Blacksmith huts should generate with a lightning rod on the roof


    Copper seems like something a Blacksmith would work with (unless the Archaeology system implies that copper is no longer used in the modern era?). This would also help keep Villages safe from lightning, which in addition to destroying the structures turn Villagers into Witches, which (heh) is often undesirable.

    submitted by /u/TheMadJAM
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    Rain should have different "strengths"


    Basically what I mean is that not all rainstorms should be same. They should vary some bit in like rain intensity.

    For rainstorms, there could be 5 categories. Here are each of the facts of each of the categories:

    Rain category 1 - Drizzle. Not that many raindrops.

    Rain category 2 - Moderate rain. Like the current rainy style.

    Rain category 3 - Heavy rain. Rain will fall down at a torrential rate. More raindrops than usual.

    Rain category 4 - Rain and thunder. Basically the current rain and thunder weather we have now.

    Rain category 5 - Really heavy rain and common thunder. Lightning will strike more often and will be more powerful than the current lightning bolts. These lightning bolts can be summoned using the /summon charged_lightning_bolt. Charged lightning bolts will cause a minor level 2 explosion.


    Rain category 1 will be the most common. Rain category 2 will be 1/2 as common as rain category 1. Rain category 3 will be 1/2 as common as rain category 2. Rain category 4 will be 1/3 as common as rain category 3. Rain category 5 will be 1/4 as common as rain category 4.

    Another change: Channeling will work in any rain category now.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Wandering Archaeologist


    Rather than offer archeologically-obtained items for expensive prices - which no one would purchase, this new villager type should offer expensive items for archeological items that the PLAYER has obtained.

    The mob would act as either a personal or commercial collector of sorts, and would create a reason for players to explore archeological sites when some otherwise wouldn't.

    submitted by /u/TabletGlitch8000
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    A very rare version of a Villager, the elder.


    He has a special quest for you how will upon completing it, grand you a (unique to the world you're playing in) treasure item or something like this.

    submitted by /u/Awwowo
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    Delay operation of sculk sensors for several seconds after they've been placed.


    Inspired by this post. It's impossible to place a sculk sensor in survival without its immediately activating. By waiting, say, ten seconds after a sensor is placed before making it active you'd be able to build this sort of arrangement without adding logic to it.

    submitted by /u/o0shad0o
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    You should mine cactus faster with hoe


    I was harvesting them to get faster the green dye and that would be useful

    submitted by /u/LordGacie
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    Ability to adjust the block's outline we're looking at


    Have you ever been there, working with dark blocks and you need to count blocks but they're just so dark, the normal outline just… disappear? Or at least really hard to see. So I'm making this suggestion, hoping that the idea of changing the outline (the basic color of it) would be viable.

    submitted by /u/Julveria
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    Glowing sheep


    It would be great if the incandescent ink sack could "dye" blocks of wool and sheep to make them glow.

    I don't know if it would be very useful but it would be one more use for the glow squid

    submitted by /u/SasuX_Crafter
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    A new use for amethyst crystals - Crystal lamps!


    I was thinking of some uses for amethyst, when I had an idea: amethyst could be used to craft crystal lamps (a new type of lamp that looks similar to glass but emits light; crafted from 6 glass, 2 amethyst shards and one glowstone dust) and a chandelier (a type of lamp that looks like a chandelier; crafted from 1 chain, 2 amethyst shards, 1 candle and 3 copper ingots or 3 glass (not sure yet)).

    Why should this be added? We need more uses for amethyst and copper and new light sources are always good. Why does this make sense? Amethyst already has a strong connection to light and visibility (tinted glass, spyglass), so why not use it for some more light sources.

    submitted by /u/CF64wasTaken
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    A subtle, simple wind mechanic should replace the randomisation of projectiles.


    Reason for change:

    Incase you don't know, when a projectile is thrown or shot it's trajectory is slightly randomised, this may make the game seem a bit more realistic on the surface, as there are supposedly more forces at play than what meets the eye.

    But on a competitive level, this mechanic makes no sense because there's no way to properly adjust this randomised trajectory.

    It gets even worse when you consider the fact that an ender pearl is often thrown in an attempt to save the player's life, and that at this point, RNG basically decides whether a player will live or die.

    My suggestion (solution)

    Wind would be a simple, weak force that applies to all projectiles. It's influence on projectiles would be as minimal as the randomisation currently is.

    The only difference would be that, because wind changes its direction very slowly, players are able to adjust to it.

    This way, super long-distance bow snipes -aswell as enderpearl saves- will be skill-based. Even if it's this slight offset that made the difference.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Bastion remnant bridge chests should contain a lodestone compass that is assigned to a block of lodestone somewhere in the bastion


    The compass would replace the guaranteed block of lodestone in the bridge chests.

    This would be a cool secret feature that adds slightly to the rarity of lodestone while giving the player the excitement of having to find something. The bastion could generate with a block of lodestone replacing a random block in the main cave-like area. This would make it harder to find.

    submitted by /u/Hitomi_Minami
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    Better and more accessible F3 debug screen


    Better and more accessible F3 debug screen

    Currently the F3 debug screen is full of text, numbers, data, which the majority of players never or rarely use, most of the players only care about the coordinates, the FPS, and maybe the light level or the exact block type or the biome.

    There are many ways to improve the F3 screen. Probably the easiest way is to make the more useful lines (or maybe the values or keywords) coloured, so it would be easier to find and read. The game engine already capable of coloured text on the F3 screen, like when a dispenser is powered, the triggered: true block state shows up green if true, red if false. Implementing this on more lines of the F3 would be helpful in my opinion.

    Maybe the FPS value could change colour: green is above 60, yellow if between 30 and 60, and red under 30.


    The other options are, to make a second F3 screen, like when the F3 is pressed 2 times, only the more important lines or values show up. Maybe this could be customizable on the options menu, where the users could pick which vaules are important for them, and then only those shows up.

    I got this idea when navigating back home to my base, I found that he huge amount of useless data was overwhelming, and just unnecessary to see them. I made a little screenshot of my idea, but I am open to ideas on which lines/values are important to highlight, as well as the colors are only for demonstrating purposes, they could be changed.

    submitted by /u/WhiteFalcon235
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    Stone should generate in layers, just like terracotta in the badlands.


    This would make different stone types look way prettier in caves, and also way easier to mine.

    As they are just decorative blocks, making them easy to mine shouldn't result in any balancing issues.

    Here's an example of these layers cutting through a ravine.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Ice axes


    (I'm only 13, so this might be dumb)

    I came across a post about ice axes using copper and I was thinking about it. So, this is my idea built on top of his idea(I don't remember his name). Ice axes help you to climb steep cliffs by right clicking the wall and pressing space or by walking forward.

    1. Different ice axes

    So the head of the ice axe will be made of different materials, like, stone, copper, iron, diamond and netherite.

    (No gold because its really soft, both in real life and in Minecraft and you're going strike it against stone to climb, so it ain't gonna work)

    And of course, durability increases with the toughness of the material.

    1. Addition of abandoned mountain villages

    These villages will be buried in 3 to 6 blocks of snow and there will be some loot in the houses and there is a 1 in 20 chance for the blacksmith house to have an ice axe.

    1. Curse of Slipping

    There will be 3 levels of this curse. With each level you will slip and fall 3 blocks. So for level 3 you will fall 9 blocks(and probability die)! Because of this you can only grip onto the wall after falling 3 to 9 blocks(based on the level of curse).

    That's all for now I hope you guys like it!!

    Btw, the flair is supposed 'Structures' and 'Block and Items'

    submitted by /u/Joseph_Daniel_102007
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    Add simulation distance from bedrock edition to java edition


    The cave update is adding over 100 new y layers, and that's a lot of space for java edition to load. To help some lower end PC's maybe they could add the simulation distance from bedrock edition? Unlike bedrock edition this should be able to be set high enough to make it seem like its not even there, all the way down to being 4 chunks just like bedrock edition.

    Also this would unironically simplify mob grinders, you'd never have to make a perimeter again

    submitted by /u/polarsaurusfann
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    Zombies should have different clothes.


    The default clothes are boring... so why not have other clothes?

    submitted by /u/Mr_username_4648
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    Required Explanations


    Comments calling a post non vanilla should be removed UNLESS the REASON why it doesn't work with the game is provided. This way an idea isn't entirely rejected and it can be changed in order to make it more vanilla or the post can be removed by the poster in because he or she understands how it doesn't fit.

    Also, comments about FPS and Rejected ideas should cite the exact text and give explain what the FPS and Rejected lists say.

    submitted by /u/JonTravis03
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