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    Minecraft Rock Generation Rework

    Minecraft Rock Generation Rework

    Rock Generation Rework

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:32 AM PDT

    Rock Generation Rework

    Geologically, the 3 unique common rock types (Diorite, Andesite, Granite) are not geologically correct in their spawning.

    • Diorite is an igneous rock formed when silica is high in the magma concentration. To solve its generation would be difficult, but silica is commonly found in water, so its potential to be a rock found only near pools of water would give purpose for builders to go to these areas for diorite.
    • Andesite is an igneous rock formed when rapidly cooled down and commonly on the surface due to eruptions. To solve its generation is very easy because andesite is common on the surface, therefore its rarity decreases the further down you go in the world.
    • Granite is an igneous rock formed when lava or magma is cooled down and solidified. This rock's solution is very interesting in its implementation. Granite should be around near the bottom of the stone world and slightly entering into the deep slate world commonly without other influences. But granite should form near lava pools and areas with lava to simulate geological time.

    Visualisation of rock distribution (Right) alongside 21w10a ore distribution.

    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    Allow music discs to be plugged into Iron Golems. Then they will occasionally "hum" the melody.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Each Iron Golem could have its own disc.

    If you plug the disc in, it disappears and can't be removed. (But you can replace it with another song).

    If an Iron Golem hears its song being played on a Jukebox, it will hum along with the Jukebox and do the entire song.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Stop suggesting 'uses' for purely decorative blocks.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    I've seen so many of these posts. 'This block is useless, let's add it into a weird crafting recipe'. I've seen a suggestion to make granite drop quartz, or to make calcite craftable into bonemeal/used for smelting. And the OP's argument is almost always 'the block is useless' or 'it's ugly and no one uses it anyway'.

    First of all, there are no ugly blocks, as it's a purely subjective thing. Someone might like diorite or acacia wood.

    Second, building is the core of this game. And while it's not the only thing you can do, it's a very major one. If a block can be used in building, it's not useless, it's that simple. And suggesting 'uses' for purely decorative blocks is pointless, since they already have a purpose. It's like asking for redstone bricks or decorative versions of comparators - these are not meant for building, but for redstone contraptions.

    Finally, a block doesn't need staris/slabs/bricks/variants to be useful for building. People do use basalt, terracotta or concrete, heck even dirt, and definitely will use tuff and calcite. And while it would be nice to have more variation, it's not necessary.

    submitted by /u/TheArcanist_
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    Mushroom caves

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Cracked variants of blocks should break faster

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I mean, doesn't It make sense?

    submitted by /u/IamNotSomeoneRandom
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    Replace bane of arthropods enchant with "bane of animalia"

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    This would work on all animals including spiders, piglins, hoglins and piglin brutes. I don't think it would be too op because it wouldn't deal with any of the classic night mobs and therefore sharpness would still be favoured.

    Edit: maybe it could also work for players bc they are humans which are animals technichally

    submitted by /u/Callumyoung101
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    Curse of Rotting

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Weapons cursed with Rotting will still work normally, except that the mobs they kill will drop rotten flesh instead of edible meat.


    submitted by /u/n4rwhal_
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    Ner enchantment: Magic Resistance (I - III)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    Can be applied to armor. It basically makes effects such as poison or wither deal less damage.

    Edit: Maybe [I - IV] would be better. You also shouldn't be able to have this and Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection and Projectile Protection at the same time. It should also work against dragon breath :)

    submitted by /u/Ascyt
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    Data-driven Villager trades

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    This has already been suggested in this old post, but the idea wasn't very fleshed out.

    Each Villager profession would have a corresponding JSON file with the following info:

    • The profession's name (supports localization),
    • the profession's job site block (Nitwits would have their job site block set to something Villagers should never be able to come in contact with under normal circumstances, to avoid unemployed Villagers randomly turning into Nitwits),
    • the profession's villager skin overlay (could be restricted to Vanilla overlays, or support overlays from resourcepacks; personally I'm in favor of the latter),
    • an optional flag for whether the profession can be spawned with (spawning with a profession is equivalent to obtaining the profession),
    • an optional flag for whether the profession is permanent once obtained (used for Nitwits which are technically a profession),
    • global factors for how much the popularity mechanic and the Supply&Demand mechanic affect the profession's trades (can be ranges, in which case they're randomly picked for each Villager that obtains the profession),
    • a cap for the total amount of trades,
    • and the levels for the profession. This is a fixed list, represented by an object with a key for each level.
      • Each level except Novice has the amount of XP it takes to reach. This number is cumulative, i.e. 10 for Apprentice and 60 for Journeyman means that 60 XP nned to be gained to reach Journeyman from Apprentice, or 70 XP total.
      • Each level has the amount of trades it adds to the Villager's trade pool upon being reached. Can be a range, in which case the amount is randomly selected upon reaching the level. (The Novice level is reached when the profession is obtained.)
      • And of course, each level contains the trades it can add. This is a variable list, represented by an array.
        • Each trade has the 2 input items. The second one is optional.
        • Each trade has an output item.
        • Items can also be tags. If an input item is a tag, an additional field must specify whether the item is to be randomly selected from the tag, or whether any item from the tag should be allowed. Output items are always eandomly selected from the tag.
        • Items have a count. Can be a range, in which case it's randomized, or set by functions.
        • Input items have a scale weight. This is a factor applied to all changes to the item count, both from popularity and from Supply&Demand. In my examples I used constants that represent 0.0 (none), 0.05 (standard) and 0.2 (rare), but numbers are also a possible format. This field is optional, defaulting to 0.05.
        • In my examples, NBT data is applied through the data field directly, or through a dedicated function system, but it would also be possible to add the NBT data using the same function system that's used by loot tables.
        • Each trade has a stock amount, defining how many times it can be used before it is depleted. Can be a range, in which case it's randomized.
        • Each trade has the amount of XP it gives to the Villager. Can be a range, in which case it's randomized.

    There would also be a JSON for the Wandering Trader that configures the Trader's trades in a very similar way:

    • The name, the skin and the job site block are omitted.
    • The levels are replaced with a list of trade pools. All trades are resolved when the Wandering Trader spawns.
    • All fields related to the XP mechanic, the popularity mechanic or the Supply&Demand mechanic are omitted.
    • Otherwise, the format is the same.

    There is also a simple configuration for biome-based skins, containing the skin texture, a list of biomes it matches and a flag for whether it can be applied when no skins match the biome. When the biome a Villager settles in is listed for multiple skins, or it's not listed for any skins while multiple skins have the default flag enabled, then the skin is randomly selected from all applicable ones.

    This suggestion is an elegant way to fix numerous complaints about Villager and Wandering Trader trades, since each player has a different idea of what would be an improvement, so they could adjust it for themselves as they see fit. It also enables the flexibility of creating custom Villager professions and biome skins, so any suggestions along the lines of "add a Carpenter profession" or "add a Villager skin for Badlands" would become unnecessary as well.

    On a related note: I have plans to put this suggestion into a mod. So if there's a mod where Villager trades use this precise format, keep in mind that the suggestion was turned into a mod, not vice versa. (Last time I checked, the Villager code was considered too messy to implement this as a mod, so the odds a mod was created coincidentally are near zero.)

    A complete mockup of how the current trades could translate into a datapack system can be found in this Google Drive folder.

    submitted by /u/Enough-Agency3721
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    Vintage diving suit themed rare-ish deep sea hostile mob (with illustration!)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Vintage diving suit themed rare-ish deep sea hostile mob (with illustration!)

    The deep, dark seas seem pretty barren, so I'm suggesting a unique hostile mob that would spawn in certain conditions. I'll refer to them as "divers" in this post but idk a good name for them!

    My rough sketch of a diver model + its long range bubble attack

    • The diver would spawn on the ocean floor at night and would have a chance of spawning near unexplored sunken ships or undersea ruins at any time. They wouldn't spawn in packs and would be relatively rare
    • Divers would be about the same height as iron golems and would move at the same pace (while underwater). They would not swim, just walk underwater and hop up 1-block elevations. They would not attempt to climb out of the water, and when out of the water they would move very slowly
    • Their texture would resemble the new copper blocks with algae growing on them similar to the iron golems' vines. The "visor" on their face would resemble a sea lantern and would glow similarly to glowsquids and spiders' eyes. Their lower arms and claws would be redder and crustier-looking than the rest of their bodies. They'd have antennae like plankton from spongebob or a shrimp
    • They would have two ways of attacking the player
      • A long-range projectile resembling a ring of bubbles. It would not travel very fast, but it would be decently large (~2.5 blocks by ~2.5 blocks on its face). Being hit by this bubble ring would replenish the player's air bubbles but would inflict them with an inescapable sinking effect for a couple seconds as well as dealing a few points of damage. This attack could destroy boats, but would not be able to travel above water.
      • At close range, the diver would attack the player with its large lobster-like pincers. These attacks would be comparable to an iron golem's melee.
    • The diver would make a sound like a muffled foghorn mixed with whale noises and deep clicking sounds. Maybe even some breath-like sounds
    • Defeating a diver would reward the player with a couple pieces of copper, often a sea lantern or two, and potentially sometimes a heart of the sea


    • Maybe the divers would have a chance of dropping a wearable item - a Diver's Helmet. It would be a piece of armor that would often be very damaged when dropped from a diver, and it could only be repaired by combining with other diver's helmets. Wearing it would allow the player to breathe under water at the expense of the head armor spot. Alternatively, gifting a diver's helmet to a piglin would allow it to survive outside of the nether without becoming zombified

    The sea is in desperate need of more varied hostile mobs than just drowned and I think these guys would provide a unique challenge! Would love to hear your thoughts

    submitted by /u/fond_lobster
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    Composters should also give back dirt in addition to bonemeal

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    Composters should also give back dirt in addition to bonemeal

    submitted by /u/Cubeydoo
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    My own take on an Octopus.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    The octopus spawns in one of two variants depending on their location, each variant has its own spawn egg. Both variants have the same general behaviour, though they do have their own differences. They have three methods of movement. First is the most commonly seen one, crawling, pretty self explanatory. They crawl along the seafloor, moving sort of like a spider does, but slowly. They can crawl on land, and will move to the nearest water source block if they are somehow beached. They still suffocate on land. The second method is basic swimming, they just swim relatively slowly through the water like a squid until they settle on the seabed. The third method is jet propulsion, they use this to quickly get away from players, dolphins, drowned or guardians if they get too close, or if the player attacks them. If they are attacked, they will leave behind a cloud of ink, just like squid. They drop octopus tentacles when killed, which can be cooked or combined with kelp to make sushi. They may also drop ink sacs. If they were to have sounds, they'd share them with squid.

    The first variant is a common octopus, they come in a range of colors, consisting of reds, browns, oranges, and tan. They have a system unique to them, curiosity. If the player is holding certain items, or drops certain items near them, they will voluntarily approach the player, albeit slowly. Similar to foxes, they can hold items, and may grab ones they find 'interesting' before swimming away with it. The common octopus can spawn anywhere in any ocean and is around the same size as a spider, or a cave spider, which they may also look similar to, model wise, just without the head, the torso part being bigger, and the limbs being rearranged. They might be able to change colors, too, unsure yet. They'll do this to blend into their environments after fleeing via jet propulsion. They may enter chests that are located underwater and will pop out again if the chest is opened. Common octopuses can't be tamed, but you can befriend them by feeding them fish, in which case they will follow the player around for a bit, and will not flee when approached. Provided the individual octopus hasn't despawned, if the player returns to the ocean and encounters that individual, they still will not flee. Befriending an octopus that has spawned with an item, or has picked one up, will cause them to drop the item near the player. They have 5 hearts of HP.

    The second variant is the blue ringed octopus. They are neutral, spawn in naturally generated rock pools and are visually distinct from common octopuses, in that they are always yellow, with blue rings on their bodies, as well as being smaller in comparison, closer to a silverfish in size. While they behave very similarly to their larger, ocean dwelling counterparts, when attacked, they either flee like normal, or they will retaliate, and bite the player, inducing poison. The bite itself doesn't deal much damage, if at all, but the poison does tend to last a while, so do be sure to carry a milk bucket or a bottle of honey with you if you go exploring a rock pool and happen to accidentally hit a blue ringed octopus. Because of their smaller size, they don't hold items, but may inspect them. Feeding them fish won't befriend them, but it will drastically lower the chance of them biting the player if they're hit. They don't tend to enter chests, either. They have 4 hearts of HP.

    submitted by /u/GentlemanOctopus88
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    Different Sand Variations

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    Black Sand is a volcanic exclusive sand, and generates specifically in volcanic biomes, so it particularly generates in the Basalt Deltas in the Nether, but may also be seen in the Nether Wastes, although a small chance for that. If volcanic biomes are added to the overworld, Black Sand will generate on the shores of where the volcano meets water. Black Sand becomes Black Glass when smelted. It is best obtained in the Nether inside the Basalt Deltas. When generating in the Nether Wastes, Black Sand is found most often at lava-level, creating beaches of Black Sand, often in place of Soul Sand and Gravel. Likewise in the Basalt Deltas, it can often be found in veins clumped near pools of lava intermingled with the basalt pillars and magma blocks. Unlike ordinary sand, Black Sand is unable to burn up in lava or fire, and floats on lava, because its a Nether block.

    The opposite variant, White Sand, is a variant of sand that is white, or almost white with hints of yellow in it, and generates in tropical biomes like tropical beaches, jungles (if they meet with the sea), other possible upcoming tropical biomes that are near the ocean. When smelted, white sand converts into white glass.

    The texture of sand should be changed so it looks like raked sand out in the desert, rather than powder to differentiate it between concrete powder more easily.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Pickaxes should do more damage to Iron Golems

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    I feel like pickaxes should have some sort of damage buff to iron golems because pickaxes are made to mine iron while sword can not mine iron (not fast anyway). This would just make sense. It should be a huge buff so that it makes sense to use a pickaxe instead of a maxed-out sword. I also think it should grow damage with different types of pickaxes like swords.

    Wood pickaxe: Half a heart per hit
    Stone pickaxe: 1 heart per hit
    Gold and iron pickaxes: 1.5 heats per hit
    Diamond pickaxe: 2 hearts per hit.
    Netherite Pickaxe: 2.5 hearts per hit

    Pickaxe enchants such as silk touch, fortune, and efficiency should work on the iron golem. Slik touch would just drop the normal amount of iron and a pumpkin head. Fortune would drop more iron like looting

    Fortune 1: 1 extra ingot
    Fortune 2: 3 extra ingots
    Fortune 3: 5 extra ungots

    Efficiency should also allow you to lower the attack speed or increase the damage.

    Efficiency 1: -0.5 attack speed or +0.5 attack damage (half a heart)
    Efficiency 2: -1 attack speed or +1 attack damage (1 heart)
    Efficiency 3: -1.5 attack speed or +1.5 attack damage (1 and a half hearts)
    Efficiency 4: -2 attack speed or +2 attack damage (2 hearts)
    Efficiency 5: -2.5 attack speed or +2.5 attack damage (2 and a half hearts)

    submitted by /u/TDTheGamer
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    Evokers should have at least a moderate chance of using a totem to stop themselves from dying

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    This suggestion may be too unfair, but we all know how illogical and ironic it is when those bald gray wizards drop something they should have used to prevent themselves from dying.

    So Evokers, when nearly on 4 hp left, have a 39-55% chance of using a totem of undying to stay alive. Meanwhile the 61-45% chance is left with the Evoker dead for good.

    Edit: Sorry for the confusion, Evokers should still drop at least 1 totem or 2 even when they already use it.

    They will also only use one (or in lower chances, 2) totems, after that they die for good.

    submitted by /u/Kebo_notrealname050
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    Dark Gravel

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Dark Gravel

    A falling block that occurs in the deep slate region and nether. In the deep slate regions, It can only occur in caves due to depressurisation. In the nether, it replaces gravel and occurs for aesthetic reasons and because it is assumed that the atmosphere in the nether has enough pressure to create a loose deep slate gravel. Its appearance should look like slate gravel.

    Dark Gravel can be used for normal gravel recipes. Dark Gravel being collected will give the same drop chances for flint as gravel normally does.

    Dark Gravel Concept (created combining Deep Slate and Gravel together)

    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    Add "Magic Protection" to the FPS list

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    I've seen Magic Protection Enchantment which protects against magic attacks posted several times already. A quick Google search could show the many times this was posted.

    submitted by /u/Quirky_Yoghurt_9757
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    Add a New Advancement For Travelling 1 Million Blocks Total

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    It might be pretty tough to get but I think it would be a rewarding one to get. It maybe should be a hidden advancement because its one of those things you don't set out to do but it will inevitably happen at some point.

    submitted by /u/PretendCup0
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    Evokers should be more powerful

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 02:52 AM PDT


    Evokers drop one of the most powerful items in the game: the totem of undying. However, they are surprisingly easy to kill, with three shots from a decent weapon enough to finish them off. This is far too simple for an item that can save you from death.

    Health and Defence

    An evoker's health is increased from 24 HP to 30 HP (12 hearts to 15). They also have 4 armor points (2 "shield icons" or the equivalent of chain leggings).

    When an evoker is caught by a fatal shot/hit, it has a 30% chance of "using" a totem. When the totem is used, it would create the green and yellow particles seen when a player activates a totem. The totem would give two effects to the evoker: absorption 2 (four yellow hearts) and regeneration 2 (1 HP every 1.25 seconds/25 ticks), both for 30 seconds.


    The fang attack deals 7 HP instead of the previous 6. It also has a wider spread (a bit like a cone shape, with it one fang wide at the evoker, but two wide at the player) so it is harder to dodge. The fangs also give slowness for 5 seconds.

    These changes should make the evoker much stronger and the fight much more worthy of a totem of undying.

    submitted by /u/1000_iq
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    Shulk music disc that gets dropped from shulkers

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    Audio: https://youtu.be/UXR9QgaMbjw Made by: JamiesName (not me) Gained by: getting a shulker to shoot an enderman and then the enderman has to kill the shulker or it wont drop or it can be found in chests

    (P.S: i just like the music and it fits so)

    submitted by /u/OliverLlama
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    Woodland mansion raids (Mega Raids)

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    If a raid starts when you bring bad omen to a village then bringing bad omen to their house should spawn a much bigger raid.

    This could be a way to add new illagers without upsetting players who feel raids are too difficult.

    submitted by /u/SignedSteak3
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    Tuff and Calcite using

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    Tuff and Calcite using

    Okay, so in 1.17 update we will gain two new blocks, called Tuff and Calcite

    But this blocks don't have any using. So, I think, that we need to fix that.


    IRL, Tuff is used in building part. I think, that we can't ignore it. For example:

    Tuff bricks

    I think, that by melting tuff we can get bricks. 4 bricks in craft menu equals 1 tuff bricks block

    Tuff bricks wall

    This block will look like bricks block, but will have texture with colors between red, brown and orange. I think, that this block will be useful in buildings.


    In real life, calcite is useful in melting metals. It helps to make lower temperature of melting metal. Why we can't use this in minecraft?

    I see many ideas about oil for furnaces. I have new idea.

    Melting calcite in any furnace will make new item called "flux" (I have problems with translating from Russian into English). This item can be used in Blast furnace and can make faster melting metals.

    Flux using IRL

    submitted by /u/humayt
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    Tipped Tridents!

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Ever since the addition of the glow squid into the game, people have complained about it being useless, a waste of a mob vote, and/or it's drops being useless. I have an idea on how to fix this, or at least give a reason for people who building isn't their specialty.

    I suggest that tridents could be tipped with glow sacs, which after a trident is thrown at a mob, a tamed axolotl could become hostile and attack the mob. This can be done by simply putting a glow sac and a trident into a crafting table, like a spectral arrow, however enchantments on the already-existing trident won't cross over to the tipped trident

    TL;DR tridents could be tipped with glow sacs to make axolotls hostile at whatever the tridents thrown at.

    submitted by /u/CarsontheMaster
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    Copper Horns That Can Actually Make Music

    Posted: 06 Apr 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    Currently the only sound you can make with a goat horn is the sound of the ominous horn at the beginning of a raid. Copper horns can be crafted with eight copper around a goat horn. The sound is similar to a french horn, and you can adjust the pitch by looking up or down. This would allow players to make music without huge amounts of note blocks and redstone.

    submitted by /u/_Barry123
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