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    Minecraft axolotls shouldn't kill fish from buckets

    Minecraft axolotls shouldn't kill fish from buckets

    axolotls shouldn't kill fish from buckets

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    just like the fish don't despawn once they are out of a bucket, axolotls shouldn't be able to kill them either. I don't know the rules of them spawning, but it will be hard to manage aquariums and such when a random axolotl can spawn there and kill all our fish. I think the only rule is a block above the water, so ponds on the surface should be safe, but what about inside... or if you have a bridge across your pond. all the tropical fish you managed to catch are now able to just die.

    submitted by /u/nyajinsky
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    Dispensers Facing Minecarts Should "Insert" the Block into the Minecart

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    So for example, if you have a chest in a dispenser, activating it would put the chest into the minecart.

    I just think it would be an interesting mechanic to add to the game and am interested in what people would do should it be added to the game.

    submitted by /u/Redstonia_
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    Give Villagers the ability to request building projects from players.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    This may be too specialized for the generic game. But it might be fun to include as a mod otherwise.

    First, there could be a new Mayor profession: their job site is the town bell. There would be only one Mayor at a time. If there are two bells in town, whichever one is closest to the Village center is the Mayor's bell.

    All the Mayor does is offer "building plans". You buy one for an emerald then you go build it. The Building Plan itself is a paper item that, when you have it in hand, has a ghost image of the building desired: where they want it, each block they want to use and where it should go. Everything except beds and interior furniture. How you build it is up to you, but you have to use the stone and wood they want and make it the size they want.

    When you have decided you are done working on it, you take the building plan back to the Mayor (or their designated successor, if the previous one got killed or something), and you will be rewarded based on the percentage of completion: if you used all the right materials and followed the plan precisely, you get 100% of the XP and 10 emeralds.

    Orientation of blocks shouldn't matter--just that you put the right block type each in the right spot. It also won't check for air blocks, so that you can still add beds inside if you want.

    But if you use the wrong kind of wood for the walls or roof, you might only get credit for the cobblestone foundation, walls, door, and the glass windows. If you substituted planks for logs, or used glass blocks instead of panes, you won't get credit for those. If you make the whole thing out of dirt, you won't get any credit except maybe for the door and windows.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:24 AM PDT

    A deepslate colored variant of the silverfish with a slightly different model. They are a bit bigger than silverfish.

    Slatefish spawn in infested deepslates which can only generate below Y=0.

    Slatefish have 12HP which is more than the silverfish's HP (8HP).

    They move a little bit slower than silverfish but they deal the same damage as the silverfish does.

    When Mojang makes the stronghold generate with deepslate blocks when generated below Y=0, its spawner should spawn slatefish instead of silverfish. Also, infested deepslate bricks are also needed to be in the game for slatefish to replace the silverfish in deepslate strongholds entirely.

    I came up with this idea because it's weird how contrasty the silverfish's color is to the infested deepslate. When I mine an infested deepslate then a silverfish came out instead with its bright color just seems off to me. So if Mojang ever adds this mob to the game, I hope it would solve the problem.

    I've been thinking of names for this mob and I just thought of something that's connected to the deepslate block. So I came up with slatefish for consistency to the silverfish and I also came up with slatemite which is from the endermite.

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Glow ink should be applicable on animal collars

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:28 AM PDT


    • extra uses to an item with few uses

    • doubles the amount of unique collard pets you can have

    • see where you left your black cat in the pitch of night

    • make it look like that you are bringing a rave with you wherever you go


    • might be hard to implement
    submitted by /u/Gtheglorious
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    Strongholds need deepslate block palette below y zero

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    This frustrates me a lot because stone shouldnt even generate below zero thanks to deepslate. Maybe add tuff around the structure itself so it doesnt blend in very well

    submitted by /u/IamNotSomeoneRandom
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    Curse of Vanishing items should despawn 10 times faster when dropped.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Simple. When you die it's instantly gone (like it is right now), but if you drop it normally it should despawn 10 times faster than normal items.

    submitted by /u/Ascyt
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    Combining blue and yellow dye should give you green dye

    Posted: 30 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    The title speaks for itself. Seeing as blue + red = purple, and yellow + red = orange, it only makes sense to be able to combine blue and yellow in a workbench to get green.

    Would also help out in the early game, since it might be hard to find a desert. Some people might see that as part of the game, which I can understand, but it is still logical to implement this.

    (Didn't really know which flair to use)

    Edit: Guys please stop commenting about a youtuber called toycat. Apparently he made a video covering this, which I was not aware of.

    submitted by /u/Boxaxel
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    When a shulker box despawns when in item form, it should break and let all of the items out of it starting a five minute timer until those items despawn

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Shulker boxes "break" when they touch fire/lava in the next update, so I think that this wouldn't be hard to implement.

    submitted by /u/cardboard55
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    Properties for blocks that can or can't be destroyed by cacti.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    I think most people reading this probably saw the memes when 1.16 came out with the " who would win? a netherite ingot or one prickly boi." I think that some 'strong' blocks should have a cactus_destroyable tag.

    I think that some blocks, i.e netherite, iron, diamonds and other "strong" things like stone and nether stars should have a tag that determines whether the block can be destroyed when dropped on a cactus. Some "soft" blocks like wood, paper, feathers should still be broken when dropped on a cactus.

    I am writing this after I fell into a trap with with cactuses underneath and destroyed ALL my netherite tools and diamond armour.


    some blocks do break when dropped on a cactus. some don't.

    submitted by /u/ZeBlob56
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    Wind currents

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    With the new caves and cliffs coming up, wouldn't it be cool to add wind currents with the mountains to ride your elytra on? Just something naturally generated that would lift and push you while you were gliding would be a nice addition.

    submitted by /u/breakfastmood
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    Add a keybind for crawling.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    This idea is very simple. You should be able to crawl when pressing a keybind, like Z. It would be really helpful as the current trapdoor system is a bit annoying.

    submitted by /u/Ilikereddit863
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    Please add more fishing hook splash sounds.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:00 AM PDT

    There is only one audio clip (with varying pitch). My wife plays FishCraftTM until she gets Mending, which can take a long, long time depending on how generous the RNG is feeling. And if she isn't using headphones, I hear it. That splash. Over and over and over again. It drives me crazy.

    Please--we need some variety. My sanity pleads with you.

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Leaves should have a particle effect

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    Pretty simple. If you stepped on a leaf block, it would make a leaf crunch sound and display little leaf particles.

    submitted by /u/MirrorwebewrorriM
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    Fletching table use

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Fletching tales should be able to be used as a new way to create potion arrows. You could turn a stack of arrows into a stack of potion arrows with one splash potion

    submitted by /u/Makefunof_everything
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    Changeable inventory Cursor sensitivity

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    On console bedrock while you are in your inventory you should be able to change the speed of the cursor, it's really slow and clunky for me. The inventory on console bedrock sucks anyway I think that this is an easy change.

    submitted by /u/RyanBits
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    When a Skeleton kills a creeper named Jeb_, it drops a rainbow animated music disc with a song called Jeb_

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    When a Skeleton kills a creeper named Jeb_, it drops a rainbow animated music disc with a song called Jeb_

    I'm not sure what the sound would be like, but I'd probably nominate it be this.

    submitted by /u/Strobro3
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    Sounds Are Reversed In Enderman POV In Spectator Mode

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Since their vision is inverted and their noises are just normal words but backwards I thought this was a cool feature and overall makes sense

    submitted by /u/SindikBoi
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    mysterious books

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    while enchanting, you would have a small chance to get a mysterious book, which has some secret enchants that you can't see (maybe use the galactic alphabet or just simply put "?????" as an enchant name), once you apply the enchant to any tool, you might get any maxed enchant in the game (sometimes even 2 or 3), including treasure ones, but here's a catch: these books might be sometimes evil and add curses or disenchant already enchanted tools, maybe even damage them, but not destroy, that would be too toxic

    such books could be applied to anything and enchants would be given based on the tool type

    those books also could be found in dungeons

    this wouldn't really help with upgrading already enchanted tools (might be risky), but it could help with making new ones that haven't been enchanted yet (because you have much less to lose), so you can try your luck and get a headstart with enchanting

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Chainmail Idea

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Ever since I learnt the purpose chainmail had in irl history, I felt it was a shame it didn't have nearly as much importance in minecraft combat. For those unaware, chainmail in real life was a pretty useful armor, as it didn't let swords pierce in, or at least did a very good job at it. Basically, it was made so that the sword's blade would be stopped by the armor's tiny holes, stopping the stab. Not only that, but it allowed for more mobility than your traditional iron armor. In short, it was a big deal. But now, if you look at minecraft, the only person you'll find wearing chainmail is either someone without better armor, someone using the elytrian origin in the origins mod or someone who wants an armor that kinda shows their skin (def not me)

    So the idea I had for chainmail being somewhat useful in combat, is to make it so it has a chance of negating all damage from swords. The chance would be very small if you wear, say, only one piece of chainmail armor, but if you wear the entire set, it'd actually be a much higher chance. And maybe, some pieces of armor (like the chestplate) could have a higher chance of negating the damage.

    I think this could be a very good idea for the new combat update, plus it'd give some much deserved love to this forgotten armor type, and it'd be somewhat "realistic".

    Let me know your thoughts :)

    submitted by /u/TheGreenCat5
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    Taming foxes

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    You should be able to actually tame a fox perfectly. Basically another default pet to have besides dogs, cats, and the occasional parrot. Foxes could be really useful since they can hold an item in their mouth. Just think how much damage you could do with a fox holding an enchanted netherite sword with fire aspect and sharpness V. And I know for a fact when you finish beating the ender dragon you're gonna want to feel as OP as possible and foxes could help a great deal with that.

    submitted by /u/Nolongersoap
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    new advancement: "king of the pigs"

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    maybe make it so whenever you kill a piglin brute you can get this advancement. also it would be cool if youd get a boost for better piglin trades for a few minutes, just like defeating a raid and getting the "hero of the village" effect.

    tab: nether

    parent: those were the days

    rarity: normal?

    submitted by /u/dadadadgaswusg2s3
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    Effect tag: canBeCleared (true/false)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    Syntax: /effect give <player> <effect> [duration] [strength] [showParticles] [canBeCleared]

    This will make it so you cannot remove the effect with milk, and it doesn't disappear when you die. Would be useful for map making, and the Bad Omen effect should naturally have it.

    submitted by /u/Ascyt
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    The composter should give a small boost to plant growth when placed in a farm

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    For example you could place it in between wheat rows in order to boost a small amount of them

    submitted by /u/Mrpietromj
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    Frost walker preventing freezing

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Evening-Cash-4183
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