• Breaking News

    Minecraft Beacon Update

    Minecraft Beacon Update

    Beacon Update

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    Beacon Update


    Beacons are currently becoming more and more outdated every update, therefore Beacon's should get a rework/update to its features. The beacon concept below will be broken down to its separate categories and why features have been added or changed.


    Visual Features

    Pyramid Sprite Update

    Old Pyramid Sprite (Left) compared with New Pyramid Sprite (Right)

    The Pyramid sprite has changed to introduce new players to the diversity of what blocks can be used for the pyramid. This shows both Gold, Emerald, Copper, Diamond and Iron being used as blocks that can be used to structure the pyramid.

    UI Update

    Old UI background (Top) vs New UI Background (Bottom)

    The current beacon UI background looks great, and should be replicated for the rest of the beacon's UI.

    Beacon Range Transparency

    Visualisation of Beacon Range Level

    There's very little indication of the range of beacons except for the height of the pyramid. The way to fix this in the most efficient way is to show the range's level through the beacon's transparency. This allows everyone to know immediately.

    Primary Power Pre-Selection Visualiser

    Seen in the secondary power slot

    This helps show where your selection for the primary power goes. Currently it pops in and out of existence which is not visually acceptable.

    Mechanical Features

    Cancel Button Rework

    Cancel Button

    The Cancel Button now has a new purpose! Currently, the cancel button was used to exit out of the beacon. It would now be used to cancel the effects of the beacon whenever an effect is turned on.

    New Beacon Insertable


    Copper is currently in 1.17 snapshots, not added in Beacons. Copper should be added, That is all.

    Beacon Range Part 1

    New Beacon Range, Copper is shown being weaker than other ores.

    Currently, Beacons's pyramid influences the range of the beacon. This should be changed to the metals and gems that the beacon consumes on its activation.

    Beacon Range Part 2

    Beacon Range

    Beacon range should significantly be buffed to encourage bigger projects and higher rewards for their effort. The table below compares both the pyramid tiers and the new beacon range system of metals/gems.

    Tier / Metal+Gem Range Block range
    Tier 1 20 blocks
    Tier 2 + Copper 30 blocks
    Tier 3 40 blocks
    Tier 4 + Iron 50 blocks
    Gold 60 blocks
    Emerald 70 blocks
    Diamond 90 blocks
    Netherite 110 blocks

    Team/Ally Beacons

    To enable Beacon Ally/Teams, simply put the banner of the team onto the beacon which only has to connect to it.

    Team beacons will be incredibly beneficial for multiplayer servers that have teams. To use a team beacon, you must have the same banner design that is placed on the beacon. This can be for both shields and just a simple banner.

    Luck Added, Resistance and Haste Placed Higher

    Luck is now in Tier 1, Haste is now Tier 2, and resistance now Tier 3.

    This not only makes the primary power selections symmetrical, but it also benefits people who require the benefits of luck. Note: Luck should be buffed and reworked to be more beneficial.

    More Secondary Powers

    Night Vision and Health boost added

    • Night Vision is added because of the benefits it gives to builders and miners.
    • Health Boost is added, when within the radius of the beacon's effects, the beacon will grant the team or the players 4 health points.
    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    Hydrothermal Vents

    Posted: 07 May 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Hydrothermal Vents

    Water caves are set to be a significant part of the upcoming underground environment, but they are inconvenient to navigate, and don't offer any incentives to explore them except for a slight increase in generation for some ores.

    I propose a new biome specific to seafloor ravines and submerged caves:

    The Hydrothermal Vent Field

    The Hydrothermal Vent field deep underground

    The murky waters around the vents include scattered tuff blocks, highly increased ore generation, and an exotic new sea creature to entice explorers, but it is not without danger.


    The most striking feature of the biome is a new rocky structure composed of Chimney Stone, which sprouts up from the ground.

    Chimneys over lava will billow smoke

    If its base block is over lava or magma, a chimney will spew a continuous stream of black smoke that has a nasty effect on any mobs or players exposed to it, making the biome a very dangerous place to navigate. Chimneys will also grow upward very slowly as long as they are active, to around three or four blocks tall.

    When broken, chimney stones will drop an assortment of minerals like metal nuggets, flint, and maybe rarer gems if you're lucky. They'll also always drop a piece of Sulfur, which is involved in the next feature:


    Any mob or player that is exposed to chimney smoke will take fire damage, and suffer a new negative effect: Corrosion.

    Corrosion effect icon

    Under the effect of corrosion, any armor an entity is wearing will lose significantly more durability when damaged, and will provide less protection than normal. Players with corrosion will see the armor bar visually reflect the decrease in protection.

    Blackened armor represents armor points disabled by corrosion

    Tools and weapons will also degrade more quickly if used under the effect.

    It's not all bad, though, because the sulfur you'll collect from chimney stone can be used to create a Potion of Corrosion.

    The splash potion of corrosion is very effective at combating armored foes. Several of Minecraft's mobs have some hidden innate armor points as well, so even if a mob isn't wearing armor it may still be more vulnerable when corroded.

    Tube Worms

    Around active chimneys, you might find some Tube Worms growing in bunches.

    A cluster of tube worms with their plumes extended

    Like sea pickles, tube worms are mostly decorative, although they do have one interesting behavior: When a player or mob approaches, they'll quickly retract their plumes in self-defense. A comparator listening to the worms' base block will pulse when this happens, so tube worms can be used as a kind of aquatic tripwire.


    The final feature of the hydrothermal vent field is a new sea creature called the Gastropod.

    A scaly-foot gastropod

    These docile molluscs will scuttle around the walls of the fissure, occasionally drifting over to feed on the sulfur compounds ejected from the chimneys.

    The gastropod's shell is composed of organically compounded iron sulfides, making them extremely tough. They're also immune to the corrosion effect, and will dash away and hide in the noxious chimney smoke to escape attack. Their environmental advantage makes them very difficult to catch, but there's a great reward if you manage it.

    If you defeat a gastropod, it might drop a piece of its shell intact, which has the miraculous property of being able to repair any item in the game. Elytra, Trident, Netherite hoe... You name it, the biometallic shell of the gastropod can repair it at an anvil just as if it were the same material.

    The gastropod shell, tube worms, and corrosion potions, and chimney minerals will hopefully make swimming all the way down to deep-sea ravines and underwater caves more worthwhile and interesting.

    submitted by /u/Trigonaut
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    Jungle Temples should contain Poison Tipped Arrows instead of normal arrows.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    That's essentially it. It would make Jungle Temples a bit more lethal, especially early game.

    submitted by /u/ParkourReaper
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    Crops in a far away farm should grow while you are away (not really but behave as such)

    Posted: 07 May 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    I know nothing can happen in unloaded chunks, because these blocks rely on random ticks, but universal crop growing could become a reality if instead of random ticks in loaded chunks, crops could store the time at which they were planted, and when you return, the amount they should have grown is calculated based on the time they were planted and the current time. Same goes for saplings, mushroom spread, etc.

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Wolfs/Ocelots/Cats/Axolotls should not attack Sheep/Baby Turtles/Chickens/Squids/Fish in Peaceful mode

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    These mobs are not considered hostile in game so they do not despawn in Peaceful. Although they are neutral/passive to the player, they are hostile to certain other mobs. They should be passive to all mobs in Peaceful mode, because Peaceful, right?

    Note: Tamed wolves attack whatever the player is fighting, so they could be exempt from this to remain useful in Peaceful

    Edit: Foxes also attack Chickens and Baby Turtles

    Another Edit: Another possibility is a gamerule for this

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    Mos generating on fallen trees.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 06:25 AM PDT

    It's simple. If a fallen tree generates moss, vines and mushrooms. It realistic and gives another way to get moss. This idea could be better if moss carpets could be on walls.

    submitted by /u/Red_panda1130
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    Great oak

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    I think it would be cool if rarely there were giant oak trees. big enough to make a small house inside the trunk. This could rarely generate in oak forests or there could be a great oak biome. The trees would be more spaced out because they are bigger and you can not make them with saplings

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    Tamed wolves should be able to "sprint"

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:23 AM PDT

    I was watching a minecraft series by an youtuber I like. He tamed a wolf and started heading back home. that's when I realized:

    wolves look really bad when teleporting everywhere because they can't keep up with the player. My idea is that wolves should start sprinting (or something similar to it) when the player sprints in order to keep up with them.

    submitted by /u/MarioRuas
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    Improve dog ai

    Posted: 07 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    The amount of times I've seen my dog 360 into lava or drown then selfs or they run away from you when there about to die

    Idk if my dogs are defective or it's the general ai but I've pretty much given up on dogs because of This.

    All I'd suggest is stop them from walking near lava and be able to swim down and up.

    submitted by /u/nobearpineapples
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    If you shift click a hopper it will change direction

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    its Annoying to have to build a block on top of the hopper to make it face down

    submitted by /u/the_soviet_union_69
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    Change max banner design.

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    The current mac banner design limit goes to 6. It should at least go up to 9 banner design limit. It would be great if we could add more detail to our banners.

    submitted by /u/DreamDroids
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    New elytra enchantment: parafall

    Posted: 06 May 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    It will have 2 levels and it will smoothen your fall with elytra. It will stop you once you are 2 blocks above the ground and slow the fall to the block below you. It's quite rare and only in certain kinds of loot. Not basic village loot, nether fortress loot, or any obvious/easy place to find loot. The enchantment only goes to level 2 because it can be upgraded by being paired with feather falling with stops you descent earlier while falling slowly. I don't know if yall will like this at all. I'm kinda sleep deprived and my brain is thinking weird stuff rn but I hope you like this idea.

    submitted by /u/-u-dont-know-me-
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    Pet dog update

    Posted: 07 May 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    So dogs (pets) have had barely any changes for ages now. I feel like they need some. 1. Sprinting So I saw a post in new about this feature and it is basically to make it so dogs have to teleport less. I think that this would be good too because them just teleporting to you constantly doesn't feel right. They'd still have to teleport, yes, but if this could be reduced that would be great 2. Training pet dogs So to get more attached to your get dog you could train them to do various things like rolling over etc. This would be done by crouch right clicking on the dog. This could make the dog more sturdy too or faster.

    So that's just the base idea, but dogs really need an update imo

    submitted by /u/Catalystwastaken
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    Allow to feed animals chorus fruits

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    I think no further explanation needed, this will make chorus fruits especially useful, when, for example, your dog fell in lava, or something similar happened. Will work only for animals player can feed. P. S.: imagine feeding a hoglin to make him teleport away from you

    submitted by /u/HellLow616
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    Buildings should not generate touching

    Posted: 07 May 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    Buildings should not generate touching

    For a moment I thought this was a single villager house. How about the generator gives village buildings some personal space


    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    A full set of armor should give a little bonus.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    It would be nice if every armor piece was a tiny bit weaker, and a bonus could be added to armor when a full set is on. This is a small change, but would greatly change the game for the better.

    What problem does this solve?:

    Primarily, the problem is that the armor is currently very boring. Simple, but boring. This is good now but will become a problem over time as Minecraft needs to scale up. Lest Minecraft adds a new feature to raise stats further, the character will never become more powerful.

    Secondly, this may be an opportunity to diversify the current armor scaling. Right now, leather is harder to get than iron, the chain is very hard to obtain, and gold has limited use. In normal play, a player gets a set of iron, diamond, and then netherite, and that's it. Maybe a gold boot with luck. A full set bonus can mix it up a little.

    How would this be implemented?:

    This requires little addition to the game than changing the stats. Check if the player has a full set of 1 armor type, then give the bonus if qualified.

    What changes do we make?:

    Armor pieces should be made a tiny bit weaker overall. Perhaps a half armor off suit and/or pants/helmet. This can vary from set to sets whereas diamonds can take off a little more than iron. What you may then do, is add the taken amount back when the full set is on, plus a little more.

    Ex: 1 armor total is taken off of the individual iron pieces, a half off suit, and a half off pants. Then, when the full suit is on, the player gets a bonus of 1.5 armor. In total, a full iron set gained a .5 armor bonus.

    How this fixes the problem:

    By incentivizing wearing a full set of armor, the player has to be thoughtful with their choice of armor. This complements how the game has been encouraging the player to see other armor options such as leather boots for mountains, gold for piglins, turtle for swimming, and elytra for flying. Now, the player's decision if they want greater armor, or greater adaptability is more prevalent.

    This is already partly done by the pieces having less armor, to begin with. However, this bonus makes it so there's a greater dynamic between armor pieces, whereas lacking armor with some sets is more meaningful than others.

    Ex: A player wishes to wear their gold boots to the nether to not be killed by piglins. Normally, they would wear their full iron set plus the gold boots. Now, the player realizes that because they don't get the full iron bonus, they benefit more from wearing a chainmail suit, as chainmail now offers the greater individual pieces while iron has the greater set. The player also realizes that wearing a full gold set would be the greatest option, as it gives them the set bonus. However, the player doesn't have the gold, so they use their chainmail until they can craft gold in the nether.

    This changes the armor system enough that it doesn't rely on adding more ores to diversify the game.

    If, for example, diamond had better protection on individual pieces than netherite. That would mean a full netherite suit is better by far, but the player may want to use diamond for more protection with elytras, on mountains, while swimming, or in the nether, or wish to brute force the terrains with netherite. In such a case, a player would want sets of netherite and diamond for their different needs. This doesn't need exclusively to be with diamond and netherite however. This could translate to the dynamic in chainmail, iron, and gold as is.

    For this mechanic, the exact implementation may vary. However, there is a great potential to improve the game's current dynamics between different armors and encourage the player to utilize more diverse strategies. This, in turn, alleviates the game's longevity and makes more interesting this otherwise figured out area.

    submitted by /u/Robertfc38601
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    Music selection feature

    Posted: 07 May 2021 02:54 AM PDT

    I love playing MC creative but I'm not a fan of the creative music. I wish I could change it so I could play the game with the MC songs I want without having to play the audio on a different device. Under music I wish they had a setting to audio test which songs play and being able to select which ones your game will play would be nice. (at least I think so)

    submitted by /u/Amonkeysuncle20
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    Copper for Beacons

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    Copper for Beacons

    Copper should be added to beacons as a way to make copper more useful to players but also because other metals like iron and gold are there as well.


    submitted by /u/OldGolld
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    potions of fire resistance should not burn in lava.

    Posted: 07 May 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    How can fire resistance protect you from buring but still be able to burn.

    submitted by /u/Nikhil_on_redit
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    Un-nerf Piglin Bastion loot

    Posted: 07 May 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    So when the bastions were first added in the snapshots, they had really overpowered loot, considering they were easy to loot without the Piglin Brutes. However, they were nerfed to balance the structure. After the Basalt Deltas were added, Bastions became rarer as 1/6 of the areas that they could have generated But when 1.16.2 rolled out with the Piglin Brute, the loot suddenly wasn't worth it. It was easier to get all of the loot in other ways (aside from the banners and Pigstep).

    I propose the devs un-nerf the bastion loot. Even if they make the loot slightly better than it currently is, many more people would go to bastions. They would be balanced once again.

    submitted by /u/General-Pikefish
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