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    Minecraft If a crop is fully grown, passive mobs will eat its top layer, if the crop's type is their breeding food

    Minecraft If a crop is fully grown, passive mobs will eat its top layer, if the crop's type is their breeding food

    If a crop is fully grown, passive mobs will eat its top layer, if the crop's type is their breeding food

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    For example, if pigs are close to a fully-grown carrot crop, or cows are close to a fully-grown wheat crop. After eating from the crop (using an animation similar to how sheep munch grass to restore their wool), the crop is set back to its second-to-last growth stage. This could also works with foxes and berry bushes.

    This feature serves a number of purposes:

    • New players get a hint of which foods can breed which animals.
    • Improves the overall atmosphere of the game, especially in making villages more lively.
    • Both crops and passive mobs will have more of a purpose, than just wandering around / growing and waiting to be put to use by the player.
    • Note that this does NOT make the mob enter love mode.

    Any ideas or criticism welcome! I'd love to see this in Minecraft!

    submitted by /u/ArrasKing
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    Sinkholes (with concept images and files)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    (I know this has been suggested a few times before, but I've actually gone through the liberty of editing the worldgen data files as a proof of concept, so hopefully this post isn't removed.)

    As we all know, in 1.18 we're getting a cave generation overhaul. We're seeing the addition of noise caves, noodle caves, aquifers, and crack carvers. I feel like there's room for still more variation in the types of caves in the game, and that brings me to my suggestion: Sinkholes.

    Sinkholes in real life (https://imgur.com/a/MVGLjen) are really incredible natural wonders, with a nearly vertical descent into the darkness below. Light penetrates the depth from the massive hole in the ceiling, and there's nothing really like this in minecraft. Ravines are similar, but they're skinny and long, rather than the more or less rounded shape of sinkholes.

    I modified the 1.18 testing datapack and changed the settings of crack carvers (so using my example datapack, cracks won't spawn and will be replaced with sinkholes). Here are some example screenshots:


    They can be anywhere from 30 blocks deep all the way to 100 blocks deep, although they're usually between 50 and 75 blocks. They're circular, and can vary from a diameter of around 12 blocks to around 30. Since I can only do so much with the current datapacks, they don't generate underwater, although if this were to be added to the game, it would be. They also cut through mineshafts, and I'd prefer that mineshafts instead spanned the gap. They also frequently intersect with those 1x1 water sources in the ground which is annoying, and I'm sure there's a way to make that not happen.

    Some videos that are more thorough than images:






    I've also created two datapacks for people who'd like to test themselves– the first one disables all carvers and noise caves and makes sinkholes generate fairly frequently, so people can actually find them, and the second one makes sinkholes generate more uncommonly (with all the other caves reenabled), and it takes a little bit of searching to find one.



    TLDR: Sinkholes – deep circular crevices in the ground that can potentially go all the way to mid-deepslate levels.

    submitted by /u/michaelmvm
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    When a tool hits ~50 durability it should make a sound

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    I hate when I mine in my world and I don't pay enough attention that sometimes my pickaxes ends up breaking, so I thought what if it makes like a cracking sound like it does when the pickaxe actually breaks. In my opinion a good addition to the game.

    submitted by /u/Chriinge
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    Wet sand and gravel

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    If you put water on a sand or gravel block, it gets wet for a few minutes. Then after this time, it'll dry and get normal again. When it's wet it can't fall, and when it turns back to normal sand/gravel it still won't fall until updated. Floating sand and gravel can naturally generate, so why not make it possible to do for the player?

    submitted by /u/Ascyt
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    Riding entites should render them transparent in first person

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:29 AM PDT

    It's kinda annoying to ride some mounts (such as horses, donkeys and llamas), because they can cover a chunk of the screen. So basically I think there should be a slider in the accesibility settings to set how much you want the transparency to be, from 100% being opaque and 0% being practically invisible. Also this could help while traveling in boats or minecart rollercoasters

    submitted by /u/Ender_Crafter
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    Grimoires, a way to obtain cursed enchanting books! (+ some new leveled curses)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Curses have been an interesting idea with enchanting. A player is never forced to wear it, but occasionally curses come with great enchantments on random loot. But what if you need a curse, for example. Your play anarchy, and you want to make sure players don't get your items. Or you have a trap set up that forces a player to wear a cursed chest plate. I'm not going to judge, but the accessibility would be nice.

    That's where the grimoire comes in! Grimoires would be a consistent way of getting curses. Crafted in the same matter as books, but replacing the leather with a rotten flesh! Enchanting them would work just like a book too, just with it spitting out curses instead of enchantments. It's icon would look near identical to a book, barring a black cover.

    In crafting, it would not work as a replacement for books. With the only exception being a book and quill, making a special book and quill that has a black cover. This does nothing but offer an aesthetic difference, however.

    How about appearing in the wild? Grimoires would rarely appear in any place that a book would be, replacing them 1/10 times. This is excluding anything related to villages or villagers. By comparison, however, it is increased to a 1/8 chance inside of woodland mansions. It also would be added as a rare drop for the evoker and illusionist (if it's ever added), giving a more evil idea to the curses to being with.

    However, only having 2 curses would make a consistent way of getting them kind of useless, so here's so ideas for curses that could be added as well :)

    Curse of Frailty - Reduce your total health by (Level) heart(s) when equipped. Max level 5. Armor only. Levels 4 and 5 only available from anvil combining.

    Curse of Weakness - Reduces how large a stack can be in your inventory when equipped. At level 1 reduces it by half (64 -> 32) and at level 2 reduces it by 3/4 (64 -> 16). Max level 2. Armor only. Items that are already over the max limit when equipped are dropped in front of the player.

    Curse of Confusion - Inverts left/right and up/down on movement and camera when equipped/held. Level 1 only affects the camera, while level 2 affects both.

    Curse of the Winded - Player takes double/triple/quadruple the knock back they normally would when held or equipped. Level 1 is double, level 2 is triple, level 3 is quadruple. Level 3 only available from anvil combining.

    Thanks so much for reading my idea :)

    submitted by /u/DragoniteChamp
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    Quicksand blocks

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:07 AM PDT

    I was thinking about traps you could make with the new powder snow but then contemplated how dull it is that you can only make them viable in snowy areas to disguise them, then i realised, hang on, quicksand could be the powder snow of sandy areas!

    It would function similarly to powder snow but the way it is farmed is...not entirely sure, maybe 8 sand blocks surrounding a water bucket? I know water has something to do with quicksand but this would be great to make deserts slightly bit more dangerous but also to give players new schemes to test out in more areas besides just snowy regions.

    submitted by /u/Jessicajesibiel
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    Let us put our controller sensitivity above 100.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    The people who have played controller know that even max sensitivity is simply too low, taking a very long time to do a 360. Compare to touch/k&m, they can do this instantly. We need something closer to that.

    submitted by /u/A_Minecrafter1065
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    Shears in Dispenser should be able to 'carve' pumpkins. (Currently...they cant :( )

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    With all the updates made to dispensers (shearing sheep, bee hives, heck - filling bottles with water and honey, etc.) Feels like this one was overlooked.

    Same as the rest - Shear inside of dispenser, when activated will turn a "Pumpkin" into "Carved Pumpkin" .

    No pumpkin in front of the block? Dispenser spits out the shears. The usual.

    Just thought to suggest this while I individually shear 1,728 pumpkins...ah well...back to work.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Agreeable_Goober
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    Netherite could be repaired with diamond and gold.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    I have netherite, but I use diamond because netherite tools aren't renewable. So in the smithing table, you could combine a diamond and gold tool to make a new base netherite tool called gold coated diamond. It wouldn't do anything, it would be a diamond tool, but if you combine it with a netherite tool it would repair it. Netherite is supposed to be almost invincible, it can survive explosions and lava, so this would make sense, as the netherite itself wouldn't break, instead the diamond under it. I get that mending exists but it is far too rare, and this would allow players to repair netherite easily. This sounded better in my head. Oh well, I would enjoy this change.

    submitted by /u/antimetal86
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    Jungle Update!

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    Jungles haven't had too much love recently, besides adding pandas and bamboo, and being one of my favourite biomes, this would be a neat biome to update! Maybe at the next Minecon they'll have us vote for this biome and two others. But I have some great additions!

    Volcanoes: These will not cause a natural disaster (for obvious reasons)

    Coconut trees: These will be able to create a coconut smoothie which will regenerate around 4 hunger points

    Bananas: These will be used for eating (around 2 hunger points) and can be used to tame/trust a monkey (more on this mob in a second)

    Tribes: These will be neutral mobs, similar to Piglins but will wield a spear which has a further reach but will be a very slow weapon to keep it balanced

    Monkeys: these intelligent creatures will be able to swing from vine to vine, if a monkey sees you holding an item or wearing a helmet, it will steal that and wear it/hold it, it would be good to keep some bananas on you to make sure they won't steal your loot

    Temple overhaul: c'mon, these temples have been extremely outdated in recent years, actually include traps like a spike trap, which can come out from the ground with the use of a redstone input

    Jungle villages: a residential site for the tribes

    Jungle trees overhaul: More detailed and grander trees would look amazing in a jungle update

    There are so many ideas for a jungle update, and I hope Minecraft takes this biome into account and perhaps update them. Let's see jungle get some more love!

    submitted by /u/Wishuru
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    New nether biomes ideas

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    I was thinking a bit about the biome votes of the past and thought of an interesting idea. What if Mojang made a biome vote for new nether biomes. Compared to the overworld the nether has a sparse amount of biomes. I think adding at least one new nether biomes could be very cool!

    Each biome will have a good amount of interesting blocks, new mobs, new structures, and an atmosphere unlike other biomes. I would love to see which biome is your favorite!

    Withered Woods

    The wither and wither skeletons are a big part of Minecraft in general, which is why I was surprised when the nether update had not much to do with them.

    Some general info: - even though this biome is based around wither, no wither skeletons will spawn here - the spawn pool contains zombie piglins, zombie hoglins, and skeletons (and of course the occasional enderman) - this biome is covered in a black fog so it is hard to see - the ground consists of a noisy mix of blackstone and netherrack

    A new wood type: - wither wood spawns here as trees - this tree does not have leaves and has no saplings - the wood has all wood type variants - the wood has a grey hue

    A new mob: - corrupted ghasts are black small versions of ghasts - they move fast and shoot fast - however, they have to get closer to the player then a normal ghast as their detection distance is small - drops dark ghast tear - dark ghast tears can be brewed into a potion of unhealing - potion of unhealing puts you down to one heart slowly, however, it gives up to 5 absorption hearts at the same rate - getting hit during this process stops you from gaining absorption hearts - the absorption hearts from this effect do not stack

    A new structure: - wither skull statue - made of blackstone blocks - mining into it gives you loot such as gold, gold items, and rarely, wither skull or diamonds.

    Golden Gulches

    The nether is full of gold, however, there is no certain way to get it. Of course you could make a farm or scour the wastelands but that gets boring quick.

    General info: - this shiny biome has gold particles floating around - the mob pool is piglins(a lot!) - this biome has a higher chance of lavafalls - also high amount of nether gold ore

    New blocks: - golden sand generates in frequently huge clumps in the ground - can be crafted into golden sandstone varients - stepping on any golden sand or sandstone will trigger all piglins in the area to be angry - golden sand can be crafted with 8 gold nuggets and sand - can be used to make torches, campfires, and lanterns - The color of the fire is slightly yellower than normal fire, but has little sparks coming out of it

    A new mob: - gold golems spawn naturally here - hitting a gold golem angers piglins - gold golems look similar to iron golems, but have a pig face and is covered in warped vines - drops gold and a warped fungus - can be made with 4 gold blocks, and a warped wart block on the same way you would make an iron golem

    A new structure: - piglin camps contain a blue campfire and multiple tents - the camps are on top of a golden sandstone base - 3 piglin brutes spawn here - chests can be found in these camps that have some good golden loot, chains, other bastion stuff, and sometimes, even pigstep

    Magma Mounds

    This biome will sound similar to the basalt deltas but I swear it is different!

    General info: - lava lakes, large lava lakes everywhere - no basalt no blackstone, at ALL - magma blocks are very frequent here! - spawn pool: striders are here very often and maga cubes spawn infrequently, but when they do, they are huge - this biome has dark grey fog, with flame particles

    New blocks: - magma stone is a red stone with tiny little veins of lava flowing through them (block animation) - this can be crafted into many other stone varients, each still have block animations of flowing lava through it - this block does not hut you - can be used to make magma traps using redstone magma blocks and magma stone - when a redstone signal goes trough this block it set itself, and other flammable blocks in a 1 block radius on fire

    A new mob: - Flaming skeletons are skeletons that are slightly charred and have a flaming chest - getting hit with an arrow sets you on fire - they drop scorched bones Wich can be made to make scorched bone blocks or scorched bonemeal(better than normal bonemeal) - they also drop flame bows and illumination arrows sometimes

    A new structure: - nether ruins are small broken down buildings made of blackstone - sometimes has a piglin brute - has a chest with not so good loot - sometimes has a gold block

    submitted by /u/JonnyBoy522
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    Ghost Miners

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Do you ever think the Mineshafts have been barren and empty? And have wondered: "how were these created? Who made these?" Introducing: Ghost Miners. These mobs will wonder around mineshafts, sometimes you'll hear a block break but it's just your mind tricking you.. right? These mobs are passive and sometimes if you drop a piece of iron or a pick axe they will trade you something to help you while on your mining trip. I.E: Pickaxe, Food, Stone etc. These would make mineshafts a lot more creepy and would open up the Minecraft lore so much more on who made the mineshafts.

    submitted by /u/Wishuru
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    Make Campfires Act Like Slabs

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Currently, the Campfire block is the size of a slab, but stacks like a block. It would be amazing for building if they could stack, potentially merging creating a campfire with extended smoke pillars and/or faster cooking. It would also make great log or firewood rack decorations.

    submitted by /u/TerraGamer9384
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    Cyro Aspect

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    Cyro Aspect would be a new enchantment that would give the player the freeze effect given by powder snow when hit. This is much needed as the fire aspect is no longer useful in late-game PVP as your opponent will have Fire Protection on their armor or drink a potion rendering the enchantment useless. Also, this effect would still be in effect if the player is underwater, allowing for underwater combat to become a more plausible scenario. As of the current snapshot, there is no Freeze protection potion or enchantment armor making this enchantment more effective in PvP for late-game players. Along with the addition of this enchantment, Fire aspect would do no damage to nether mobs, and Cyro Aspect would be the nether equivalent of the fire aspect. Personally, I like the idea of a freeze enchantment that does damage and limits vision and this personally would be a really cool addition to the game. For balance reasons, Cyro Aspect will be a treasure enchantment that is only obtainable through villagers and loot chests, similar to mending.

    submitted by /u/Tboneawesome
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    Visual cracks on tools that are damaged

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Durability bar aside, a pickaxe that will break after mining one more block and a brand spanking new pickaxe should not quite look the same

    Digging cracks are overlain onto blocks that are breaking

    The same cracks texture could be overlain onto damaged tools, except on transparent pixels

    submitted by /u/Asadefa
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    outpost changes

    Posted: 04 May 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Pillager outposts could spawn vindicators in them, giving it more of a challenge. There could be a Ravenger stable where 1 ravenger would spawn, because pillagers shouldn't need to travel on foot all the time. There could be a gravel pit, and a chicken farm to show how they get arrows, and a chest with string, sticks, flint, feathers, and tripwire hooks. The iron golem cage could be moved under the outpost, and there could be trapped villagers there also that follow the player when released. There could also be a chest there with bread, apples, potatoes, saplings and emeralds. The main chest at the top of the outpost should have bread instead of wheat, more dark oak logs, a iron axe, more potatoes, more arrows, more iron, more bottles of enchanting, no string or tripwire hooks, and a chance to have the crossbow in the chest enchanted.

    submitted by /u/langliaa
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    Add the comments and functions to function packs

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT


    //this is a comment// funt(name)[say hello world //this is a comment// ]


    This would making less painful to code function packs because you wouldn't have to write the same bit of code over and over again and can add notes with out messing up stuff

    submitted by /u/Emotionalcluster
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    A new type of flower: clover.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 12:59 AM PDT

    I think clovers would be a nice addition to the game. They would spawn in plains, maybe in large groups. A clover could rarely be a four-leaf clover (maybe it could give you the luck effect if you are near it). As others flowers do, if you put it in the crafting table it should give you green dye.

    submitted by /u/Pufferfisho
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    Guide book

    Posted: 04 May 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Guide book

    Guide book is a special book that can contain some tutorials - for example, basic survival tutorial (obtaining more powerful tools & items), building nether portal, finding stronghold and so on.

    Guide book can help new players to get basic knowledge about the game without needing to read minecraft wiki.

    There will be 5 different ways to obtain guide book.

    1. Finding it in structures. You can find guide book in structures like mineshafts, villages, shipwreck, igloo and ocean ruins. Guide book in specific structures will have it's own tutorials. For example, in mineshafts you can find guide books on finding materials like diamonds, emeralds and some crafting recipes, in villages you can find guide books on trading with villages, some basic tutorials. In shipwreck you can find tutorials about other structures and how to find them and so on.
    2. Bonus chest. Many of new minecraft players usually start new world with bonus chest enabled. Guide books in bonus chests will have very basic tutorials - basic crafting recipes, materials and etc.
    3. Trading with librarian. Librarian will have 25% chance of having "Guide book" trade. This guide books can have any tutorials. Also, why this is the best method - you can buy multiple guide books and they all will have different tutorials.
    4. Crafting. This is special guide book called "Explorer's Diary". It can be crafted using Book and quill and Spyglass. This special guide book will automatically fill when you complete advancements or unlock new recipes - for example, Enchanting tutorial that can be unlocked when you find diamonds or enchanted book. This tutorial will contain information on crafting enchantment table, enchanting items and other mechanics. Or, another example - when you find ruined portal it unlocks tutorial about constructing nether portal.
      But, this will have it's own limits - you will be able to unlock only 5 tutorials, and they won't contain some required information - you will need to find it by yourself.
    5. New structure - Tent. This structure will have barrel, campfire and crafting table. Barrel will have basic loot - sticks, oak logs/planks with 75% chance; raw meat, wool or other mob drops with 50% chance; stone tools with 25% chance; coal/raw copper/raw iron with 10% chance. And, you can find guide book in the barrel with 75% chance. It will contain basic tutorials, depending on what loot generated before - so, for example, if barrel has stone tools inside, guide book will have tutorials about crafting tools, if barrel has raw ores guide book will have tutorial about materials like coal, copper and iron.

    Guide book texture & GUI example (sorry for bad GUI texture)

    Tent structure

    Barrel loot

    submitted by /u/ArtemusChannel
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    Mobs don’t spawn within 5 blocks of crying obsidian.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Currently crying obsidian is useless and I know how to fix this! With this we can have an expensive way to add darkness to our builds! This is a simple idea.

    submitted by /u/Cosmicgamer2009
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    Skulk Vines

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:50 PM PDT

    Skulk Vines

    As we get closer and closer to the Caves and Cliffs update, I had a few ideas for The Deep Dark, my most anticipated feature. As I heard it got delayed to winter alongside my new favourite mob being the Warden. I came up a few ideas for some underground plants. One being the skulk vines! It would only be able to detect vibrations from above or below depending where it's placed. These type of vines can be placed on a block or hanging from a block. You could also have it detect flying mobs: I.E Bats.

    submitted by /u/Wishuru
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    When tools brake, they turn into sticks.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Simple. When a tool brakes it turns into a stick, maybe also with the name of the original tool. Would make a lot of sense.

    submitted by /u/Ascyt
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