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    Minecraft The Bee Keeper's House

    Minecraft The Bee Keeper's House

    The Bee Keeper's House

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    The Bee Keeper's House


    The Bee Keeper's House is isolated from villages, only located in Flower Forests. It is built in two pieces, Bee Storage and the Bee Keeper's house. The house contains a bed and a chest that contains flowers, shears, and honey items. Bee Storage is a stone-wood structure that contains bees. The Bee Keeper's House generates as often as an ocean monument would, It shouldn't be too hard to find but not easy.

    The Bee Keepers House and Bee Storage with bees and the Bee Keeper villager.

    Structure: Bee Storage

    Bee Storage is located nearby the beekeeper's house, it does change direction and elevation but is 3-10 blocks close to the home. Bee hives can spawn up to 4, but do get progressively more rare the more beehives you have. Where bee hives do not spawn, will spawn a fence as a way to simulate the holding and support the other beehives.

    Bee Storage visual.

    Structure: Beekeeper's house

    The Beekeeper's house is similar to a normal village house but isolated and in the wilderness of the flower forest. A yellow bed will be located inside of the building, a slabbed ceiling, a torch, and a chest full of honey related goods.

    Beekeeper's house visual.

    Structure: Chest Loot



    Beekeeper Village

    Comparison of the Bee Keeper and the inspiration.

    The Beekeeper's design is based on middle age European designs found here: historyofbees.weebly.com/europe.html

    The Beekeeper being isolated allows it to be more in tune with caring for nature and keeping it beautiful. It's AI will encourage it to collect flowers and plant them in different areas. The Beekeeper will breed bees to produce more bees. If the Beekeeper is not isolated and around other villagers, it will have the same AI patterns and behaviours as other villagers but added onto its unique AI.

    Job site block: Beehive with 3 bees assigned to it.


    Insect Banner

    To give the Beekeeper even more of a speciality, It is the only source of a new banner pattern called "Insect". It resembles a honey bee and is only acquired by getting the Beekeeper to Master Level.


    Concluding Thoughts

    I believe this structure and its other features like the villager and banner should be added because it creates more depth for the flower forest and bees as well. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/AlkyneLive
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    Tinted Glass Bottles that hide the potion effect to troll your friends!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    When you craft a bottle out of tinted glass you get a tinted glass bottle. When you brew a potion with a tgb you get a potion called "tinted potion" which does not show the effect.

    Dare your friend to trink one, so they find out what you really think of them.

    Also a neat way to hide your potions, so the thief gets to drink a bunch of instand damage potions before finding out which ones are the real ones.

    submitted by /u/WhyWhyIdontKnow
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    Bones should be an uncommon byproduct of eating chicken

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Idk the first thing about programming so idk how this would work in terms of code, but i think the chances of chicken dropping bones should be about the same as fish dropping bones. This could also be another way to get bones in peaceful.

    It makes sense that fish drop bone upon being killed because the bones are usually removed before the fish is eaten irl. That's not the case with chicken since you can't accidentally eat the bones because of their size and they serve as a sort of handle.

    Sorry if this is word soup/sounds stupid this idea came to me at 2 in the morning. I know this wouldn't ADD anything to the game but i think it'd be neat to eat chicken and occasionally get bones from it

    submitted by /u/jojobut_fruity
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    There seems to be a lack of appreciation for the coding/development side of suggestions

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    There's no TL;DR for this. I can't think of any good way to compress my thoughts in a way that keeps my original intent. The first paragraph just details my background in software, so that's the only one I would be fine getting skimmed or skipped.

    First off, I want to say that I am not a software developer, much less one on the level of those at Mojang or any other major game studio. I am, however, pursuing a Computer Science degree with an emphasis in software engineering. I also have gained a decent understanding of topics through relatives who work in the field, one of which currently is working as a software developer at Pokémon Company International in Bellevue, WA. Now that I have hopefully provided l proof that I know at least a bit of what I'm talking about, let's dive in.

    I know that most of you don't know much when it comes to coding, and I don't blame you. It's one of the most frustrating fields of work that I've seen. You spend hours and hours on end writing, testing, compiling, and debugging and at the end of the week all you have to show for it is a window with a menu full of placeholder buttons. Granted, it's easier to develop something when the groundwork has been laid out and you've gotten to the point where anything you're coding is patching a small bug or adding a new feature. But it still is a long, arduous drag that whittles away at your patience and sanity. The people at Mojang have got to be some of the most devoted people on the planet, because despite the frustration of software development and the constant barrage of fans continually asking for more features or different mechanics, they keep on trucking.

    Now I know that no one here means to be one of those constantly dissatisfied fans and recognizes the amazing work they've been putting out over the past decade, but frequently I've seen a lack of appreciation for the mechanics that make this game function. So let me put it as bluntly as possible: Minecraft is not a simple game. Do not let the blocky appearance deceive you. I don't know how many of you have seen the game files where the Java source code lies, but there are lengthy novels worth of code in this game. And this is going deeper than NBT tags or block states, it's going to the raw instructions that govern what to calculate frame by frame. And all that code had to be written, line by line, and compiled, tested, and debugged countless times. There's a reason why some mechanics that may seem simple on paper take months or years to be released in an update; they aren't as simple to code as they seem.

    Case in point: improved land generation. On paper, it may just seem like altering the equations that control surface shape, but that is just the tip of a massive iceberg. I don't know what goes on at Mojang, but my best guess as to why the world generation update was delayed until 1.18 was due to the fact that it is easily the biggest change to the game since the official release of Java Edition. That kind of stuff doesn't happen in a month or two.

    This brings me to the topic of considering the coding aspect of a suggestion. Many times when I've seen the feasibility of a suggestion called into question, a common response goes something like: "Well X and Y mod do it so why can't Mojang" or "[Other mechanic] is similar in concept so they can just do the same thing but tweak it." While reusing code is common practice to try and simplify code, most often what people are suggesting would take significant edits if code was to be reused, and with those edits comes a long debugging and optimization process.

    Let's take vertical slabs, a familiar idea to all and often the subject of a lot of head-scratching as to why it's on the list of rejected ideas. While I may have my reservations on the legitimacy of the "creativity" argument, it still would be a bit of a nightmare to design and implement. First, they may start with designing block models and prototyping placing mechanics, most likely starting with trapdoor placement/orientation. Then they would have to make decisions on how water logging would work, and if you would be able to place wall-mounted blocks/items on the grid-aligned side. Mind you, while all of this is going on, they are constantly having to test it in-game and fix any problems that arise during development. Overall, though, it wouldn't take too long and before we know it, they'd be rolling it out in the newest snapshot. But then comes a hidden consequence of adding such an important mechanic: what about similar things? Now that we have vertical slabs, why not sideways stairs? And while we're on the subject of orientable non-full blocks, why not add a quarter or eight-block since it doesn't deviate too far from the idea of keeping things blocky.

    You see the problem? What started as acquiescing to fan requests for a long-wanted mechanic spiraled into suggesting an overhaul of the 1m3 block unit of the game. And don't pretend like that isn't where it would go, because it is exactly where the line of reasoning would go sooner or later once the floodgates opened with vertical slabs. Recently, I saw a post that reasoned if cakes could have candles placed on them, that torches, lanterns, candles, etc. should be placeable on bottom half slabs. While the comments mainly pointed out how the way candle cakes worked was fundamentally different than slab torches, the issue, for me, was that the line of reasoning jumped from cake to bottom slabs. This demonstrates—again, in my opinion—a troubling lack of effort to understand the core mechanics of how their suggestion works.

    Now I know that after reading this it may seem like I am opposed to the idea of fans suggesting ideas unless they're prepared to explain how it would be coded, which isn't my intent at all. I do think that even seemingly outlandish suggestions could spark ideas of things that push the boundaries of what was thought to be achievable, and that without those boundary-breaking ideas, Minecraft wouldn't be where it is today. However, I also think that as Minecraft has been in the gaming spotlight and is entering a renaissance of popularity and development—after the decline starting around the release of the 1.9 combat update—more and more people are coming up with ideas, and not giving enough time to appreciate the massive leaps the game has taken. I'm sure that the Caves and Cliffs update is without a doubt the most requested and biggest update Minecraft has had or ever will have ever, but it showed a side of the community that was thankless, ignorant, and selfish. A side that only cared about how they felt the game should look or work. A side that thankfully is very rarely seen. This brings me to a few suggestions of my own for all of you.

    First, take time to flesh out an idea. Nothing bad ever came of figuring out details, and more often than not makes the suggestion more appealing. Second, if your idea involves adding or changing a core element or mechanic—such as block placement/states or UI/command changes—take some time or give some thought to how Mojang would go about putting this into code form. You don't have to come up with a working demo or even pseudo code, just something as simple as pulling a similar concept in the game, like using trapdoor placement to inspire slab placement. Third, take pride in your idea. It's hard to come up with something novel with a game this vast and complex, and it takes guts to share it and take criticism.

    This post dragged on far longer than I thought it would, and I realize that it may look like I'm being hypercritical, but this is something that needs to be discussed. I hope that I can have time to answer some questions before I get too groggy and fall asleep.

    submitted by /u/Antruvius
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    Building a portal of a different shape should override crosslinking.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    The standard shape is the 4 by 5 obsidian frame.

    And normally, building two portals in proximity (~128 or less in the Nether, or ~1,024 or less in the Overworld) will force them both to connect to the same portal on the other side.

    But what if we could build a 5 by 5 portal, and make it generate a 5 by 5 portal on the other side even if it'd be close to a 4 by 5?

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Baby Squids can spawn with a Nautilus Shell around their head as armor.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 08:58 AM PDT

    As I remember, there are species of squids that actually wear shells around their body/head to protect themselves.

    I like to think that Baby Squids are sometimes gifted these small shells. But as they grow older, they eventually cannot fit any longer in the shell due to their size. However, natural spawning Nautilus-Shell Baby Squids do not grow any older. Resulting in an everlasting baby-squid.

    They're rare (like the red-panda), more tanky than baby-squids, and their predicted adult-form. And they have a 37.5% drop rate of the nautilus shell.

    Will they be any more use to Minecraft, no. Not at all. This idea is for content to explore. Another idea is that all aquatic baby animals have a chance to spawn with the nautilus shell.

    submitted by /u/Redioverz
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    The Totem of Undying should also give you water breathing and restore some hunger points

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    One thing I've always liked about the totem of undying is how it not only blocks a fatal blow, but also gives you a couple effects that might help you out of the situation you're in (regeneration, absorbtion, and fire resistance). However, it should also give you around 40 secs of water breathing, and if your hunger bar is empty, it should restore maybe 5 or 6 hunger points. When you think about it, the totem dosen't really prevent deaths from drowning or starvation, it just stalls it. I think this would fix that.

    submitted by /u/Swaagopotamus
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    Choose You Own Default Settings

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    You have a separate out of game menu, very similar to the one, when you start a new world, where you choose ur own default settings, then any world you make, has those settings automatically applied.

    Say you are really into redstone, and barely play in survival, you would want a new world to start in creative, not survival, it just speeds that up, you can still have a survival world, you just change it on the normal menu, it is just that you use creative more.

    Or maybe you are on Bedrock Edition, and want coordinates on in the top left by default, and dont need to change that, on every new world you make.

    Or maybe you always want a bonus chest, when you start, you can make it so that is automatically on.

    You can have as many or as few default settings changed, but it is really useful, if you want to start a lot of worlds with specific settings, or just dislike the default settings chosen by Mojang.

    submitted by /u/18HillOli
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    Add cactus to Savannas

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    This is a simple change. In the patches of sand in the savanna, cactus should be found growing there. The savanna is very hot and dry, and cacti grow there often

    submitted by /u/raspberrypieboi69
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    Redstone Pipes!

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:40 PM PDT

    Redstone pipes would basically act as "3D" redstone wires. They can be connected to each other in all 6 sides and can be waterlogged. They power the blocks that they directly touch similarly to redstone repeaters. The pipes will automatically attach to any adjacent solid blocks and pipes when placed. I imagine you should be able to detach them by right clicking the extension you want to retract. They can be detected by redstone comparators and will keep its shape when pushed/pulled with a piston.

    There is an illustration of what I think it should look like: https://imgur.com/a/PmCuYE8 The picture is drawn by me. The ingots look kind of like gold but they're supposed to be copper! I think the crafting recipe is pretty fair as you can get a ton of both elements using Fortune.

    I think they would also look really cool as decorative blocks.. The design is inspired by the Soggy Cave puzzles in Minecraft Dungeons.

    submitted by /u/_m00ncake
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    The Sorcerer

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    The Sorcerer

    The woodland mansion structure is not useful because you can get totems from raids. Which is why for my idea I would add a new illager with new drops just for the woodland mansion, no raids that drops some cool and unique stuff. The Sorcerer will spawn in a new room in the top floors of a woodland mansion, this room is large and empty except for pillars extending from floor to ceiling scattered around the room and the sorcerer. The sorcerer is hostile like other illagers and has the power of dark magic. It has two main magic spells to attack you and is different from an evoker. This aims to make woodland mansions more interesting and worth going too.

    The sorcerer can summon shadow balls which are a projectile which will track down the player and will only be destroyed when set on fire or touching a player, block, mob, fire, projectile. This means you will have to try to avoid the shadow balls but can block them by placing blocks or shooting them or by using fire or a flame/fire aspect enchantment. It will not shoot multiple so you only need to deal with one at a time. The second attack is opening a vortex. It will not aim the vortex directly at you but at a place somewhere behind you. Once the spell is cast a vortex opens at the location which will pull you in along with other entities so you can not attack it easily. The sorcerer itself is immune to the pull of the vortex. After a few seconds the vortex will close so you are not just stuck forever. If you manage to kill this strong illager it will drop several vortex orbs and an enchanting book which have a unique use.

    The sorcery enchantment can only be gained by killing the sorcerer and can be placed on armor. This enchantment will make you immune to the pull of vortexes and will allow you to use the vortex orbs. A vortex orb are useless unless you are wearing at least one armor piece enchanted with sorcery. If you have the enchantment you can throw a vortex orb and when it lands it will open an unstable vortex which works exactly like the ones that the sorcerer uses, they pull in entities and will close after a short amount of time, this could be useful for combat. You can enchant a vortex orb on an enchanting table to make a stable vortex which you can place down when wearing the sorcery enchantment (could cost a fair amount of lapis lazuli and experience). A stable vortex will work like a normal vortex except it will not disappear, this could be useful for farms, contraptions, traps, etc, and is also is more interesting than a magnet.

    Sorcerer Concept Art

    This would be an improvement to woodland mansions making them more useful and interesting which could encourage players to go there.

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    Soundogs, Guard Dogs of the Deep Dark

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Soundogs are a type of mob that would spawn in the deep dark. Their purpose is to be the guard dogs of the biome. It also takes heavy insparation from houndeyes found in Half-Life.


    HP: 10 Speed: About as quick as wolves probably Damage: Deals about 3 damage on easy mode


    Soundogs are aggressive. They will attempt to sneak behind you and start charging their attacks. After charging up they do a shockwave attack that'll probably damage a 3x3 or 5x5 area around it that also alarms nearby sculk sensors, soundogs and wardens. If hit, the soundog will run away.

    They are usually found sleeping if they aren't sneaking behind you. You can sneak around them to not wake them up.


    Here's a model mockup I made. Probably wouldn't look like this if it was official. It's 16 pixels tall, 16 pixels in depth and 10 pixels in width.


    It'd either drop nothing or something like those sculk carpets we've seen before.

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    If you have a sword in your hotbar that isn't currently in your hand, it should be visible on your back.

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    Could also work for shields too. Not sure if it would be purely cosmetic or if having a shield on your back would increase defense from behind.

    submitted by /u/TheTommohawkTom
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    Quick Sand

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    With 1.17 around the corner the new item/block, powder snow, is being added. This can be: collected in a bucket, naturally generated, placed on the ground or even in a cauldron! This block has a few properties: slows you down and even freezes the player and mobs, with one exception of course, the skeleton. Instead of Freezing as any normal mob would do the sketelon, after some time, is transformed into a stray. My idea is for a Powder-snow like item to be introduced: Quick Sand. Quick sand will generate in hot biomes such as: Deserts, Badlands and Savanahs. It will have the same properties as Powder snow but will dehydrate the player giving them Nausea and start to take damage. Whilst in Quick Sand, following realistic tradition, the player will sink, this can be avoided by using leather boots. In Quick sand all mobs will die with the exception of Zombies and Husks. Zombies will sink in Quick Sand but, over time, (as the Skeleton does in Powder snow) will emerge as a husk and be able to move freely in the Quick Sand. I will upload, and link in the comments, a dehydration heart design!

    submitted by /u/MeesaSaysHai
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    Option to prepare pufferfish for no side effects and slightly more hunger points

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 02:31 PM PDT

    This could even be extended to the other fish to provide a different option for food, but in essence my idea is that you could place the pufferfish into a crafting slot to create sashimi. Rather than giving the normal negative side effects outright, the prepared pufferfish could restore more hunger points and only have a small chance of causing the same side effects as eating the uncooked pufferfish.

    submitted by /u/DirtPalace
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    Toggleable Spore Blossom

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    The 1.17 update gets us the spore blossom but the radius that it creates spores is quite a lot. If the player could click it to control the amount that comes out of it. Maybe add a redstone signal and it stops at that level

    Making it clickable it could be animated as: as the player touches it and it closes up more?

    submitted by /u/chewison1
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    Save World Settings Feature

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    This feature will help if you always create a world with different settings like having a superflat world with concrete surface, using a specific seed for speedrunning practice, or creating a world with different game rule settings for testing and fun.

    This feature would let you create your very custom worlds again and again without having to configure the world settings all the time when you're about to create a world similar to your previous ones.

    The way this works is when you already have your world set up, there should be a button in the UI that says "Save Settings". If you press that button, your world settings would be saved.

    Your saved settings can be viewed in a list called "Saved World Settings". There should be a button next to the "Save Settings" button that says the same name as the list.

    The Saved World Settings menu should look similarly to the Select World screen with all the delete, rename, and apply button.

    To use a saved world setting, select the setting and then click the "Apply" button at the bottom of the UI or you can just double click that setting and it will take you immediately to the Create New World screen with all the saved settings applied ready to be created.

    The only way to preview a saved world setting is to open that saved world setting. If you don't want that saved world setting, there should be a cancel button somewhere in the UI. Pressing the cancel button will take you back to the Saved World Settings menu.

    You can't rename the saved world setting immediately upon saving. Renaming is done in the Saved World Settings menu similar to how you rename a world. You can also delete a saved world setting there.

    Any world setting can be saved by this feature. It's for players who create a world with different settings all the time. With this, players shouldn't have trouble configuring their settings again and again.

    I hope you like this idea!

    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    burns_[colour] block tag: add all colours of fire via a datapack

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT


    The addition of soul fire was great, not just for ambiance in the nether, but also for general decoration purposes and, ever since then, people have wanted more colours of fire (in fact, coloured fire has been a popular suggestion even before that), as seen by the "X should burn [colour]" suggestions.

    At the same time, Mojang has been working on moving hardcoded features into data files, the so called datapacks, so that many things can be easily edited both by the Devs and by the players.

    Given these two things, we can move on to the suggestion.

    The suggestion

    There would now be several new block tags, following the structure burns_[colour], one for each colour, for example burns_red or burns_black.

    The colour of the fire block would now depend on the block it's in.

    By default, all blocks would have the burns_orange tag, so nothing would change.

    This would not affect soul fire, as that's a separate block that generates on blocks with the soul_fire_base_blocks tag.


    Since it's possible to place a block in multiple of these tags, the colour of the for could be determined in one of two ways:

    1. (Not ideal and unintuitive) The first or last tag loaded determines the colour of the fire.


    1. (Best and most flexible option) Blocks with multiple of these tags make fire burning on them to cycle between all the colours that apply to that block. So, if you place a block in all these tags, you'll essentially have jeb_ fire :-)

    For organisation purposes, these tags could instead be grouped into a fire_colour folder, changing burns_green to fire_colour/green, for example.

    Tell me what you think of this idea. Is there something I overlooked?

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Tuff should only generate around lava lakes

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Since in real life tuff is a type of rock made from volcanic ash I think it would make sense if it only generated around lava in minecraft. It would give lava lakes a unique look and also give tuff a little bit of a functional use while exploring. If you find tuff while mining but don't see any lava you'll know that lava is nearby.

    submitted by /u/PM_me_no_clothes_pic
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    The Gamemode Switcher (F3+F4) Should work with Chat Disabled

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Remember the gamemode switcher? The little menu that pops up that allows you to easily switch between Creative, Survival, Adventure, and Spectator? Well, it doesn't work when chat is turned off. My guess is that it's an oversight; it runs a command, which players need chat on for, but as someone who regularly plays on an anarchy server and therefore keeps chat off, this would be a great timesaver when switching back to single-player worlds.

    submitted by /u/VG_Chat
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    Minecraft Launcher

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    I think that Java and Bedrock should have an in-app minecraft launcher. Or something like that. So, when creating a world, there would be an option to choose which version to have the world. (current update by default.) Then, when you join, the textures and world would be set to whichever you chose. Also, when friends join, they will have the same as you.

    submitted by /u/Affectionate_Food_56
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