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    Minecraft Cookies NEED to be more useful.

    Minecraft Cookies NEED to be more useful.

    Cookies NEED to be more useful.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    As it stands, Cookies are a pretty useless food. They require Cocoa Beans, which can only be found in Jungles, and they restore barely any hunger/saturation without having a clear benefit. That's why I suggest that Cookies be changed to actually be a practical and fun food source.

    • To balance out the new usefulness of the Cookie, the recipe has been changed to be more true to life. The recipe is shapeless and makes 10 Cookies.
    • Cookies are eaten much quicker than other foods. Eating a Cookie only takes 0.7 seconds instead of 1.61 seconds for most foods. This makes sense, as Cookies are small and easy to eat compared to whole vegetables, bowls of soup, cuts of meat, and whole fish.
    • Cookies restore 1 saturation upon consumption instead of their original 0.5 saturation. This isn't a major improvement, but it does make Cookies more practical of a food source.
    • Eating 5 Cookies in the span of 4 seconds will grant the Speed effect for 10 seconds. Eating more Cookies after that increases the duration by 1 to 3 seconds. No particle effects will be emanated from the player while they have this effect.
    • Cookies will give the Poison effect to Dogs, Wolves, Ocelots, and Cats if fed to them. This is a reference to the fact that chocolate is toxic to these animals. The only use for this is if you were being hunted by angry Wolves, but it is still a logical change that may educate children about the dangers of theobromine poisoning. Maybe.
    submitted by /u/DestinyReaver98
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    Crystal Caverns!

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Crystal Caverns!

    Hello! I came up with a cool new concept for a cave based off of an awesome photograph I saw one time:


    I saw that, and I wanted it in Minecraft! These caves, crystal caverns, would have several new blocks in them. Here's a photo of all the cool blocks you can find in the cave:

    From left to right: Calcite Crystals, Calcite Clusters, Calcite, Pointed Quartz Crystals, and Quartz Crystals. Note that if I knew how to program data packs and I didn't simply retexture the pointed dripstone for this, the pointed quartz crystals would also be translucent too. The crystal blocks here are actually retextured green stained glass!

    This cave is full of giant translucent quartz crystals, and is filled with clumps of calcite and various sizes of quartz and calcite crystals. It would only spawn below y=0 as the crystals form from igneous activity. Here is my imagining of how these caves would look:


    As you can see, these caves have wide open spaces with giant crystals coming out from the walls, floor, and ceiling.



    Here is a cross-section of the cave

    Perhaps some new mobs that like it in hot and damp conditions could spawn here? Or maybe there could be a use for the translucent quartz? It sure does look cool if you ask me, so maybe that alone is incentive enough to visit this place, aside from the fact that I think it looks awesome. What does reddit think? Is this a biome that should be in the game?

    Before people start asking for uses for everything, though - coral doesn't have a use. Pandas and bats don't have a use. Sometimes things are in the game just because they're cool or add atmosphere. I think this is cool.

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    Wearing a full set of leather armor should make you sneakier

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    Currently, mobs detect you at 16 blocks away when you're walking, around 12 when you're sneaking, and IIRC around 4 when you're using an invisibility potion. On top of this, in multiplayer, players cannot see your name tag through walls or more than 32 blocks away when you're sneaking. I propose that the stealth buffs that come through sneaking should also be applied to a full set of leather armor, and as for mob detection, it would have an additive effect with crouching and invisibility potions. This is to give leather a definitive niche - it would especially come in handy in competitive multiplayer games where it might be preferable to wear leather armor and sneak into an enemy base rather than wear diamond or netherite and fight your way in. Furthermore, it would be nice if leather muffled sounds produced from walking so as to lower the warden's detection radius.

    submitted by /u/OREOSTUFFER
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    "Reinforcing" Shulker Boxes with a Netherite Ingot prevents them from burning in lava.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    This would be incredibly useful for protecting valuable items. As an optional debuff, maybe the reinforcement reduces the space inside the shulker box (similar to reinforcing in real life). The reinforcement would happen using a smithing table, and it would use one shulker box and one netherite ingot.

    submitted by /u/NoobGaming6
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    Alternative to Efficiency enchant - Inertia

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: There is chance, someone came up with this idea earlier, there is none in FPS list.

    As many of you know, mining in 1.18 will be tough going under zero. Even with combination of Haste II and Efficiency V on netherite pick (even gold which is just a bit faster), instant mine is impossible and with my research, using the TNT is currently fastest way to deal with deepslate.

    Efficiency V is hard top limited enchant and does not allow going faster. I would keep it like it is, but I'd like to add an incompatible alternative: Inertia.

    Core mechanics:

    • Tool keeps basic speed for single block mined. Each successive block of compatible type mined stacks up inertia and mines faster, in the end possibly surpassing efficiency V (reason behind "compatible type": destroying grass, torches, etc might be abused for racking up speed).
    • I would imagine exponential curve of blocks needed for next "efficiency" tier achieved, starting with 1st block. To achieve speed similar to efficiency V, at least 31 blocks mined would be required (takes a while even with haste II to achieve instant mine on stone). After mining 127-255 blocks as hard cap, tool achieves speed equivalent to efficiency VII-VIII. Suggestions to further balance are welcome.
    • Inertia would decay over time, starting with 1-2s with top levels after interrupting mining, it exponentially longer for each level to decay, resulting in around 4 minutes (255s) to completely lose inertia.


    • I can imagine enchant glint change in color (gradient from purple to red?) depending on tier of inertia achieved, which would be visible in hotbar (game can change metadata on items in player inventory depending on time - growing Axolotl baby in bucket, so this part should be possible to implement already). Of course design is open to suggestions.


    • Possibility to obtain by bartering with villagers.
    • Chance for spawn in dungeon loot chests.
    • Treasure chest guarded by Warden?
    • Possible new type of dungeon in deep overworld.


    • Possibility to instant mine materials without setting up full beacon for Haste II.
    • Ability to mine tough materials faster (some up to instant-mine)


    • Initial speed is base as bare tool, which is not suitable for building, exploring, sudden escape attempt (mine walls in cave, carve hill to jump, etc.)
    • When interrupted (defending from monsters, storing mined material) speed decays and needs to build up again
    • Higher levels take longer to achieve (to the point of instant mine, after that it does not really matter)
    • High risk of losing inertia level when interrupted during mining (killing monster, traveling, stashing material)


    This is an in game option, new alternative. Nobody needs to adapt it, it has it's upsides and downsides. Same as me preferring to use axe with Smite V as alternative to sword. I bet there are way more similar "not preferred" options in game. Yes it is going to be go to when dealing with big underground projects, but I feel like game needs alternatives to deal with specific situations and this would be best for 1.18, possibly next patch, if it did not make it in time.

    Thanks for your time, I'd like to see your opinions and tweaks to my idea. I'll update the post if more ideas pop up.

    submitted by /u/PepperOMighty
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    Extend Coal Generation downwards in Lush Caves (1.18)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    I've been playing in survival with the new cave generation for a while now, and in short, it's incredible.

    it's an absolute joy to explore these massive caverns, but something I've noticed is that you need a lot more torches to light your way.

    The increased size of these caves means that you'll tend to run out of torches much more quickly than you used to, and with Coal now generating higher in the world, it's essentially impossible to restore your supply of torches while exploring a cave system.

    It's a pretty terrible feeling to get really invested in exploring a cavern, only to have to stop partway through and run back because you ran out of torches again

    While I really enjoy the more varied distribution of ores that's planned, it does create some issues when spelunking.

    My suggestion is to make Coal generate at the lower levels in Lush Cave Biomes

    This change would give players an opportunity to find coal while adventuring in caves again, allowing them to potentially resupply their torches so they don't constantly run out while exploring

    this isn't a guaranteed thing however, since you have to rely on encountering a specific Biome while underground, but I think it would still greatly improve the 1.18 spelunking experience.

    This change would also make sense from a scientific standpoint, given that Coal is formed from compressed and heated plant matter underground.

    Logically there would be a higher quantity of Coal found in these lush underground environments.

    Additionally, they could make Glowberry vines rarely drop sticks when broken, making it even easier to craft torches underground, but that might be pushing it too far.

    For all I know they could be planning something along these lines already, but I don't believe they've shared anything about it so I feel like it's fair to make the suggestion.

    submitted by /u/Galva_
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    Ocean Monuments NEED to block axolotl spawns. You can afk beat them now.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    I was messing around making a guardian farm, when suddenly my mining fatigue wore off. curious i broke into the top room where i could see the Elder Guardian tail clipping through just a minute earlier and all that was there was an axolotl. As i worked outside they spawned inside and killed all 3 elder guardians. I think the Ocean monument structure should block the new spawns like it does all other spawns.

    submitted by /u/Frosty_Potatos
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    When a village contains two villagers with the same trade, the one you don't trade with should lower their price for that trade

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    Let's say, you have two villagers: a librarian and a cartographer, both giving 1 emerald for 24 paper. If you only give paper to the librarian, the cartographer should lower how much they're asking for. This would add realism, since in real life if you're selling something and another person selling that same thing with the same price is getting more money, you would make it cheaper.

    submitted by /u/AlexStudio01
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    Wolves, parrots, cats, and axolotls shouldn't drop any XP when killed.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    When Iron Golems or Villagers are killed by the player, they never drop experience points. I'm assuming this is because villagers weren't added to the game so players could kill them, they were added so players could trade with them. The same could apply to pets. They aren't in the game for players to attack, they're in the game for players to tame, and gain these benefits as a result:

    Wolves and Axolotls: Assist you in battle.

    Cats: repel creepers and phantoms, which are two of the most annoying mobs in the game IMO.

    Parrots: warn you about nearby enemies by mimicking their sounds.

    submitted by /u/Swaagopotamus
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    You should be able to change the tone of grass and leaves not depending on biome

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Simply you should have the ability to change the colour of grass and leaves so they aren't dependant on the biome Perhaps with a command like /changebiometone or something idk I just thought this would be good for builders that build in super flat worlds or in a different biome than what they need

    submitted by /u/X_star007
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    Ability to make a Installation shortcut on the desktop for java edition

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    In the options for a Installation it would have a button that would add a desktop shortcut to launch that installation. Using it would skip the launcher and directly launch into the game. Also the shortcut would just use the icon for the profile in the launcher.

    submitted by /u/YourRoyalFlyness_
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    Cave Spiders spawning below Y level 0.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    I've had this idea for a while to make the game more challenging. If cave spiders spawn below Y level 0 people will have to have better gear to survive and get better yields of ores like diamonds. It will also give the food item honey much more of a use as this removes the poisoning effect.

    Opinions are very welcome.

    submitted by /u/Tdog4002
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    Elder Guardians shouldn't despawn on Peaceful difficulty

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    In my long term survival world, there are several ocean monuments that I've flown by while using my elytra, and the elder guardians have instantly despawned because I happened to be on peaceful. Elder Guardians should stay on peaceful difficulty, but just never attack or inflict mining fatigue on that difficulty. I think Mojang's made them despawn because they're worried that people would exploit this for the "The Deep End" achievement, so that should only count if you start and end the fight while not on peaceful.

    submitted by /u/Swaagopotamus
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    Oxidisation Copper Block in The Ender World

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    • So what if copper, instead of oxidizing, and weathering actually went from oxidised copper to weathered copper and so on, due to the strange and ominous weather. if copper gets weathered it becomes useless, as in real life but it can also be reverse in real life with vinegar and salt. unfortunately we do not have vinegar and salt in Minecraft so this would be impossible. And even with an axe it is faster and easier to change oxidation. But it's important to understand that the Copper Block has four stages of oxidation, including the original state. Over time, it acquires a new stage, which can be removed by an axe or a lightning strike.. But what if by placing oxidised copper blocks in the end you could effectively reverse copper oxidisation, making it useful again. this wouldn't be too overpowered as early game players would not be able to do this without going to the end. even for late game players it would take time for the oxidisation to be reversed.

    • But if you put Copper block into Endless Lily (new Rare flower in another post), then after a while it will become Distorted Copper block a little faster.

    • Distorted Copper block has purple color.

    • Distorted Copper block does not changes its color from purple to another

    • From Distorted Copper block you can craft in Distorted Copper Ingot (9 pieces)

    • You can make New Weapon out of these ingots

    More about The Ender World Update:

    Chorus Rain and Distortion effect

    Flower island

    Broken Land


    New Weapon

    The Ender Island

    The Floating Jellyfish

    Distorted Island

    Ender Wasp

    Ender Dragon island

    submitted by /u/SilvetMan229
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    im missing one weapon in minecraft…

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 10:01 PM PDT

    new weapon: spear - has same mechanic like trident but it can't fly in water like trident - has mending enchant like trident but Riptide, impaling and channeling, is not compatible with it instead of it has "force" "Igniting" and "aqua movement" and it can't be enchanted by loyalty (sorry for the formulation i'm not native english speaker ._.) - has 2 less damage then sword of same material - crafting recipe is: middle down, middle middle and middle top stick, top left and top right are wood planks/stone/gold/iron/diamond - can be upgraded from diamond to netherite spear - durability: Gold: 20, wood: 40, stone: 80, iron: 175, diamond: 786, netherite: 1028 new enchant: Igniting - compatible only with spear - incompatible with "aqua movement enchantment" - on level 1 when the spear is thrown, it ignites up and sets on fire whatever it hits if it isn't raining or the target is in water and on level 2 it works same but burns by soul fire new enchant: Aqua movement - compatible only with spear - incompatible with "Igniting" enchantment - just enables spear to fly in water new enchant: force - compatible only with spear - adds the spear's damage when is thrown by 0,5 per every level and by 2 no matter on level of that enchant - max level is 4

    submitted by /u/St3pa
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    accessibility setting: limit item collection

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    when enabled, you have to sneak or right click on a laying item to pick it up, (just like in RLcraft)
    it would easily get rid of those random items in your inventory that you don't really want to have
    ofc accessibility settings means it's absolutely optional, picking up items just happens automatically when disabled, just as if nothing happened

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    add jumping spiders

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    jumping spiders would be friendly, cute spiders that spawn in caves. they are smaller than regular spiders and are friendly, hurting one in night will make it bite you 1 time doing half a heart of damage, these can essentially be pets because they have good vision, being able to see mobs from 2x the distance of regular spiders, these can also help you find chests, if it sees a chest it will walk to it, it can still see it if it's behind something, it goes theres if it can go at least in a 3 block radius of the chest, these spiders would be friends with axolotls for the cute factor, and this will help spread the fact that spiders aren't evil!

    barry made me think of idea, it should probably scare silverfish and distract baby zombies possibly

    submitted by /u/TerrariaCreeper
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    Albino mobs

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    Rarely a mob should appear almost pure white.

    It would be a 1 in 1000000 chance.

    submitted by /u/melonlord6466
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    Idea for the upcoming Warden

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Suggestion: You can hear the Warden moans echo through a cave near the deep dark.

    submitted by /u/Few_Chipmunk_2590
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    Abandoned Mining Outposts, shafts, and drifts. As well as raw gold blocks in the nether.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    To me, I feel that raw gold blocks (and the other two raw metal blocks.) are a tad underappreciated from a generation standpoint, especially in gold's more plentiful dimension, the Nether.

    Blocks of raw gold should generate in veins which are surrounded in nether gold ore, and surrounding that is nether quartz ore (since native gold is formed by quartz veins). These "reefs" of gold and quartz would be from 6 - 20 blocks long in the core layer alone.

    Also, there should be Piglin outposts and derelict mines from long ago (you might even find extra Ancient Debris here!)
    Mineshafts would go down to Y=10 as a minimum, but may run up to the Nether roof through a successfully thick netherrack pillar. Shafts and drifts would be supported by warped/crimson plank timbers much like the overworld, and may breach the surface much like badlands/mesa mineshafts.

    submitted by /u/QuincyBoi
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    A wither skeleton killing a creeper should drop pig step.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    Title says it all,really.

    I got this idea from a dream I had.

    submitted by /u/nevryb0dy
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    note block +amethyst block = bell

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    basically placing a note block on an amethyst block will make a bell noise because when you walk on amethyst it sounds like a bell

    submitted by /u/I-am-reddit123
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