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    Minecraft İnform people about soundtracks in MCPE.

    Minecraft İnform people about soundtracks in MCPE.

    İnform people about soundtracks in MCPE.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    There are suprisingly a lot of people who don't know soundtracks exist in MCPE. Soundtracks are extremely important for minecraft and I think everyone should know that you can get soundtracks in marketplace for free.(Soundtracks doesn't come with MCPE because they use a lot of space). And sorry for my bad english, english isn't my native language.

    submitted by /u/IDeletedMyOldAcc1
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    Burnt-out torches for decoration (Normal torch still never burnt-out)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    If player right click torch while sneaking it convert to burn-out torch, player can use flint and steel or fireball to fire it again.

    Maybe this torches generate in zombie village

    submitted by /u/Crafterz_
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    Make the base stone for caves variable

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    They should make the blobs of diorite, granite, gravel, dirt, calcite, etc. significantly larger to the point it becomes the predominant block in a certain zone of a cave which would give them more character and be memorable.

    I personally think that the small "blobs" of random blocks look ugly and patchy and also make it hard to collect a big amount of them. This change would improve the variety and aesthetics of caves IMO

    Also would make it easier to traverse the caves as we could recognize areas that we've been to by what type of stone it is, as opposed to now, where it's so repetitive that you can get lost frequently. This would be of massive help to people with cognitive disabilities and elders that have trouble with orientation, or struggle to pay attention to their surroundings

    submitted by /u/sadpeei
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    Make coral work similarly to farmland.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:00 PM PDT

    Make coral work similarly to farmland.

    Currently, coral can be frustrating to build with outside of water as each individual block needs to be touching water in order to stay alive. I suggest that coral should work similar to farmland, where as long as there is a water source nearby it will stay hydrated. You could also make it so that if a coral block is touching water, it becomes a sort of "source" block, meaning that nearby coral blocks touching the source one will remain hydrated even if they don't have an adjacent water source. The same would apply to all types of corals such as the fans.



    submitted by /u/DisturbedWaffles2019
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    If a piglin shoots a creeper, it drops pigstep.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Title says it all, I don't want to overcomplicate anything

    (I am unaware of any duplicate posts of this; if this is a repost I will take it down)

    submitted by /u/alesterakens
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    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 07:20 AM PDT

    Villagers shall do more

    •fishers will actually fish by holding the rod in their hand facing the water, though the fish will not appear in item the villager can pass it on • armourer will use the hammer item from the anvil and look at its workstation • fletcher house will include a target block and Fletcher will occasionally shoot fake arrows at it

    submitted by /u/villager47
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    Copper should be used to make powered rails

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    I assume the reason gold is used in powered rails is because they are for conducting. However, gold is hard to get, and copper doesn't have much use. Which is why I believe copper can also be used to make powered rails.

    submitted by /u/alesterakens
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    Heads should be placeable in the ceiling.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    It would be very useful for mapmakers, because you wouldn't have to summon a floating invisible armor stand for it

    submitted by /u/Pedro270707
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    shullker box combinations

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    so basically instead of your normal dyed shulker boxes, you can colour the top shell, and the bottom shell different, so for example you could have a black & blue dyed shulker box (top shell is black, bottom shell is blue). using a cauldron you can remove the colour (and get an undyed shulker box back) or if you use education edition, bleach

    dye the box by placing the shulker box down, hold the dye of your choice, sneak and right click either the bottom shell or top shell to dye it.

    submitted by /u/The_llama123
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    Bubble Shot

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    This is an Enchantment that can be applied to Bows and Crossbows that allows arrows to be turned into bubble arrows and shot with ease through water sources

    submitted by /u/MeesaSaysHai
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    Nether lava lake biomes

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Obsidian spires - Has the occasional tall, thick obsidian and netherack "stalagmites" emerging from the lava. Contains lots of quartz. Home to the Lava toad

    Lava toad - Fireproof, large frog like creatures that swim through lava. They are hostile to both the player and striders. They mostly sit just below the lava with the warped fungus on their backs sticking above, to lure in their strider prey.

    Slag flow - Lots of small basalt plates float atop the lava, making manoeuvring through difficult. The larger basalt plates are home to slag lizards.

    Slag lizards - sit on the slag floes and fire poisonous projectiles at striders and players in lava who get too close. Are passive towards anything on land. Can be bred with a new "strider meat". Can be milked with a bucket for their venom, which can be converted into a green powder, which can be used as a substitute for redstone, which doesn't connect with it. Venom powder can be used in redstone component crafting recipes. Venom dust block poisons on contact.

    Sinkholes - large gaping sinkholes riddle the lava lake. Max size magma cubes live within.

    All biomes have a chance to contain lava ruins: a small blackstone structure similar to underwater ruins. The chests can rarely contain exclusive strider armour or the fungus staff, which works like a warped fungus on a stick, but does not lose durability, increases the strider's speed slightly and gives longer boost time

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    Tropical Island Biome

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    I would like to see a rare "tropical island" biome in the game.

    This biome would always generate as an isolated island (or as an archipelago of a couple). If another biome tries to generate touching a tropical island, it gets overwritten and replaced with ocean. The biome would be full of palm trees with coconuts (palms will be added anyway in the future desert update, won't they?) and surrounded by beaches with white/pink tropical sand. Flat lagoons with heaven-blue water would generate around those islands.

    I also have a few ideas for the biome's inhabitants.

    • monke(y)s tamable with coconut chunks • toucans • venomous spiders • snakes

    You could also find some ancient ruins on these islands. Aztec-like pyramids, or even moais made from the new 1.17 tuff?

    What do you think about my biome idea? Give your opinions!

    submitted by /u/MinecraftWarden06
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    Horses Should Be Able To Swim Better

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Recently I went on vacation with my family to a place called Chincoteague Island, off the coast of Virginia in the US. While there we got onto a boat to get a tour of the place and the guide informed us that the horses there could swim to (and from) the neighboring island, called Assateague Island. I got on YouTube and searched it up, and sure enough, they can swim. In game, they are ridiculously slow in water, with or without a player riding them. So I think it would be a good feature for them to be able to swim more efficiently.

    submitted by /u/Stormy7266
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    Suggestion for Central End Island revamp

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    The end pillars are just tall obsidian, well pillars. It would be cool if the pillars were more than just flat top obsidian obelisks. I'm not great at building, so the designs might be bad. https://i.imgur.com/ZfsvgkV.jpg

    I removed the top bars of the cage because speedrunners wouldn't be able to hit the crystals from below. (Andesite slabs since bedrock slabs arent a thing)

    I think the fountain should also get restyled since it is only a bedrock bowl on top of endstone

    submitted by /u/AbcWhatever2
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    Mobs using shields

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    I think that mobs should be able to use shields. The way they should use the shield should be like this: - If the player is able to reach the mob but the mob can't reach the player, the mob will hold his shield out - If the mob can reach the player, the mob will put his shield down and start attacking

    I think that only mobs that don't use a bow/crossbow should be able to use them since trying to use a shield in the offhand and bow in the main hand is not possible for the player so it should be the same with mobs.

    I'm not 100% sure which mobs should be able to spawn with a shield but I think husks and zombies should be able to spawn with a shield (low chance).

    submitted by /u/AgentX24
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    Redstone Lantern

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    I propose that a new block, the Redstone Lantern, could be added to minecraft. Crafted exactly as a normal Lantern, other than the torch being replaced by a redstone torch, it would emit a light level of 9 but otherwise have all the exact same functionality/mechanics of a normal redstone torch, except for being able to be placed on the bottom of a block, and being tangible. Not only would this come in handy for some select redstone contraptions, it would also be an extremely useful decorative item, both the lit and extinguished version. You might also add the functionality that it cant burn out like a redstone torch does to give it its own major purpose. The texture would be that of a regular lantern, except it would be red rather than orange/yellow.

    submitted by /u/breakfastmood
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    There NEEDS to be a patch for the exploit where you can cheat yourself back into survival mode in Hardcore after you've died

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    For those who don't know, if you die in Hardcore and are spectating the world, you can open the world to LAN and enable cheats, then set your gamemode back to survival. This basically puts you back in your world you just lost, and you're on full hearts and it's like you never died.

    To me, this TOTALLY takes away from Hardcore, knowing that this is possible. It takes ALL the stakes out as I could in theory cheat my world back.

    They should make it so that if you do open your world to LAN and enable cheats, then try to cheat back into Survival after you've died, a lightning bolt instantly comes out of the sky and you die instantly. The death screen, where it says Game Over!, instead says "Nice Try!" No matter how many times you do this, as soon as you go back into survival you instantly die.

    They could even add a humorous death message, such as "[Player] tried to resurrect themself" or "[Player] was caught cheating, naughty naughty!"

    Idk, I just think it's so shocking that you can exploit yourself so easily back into a Hardcore world you've lost. Remember when Hardcore actually meant permadeath??

    submitted by /u/FeelThePower999
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    Cats should sleep like how foxes do when Cat is playing

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if it naturally plays, but Dog could also work similarly with dogs I guess.

    submitted by /u/SharkHead38
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    Being in Creative mode should ignore certain block rules.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    To elaborate on that, I'm talking about certain things like not being able to place flowers on stone, not being able to place cactuses directly next to blocks, or not having the ability to place sand that doesn't fall upon being placed.

    To actually do these things that you normally wouldn't be able to do, they could use a button on the keyboard specifically for doing things like this.

    It would make quite a few things a lot easier for builders and unlock a number of possibilities that weren't possible before, or were only possible through commands.

    submitted by /u/BurgerBoss_101
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    Fungi pronounced funguy

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:33 PM PDT

    The nether has always had pigs and the end has always had endermen, and the mainland had villages.

    But mushroom islands felt different Different enough for a new mob? The fungis live on the mushroom island eating soup all day They are 1 1/2 blocks tall, look humanoid and are made of mushroom blocks of either variety

    Can wear armour but are most likely to wear leather Can barter lapis for simple things around the island like sand mushrooms dirt mycelium and mushroom blocks

    submitted by /u/villager47
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    Idea - Functionality for the Fletching Table

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    The block would have 4 slots, 1 for potions (splash or lingering), 1 for arrows, another one for Dragon's Breath and finally one more slot for the crafting result. The purpose of the block would be to create special and tipped arrows much easier. When you put in arrows, potions and dragons breath, the intensity/length of the arrow created will vary by whether how much dragons breath you put in, how many arrows are put in or what type of potion you use. For example, if you put in plenty of arrows, dragons breath and a lingering potion into the table, it will craft arrows with the maximum possible length whereas if you put in a few arrows with minimal dragons breath and a splash potion, it will create one with maximum intensity. This table would be very useful and it's different results will make it useful for any people using ranged weapons.

    submitted by /u/chrogleuser5million
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    Overworld Boss

    Posted: 05 Jun 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    So, currently there are two bosses in the game: The Ender Dragon and The Wither. Both of these represent a dimension, with the Ender Dragon in The End and The Wither representing The Nether. But, what about the overworld?

    Boss info

    Because it represents the overworld, it should be about the most iconic part of this dimension: mining. I'm not very creative, so its temporary name will be "The Cave Monster".


    This boss will resemble a super zombie (from those super-mob mods) but will be made of stone, be wearing moss and gold, and will have iron and diamond fists.


    It would be able to pick up blocks from its surroundings and throw them at the player. It can also use its fists to do incredible damage. After it reaches half health, gold covers it's arms and it has more protection.


    When this boss is defeated, it drops a random piece of armor from a new set called "Earth" armor. Each piece has a special ability

    Helmet- Any hostile mob in a radius becomes passive until you hit them (any mob that enters the radius after it is equipped remains hostile)

    Chestplate- Offers immunity from arrows

    Leggings: When below half health, you receive resistance 1 and speed 2

    Boots: When shifting, any block below you will teleport below your feet (does not work while falling or when you are above water or lava)

    Obtaining all armor pieces will grant the achievement "King of the World"


    Summoning this boss requires one of every overworld ore, a totem of undying, and one skeleton, creeper, and zombie head. Throwing these on a block of stone will summon the boss.

    submitted by /u/iArcticx
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