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    Minecraft Stop saying “modlike”, thats a suggestion for you, not for mojang.

    Minecraft Stop saying “modlike”, thats a suggestion for you, not for mojang.

    Stop saying “modlike”, thats a suggestion for you, not for mojang.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Giant axolotls follow player and attack to guardians, a helmet maded from turtle shells make you able to breathe in underwater, pillagers and raids... literally everyting is sound very modlike untill they get added to game, so I have a suggestion for you, just let people to speak their creativity and let mojang choose whether something sounds like a mod or not...

    submitted by /u/hilmiira
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    Fireflies, with a compromise on dynamic lighting.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Fireflies, with a compromise on dynamic lighting.

    (Note: I'm aware this is on the FPS list but I talked with moderators and I feel it's unique enough, especially with its take on pseudo-dynamic lighting.)

    Nights in Minecraft are nice, but can be uneventful and dark. I've come up with a new mob that would make nights prettier to look at and has a creative and a compromise to add dynamic lighting, without having to rewrite the lighting engine or cause lag.


    This little mob is a Firefly, I hope it's clear enough by its appearance. It's a passive mob, and flies around aimlessly, occasionally landing on blocks. Their glowy abdomen brightens and dims, flashing more quickly the more are around.

    Fireflies spawn mostly in large groups, which vary depending on the biome. They spawn almost exclusively at night, and will stop blinking and try to fly away and despawn during the day, specifically beginning to spawn at 12500-16000 and beginning to leave at 23030.

    The closer the moon is to a new moon, the more Fireflies will spawn in a group, as well as the chance a group has to spawn. The chance of a group increases by 50% after a rainstorm or thunderstorm, but none will spawn during one and Fireflies will attempt to leave if one starts. The amount of mobs in each group varies depending on the biome as well.

    Biome Spawn Conditions (nights aren't a set value and vary.)
    Plains Every 14 nights (average), 50% extra on waning and waxing crescent and new moon
    Sunflower Plains Every 8 nights (average), 50% extra on waning and waxing crescent and new moon
    Flower Forest Every night, but in smaller groups, which get larger as the new moon approaches.
    Swamp Hills Every 16 nights (average), in small groups and not on waning or waxing gibbous or full moon.
    Jungle Edge/Modified Jungle Edge Every 12 nights (average), 50% extra on waning and waxing crescent and new moon
    Jungle Every 15 nights (average)
    Dark Forest/Roofed Forest Every 10 nights on (average), in medium-sized groups, and individual ones can spawn scattered around every night. In this biome, Fireflies spawn earlier in the evening than other biomes and despawn later.

    Now, on to their special lighting feature. Normally, while flying around, Fireflies glow similarly to glow squids, not emitting light. However, when they land on blocks, they'll sometimes display a secondary effect, though not always. If there isn't a non-solid block like a pressure plate or grass where they're standing, they place an invisible tile there similar to the light block.

    The firefly then glows far brighter, only dimming slightly. The block acts similarly to the existing light block, and emits light around the mob! If possible, the block could dim and glow in tandem with the mob. The block disappears when the firefly takes off, or is killed.

    This would give the firefly an effect similar to dynamic lighting, to add charm and benefit to the mob and make it unique as well as adding something which many people want. It also wouldn't require rewriting the lighting in Minecraft, or causing lag on some computers.

    submitted by /u/Diamond_Helmet59
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    Waterlogged Barrier

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Good if you need to set boundaries in water

    submitted by /u/Embebeber
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    A feather should fall slower than other items

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    The feather has been known to be the item that falls slower than any other. In item form, it could fall at half the speed of regular items. Im sure this could be used in contraptions and such.

    submitted by /u/cardboard55
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    Buff the Polar Bear!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Polar bears as they are now are too feeble and easy to kill. For being based on the current largest land carnivore, it's quite underwhelming. Just before making this post, (In 1.17 pre-2) i spawned one in the plains biome. I punched it to death while wearing no armor in survival mode. What would keep happening is that i would hit it, then it would pause for a few seconds before charging at me again. So all i had to do was: hit > back up a couple blocks > wait > hit again - rinse and repeat.

    So what should be changed? The A.I obviously, but it could use some more health though too. Atleast 40hp, 30 is too low for what it's supposed to be. Needs to be more aggressive (atleast in combat) and not stop charging. Could use a tad bit more speed to go with it as well.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Threed0gg
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    A discussion of rejected suggestions: vertical slabs, and ideas already done by mods

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    Not sure if this breaks the subreddit's rules, but there's not a lot of platforms for me to discuss this, as any such discussions are immediately silenced and taken down in the official site. I hope it's okay to post this here.

    The reasons to not include stuff like vertical slabs are weak. It shouldn't inhibit natural creativity, if anything they expand on it by giving more options for building. Vertical slabs can be used to create support pillars, or to texture walls. Trapdoors could act as vertical slabs, but they're too detailed and thin.

    They also claim that they don't want to add ideas already done via mods. This will suffocate Minecraft's potential. If an idea is very popular in the community, why not add something similar to the base game? Mojang doesn't have to be 100% original, taking inspiration is fine. Also, mods tend to be incompatible with newer versions, poorly made/buggy, and Bedrock players don't have access to these mods.

    I feel like Mojang shouldn't be so stubborn with such things, else they lose to competition like Hytale, which seems to have everything Minecraft players wanted but couldn't get. People often joke about buying Hytale simply because they have vertical slabs.

    I hope that Minecraft can continue to be successful over the decades, but sometimes I wish that they'll let go of their old stubborn ideas.

    submitted by /u/LusterCrow
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    Visibility Potion

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    I put this on r/shittymcsuggestions and a couple people liked it. Name could be better though. Suggestions?

    I was thinking about a potion that could use glow ink sacks.

    So the potion would make the player more noticeable by hostile mobs. It could also make the player slightly glow and keep phantoms from attacking. (If the player glowed)

    Witches could also throw the potion at the player to get far off mobs aggro on them. Maybe a good pvp potion by making the affected player preferred to attacks by mobs

    I believe it could work on mobs too. If an Iron Golem couldn't see a Zombie because it was just out of its sight and the Zombie got the potion effect, it would make it more visible

    submitted by /u/AbcWhatever2
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    Flint & Steel on an Entity

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    I think that you should be able to burn an entity if you right click it with flint and steel. If you right click on an entity (that isn't immune to fire damage), it should burn for 2 sec (1/2 a heart per second). Holding down right click on the entity will just reset the timer of 2 seconds of burning time rather than adding 2 seconds to the timer. This means that the durability will be used quickly if you continuously try to burn the mob by just holding it down. Also, with non-living entities such as boats and minecarts, they should just break and turn into their item form. Also, right clicking on experience orbs, items, paintings and item frames shouldn't do anything (but the flint and steel will obviously be placed in the item frame if clicked on) . With creepers, they should keep their ability to explode when a flint and steel is used on them rather than burning them.

    submitted by /u/AgentX24
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    Make spiders fear flocks of bats

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    This is to add a functionality to this mob, apart of being a decoration and for super complex random redstone inputs

    The idea is that you can attract bats (maybe with fermented spider eyes or so) to make a flock (idk how is called a bat gang), which will make the spiders escape

    Maybe, for not being OP (but I think it can't be op since hoglings are afraid of a mushroom that you can find very easily) to form a flock you will need 3 or 5 bats at least

    This can be a pretty cool mechanic to the game based on natural predation, that will allow to do some good spider eyes and string farms

    What it's your thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/Unagi-ryder
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    Smelting enchanted tools will give more xp than non-enchanted ones

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Like removing enchantments with a grindstone yields some xp, smelting enchanted tools should too give more xp than unenchanted ones.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    Goat drop

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    Goat in 1.17 is (almost) useless because it not drop anything. I think goats should drop new type of meat( or mutton). And goat should drop wool and also can be sheared.

    submitted by /u/Crafterz_
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    Bat and Glow Lichen/Berry Interaction

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    Just to add a little more intrigue and atmosphere into these new caves, Bats should have a random chance of flying up to and brushing up against a Glow Lichen block.

    When this happens, Glow Lichen will emit a light level of 10 or 11 (instead of 7) for a short period of time. This wouldn't be as bright as regular torches.

    Additionally this interaction would also occur with Glow Berries, although Bats would instead reduce their light level to 7 (from 14) whilst temporarily hovering next to them for longer, almost as if they're taking a nibble.

    submitted by /u/OrderOfTheFly
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    "No, it's Superman"

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    Note: Didn't know whether it would be an achievement or advancement flair so correct me if I am wrong

    With the addition of 3 new advancements about looking through a spyglass I feel one is missing, the "no, it's superman" (or supersteve incase it is copyright) would be looking at a player wearing an elytra in the sky. This would be a cool easter egg.

    submitted by /u/Edwardian_3706
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    Hoplon, a round shield

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    A cheaper shield that only blocks 50% of attacks and 0% explosions, crafted by 1 leather surrounded by 8 wood. It will have half the durability. Otherwise it is normal shield, except round (or square in our case).

    submitted by /u/Useful-Army
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    more uses for smithing tableand blueprints

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    The smithing table could be used to upgrade boats, minecarts and potentially other items.

    Upgrades like these could require blueprint pages, found as loot (maybe as part of archaeological excavations in caves and cliffs update).

    Boats could become larger and made of a stronger material like iron to fit more people and have greater health, preventing these boats from sinking in bubble columns.

    Minecarts could have hanging lanterns as a form of moving light. Minecarts with lanterns could be found naturally in mineshafts but may have broken lanterns, and could be repaired by an anvil. I could see minecart with lanterns being a part of a mineshaft overhaul if it ever occurred.

    This could lead to some new challenge advancements such as 'We're gonna need a bigger boat' and 'In brightest cave, in blackest mine, no rails shall escape my sight' (just ideas)


    submitted by /u/KingKenan04
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    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    My Idea Is Caramel. You Can Make Caramel By Smelting Sugar In A Furnace. You Can Eat The Caramel By Itself Or, Place It At The Crafting Table With Another Food. A Food That Has Caramel In It Will Heal You More Then The Original Food That Has No Caramel.

    submitted by /u/TheRedditTheorist
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    Verticle Rails

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    You should be able to place rails on walls and on the underside of a block to create stuff like loopty loops and steeper inclines for rollercoasters.

    submitted by /u/The_Tuna_Bandit
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    Geyser Blocks!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    Firstly, What Are Geysers? Well, Geysers Are Indeed A Real Thing And It Is Nature's Giant Hole That Will Shoot Out A Bunch Of Hot Water In Anytime.

    Anyways With That Out Of The Way, My Idea Is They Should Add Geyser Blocks Into Minecraft. The Geyser Blocks Can Only Spawn In The Nether. If Someone Is Standing On Top Of A Geyser Block, It Will Shoots Out A Particle That Will Hurt You. And If You Are Using A Fire Resistance, It Will Not Hurt You Since The Particle That The Geyser Blocks Shoot Is Inspired By The Hot Water That The Real Life Geysers Shoot And We All Know Hot Water Is Just Like Fire But In A Liquid Form. Also, The Geyser Blocks Are Coloured Red And Has A Black Circle In A Middle To Camouflage With The Netherracks. And If You Break A Geyser Block, It Will Spill Water At That Area Like Ice Blocks And The Only Way To Get The Geyser Blocks Are To Break It With A Silk Touch Enchanted Tool.

    submitted by /u/TheRedditTheorist
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    Recipe book for brewing stands?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    the crafting table and furnace have them so why not brewing stands

    submitted by /u/arceusgoesxdinacar
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    decayable logs

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    just like leaves, they would decay, but those logs would just connect to the main tree trunk (which doesn't decay)
    decayable logs would decay like leaves when you cut down the central part of the tree, which is made out of non-decayable wood (let's say those would have a 12-block reach), however they would just drop regular logs which don't decay anymore after being placed
    it would be really useful for cutting down those big oak trees, because cutting them down is just annoying, i literally burn them just to not mess with those leaves that make the life harder

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Update specific music discs

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    I've been doing some research into modding recently and I was looking for some music disc mods, as I find the amount of music discs available really limited and boring. I then remembered that in 1.16 pigstep was added, which got me thinking about maybe having update themed music discs. Getting a new disc, maybe as part of caves and cliffs part 2 would be awesome. It could either be a mob related music disc like pigstep being named after piglins and found rather than dropped by creepers. This new music caves and cliffs music disc could be themed after the axolotl or maybe even the warden with having to be found in the deep dark. Music discs from previous updates would be awesome too, like a shanty-like music disc found in shipwrecks for update aquatic and maybe a choir of villagers for village and pillage, found in pillager outposts. If you have any other ideas for music discs I'd love to hear!

    submitted by /u/Prairie_King50
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    Suggestion : Take the power that goats have (To head butt enemies without retaliation) and put it into a suit of Goat armor. [

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 03:36 PM PDT


