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    Minecraft Fake render distances using LODs

    Minecraft Fake render distances using LODs

    Fake render distances using LODs

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    With new giant mountains coming up it might be a good idea for Mojang to try and implement LOD (Level of Detail)). It would turn down the details beyond the set render distance to a lower level, reducing rendering times and performance. (This post is mainly for Java, as Bedrock's performance is far better.)

    Click here for more information on how LOD works.

    This would not only tackle the performance issues that come with the new height settings, especially a custom world with 2048 height, but also make render distances like on Bedrock Edition possible. After all, if you can't even see the whole mountain, why even bother?

    As far as I can see the only difficulty for this would be the spyglass/OptiFine zoom, as zooming in on these 'fake' render distances reveals their low-poly estimated selves. This could be fixed by having zoomed-in area render the same as normal chunks.

    Of course this option can be disabled in the video settings for those whose PCs can't even handle 2 chunks properly.

    Thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

    submitted by /u/k44du2
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    The Deep Dungeon! A new dungeon structure for the new lowest parts of the upcoming 1.18 world!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    The Deep Dungeon! A new dungeon structure for the new lowest parts of the upcoming 1.18 world!


    As you explore the lowest depths of the world and to the ends of caves, you'll likely chance upon a rare challenge, the Deep Dungeon. While not the most creative name, it's to the point. This structure is made mostly of deepslate, steel (tougher iron building blocks), and some bricks from the clay in the lush caverns. The enemies there are stacked, with a mini boss that should make you think twice about rushing in for that loot.

    This structure is found below y=-32, deep into the deepslate layer, and as for rarity, well, it would never generate exposed to big caves, so you'd have to search through the smaller caves to find it, and you'd probably find one every few hundred blocks, but no less. It shouldn't be too rare and hard to find, but as a strong challenge and valuable reward, there shouldn't be a lot of these laying around everywhere for players to just wander into.

    Entering the Dungeon:

    Once you find the entrance of the dungeon, you'll be greeted by a large skeleton, the dungeon dweller, who will put up a hefty fight, before letting you in. You'll also soon find out that there's 2 nearby spawners, which spawn skeleton guards, or for simplicity, armored skeletons with swords and shields. There's two spawners in the dungeon, which are slower than normal spawners due to what they spawn, but they will also be randomized as to how hard they are to get to for breaking them. While you're fighting you'll see 2 chests, one on either end, as well as a single block of diamond in the center blocked off by deepslate and steel bars.

    (There's extra lighting to make the screenshots more visible, it would be darker in game)

    The entrance from a small cave

    The main room, a placeholder skeleton for the dungeon dweller, and a glimpse of the loot

    The skeleton guards that spawn (possible could wear steel armor, which perhaps for now could be unique to the dungeon to add a reason to maybe keep the spawners)

    Going further in, there's not a lot to explore in this simple design. I thought about adding more paths and rooms, but this felt just right without being too complex (maybe in the future I'll try to make an actual large dungeon). Each side room has the spawner in the entry way, and a chest at the back, dimly lit by candles.

    Special shout out to the folks on the MCS discord that helped make the textures used: Paperfish#5234 for the mossy deepslate variants, 21Fishbowls#8291 for the cracked bricks and keybounce#1171 for the mossy and missing brick textures!

    The right room & chest, with a fully caged spawner

    The main room in full view

    The left room with a fully open spawner

    The Loot:

    There's a few things to unpack, and before we get to the diamond block, there's good reason for it, and it's surrounded by steel and deepslate so it's not something you can just grab and go, especially with all the mobs inside.

    The chests would probably have pretty normal dungeon loot

    Rarity (approximately) Amount you'd get
    Steel ingot common/every other chest 5-12
    Coal common 3-7
    Gold uncommon/at least half 2-5
    Music disc uncommon 1
    Redstone dust uncommon 3-9
    Diamond rare/around 1/4 or less 2-3
    Golden Apple rare 1-2
    Steel blocks rare 2-3
    Enchanted apple very rare/occasional find 1

    The skeleton guards wouldn't drop anything more than bones and the gear they have, so either iron or steel equipment. The Dungeon dweller would drop a special item (more below) and a pile of bones and maybe one or two steel ingots.

    The diamond block... Why? Well, not only will it get your attention and make you want to venture into the dungeon, diamonds are also going to be used by the unique drop the Dungeon Dweller leaves you with!

    The diamond block, blocked in by \"steel\" bars and deepslate.

    Dungeon Dweller:

    The large mob would be much more buff than a wither skeleton, and possibly a bit taller, so around 1.5m wide and 3-3.5m tall, with armor built into it's design and a heavy and giant steel greatsword sword (doesn't drop).

    They attack in slow but strong sweeping attacks. There's two variants of their attack, and they all do a lot of KB as well. Be very careful!

    Down swing: The stronger of the two, it swipes the sword down, and if you sprint you should be able to dodge the smaller AOE, but if you get hit it will deal 15[Easy]/22[Normal]/30[Hard] damage. So on normal hard, without perpetration this can be a very devastating attack.

    Side swing: Not much weaker, but covers a large area. The dweller will swing it's sword in front of itself and deal 12[Easy]/18[Normal]/22[Hard] damage. With the other skeleton guards around, you best be watching out so you don't get stuck in a small space when this attack is used.

    Drops: Once you kill it, the dungeon dweller will drop a "World's Heart amulet" which has some uses further down.


    Used in the dungeon, steel is much harder to mine than iron, similar to how deepslate is to stone. All the iron bars in the screenshots are just placeholders, steel would be darker, and probably a different design. It's used to make the diamond block and spawners harder to quickly get to, meaning you'll have to further face the treats the dungeon has prepared for you.

    While I could probably do a whole post on adding steel, I think it actually works well for the post if at least for now you consider it an exclusive to the dungeon. A rarity you'd find in the loot chests and a treasure to build with, much like how mossy cobblestone once was! It would be interesting to see how people work with the limited supply and different building uses.

    If steel gear was however given to the skeleton guards, you could perhaps smelt down their gear like iron or gold, and salvage the steel, slowly getting more for building, it would still be rare, but technically renewable.

    Building blocks: I'd go for steel bars, blocks of steel, cut steel, and cage blocks. Perhaps blast proof steel doors as well for an interesting unique.

    World's Heart Amulet:

    This item could be given a diamond, and then it will glow when near a beacon. Once you have an active beacon with selected effects, you can right click with the Amulet to take those effects, and for 3-10 minutes, you'll have a portable beacon granting only you the effect, and the time will only tick down while in use (has to be in your off hand or main, or possibly if a "jewelry slot" if it gets added). Once expired the diamond will break and you'll have to spend another to reuse the amulet again.


    This dungeon is meant as a new challenging structure for the depths of the world. You'll find unique building blocks, gear, and even a diamond block as a reward. The mini boss and unique spawners will give you quite the fight, and the steel and deepslate around the block will make it much slower to steal the diamond, so you best come ready for a fight! The new unique item dropped from the mini boss will use diamonds to steal effects from a beacon for a temporary portable beacon with whatever effects you chose on the beacon!

    This was based on a prompt from the Minecraft Suggestions discord! Go check it out!

    submitted by /u/Planemaster3000
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    How to Make Good Advancements (and Achievements)

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Note: This post will mostly focus on advancements, but most of this advice applies just as much to achievements.



    What's the Point of Advancements?

    Making a Good Post

    The DON'Ts of Advancement Posts



    I'm gonna be perfectly honest here.

    A lot of the advancement posts here... aren't great. Random advancements, pointless advancements, unoriginal advancements, and unfun advancements are common here on the subreddit. It's gotten to the point where the flair itself is often a sign of poor quality and low effort (especially among folks on the MCS Discord), and that's something that needs to change sooner rather than later.

    I'm here to give some tips on how to make advancement posts. I think I have a good idea of what makes for a good advancement, so I think I can aid in improving the quality of advancement posts. Don't treat what I say here like a rulebook that must be followed, but do keep these in mind when trying to come up with advancements and achievements.

    And with that, here we go!

    Purpose before Puns - What's the Point of Advancements?

    Remember when I said that you shouldn't anything I say here like a holy text? In bold and all?

    This might be an exception.

    The most important thing about an advancement is the purpose it serves. Too often, I advancement suggestions that are just kinda... there, not serving any gameplay function whatsoever and requiring you to perform seemingly random sequences of events. Those aren't good advancements.

    If all your advancement does is facilitate a pun, it's probably a bad advancement. To avoid situations like this, come up with the description and purpose of your advancement first. Once you've done that, then it's time for a fun name.

    With that in mind, let's go through the different purposes advancements can fulfill in gameplay. A good advancement will almost certainly do at least one of these things. Thinking about them in terms of these roles can help a lot in the evaluation process.

    Guiding the Player

    Advancements can be a great way to guide the player through progression. Their tree-like nature helps provide the player with sequences of events that need to be completed. A lot of early-game advancements (especially in the Minecraft category) fall under this.

    Sequencing is important for advancements like these. If you want to go this route, you need to consider the advancement that comes before it. For example, the fact that Into Fire is placed after A Terrible Fortress tells you that blaze rods are found in Nether fortresses. Likewise, Enchanter's placement after Diamonds! tells you that obtaining diamonds are a precursor to enchanting.

    Examples include Stone Age, Acquire Hardware, Suit Up, We Need to Go Deeper, A Terrible Fortress, Take Aim, Eye Spy, and The City at the End of the Game. There are tons more, but I'm not going to list all of them.

    Teaching the Player

    Advancements can help teach the player mechanics they wouldn't have figured out otherwise. Walking on powder snow, reflecting ghast fireballs, and collecting dragon's breath are all mechanics that would be hard for the player to figure out without looking at the wiki. Advancements can provide an alternate way of showing the player these cool things. You'll find these advancements pretty widespread throughout the different categories.

    While this is a valid way to use advancements, don't use advancements as an excuse to make your ideas unintuitive. You should always try to make your suggestions easy to infer from normal gameplay and not force players to rely on the wiki. However, advancements can work if this isn't possible or even in conjunction with it.

    Examples include Return to Sender, Subspace Bubble, Oh Shiny, Bee Our Guest, and Wax On.

    Challenging the Player

    Advancements can challenge the player to perform a demonstration of skill or play in a different way. Most challenge advancements do this. They act as a mark of skill, knowledge, exploration, progression, and/or time investment. These can be a bit more outlandish; there are extreme cases like Arbalistic and How Did We Get Here?, but these should usually be avoided.

    It's important to make sure you're actually challenging the average player. Doing the same thing for a long time and praying to RNGsus aren't examples of challenge. First and foremost, these advancements should be fun to do should the player choose to attempt them.

    Examples include Cover Me in Debris, Beaconator, A Furious Cocktail, How Did We Get Here?, Two by Two, and Serious Dedication.

    Time to Write - Making a Good Post

    If you decide to go ahead and make an advancement/achievement post, there are a few things you should include.

    Of course, you should include the name in the title of the post and the description in the body. That's basic stuff.

    But you can go a little further. Reasoning why your idea is good will boost the quality of your post. This applies to any suggestion, and it especially applies to posts about advancements and achievements. Explain the purpose it serves and why you want it added.

    If your post is for an advancement, you can indicate where it is on the tree stating its parent advancement, the advancement that comes before it. This bit of context can be important for advancements, so it's good to include it.

    Including the item used for the icon can also help. Ideally, you should be clear in the description, but many Vanilla advancements use their icons to hint at how to complete the advancement (e.g., Tactical Fishing, Zombie Doctor).

    What to Avoid - The DON'Ts of Advancement Posts

    Now that we've gone over what you should do, let's go over what you shouldn't do. As a reminder, this is just my advice. You aren't obliged to follow it exactly. However, do keep it in mind, and try to avoid what I'm about to list if possible.

    Don't make "do X N amount of times" advancements. Doing the same thing over and over again really isn't fun. There's never really a reason where just doing something once won't suffice. Also, it's on the Miscellaneous Removal Reasons list, so I can remove your post for it.

    Don't make "do all X" advancements. This is a bit of a tricky one. There are a lot of these in Vanilla Minecraft—Monsters Hunted, Adventuring Time, and Two by Two to name a few. However, it's not that all of these advancements are bad. They just tend to be unoriginal and low effort (though they don't have to be). Doing all of something, while it works, usually isn't all that interesting. If you do decide to do this, keep the scope reasonable, and make sure the activity is interesting. Collecting every block is stupid. Don't do that.

    Don't make advancements for things the player shouldn't be doing. Breaking tools, dying, almost dying, getting right up next to the warden and dancing, etc., shouldn't be rewarded. Advancements shouldn't misguide the player.

    Don't make redundant and overly specific advancements. You don't need an advancement for everything; just an advancement for that general action will do. For example, a single advancement for bone mealing a plant is better than five advancements for bone mealing different things. Or, to use an example where Vanilla falls short, one advancement for viewing mobs with a spyglass is better than three advancements for three specific ones. Remember, advancements shouldn't just exist for puns.

    Don't make advancements that are random and out of place. This mainly has to be kept in mind when making challenge-based advancements. What you're asking the player to do should be somewhat practical, such as an archery test or the use of a cool mechanic. This is usually a result of making an advancement solely for the pun, which is a reason why doing so should be avoided.

    Don't make overly extreme advancements. How Did We Get Here? is an oddity. You should not be aiming for that. Not that it's a bad advancement, but insane stuff like that is usually a sign of low effort and poor understanding of game balance. They can pop up in the game but not to the extent that you should be suggesting them.


    Now, after reading this, there's a question that some of you may have.

    "There are advancements in Vanilla that don't follow this advice. Doesn't that make said advice wrong?"

    I'm aware that there are many advancements that break many of the advice I've given here. However, some of these aren't good advancements (e.g., Surge Protector, Whatever Floats Your Goat). Remember, something being in the game doesn't automatically make that something good.

    And, again, this advice doesn't need be followed exactly. Most of what I say here is very strong recommendation, not assertion of fact. Overall, I think following it will help you greatly improve your advancement posts.

    If you've decided to read this, thanks! I hope your ventures with r/minecraftsuggestions continue. Consider joining the MCS Discord to get some help with brainstorming.

    Leave your thoughts in the comments! Do you agree or disagree with this advice? Is there anything you would add or remove? I'd love to know!

    For now, I hope I've helped to make your posts a little bit better. Have fun suggesting!

    submitted by /u/ThatOneKirbyMain2568
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    Make Auto Jump default disabled

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    This is a very annoying thing in the game, which is that almost every time to play in an older version and then change back to a newer one the controls reset and almost always we forget to change it, also almost nobody uses it.

    submitted by /u/Guillesahu07
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    You Have A Higher Chance To Be Struck By Lightning In A Plains Biome

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    Lightning Will Go Towards The Tallest Thing, And In Most Plains, That Is You

    submitted by /u/Louie_newsom
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    Hanging Cocoa Beans

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Hanging Cocoa Beans

    We should be able to place and grow cocoa beans from beneath a jungle log that is facing sideways.

    This also allows for more building ideas like hanging un-lit lanterns!

    The look of the hanging cocoa should look different from the ones that are hanging on the side of a jungle log.


    submitted by /u/RedAdventurer11
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    Abandoned Cave Outposts

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Abandoned Cave Outposts

    The Abandoned Outpost

    The Abandoned Outpost is a structure that generates relatively commonly within large caverns. These structures would exist to help with longer expeditions, as currently exploration within caves seems short as the player tends to run out of resources quickly, whether that be wood, torches, food, or anything else necessary for cave exploration. These outposts would have pretty standard loot compared to other structures, but this is due to their main purpose to serve as a resource refill for the player.

    Each cave biome, except for the Deep Dark, would have a specific kind of outpost, each having different loot depending on the biome. The Dripstone and Default caves, however, would have essentially the same loot.

    To start off, I will be showing the Lush Caves variant and its Loot Tables first.

    Lush Caves Abandoned Outpost

    Lush Caves Abandoned Outpost



    Item Rolls Quantity
    Beetroot 3-4 1-4
    Beetroot Seeds 3-4 1-3
    Coal 4-5 1-3
    Lantern 2-3 1-2
    Potato 3-6 2-4
    Poisonous Potato 2 1
    Seeds 2 4-5

    The Lush Cave Variant is essentially used as a restock station for food and materials. While it provides small amounts, they can easily be regrown manually for a more substantial amount of food. The wood, coal, and lanterns are also helpful for extending exploration time with more light sources.

    Dripstone Abandoned Outpost

    The Dripstone Abandoned Outpost is more used for bonus material rather than restocking on food, however it still provides some sort of food source in the form of mushrooms as well as providing coal for more torches.




    Item Rolls Quantity
    Brown Mushroom 4-5 1-3
    Coal 3-4 1-4
    Copper Ingot 2 1-2
    Diamond 1, Weight of 2 1
    Enchanted Book (Random Enchants) 1, Weight of 2 1
    Gold Ingot 1-2 1-2
    Iron Ingot 1-2 1-2
    Iron Pickaxe 1 1
    Music Disc 1 1
    Red Mushroom 4-5 1-3
    Raw Copper 2-3 2-3
    Raw Iron 2-3 1-3
    Raw Gold 1-2 1-2

    The Dripstone Abandoned Outpost is there to provide the player with bonus materials as well as help them restock on coal, like the other outposts. The amount of food is far less than it would be in a Lush Cave, however there is still a decent amount of Mushrooms to allow the player to make Mushroom Stew.

    Default Abandoned Outpost

    The Default Abandoned Outpost has none of the cosmetic differences the other Outposts have, namely moss or vines or Dripstone. The Outpost also has the same loot as the Dripstone Outpost, keeping it as the basic Abandoned Outpost



    The Abandoned Outpost would be an important addition to the caves as it helps to prolong cave expeditions by providing Wood, Coal, Food, and other important resources. They would only be a benefit to the game and would possibly add excitement at the possibility of gaining good loot in the form of Enchanted Books.

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Axolotls need to be fed the item tropical fish not the bucket!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Axolotls don't even need to be fed live fish in real life and they eat earthworms instead. Having to fly away to a lukewarm ocean is just painful.

    submitted by /u/chickennuggetsfish
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    Make new villager professions to match with 1.17 Part II

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:58 PM PDT

    These new villagers professions would be things like a geologist and a miner. These would go perfectly for the new update, the miner could sell ores and buy stone. While the geologist could buy quartz and sell telescopes and stone. Don't you think these would match perfectly with the new update?

    submitted by /u/codominus
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    Smelt the drops of animals when they die from a campfire

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    It's just something that does not make sense

    submitted by /u/doofbanana
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    Half Banner

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    Banners are amazing but sometimes they are too big! Adding a banner in a crafting table will give you two half banners, with these half banners they can be customized like a regular banner but in a smaller area, this would be good if someone wanted to add detail to a build but not add huge banners. (Eg small red signs you find on road sides which indicate a one way road)

    submitted by /u/YT-Squish125
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    When placed on top of Amethyst Blocks, Note Blocks should play the amethyst twinkle noise

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    Currently, at least on bedrock where I play, it makes the same noise as when on sandstone. Why shouldn't we be able to harness this new, very nice sound?

    submitted by /u/IWishIWasSuperKai64
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    New advancement tab - The overworld

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    This would be much more focused on the overworld's biomes, structures and underground (rather than interacting with items, or farming), with similar to the nether tab.

    Husbandry and Adventure are cluttered as is, and the game currently has no designated space for anything related to all the upcoming underground features, or the ocean features increased in 1.13.

    There are no advancements related to many overworld biomes, save for adventuring time

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    golden tools as heavy hitters

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    gold is heavy, i think it would make sense if it attacked very slowly, but dealt a lot of damage, still not enough to 1-shot an un-armored player with sharp 5 axe + crit, but with strength this is fine

    maybe even make tools stronger than netherite (mining with golden tools is already faster), but attack maybe even 2x slower (so using it would be very hard)

    the durability is already very low unlike golden armor, which at least has some use and is stronger than leather

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Protection Altar

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    This new block would allow you to protect builds and other things you want to keep safe.

    It would function almost like a Tool Cupboard from Rust. If you enter the radius and aren't authorized, depending on the level it is, different things will happen. It will have a system where you place a certain object into it and depending on the object it will be a different level.

    Iron Ingot: Level 1 Gold Ingot: Level 2 Diamond: Level 3 Netherite Ingot: Level 4

    The resource put in would be consumed daily and requires a new one to be put in its place for the effect to continue.

    Level 1 would make all blocks within a 20 block radius of the altar take 100% longer to break.

    Level 2 would make all blocks within a 40 block radius of the altar take 100% longer to break.

    Level 3 would stop block placement and make all blocks within a 60 block radius of the altar take 100% longer to break.

    Level 4 would would stop block placement and make all blocks within a 100 block radius of the altar take 200% longer to break.

    The crafting recipe would be 3 obsidian in the top row, the middle row would be 2 iron blocks with an iron pickaxe in the center and the bottom row is any type of log.

    To remove the effects of it, a player (that isn't the owner of the block) simply has to right click the block to authorize themselves.

    submitted by /u/shibashroom
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    bane of arthropods buff

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    also known as one of the most useless enchants in the game. this enchant has an interesting feature: it gives slowness to spiders, silverfishes and endermites, however that effect is completely useless since you can already one-shot those mobs, that's a lot of wasted potential, ngl

    i have 3 ideas that could this enchant do:

    • add the lifestealing ability: you get 20% of mob max hp (eventually regenerate your food level) on kill, not on hit since it would be broken in pvp
    • give a small chance to give ANY target slowness or poison for a few seconds (+0.5s duration and +5% chance per level), odd levels would increase the power of slowness and even levels would increase the power of poison, so with level 5 you can give slowness 3 and poison 2
    • since it's supposed to kill spiders, swords also could be able to mine cobwebs faster
    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Shimmering beetles. A new source of loot in Mineshafts.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    Looks and stats:

    It would be between the silverfish and cave spider in side, with a shiny shell that is tinted in the colour of any ore. You could find beetles tinted to every different ore colour!

    Shimmering Beetles would have 12HP and some armor points, and would usually move slow, but could dash away when threatened. It would be passive to the player, and maybe scared of skulk if it senses any of it nearby.


    So, the shimmering beetle would have 2 possible forms of reward.

    If you kill it, the shell bits could be smelted into one of the ore of the colour it's tinted in, or some form of turning the shell drops into ore.

    The other reward is part of it's behaviour. Whatever ore the shell is tinted too will attract it, and it can sense nearby ores and will try to dig to them, or will nest and get cozy if it finds an exposed one. You could then leash it and take it around the mineshaft or a nearby cave and hunt down ores. The range of the beetles would be more limited towards blocks that aren't exposed, so buried ones could be around 3 blocks detection, and exposed could be 10 or so.

    They would have different rarities:

    Copper & Lapis Common ~30% chance each
    Iron & Emerald Uncommon ~10% each
    Gold & Redstone Rare ~4.5% each
    Coal & Diamond Very rare ~0.5% each
    Quartz (albino) ~0.01% (more of an easter egg)

    This was based on a prompt from the Minecraft Suggestions discord! Hop over there and join the cool ideas club! You can often find me there working on ideas!

    submitted by /u/Planemaster3000
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    Mountain miner advancement for 1.18

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Mountain miner: Mine emerald ore high up (above y=80) in a mountain biome

    Icon: emerald

    Parent: Isn't it iron pick?

    Serves to teach players about the abundant ore in mountains and give them a reason to go up there

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    Rooted farmland

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    It would work like this: when a crop has overgrown the farmland under it in Rooted farmland;

    She even without having planted anything would grow the previously planted crop;

    this would save the villagers from enslavement😊

    submitted by /u/BrunoGoldbergFerro
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    Oxidized Lightning Rods

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Title says all, but with all 4 stages and waxed variants. It would be nice for detailing and it looks strange when you build with copper and it doesn't oxidize.

    submitted by /u/TheOPWarrior208
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    Shadow potion and shadow lichen

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Shadow lichen grows on the deep slate walls of the deep dark. It has the skulk and warden kind of color pallets and lowers the light level of blocks around it. It's also pretty rare. You can harvest it and brew it into a shadow potion. The shadow potion is basicly the polar opposite of turtle master potion. It gives you invisibility, night vision, and insane speed, but poison that almost instantly knocks you down to half a heart. You can use it for a quick getaway, or for offensive pourposes to get sombody to half a heart instantly, or for traveling. Back to the lichen, you can plant and grow it but it's difficult. First, it grows rather slowly, it also can only grow in the deep dark, it also grows faster the lower the light level and since the lower the light level of nearby blocks, planting them in clusters is better.

    submitted by /u/Certified_Retard735
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    Bucket of slime & magma cube

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    To contain a slime in a bucket you need to have a normal bucket in hand and use it on a baby slime.

    Same with a magma cube, but instead with a lava bucket.

    submitted by /u/nevryb0dy
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    Disable hunt cooldown on blue axolotls in 1.18

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    In 1.18 blue axolotls will no longer be able to spawn naturally, only available by breeding.

    Thus I suggest they also get their hunt cooldown removed, essentially allowing them to be used as guardian farmers.

    submitted by /u/SkySummoner
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    A new mending system focusing on the anvil repair mechanics

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    This might not be the most popular idea, but I thought I'd share it and see what others think.

    I think that rather than mending repairing tools directly when XP is collected, it would be a bit more similar to how you'd repair stuff when you didn't have mending - repair it using the material of the tool, or with another tool. I've thought of a couple different ways that this could be done, each with an option to be used with multiple levels of Mending (I, II, III). When I say tools, I will usually be talking about tools/weapons/armour etc.

    1. Removed "too expensive"

    Mending would remove the "too expensive" limit, allowing for infinite repairs. The cost would cap at 40 levels. Adding enchantments would still be able to show "too expensive", but just repairing wouldn't.

    I don't think there'd be a good way to add multiple tiers to this alone.

    2. Decreased cost

    With this option, mending would reduce the total cost to repair in an anvil by 25%, as well as the features from option 1. The repair price would get capped at 30 levels.

    With different tiers:

    Mending I - Reduced cost by 10%

    Mending II - Reduced cost by 20%

    Mending III - Reduced cost by 25%

    3. Increased repair amount

    By default, repairing with an anvil repairs 25% using materials, or the combined amount when using two of the same tool. With mending, a 15% increase will be applied to both, with 40% using materials and durability + 15% when using extra tools, as well as the features from option 1.

    With different tiers:

    Mending I - 30% repair with materials and a 5% bonus with tools.

    Mending II - 35% repair with materials and a 10% bonus with tools.

    Mending III - 40% repair with materials and a 15% bonus with tools.

    4. Less prior work penalty costs

    With mending, this price increase after a repair would increase by 50% less each time. ex: The first repair could cost 5, then the next repair might normally cost 9 (increase of 4) but actually cost 8 (increase of 3). It would also have the features from option 1.

    With different tiers:

    Mending I - Cost to repair increases by 20% less than normal after repair

    Mending II - Cost to repair increases by 35% less than normal after repair.

    Mending III - Cost to repair increases by 50% less than normal after repair.

    If something like this were to happen, it would be a big change - so that's why I've provided many ways to how it could work. Additionally, these could be combined together, as just one of these probably wouldn't be liked by most of the community. I already specifically bundled option 1 with all the others, as the main reason for mending (I think) is to be able to repair your tools infinitely.

    I feel that the main repair system is underused by most players with mending, and just how mending works in general is a little boring.

    If you have any other ideas for how mending could work in a similar way to this, or want to share what you think the best combination of these options would be, let me know. If you've got questions about anything I said leave a reply and I'll try to clarify.

    submitted by /u/Shadow_Walker137
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