• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers CardboardSMP [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {whitelist} {Roleplay}

    Minecraft Servers CardboardSMP [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {whitelist} {Roleplay}

    CardboardSMP [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {whitelist} {Roleplay}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    Hello! My name is Crazyty, and I would like to introduce you all to the cardboard smp. The cardboard smp is a mainly vanilla server with plugins such as, but not limited to: Core Protect: Grants us the ability to Roll back briefed areas as well as check chests so see who stole from them Anti - Xray: Prevent Xray Hackers One Player Sleep: Only one player will be required to sleep for the next day Essentials: basic commands

    What is the Cardboard Smp about?

    We like to focus on the ability to have lore. The server isn't directly scripted but has a general goal that we want to reach, you can go in depth on your character and be who ever you would like to be. A lot of improving will be happening, and it is asked that you participate in the lore. If you can't make it, that's fine! We also like to focus on the player experience. Once a week, admins will host a competition of sorts, to help you get better gear/items. The reason for this, is a lot of players do not want to get netherite, or have a tough time getting gear.

    Some challenges that may occur is:

    Build Battle: Win a building tournament against other members of the smp PvP duels: Win a duel against members of the smp Mob Wars: Fight against a large amount of mobs

    To help keep the server an amazing experience, our admins are always on standby and willing to help if a issue occurs!

    What are some of the rules of the cardboard smp? 1. do not grief 2. do not steal 3. Toxicity is not permitted 4. No cheating The rest will be located in the #rules channel in our discord

    How do I join? Well, it's simple! Just join our discord, go to #request-an-interview and submit a request to be interviewed (check pinned) Discord: https://discord.gg/ceRewGEawV

    If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me or Celeste on discord Crazyty's discord : ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘʏ_ᴛʏ#4161 Celeste's discord: CelestialCardboard#1885

    submitted by /u/Crazyty101
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    VanillaTyme [SMP] {Greylist} {Mature} {Active} {Discord} {No Griefing/Stealing} {Dynmap} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    VanillaTyme is a Greylisted Vanilla Minecraft server running on Java Version 1.16.5. You must apply to play. We encourage those applying to put effort in to their application. We take pride in our international, active, and diverse community members and staff. Our players and staff are mature and friendly; new players feel right at home!

    Our server has many exciting things to offer, such as: - Weekly Competitions - Community Based Special Events - Seasonal/Holiday Events - Saturday Mini-Games - UHC Server, with games every Sunday - Thriving Market Area - Player Built Spawn & Nether Tunnels

    If you are an active Minecraft player, looking for a vanilla server with a great community, you've found it!

    Server Information

    Server Rules:

    Website: https://vanillatyme.com/

    Server IP: play.vanillatyme.com

    Minecraft Version: 1.16.5

    submitted by /u/VanillaTyme
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    SoraTech [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist}{1.16.5}{Technical Server}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    Hey there. I run a technical server that is looking for more active members. A technical server is a server that doesn't have an economy or bases, we all work together on projects to farm the items in the game. We also want to decorate our farms and hub areas.

    1.17 NOT 1.16.5; I CAN'T EDIT THE TITLE

    Server is hosted US East Coast

    Our Discord: https://discord.gg/MYF2QKtPXm

    We are a bit different from other technical servers in that we use many of the additional carpet mod features. Some of the features we have enabled are:

    • - Dragon egg block breaking
    • - Respawning shulkers
    • - Dispensers place blocks
    • - Auto crafting table
    • - Renewable sponges
    • - Movable block entities

    We have few rules:

    • Treat others the way you want to be treated; no griefing, obviously.
    • Duping is allowed for a few items: Dragon eggs, TNT, and gravity blocks

    We have a few long term goals such as collecting every item in a large amount, farming all the mobs, and anything else you'd want to work toward.

    We try to design our own farms, rather than use someone else's design, as it is more interesting this way. Using designs from other people isn't banned or anything, however.

    We are currently working on a 1k x 1k Nether Perimeter for our Nether Hub we need help with (all bedrock is removed, we are currently digging trenches for world eater), a wither skeleton farm, and an EOL drowned farm.

    To join, follow the discord link and open an application ticket.

    submitted by /u/Otinusu
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    AncientCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Custom Items} {Earth Map} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Hey there! AncientCraft is a new server that proposes a geopolitical experience on a miniature size map of Earth.

    1. AC has a strong economy drive, presenting auctions, player shops and jobs to earn money with, come build your wealth!
    2. As noted in the title, we have legendary custom items that will drop as loot from weekly bosses.
    3. We strive for fun and realistic features, and because of that you can build real life looking portculisses, bridges and doors made of blocks that move accurately.

    Come play with us!

    Discord: https://discord.io/AncientCraft

    Server IP: ancient.joinjava.net

    submitted by /u/jamestiagobr
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    MacSMP [semi-vanilla] [smp] {13+} {PvE} {Shockbyte}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Welcome to MacSMP! A small server that I hope will grow and active community. Currently we aren't a very developed server, but that's where you come in! I am very open to suggestions for plugins, datapacks, or generally anything that could change the server. There are currently only two admins, but that could change depending on how much the server grows. As of now, MacSMP doesn't have many players, which is why I'm advertising it right now. Currently, we have a singleplayersleep plugin, coreinspect, and a imagetomap plugin. There is a limit to the amount of people on the server, 30, but that could also change, (could get larger or smaller). When you join, you will have to read the rules and put your IGN in the whitelist chat in order to be whitelisted. If you intend to stream or create content on my server, you can, and if you wish you may self-advertise in the self-advertising chat (on the discord server). I'm open to some questions and would be willing to make the server more or less vanilla. The ip is in the discord server.

    Discord link:


    Thank you and enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Educational-Toe1789
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    Settlers of the Barrens [Semi-Vanilla][SMP] {Greylist} {Mature} {1.17} {Political} {Trade} {Economy}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    ⛏️ Welcome To Settlers of the Barrens 🗡️

    The server is heavily based around the economy, typical minecraft items are rarer than usual and are unevenly distributed across the world in order to spark trade among the players. The server has a 10k x 10k custom map, with players spawning in the fertile centre. The centre is a green and fertile region with plenty of food however there are no precious ores or metals. To get rare and precious items such as diamond, redstone, and potion ingredients one must travel outside of the fertile centre into the 'Barrens'. The Barrens are a dangerous and barren land but contain these valuable resources. No two types of ores will be able to be found in the same area so a lot of dangerous traveling will have to accompany mining therefore making these items valuable and worth trading. Furthermore, there is minimal teleportation on the server which makes trading even more desirable.

    The Barrens are home to an array of deadly monsters, so it is advised that new players avoid this region until they have sufficient gear to venture out.

    The exact locations of rare ores and materials is not provided by us, so it is up to the players to explore and learn it themselves.

    Trading can be done by using /pay (player) (amount) or via chestshops. Land can be claimed using the factions plugin. /f help

    To join the server you must comment your Discord/DM me it then join our server. You can find the IP there as well as all the info on the server in you guess it! #info


    If you require a faction to join I suggest these:

    Vannen - We are the largest faction on the server. We have a massive medieval castle and the only faction with a steady supply of netherite. We also are one of the oldest factions! Oh did I mention that we have an alliance with many other factions and helped to establish all trade routes?

    Village- The oldest faction on the server. We are based around a small village as per our name. We have a tight-knit community and a strong alliance with Vannen.

    Undermarsh- A faction designed around the sewer system. Nearly unraidable due to the maze-like of its sewers. Established the first railway that connects all major factions together.

    submitted by /u/NivagonWaffen
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    Neru's Origin SMP[SMP][Modded]{1.17}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Hey there!

    I recently decided to open up my own little server. It's an origins server that is just a casual place to come and play minecraft. Build a part of our planned community or set out to build your own community. Some members wish to RP, some wish to just mine, while others explore. Whatever you fancy, feel free to come and join us.

    The server is currently running with base origins, the mob origins, and the End Walker. As well as the origins professions, though they seem a little buggy in 1.17 right now. I'm not sure about adding more, but if you have a knowledge for how to edit and balance yourself, something can maybe be worked out. Apologies, but I am still very new to maintaining a server. Especially a modded one.

    If you're interested in joining the community, please click the link below to join the discord and read through our rules before writing up a quick request to be whitelisted.


    submitted by /u/kharnus
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    Elunar Online [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] [Factions] {Lands} {Shopkeeper}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    A return of an SMP server, powered by the community.

    • Join groups (Lands)
    • Participate in wars
    • Expand your territory
    • Create your Market
    • No TPA
    • Wild / RTP
    • Max World Size
    • Up to 100 enchant level
    • Hard Mode
    • Balanced Economy
    • Listening to Feedback
    • Always the latest version (when possible)
    • No P2W
    • Discord integration

      IP: mc.elunar.online | 1.17

    submitted by /u/axilirate
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    Torn Arrows [anarchy] [SMP] [PVP] {bedrock}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Bringing Anarchy to console players.

    I made a 24/7 bedrock server for Xbox/Ps4 players. It's not a realm, it's an actual server. It fits up to 140 players and has vanilla twilight added for flavor. A mod that adds 40 unique mobs.

    "Well, Hatefulfishman, how do you add a server if were not on pc?"

    There's actually two different ways. If you look up on you tube how to add servers on Xbox/Ps4 theres a DNS trick that allows you access to the server list. I reccomended turbo piggy. He has the shortest most straight to the point video ive found.

    If you've tried that and have restarted minecraft, and the open serverlist isnt showing. Theres workarounds.

    If you have iphone download Bedrock Together Android? Mc server connecter.

    You put the ip and port in. Make sure your phone is connected to the same wifi. Let the ad play The hit run/start server.

    In your console hit play game on minecraft. Go to where you're joinable friends/ realms are. Listed all the way at the bottom will be the server under LAN.


    "Now Hateful, why go through all the trouble?"

    I love Console gamers. We deserve anarchy too.

    Torn Arrows


    Port 25603

    submitted by /u/HatefulFishMan
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    Expansion SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {whitelist} {worldbuilding} {towny} {Proximity Chat}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Are you looking to fill your time this summer on a new SMP? Our community is designed for people who enjoy building and fighting. A community where your builds can be protected and secured by Towny and other fun plugins. Looking into adding bedwars as well. We are still a small MC community looking to grow!

    Streamer Friendly! We encourage streamers of all sizes to stream on the SMP, we are even working on a SMP content creator program!

    Bed wars, and mini games are being added!

    Server is currently run on 3 CPU's and 20GB of RAM

    The rules are outlined in the discord, feel free to stop by and ask questions or just chill with the community. https://discord.gg/dvqTW996WW

    The big kicker on our SMP is there is a world boarder, we will open it up as we grow. The nether roof is off limits to make traveling feel more relevant. The end is also off limits for now until future plans are made. Mod applications and Builder applications are coming soon!

    submitted by /u/Narrow_Economics2461
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    Back To Bedrock [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Java} {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community-Driven} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Hello, and thank you for your interest in the B2B server

    If you are an adult looking for a place to relax and enjoy Minecraft without childish behavior ruining the experience, welcome! With that said, we expect practical jokes, pranks and the like to be played. If you are overly sensitive, then this isn't the server for you.

    About the server
    The server is based out of France (Gravelines) and provided by our own dedicated server.
    We are a Java server running the latest PaperMC with a few changes in order to bring it back as close to the original vanilla as possible while maintaining many of the benefits of running Spigot. This is a randomly generated survival map, with a few plugin concessions made only to facilitate administration, grief prevention and overall community integration. The game difficulty is set to hard and PVP will be enabled with the intent that it is used for consensual purposes and not griefing.

    What kind of players are we
    We are all adult players with normal lives who just happen to like Minecraft because it is relaxing and fun. We understand that people come and go, that motivation goes up and down. We joke and laugh and respect each other. We also try to get together regularly (on Discord) and do things together in game (minigames, base tours etc). The current average age is well above 25 at the moment.

    What kind of server is this
    We promote a low stress community atmosphere, where we can take our time, think before we act, and have fun together! We respect each other and our differences. We act and communicate responsibly and take responsibility for our actions in game. It is a server free from griefing, thieving and moderators. We want you to help us make a tight knit community of fun-loving Minecrafters.

    Game altering features:
    ✔️ TreeAssist (toggleable).
    ✔️ Enderman do not pick up blocks.
    ✔️ Ender Dragon drops Elytra and Egg.
    ✔️ Husks have sand on their drop table.
    ✔️ Worldborder with a 10,000 block radius.
    ✔️ Fire spread from lightning is turned off.
    ✔️ Shulkers will drop 2 shulker shells upon death.
    ✔️ Mobs have a slim chance of dropping their head.
    ✔️ Ability to rotate and edit the parts of an armour stand.
    ✔️ Drowned have a very slim chance of dropping a trident even if not wearing one.
    ✔️ Trash items have a despawn timer of 2 minutes to prevent excessive ground items.
    ✔️ Loot inside Treasure chests will respawn between 12 hours and 2 days (one person can only loot once).

    Light-weight add-ons:
    ✔️ 3 hour AFK limit.
    ✔️ Slime chunk finder.
    ✔️ Single player sleep.
    ✔️ An online world map (Bluemap).
    ✔️ Discord integration (chat with people in game from Discord).

    Things we most likely will never implement:
    ❌ MCMmo.
    ❌ Landclaiming & container protection.
    ❌ Teleporting & warping.
    ❌ Setting homes.

    Here are some simple criteria for being accepted:

    • You are at least 18 years old.
    • You are a nice person (it is really that simple).
    • You aren't overly sensitive and you recognize this is a game and fun will be had.
    • You are not asking yourself "I wonder if I could be considered an adult.." right now.
    • You divulge accurate information about yourself. Not interested in men and women of mystery.

    Things that DO NOT matter:

    • Your redstone skills.
    • Your building skills.
    • You are an introverted hermit or an extroverted social communicator.

    Things that DO matter:

    • Do not abuse anyone.
    • Do not grief anything.
    • Do not steal from anyone.
    • Do not use cheats of any kind.
    • Scripts of any kind are forbidden.
    • Using duplication glitches is not allowed.
    • Do not dig out deserts for sand, use the sand farms instead.
    • Lootable chests may not be destroyed if not using the area it is in.

    We have a strict zero tolerance policy, players doing any of these things will be removed from our community permanently. We don't want our members feeling cheated or abused, so we aren't going to lower the bar just to keep a person around. Recognizing a fine line however is important. I am specifically talking about pranks and jokes. We have many on this server now who like to welcome new players with some practical jokes - the end state of course being that you conducted yourself admirably through it all and you end up rewarded.


    Server specs:
    • We dedicate 10GB of RAM to the server.
    • We have a 1TB SSD memory.
    • We use a GigaBit connection with an unlimited amount of bandwidth.

    All this will ensure people all around the world can expect no lagg while playing on our server!


    To apply, fill in the following and post it.

    1. Age: 2. IGN: 3. What brings you to our community? 4. What are some of your goals for this server? 5. What type of player are you? 6. Tell us a little about yourself. 7. IP: play.backtobedrock.com 

    Lastly, do yourself the favor of getting Discord and really becoming a part of the community. The people here are friendly, and will be happy to give you a tour of things on the server. The link to our Discord server will be given in game because we only want actual players on the server.


    No Reddit account? Apply here.

    submitted by /u/TheRealNathanIsMe
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    VolosMC [Roleplay] {Towny} {McMMO} {Earth Map} {Discord} {Custom Plugins} {Cross-play} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:16 AM PDT

    Welcome, settler, to VolosMC.

    This recently created survival server introduces a standard earth-like geopolitics map with modifications that concentrate on making your experience more similar to real life! As expected, players have the choice to join or create modern or historical nations in their real locations, wage war with others and build amazing societies from the ground up. But in VolosMC, nations also have the freedom to enforce their own laws, institute visa regimes, sign trade deals, create international corporations and so much more!

    There even exists a United Nations General Assembly, where countries can resolve their issues and international laws can be made.

    We have already gathered a rather friendly community, and we can't wait for you to join us! Perhaps you will feel at home brewing the finest beer in urban London, mining for increased diamond ores in South Africa, or instituting a new state within US borders. The choice is up to you!

    Start your journey with us today at play.volosmc.com.

    submitted by /u/4eroverse
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    Amethyst [Vanilla] {Paper} {Discord} {1.17}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    A Word to Our Players

    Exploring Amethyst is a thrilling experience. During your time here, you will be able to talk, join, and adventure with many other individuals in an experience that is unique to online games. That being said, we have no desire to see your real life suffer as a consequence. Don't forget your family, your friends, your school, or your work. This is a brand new server now open for all players. for the new 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update. Players can forge alliances, and do their best to rise above other players in a fully vanilla environment.

    Discord: discord.gg/HEy7k5Csvh



    Cursing is allowed as long as it isn't excessive or directed towards anybody.

    No illegal mods/hack such as X-Ray.

    English only in the main chat.

    Do not advertise any other servers.

    Do not abuse any bugs/glitches. Instead, report them!

    No Floating Trees.

    No Land Scarring.

    submitted by /u/Amethyst_Server
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    Lutton-Bourne [SMP] {Survival} {McMMO} {Discord} {Jobs} {Java} {Bedrock Support} {dynmap} {1.16.5} {1.17}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:36 PM PDT


    version: 1.16.5, or 1.17 or newest bedrock version

    IP: play.luttonmc.net

    Port: Default (Java 25565 / Bedrock 19132 )

    Welcome to our survival server, here's a list of features:

    • Earn money from mob kills.
    • Earnable ranks you can get for playtime, money, and a few other pre-requisites
    • Auction House to sell items to other people
    • No pay to win aspects (Purchasables will either be cosmetic, or everyone will get an equal benifit)
    • Discord server for communication - https://discord.com/invite/JRjpfb75Nj
    • Death Chests
    • Land claims to protect your builds
    • McMMO and Jobs so you can hone your skills and earn money
    • Safari Nets so you can capture your favorite mobs to make a zoo
    • Custom dungeons throughout the world
    • Custom end generation for you to plunder
    • Custom crafting recipes
    • Chest shops for you to sell your plunders to other players
    • Vote crates for free stuff

    Movie night every Saturday somewhere between 8PM and 12AM EDT.

    Come join the party in our Discord.

    For consoles: https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/wiki/Using-Geyser-with-Consoles

    World Map: http://luttonmc.net/

    Emote craft support: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/emotecraft

    Vivecraft support: http://www.vivecraft.org/



    IP: play.luttonmc.net

    submitted by /u/stw222
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    The Hideout [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {18+} {Mature} {Whitelist} {Java}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    One of our players also very kindly made a trailer for our server! Feel free to check it out here!

    Hey there!

    The Hideout is looking for new players to join!

    Co-owned by two veteran players, The Hideout is a place for individuals who have a desire to enjoy the Minecraft game with friends, focusing heavily on building an interactive community, whilst sticking to the vanilla gameplay as Mojang intended it.

    Join us in our events, like our first dragon fight, where over 20 people attended, or our bingo event, where players had to scavenge for the items on their card. We're also hoping to elect our first mayor too in the coming few weeks! We would love for people to join us and create a beautiful spawn shopping district with farms and other cool structures! Member wise, we are looking for about 15-20 active and mature people that enjoy the social aspect whilst playing the game.

    The server started about two months ago, and we've been quite busy, creating what is starting to look like a nice little shopping district at spawn and some cool bases (see images), but we are far from end-game. Players are spread out across our world, with a border of 40k, however we have a fast travel system in place on the nether roof available and players can use our dynmap to find a good spot to start a base, or find out where other players are!

    1.17 is now released, and because we started only recently, we have decided not to do a reset for 1.17 (the first part that is). We have extended our world border to generate 1.17 land beyond there, so there are plenty of unexplored chunks with the new update's blocks and items! This way all of the 1.17 items will be available, and they even might be a bit more rare, creating a nice layer of complexity.

    The server is hosted in Germany, run on some great specs and we have only a couple QoL improvements plugin-wise, such as CoreProtect and Harbor (multiplayer sleeping). We also have some cool Datapacks from the Hermitcraft server, like animal and player heads, wandering trader heads and armor stand statues, as well as tracking secret statistics!

    The server is whitelisted and 18+, no exceptions. This is to ensure our community is protected. We get that some underage people are more mature than actual adults, but we have to draw the line somewhere.

    Apply in our discord! (more info there) Link: https://discord.gg/gPZA2KE37R

    Hope to see you soon!!

    submitted by /u/Daan_Crommelin
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    Leaves Of Three SMP [Hardcore] [Vanilla] {Three Lives} {1.17} {PvE}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    Leaves Of Three is a brand new hardcore PvE vanilla-oriented SMP with a unique ruleset.

    Every player starts with three lives, but there is a catch: players can sacrifice lives to one another. Additionally, upon running out of lives, players become ghosts that can spectate and interact with the world in subtle ways. They can even be resurrected by other players, should someone decide to sacrifice a life to them. All of this is programmed and tested extensively by the administrators of the server.

    Besides that, LOT as a server is designed to be as vanilla as possible. There are no additional plugins on the server besides those that aid administration and protect player structures. No P2W donor roles, /kits, loot table modifications or anything that cheats or significantly changes the game in any way will be added.

    Server-wide events are planned, especially for when (or if) the population of the server begins to rise.

    In order to ensure the best stability possible, LOT SMP is using a paid, reliable host. The server can support up to 80 players at one time, and runs like a charm.

    Server Information


    Click me to join our Discord!

    If you want to join this community and help it grow, remember to upvote this post! Because the server is just starting out, it would help a whole lot! Thanks!

    Leaves of three, let them be.

    submitted by /u/theforagingguy
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    LittleDigPlanet [Vanilla]{21+}{Small Community}{10 Year History}{Grief Prevention}{Survival on Hard Difficulty}{1.17}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    My wife and I started playing Minecraft a decade ago and grew a small group to play with over the years. We all play some other games as well, but Minecraft is where our roots are. We of course use Discord and if you're interested in joining, please join our server and tell us about yourself before we whitelist you. We try our best to avoid little kids and annoying players. Most of us are in our late 20s/early 30s. I'll include some other various information about our current world and playstyle below.

    • Started a new map with 1.17

    • We're a smaller community with usually only 6-10 players online at peak times.

    • Most of us hang out in Discord voice chat while playing, so come get to know us.

    • While we play on Hard difficulty, we're not Minecraft speedrunners. We play to build pretty things and work together.

    • When 1.18 comes out we will start a new map while 1.17 stays online until it becomes inactive.

    • Our goal is to have as vanilla of an experience as possible, any exceptions to this are listed below.

    • Enderman and Creeper griefing are turned off.

    • The only plugins we use are for grief protection (haven't had to ban anyone for griefing in at least 4 years) including chest locking and rollback capabilities.

    • Our world spawn is on a large island about 1k blocks big. The island is amplified, but the rest of the world is normal. There is still LOTS of room on the spawn island to build on.

    • Multiplayer sleeping is set to turn to day when 75% of players sleep.

    As stated above, join our discord if this is what you're looking for and tell us about yourself before we whitelist you. See you around!


    submitted by /u/Azander137
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    TrimboAmplified [Semi-Vanilla] {1.17} {Amplified} {Java} {+14}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Trimbo Amplified (Java)

    • A Minecraft Server
    • Generated as Amplified, huge mountains everywhere and beautiful terrain!
    • Freely build anywhere
    • Version 1.17
    • Small but fun community, come introduce yourself!
    • Extensive history, come explore the world and make your mark!


    -No Toxic Behavior

    -Don't Grief

    -No use hack

    -Also no Advertising-

    Server IP: Trimbo.net


    Join our discord! It's linked to our servers so you can stay in touch even from your phone when you can't play Minecraft! It also has a range of other great channels to keep you entertained! -


    submitted by /u/TrimboOfficial
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    1.17 Vanilla SMP [SMP] {whitelist}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:58 PM PDT

    Hey. I am currently paying for a 1.17 vanilla SMP server that will mostly bear resemblance to Hermitcraft. I'm looking for new playing to join this server. I'll leave my discord at the end of the post so I can take you through some questions before you join. It is a spigot server so you can join from either Java or bedrock edition. No griefing or stealing will be permitted on the server. I'm asking that everyone who wishing to apply be 16+ in age. Thank you! Discord: AcidMonkey#4207

    submitted by /u/Optimal-Pride-7372
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    The Seventh Reality [SMP] [semi-vanilla] {whitelist} {1.17}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    The Seventh Reality is a semi-vanilla Java edition Minecraft server with a small group of 3-4 active members looking to expand its playerbase into the teens.

    We are inclusive to all types of people (except *ssholes) and have an age restriction of 13+ due to Discord's TOS.

    To get whitelisted on the server you must join our discord by adding me TheTurtleKinMonarch#1247. Discord is required and non-negotiable.

    We have a few Quality of Life datapacks listed in our discord server, and other than that the server is vanilla survival.

    We hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/ItsWediTurtle77
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    True Vanilla [Semi-Anarchy] {1.17}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    If you're looking for a plain vanilla server with minimal rules, you've come to the right place. True Vanilla is semi-anarchy, meaning the only rules are no hacking, duping, or lagging the server.

    • No resets
    • No world border
    • Only 2 months old
    • Purely Vanilla
    • 1.17

    If these sound fun, make sure to check us out with the links below.

    IP: truevanilla.xyz
    Discord: https://discord.gg/mKwY6djJWP
    Site: https://www.truevanilla.xyz

    submitted by /u/Seren541
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    Softslayer [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.17} {Whitelist} {Community} {Discord} {PvE} {Hermitcraft-like}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Info: Well where do I start... SoftSlayer has been around for 10(!) years now, with a pretty dedicated community that still plays a bunch of games together (obviously including Minecraft). Our server is small and pretty simple, it's a mostly vanilla atmosphere with a few things added like /home and /warps. Everyone is friendly and helpful with most things needed. PvP is disabled (we have a custom PvP arena to scratch your PvP itch), griefing is not allowed (moderators will rollback if you get griefed) and you can lock your chests.

    Rules: Just the basics here, no hacking, no overly vulgar/racist/homophobic chat, no griefing. Pretty much basic rules.

    Whitelist: Join our discord server to apply for our whitelist! Discord link: https://discord.gg/qNSMbEE We hope to see you around!

    1.17 items are craftable with our own custom recipes!

    IP: softslayer.com or

    submitted by /u/JasonKal
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    Melody Alpha MC [anarchy] [SMP] [pvp]

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Melody Alpha MC is a small server that was just opened up for alpha 1.2.6. This is an anarchy server which means

    . Exploits/Hacking is allowed . Griefing is allowed . Lag machines are allowed (please don't though- my pc can barely take it as it is) . I will spawn in illegals if you ask nicely

    https://discord.gg/KfJdCFPG is the official discord server, we have a channel specifically for patches to help with any bugs that are present in Alpha 1.2.6

    Can't wait to see new people!

    submitted by /u/LunaTheMoonSpirit
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    Although I'm Alone [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Free Build} {Technical} {1.17}

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    IP: alone.rocks

    About us We are a small SMP server with a friendly community and fun features. We are always looking for new players to join us, we welcome everybody from minecraft noobs to redstone wizards and master architects!

    *Rules \*

    01. No griefing/stealing. If griefing does happen, CoreProtect will roll back the damage in seconds. We also use WorldGuard to protect areas from grief in the first place.

    02. No hacking/cheating. Cheating means using any client or code to give you an advantage or "hack" the game.

    03. Do not intentionally try to hurt the server or other players. By this we mean no intentional lag machines, unwanted pvp, etc.

    04. NO Tunnel Bores

    04. NO Lag machines

    Additional Info - No teleports/warps

    • 100% vanilla economy with an active shopping district.
    • Hard Mode
    • We have long term resets (every 1-2 years). A community vote is made after the world becomes 1 years old.
    • We have events, custom (vanilla) games, competitions, challenges, and so much more. Join us today and see for yourself!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/4gT4hmg

    submitted by /u/Rachheel
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