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    Minecraft The 1.19 update should be an enormous bug fix update

    Minecraft The 1.19 update should be an enormous bug fix update

    The 1.19 update should be an enormous bug fix update

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    You may be reading this and think this is a terrible idea, but I believe if mojang dedicated an entire update to fixing bugs, performance issues, and lag, it would improve the game in an immense way. Minecraft is an extremely buggy game and it is prone to lag and game breaking glitches. But all of that could change if bug fixing got more love and attention. This update would also really help multiplayer servers who have issues with people exploiting glitches or hacking. I also believe it is very important to stop item duplication and other glitches that completely ruin the survival experience. However I also think the most important part of this update should be trying to make the game much less laggy on lower end devices.(for example, the Nintendo Switch)

    You may be thinking this would be almost useless for java edition but I also think this update should add RTX to java. Furthermore, java edition should allow players to see if another player is using cheats. That would be very useful.

    I understand this idea might be very controversial, but I personally think this idea would make minecraft a better game.

    submitted by /u/DUK_EE3E
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    Copper Pistons

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Copper pistons could be crafted just like regular pistons except with a copper ingot instead of an iron ingot. They would be different to regular pistons in that they wouldn't affected by quasiconnectivity, a weird quirk that is unintuitive for newer players. This way, we could keep QC for technical players whilst making redstone easier for new players.

    Edit: For those who don't know what quasiconnectivity is, watch this video

    submitted by /u/yuclid
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    How about some new birds for the super tall mountains like eagles or cardinals?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    With that you could also have blue jays, finches and all assortments of different colored birds. This could also include branches to some large or new trees which the birds lay eggs and nest on. Not so much a farm-mob but could possibly drop colored feathers that you could attach to bundles or pieces of armor maybe.

    Another idea is possibly being able to craft a new elytra out of a rare birds feathers, this would have the same mechanics as an elytra but would look like wings of a bird.

    submitted by /u/UnknownEntity115
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    Fishing rods activate levers

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Most players know that buttons can be activated by arrows, pressure plates and tripwires can be activated by entities, daylight sensors are activated by daylight, etcetera. That leaves the lever alone, where it can only be activated manually. I suggest that the the pull of a fishing rod on a lever will cause it to switch. This still leaves it limited to players but it allows levers to be activated at a distance. Using a fishing rod for levers may be considered impractical, but I think it would just be a nice detail to have in the game.

    submitted by /u/Bobtheblindpig
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    A New Type of Sign: Plaques

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    (Repost because original was deleted.)

    Plaques are essentially the same as the standard wooden sign, with a key difference being that they have a higher blast resistance and are fireproof, as they are made out of the metals: Iron, Gold, or Copper.

    Adding these items will give builders more variety when decorating their homes, and would look good on the base of statues. They will also be useful for early Nether explorations, as they are less likely to be accidentally destroyed by all of the lava and Ghast fireballs.

    submitted by /u/ForkMinus1
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    warden scaring away all, even undead mobs

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    the range should be at least 40 blocks, i know mobs won't spawn in the deep dark, but the thing is those can come from higher cave layers, and if those mobs can follow you, making it so the warden will notice you while fighting, making it very frustrating and unfair since you're supposed to keep quiet, but other mobs don't let you do it by attacking you, then you'll probably get exposed and die if you can't run anywhere

    skeletons and zombies are the biggest threat since zombies see you from 40 blocks and skeletons are so aggressive, that they can suicide just to attack you, i had a lot of situations when those were chasing me very quickly for a long time, also not everyone plays with fullbright so those mobs can simply hide in the darkness and attack you from behind

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Add copper nuggets

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    Copper nuggets drop from drowned at similar rates to pigmen dropping gold nuggets

    This would simplify copper farming as on average to get one copper block you need to kill about 50 drowned, which is quite a lot

    Copper nuggets could also be used to make copper lanterns which are powered by redstone, having an on and off state

    submitted by /u/Masterdeetectiv
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    Cake Berry's

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Add berry's to cake recipe because there are berry's on the cake.

    submitted by /u/mrsillzy123
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    Armor using Custom Model Data

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    I make datapacks and wish I could use armour using custom model dats to change the textures/models. This would open lots of opportunities for the command block community etc

    submitted by /u/J0shPlayz
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    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Found in Woodland Mansions, it is a plant-like creature with magical properties which can be used to make potions.

    It is very rare, similar to enchanted golden apple.

    The Mandrake can be planted on crying obsidian and can spread to nearby free crying obsidian blocks, during full moons.

    Uprooting one planted sample, 1-3 Mandrakes will drop alive like mobs, they will give out a cry and would try to attack nearby players, poisoning and confusing them. If they see nobody nearby, they would return to nearby free crying obsidian blocks and become planted.

    Mandrakes which cannot find a free block, would drop as an item.

    The confusion effect makes mobs and bosses to stop attacking for 5 seconds and would drop equipped armor and weapons. Creepers would abort explosions.

    If the creature is a player, the confusion effect would mix half of his inventory and hotbar. Equipped armor pieces which have curse of binding, would be unequipped. Normal items will stay equipped. Shield slot item would always remain equipped.

    Shield can be used to block Mandrake's attacks.

    Uprooting of planted Mandrakes can be caused like for normal plants but also by fire or explosions (even if the crying obsidian is not destroyed).

    Potions made using Mandrakes give the confusion effect which can be used to calm mobs and retrieve their armor without killing them and to un-equip bound items. It may have some pvp use too on special maps.

    submitted by /u/Menzagitat
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    Current horse stats mechanics make mediocre horses when you breed them!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    As a player who wants to breed horses and make the better possible horse in Minecraft, I'm quite frustrated by the current stats system.

    Currently, a horse has one value for each of it's 3 stats. (Health, speed, jump strength.) When 2 horses breed, the stats of the 2 parents are currently averaged between them + a third set of stats.

    Even with the better parents to start with , the foal will be averaged to a medium/mediocre set. At each generation the quality become more medium/mediocre.

    In order to make artificial selection, I propose the following:

    Instead of having 1 value for each stat: (Health, speed, jump), there would 2 gene values for each stat in each horse.

    Health 1, health2 Speed 1, speed 2 Jump 1, jump 2

    The resulting abilities of a horse corresponding to each stat (depending of it's genes) would be: Health = average of ( health 1, health 2) Speed = max (speed 1 speed 2) Jump = min (jump 1, jump 2)

    When two horses breed, one gene of each category would be picked up randomly for each parent.

    The foal genes will result from those genes.

    Additionaly 2 randomly chosen of it's 6 genes will be modified by either by a +5% or -5% randomly ( he can have two +5% or two -5%, or one +5% and one -5% The stats would still be capped by the current max and min values..

    With such a genetic system, a really motivated player can make large breedings with a real chance to improve his horses.

    submitted by /u/Lacryman5
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    New Use for Copper Ingots: Timers

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    Just how Iron Ingots with Redstone makes a Compass, and Gold Ingots with Redstone makes a Clock, Copper Ingots with Redstone could make a Timer.

    This item will be handheld and slowly changes color as time progresses. Players can right-click it while it is being held to return the timer to the base state. I have not considered how long the timer will last, possible one or two in-game days.

    Unlike the Clock, the timer would not be reset by sleeping. Some uses may be keeping track of time in the Nether or knowing when to put items in a furnace.

    submitted by /u/ForkMinus1
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    Music discs of the same type should be stackable.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    This way a bundle could actually help you carry music discs, and they're quite thin so it makes sense anyway.

    It would be another step towards fixing the inventory problems.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Snifles
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    Add back arrows sticking out of mobs. (also the trident and some other stuff)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    When they first made arrows able to stick out of entities it worked for not just players but also on mobs.

    From what I understand they removed it because of issues with mobs that can be scaled, like slimes.

    I'm not sure if the issue would occur with baby mobs or not or if it would even still occur at all.

    A semi-fix for the the issue if they don't want to actually fix it is adding a tag for entities that simply disables it, and use the tag on mobs that would have issues like slimes.

    The tag would be good regardless if the issue still exists or not since I'm assuming Mojang wouldn't want arrows sticking out of baby mobs, I personally don't care.

    Make it so if a trident without loyalty is thrown at a mob it will stick out of that mob and you can reclaim it be going up to the mob and picking it up like normal.
    The player who was hit with the trident cannot pick it up, that would be dumb.

    If a mob dies with arrows sticking out of it those arrows will drop, same will happen to players.
    Only the arrows that are sticking out of the mob will drop, if enough time has passed for the arrow to disappear it won't drop.

    And add back the unused purple arrow texture to skeleton arrows as well as arrows shot by an infinity bow, it would be nice to have a visual indication that you can't pick up an arrow, no reason not to.

    submitted by /u/BrokenDoop
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    Cat spawning control

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:42 AM PDT

    We all've seen it, cats spawn everywhere where we have iron farms or villagers, at first we tame 1st 2nd 3rd cat but then there starts being too many, I was thinking how would I give the player the power to effect their spawning, I'd make them only spawn near the town bell that a villager has access to (within direct eyesight + within reach), this way they stop spawning everywhere. I liked cats before in game but now I hunt them in my base, I don't think Mojang wanted this phenomena to happen as I'm not the only player who has this issue and had to resort to cruel solutions.

    submitted by /u/DNDCrafter64
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    Polished cobblestone block

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    I think a polished cobblestone block would be a really nice building block for builds. As cobblestone is a nice block, it appears too rough and cheap. Polished cobblestone would be lighter gray, like regular stone, while also having the cobblestone rubble look. This block would go great with houses and lots of other builds!

    submitted by /u/Chet_LongStrong
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    A new Minecraft dimension with a weird Gravity gimmick

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    In this new world you can make builds that break every rule. In this world falling into the void is impossible and there is no up or down.

    The main way physics work here is that: 1. The player sticks to whatever block face their feet are closest to. 2. when walking off of the side of a block the player will stick to the side they walked off of. (walking into a wall makes you walk onto it, walking off of the edge of a cliff makes you stick to the cliff face)

    I don't want to imply any form of up or down here so blocks that normally can't be placed on their side may have to be reworked for this dimension.

    I don't have a name for it yet, but I like the concept of a very absurd world being connected to dreams and the mind. Maybe to go into it you would have to eat some sort of hallucinogen and go to sleep. I'm also thinking a connection with phantoms would be cool since they don't have much in terms of lore.

    submitted by /u/Da_Jiff
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    Merging New and Old Combat: Rapiers and Hatchets

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    One of the bigger debates about the game is how combat should be handled. Some people preferred simply clicking rapidly, while others like the new mechanic of waiting for a weapon to recharge to deal more damage.

    Currently the developers are tinkering with new combat mechanics, and have posted snapshots for these in the past. I propose that the two different fighting styles can be both accommodated by adding new weapons to the game.


    The rapier is a new type of sword. It uses the same amount of materials as a standard sword, but arranged diagonally instead of vertically. The rapier has the same range but does less damage than the sword, but has a faster attack rate and no penalty for click-spamming. However, it will be incompatible with sweeping edge or knockback, as the higher rate of fire would make these enchantments easy to exploit.

    I haven't made a calculation for the exact amount of damage or attack speed, but the idea is to make it comparable to the old-fashioned ways.


    Basically the same, but for axes, as these are also popular for PvP. Because of the higher rate of attack, I think it would be fairer if the ability to disable shields is shorter for the hatchet.

    submitted by /u/ForkMinus1
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    1.20 Animals and Terrain Update

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    1.20 Animals and Terrain Update

    Since 1.19 is a End Update, And Nature Mobs in the Overworld are getting pretty boring and generic, I think 1.20 Should be the Animal and Terrain Update!


    1.20 Would Introduce new Passive/Netural/Hostile Mobs, Better Terrain, More Biomes, Better Food System and More, There will be mobs like Deers, Rhinos, Etc.


    Zebras :

    Zebras would be passive mobs and are the size of horses, and they would eat from grass like a sheep, You can breed them using Grass (By Shearing grass) and they would make a Baby Zebra, Upon Death they would drop 1-3 leather, Increased by 1 with Looting I and so on, they have 10 hearts.


    Kangaroos would spawn on Birch Forests as a new unique mob for that biome, They will hop around and 20% of each kangaroo will have a baby kangaroo on their pouches, You can breed them by using birch leaves (shearing birch leaves), they have 15 hearts.


    Deer would spawn in Oak Forests and Birch Forests, They will be seen eating grass from grass blocks like a sheep, You can breed them using tall grass and heal their health using "rainforest fruits" (more on that later), they have 12 hearts.

    Lions :

    Lions can spawn in Savanna Biomes but also in Jungles, If you get close to a Lion, say.. 4 Blocks, There is a 50% chance It might attack you, Lions will tend to hunt other mobs near it, If it just killed mob, It won't attack you, If it still didn't kill a mob, It would attack you instantly, But when you are far from it like 10 blocks, It won't attack you, They deal 3 hearts of damage per hit, they have 20 hearts.

    Tigers :

    Tigers will spawn in a new Biome called "Rainforests" (will be introduced later) and also on Jungles, Tigers will be neutral to players (too similar to lions) when they get near they will prowl and stand idle and growl at players, but won't attack them, if players provoke them then the tigers would attack, Tigers deal 2 hearts of damage per attack, They have another variant which is the White Tiger, White Tigers have a 10% chance to replace a Normal Tiger in Jungles and Rainforests, and a 20% chance to spawn on Snowy Taigas, They will attack foxes on sight, They have 18 hearts.

    Leopards :

    Leopards would spawn in Badlands as a new unique mob, 50% of Leopards in Badlands would avoid Players but the other 50% would not run away, instead would try and attack you if you get too close to them, say 5 blocks, so best not to go near them, They have 15 hearts.

    Koalas :

    Koalas appear in the trees of oak forests, they will be seen sleeping on top of the leaves or on the ground hunting for leaves (if you break tree while a koala is sleeping on top of it, then they will fall and take damage) you can breed koalas by using any type of leaves (birch, oak, dark oak etc) just like deers, there is a 30% chance of a baby koala in the pouch of a adult koala.


    Rhinos appear on Deserts, Jungles and Rainforests, If you get near a Rhino they will immediately attack you, best keep your distance, Rhinos will deal 3 hearts of damage per hit and have the same health as a hoglin.


    Eagles appear on taigas, and can "sit" on taiga trees, if you break the tree that they are sitting on they will attack you dealing 1.5 hearts of damage, they have 8 hearts, and a unique behavior to them is when you feed them 5-15 raw rabbits, they will fly above and scout any nearby hostile mobs, passive mobs and even players, it will give them the glowing outline (but won't give them glowing effect, if you understand it, for 15 seconds) and the eagle will fly back, they drop 1-2 feather upon death.


    Hawks appear on plains but they spawn more common on deserts, there will be nests scattered around deserts, if you go near one like 5 blocks, any nearby hawks will attack you, a unique behavior to them is that, if you feed them 5-8 raw rabbit, they will fly away and bring you a lost item that you dropped when you died, It will only carry 1 block, item they cannot carry armor since it's too heavy for them but they can carry swords, pickaxes and tools, they drop 1-2 feather upon death.


    Crabs will spawn on Beaches and move slowly and, when you attack one, it will attack you, it deals 0.5 hearts of damage, they have 3 hearts when killed, it has a 3% chance to drop a Crab Shell which can be used to repair turtle helmets to full durability.

    Mobs but not Animals :


    Rangers are new types of Illagers that spawns in badlands biomes with bows and riding horses, they shoot 3 arrows per shot, think of it as multishot but vertical, one will have a banner when you kill it, you get Bad Omen III, think of it as a easy bad omen farming, They will have the same health as a Evoker.

    Better Food System


    To craft stew, you need to fill a cauldron with a water bucket, then place a campfire 1 block below the cauldron, then wait for it to boil, it will show bubble particles on the cauldron when boiled, and when you collect it with a bottle, you will get "Heated Water Bottle" when you drink it, it gives you 1 saturation point but no hunger point, to make stew with the heated cauldron, you will have to put the ingredients to make the different kinds of stew in the cauldron, once you placed the ingredients, you can right click the cauldron with a bowl to drink it, you can use the bowl at a cauldron 10 times before running out, all stew now gives a extra 1 hunger point.


    Beetroot will now restore 1 hunger point but have 8 saturation points, low hunger but high saturation points.

    New Food Diet

    If you eat the same food for 3 consecutive days, that food will give 1 less hunger bar and half the saturation points, so you will need to eat different food to maintain the balance of your diet.

    Strawberries (New Food for the biome "Rainforests" more on that later)

    Strawberries can be found on Rainforests that generate on the underside of a leaf block, it is a instant break when punched and drops 1-3 strawberries, strawberry restores 2 hunger bars and 4.0 hunger saturation, You can make a Strawberry stew which restores 4 hunger bars and 8.0 Saturation points by placing 3 strawberries on a heated cauldron, Placing a strawberry on a crafting grid gives you 3 Strawberry Seeds.

    Sprite :


    Grapes (Generates at Rainforests, same as strawberries)

    Grapes generate on Rainforests on the underside of a jungle leaf block, It is a instant break when punched and drops 2-4 Grapes, They Generate like Cave vines (glowberries) except you have to break it to get the food, placing a grape on a crafting grid gives you 3 Grape Seeds and you can plant them by placing it on a underside of a leaf block or moss block, It restores 2.5 Hunger bars and gives 6 hunger saturation.

    Sprite :


    Cherries (Generates at Rainforests, same as strawberries)

    Cherries generate on rainforests on the underside of a jungle leaf block, It is a instant break when punched and drops 1-3 cherries, eating it gives you 1 hunger point and 3 Saturation Points, It may be low but it's abundant in Jungles, Placing 6 Cherries on a heated cauldron gives you Cherry stew which restores 4 hunger bars and 10 Saturation points

    Sprite :


    New Biomes


    Looks :

    Tropical Rainforests are Sub-biomes to Jungles, There are 2 Types of Rainforests, Tropical and non-tropical


    Rainforests generate Strawberries, Mushrooms, Grapes, Cherries, Glowberries etc, Tropical rainforests will have no other passive mobs in it other than axolotls in lakes, but hostile mobs still spawn, and normal Rainforests would have different mobs generate in them.

    That's the end!

    (Sorry lol i got tired at the end)

    submitted by /u/Not_WhiteShockX
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    Allow players to place empty shulker boxes inside of shulker boxes

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    This way, we could have a way of transporting more shulker boxes without being able to have infinite storage. It would just be a nice edition. Though I don't entirely know if it would be too OP

    submitted by /u/moosquageesheep
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    Amethyst and copper used to upgrade gear

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Let's say you put a netherite sword in a smithing table, combine it with an amethyst crystal and it would give it a buff and. Maybe a purple outline or something, somewhat of an alternative to enchantments but more limited, for example amethyst could buff damage on a sword/axe at the cost of attack speed and it could improve defense on armor at the cost of movement speed, now copper would do the same.

    I don't know why but I've always thought of copper as a quick and swift item, probably because its a good conductor of electricity and that reminds me of speed of course, anyway, copper would do the opposite of amethyst, give you speed at the cost of defense on armor, and attack speed at the cost of attack damage on weapons. However, adding a copper ingot to a gear piece seems very insignificant when you think about it, so I'm thinking... Charged copper Ingots.

    This would be achieved by sending a redstone signal of 15 into a copper block, then breaking it with a pickaxe or putting it in a crafting slot to give you a few or just 1 charged copper ingot (for balance purposes). Now decoration wise, this wouldn't be a builders best friend, I'm thinking it would just be copper colored but with a slight blue or yellow tint to it, or even red to represent redstone since redstone in minecraft IS basically electricity.

    As for amethyst, maybe give it an ingot version or make it so you can upgrade gear using "tough amethyst" (Name sucks I know but I couldn't think or anything else) this would be made using 8 netherite scraps or 4 netherite Ingots in a cross shape. Which would give you 2 tough amethyst.

    That's about it. But one last thing, these buffs would be stackable with enchantments, yes it may seem OP but at least you will have something to aim for after getting full maxed out netherite gear.

    submitted by /u/SugmaCraft78
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