• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers The Micron Simple [SMP] {Semi-vanilla} {1.17} {Discord}

    Minecraft Servers The Micron Simple [SMP] {Semi-vanilla} {1.17} {Discord}

    The Micron Simple [SMP] {Semi-vanilla} {1.17} {Discord}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    Server IP: simplesmp.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/pdHGxVd

    NEW: We now support up to 32 view distance! Experience the world the way it was meant to be.

    We're a simple survival server with the aim to provide a smooth, seamless experience.

    We want to keep things as close to the vanilla survival experience as possible; there is no world border, so you can explore as much as you want; there is no land claiming, so the whole world can be yours for the taking.

    We want you to have the freedom to survive however you wish. No silly rules and overzealous, power-tripping admins. As long as you're cool, we're cool.

    We want the server to run as smoothly as possible, we use very few plugins and have optimized the server for perfect performance without making any changes to gameplay.

    We originally started in 2015 and have recently returned in 2020; if you are looking for a fresh start, you've just found it.

    Nice and simple.

    Basic Rules:

    • Hacking, cheating, x-raying or any of the sort is not allowed.
    submitted by /u/max_factor
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Java} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.17.1} {Survival}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:07 AM PDT

    Near Vanilla is a close-knit community server where we've created an environment where players come together to build, collect, explore, and have fun. The perks of being a member can be seen in our cooperative builds, player competitions, vibrant shopping district, and other events. All play styles are welcome, from those who want to venture out on their own to those who want to work cooperatively with others. We're sure you will find exactly what you are looking for in your SMP experience while making some great friends and builds along the way.

    Near Vanilla is an international, community-driven server. There is constant communication on our Discord, both serious discussion and silliness. We constantly seek the opinions and views of the player base and large changes are made through player discussion. Suggestions are always welcome. A dedicated admin team is always on hand to make sure things are working smoothly, bad behavior is squashed, and your time on the server is stress-free. Our DynMap, which can be viewed through the website, allows you to navigate to your favorite biome and see how close/far you are from your fellow players.

    If this all sounds like your kind of place, grab your sword and pick and jump into NearVanilla and show us the creations you can make! Apply now!

    Requirements: * 18+ only * Be Nice

    Zero Tolerance Policy: No hacking, glitching, or duping allowed. Any of these will result in a permanent ban. No griefing, stealing, bullying, insulting, discrimination, or prejudice behavior tolerated. Toxic behavior is not welcome.

    The "Near" in "Near Vanilla" * Deathlog: Lets you know where you died * WanderfulAdditions*: control armor stands and make item frames invisible * Kickafk: Kicks players who afk more than 3 hours * Custom plugins created for our server * A few Admin tools to help mods keep things friendly and welcoming Players can suggest Non-Vanilla additions if they do not remove from the vanilla experience which will be discussed on our Discord.

    Plans for 1.17 and 1.18 We have voted to expand our world borders with 1.17 to access new blocks and mobs. We did that on Saturday, July 10th. When the rest of the Caves and Cliffs update drops at the end of the year, we plan to reset the map and start Season 6.

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website. Applications with more information are more likely to be accepted.

    1. How are you doing today?
    2. What is your in-game name?
    3. What is your age?
    4. Tell us a bit about yourself.
    5. What are some of your goals for this server or what do you do in a typically play session?
    6. What is your favorite aspect of playing with other players?
    7. Have you ever been banned from another server? If yes, why?
    8. How did you hear about our community?

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    In the Heart of the Lab [Semi-Vanilla] {java-1.17.1} {greylist} {17+}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! We are a relatively small community of excited Minecraft players, and we are looking for some people to join us!

    About us

    We are a group of players that share a love for Minecraft. We have a variety of different people and playstyles: we have people who focus mainly on building, people who love messing around with redstone, people who like to work on projects with others, and people who simply want to have their own house somewhere. What binds us all together is the fact that we like to play with other people, and have a chat with each other every now and then, either in Minecraft or in our discord server!

    About our world

    We're playing on a regular vanilla world that we plan to keep long-term. We started a few months ago when 1.17 was released. We don't have a lot of buildings yet, but we have a few projects we started working on:

    • The community spawn area: here we have a small starter village where everyone is invited to build a small house. There are some farms too, so that new players won't starve to death.
    • The shopping district: where everyone can build their own shops to sell items.
    • The minigame district: this area is still very empty, so if you have a fun Minecraft minigame in mind, we are excited to see it!

    Most of our players have their own base somewhere, by themselves or with a few others, and every now and then we try to get together to work on builds for the communal areas.

    Extra Activities

    Besides playing Minecraft together, we also hold mini-game events every now and then, where we play minigames or other games like Jackbox Party, Cards Against Humanity, Skribbl.io and others. We have gamenights at least every other weekend, and sometimes more. During these events, we usually sit in voicechat together. Everyone is invited to join, but nothing is obligatory :)

    Who are we looking for?

    We are looking for active, friendly players that want to be part of a long-term community.

    We accept players that are 17 or older, but don't worry if you're a bit older - most of our players are somewhere between 20 and 30 years old. It doesn't matter how much experience you have with Minecraft, both experienced and newer players are welcome.

    Our plan for 1.18

    As we are trying to keep our world for as long as possible, we have made a plan to migrate to 1.18 once it is released. We want to incorporate the new caves and cliffs, but we don't want to lose all our building progress. So, what we will do is the following:

    • When 1.18 drops, all players will need to mark the corners of their bases with a recognizable block and send the coordinates to the staff team
    • Then, we will take the server offline and generate a new 1.18 world with the same seed we are currently using
    • Afterwards, we will manually copy every single marked structure over to the new 1.18 world (at the exact same coordinates)
    • Once this is done, we can all continue playing like normal!

    We are aware that due to the terrain generations we can't guarantee that the structure will fit as nicely in its environment as it did on the 1.17 world. In some cases manual relocation or terraforming will be needed to a certain extent. Of course we will discuss this when the time comes, and we will do our best to let this impact the players as little as possible.

    Technical details

    Our world runs on Paper. We try to play on the latest release, so when a new version releases we will most likely update as soon as possible! We aim to have our gameplay stay as close to vanilla as possible, but we do use a few plugins and datapacks for minor improvements, such as One Player Sleep and Armor Statues. We also make use of a Resource World, so that we don't have to destroy the terrain of our regular world by mining large amounts of resources, and we have a separate Creative World where you can work together on designs. You can read about our plugins and features in our Discord server, and if you are still curious after that, we will happily answer any questions!


    • No cheating, griefing or X-Ray: we do regular checks to keep cheaters out of our server and offer a fair gameplay experience for all
    • No mods that will enhance game play to an unfair advantage - but things such as minimap mods and optifine/shaders are completely fine. (Ask one of our moderators if you're unsure whether your mod is allowed!)
    • Be polite: racism, sexism and homophobia will not be tolerated. This speaks for itself, but do not harass other players. We want our server to be a safe space for everyone.
    • Use common sense and ask questions if you're uncertain about anything!

    You can find these rules in more detail on our discord.

    If all of this sounds interesting to you, we'd like to invite you to our discord server! You can have a chat with us there to see what we're all about, ask us all your questions, and fill in our application form if you'd like to join our world. We hope to see you there!


    submitted by /u/Crazy-Bazzil
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    Zemira [Modded] {Roleplay} {SMP} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Zemira Is a small modded community focusing on semi roleplay semi SMP, we are still early on and only a couple weeks in, we're starting to form our own small nations and would love to see things grow!

    The server is fully democratic meaning anything can change if you're suggestion gets enough votes!

    We also plan on doing Limited time events once the server gets large enough, so get in early or possibly miss out on events!

    My discord:Luna_#7777

    submitted by /u/TheStoryTeller_1
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    serverad [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    Msg me if u want to join
    Must have discord

    Resource world a world so u dont have to find resources in the normal world resets daily

    Grief protection no more griefing

    RTP randomly teleports you

    Chestshop sell ur items for money

    Core Protect even if people grief they will get punished

    Homespawn /home so u never loose ur house

    SimpleTpa u can tp to people

    TradeUI to trade items with people without scamming

    AuctionHouse sell goods buy goods

    Slimefun well its complicated <https://github.com/Slimefun/Slimefun4#slimefun-4>

    Custom advancements

    Singleplayer sleep

    Craftable totems elytras trident mob heads glow inksac glowstone

    fast leaf decay

    unlock all recipes

    bedrock and java

    submitted by /u/TheRealSteve895
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    Promethean [Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{age 16+}{Friendly}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Promethean | Java 1.17 | SMP | age 16+

    Who Are We?

    Hello! Promethean is a new UK-based community-driven survival server with an emphasis on building! We hold frequent community events and as we are a new server, decisions about the direction Promethean takes will be based on community votes and opinions. As part of our community, every player will contribute to the development of our server; get the chance to partake in the formation of a truly close-knit community!

    Our Principles:

    • Community-focused - We believe that critical feedback is what strengthens and incentivizes the betterment for our community experience. The path our server takes will be paved by the community members via poll votes and chat discussion.
    • Maturity - Our server was built by adults, and for players who are mature. Our server is whitelisted for players 16+, but we cultivate a culture of supportiveness and inclusivity for all people who can act mature.
    • Collaboration - We are determined to create a space for players to come together. We value working on projects as a community.
    • Transparency - We think it is important to be honest and thorough with any issues that may appear. We will clearly communicate to players about server updates, changes, player bans, and our financing.


    • custom terrain generation (terralith) which enhances our world, creating beautiful, custom landscapes and biomes for you to explore.
    • mostly vanilla
    • player shops district
    • various theme areas for building (specific themes are to be decided as a community), ideas include: medieval, modern, futuristic
    • weekly community get-together (Promethean hour) to team up and work on community projects

    Join Us:

    • To join us, you will need to submit an application. If you think this server is right for you, take your time filling out the application. Be concise and explain why you think you would be a great, valuable addition to our community.
    • You will have one chance to fill out an application. If it is rejected, we will not accept any further applications. Thank you for your interest, and we hope to see you there with us!

    Visit our Discord to see what we're about and submit an application today!


    submitted by /u/PrometheanMCserver
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    Kings of Towny MC [SMP] {Towny} {Economy} {Ranks} {McMMO} {Jobs} {Custom Plugins}{1.17.1}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:52 AM PDT

    Kings of Towny MC is a new 100% dedicated towny survival server running on 1.17.1 We have a passionate staff that aim to make this the best towny experience out there.

    💢 Server IP: 💢

    💢 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/SBuvXXDmC8 💢

    We are looking for passionate players to come join us and help us alpha test our new server!!

    Come join us and be involved in the evolution of the server! Early players will get special titles, kits and items as a thank you for joining us early on in our adventure!!!

    Kings of Towny MC Features!

    💸 Player-based Economy

    ⛏ Custom Items and abilities

    🙌 Pinata Party events!

    🔮 Player Warps and advertising slots

    🏦 Bank with interest

    💷 Balanced Economy

    👷 Balanced Jobs

    🗓️ Events for in-game rewards

    🙌 Community Orientated

    🛒 Player Shops

    🏆 Leaderboards

    🎄 Seasonal Server wide Events

    How to Earn money:

    • Farm Crops: Grow crops and sell them to the server for some in-game money.
    • Join a Job: Select from jobs like Lumberjack, Miner, Builder, Digger, Farmer, Hunter, Fisherman, and More!
    • Set up Shops: Make your own shop or use the auction system!
    • Run A Town: Become the Mayor of a community, or join an existing community!

    Earn Ranks:

    • Rank up with gaining reputation / achievement and in-game money.
    • Each reputation rank/tier gives you extra commands and abilities to use.
    • Each rank/tier also comes with a unique chat tag.
    • Level up to 22 in-game ranks/tiers to unlock abilities such as nametags, particle trails, sethomes, land claims, and more!
    • Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities! (Used for rank ups!)
    • Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting!
    submitted by /u/dlongjr21
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    BadWolfMC [SMP]{18+}{Greylist}{1.17.1}{SkyBlock}{Magic}{PlotWorld}{Paintball}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:32 AM PDT



    BadWolfMC is a long running and laid-back adult Minecraft server network with lots of room to build and a few plugins to add a little fun and keep your builds safe without ruining the vanilla feel. While our Alpha server is home to the survival worlds we all love, our Beta server features SkyBlock, AcidIsland, OneBlock, & a creative PlotWorld. You'll also be enchanted by the Magical Worlds on our Gamma server, full of truly difficult custom mobs (dragons!), alcoholic potions, and stunning spells! Members also enjoy Paintball & Parkour arenas, Elytra Challenges, Mazes, a public End Grinder and Tree Farm, an expansive vanilla gaming park where members can build, regularly reset resource worlds, a massive shopping center that houses space for over 80 player and server shops, and we hold regular holiday events and build contests. Get chatting on our Discord server with in-game chat integration, and we have a very helpful wiki, useful for n00bs and veterans alike! Join us and become a part of our growing community with members from all over the globe!

    Our mission is to be a place to unwind and have a little fun, and our philosophy is to add to the game, not take away from it. We are very laid-back and won't get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful. We also do our best to be EULA compliant, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

    Membership Application Required: if you like the place and the rules fit your style, feel free to apply for permissions at BadWolfMC.com!

    General Server Rules (full rules here)

    • All players must be 18 years of age or older - that's the whole "Adult Minecraft Server" bit.

    • No Griefing - Breaking or placing blocks within another player's clearly defined area is strictly prohibited. This is true even in PvP and for seemingly abandoned builds - if it's not yours, don't touch it.

    • No Client Mods/Exploits - Client modifications (other than Optifine) or exploits to the game are not allowed. (Including but not limited to: Badlion, Forge, Fabric, Lightloader, flying, speed, x-ray, item duplication, glitching, etc.)

    • No Advertising/Spam - No advertising servers/websites/mods in any chat or spamming messages.

    • Common Sense/Maturity - This is a game. Be respectful, have fun, don't rage, don't participate in drama, don't harass people, mind the server conventions, etc. Absolutely no harassment, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.

    Come take a look around as our guest at IP: play.badwolfmc.com We hope you'll be as excited about this place as we are!

    We look forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/BadWolfMC
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    Feudal Tales [Roleplay] {Whitelist} {13+}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    Do you want to join an incredible community with great people? Are you a beginner, having some trouble getting into Minecraft RP? Well no worries! Feudal Tales is a tight-knit, very understanding, helpful community, and we are full of beginner, under-experienced and long-time, experienced players, who are eager to welcome you!

    The Feudal Tales server is a Medieval RP Server set within the Land of Aetheral. The capital city of Ardea is the main role play hub, and includes all manner of people. From kings, to barmaids, farmers, paladins, mages, mercenaries and thieves, if you can think of something, you likely can play as something!

    Despite the server's fantasy setting, the Feudal Tales lore team prides itself on realism, attention to detail, and literary excellence in storytelling, whether that be just for interpersonal events, server-wide battles, or the lore behind every flower you encounter within the game.

    We offer an amazing community with accepting and understanding members.

    We are very beginner-friendly. If you are new to RP and are worried about not understanding parts of the server that is fine, many people in the server who are now long-time, and amazing role players, began here. We have an amazing Discord with an active community who will help you with any questions or anything you might be confused about. We have players from a myriad of time zones, so someone is always around to help.

    This server has a great, and attentive staff team who will listen to your requests and complaints. Our staff also run completely anonymous polls from time to time and implement the contents of the polls, which are fully decided by the community.

    Feudal also has community events where folks come together for art and screenshot contests, or can enjoy spending time playing other games with each other, like Jackbox's party games. Everyone is welcome to host a community event, even those that aren't members of staff.

    There is a great guide to the server here 'link' It is highly recommended that you read this guide, as it will help you better understand our server and how roleplay within it is meant to go, whether or not you are new to RP or experienced.

    You can check out our Forums, Discord and Subreddit if you are concerned or wondering about the activity of the server.

    There is a Hallow's Eve fair going on for the next day or two! It includes an Archery Tournament, Pumpkin carving and more! It's happening right as this is posted if you are interested! You'll get to see an event in action if you join the server quickly.

    'Links to forums, subreddit and discord here'

    Here are some Reviews from staff and non staff about the server.

    "Feudal Tales has an amazing community! I've never been in a server with so many people that seem to care about everyone, and treats everyone equally, no matter how much experience you have! I'm proud to be a leader of this community, even if it is small." - LordofthePies, Current Owner

    "Feudal Tales is a community orientated server that I've had the pleasure of being on for around over a year now and I'm happy to say that there hasn't been one moment I've ever questioned my decision to join it. Not a community quite like it on the Internet, I can do nothing but recommend it!" - PhrogPhobia, Staff Member

    "This server is an amazing server with a wonderful community and as one of the oldest members of the community I can not recommend to join the server more, I have spent an absurdly long time on the server and I do not regret a moment of it. This community is just simply amazing." - ToxicTea66death, Long Time Member and Staff.

    submitted by /u/FeudalTalesRPServer
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    Prosperity [SMP] {Voice chat} {Carpet mod} {Crearive test server} {Tech focused}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Join the Discord](https://discord.gg/hfTxZ4XxYj) | Screenshots | Wiki

    Prosperity is a semi-technical SMP server with a focus on large projects, community, and a unique selection of modifications to enhance the game. The server is inspired by SciCraft and Hermitcraft, as the server has a strong technical playerbase, and Hermitcraft as the server still retains a community SMP feeling and no-compromise approach to vanilla mechanics.

    How is this server unique?

    While hundreds, or maybe thousands of "SMP servers with vanilla features" exist, none I've seen are setup quite how this one is. This server runs the Carpet mod for Fabric. Which allows the server to use many unique and powerful features like renewable sand, auto-crafting, and more, which are all documented extensively on the server wiki. This is all done completely server-side, which means you can join with vanilla or any other client mods you like. There are many additional features to the server , which you can see in a later section.


    The server has many large scale technical projects, builds, and more, with new ones always being worked on or planned. Many farms already exist for you to have an easy time getting started, these include, but are not limited to:

    • Gold farm with auto-crafting and piglin bartering

    • Quad-core auto-crafting iron farm™

    • Chronos raid farm

    • Nether and overworld mob-switches

      ... and more.

    Along with this projects like a nether fortress farm, massive slime farm, and void-trader for villagers are being planned or worked on.


    The Prosperity community features players from all around the world, although primarily form North America. The playerbase is primarily made up of builders and technical players. The Discord is quite active with somebody almost always online and able to help you out or chat. The server also has proximity voice chat which is pretty cool.


    Here are some additional features that may interest you:

    • High performance server
      • 21 chunk view distance
      • Constant 20TPS except for that one time we loaded a thousand shulkers
      • 150ms latency from SEA and AUS
    • Creative server for testing
    • Proximity voice chat
    • Carpet bot players for consistent AFKing
    • Modded features
      • Movable tile entities
      • Renewable sand
      • Auto-crafting
      • Mobcap loggers
      • More ...
    • Custom item textures
    • Shared schematic placements

    Should I join?


    Join the Discord | Screenshots | Wiki

    submitted by /u/CarbonGhost0
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    OakheartMC [SMP] {1.9.x - 1.17.x} {Wholesome Community} {Discord} {Balanced Player Economy} {LGBTQ+ Welcome!} {Council} {Towns} {Quests} {Custom Enchants} {Non P2W} {Crates} {Pets} {Ranks}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    Click here for a 1 minute trailer of Oakheart!

    Join our Discord!

    IP: oakhe.art

    Are you looking for a mature community? A server with an actually friendly and mature player base with no tolerance for toxic behavior? A staff team that isn't full of themselves and are willing to treat players as equals?

    Come join a community where YOU matter!

    We are Oakheart - a survival server that promises you our absolute dedication to building the best community possible. We have the classic survival recipe of crates, economy, in-game ranks, homes, custom enchants... but also a bunch of gameplay twists that will spice up your experience!

    Check out our YouTube channel!

    Do you enjoy TikTok? One of our videos got more than a million views!

    Player Council

    • We are implementing a Player Council that acts as the voice of the community, who can hold staff accountable and implement player suggestions! Interested to know more? Read about our council system here!

    Staff-built Spawn

    • We as a staff team built spawn ourselves, complete with lots of little secrets and areas for you to explore. Everything from the center tree, the houses, the mountains the rivers - just take a look at this post!

    Crates | Super Items, Custom Enchantments & more!

    • Our server use crates, where you can win custom enchantments, donation cosmetics, claim blocks, and even super items - items with enchantments that are enchanted past vanilla limits! Do you like Mending + Infinity bows? Perhaps Tridents that summon lightning, no matter rain or shine? Efficiency XI pickaxes? Come check them out!

    Over 15 Spawn NPC's, more to come!

    • You can make money by selling to spawn NPC's, but there are also secret NPC's all across spawn that offers special deals! Think Trolls under bridges, a secret librarian, a special merchant that appears once in a while with artifacts and special item deals...

    And there's more! Monthly planned events, vote parties, claims, crates, quest scrolls, player warps... everything you'd expect from a staple survival server.

    We even have a dedicated council hall in spawn where we hold our meetings and a viewing gallery where you can spectate!

    We'll be waiting! You coming?

    submitted by /u/OakheartMC
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    FRESHLY SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {HermitCraft like} {SMP} {18+} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    We are FRESHLY SMP!

    We have an amazing thing going! It's not a brand new world but most players are people who started semi-recently so you wouldn't be too behind. The community is great, people will definitely help you with food and stuff at the beginning and you'll have a good ol'time.

    We are looking for players who are 18+ and are looking to have fun.

    Here is a list of our datapacks!

    • AFK Display
    • Anti Enderman Grief
    • Armor Statues
    • Coords Hud
    • Custom Nether Portals
    • 2x Shulker Shells
    • Fast Leaf Decay
    • More Mob Heads
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Nether Portal Coords
    • Player Head Drops
    • Track Raw Statistics
    • Wandering Trades
    • XP Management

    We are looking to add the Carpet Mod too in the very near future!

    Also several community events happening soon!

    DM me on Discord Killing Survival#9694 so I can add you to the Discord server!

    submitted by /u/Killing-Survival
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    NationMC Earth [SMP][PVE]{Vehicles}{Armory}{Custom Items}{Towny}{1.17.1}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    NationMC is a custom Earth World designed to create towns within nations around the globe! Invite your friends to collaborate in a real world location navigating on the map! I Hope to see you there! Suggest new ideas in our discord server below!

    Server IP: NationMC.xyz

    Some custom features to be named are:

    » /Menu (access all custom features easily)

    » Custom Enchants

    » Guns, Drugs, Vehicles

    » Nations, Land Claiming

    » Non-P2W Levels, Shop, Spawners

    » McMMO

    » Random Teleport, Player Warps

    » Live World Map

    » Custom Heads

    » Actions

    » Friendly staff

    » Hosted on the US East Coast

    I hope to see you online!

    Server IP: NationMC.xyz

    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/5HzfpX2kcM

    Map: http://NationMC.apexmc.co:8123/

    submitted by /u/AJ844FB
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    Kindred Legacy [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [Semi-Anarchy] {Friendly} {No Coordinates} {No Map Resets} {No-Hacks Vanilla Survival} {��}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    The howling of the wind abates a moment. Through the thick swirl of snow, I can see the flat ice of a shoreline spread before me. I have reached the new land in the north. A new beginning.



    Server IP: kindred-legacy.com

    Version: 1.17.1

    This server is a pure vanilla survival. No land protection, no tpa, and no cheating. To enhance the vanilla experience, coordinates are not shown in the debug screen as Notch and Jeb originally intended.

    The world is on it's third year and is filled with elaborate towns, both prospering and burning wrecks. There are both friendly communities and hostile warring gangs.

    We are a friendly community with players from the States, Europe and even Australia. All the settlements on the server are built against the tide of griefing. From Greater Cobbleton to Origin, the server stands strong. See you in the North!

    Basic Info:

    • Server runs Paper. No game changing plugins. Pure vanilla experience.
    • Dedicated server.
    • World will never be reset.
    • No coordinates.
    • Large biomes.
    • Hard mode.
    • No TP, help, or protection.
    • No OPs or creative players.
    • No donator privileges or perks.
    • 40 slots.

    Server Rules:

    • No cheating/hacking (6 month temp ban).
    • No doxxing, death threats, etc.
    • If you keep getting banned, it's longer every time.
    submitted by /u/savannahrhinoceros
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    ClusterCraft [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Hermitcraft-like} {1.17/1.18}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 02:17 AM PDT

    Hey all, and welcome to ClusterCraft! If you decide to actually join, that is. But why wouldn't you? I mean, we've got shops (kinda), and datapacks (not many quite yet), and... Kyster...

    All I'm trying to say is that we've got a super close-knit community of friends on this fun little server, and we're open to ideas and suggestions any day of the week! There isn't a hard age requirement, just make sure you're mature.

    To get down to the nitty-gritty, we've got tons of datapacks such as One Player Sleep, 2 Shulker Shells, and more! For plugins, we've got Timber and that's pretty much it actually.

    In the coming months, 1.18 will be releasing, which means either a server restart, or something more interesting. What we're gonna be doing is going out to new chunks past the 2000 mark (just a rough estimate) and doing stuff there, so any progress you make in the coming months won't be wiped!

    If any of this interested you, join the discord and fill out the application! Hope to see you on the server!

    submitted by /u/DomiNationTwitch
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    Last Life SMP [SMP] {18+} {Semi-Vanilla} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    This is essentially a replica of the Last Life SMP the people from Hermitcraft are doing. We are having sessions between 11 am PST and 5pm PST every Monday. This is an 18+ server so please only send in an application if you are 18 or older. The server will be closed besides that time frame. You do not have to play for the entire time, but it's 6 hours to allow for you to get on for at least three or four hours.

    This plugin adds hardcore mode to the server with a twist. Upon joining you get two-six lives. Once per session, a random amount of boogey men will be chosen. The boogeymen have to get one kill during that session, otherwise the boogeymen loses all but one in the next session. You can also give other people lives. Running out of lives will put you into spectator mode. (To be expanded upon further as the server grows). This server will have voice mod on at all times which will leave the door open to lots of fun interactions.


    1. Stealing is allowed, and reasonable greifing is allowed.

    If one is caught griefing or stealing you may kill them.

    You may only make offensive traps when you are on your yellow or red life but defensive traps can be made by all

    1. Boogeymen must kill one player once.

    If they don't they lose all but one life in the next session.

    1. When you are on your last life you may kill freely. All other killing must only be in self defense.

    2. Any other killing that isn't in the rules above

    will be proceeded as lives taken and given accordingly.

    1. Good luck, have fun, last one standing wins a solid pat on the back!

    The goal of this server is to have a nice, wholesome, mature community that can grow, expand, and have fun together in the madness.

    Here is the application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdH8PNmHczWA6aRYRGE6iL1x-IE_rB8LNFgzHyfA78C5Ib3Cw/viewform?usp=sf_link

    submitted by /u/Watermelon_Man_125
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    OneMC [network]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    OneMC is the fastest growing Minecraft server in the world. We just launched and already get near 100 players online at one time every day.

    IP: play.onemc.org

    Discord: https://discord.gg/hxe98trHHf

    We accept no donations. We have no lag, no hackers, and some of the best anti cheat systems in the game.

    We have no admins, and no one can spawn. Land is ungriefable because you can claim it and TNT is disable so no one can destroy it.

    We use the factions plugin because we have a towny setup and it prevents griefing, but like I said TNT is disabled so raiding is impossible so it's not some "raid" server.

    I am an OG MC veteran and used to run one of the largest MC servers in the world; EverCraft you may have heard of it.

    Anyway - we see that the people need a true no donation no lag no hacker MC server and this is it.

    Because we don't spawn anything in and we have anti-xray the economy is totally legit and items like Netherrite are actually rare and have to be mined or traded for.

    IP: play.onemc.org - hope to see you there.

    submitted by /u/Nick-Lim
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    BasicallyVanillaEnhanced [SMP][Modded] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 08:56 PM PDT

    Free to Play Minecraft Multiplayer SMP looking for players.

    The mission with this server is to have a nice community of people who enjoy playing the game just having fun together. Inspired by Hermitcraft and the like.

    This server consists of a lot of mods but they are ALL strictly vanilla like and vanilla styled mods, that don't change the main mission OR main aesthetic of the original game. They are all small quality of life mods or ones that fit incredibly well with the same bar of effort and visual appeal that normal minecraft updates have. These are mods like Quark, TeamAbnormals mods and the like.

    Message: Pacs#6398 on Discord for more info

    This is a video explaining the mentality and ruleset of what makes a mod this type of Vanilla Aesthetic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ybh5733DCo&t=178s

    This is a link to our discord if you're interested: https://discord.gg/HDB2x3CdAD

    submitted by /u/TheManicSugar
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    CanyonMC [Anarchy] {PvP, No Rules, Community}

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    CanyonMC is a Minecraft anarchy server for 1.17x. There is only one admin, me. There are no repercussions or consequences for anything you do, Everything is allowed including (but not limited to):





    -Saying what you want in chat

    No-one ever has been or will be hard banned. Only a few players have ever played so you could check out this server in its infancy. There are no established players OR bases yet so you could be the first one!

    Server IP : play.canyonmc.tk

    Discord: https://discord.gg/kdQWBFZF7v

    I hope to see you online!

    submitted by /u/Daynios
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    SurvivalMC! [smp] [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    Use the link below to join our community :)



    This server does have a whitelist. The IP is Java: "play.survival-mc.net" Bedrock: "play.survival-mc.net" Bedrock Port: "19132"

    Hello! I am Bearpiano and I am a Moderator and Builder in the Minecraft Java & Bedrock survival server with quality of life plugins and datapacks that will make your gameplay better but don't take away the vanilla aspect of the game. We have an active community with 500+ members on Discord which play on the server from time to time.

    We are somewhat inspired by Hermitcraft, we have a shopping district at 0, 0 which is also where the spawn is located. We use some datapacks that are also used in Hermitcraft, a list of some features that we use can be found in our Discord. Our staff team is very active and eager to help as much as possible.

    The project "SurvivalMC" started on the 21st of July 2020 and we have been offering a lag-free and friendly experience since then, more information can be found on our Discord server. We also recently started a new season, so we can offer a better experience to new players.

    Hope to see you soon!

    submitted by /u/Unusual-Bathroom8052
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    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 12:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to FreeSMP! A minecraft server with a shopping district, death counter and a few plugins such as grief protection, player heads and custom heads.

    This is a crossplay server so both java and bedrock players can join.

    It's in the style of hermitcraft meaning there's a focus on farms and building and developing the world.

    It's only 2 weeks old and has around 20 active players already.

    DM me for the link! Or join right here

    submitted by /u/SentralKL
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    Come Join The United Misfits! [SMP] {16+} {WHITELIST}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    We are a small community who plays on a bedrock server, currently looking for someone who streams to join our community our only other streamer is lonely.

    We are a small group of players who likes to have game nights and tournaments, and we do group projects!

    Our current group project is a elven fantasy gigabase area where we are all building bases and are gonna blend them together into a huge gigabase, and we still have plenty of room for any new people!

    We also have a discord community that is welcoming to anyone and everyone.

    The only rules in the server is no being rude/hateful No stealing/greifing(unless agreed by both parties.

    Soon to be a prank war hopefully starting soon, but that is hush hush, just between us haha.

    submitted by /u/PK_The_Sayain
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    Nagisa SMP [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.17.1} {Discord}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Good Morning Gamers,

    Nagisa SMP is a chill survival multiplayer server where the most important thing is to have fun , so accordingly toxicity and stuff has very strict rules so everyone can have fun without problems , the staff is transparent about updates , listens to suggestions , and is regular to the server.

    We are not professionals we are just a group of people who like Minecraft and want to make friends and if you want to do so too then this server is just for you, we are a discord based server so if you have discord then join us at https://discord.gg/pQzmgAsqJF if you dont have discord then dont worry you can just play on the server play.host-with.me :smile:







    submitted by /u/Ngisa
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    AURA FURY INFITECH 2U: FEAR THE NIGHT SERVER Over 30 Active Players currently! [SMP] [Modded] {No-Grief} {Non-P2W} {Long-Term} {Whitelist} {Magic} {Tech} {Survival} {18+}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    Howdy folks! Aura Fury is proud to be hosting a InfiTech 2u: Fear the Night Server! Many in the community are ready to return to this gregtech 5u hardcore balanced pack. There are currently a little over 30 active players! The world is brand new and it is a great time to join! If you would like to join please PM me or apply at https://aurafurygaming.com/index.php/joinus

    About our community:

    -mostly 18+ friendly and inclusive community with ages ranging into the 70s (average age is in the low 30s)

    -Level 3 Boosted Discord for high quality audio/video and direct chat with minecraft server through discord-Content creator friendly servers and discord-Mod Creator/Modpack Dev updates in our discord from multiple modders/devs in the community

    -World completely built in survival and by the players, the players decide how the world looks-We run with the Aura Fury promise so no worries about world resets or wipes-Player run events and projects

    -Dedicated Box servers at datacenters for low lag even when the servers are busy

    -Experienced community with over 10 years of gaming together

    -multiple game community with over 750+ members

    For more info be sure to check out our website at aurafurygaming.com or simply search aura fury in youtube. Infiech 2u: Fear the Night modpack info can be found here or on the website

    We play multiple games including: Modded Minecraft, Vintage Story, Starbound, Eco, Ark, Among Us, Overwatch, Squad, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Phasmophobia, Factorio, Cryofall, Rise of Nations, Command and Conquer Remastered, Diablo, Sun Haven and Valheim. We add games as the community is interested

    submitted by /u/EconBrony
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    >>Ghetto [SMP] {Vanilla} {Greylist} {No Resets}

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    IP: gold.ghetto.rocks

    java pc / 1.17.1

    Gold Ghetto is a survival server with a true vanilla survival experience. Our world has NO map resets with the idea of building a realistic place to live with highways and villages that will age and decay over time. Our community isn't huge because we're quite picky about our membership - only true survival players who enjoy the grind and the beauty of our world. The server is usually kept on whitelist but every once in a while we open it up to the public to meet new people if we can find them. This is one of those times.

    If you're looking for a world that's exciting to explore and a safe place to build your biggest ideas ever, or if you just want to live in the mountains with the goats, you can do that too. You don't have to be some grand wizard of Minecraft to play in our world but the server is set to hard mode so it helps. It's a vanilla server with no plugins so no /tp or land claim or anything like that, just basic minecraft.

    We try not to have many rules but good people seem to be hard to find so:

    griefers get banned

    no X-ray please

    parasites are annoying

    respect existing builds

    lgbtq+ friendly

    **Screenshots** : http://www.ghetto.rocks/screenshots.htm

    60 players active in the last week, another 40-50 on the discord.

    IP: gold.ghetto.rocks

    submitted by /u/MarlinSly
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