• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Ironforge: Dawn of Althea [Semi-vanilla] [Roleplay] {Whitelisted}

    Minecraft Servers Ironforge: Dawn of Althea [Semi-vanilla] [Roleplay] {Whitelisted}

    Ironforge: Dawn of Althea [Semi-vanilla] [Roleplay] {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Ironforge: Dawn of Althea is a civilization role-playing server.
    Players get involved in founding settlements, engaging in politics, economy, trade, conflicts, and wars.
    The server is slightly changed from vanilla - ores are generated specific to different regions.
    Bronze gear is introduced - combining copper and tin ores.
    Ironforge: Dawn of Althea trailer

    After a bloody fight and heavy casualties, Kratia and its Ageosi kin won the siege of IÅŸrakra, and placed Akufan as the new ruler of Ukialta.

    The Scydonians under the influence of their witch, are growing bolder every day, having recently come into conflict with a nearby colony.

    In the desert, the city of Cidurat-Azir grows wealthier each day from its gold mines, looking for an opportunity to spread its cultural influence.
    The Shogunate of Yoshioka lies peacefully in the far west, establishing itself, dreaming of a forgotten and glorious past.
    The world of Althea still has many stories to be told, come to forge your own - there is plenty of room for new cultures and settlements looking to establish power and influence throughout the realm!
    To read more about the world of Althea check the wiki page: Ironforge: Dawn of Althea wiki
    To join the world of Althea fill this application
    NOTE: a staff member will contact you if you're accepted, if not, you'll just not be contacted at all.
    Ageosi troops sailing towards the town of IÅŸrakra

    Ageosi troop in IÅŸrakra

    The Royal guard of Kratia

    submitted by /u/_Skard_
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    SUPER SMP [smp] {JAVA} {BEDROCK} {No Whitelist} {Semi-Anarchy} {War} {Killing / Griefing Allowed} {1.9 - 1.17.1} {Discord}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    Hey, First of all Thanks a Lot for Clicking on this Post;
    SuperSMP is a community based SMP with around 520+ members from all over the world!
    We dont Encourage P2W!

    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7ZnuTQqwmy

    Are you that person who loves wars / pvp, or just looking a fresh new smp with good players? If yes, you are at the right place. We are a semi anarchy server with very few rules. We make sure everything is fair and stable. Join our server to get all that experience. You can change your mind.

    Other Goodies:
    + 24/7 Lag Free (99.9% uptime) [12GB RAM]
    + Responsible / Active Staff
    + Cool Owner
    + Good Maintenance
    + 1.5 Months Old
    + Owner is a CAT addict (doesn't hate dogs)
    + Anti-Racist!

    - JAVA IP : supersmp.ml | PERMANENT DYN IP : mc.limenodes.xyz:25571
    - Bedrock IP: mc.limenodes.xyz | PORT: 25600
    VERSION:1.9 - 1.17.1 [latest recommended]



    You can do Anything 0ther Than This

    submitted by /u/skmsis
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Java} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.17.1} {Survival}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Near Vanilla is a close-knit community server where we've created an environment where players come together to build, collect, explore, and have fun. The perks of being a member can be seen in our cooperative builds, player competitions, vibrant shopping district, and other events. All play styles are welcome, from those who want to venture out on their own to those who want to work cooperatively with others. We're sure you will find exactly what you are looking for in your SMP experience while making some great friends and builds along the way.

    Near Vanilla is an international, community-driven server. There is constant communication on our Discord, both serious discussion and silliness. We constantly seek the opinions and views of the player base and large changes are made through player discussion. Suggestions are always welcome. A dedicated admin team is always on hand to make sure things are working smoothly, bad behavior is squashed, and your time on the server is stress-free. Our DynMap, which can be viewed through the website, allows you to navigate to your favorite biome and see how close/far you are from your fellow players.

    If this all sounds like your kind of place, grab your sword and pick and jump into NearVanilla and show us the creations you can make! Apply now!

    Requirements: * 18+ only * Be Nice

    Zero Tolerance Policy: No hacking, glitching, or duping allowed. Any of these will result in a permanent ban. No griefing, stealing, bullying, insulting, discrimination, or prejudice behavior tolerated. Toxic behavior is not welcome.

    The "Near" in "Near Vanilla" * Deathlog: Lets you know where you died * WanderfulAdditions*: control armor stands and make item frames invisible * Kickafk: Kicks players who afk more than 3 hours * Custom plugins created for our server * A few Admin tools to help mods keep things friendly and welcoming Players can suggest Non-Vanilla additions if they do not remove from the vanilla experience which will be discussed on our Discord.

    Plans for 1.17 and 1.18 We have voted to expand our world borders with 1.17 to access new blocks and mobs. We did that on Saturday, July 10th. When the rest of the Caves and Cliffs update drops at the end of the year, we plan to reset the map and start Season 6.

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website. Applications with more information are more likely to be accepted.

    1. How are you doing today?
    2. What is your in-game name?
    3. What is your age?
    4. Tell us a bit about yourself.
    5. What are some of your goals for this server or what do you do in a typically play session?
    6. What is your favorite aspect of playing with other players?
    7. Have you ever been banned from another server? If yes, why?
    8. How did you hear about our community?

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    ghetto rocks [Vanilla] {Survival} {Lore} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    IP: gold.ghetto.rocks

    Gold Ghetto is a survival server with a true vanilla experience. Our world has NO map resets with the idea of building a realistic place to live with highways and villages that feel like you're visiting a real place. Our community isn't huge because we're quite picky about our membership - only true survival players who enjoy the grind of playing the game the way it's meant to be played.

    If you're looking for a world that's exciting to explore and a safe place to build your biggest ideas ever, or if you just want to live as a fisherman in a little hut by a lake, you can do that too. You don't have to be some grand wizard of Minecraft to play in our world but the server is set to hard mode so it helps. It's a vanilla server with no plugins so no /tp or land claim or anything like that.

    We try not to have many rules but good people seem to be hard to find so:

    griefers get banned

    no X-ray please

    parasites are annoying

    respect existing builds


    **Screenshots** : http://www.ghetto.rocks/screenshots.htm


    IP: gold.ghetto.rocks

    submitted by /u/MarlinSly
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    Prosperity [SMP] {Voice chat} {Carpet mod} {Auto-ccrafting} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:51 AM PDT


    Prosperity is an SMP, inspired by Hermitcraft and SciCraft, which aims to make high-level gameplay and large projects more accessible with a selection of vanilla-friendly mods. The server has a technical focus and established playerbase.

    While many server claim to have unique vanilla-plus gameplay, Prosperity is unique in it's selection of mods, which are all documented extensively on the server wiki.

    Join the Discord | Wiki | [Screenshots]()


    Prosperity has many in-progress projects, as well as many completed farms and shops. A few of the highlights are:

    • Shulker farm
    • Overworld & Nether mob-switches
    • Raid farm
    • Auto-crafting gold farm
    • Community commercial district
      • Redstone shop
      • Enchantment shop

    With these farms and a generous playerbase, you can safely skip a large portion of the early game grind and start working on large projects quickly.

    Incomplete list of points-of-interest


    The Prosperity community is primarily made up of technical players and builders. But of course anyone is welcome and encouraged to join. Many servers claim to have friendly communities, but you can never know until you join. I can say from experience that the players on this server are very welcoming and willing to help you out.

    Even if you aren't playing on the server, you are welcome to chat on the active Discord server.


    Prosperity runs a selection of vanilla-friendly mods, primarily, the Carpet mod. This It adds new gameplay features like auto-crafting, renewable sand, moveable chests, and much more. The server also runs Lithium, which is one of the best Minecraft optimization mods, as it does not break vanilla parity,. If you've ever had farms break on Paper servers, they won't here.

    Prosperity runs a selection of vanilla-friendly mods, primarily, the Carpet mod. This adds new gameplay features like auto-crafting, renewable sand, moveable chests, and much more. The server also runs Lithiun, which is one of the best optimization mods, as it does not break vanilla mechanics, if you've had farms break on Paper servers, they won't here.

    The mods on this server don't require you to download anything to play, and you can run the world download in vanilla without issue.

    Full mod list & configs

    Servers & Administration

    Prosperity runs a, fast, Ryzen 5000 series CPU, with 8GB and 4GB of memory dedicated to the main and creative servers respectively. The server is hosted in the US, with 150ms ping from SEA and ~200 from AUS, and of course, great ping in NA. We get a consistent 20TPS, with the exception of when we loaded over 1000 shulkers. In addition to this we have a 21 chunk render distance.

    As for administration, I'm active at odd hours, but I will be there to help out and answer questions on the Discord very frequently. Hacking and greifing is taken seriously and the server has a logging mod (Ledger). In addition to this, backups are taken frequently.

    Server specs and info

    submitted by /u/CarbonGhost0
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    BadWolfMC [SMP]{18+}{Greylist}{1.17.1}{SkyBlock}{Magic}{PlotWorld}{Paintball}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:58 AM PDT


    BadWolfMC is a long running and laid-back adult Minecraft server network with lots of room to build and a few plugins to add a little fun and keep your builds safe without ruining the vanilla feel. While our Alpha server is home to the survival worlds we all love, our Beta server features SkyBlock, AcidIsland, OneBlock, & a creative PlotWorld. You'll also be enchanted by the Magical Worlds on our Gamma server, full of truly difficult custom mobs (dragons!), alcoholic potions, and stunning spells! Members also enjoy Paintball & Parkour arenas, Elytra Challenges, Mazes, a public End Grinder and Tree Farm, an expansive vanilla gaming park where members can build, regularly reset resource worlds, a massive shopping center that houses space for over 80 player and server shops, and we hold regular holiday events and build contests. Get chatting on our Discord server with in-game chat integration, and we have a very helpful wiki, useful for n00bs and veterans alike! Join us and become a part of our growing community with members from all over the globe!

    Our mission is to be a place to unwind and have a little fun, and our philosophy is to add to the game, not take away from it. We are very laid-back and won't get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful. We also do our best to be EULA compliant, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

    Membership Application Required: if you like the place and the rules fit your style, feel free to apply for permissions at BadWolfMC.com!

    General Server Rules (full rules here)

    • All players must be 18 years of age or older - that's the whole "Adult Minecraft Server" bit.

    • No Griefing - Breaking or placing blocks within another player's clearly defined area is strictly prohibited. This is true even in PvP and for seemingly abandoned builds - if it's not yours, don't touch it.

    • No Client Mods/Exploits - Client modifications (other than Optifine) or exploits to the game are not allowed. (Including but not limited to: Badlion, Forge, Fabric, Lightloader, flying, speed, x-ray, item duplication, glitching, etc.)

    • No Advertising/Spam - No advertising servers/websites/mods in any chat or spamming messages.

    • Common Sense/Maturity - This is a game. Be respectful, have fun, don't rage, don't participate in drama, don't harass people, mind the server conventions, etc. Absolutely no harassment, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.

    Come take a look around as our guest at IP: play.badwolfmc.com We hope you'll be as excited about this place as we are!

    We look forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/BadWolfMC
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    Simusto SMP [Vanilla] {Survival} {1.17.1} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    Hey thanks for opening this post in here we are recruiting 15 players to join us on our newest SMP adventure that can bring value

    Simusto SMP is right now looking for as said previously 15 new players to be more specific we are looking for people that can reach these requirements to join us We are looking for 5 Builders 4 Redstoners 3 Detailists 3 Mob Farm Professionals

    We are aiming to be similar to SciCraft and make the most of out this creative block game,we are willing to push the boundaries of Minecraft to build things that we will be later proud of and happy about The Server will be running at a high end VPS machine so that it can handle all our amazing builds creations

    If you want to join us you must fulfill 4 of these requirements listed below

    The Server has not yet been opened,it is opening tomorrow

    : You must be able to play for at least 10 hours weekly which is around 1,5 hours daily
    : You must be at least 16 years of age and mature: You must be able to handle big projects and not stop working on them
    : You must have at least B1 English Level so that our fellow members can understand you
    : You must be from the EU and not NA cause of ping/time difference
    : You must be chill and humorous and not take jokes seriously

    : EXTRA If you want a extra chance to join us,you can present some of your previous creations in Minecraft in your preferred field

    If you think you fulfill at least 4 of these requirements you can contact us and message us at our Discord : Soul#3940

    submitted by /u/xxx955player
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    BetterSMP [SMP] {Modded} {BetterMinecraft}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm looking for players that would like to join my Minecraft server. The modpack we are using is BetterMinecraft Plus, since it has an interesting world filled with structures(dungeons, towers, castles, fortresses and more!) and dimensions like the deep dark and many others for you to explore! Besides exploration, mods like Create and Botanica change the way you perceive the world, offering you the experience of working with magic and intricate mechanisms that help make the game acquire a wider field of choices, as you have the ability to inquire the mechanisms or rituals the mods deliver. Furthermore, I have modified the modpack in such a way so that the server is better optimized, and it brings three new mods, Mekanism for simpler and better-optimized energy production and automation, Immersive Engineering for a more industrial and realistic experience than Mekanism, and Refined Storage for a better means of storage, automatic filtering and input/output of items. The server adress is

    submitted by /u/MuffinMan124124
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    Flintlock [Modded] [Network] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    Our servers are in North America. We host and manage game servers on multiple 11th gen 11700 CPUs with 184+GB memory and SSD disks. They are all free to play! We have a centralized identity system (whitelisting, banning, etc), no application required and it is instant.

    Nothing is locked behind roles, and we have custom lag prevention techniques.

    We recently put many of our servers to 'sleep' (data saved), and started up new ones! We currently host these Minecraft servers:

    All of fabric 3 | Started July, 2021

    All of fabric 4, 1.17.1 | Started Oct 14, 2021

    All the Mods 6 | Started Oct 15, 2021

    All the Mods 7 | Started Oct 24, 2021

    Better Minecraft, 1.16.5 Forge| Started Nov 4, 2021

    Last Days Of Humanity | Cycle Started Oct 31, 2021

    Last Days Of Humanity | Cycle Started Oct 31, 2021

    Divine Journey 2 | Started Oct 15, 2021

    Enigmatica 6 | Started Oct 14, 2021

    Eternal | Dec 2020

    Eternal 1.5 classic | Dims wiped Oct 2, 2021

    Eternal 1.5 normal | Dims wiped Oct 2, 2021

    Eternal 1.5 normal | Started Oct 29, 2021

    Eternal lite | Started Oct 14, 2021

    Flintlock Vanilla | Launched Oct 14, 2021

    FTB OceanBlock | Started Oct 14, 2021

    Hexxit 2 (with claims) | Started Oct 26, 2021

    Multiblock Madness | Started Oct 15, 2021

    Seaopolis | Launched Oct 15, 2021

    Skyfactory One | Launched Oct 14, 2021

    Stacia Expert | Starting ???

    TNP Limitless 3 | Launched Oct 14, 2021

    TNP Limitless 4 | Launched Oct 14, 2021

    Vorps1 | Launched Oct 17, 2021

    We also host Ark, Atlas, Valheim, Space Engineers and other dedicated servers.

    Join the action! https://discord.gg/2nBmkUsVwz

    submitted by /u/thethrax
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    AstroWorld SMP Season 3 [SMP]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Now with people more active than ever, ASTROWORLD SMP kicks off its third season with things such as profit systems, dope mods, and the greatest builds in server history. From joinable nations such as $WAG CITY and La Gran Tera to chill gameplay and brief RP, this server has more to offer than you can know what to deal with. So what are you waiting for? Join now to get in on the fun! https://discord.gg/Y4nesaDE

    submitted by /u/Bayzinga1
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    Late Night MC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Java} {Community} {1.17.1} {Survival}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    🌛 Late Night MC 🌜

    Looking for a small community server to call home? Look no further, Late Night is a great place to relax and play with your friends after a long day. We are fully cross platform with Bedrock (Including Mobile, Playstation and X-Box consoles)

    Late Night Features:

    • Towns and Communities
    • MCMMO
    • Silk Spawners (Mine and place mob spawners)
    • Jobs plugin
    • Chestshop

    Late Night is an economy and community driven server, to have a safe and fun place to build. Please join us in these early stages of our launch! We hope to see you on the server!!

    Some server information:

    • PVP is off by default, but able to be toggled. Drops are protected on death.
    • Server is on Hard difficulty
    • 10kx10k map to start, to be expanded with more players!
    • No Grief, raiding unclaimed containers is allowed!

    IP: play.latenightmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/WjJN57M9ry

    Website: https://latenightmc.enjin.com/

    Server Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8iLfg7AHZY

    submitted by /u/LateNightMC
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    Crafts SMP [smp] [realms]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Hey everyone made a realm about 2 months ago and wanted to share it with as much people as I can. We currently have 2 people in the realm including myself. It's a small but nice and friendly realm. It's for people who want to enjoy the game full vanilla, please be At least 18+ and if your younger then it's possible to make exceptions we want a nice respectful mature as possible realm haha with no griefing no stealing etc the world is fairly new (238 days in) full access to all dimensions and the map will be kept in for the 1.18 update etc. We have a discord which is a requirement as well, there's server backups just in case so never be worried!. MESSAGE me and we'll get everything started for you play ASAP! :D

    submitted by /u/razzz415
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    Minecraft Disarray SMP [SMP] [PVP] [Semi-Anarchy] {mcMMO} {Proximity Chat} {Java/Bedrock}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    A brand new SMP server, full of mischief and disarray!

    This server runs like vanilla with a few enhancements and quality of life changes:

    • mcMMO plugin for RPG-like skill progression
    • Plasmo Voice mod (optional) for proximity voice chat
    • Support for Bedrock players
    • Discord integration via DiscordSRV
    • Phantom spawning disabled
    • Player heads drop on kill

    Players are free to play however they choose (as long as they aren't cheating!), so bring your friends and enjoy the disarray!

    Join our Discord server, talk with community members, and make suggestions!

    Plugins installed on server: mcMMO, Chunky, CoreProtect, DiscordSRV, LuckPerms, NerfPhantoms, PlasmoVoice, ProtocolLib, Themis, Geyser, Floodgate

    Server version: 1.17.1

    submitted by /u/DrDankerson
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    Feudal Tales [Roleplay] {Whitelist} {13+}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Do you want to join an incredible community with great people? Are you a beginner, having some trouble getting into Minecraft RP? Well no worries! Feudal Tales is a tight-knit, very understanding, helpful community, and we are full of beginner, under-experienced and long-time, experienced players, who are eager to welcome you!

    The Feudal Tales server is a Medieval RP Server set within the Land of Aetheral. The capital city of Ardea is the main role play hub, and includes all manner of people. From kings, to barmaids, farmers, paladins, mages, mercenaries and thieves, if you can think of something, you likely can play as something!

    Despite the server's fantasy setting, the Feudal Tales lore team prides itself on realism, attention to detail, and literary excellence in storytelling, whether that be just for interpersonal events, server-wide battles, or the lore behind every flower you encounter within the game.

    We offer an amazing community with accepting and understanding members.

    We are very beginner-friendly. If you are new to RP and are worried about not understanding parts of the server that is fine, many people in the server who are now long-time, and amazing role players, began here. We have an amazing Discord with an active community who will help you with any questions or anything you might be confused about. We have players from a myriad of time zones, so someone is always around to help.

    This server has a great, and attentive staff team who will listen to your requests and complaints. Our staff also run completely anonymous polls from time to time and implement the contents of the polls, which are fully decided by the community.

    Feudal also has community events where folks come together for art and screenshot contests, or can enjoy spending time playing other games with each other, like Jackbox's party games. Everyone is welcome to host a community event, even those that aren't members of staff.

    There is a great guide to the server here https://feudaltales.enjin.com/forums/m/53125157/viewthread/33617707-starters-guide-to-feudal-tales/post/last#last It is highly recommended that you read this guide, as it will help you better understand our server and how roleplay within it is meant to go, whether or not you are new to RP or experienced.

    You can check out our Forums, Discord and Subreddit if you are concerned or wondering about the activity of the server.




    Here are some Reviews from staff and non staff about the server.

    "Feudal Tales has an amazing community! I've never been in a server with so many people that seem to care about everyone, and treats everyone equally, no matter how much experience you have! I'm proud to be a leader of this community, even if it is small." - LordofthePies, Current Owner

    "Feudal Tales is a community orientated server that I've had the pleasure of being on for around over a year now and I'm happy to say that there hasn't been one moment I've ever questioned my decision to join it. Not a community quite like it on the Internet, I can do nothing but recommend it!" - PhrogPhobia, Staff Member

    "This server is an amazing server with a wonderful community and as one of the oldest members of the community I can not recommend to join the server more, I have spent an absurdly long time on the server and I do not regret a moment of it. This community is just simply amazing." - ToxicTea66death, Long Time Member and Staff.

    submitted by /u/FeudalTalesRPServer
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    Gapple Ultra-Hardcore [Semi-Vanilla]{1.17.1}{Competition}{Prizes}{Discord}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Friendly Public Welcome

    Ongoing contests for 123 weeks in a row.

    Minecraft multi-player server: gapple.mchost.pro

    Direct IP if you prefer

    Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it.

    Score: +1 per minute you stay alive, +1 per experience point you earn.

    Examples: killing a skeleton earns 3 points, and killing the dragon earns 12,000 points.

    You will start in a safehouse until you are ready to enter the world.

    Hold a bone block to see the server's current top scoring players.

    New lives reset typically every Friday (3:00-ish).

    ERM_555 won Run 122 this past week with 17,769 points. Congratulations to ERM_555 on a noice victory.

    Server Rules:

    1. Do we even need to mention play fair and friendly? That should be a given on every server.

    2. Do not use client-side mods that give unfair advantages.

    3. No hacking, xray resource packs, or hacked clients on our servers.

    4. Spectators assisting live players will get both players banned.

    Apocalypse DataPack:

    1. Players killed by a zombie will become a zombie.

    2. 10% of skeletons get an enhancement.

    3. Bats bite, and can morph into an illusionist.

    4. Spiders can spin webs.

    5. Ox-Heads defend the pastures.

    6. The Litch kills everything he touches, so repel him and stay away.

    7. Herobrine is a veteran miner, and not to be trifled with.

    8. Medusa guards the Nether. One look at her and you turn to stone.

    Your Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/EP5Y9C7

    There is a prize for the first place US adult player each week. Current prize selection is an Optifine Cape or an in-game item shout-out. Details in the discord channel.

    A great summary typed up by Tfin:

    This is UHC, but not the UHC you know! Read on to find out what's up here! I'll start with quotes from the MineCraft Wiki: Ultra Hardcore... the main difference being players cannot naturally regenerate health. Like regular Hardcore, players cannot respawn if they die. These are the important points. This is where we're coming from. This isn't one of those 30 minute speed UHCs, or even the collapsing border UHCs of later versions. GatKong created this MineCraft datapack in the spirit of that original UHC season, but made it more difficult with a few additions. On this server, this is how you'll be playing: There are no teams. Free-For-All is the order of business here. PvP is enabled, but you'll need to find other players if that's how you want to win. There's a whole world out there. No borders, shrinking or otherwise. Go see it! The game lasts a week, from Friday to Friday. The server resets every week, with a new world and nothing carried over. This will happen Friday afternoon in US time. The winner will be determined based on points. You score points for being logged in, gaining experience, killing things, getting achievements. The first dragon kill is the big score, and is worth 12,000 points to whomever manages it. That won't guarantee victory though, because you can respawn the dragon for another 12,000 points, so don't give up, and don't stop just because you got it. If you die, you don't win. Anyone might die, even the leader. This world is not friendly. No one is going to be on all the time, and there'll be time to jump in, score big and win, possibly as late as a few hours before the reset. If you don't have time to beat the leader, consider it a practice run. There are a lot of customizations, So check out the tips and rules. Oh, and have fun!

    submitted by /u/GatKong
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    Phoxis [SMP] {1.17.1} {Fantasy Races} {Economy} {Custom Mobs} {Towny}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Who are we?

    Phoxis is a small active minecraft server looking to grow the community. We strive to enhance the minecraft vanilla experience through the introduction of plugins. The minecraft version is currently 1.17.1!

    How are we different to other MC Servers?

    Races! Do you ever feel bored of playing vanilla minecraft? Well in this server, every player has the ability to change their race. Ranging from Vampires to Lycanthrope, Angels to Demons and many more! Don't worry, if this doesn't suit you, you can pick a human race for a more vanilla-like experience.

    Of course, every race comes with its pros and cons. Click here for more details.

    Other features

    To make the players have a more immersive feel, we incorporated a Towny plugin. Players are able to create towns and nations (if they are ambitious) and invite others to join them. In doing so, you can create alliances, start wars (though we haven't had one yet! Thankfully) or simply a safe haven from those nasty mobs.

    Speaking of mobs, we have custom mobs such as unicorns. We have many more, but you'll have to find out by joining the server!


    Every week, we try to spice up the server by doing weekly events such as Hide and Seek and Boss Battles. Winners of these events are rewarded with awesome prizes as well as all participants who took part in the event! If I, were you, I would try and take part in all events!

    Current plugins

    Plugins include McMMO, economy, Towny, custom enchants and multiple dimensions such as Mining and Nether dimensions. These dimensions will get reset every 3 months or so; this is because it allows new players to gather materials that are much harder to find in the survival world. By the way, the End also gets reset every 3 months or so. Finally, there is also a Creative world in which you can buy plots and build whatever you want in creative. A more detailed list of plugins is available in spawn!

    Planned Features

    • More custom mobs
    • Custom weapons/armour (Will be added very soon...)
    • More events

    IP: phoxis.mcraft.pro

    Discord: https://discord.gg/4ksMbNC

    Hope you enjoy the server!

    submitted by /u/QuakkTheDuckling
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    PieIsStank SMP 2 [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {1.18} {17+} {Java} {LGBTQ+ Friendly}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Hello, we are looking for people to join the second season of the PisIsStank SMP 2. We are waiting till 1.18 is releases, but I thought I would try and get people to join beforehand cause we do other things in the discord server like play other games like phasmo, valaront, and among us. We also play many Minecraft games like bedwars and another game called UHC. We have around 40ish active members as of now. We are LGBT-friendly and anti-racist and do not allow any bigotry, obscenely offensive jokes, and any type of slurs. We play on java and we are strictly 17+. In the SMP we will have some plugins like one-person sleep and an auction house where you can bid to get unique items, but nothing too op. We do treat the discord server more like a group of friends more than an actual server. We have people of all different time zones so people are active at different times. The two owners of the server are in Europe and in the United States so yeah the server is most active and we just goof around. The SMP will be like a normal server where there isn't any unsolicited killing, griefing, and stealing. We also just started PieIsStank SMP 1.1 which we will be playing on for the wait of the new update. It is just a small border of around 100x100 and the border slowly moves around day to day. But yeah we are playing a lot of UHC while waiting for the new update to come out, if you are interested please add my discord Pieeatingmaster#2797. Hope to see you there!


    submitted by /u/Pieeatingmaster
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    The Tall Order [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {25+} {CET} {Lore} {Storytelling} {Inclusive} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    This server is a unicorn combination of "mature and civil" and "ridiculous and light-hearted," meaning we don't take ourselves too seriously, but we take each other's experience very seriously! We have a specific vision for our server and extremely high community standards. That's why this project is called:

    The Tall Order

    Our Concept

    • Write it up -- do and build whatever you want, and tell us all about it! Most people write little stories or diary entries, but digital art and screenshots are also fine- whatever your style is. Spam us daily, post weekly, or at least once a month.
    • Collaborate -- Our aim is to integrate each player's vision with both planned and improvised lore. We like to say, "yes, and…" whenever possible! Just go with the flow and have a good time :)
    • Gameplay: We are "mostly vanilla" with various plugins that tweak QOL aspects or enhance storytelling, but we try to preserve that core vanilla play style.


    • The Storytime channel is where you share updates. The point isn't to write a novel, just keep the conversation going. It can be a couple sentences on what you're building this week, but creativity is encouraged! Keep a character diary (most common style), describe a character interaction you experienced, regale us with the misadventures of Bob the Villager, create elaborate histories of an ancient nation, whatever floats your boat.
    • The Behind The Scenes channel is really important for our collaboration and bouncing ideas off each other for how we want the "narrative" to proceed. Our plot is not predetermined, but can be semi-prearranged (ground rules, general goals, hash out details) and then we improvise the rest in-game.


    • We're looking for players who are kind, inclusive, respectful, safe, interactive, and haven't lost their funny bone with age. Phases of more and less activity are expected as adults! Just keep in touch.
    • For 1.18 we'll keep our world but "start over" in a new spawn location- keeping a very small world border to start, then expanding out over time. We have about 10 regular players, a handful of less frequent players, and we're looking for about 5 more motivated co-conspirators. I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Please message me and let me know why you're specifically interested in out server.
    submitted by /u/rainof1000chickens
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    Sweet Survival [SMP]{1.17.1}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    IP: play.sweetsurvival.net

    Hello Minecrafters! Sweet Survival is a place where friendly gamers can play with peace of mind that their creations can be protected from griefers but still enjoy as much of the Minecraft survival experience as possible. We have rules for gameplay and conduct and encourage respect and inclusivity!

    Our community is small but active: We have player shops and farms with a lot resource sharing and group activities like Ender Dragon and Wither battles - sometimes to hilariously bad outcomes! The experience level or players varies widely from experienced builders and technical players to newer players that just want to play with others.

    Our resident streamer is TAFPlays, please check out his channel if you'd like to get a preview of our community.

    Currently the server offers the following mods:

    - Land Claims
    - Ender Dragon drops Elytra
    - Shulkers Respawn
    - Skip Night if Most Players are Sleeping
    - Anti-Cheat and Anti-Xray
    - Cosmetics like Sitting and Hats
    - Trade Chests

    We are anti-P2W: Sweet Survival does not have a Patreon page or accept donations, we don't sell ranks or chests. We just want as many people as possible to play the game with us and have fun.

    We don't have a hub, but we have two sibling servers that cater to different play styles. Feel free to check them out:

    Sweet Anarchy (any version can join): sweetanarchy.net
    Sweet Lucky Blocks (1.17.1): play.sweetluckyblocks.net (Very Experimental)

    Please join our Discord at: discord.link/sweetsurvival and we look forward to playing together!

    submitted by /u/blockswerker
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    SuperFunTime Survival [SMP][PvE] {Economy}{MCMMO}{Custom Plugins}{Updated to 1.17.1}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Who are we? SFT Media is an active and established gaming community and non-profit which has been going strong for more than 10 years! We put our focus on providing a fun and friendly community which includes enhanced vanilla Minecraft, modded servers, and other gaming servers.

    Our Survival Server: Our survival server is an economy based vanilla server with a few plugins to help grind out your time with us. We have Slimefun, Pyrofishing, Pyromining, MCMMO, 2 build worlds, a staff hosted event world, and monthly resets of the End/Nether/Scavenge worlds. Come be apart of our community and join our weekly events at play.superfuntime.org

    Our Tekxit Server: Tekxit 3.14 is a modpack on the Technic Launcher that connects aspects from the ancient packs Hexxit and Tekkit, while adding it's own twist, including: various biomes and dungeons, powerful bosses, spacecraft, factories or simply just building structures from the large variety of blocks. There's something for everyone to enjoy! Come join at tekxit.superfuntime.org

    Other Servers: https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,89705.0.html

    Visit our Website: http://www.superfuntime.org

    Join our discord: https://discord.gg/P56dXsD

    Rules Overview: http://www.superfuntime.org/rules

    Owners: TowelieDOH, BuilderCreep, Dpa1991, saywhat2365, Blalp

    Did you know CaptainSparklez made a video about us? Check it out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8

    Don't forget to check out what Jesus thinks: https://youtu.be/C986V0qsuPA

    submitted by /u/SFTMedia
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    2TMC [Vanilla][SMP]{21w44a}{Datapacks}{Whitelist}{Discord}{Community}{Hermitcraft-like}{18+}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    Hello we are 2TMC a community server much like Hermitcraft. We have just started our map and adventure on 21w39a (now on 21w44a) on October 4th 2021. We are active in game on chat and on our Discord voice channels.

    We are looking for players who will be active in game and will talk either through in game chat or Discord (Preferred). The server is in NA but we have players from all around the world. Discord and a mic are required! The reason for all updates surrounding the server are on our Discord and we want people who we can talk and interact with, though its not required to be on voice chat when in game its preferred.

    We are also youtuber/streamer friendly. Even tough we are an 18+ community, we try keep ourselves family friendly. The server is running some data packs, The datapacks and what they do are listed below.

    afkdisplay - Grays out a player's name that is not moving for 5 minutes.

    anti enderman grief - Prevents endermen from picking up blocks.

    armor statues - Adds a unique book that allows you to alter the properties of armour stands in survival. Recipie When signing a written book name it "Statues".

    back to blocks - Allows you to craft full blocks from slabs and stairs.

    coal to black dye - Allows you to craft coal into black dye.

    charcoal to black dye - Allows you to craft charcoal into black dye.

    confetti creepers - There is a 10% chance that a creeper will explode into confetti and do no damage to blocks.

    coordinates hud - Adds information to your action bar, XYZ coords and a 24hr clock (in game time). Type /trigger ch_toogle to toggle on/off.

    Craft sound - All crafting have unique sound.

    craftable notch apples - Allows you to craft Notch apples again. Recipie 8 golds around an apple = 1 Notch apple.

    craftable coral blocks 3x3 - Allows you to craft coral blocks from their coral plant in a 3x3, both tubes and fans may be used interchangably. Recipe 3x3 of coral plants of same colour = 1 block of coral in that colour.

    craftable gravel - Allows you to craft gravel from flint. Recipie 2x2 of flint = 1 gravel.

    double shulker shells - Makes all shulkers drop two shells.

    dragon drops - Makes the ender dragon drop a dragon egg and elytra drop on death.

    durability ping - Get notified when you damage an item with 10% or less durability. fully customizable type /trigger duraping.

    fast leaf deacy - Leaves decay much faster.

    graves - When a player dies, a grave is made at their location containing all their items. Right click the grave to retieve your items. Type /trigger grave to see the location of your last grave.

    kill empty boats - Kills all boats that do not have players in them.

    more mob heads - Adds a chance to recieve a mob head upon killing it.

    multiplayer sleep - Allows just one player to sleep to skip the night.

    player head drops - A player will drop their head when killed by another player. The item displays who the killer is.

    silence mobs- Adds the ability to silence a mob using a name tag,"Silence me"; "silence me"; "silence_me" are all acceptable names.

    straight to shapeless- Craft items such as paper, bread, and shulker boxes directly in your 2x2.

    unlock all recipes - Automatically unlocks all recipies as soon as you start playing.

    universal dyeing - Allows you to dye any dyeable block to another color, no matter what colour it is(does not include wool and concrete).

    unpackable nether wart - Allows you to break down nether wart blocks into 9 nether wart. Recipie 1 nether wart block = 9 nether wart.

    wandering trades hermit edition - Adds Hermit heads and mini blocks to wandering traders trades.

    Here are the rules for the server as well.

    1. Be Respectful
    2. No griefing, stealing, or cheating
    3. Chat is English only
    4. Non-Destructive Pranks are allowed (so Hermitcraft style pranks)
    5. Spawn area is for a spawn town
    6. Bases must be built 500 blocks away from Spawn.
    7. No duping except for carpet, rail and tnt.
    8. No combat logging, this means mobs as well.
    9. Taking items/griefing from active and maintained ruin sites is prohibited.
    10. No hacking or hacked clients

    If you are interested in joining please fill out this application

    submitted by /u/Lou9896
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    Armadar [modded] [roleplay] [factions] {whitelist}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    Bright Day, adventurers!

    Armadar is a fantasy world based mostly off of minecraft's existing lore, while also being constantly updated based on the player's actions, which means your character might be remembered forever as a hero or villain of this chaotic world.

    We are launching the second season of our roleplaying server this weekend, so if you want to get right into the new world, message me and you will have a chance to dominate the area before other.If you're ready this later, you are still more than welcome to come and play, just keep in mind it launches(-d) November the 7th.

    Note: we're using a custom modpack and forge for 1.16.6, the modpack contains some decorative and quality of life mods, nothing too big. We are working on setting up custom origins for all the races i designed at the moment.

    If it sounds like your cup of tea feel free to message me here or on discord (Corkscrew#7963 ) and jump right into it after a few questions.

    Im also running a TtRPG campaign in a system of my own design set in this setting, so if you're looking for some bonding opportunities with the other players this might be a nice thing to do

    Have a good rest of the day!

    submitted by /u/Altruistic_Bid_729
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    In the Heart of the Lab [Semi-Vanilla] {java-1.17.1} {greylist} {17+}

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 04:03 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! We are a relatively small community of excited Minecraft players, and we are looking for some people to join us!

    About us

    We are a group of players that share a love for Minecraft. We have a variety of different people and playstyles: we have people who focus mainly on building, people who love messing around with redstone, people who like to work on projects with others, and people who simply want to have their own house somewhere. What binds us all together is the fact that we like to play with other people, and have a chat with each other every now and then, either in Minecraft or in our discord server!

    About our world

    We're playing on a regular vanilla world that we plan to keep long-term. We started a few months ago when 1.17 was released. We don't have a lot of buildings yet, but we have a few projects we started working on:

    • The community spawn area: here we have a small starter village where everyone is invited to build a small house. There are some farms too, so that new players won't starve to death.
    • The shopping district: where everyone can build their own shops to sell items.
    • The minigame district: this area is still very empty, so if you have a fun Minecraft minigame in mind, we are excited to see it!

    Most of our players have their own base somewhere, by themselves or with a few others, and every now and then we try to get together to work on builds for the communal areas.

    Extra Activities

    Besides playing Minecraft together, we also hold mini-game events every now and then, where we play minigames or other games like Jackbox Party, Cards Against Humanity, Skribbl.io and others. We have gamenights at least every other weekend, and sometimes more. During these events, we usually sit in voicechat together. Everyone is invited to join, but nothing is obligatory :)

    Who are we looking for?

    We are looking for active, friendly players that want to be part of a long-term community.

    We accept players that are 17 or older, but don't worry if you're a bit older - most of our players are somewhere between 20 and 30 years old. It doesn't matter how much experience you have with Minecraft, both experienced and newer players are welcome.

    Our plan for 1.18

    As we are trying to keep our world for as long as possible, we have made a plan to migrate to 1.18 once it is released. We want to incorporate the new caves and cliffs, but we don't want to lose all our building progress. So, what we will do is the following:

    • When 1.18 drops, all players will need to mark the corners of their bases with a recognizable block and send the coordinates to the staff team
    • Then, we will take the server offline and generate a new 1.18 world with the same seed we are currently using
    • Afterwards, we will manually copy every single marked structure over to the new 1.18 world (at the exact same coordinates)
    • Once this is done, we can all continue playing like normal!

    We are aware that due to the terrain generations we can't guarantee that the structure will fit as nicely in its environment as it did on the 1.17 world. In some cases manual relocation or terraforming will be needed to a certain extent. Of course we will discuss this when the time comes, and we will do our best to let this impact the players as little as possible.

    Technical details

    Our world runs on Paper. We try to play on the latest release, so when a new version releases we will most likely update as soon as possible! We aim to have our gameplay stay as close to vanilla as possible, but we do use a few plugins and datapacks for minor improvements, such as One Player Sleep and Armor Statues. We also make use of a Resource World, so that we don't have to destroy the terrain of our regular world by mining large amounts of resources, and we have a separate Creative World where you can work together on designs. You can read about our plugins and features in our Discord server, and if you are still curious after that, we will happily answer any questions!


    • No cheating, griefing or X-Ray: we do regular checks to keep cheaters out of our server and offer a fair gameplay experience for all
    • No mods that will enhance game play to an unfair advantage - but things such as minimap mods and optifine/shaders are completely fine. (Ask one of our moderators if you're unsure whether your mod is allowed!)
    • Be polite: racism, sexism and homophobia will not be tolerated. This speaks for itself, but do not harass other players. We want our server to be a safe space for everyone.
    • Use common sense and ask questions if you're uncertain about anything!

    You can find these rules in more detail on our discord.

    If all of this sounds interesting to you, we'd like to invite you to our discord server! You can have a chat with us there to see what we're all about, ask us all your questions, and fill in our application form if you'd like to join our world. We hope to see you there!


    submitted by /u/Artemis_the_gr8
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    Project Nenu [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 05 Nov 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    Welcome to Project Nenu SMP!

    ➢ Java and Bedrock Support! ➢ Ranks to adjust your gameplay! ➢ A fairly made staff team designed to help at all costs ➢Semi-vanilla to make survival just a tad bit easier

    ➢ A place to have fun and meet new friends amongst the server!

    ip java: node1.nightnodes.com:25735 ip bedrock: node1.nightnodes.com

    port bedrock: 25735

    Discord: https://discord.gg/A8fqTjAYQe

    submitted by /u/atlantezzz
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    OakheartMC [SMP] {1.9.x - 1.17.x} {Wholesome Community} {Discord} {Balanced Player Economy} {LGBTQ+ Welcome!} {Council} {Towns} {Quests} {Custom Enchants} {Non P2W} {Crates} {Pets} {Ranks}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    Click here for a 1 minute trailer of Oakheart!

    Join our Discord!

    IP: oakhe.art

    Are you looking for a mature community? A server with an actually friendly and mature player base with no tolerance for toxic behavior? A staff team that isn't full of themselves and are willing to treat players as equals?

    Come join a community where YOU matter!

    We are Oakheart - a survival server that promises you our absolute dedication to building the best community possible. We have the classic survival recipe of crates, economy, in-game ranks, homes, custom enchants... but also a bunch of gameplay twists that will spice up your experience!

    Check out our YouTube channel!

    Do you enjoy TikTok? One of our videos got more than a million views!

    Player Council

    • We are implementing a Player Council that acts as the voice of the community, who can hold staff accountable and implement player suggestions! Interested to know more? Read about our council system here!

    Staff-built Spawn

    • We as a staff team built spawn ourselves, complete with lots of little secrets and areas for you to explore. Everything from the center tree, the houses, the mountains the rivers - just take a look at this post!

    Crates | Super Items, Custom Enchantments & more!

    • Our server use crates, where you can win custom enchantments, donation cosmetics, claim blocks, and even super items - items with enchantments that are enchanted past vanilla limits! Do you like Mending + Infinity bows? Perhaps Tridents that summon lightning, no matter rain or shine? Efficiency XI pickaxes? Come check them out!

    Over 15 Spawn NPC's, more to come!

    • You can make money by selling to spawn NPC's, but there are also secret NPC's all across spawn that offers special deals! Think Trolls under bridges, a secret librarian, a special merchant that appears once in a while with artifacts and special item deals...

    And there's more! Monthly planned events, vote parties, claims, crates, quest scrolls, player warps... everything you'd expect from a staple survival server.

    We even have a dedicated council hall in spawn where we hold our meetings and a viewing gallery where you can spectate!

    We'll be waiting! You coming?

    submitted by /u/OakheartMC
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