• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Melon Community [Modded]{18+}{ATM6}{Whitelist}{NA/EST}

    Minecraft Servers Melon Community [Modded]{18+}{ATM6}{Whitelist}{NA/EST}

    Melon Community [Modded]{18+}{ATM6}{Whitelist}{NA/EST}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 11:52 AM PST

    ALL THE MODS 6: Melon Community!

    We are Melon Community! This is a whitelisted PVE 18+ server aimed toward forming a small community of consistent players. Server is focused on modpack exploration and endgame completion. The server runs 24/7 and we are currently looking to recruit more experienced players to join us.

    Server is hosted in NA, EST time zone.

    • Server Details & Features: - 15GB Server with 24/7 Uptime
    • Claimable land & party features
    • Lag-free experience
    • Ranks & Roles
    • Active Discord community > Apply: https://forms.gle/96q8f6iSE3gC9A8W8

    We will reach out from discord if your application gets approved.

    submitted by /u/M0rzh
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    Polaris: Reforged [Roleplay] {SMP} {Whitelist} {Economy} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:38 PM PST

    To join the server, you must join the Discord and fill out a form there: https://discord.gg/sBGMbwTfaV

    Version: Java Minecraft 1.17.1 (No Bedrock or Cracked)

    Polaris: Reforged is a custom-world Minecraft server generated by one of our plugins.

    Polaris is set in 1 CE - 1200 CE with heavy fantasy elements.

    Polaris is a laid-back roleplay server where you can create a nation or organization with you and some friends. The server has a growing community and an open world stage for geopolitics.

    Or maybe you can be a lone Wayfarer, where you travel the world with just you and your inventory.

    In Polaris, the choice is yours of what you can do and what you limit yourself on. Are you willing to take the challenge?


    Brewery MCMMO QOL plugins (slabs to blocks/etc) Mystic Mobs Voteday Graves Custom Resourcepack

    submitted by /u/ace_magyk
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    Skate2thepark [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {21w.43A} {17+} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 06:52 PM PST

    We're really Chill we don't take the game too serious we love to have fun and mess around we got a discord as well and Build as much as possible to make this world look dope asf every day! We just want to build a huge F**ng city that you see on the front page of reddit that took years to build. Rules There aren't many rules as we just like to have fun . But Don't steal from other players houses . PvP is allowed so long as you and the other player want to initiate it . Events? No, we don't have any because were just all a bunch of friends who want to play with each other and make new friends who enjoy the same thing we do!

    We Plan to update to 1.18 once available and then well add plug ins to make it more fun. Dm for Server Info!

    submitted by /u/phil_McCracken077
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    ESA Realms is reopening for season 4! [Semi-Anarchy] {Bedrock}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 06:47 PM PST

    Do you want to play anarchy but think hack clients are too OP? This is the realm for you!

    Realm code:


    What we have to offer:

    A protected spawn

    A battle arena

    A 4 season long history

    And NO hackers


    No hacking

    No using hacked items (32ks, bedrock)

    No greifing the spawn areas or battle area

    No lagging or DDoSing the realm

    No spamming chat

    Killing and greifing are allowed

    Make sure to join our discord!


    submitted by /u/ezweber_the_great
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    Skate2thepark [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {21w.43A} {17+} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 06:45 PM PST

    We're really Chill we don't take the game too serious we love to have fun we got a discord as well and Build as much as possible to make this world look beautiful every day! We just want to build a huge F\***ng city that you see on the front page of reddit that took years to build.*


    There aren't many rules as we just like to have fun . But Don't steal from other players houses . PvP is allowed so long as you and the other player want to initiate it .


    No, we don't have any because were just all a bunch of friends who want to play with each other and make new friends who enjoy the same thing we do !

    We Plan to update to 1.18 once available.

    DM for Server Info!

    submitted by /u/Skate2thepark
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    Sealand [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Java-Bedrock} {Whitelist} {14+}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:23 PM PST

    Join this super chill 1.17.1 Minecraft server if you just want to play classic Minecraft without having to learn how to use a bunch of confusing plugins. There are no requirements for playtime or skill, we just hope that you have a good time.


    Multiplayer Sleep

    Anti Enderman Grief

    Essentials Commands (tpa, sethome, etc)


    Discord-Minecraft chat integration

    Bedrock/Java Crossplay

    Active and Friendly Mod Team

    We hope that you decide to join us!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/J5HqWMd85Z

    submitted by /u/Sealand_Minecraft
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    Jif's Vault Hunters [Modded]{Greylist}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Hey there!

    Have you been wanting to play on a Vault Hunter's SMP server like they do on Twitch? We are hosting a Vault Hunter's SMP! We have room for a few more players, and want to offer access. Join us in venturing to gather all the relics, plunder vaults, anger or appease the Vault Gods, and build out our bases.

    Discord | Modpack

    Server IP: jif.mc.gg

    submitted by /u/helgzysac
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    SuperBedrockServer Hosting Spots [Vanilla] {Bedrock} {Whitelist} {Hosting}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 04:06 PM PST

    I have been working on a project to host Bedrock Edition servers. It's just about complete, but it has been greatly overengineered... so in addition to the personal server I am hosting, I should be able to support 6 more. This project is essentially entering it's Beta phase, so I am willing to host servers for free for a few months.

    Any console can connect to my servers. It requires special instructions, but is not difficult to set up.

    I have a website to allow server management from a webpage, but I want to gauge interest before I make it public. A whitelist will be mandatory for each server.

    I'm only supporting Vanilla servers right now, supporting add-ons will take some extra R&D since I've never used them myself.

    I created this project after being disappointed with Realms. In terms of performance, my server is significantly better than Realms when running a single server. However, I have not been able to test my server's performance when running many servers at once since I don't have many people to help me.

    This is free because I am working on this project for my own personal interest and I can't guarantee quality at this point. I can share my personal costs if people are interested, but it's significantly cheaper than Realms. I hope to use this opportunity to improve my software.

    If you are interested, please message me directly.

    submitted by /u/Techus
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    Loading SMP [Modded]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 03:42 PM PST

    I recently started a Create mod focused SMP, and its grown pretty quickly since then. We're looking for builders and engineers, but everyone is welcome: you don't need to know anything about Create to join. If you're interested in joining, please add me on Discord: Loading#0698
    Some of our builds: https://imgur.com/a/bCGe7Br

    submitted by /u/Loading_Forever
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    FriendliesSMP [SMP] {semi-vanilla} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 03:03 PM PST

    Hello And Welcome To The Information Pamphlet For Friendlies SMP!

    After 11 Months of being open and members existing and living on Season 1, We are finally doing a reset and moving on to Season 2 and we are looking for new members!

    Let's get Started!

    • Friendlies SMP accepts members as young as 13, but we do have adults and the server is run by an adult as well!
    • We are an LGBTQ+ friendly server!
    • We are a Whitelisted community requiring an application to be filled out for any possible admittance, Those accepted will get a discord friend request from WandomWilmor
    • We have about 20 active members from Season 1 joining for Season 2 and they will all be starting clean just like you!
    • We accept Roleplay!
    • We accept Streamers!
    • We accept Non-Streams
    • The server is ran off of 1.18 Java Addition and is NOT compatible with Bedrock
    • Season 2 is currently planned to go live December 1st (Susceptible to Change)

    [Server Application]

    submitted by /u/WandomWilmor
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    QuartzSMP [semi-anarchy] [pvp]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:40 PM PST

    Hey all. We've got a new and exciting semi anarchy life-steal SMP server on 1.17 and are looking for members and new players to join.

    QuartzSMP is a Semi-Anarchy lifesteal SMP (teams / teamless) where you can become the ultimate warrior.

    We're also considering running PvP style events on the server to win prizes such as elytras, enchanted golden apples, and extra hearts.

    Join us at quartzsmp.mcsrv.pro and Discord at https://discord.gg/kyx2XNsxpa

    PS: No lag machines or hacked clients. TIA :)

    submitted by /u/Penumbron
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    EuroCraft [SMP] {Vanilla} {Whitelisted} {18+} {Fresh start}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:35 AM PST


    Most of what makes EuroCraft your perfect place provided your a friendly adult european minecraft survival player is already explained in the title!

    The basic principles of EuroCraft are the following:

    • A vanilla survival multiplayer server;

    • A server for European people so that no-one gets left out because of timezone issues;

    • The friendliest community! We'll get to know you through private messages before inviting you to the Discord server to make sure we are all on the same page. I'm sure you will get along with us, we just want to screen the other ones... shh!

    • A dedicated team with top-notch organization (tooting our own horn, I know);

    In our community, you can be a builder, a redstoner, an explorer or just someone who likes to hang around and play with other players: everyone's got their place in here!

    You're interested? Let me tell you more.

    • EuroCraft aims to be a fresh new world for a group of active people starting together at the same time: the release of Minecraft 1.18. That is: November 30th, 2021.

    • EuroCraft will be a survival server with a vanilla feel. We'll still add a few datapacks and plug-ins such as proximity chat!

    • EuroCraft is leaded by a team of two people (Yetimiette and myself) who handcrafted the community's (perfect!) Discord server before making this ad to recruit you!

    • Feel free to browse my reddit posts to see what kind of player you'll get to play with. :)

    If you've read this far, that means you're interested!

    Here's what's next:

    • Send me a message introducing yourself: your age, where you're from, what you like to do in Minecraft, screenshots of previous builds or whatever else you want to share with us!

    • If we see that you're a friendly person who fits with everything we've listed before, we'll send you an invite to join the community's Discord server.

    • After that, you can talk on Discord to get to know each other, discuss projects, builds, shops, datapacks and everything to be ready for the big launch on November 30th. \o/

    submitted by /u/Nemrodd
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    Delphic Space [vanilla] [smp] {13+} {fresh world} {whitelist}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:29 PM PST

    We are looking to build a community before 1.18! The official Java Minecraft server will go up once 1.18 is released. We are friendly to people of all ethnicities, genders, and sexualities. Please read everything in our guidelines channel and then fill out the application by typing $new in bot commands. The application questions are in the applications channel. Please fill out your pronouns and time zone in the roles channel. Thanks! Delphic Space Discord

    submitted by /u/cowloom
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    Search for Falcon [semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {Fabric 1.17.1} {Carpet Mod} {Lithium}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:22 PM PST

    The Search for Falcon

    is a 1-year-old technical server that still has not fully lifted off the ground. There are many projects that we have planned that can't be done with our low number of players. We have big plans for the future, but big plans mean big help. We're calling on you to help us.

    OUR MISSION: Our server name is "Search for Falcon" because we are looking to soar above the clouds and fill our world with high-efficiency farms and mega builds.

    We are aspiring technical players only getting started on our journey, so come and join us on this wild ride.

    Projects completed:
    Gnembon's Gold farm

    Gnembon's Enderman farm

    Multi-item sorting system (by Rapscallion and metamilo)

    Slime farm

    Oak tree farm

    Concrete converter

    Cobblestone generator

    Projects in progress:

    Garlic Bred's raid farm

    Projects planned:
    Wither Skeleton skull farm (self-designed)

    large barter farm

    industrial sized villager trading hall (void trading) [self-designed]

    Guardian farm (by gnembon)

    Copper farm

    super fast iron farm

    Shulker farm


    Carpet Mod - Carpet Extra - Carpet AutoCrafting - Lithium - Hydrogen - Krypton - Dynamic View Distance - and numerous performance mods

    If you're interested reach out to me via Discord (TheMasterFox#8935)

    submitted by /u/TheMaster_Fox
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    Bagnides [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+} {Empires} {Bedrock compatible/Geyser} {SimpleVoiceChat} {Fabric} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:59 PM PST

    Bagnides (BAG-nee-dehs) is a modern 1.17.1 Survival MultiPlayer server that takes inspiration from Empires SMP. The main focus of this server is to create empires.

    We are a friendly community and we'd love to see you there! Thanks to the Geyser plugin, both Bedrock and Java players can join.

    Any player can create an empire and become its ruler just by saying so. Nonetheless you can play however you like as long as you follow the rules, i.e., interacting with these empires or making one is not compulsory. We also have custom advancements regarding empire creation

    ━━━━ Special stuff ━━━━

    • We have a proximity voice chat that doesn't sound like a 60s radio!
    • We have the Ledger mod installed. If someone griefs you (which isn't likely) we can see who it was and we can rollback it.
    • Phantoms are disabled. You can get the membranes from bats instead.
    • Whenever you die a grave will spawn with all your items.
    • There are custom records that don't require the use of a resource pack.
    • Many non-renewable resources are renewable here.
    • +some Vanilla Tweaks datapacks

    ━━━━ About us ━━━━

    We are currenly a fairly small community which speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese. Most things, however, will be in English. The server is not very old, most people are starting.


    You need to be over 18 years old to be able to join.

    If you'd like to apply, to simply check out more server info (like the rules), or to talk to the community,

    join our Discord: https://discord.gg/3yG865XKNP

    submitted by /u/LyricalOnirical
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    SqueejCraft [network] {1.17.1} {Semi-Vanilla} {Vanilla} {Pure Vanilla} {Hardcore}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:47 PM PST

    IP: squeejcraft.com

    Java and Bedrock compatible :D
    Bedrock players may experience issues when playing on a Java server.

    Click here to join our Discord


    SqueejCraft is a network of vanilla Minecraft servers, with a focus on quality game mechanics, epic world borders and generous farm caps. There is no Clearlagg, no mob cleaning, no disappearing entities. It's basically single-player but with other people.

    We accomplish this by running a network 5 smaller servers on high end, overclocked hardware. Each server is built with the game mechanics and mob-spawn rates that Mojang intended for you to experience.

    Not all of our servers are the same however and each one is inspired by several vanilla genres found throughout the multiplayer universe of Minecraft.

    Network Performance Features:

    Buffed view distance

    Vanilla mob-spawn/despawn behavior

    Generous farm caps without mob cleaning

    No floor-item or entity cleaning

    No game-mechanic nerfs

    Fast chunk load speeds

    Redstone friendly

    Auto farm friendly

    Epic world borders

    Generous piston, observer and hopper limits

    Vanilla exploits (such as tnt dupers)

    Each server has it's own unique set of rules, but there are 3 rules every server must follow. For server specific rules, type /rules when you join

    No discrimination

    Be respectful. Be chill

    No cheats or xray

    submitted by /u/squeejcraft
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    Origins Smp!! [smp] [modded]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:45 PM PST

    Im thinking of making my own Origins Smp

    It's going to have these mods-

    Added Origins

    Extra Origins

    Fabric API (so the mods will work)



    Heres the discord server, whitelist on, only 20 people allowed to join, maybe do RP but idk yet its still in the making :D


    P.s People already in the server haven't played mc in a long time so dw about them :D

    any more questions, please dm me on discord - Jaw10games#8243

    submitted by /u/jaw10games1
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    BeingSMP [SMP] {Modded} {Roleplay} {Whitelisted} {Java} {12+} {Discord} {Fresh start}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 12:23 PM PST

    Hey there.

    So I'm trying to find some people that want's to play a modded server. So the modpack is the one that I created please go check it out here https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/being

    In the server were gonna start fresh. There's a mod called vc where you can talk in-game. So basically the pack is realistic. I tried my best to make it like that.

    Here is the Discord server join it if you want to play :)

    Here are the requirements to join:

    A good pc (So that the modpack would load without any fps issues)

    A mic (It does not matter which of course but it matters to atleast have one)

    A premium minecraft account (We only allow premium accounts)

    Timezone (Join the discord and tell me what time is it for ya and i'll tell you if you can :) )

    Requirements to join the server when it's open:

    Have the latest version of the modpack installed. (I prefer using curseforge launcher)
    Forge 1.12.2 installed
    Make sure to test the modpack so that it would not lag And the ip :)

    Ill tell you more when you'll join the Discord :)

    See you there!

    submitted by /u/NotEigulite
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    Origin Legends [smp] {1.17.1} {origins}{RLcraft}{Java}{all inclusive} {all ages} {discord}{hermicraft}{community}{tmc}

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 10:29 AM PST

    Origin Legends a Discord Community and Collective of Survival Minecraft SMPs


    Join our discord to get whitelisted**


    Infinite Origins - Origins Modded Server

    Infinite RL Craft - RL Craft Modded Server

    Bitcraft - Vanilla SMP

    Origin Legends - Techincal Minecraft Server

    Our goal at Origin Legends is to provide a safe and fun environment for anyone to come play no matter who they are. We seek to elevate our community though positivity, support and mutual respect. We do so in a fun playful and uplifting way, after all we are here to play. In this community all members including our staff are seen and treated as equals. In creating a positive experience out of games we strive to create a more fun experience in game. All are welcome, come join us become part of our community and see if you have what it takes to become a Legend!

    We are a newer but thriving community of players with multiple worlds. Our worlds are all 1.17.1 SMP servers (except RLCraft 1.12.2) . We already have a small but solid player base but we're always looking to grow.

    ******Our site has 4 different smp's you can play on!******

    Infinite Origins - An all ages Origins modded community focused on playing modded minecraft * Family friendly group of players

    • A new community for Minecrafters to create in survival in a shared survival environment
    • Curse Forge Mod Pack to with over 50 Mods including better nether and better end and mythical mounts
    • Choose over 50 origins
    • Choose custom classes

    Infinite RL Craft - An all ages RLCraft modded community focused on playing modded minecraft * Family friendly group of players

    • A new community for Minecrafters to create in survival in a shared survival environment
    • Curse Forge Mod Pack to with over 100 Mods

    Key Features

    • Thirst Bar
    • Temperature & Heat
    • Healing From Food Removed
    • Torches Made More Realistic
    • F3 Debug Disabled, Map And Compass Enhanced
    • Mob Spawners Drop Loot & Have A Set Lifespan Now
    • Randomized Spawning When You Have No Set Spawn Point
    • Items & Abilities Locked Until You Level Up In Certain Skills
    • New And Powerful RPG Skills And Perks Can Be Unlocked With XP
    • Randomized Ruins, Structures, And Dungeons Generating All Throughout The World
    • All New Weapons & Tools
    • All New Mobs, Passive & Aggressive, From Lycanite's Mobs, Ice & Fire Dragons, & Infernal Mobs
    • New Custom Crafting & Smelting Recipe's For Certain Vanilla Items
    • Sound Engine Overhaul For Added Realistic Immersive Experience
    • Item Physics Overhaul
    • Brand New Enchantments, Potions, & Individual Item Qualities

    Bitcraft - An all ages public SMP for those who love survival pvp building and farming.

    • with a community based hub,
    • town center,
    • economy
    • nations

    Legends - An adults only redstone community focused on creating a massive and efficient world of farms and systems.

    • Adult friendly group of Redstone builders
    • A new community for like minded builders to build and create in survival in a shared survival environment
    • Opportunity to participate in both community based builds and have the freedom to create your own builds for yourself and the community.
    • Join a Server with active admin support to help and troubleshot along the way
    • Version 1.17.1 come out and check us out we a small but fun community on a brand new world. everyone should come check us out.
    • check out the discord to get whitelisted


    Origin Legends banner

    submitted by /u/Bitcraft_PogAnarchy
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    Chamania minecraft server [vanilla] [factions]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 08:39 AM PST

    Join Chamania today! Chamania is a friendly vanilla kingdoms/factions server that includes in game currency, gambling, events and more!! We have a friendly community and helpful staff aswell as our very own line of merch, we do monthly events and sometimes multiple a month😁 join now. We also have social media to follow in game events as well as an active production team working on server advertising and more Ps. If you're warskull or Athena and you see this you're awesome and my inspiration-mem


    submitted by /u/MemorialTrack
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    ScumCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [PVP] {1.17.X} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 01:37 PM PST

    IP: mc.scumcraft.us

    Discord: https://discord.scumcraft.us/

    ScumCraft takes minecraft back to its roots. Its a survival server with no claims, a few QoL plugins and few rules. Not many servers give you the freedom that ScumCraft does. On ScumCraft you can be solo or find a team, it is up to you. If you're interested in an old style minecraft server, join ScumCraft.

    Main Rules:

    - No racism

    - No hacking

    - No griefing

    - No spamming

    - Use common sense

    submitted by /u/jacksinflamed
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    SMR Network [SMP] {vanilla ]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:48 AM PST

    SMR Network

    SMR Network was founded in 2019 to serve the community of Minecraft game lovers and enthusiasts. We are here to provide you with a community and the trade to master Minecraft, and continue loving the game. To learn more about what we can do for you, explore our site and get in touch.

    To further your Minecraft gaming expertise, you need recipes. SMR Network created this section so players have an idea of the kinds of recipes available during game play, and what they're good for. Crafting, brewing, smelting, and trading are the main ways for players to obtain new elements, which they can then use to expand their playing experience. SMR stands for Survival Multiplayer Realm. SMR Network is a community based server. We play on Minecraft Bedrock edition as well as Minecraft Java Edition. SMR Network has a wide variety of things you can do. We have a typical normal Minecraft survival world but as a community. As a community we like to work together on projects to make the realm stand out. Here at SMR Network we also have your traditional shopping district/area.


    We are looking for members that want to spread creativity and happiness within the server. We also are looking for members that like to take part as well as contribute to our community/server. We also are looking for members of any skill level to participate in our server and experience SMR Network.


    You should join SMR Network because we value our community, hard work, commitment, and fun! without the community SMR Network would have been here. SMR Network has a variety of options. Here we offer multiple experiences within the realm. We have build off events every week for members here at SMR Network.

    Join Today!

    Website: https://smrminecraft.net/

    Trailer: https://youtu.be/SioFr1AA2q4

    SMR Network Discord: https://discord.gg/QajbPsp4Ks

    submitted by /u/TheGameplayer74
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    BunCraft: Pandora - OPENING SOON! [network] [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 05:41 AM PST

    The 7 Wonders of BunCraft is almost here!

    We will soon be opening the gates of our first wonder, Pandora! And we just dropped a server trailer and you can watch it in the link below!


    This world will provide a Semi-Vanilla-Semi-RPG Style gameplay. You are free to choose whether to play as a Semi Vanilla player or go to the Semi RPG route! We focus on making a difference in the gameplay of players through the unique features we offer.

    Hold on to your pickaxes, as we take you on an extraordinary journey on minecraft survival!


    The 7 Wonders of BunCraft socials:

    ✧ Discord Community - https://discord.com/invite/8RTvQAygkj

    ✧ Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/The-7-Wonders-of-BunCraft-108333601535916

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YT channel for more BunCraft contents!

    submitted by /u/yowjustine
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    Minecraft Bedrock Edition SMP Realm!!!!! “Fallen SMP” [ROLEPLAY] [SMP] [VANILLA]

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 11:36 PM PST

    Minecraft Bedrock Edition SMP Realm!!!!! "Fallen SMP"

    Discord: ► Link - https://discord.gg/snvJqXGaxK (JOINING THE DISCORD IS REQUIRED AND PROVIDES GUIDELINES) (Application Required)

    Description: ► This Realm is partnered with Unity Anti-Cheat and is application-required meaning it is a guaranteed hacker free experience! The Realm owner is NightwalkerLots and is Co-Directed by Carthe123, the owner of the Fallen Network. Join our SMP, where the staff practice humility, the players are wholesome and the Network is genuine! [Up to 10 Players may join the Realm at a time. The Realm can only be joined via Minecraft: Bedrock Edition v1.17.41]

    submitted by /u/XCart7
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    9tx [Semi-Vanilla] {1.17.X} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 24 Nov 2021 07:35 PM PST

    IP: 9tx.org

    Discord: https://discord.gg/n6RUkBKjpf

    9tx is a survival server with a tight community. While the map is relatively new (1.5 months old), 9tx has been around since summer of 2012. Do not worry map resets are very rare, the first map lasted for over 2.5 years.

    The server is semi-vanilla with land claiming and mcMMO.

    I'm not even staff on the server but I want to see the server grow since out of the countless survival servers I've played this is by far my favorite.

    I hope to see you guys on :)

    submitted by /u/slow_down_more
    [link] [comments]


