• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers starting new smp [vanilla]

    Minecraft Servers starting new smp [vanilla]

    starting new smp [vanilla]

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    I am starting a new smp and i've got alrdy few ppl that will join . Its is planned to be running on vanilla server loader ( no paper or spigot ) with maybe terralith and other world gen mods ( or datapacks whatev u call em ) Like When dungeons arise ... things that wont take out the vanilla feeling ( or the abbilty to play with a potato pc like me ;-; ) and we're also doing a vote on what we should add or not .
    For the server itself , it is going to be running on 4gb ram , cpu Ryzen 9 5950X and unlimited ( expandalable storage , for now it is 100 gb ) these specs should run the server with 20 players on perfectly fine . we probably wont have an ip like play.thegame.com or somthing like that , it is mostly gonna be ip with random numbers.
    For the moderation , rules and stuff :
    I know that since it is going to be vanilla , that means no way of being able to track cheaters and grifers , but i have a solution for that . I is a secret only mods

    There will be an application to make sure only players that will be active and respectful will join .

    If you want to join us too DM me on discord . Barracuda#4994

    submitted by /u/NotBarracuda
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    Search for Falcon [semi-vanilla] {Fabric 1.17.1} {Carpet Mod} {Lithium} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    The Search for Falcon

    is an almost 1 year old technical server that still has not lifted off the ground. There are many projects that we have planned that can't be done with our low number of players. We have big plans for the future, but big plans mean big help. We're calling on you to help us.

    OUR MISSION: Our server name is "Search for Falcon" because we are looking to soar above the clouds and fill our world with high-efficiency farms and mega builds.

    We are aspiring technical players only getting started on our journey, so come and join us on this wild ride.

    Projects completed:
    Gnembon's Gold farm

    Gnembon's Enderman farm

    Multi-item sorting system (by Rapscallion and metamilo)

    Projects planned:
    Wither Skeleton skull farm (self-designed)

    industrial sized villager trading hall (void trading) [self designed]

    Guardian farm (by gnembon)

    Copper farm


    Carpet Mod - Carpet Extra - Carpet AutoCrafting - Lithium - Hydrogen - Krypton - Dynamic View Distance - and numerous performance mods

    If you're interested reach out to me via Discord (TheMasterFox#8935)

    submitted by /u/TheMaster_Fox
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    OreoMc [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    🍪---OREOMC--- 🍪

    OreoMC is a Minecraft server designed from the ground up with custom content in mind. We have worked countless hours to create something truly unique from your classic Minecraft experience. If you are tired of the same old Minecraft server we invite you to check out our server to experience something that you cannot find anywhere else!

    💻• Java And Bedrock support, we allow bedrock and java versions of Minecraft to connect to our server!

    🌍• Survival SMP- Vehicles, World scale live map, clans, wars, claims, player shops

    🍦•Vanilla SMP- plain survival, no claims, pvp,wars, clans

    🚆• Tpa- allows you to teleport to friends.

    💀• Death -Chests- Keeps your stuff safe from people stealing and your Stuff from de-spawning.

    ❌• NO RESETS- Your work is safe!

    🌳• Spawn- We have a spawn full of activity; it includes shops,pvp,and a meeting place for all and its where you begin your adventure

    🎮 •IP:play.oreo.gg PORT: 19132

    submitted by /u/aquariusowo
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    FordiumMC [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] [Semi-Anarchy] {Guild Wars} {European} {1.17.1} {12+}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Welcome to FordiumMC!

    A Minecraft Server where you can finally experience TRUE semi-anarchy gameplay! Where the only rule is to not hack and EVERYTHING else is allowed.

    We offer:
    🌎 Custom World Generation

    🧟‍♂️ Custom Dungeons

    👥 Teams

    🔧 Reliable Anti-Cheat

    ⚔️ Wars

    And much MUCH more! So come join us at our discord and see how long you can last in the wild wasteland of Fordium!

    PS: the server is still being worked on and will soon be launched. Until then feel free to vote on how you'd like the server to be in our discord!

    submitted by /u/ViraajRandhawa
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    Globecraft [Semi-vanilla] [Roleplay] {Java} {1.16.5} {13+}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Globecraft - Geopolitical Server with Vanilla Claiming

    - - - Geopolitical - - -

    On Globecraft we believe in letting the players do mostly as they want with diplomacy and roleplaying. Nothing you do in terms of diplomacy is binding, and you don't have to roleplay either. If you just want to build then that's also fine. Though, if you want to stay undisturbed, you still have to consider what nation to join, as there is no way to avoid wars.

    The staff team try to make as little rules as possible, and not overcomplicate things, with the exception of wars, which need some rules and restrictions to make them fair, fun, and rewarding.

    Anyone can claim a nation if they want to, though, as we don't have any claiming plugin, this has to be done in the discord, and accepted by the moderators. Claiming is required to have your land protected from griefing. Though, if a player wants to, they may also choose to not claim land and stay nationless.

    Wars are based on a system of occupation, not just destroying everything.

    - - - Staff team - - -

    The staff team on Globecraft is elected by the players. This happens on a monthly basis. Everyone who wants to be elected or re-elected, including eixsting staff, can apply for it, and then all players have a vote on which candidates they want to win. The people with most votes win and become staff members. Currently there are 5 moderators, though it may change in the future with the growth of the community.

    There are only 2 staff members that are not elected. Those are the owners. They are there to hold elections and demote moderators for breaking rules.

    Elections are held on the 20th of each month.

    - - - What makes Globecraft special? - - -

    • 1:1000 scale earth map Moderator elections
    • No towny or similiar plugins
    • Some plugins, like dynmap and brewery
    • Claiming system through discord allowing for diplomacy, trading, and war

    - - - Links - - -

    Minecraft server: play.globecraft.eu

    Discord server: https://discord.gg/7FE7fN2C

    Dynmap: http://globecraft.eu:8191/

    submitted by /u/GlobecraftOfficial
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    Eureka! SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Paper} {18+} {1.17.1} {Whitelist} {Season 2} {HermitCraft} {Datapacks} {Shopping District} {Gaming District} {Core Protect}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Hey! We are currently looking for new players to join our server!

    If you are looking for a server that replicates the HermitCraft feel without the need for YouTube, or just want a good server to stick around for a while and make friends, please! continue reading and see if we're what you've been looking for.

    We have currently been online for about a year now and would like to continue expanding our community. So. if you are interested in joining our SMP, come on over to our Discord and see what you think! Our world restarted on the launch of 1.17 so it is still very new! Our shopping district is located on a mooshroom biome portion of a large island where spawn is also located, the nether hub is located on the nether ceiling and everything is connected to the shopping district for easy access to everything and everyone! Our admin are online every day and our server is kept clean of all exploiters and griefers with the help of CoreProtect.

    As of plans for 1.18: Since the release of 1.18 is only a couple of months away we decided to have the same world for both parts of Caves and Cliffs update. To do this, we have made a world border around the entirety of our map and will remove it come the holiday season so new 1.18 chunks can be explored!

    If you'd like a glimpse of what our server looked like during our first season (1.16) , head over here: https://imgur.com/a/cCM1H5R

    Here some screenshots of the current season:https://imgur.com/a/aqvbWxS

    Anyways into the recruitment and what we're looking for!

    We ask that you be:

    - At least 18 years old

    - Active in Discord

    - Wanting a long-term commitment on a server

    And we enjoy having YouTubers in our community so, to any Youtubers or aspiring Youtubers that see this post: We would be glad to have you! We have several streamers and content makers in our community already, but the more the merrier!

    To join:

    1. Follow the link to our Discord https://discord.gg/P5h3e9y
    2. Read through our welcome, rules and announcement channels
    3. Apply through our Application Bot

    You will be notified within 24 hours if you've been accepted to join our community! Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/sunrise1337
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    Urbium is looking for players! [roleplay] {modded}

    Posted: 04 Nov 2021 01:12 AM PDT

    We are a RP community, where every member is encouraged to partake in social activities, get a job and participate in weekly contests. We have plenty of mods that enhance the vanilla roleplay (Croptopia & Patchouli, furniture mods, new villager jobs etc.). We also have a mod for currency.
    The main "spot" of our server is a small town with a City Hall, Bank, Admin shop, a Rental for boats - we are planning on adding at least 5 more. We also have NPCs with lores, which will trigger events in the future.
    We want players that are:
    *Over 18
    *Love to play minecraft and can respect other's buildings and properties
    *Like to partake in social activities
    *Like to own businesses

    Our game version is 1.17.1 and we use Fabric mods. Please DM me if you're interested in joining!
    Discord: https://discord.gg/2JAdajka

    submitted by /u/LlamaMagma
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    The Chill SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    The Chill SMP is a brand new server that i've created for people to join and make new friends on regardless of what platform you play Minecraft on. We've got a number of plugins currently, just to name a few are, GeyserMC for crossplay, WorldEdit for easier builds, Dynmap so you know where your friends are, and WorldGuard to help protect the server from griefers who want to ruin the fun for others. If you're interested in joining, send me a dm and I'll send you the link to the discord server, hope to see you there

    submitted by /u/APpumpkinKing
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    SilverLeaf SMP S2 Applications Now Open! [smp]

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    After having a great first season with a wonderful community, our team is now recruiting new members to join our adventure for "SilverLeaf Season 2"! You will first submit a form answering the questions it asks, and if you interest us, we will have you continue to the next step which is voice call interviews. We are currently in the process of doing interviews and are looking for multiple people that bring diversity and life to our server. Further info is accessible here:https://youtu.be/TfB94uT_Ttw

    submitted by /u/CrossbitReddit
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    Stinky Smp [smp] [modded]

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 10:02 PM PDT



    this server used to be kinda dead so i reset it but hopefully that wont happen again. to make it not die again, we need at least 30 new members for the server to start. when the member count reaches 70 the server will unclose

    i recommend joining the disc to vote on polls and see announcements.

    has origins and a bunch of other mods

    1. RULES 1. No hacks Not considered hacks: potion effect showers, FPS optimizers, CPS showers (DM me if you think there should be more that arent considered hacks) 2. No abusing OP 3. No spamming 4. No false accusing people of breaking the rules 6. No lagging the server on purpose. If you accidentally lag the server, I will tell you, and you must try to fix the lag, or I will. 7. No griefing Building structures on or destroying the land around someone else's build or town or in any way making someone else's town or build look worse is considered griefing. example: someone randomly placing blocks around someone else's town or build. Accidentally leading a creeper to another person's build is not considered griefing, but will be met with a diamond fine depending on how much you have. Also, if you build things that aren't in the town's building rules (if they have any) the owner of the town is allowed to destroy your build. This does not mean that a town owner can grief something that isnt against their town rules. 8. stealing is not allowed unless you go to war with the person ur stealing from and even then you have to wait 1 day before you can steal 9. No sharing personal information of either yourself or other ppl 10. Wars are allowed, but you must notify the person you are declaring war against that you are going to war with them. 11. No spawn trapping or the same person killing someone repeatedly. (if you kill someone, you have to wait 1 hour until you can kill them again unless they start fight) 12. If you know someone broke the rules, report them or you will be held equally responsible
    2. 7a: HOWEVER, If you are in a war with someone and you kill the leader of team ur warring against 3 times you are allowed to grief their base and steal their items from their chests for a month, after that month you will have to kill again if the leader of the team u r warring against doesnt play for a week, you can kill the 2nd person in command 3 times and keep going down. Also, "playing" has to be atleast for 1 hour (edited)
    3. 16. no portal trapping (edited)
    4. 17. no duplication 19. No abusing moderator role 20. No NSFW in discord (unlesss in nsfw channel) 25. no advertising other discords or smps. even if you do it in dms, if you get your ppl that ur advertising to from this server, you will be banned Rule 2 note: if using it to get items, depending on if it could be really tempting to do so or not, deop and ban for 3 days to forever deop and ban for a week, if using it to kick and ban everyone for no reason and to kill ppl without them fighting back, also perma ban, but if you use it to aavoid death if you have a lot of items and dont want to die in lava that you accidentally fell in, just deop (edited)
    5. LOOPHOLES If you abuse a loophole, the loophole will be fixed and you will only be given a verbal warning
    6. "i didnt read the rules" or "i forgot the rules" is not a good excuse and you will still be punished Forgetting the rules is sometimes a good excuse though, and I will let you go, but make sure it doesnt happen again.
    7. No punishment evasion. 29. no earrape in voice chat. banned from voice for week>perm ban on disc and server 17 note: if its just duping carpets or a really small thing then just ban for 3 days>perm ban 31. no disconnecting while fighting. will be met with being killed with the same items you had on you when you disconnected then a ban. 34. only 1 origin change and u cant origin change if u use that origin for more than 3 days (timer counts even when ur not playing, timer starts when u first join server. also u have 3 days to change back after changing once if you decide you dont liek the one u changed to)
    8. you cant change leadership if ur in a war (no punishment, just the rules act like u didnt change leadership so it doesnt matter)
      38 spawntrapping is only allowed if a player disconnects in a middle of a fight with another player
    9. no book banning or chunk banning

    10. there are more but its getting quite long so yeah
      ip is stinkysmp.apexmc.co

    submitted by /u/Noxturnum2
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    The Golden Egg - Classic Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {1.8 - 1.17}{Anti-Cheat} {No World Reset} {No Land CLaim}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    The Golden Egg - For a True Classic Minecraft Experience!

    This is a place where you can experience the game as it was then! Players have NO access to /teleport or /sethome commands for true classic gameplay. Players can KILL, GRIEF, and STEAL items from each other.

    If you're tired of moded servers where all you can see are rules, you should definitely join now!

    Here is what the server is all about:

    • No Land Claim
    • No World Reset
    • No Teleport
    • PvP Enabled
    • Trade Meetings
    • Griefing Allowed
    • Stealing & Killing allowed
    • No Cheats (Matrix Premium)
    • High Optimisation (No Lag)
    • Minimal Plugin
    • No Pay-To-Win
    • You can join using ANY Minecraft version!

    There is NO other server like this!

    We have a borderless world, with the remainings of players that could NOT escape the spawn. Feel free to join now, and establish your base. Meet new people, join a team and raid other bases to become even stronger. Conquer all dimensions and become the server KING!

    Join via IP: "".

    Join via Hostname: "thegoldenegg.serv.gs".

    Server Properties:

    -Gamemode: Survival

    -Difficulty Level- HARD

    -The PVP is enabled.

    -No World Limits.

    -Enchased Anti-Cheat

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/swfW3yCbbj

    Server Trailer (MUST WATCH): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp9bC_tuKfo&t

    Join TheGoldenEgg today to see how Minecraft multiplayer is intended to be played!

    submitted by /u/starfalltm
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    The Commune Anarchy [Anarchy] [Vanilla] {1.17} {1 Year Old} {No Resets} {Documented History} {Backdoored}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    The Commune Anarchy is a Minecraft 1.17 Cracked/Premium Anarchy Server.

    The Commune has been online for more than 1 year, and it has a rich, well documented history, recorded by the admin himself, describing the server's many wars and the multiple exploits discovered, along with the massive builds.

    The Commune is almost completely vanilla, except that you get one /home, so that you don't have to travel millions of blocks to pick up that one shulker box of tnt you forgot at your main base. There is no /tp, and there are no bans for any reason other than deliberately lagging the server, and all bans are temporary. Also, the world will never be reset, so any mark you leave on the server will remain.

    The Server's detailed, well documented History can be read on its website:


    The Server's discord chat server can be accessed here:


    Here are renders of Spawn on the Server:



    submitted by /u/An0n1s
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    Chillax Hexxit II [Modded] [PVP] {Skyblock} {Factions} {Hard} {Auctions}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 08:51 PM PDT

    Chillax Hexxit II Hub is a hexxit II server with factions pvp and skyblock pvp server.

    We feature:
    - PvP Factions (Raiding)
    - Skyblock
    - Player Only Economy (Auctions)
    - Factions- Hard gamemode
    - Vanilla Hexxit II experience

    Chillax MC has a history of hosting multiple different modpacks, including Tekkit Classic & Hexxit, and running one of the top servers on both in their prime. We are working custom plugins and configurations to ensure the best player experience!

    Come check us out!

    IP: hex.chillax-mc.com
    Modpack Link: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/hexxit-ii.896745
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pqwgZNkbtc

    submitted by /u/thejbone
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    Hypatios Insanecraft [Modded]

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    Hello! I made a insanecraft server using the official pack! We just released it today! :)
    https://discord.gg/6FPuFWADrM Join the discord to start joining! IP: Play.hypatios.net
    https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/insanecraft-modpack Modpack link

    submitted by /u/Icedraggo21
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    The Argent Nexus [SMP] [Roleplay] {Java 1.17.1} {Fabric} {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    The Argent Nexus is the product of a collaboration between two dedicated players who love Minecraft and want to create a memorable experience for their players. We want to share what we've created with you with the hope that you'll find it intriguing and join us. :)

    About the Owners:

    I figure it helps a little if players know who is running their server. Our names are MORTHRIN and OutrightWings, and we have played Minecraft together consistently since 2019, maining both Java and Bedrock versions. After having enjoyed long-term experiences across 2 realms and 2 servers, we decided we wanted to take the opportunity to facilitate something unique of our own creation - The Argent Nexus. We take the approach of allowing our players to influence the direction of the server and story, within reason of course. This has ultimately allowed us to get to the point we're at today, and we're excited to be able to continue building this community with players like you.

    About the Gameplay:

    The server focuses heavily on two major components - building and roleplay (lore). Building is central to our server, as we want to create a world together that is beautiful, encourages immersion, and that allows players to grow their own skill sets. The roleplay aspect, on the other hand, remains the central driving force of the gameplay, as there is a main narrative that pushes the story forward at all times. In addition, there are many sub-narratives and character interactions (ultimately controlled by players like you) that keep things outside of the high-level narrative interesting.

    We are currently at the beginning of Season 1 (directly following our pre-season), so new characters at this point will still be able to become a critical part of the story. Because we run what could be classified as a "semi-scripted" experience, we interface with our players about their characters and the impact they want to have on the world. It is our goal to give each player's character a chance to have moments in the spotlight and significant impacts on the overarching narrative, without railroading them or making them think that they must act in particular ways.

    Playstyle Expectations:

    We are looking for mature players first of all (16+) who are willing to put effort into creating quality builds, adding to world lore, getting to know other players, and furthering the gameplay narrative. We've set up a general outline from where you can create your own story and make your mark on the world. We have a wiki that we're creating together to document world lore, and that can be a great place to jumpstart your inspiration for a character idea. You are more than welcome to ask us additional questions before/after submitting an application on our server though. Don't be shy if you're curious about something. :)

    More about the Hardware/Software:

    Our host is located in North America, and we run a Fabric server currently on 1.17.1. We support a few fun quality of life enhancements to set apart our server from others that can be found on our Discord. We also have a creative server where players can experiment with build concepts or collaborate with others in fun projects!

    How to Apply:

    Simply enter our server, read our server rules, and then make an application to join us! You can expect an interview afterwards, and be sure to elaborate as well as possible. The more you tell us, the more we can know you, and the better chance you have of being accepted. I do feel it's necessary to be clear that we have a very specific vision we're attempting to achieve here, and we have committed players who also want to see that vision made real. So we will be very specific about accepting players who are interested in that same vision. As always, if you want more details, come start a ticket in our Discord server and we'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. We hope to see you in the Nexus friend! Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Argent_Nexus
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    AvesterMC [PVE]{Economy}{Jobs}{Small-Community}{1.17.1}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 01:08 PM PDT

    IP: AvesterMC.Cubed.Pro

    Website: https://avestermc.enjin.com/

    About AvesterMC:

    AvesterMC is a survival basically vanilla server economy focused. #1 /baltop each month wins $50. I have developed many servers and am trying to build a player base as this is a fresh server. The economy is only player sign shops. There is a spawn island where players can claim a plot and build a sign shop. Most good front row claims are still available. If you have any experience with economy-based survival servers you have a good chance of winning the $50 USD. Although it is slightly competitive with the economy everyone is really friendly and we are looking to expand the player base and competition!

    I am very open to all suggestions and have taken about 90% of the ones given to me so far plugin wise. So if you want anything added just let me know and we will make a community-oriented poll for everyone to decide on.

    submitted by /u/iReticle
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    Gamma [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Bedrock}

    Posted: 03 Nov 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    21+ Bedrock Server anyone?

    We are currently 6 guys from 3 continents, and we have room for a few more. 👍

    Running a high-spec server in Europe, with expanded viewrange and ticking distance, we do large solo and community projects, the map is persistent (3yo), no admin BS, no rules, no limits, 100% vanilla survival.

    we do all the usual things: events, jocularity, discord - we just try to do them better... long term players preferred.

    you can send me a dm if interested

    submitted by /u/MCSteve420
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