• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers BudderCraft [Network] {Survival} {Creative Plots} {Survival Games} {KitPvP} {Skyblock} {Prison} {Parkour} {Factions} {Bedwars} {Skywars} {Spleef} {Tower Defense} {MinerWare}

    Minecraft Servers BudderCraft [Network] {Survival} {Creative Plots} {Survival Games} {KitPvP} {Skyblock} {Prison} {Parkour} {Factions} {Bedwars} {Skywars} {Spleef} {Tower Defense} {MinerWare}

    BudderCraft [Network] {Survival} {Creative Plots} {Survival Games} {KitPvP} {Skyblock} {Prison} {Parkour} {Factions} {Bedwars} {Skywars} {Spleef} {Tower Defense} {MinerWare}

    Posted: 22 Dec 2021 12:00 AM PST

    Welcome to:


    "A place where you can relax and just have fun, with the original feeling of Minecraft in tact"

    We're a server dedicated to our player base and not straying away from what makes minecraft, minecraft. None of these super complex modes and mods, that make you feel like you're playing a completely different game(Like all the other big servers out there). We meet the needs of almost every type of player. Weather you just love to let your creativity shine with amazing build in Creative, or you like to slow grind of Prison, or the confined nature of Skyblock, or you like intense action in KitPvP and our competitive minigames, or you just like things simple, in our Survival mode, we got ya covered. The admins and mods at Buddercraft take our rules very seriously, and we take action ASAP to punish any offenders that try and break the peace. We want a feeling of "Oh cool, that admin is on!" when a mod/admin joins, and not "Great, who are they gonna ban for no reason now?". If anything you see peaks your interest, come give us a try! We support both Java and Bedrock users(But if you own both versions, you must link up your accounts!). The admins will be glad to greet you and get you familiar with the basics. Overall, just have fun! That's what Minecraft is supposed to be, right?



    NO MODDED OR PIRATED CLIENTS ALLOWED!!!!!(Except for unmodified optifine)

    Please note that we are still in our beta phase, so expect bugs and lacking features. Feel free to make suggestions on what we need done before official release!

    submitted by /u/Budderman18
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    Project Nodenium [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Long-Term} {Season 9} {1.18}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 09:25 AM PST

    What Is Nodenium?

    Project Nodenium is a long-term Semi-Vanilla SMP run on Fabric with running performance and QOL mods/data packs. Community-wise, we are a very tight-knit group of talented, experienced, and long-term players. We're mainly all players who specialize in the building aspect of the game and dedicate hundreds of hours towards large community and individual projects.

    Who are we looking for?

    We're looking for players are talented in the building aspect of Minecraft. You must be capable of being motivated from within. You must be capable of playing on a server for many months or possibly years. Community players are crucial to the server, you must be an interactive player capable of talking through discord voice chat. We look for those who want to become apart of a tight-knit community.

    How is Season 9 Going?

    Season 9 began on August 20th, 2021 and activity great. Peak times we may reach 5-7 players on at once. Other times we reach 0 players, this is to be expected 4 months in.

    Server-Side Information

    We host our server on a dedicated laptop in USE. The server is run on Fabric with the following mods:

    - Simple Voice Chat

    - Lithium

    - Phosphor

    - Carpet

    - Fabric-Discord Link

    - Dynmap

    For Data packs, we use a variety of Vanilla Tweaks to enhance the experience on the server.

    We host two servers. One, our main Survival World, and secondly, a Testing Server with many plugins such as World-Edit to assist us with large-scale projects.

    How do I apply?

    To begin the application process head to https://projectnodenium.com, scroll down, and click apply to be sent to our Application Discord Server where you can fill out a Google Form and create a ticket to begin discussing your application with the Application Team.

    submitted by /u/ProjectNodenium
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    The Mystic Chicken [PVE] {1.18.1} {Geyser} {McMMO} {Dynmap} {Discord} {Survival}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 03:03 PM PST

    If you are looking for a good server to build and chat with people we are the server for you!

    We are a Chicken Themed server that is Survival. We have a great community with great people that are mostly adults. We dont put up with people that brings drama or wants to cause trouble for others. If you think this server is for you then please give us a visit! We also support the use of Geyser Bedrock to be played from all sources of Bedrock Minecraft.

    Here's a list of the main plugins we're running:

    McMMO, MythicMobs, Shops, PlayerShops, Dynmap, GriefPrevention, LWC + MORE!

    server ip: play.mysticchicken.com

    discord: https://discord.gg/RnFmDsS

    submitted by /u/zappa2510
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    VanillaPlus [Semi-vanilla] {1.18.1} {16+} {SMP} {Data Packs} {Plugins}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 03:52 PM PST

    Vanilla Plus is a Paper spigot server that I aim to grow into a welcoming tight-knit community.
    Events are held as a community every Saturday (7 AM GMT), starting with fighting the ender dragon (Dragon event is this Sunday, 26th, to avoid Christmas plans).
    Anyone who can is recommended to join in a voice call during events for the best experience but it is not required.
    Farms are encouraged, and being creative is the main rule of the server, we encourage everyone to let their creativity reign free.

    The server launched a week ago and has multiple quality of life improvements over traditional vanilla Minecraft. These additions are as follows;

    • Multiplayer sleep - As long as the majority tries to sleep, the night is skipped
    • Custom blocks - To add a decorative flair to your builds. New blocks are added weekly, as per players choices.
    • Dragon drops elytra - Self-explanatory
    • Core protect - To allow players to settle their disputes among themselves, before approaching staff.
    • Discord SRV - For communicating to players via discord, and vice versa
    • XP management - Your XP can be stored in bottles by right-clicking enchanting tables.

    Please, consider joining the discord at discord.gg/SPv9GQXkX6The IP and rules are in the discord.

    submitted by /u/Zanzoman
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    National SMP [Vanilla] {RP} {Whitelisted} {1.18.1} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 08:41 PM PST

    About a month ago, my friends and I got together to make an SMP. After a host shutting all of their servers down, and now us switching hosts and updating to 1.18.1, we've reset and are deciding to make the server whitelisted.

    All you have to do is join the discord link at the bottom of the page and fill out the application in the server.

    As of now there are not many nations, only 3, do you want to join one? Make your own? Stay unaligned? The choice is up to you.

    We hope you get accepted and we'll see you in the server.


    submitted by /u/Im_not_an_apple
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    Most Hunted 1.18 [SMP][Hardcore]{Proximity-chat}{Whitelist}{Youtube}{Content-creators}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 08:39 PM PST

    Join a Hardcore server and be a hunter. You have 1 life and you get extra for killing other players.
    Destroy, steal, sneak, kill, everything is allowed besides any cheats and don't insult anyone.

    ![You will need a good mic and adult-ish voice to play on this server]!

    The world border will be 500 blocks in each direction, which creates 1000 by 1000 area filled with mountains and huge caves.

    This area does NOT have any villages - which will make it harder to progress quickly. There WON'T be any strongholds in this area (end cities with ships spawn 2-3k blocks away, so we just can't have that)

    Hardcore ban system is still 20 lifeparts for a PLAYER KILL. Ban time is 80 hours, but only if it's a player kill. If you die anyhow else - 6 hours.

    Because of increase of the difficulty - in game difficulty will be set to easy (Maybe will bump up to normal in future if needed)

    We add Compass Plugin into the server. 1 player will have any compasses point at them. If YOU kill that player - compass points at YOU now. Killing that player gives you 30 extra lifeparts (20+30=full life).

    At the end of the season - player who is tagged with the compass - wins the season. (every season will be probably about 1 month)

    Contact via discord: Hewe Go#0557 (I will have to check your mic)

    submitted by /u/Stardelis
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    Sharks & Turtles Season 3 [SMP]{whitelist}{1.18.1}{Economy}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:31 PM PST

    Sharks & Turtles Season 3

    Sharks & Turtles is full of players just looking to have some fun in a chill environment. Many of us so far take our inspiration from the Hermitcraft server and hope to build a community like theirs. We also just began Season 3 at the beginning of December 2021 so there is still a lot of progress to make. We'd love to have you join early in the season like now. Please note that Season 3 will last through 2022, so do not join if you plan on asking us when the next world reset is. If you want the opportunity to start fresh with us then be sure to apply soon as some of our players work very quickly. We have players who are very new to the game as well as some who have been playing since the alpha.


    1. Sharks & Turtles is now a 21+ server with few exceptions. We want a drama-free server, and although we've played with many fantastic people of all ages, we've decided this rule helps reduce drama.
    2. Be respectful of others on the server, if you feel you are being poorly treated by another player in the community please report the issue to a moderator/admin for review; however, we encourage you to attempt to work it out with the other player first.
    3. Theft will not be tolerated, if caught this will result in an immediate ban. (This does not include any kind of role-play or willingly accepted challenges between players)
    4. Items will only be replaced due to server-side errors, not mistakes made in-game.
    5. Alternate accounts will be approved on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to have an alternate account please reach out to a moderator.
    6. We get it, times change and people move on. You may enjoy this server for a time but want to move on to another. It is likely you'll have made friends here and want to invite them to play on your new server. We have no issues with this, but please do it through private DMs rather than publicly advertising your new server.
    7. All redstone farms must have a way to be disabled in case they cause too much server lag. Limit the use of hoppers or use hoppers efficiently to reduce server lag.
    8. Respect the rules of the shopping and gaming districts. Specific rules will be posted in their respective text channels and pinned to the top.
    9. Minecraft is a game of adventure. For this reason, the world seed shall not be distributed. Additionally, we don't want people to use the seed to locate all the places of interest and take away from other people who have to just stumble upon those things. However, slime chunk coordinates will be given upon request.
    10. Use the relevant text channels provided in the discord server. Some people don't want to hear about pets or food and will mute those channels. By posting in the correct channels, you help reduce spam messages to the members of our community.
    11. No spamming messages in any Discord channels or in-game.

    We backup our server hourly and can roll back the actions of individual players. Please don't join to grief, we'll just undo it and you will have wasted your time.


    1. CoreProtect - If you wish to learn more you can here.
    2. DiscordSRV - We use this so players in-game can chat with people in discord and vice-versa. We also use this for proximity-enabled VC in-game.
    3. We have a few moderation plugins that will not affect your gameplay unless you are caught griefing, stealing, or breaking another rule.
    4. Dynmap - Basically Google Maps for our Minecraft world. If you want to learn more about it you can here.
    5. Joychat - This just lets us customize messages in-game a little bit for fun like changing death messages and join/leave messages, etc. Learn more here


    1. All recipes are unlocked from the beginning of the game.
    2. Players who are AFK will have their names greyed out in the player list.
    3. Only 1 player must sleep to pass the night, as the server grows we may change this to require half the server or a set number to sleep.
    4. Coordinates HUD, this pulls up a small HUD that displays your coordinates so you don't have to have so much text covering your screen to see where you are.
    5. Anti Enderman Griefing, enderman cannot pick up blocks. This is primarily so they don't break large redstone contraptions.
    6. All shulkers will drop 2 shulker shells.
    7. The Ender Dragon will drop an egg and elytra each time it is killed.
    8. Silent mobs, adds the ability to silence mobs with name tags. Name a name tag "Silence me", "silence me", or "silence_me" and attach it to a mob to silence that mob.
    9. Player head drops, when one player kills another it will drop that player's head and the item will display who killed them.
    10. Elytra can be combined with a chest plate.
    11. Leaves decay quickly.
    12. Wandering villagers also sell mini blocks
    13. You can combine elytra with a chestplate
    14. Armor stand statues


    1. Slabs and stairs can be crafted back into full blocks
    2. You can craft droppers into dispensers
    3. Shulker boxes can be crafted in your 2x2 player crafting
    4. Horse armor is craftable
    5. Unpackable ice and nether wart blocks
    6. Craftable enchanted golden apples

    All datapacks and crafting tweaks are pulled from vanilla tweaks which you can find here if you'd like more information


    1. Join our Discord server here, you'll be assigned the role applicant by default with vision of 3 channels only.
    2. Read through both the "read-me-first" and "rules" channels and then go to the "apply-here" channel and type %apply.
    3. An application bot will then DM you the questions to the application. Just answer the questions through your DMs and you'll be notified as soon as we review the app. If for whatever reason the server invite link is broken or expired, DM me here on Reddit and I will fix it

    We do also accept suggestions for new small tweaks or plugins to improve the general quality of life. We want the feel of the server to stay vanilla though so we will NOT be adding anything game-changing. We suffer the same experiences as other servers out there with people coming and going but are trying to establish a very active player base. We currently have about 10 active players (Active as in they play every week, not necessarily every day), not everyone is on all the time but we want to start holding more community events. The goal of the server is just to have a place where you can make new friends and have fun playing some Minecraft together. You can go off and do mostly your own thing, or you can help build a large shopping district or mini-games for others to enjoy. We'd love people to build somewhat close together just so we can all interact a little more but is by no means necessary. Our goal is to build a group of 25-30 friends and then convert to a closed server.

    If you're tired of server hopping and just want to be a part of something that's still growing then Sharks & Turtles is the server for you. Our only goal is to be a place for all kinds of players to come and enjoy Minecraft from within a community where we can build together, but we can't do that without your help. We have people join and leave but really encourage you to get to know some of our community members a bit. So feel free to apply and see if we'll be a good fit for each other! The only goal of the application is to get to know you just a little bit. Feel free to add me on Discord if you have any more questions, afakasi#5185

    Just a final note, many of us have jobs and lives and aren't on literally every hour of the day and we understand you may not be either. So, even if you can't play all the time feel free to join!

    submitted by /u/TimelyBusiness6
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    Callatos SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {Whitelist} {1.18.1} {SMP}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:04 PM PST

    "Join Callatos SMP for a unique Minecraft experience."

    We love Minecraft, and we love playing the game with friends. We love being a community where people feel included and not judged. Callatos is a family of friendly, mature and dedicated people who simply want to play this game we all love together. We just launched with Callatos Season 1 when 1.18.1 launched! We would love to find some new friends to join us!

    We been hosting this server from 12/13/2021, and use dedicated server hardware with nearly 24/7 uptime and virtually no lag. We never cut corners in our pursuit of performance. We're proud of our vibrant community; you'll often find people hanging out in voice-chat.

    We love playing this game because of what it is -- a sandbox world with friends where we can do anything our minds imagine. We want you to love playing this game too, and we'd love for you to join our community! Please apply by joining the discord! Thank you so much for reading our post, we look forwards to talking with you soon!


    * Vanilla SMP

    * Discord

    * Vibrant Community

    * Community Build

    * Long-term No-Reset World

    * Quality of Life Plugins and Datapacks

    * Dedicated Server Hardware (5 GHz CPU)

    * Experienced Administrators

    Noticeable Changes

    Callatos tries to stay true to the vanilla experience so we try to keep changes to a minimal. All plugins and tweaks made to the server are up for discussion with the community. Currently the server is running a few plugins listed below:

    >> AFK Display
    >> Player/Mob Heads
    >> One Player Sleep
    >> Death Cords
    >> Nickname and ColorChat
    >> BetterTeams


    Please apply by joining our discord, and answer the following questions in detail! We love long applications.

    1. Minecraft IGN:
    2. Age:
    3. Country:
    4. What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft?:
    5. What you can bring to the server and our players:
    6. Tell us a bit about yourself:
    submitted by /u/iBordd
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    Danganronpa Minecraft Server Proximity Text & Chat [Minigames] [modded] {whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 07:33 PM PST

    The Danganronpa Minecraft Server. What this Minecraft Server is About is Danganronpa Recreated in Minecraft. This is not a Role play Server. Please Do Not Role play about Danganronpa on this server. Anyways, The Way It works is there is 16 People Trapped in a building. In order to get out, you must either 1. Eliminate Someone & Get away With it, Or 2. Survive all Trials Until there is only 2 More People Left. The way trials work, is the blackened will eliminate a victim. When 3 or more people find the body, A discovery announcement will played. The investigation will start, you can question other people around you about the elimination, and get more info to prove who the blackened is. After the investigation is over, The trial starts. During the trial, you must argue about who the blackened is. When the argument is over, Voting time starts. During voting time, You will vote for who you believe the blackened is. There is no skip vote. If the majority vote is correct, the blackened will be eliminated, and the game will continue. If the majority vote is incorrect, everyone besides the blackened will be eliminated and the blackened wins the game. There is no roles, You can eliminate someone at any time. There are ways to get stuff inside of the game. Such as a villager trading hall, that you need to cycle in. A enchanting table, to get enchants, and anvils to repair, and enchant. There is also shops that you can buy weapons and armor. In order to join the server you must go to join this discord server - https://discord.gg/rFrfy37GVy And Put your username in the whitelist channel. The server will be online only in events. Events will start only when all 16 people are online and can join, the only exception is if some are eliminated already. The Simple Voice Chat Mod Must Be Installed In Order To Play On This Server.

    submitted by /u/Mediocre_Echo7844
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    The Rift [Semi-vanilla] [Roleplay]{Discord} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 03:38 PM PST

    👋 Hello gamers!

    Are you interested in joining an RPG based Minecraft server?

    We are looking for creative people: - Builders - Developers - Artists

    to join a project that has been in development for years called The Rift.

    Take a look at a world in the making:

    🌎 Explore thousands of builds (big and small), elaborate landscapes, and an epic storyline.

    ⛏ Custom items, blocks, NPCs, RPG-type systems, a map, and more!

    ❤️ Meet our player base and team builders enjoying the game. Join our discord for weekly updates, build pics, and stories.

    Follow us or join our team and be a part of The Rift project. See you there, friends!

    Link: https://discord.com/invite/EaBq27ztHY

    submitted by /u/izzybabylove
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    Vanguard SMP 2.0 [SMP] [semi-vanilla] {whitelist} {custom world-gen} {dynmap}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 07:15 PM PST

    Vanguard SMP 2.0 is a semi-vanilla server that is going to allow the players to choose what gamerules and mods ( /plugins/datapacks) will be used on the server, more on that later. Vanguard 2.0 will be a whitelisted survival server using Terralith 2.0, a world generation datapack. The server already has some committed members and I am hoping to have 10-15 when we launch in 1-2 days.

    You may notice the 2.0 in this server's name, that is because it is very loosely based off of the original Vanguard SMP, that has been shut down for over a year. Except allegiances forming and server politics (not irl politics), and a somewhat militarist playstyle. Also keep in many of the players who are going to play are more advanced players in terms of combat, building, and Redstone skill. Also depending on how the players vote the server may end up being deaht = tempban or ultra hardcore (no natural health regeneration) If you are newer or less experienced with the game still feel free to join, but just be warned.

    Some more detail on how the server internals will work:
    The server is a based on Cardboard which allows both fabric mods and bukkit/spigot plugins to run at the same time, along with datapacks of course.
    The server has a wide variety of lag reduction and bugfix mods, as well as some rudimentary anticheats to prevent xraying and other blatant unfair advantage hacks

    The voting system will work via discord reactions, voting will last for the next 1-2 days and then the server will be launched, hosted on PebbleHost. If you have a suggestion for the server that is not currently up for a vote there will be an option to suggest it.

    I hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/xeaji
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    StupidCraft [SMP] {Non-P2W} {Cross-play} {1.18} {Friendly} {Griefing/Raiding}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 04:28 AM PST


    Are you tired of Minecraft servers that add too many features to their survival experience causing the gameplay to become too overwhelming? Are you looking for a Survival Server without any Pay-to-win quirks or lag? Well then StupidCraft is for you.

    What is StupidCraft?

    StupidCraft is a Semi-vanilla Minecraft server started back in 27th March 2020, started by jbob3mm with Triassic's and Ifkov's help, our goal has been to provide an enjoyable and unforgettable Minecraft experience. We achieve this by having a great community where everyone is welcome, you can make new friends here, we have optimized the server as much as we could and still add new optimizations to this very day to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible, we also have a great staff team that listens to the player base.

    Server Features

    • Homes, Warps and Player Teleportation
    • Party and Friends System
    • Spawn Zone
    • Combat Zone
    • Multiple Quality of Life changes that do not affect gameplay too much.
    • Tree Felling and Vein Mining
    • Anticheat that works great for both Java and Bedrock players.

    IP Address and Website

    Are you interested in joining us on our adventure together? Great! Below I have attached the server's IP Address and Website if you wish to join or just find out more about the server!

    • Website:


    • Server IP Address:


    The server port is the default for both editions.

    (25565 for Java and 19132 for Bedrock)

    submitted by /u/techbyteofficial
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    Fourth Letter SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 05:48 PM PST

    Hey everyone, just wanted to plug my new SMP server here. Fourth Letter is focused on providing a casual but rebalanced Minecraft experience through subtle datapacks and plugins. Our server admins want to focus on taking input from our community to improve our server, host server-wide events, and more. Fourth Letter is the least intimidating SMP you're likely to find, as well. Minimal rules (aside from etiquette and such) mean you get to play Minecraft the way you want, while enjoying the benefits and social aspects of playing with others. This server is the best parts of solo and multiplayer rolled into one.

    For an SMP, we're also very low commitment, so if you have an irregular schedule and can't play that often, this is the perfect place to spend your time if you'd like a multiplayer experience. We understand how busy people are, or how interests come and go, so we want our members to enjoy their time on the server without feeling pressured to play all the time. Simply just fill in the application below and we'll get back to you ASAP (don't worry, its nothing serious)!


    We've just begun, so feel free to get your start along with our server admins! Looking forward to seeing you online!

    P.S. Feel free to DM to ask what our name means ;)

    submitted by /u/lightblade76
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    The Elmo SMP [SMP]

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:36 PM PST

    Hello, me and my friend were setting up a server that is like the dream SMP, we are whitelisted so you do have to fill out the form. We will be launching soon and we are trying to get a few more players before we do so

    Here are the rules:

    Rule. 1 Please no racism, homophobia or transphobia

    Rule. 2 Please do not try to evade the rules or admins

    Rule. 3 No hacking at all

    Rule. 4 Do not create lag machines

    Rule. 5 No NSFW (seriously its mc chill tf out)

    Rule. 6 Dont be an asshole unless its called for

    Rule. 7 No excessive griefing

    Here is the application


    submitted by /u/LunaTheMoonSpirit
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    Core SMP - a warm and thriving community with two different servers! [SMP]

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:05 PM PST

    We have two servers!

    A Earth SMP, with towny, quests, regular updates and more! (public)

    And an application based lore server. -Our lore is 100% original and interesting, to keep you guys guessing.

    -Our discord has 400+ members, the perfect size.

    Why should you join us? -We have streamers/artists/content creators, keeping the community entertaining!

    -Weekly discord events, this could be a movie night, a game night, a hunger games event, a stage VC event, a talent show, and more!

    -Probably the nicest community you'll ever meet.

    If you feel this is what you're looking for, feel free to join the discord: https://discord.gg/4gkw5VtHgu

    submitted by /u/CoreSMP
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    Glories SMP [SMP] {1.18.1} {Events} {Java}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 03:41 PM PST

    Hello! My name is Ellie, and I am the owner of Glories SMP! Glories SMP is a family-friendly SMP for you and all of your friends to play on. We are entering season 6. The server just released, so you can get a fresh start with everyone!

    The SMP has the new world generation of 1.18, meaning bigger caves, new mineshafts, and more space to dig. The server, even though it has this new generation, is also pretty much lag free, keeping the TPS at a constant 20.

    **Glories SMP also has several features that separates it from other servers:

    • We are open to any age range. (Note: If you are under the age of 13, you cannot join through discord. In order to join, you will have to message me on Reddit)
    • There is no griefing what-so-ever. The uncommon instance of griefing will result in harsh punishment.
    • The server is generally lag-free! The server's TPS is at a constant 20, even with upwards of 20 players online, and supporting bedrock java crossplay. (Note: Bedrock release date may be later than the java one because of the time it takes to set up)
    • The server is constantly active. There is always someone online willing to help!
    • The server's players are friendly as can be!
    • The server is family-friendly, meaning no cursing, toxicity, or inappropriate behavior.
    • We host events commonly, especially on weekends!

    **Glories SMP also has a few plugins to enhance the player experience while still keeping it vanilla:

    • Tree feller (Activated by crouching while breaking a log)
    • Vein miner (Activated by crouching while mining an ore block)
    • Simple Sit (Using commands, you can sit and lay. [/sit; /lay])
    • Better Sleep (Skipping the night is decided by how many players are online and how many are sleeping. Essentially one player sleep)

    **If you have read through this description and you are interested in joining, here is how you can join! There are no applications, just join the discord!

    • Message me on discord @ ellie#0089 . I will invite you to the discord server. (You will get a much faster response this way)
    • Message me on Reddit where I can invite you to the discord server, or send you the ip if you don't have discord.


    submitted by /u/eliloumas
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    MinedHype [SMP] {GriefPrevention} {DynMap} {Player Stats} {Shopping District} {Long-Term} {Bedrock & Java Cross-Play} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 10:38 AM PST

    Connect to Server IP: play.minedhype.com
    Website: https://minedhype.com
    Live Server Map: https://map.minedhype.com
    Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST)
    Server Specs: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, DDR4 3200Mhz, 3 x 980 Pro 2TB PCIe4 SSD Raid 5 -- hosted by PUBCS.com

    Friendly long-term public survival server that has been around for over 3 years since we started in Minecraft 1.14, with over 8100 unique players ever joined, mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy! Bedrock & Java Cross-Play! Long-term Overworld & Nether with claims enabled, both worlds will never be reset! No set world border or spawn, players are spread out all over the world randomly! Use /rtp to randomly teleport in range of 50k blocks from center spawn point & find a comfy location to set a /home! Any black areas on the live server map are unexplored chunks that have not been generated yet. Grief is allowed if the area is NOT claimed! CoreProtect is also used to help protect the server. Public shopping district area where anyone can apply to have a shop, type /tpshop to teleport there!
    Connect to Server IP: play.minedhype.com (Default ports for both Bedrock(19132) & Java(25565))

    Server Info/Rules: https://minedhype.com/minecraft
    Discord: https://discord.gg/Sb4dkkT
    Shopping District: https://minedhype.com/shops
    Player Statistics: https://stats.minedhype.com/

    submitted by /u/MinedHype
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    Lifesteal [SMP] {1.18.1}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:23 PM PST


    We are a small community of mc players,

    Technically we're a guild from hypixel skyblock called "Midgard" but we are now a multi-gaming discord
    and we are looking into getting fresh blood on our SMP.

    The server is basically vanilla if we're not counting the lifesteal plugin
    the server is paid so no lags should occur and is hosted in europe.

    no whitelist for now BUT be aware that if we get toxic players joining i'll turn on the whitelist

    the rules are simple :
    [1] Do not hack/cheat in any way. This includes any hack client or xray texture packs.
    [2] No exploiting bugs/plugins. You must report them!
    [3] No ban evading or multiacc. You can only play on one account.
    [4] Spawnkilling is strictly prohibited. Results in permaban.
    [5] Do not lag the server in any way. No lag machines, heavy flying, bot attacks.
    [6] No large lava/water casting.
    [7] Do not spam or insult/assault anyone.
    [8] Do not argue with the owners. They will do what's necessary on behalf of the server.
    [9] Stealing is allowed | Grief is Not allowed (you can only break a few block to enter a base)
    [10] Boosting your account with your side account/friends account is forbidden.

    i am opening the server as i type this message so the server should be on pretty much right now

    IP : midgardsmp.minesr.com

    I'm looking forward to seeing you guys online :)

    submitted by /u/_ElZeus_
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    STARLIGHT SMP [vanilla]

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 02:22 PM PST

    HELLO. SERVER IS UPDATED TO 1.18.1! Were you looking for a vanilla community server without unnecessary rules? You just found it. Server was created 3 weeks ago and already has a player base. Join and become a part of history - CREATE history of server. Doesnt matter who you are - a griefer, pvper or a builder. WE WELCOME EVERYONE. There you go - starlight.20.tps.ru More info in Discord: discord.gg/YngFVkcg3Z

    submitted by /u/HerophandHuy
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    Ascending Embers [SMP] {Near-Vanilla} {Hermitcraft-like} {1.18.1} {Grey-list} {Friendly Community} {DiscordSRV} {Dynmap} {Long-term world} {Creative world}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 10:03 AM PST

    IP Discord Website + Rules Dynmap
    ae.ggs.onl https://discord.gg/psT27W2 http://mcae.enjin.com http://ae.ggs.onl:12500/

    ─ ⬥💠 🔥 💠⬥ Ascending Embers ⬥💠 🔥 💠⬥ ─

    Everyone is welcome at Ascending Embers!

    Our server is a calm and comfortable place for everyone. We have been around for nearly 5 years, and have built a trusting community of friendly and amazing people from all over the world.

    We help each other in any way we can, so if you'd like a helping hand with redstone, need advice with a build, or if you're just new to the game, we're here for you!

    ─── ⬥💠 🌟 💠⬥ Features ⬥💠 🌟 💠⬥ ───

    • A calm and relaxing community for everyone 🏳️‍🌈
    • The server is on Hard difficulty ☠️
    • Long term main survival world.
    • A separate Creative world ✨
    • A separate Seasonal world with regular resets 🏔️
    • We have a render distance of 20 chunks! 👀
    • Elytra drops from killing the dragon to ensure everyone has a chance of getting one 🦋

    ─ ⬥💠 📜 💠⬥ Additional information ⬥💠 📜 💠⬥ ─

    Since we are grey-listed you will be able to log onto our server without applying, and chat with all the members as well as move around and have a look at our server.

    Then, if you feel like our server would be a nice home for you, just head to our website (link above) and make sure to read the rules thoroughly before pressing the application button at the top.

    We strive to be as vanilla as possible on Ascending Embers, but we still have a few plugins:

    • Core-protect is used to check for grief
    • Essentials is for our grey-list and /spawn
    • Multiverse-core for the multiple worlds.
    • Sleep-most is to allow a single player to skip the night if someone is afk.
    • Silk-spawners is pretty self-explanatory. We realize this goes a bit far from vanilla, but it's a thing we feel vanilla needs. This allows us to trade the spawners with each other as well. (Long term world only)

    Donations: We do accept donations, and should you choose to donate, you will also receive perks ingame. These perks are mostly cosmetic with very few that are designed as "Pay-for-convenience" rather than Pay-to-win. A full list of perks can be viewed here.

    Server location: Montreal, Canada (but with a really good connection to Europe, and even Australia)

    Server Specifications: Our server is run on a dedicated machine at GGServers. An 8-core 5Ghz CPU ensures a constant 20 TPS, along with our NVMe SSD storage and 1Gbps connection.

    submitted by /u/Zorock
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    Foxcrafts [PVP] [SMP] {Java} {Paper 1.18.1} {NEW}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 01:28 PM PST

    Welcome to Foxcrafts newcomer!

    We're a fairly new, small, friendly community-based SMP server, our server has been reset and now it is brand new again!! either you're a person wanting to stop by and be on your way, or a potentially new friend to come hang out with, we're happy to have your company! our server is located in Miami, Florida.

    Server IP: foxcrafts.apexmc.co

    Discord: https://discord.gg/brFMdgSPSM

    We hope to see you there! :)

    submitted by /u/MrThunderButtz
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    SUNFLOWER [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Java} {No griefing} {1.17} {Discord} {Dynmap} {Grey-list} {Survival} {Always Welcoming}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 01:15 PM PST

    The sunflower is a Survival 1.18 SMP with so many cool features to make it better than the rest.

    Everyone is welcome here!! Our server is home to many people from all around the world, our server is a year old and we are still working to create a larger community. as of now our server is a close connected home with friendly, kind and amazing people.

    ---- WHAT TO EXPECT ----

    Upon joining you will be met with our friendly and welcoming community, these people can show you everything you need to know about the server and answer any questions you may have.

    When spawning into our lovely Minecraft server you will be met with our welcoming spawn town where you can find information about the server and it's plugins, the rules of the server and about the staff team in our homey information house.

    ---- Plugins ----

    Are you fed up with logging in to find all your amazing buildings and belongings completely destroyed and stolen? Well, our server has many plugins to stop that from happening, we are a non-griefing community where you claim your belongings for no one but the people you trust to access your claim. forgot to claim? have no fear our staff team has the ability to roll back time to bring back your amazing creations and your belongings, as long as you can prove it was yours.

    We also have many plugins to make our server a little less than your average Minecraft server. We have custom enchantments to make the game even easier or even harder. We have images on maps to place pictures into our world with a URL code and a way to get married to your significant other or even your friends with perks that come along with your happy marriage.

    We also have plugins to allow you to teleport to your friends and other people with their permission, and teleport to cool warps set up by staff members, and even set a home to teleport back to later.

    ---- Additional Information ----

    You do not have to apply to get in, we are a grey-list server meaning you can log in a chat with fellow members and take a look around our amazing server, and even make your mark on it. We host podcasts held by the staff team every month where you can join and listen to us chat about the server or whatever we have planned. Almost every week we have Minecraft server events to make friends and have with, with rare amazing prizes to win.

    Other questions?

    How long has the server been open? 1 WHOLE YEAR!!

    Is there an age limit? 13+ if you're old enough to have discord then you are totally welcome!

    Where is the server located? north west American but a very strong connection to everywhere even Australian

    What's the link I can't wait to join?

    Here is the discord link to the Sunflower Discord: https://discord.gg/TuUE9SdYaD

    submitted by /u/Willing_Floor_3165
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    �� �� Galaxium SMP is looking to expand its horizons ���� [SMP] {1.18} {HermitCraft-inspired} {16+} {Newly started} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:56 PM PST


    We are a newly started SMP looking to grow our community and expand our horizons! (hehe get it? Galaxium? hori- nevermind)

    Our community started off only about a week, so everything is still newly generated. Our world is just waiting for you to join and explore its secrets ✨

    Our world runs on the 1.18 Paper build! Even though it's experimental, everything is running very smoothly so please dont be worried about losing your things or glitching! We'll be upgrading to a stable build as soon as it's out.

    As mentioned before, our community is still very small and there's still lots of things to explore and discover and we would be THRILLED to have you!

    If any of this peaked your interest, please join our community here and get started on your application!: https://discord.gg/7vUP5fuGrM

    I hope to see you around!

    submitted by /u/cutiegirlie
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    Community-SMP [Semi-Vanilla][Modded][Roleplay]{1.18.1}{Semi-Hardcore}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:51 PM PST

    The Community-SMP strives towards creating a fun, international community. A place where we can meet new friends and build thriving civilizations.
    Daily life can be hectic sometimes, but at the end of the day, this server's doors are always open for those who want to unwind and "just want to play some Minecraft".

    What is the C-SMP about?

    • The SMP focuses heavily on building awesome communities, but with that comes a bit of realism as well. The difficulty is set to "semi-hardcore", a custom difficulty where dying has consequences, but is not permanent. Every time you die you will be sent to Breaven (barren-heaven). Until your death-time is over after 6-hours, you can descent to the Overworld again. What you make of your time in Breaven is up to you.
      There are no game-changing plugins or commands available to not stray away from the classic vanilla-styled gameplay.
    • The server also uses the Simple Voice Chat Mod for proximity chat. It adds the realistic vibe of hanging out in a community, by letting you talk to players by being around them.
      (This feature is fully optional)
    • It is never mandatory to join in (voice) chats or participate in channels if you don't feel like it (yet). Joining a new group of people can feel like a big step so you shouldn't feel forced to immediately jump into a new vibe. The C-SMP is a server for introverts and extroverts!
    • The End will not be made accessible
    • On the C-SMP there are people (including me :D) who like to do things "in character" and kind of create lore in the server. Hence there is the Roleplay tag in the title. It's not official or big, but if you like including lore into your Minecraft world you'll always find some people who feel the same.

    Join our little community!

    Do you like Minecraft survival multiplayer, and would you like to meet new friends along the way? Then you're definitely at the right place!

    The (discord) server is pretty young still, but over time more updates will be made to better serve the community.

    Before joining the server, we'd first like you to agree to the server rules. Then you can get the server IP address and join the C-SMP.

    The Discord-server: MC Community SMP

    submitted by /u/Dnac1ous
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    Shiba SkyBlock 1.8 [PvP] {NEW} {Multiplayer} {Skyblock}

    Posted: 21 Dec 2021 12:10 PM PST

    Looking for active staff! Shiba SkyBlock is a Competitive SkyBlock Minecraft server and gaming community. This crypto-based server has unique features like bitcoin mining, 24/7 drop party, monthly crates, and even a shibcoin shop. If you're looking for a fun skyblock experience like none other, look no further. Come check out the server today and explore all of the features we have to offer. We strive to create memories and experiences like no other server.

    We are giving away 1,000,000 SHIB coins on Discord and 1,000,000 SHIB coins in Island Top Rewards. https://www.shibaskyblock.com/discord



    submitted by /u/ShibaSkyBlock
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