• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Diamond Dominion [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Minecraft Servers Diamond Dominion [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Diamond Dominion [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:31 PM PST

    Diamond Dominion

    👽 | HOW TO JOIN

    Join our discord and fill out a simple 3 question application.

    😎 | Sense of Community

    • All players settle in a towns
    • Community builds are common and high quality
    • Acknowledging the importance of real life, players are not kicked for inactivity

    🤖 | Plugins

    • GriefPrevention - Simply protect your base by "drawing" its boundaries with a stick
    • Quickshop - A simple and steal-proof shop setup
    • GemsEconomy - Automatically keep track of player balances and transactions.... and numerous others!

    Hope to see you here :D

    submitted by /u/Cheesywiggle
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    Arcadia [Semi-Vanilla] {Vanilla} {PVP} {Raiding} {1.18}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 10:34 AM PST

    Arcadia is a Semi-Vanilla/Semi-Anarchy server that runs on 1.18 with a fresh 1.18 generated map!

    PvP & Raiding | No Land Claiming| No Grief Protection

    Arcadia is a well-known Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy Minecraft server that has existed for six years when we went under a different name and still exists to this day. Our server is designed to give a unique survival experience with as close to a barebones survival experience as possible. We offer all our players access to tpa and set homes to make the vanilla experience a bit easier so you don't have to travel far distances. We have some other QoL plugins as well. We offer no land claiming and no grief prevention except at spawn. So remember to keep your base hidden and far away!

    Server Details:

    • World border is at 250k

    • Running on 1.18

    • Map reset on December 9th

    • NA East Server


    • Server address: play.mcarcadia.com

    • Discord: https://discord.gg/ShXcCEstVx

    submitted by /u/Impactic_
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    SEQCRAFT [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.18.1}{Whitelist}{15+}{Discord}{Hermitcraft-Like}{SEASON 3}{NEW SEASON}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:26 AM PST

    Hi there,

    We are a Hermitcraft-like Vanilla SMP on release 1.18.1. We are "as Vanilla as possible" (Fabric API + Lithium + Starlight to handle 8+ players online/peaks, no game mechanics changes).

    The world of this new season started about 1 month ago. Some players are tech focused, others are builders; we are a mixed community.

    We have rules; no cheating, no griefing, no stealing, no racism/sexism/hate/etc., no unnecessary drama, we let people do what they would like to do and let people be who they want to be. Bad/toxic actors will be removed as we like to maintain a peaceful strong community and have fun together. We have a dedicated server with 64GB RAM + 16 cores CPU to be able to run multiple worlds in a stable way. We have 100+ whitelisted members total and an active Discord.

    Please join our welcome chat on Discord and follow instructions there on how to get whitelisted. You can also message me on Discord, my username is LordSequoia#8661

    Join our Discord's #welcome-chat through this invite link: https://discord.gg/Xn5dySm

    submitted by /u/TheLordSequoia
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    The Experience [SMP] [Network] {Java} {1.18.1} {Updates} {Anti-grief}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:18 AM PST

    server: mc.thexpnetwork.com

    The Experience Network is about just that, Experiences! we strive to give each player a unique Experience on our network by creating a safe and fun environment within a warm and welcoming community we are constantly thinking about the next thing we can offer to our playerbase in forms of quests, quality of life plug ins or several other varied instances that we're working on even your input as a player is highly valuable and taken very seriously. play regular survival, participate in sever wide events or complete our own presented objectives, build with friends and make new ones!

    X trustworthy community
    X excellent active staff
    X limited QOL plugins
    X multiple servers (WIP)
    X updated regularly
    X slick designs
    X no pay to win

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfvJ1UiOKWMqnT2CiM7Q_DA

    submitted by /u/aladdinboy424
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    Wanderlust SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18.1} {18+}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:59 PM PST

    Wanderlust SMP is looking for new active members for our new season that just started today! We're a growing semi-vanilla server looking to form a close community, allowing both Java and Bedrock players. If you're looking for a place to build as part of a community or an active discord server to make friends in, we might be what you're looking for!

    A few of our plugins:

    • Custom Enchants - this plugin contains Custom Enchantments, Lucky Treasures, Custom Equipment Status, and more!
    • mcMMO - check out the mcMMO wiki for info!
    • Essentials: /home /back /tpa /pay /balance /afk /jobs
    • AngelChest - Allows you to retrieve all of your items after death.
    • Anti-Creeper Grief - Less stress when it comes to creeper mess!
    • Chest Shop - A plugin allowing you to sell an item with a chest.
    • Dynmap - A plugin allows you to view a live map of your Minecraft server world
    • MoneyfromMobs - Killing hostile mobs earns you money.
    • SafariNet - Allows the capture of unsuspecting mobs.
    • SmoothTimber - Break a tree with an axe for faster resource gathering.
    • VeinMiner - Crouch/shift on an ore to quickly break and gather groups of ores.

    Some of our server rules:

    • No griefing or stealing. This is an instant ban.
    • X-ray, hacked clients, duping or exploits are not allowed. This is an instant ban.
    • We value a safe, mature, fun server so bullying or griefing is not tolerated and is dealt with swiftly by active moderator

    Our discord: https://discord.gg/4cC3FJCs

    submitted by /u/koston132
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    Yugg Legacy [SMP] {1.17.1} {custom mobs} {dungeons} {Magic Items} {Claims} {Economy} {Clans} {Wars} {Brewery}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:54 PM PST

    A new world of alchemy, clans, bosses, and more!

    JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/yhYeKNbySJ

    • 10k by 10k map
    • custom world generation with beautiful new biomes!
    • custom mini bosses with rare and unique loot
    • a brewing system with drugs, elixirs, and beer!
    • a clan and city claim system which creates new civilisations!

    Yugg Legacy is a fairly new server that creates an advanced survival experience by utilising multiple features that change the game, weather you wanna be a barkeep and make alcoholic drinks, an adventurer who hunts and learns of the many new and powerful mobs, or a clan leader wishing to build a civilisation and conquer the world! Yugg Legacy lets you achieve all of that!

    submitted by /u/-Spendog-
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    SterraMC ⭐�� [SMP] {1.18.1/1.17.1} {Towny-like} {Earth Map} {Geopolitical} {Skills}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:48 PM PST

    Server IP & Website: sterramc.net

    SterraMC is a unique geopolitical sandbox with a 1:500 scale earth map.
    Consider joining our discord server!

    Here are some key features:

    • 🗺️ Build the world: Japan, Spain, USA, Britain, Australia, anywhere on the Earth!
    • 💸 Emeralds economy based. By engaging in the economy, only players decide the value/price of each item, which depends on supply and demand.
    • 🏘️ Claim territory thanks to Sterra plugin, a home-made plugin similar to Towny but without dozens of features/commands that will never be fully used. Its goal is to do new things with innovative ideas and to rekindle enthusiasm in the community. Make your own towns, regions, nations and more!
    • ⚔️ RPG Based plugin where you can level up your skills, like mining! The more you mine, the easier it will become! (Just run the following command: /skills)
    • 😎 Chill and small community. Toxicity is not allowed and severely punished. The community is small for now so it is the good time to join it because there are plenty of unexplored places.
    • 24h/7d/365d running server, play whenever you want and earn a playtime reward. (/reward)
    • Much more but the list would be too long so, visit us yourself!: constant updates, suggestions, staff applications, and a lot of cool plugins that don't ruin the vanilla experience...

    See you soon! 🥳

    submitted by /u/Naphho
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    Twin Peaks [SMP] {1.18.1}{unlimited /home, /tpa, /back}{no money/hierarchy}{20k claims}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:59 AM PST

    The goal is singleplayer with chat. Minimal intervention, no admin presence. Just vibes.

    Server IP:


    Discord: https://discord.gg/WzhrjaT2AE

    Casual server with no hierarchy, ranks, money system, or silly rules like cooldown on commands. Unlimited /tpa and /home commands, along with other unlimited QoL commands like /back, etc. Performance should be great. World border is set at 10k so communities form around each other :) Nice community.


    1. Don't grief common areas like spawn, communal farms, etc
    2. Don't hack / xray / use hacked clients.
    3. Claim to protect. If you get fucked b/c you didn't claim, i can't help you.
    4. A player in your trusted list fucking you over is not my fault.
    5. Have common sense.


    Set your prefix: /prefix set chat <prefix>

    Timber is installed. Chop tree by hitting bottom block.

    Use GriefPrevention to claim / protect your land (default is 20,000 blocks) using a golden shovel

    You can put images on maps: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/imageonmap

    Trade items with other players: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/trade-system-custom-layouts.58434/

    30% sleep percentage to skip night (no phantoms)

    The End loot is reset every 24 hours.

    submitted by /u/iamparkhwan
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    Nations of Ottirion [Factions] [Roleplay] [Vanilla] {7th Era} {Bedrock} {Whitelist} {1.18.2}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:19 PM PST

    The Nations of Ottirion 7th Era is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition Nations server on a new 1.18 map! If you want to play on a server where you can open a shop, engage in complex politics, and fight in wars, this is the server for you!

    Why should you join?

    • Nations of Ottirion is a server with a long history, with it being born as a Realm in November of 2019. Over two years later, it still has a small yet active community. If you like to play on smaller servers where you won't get lost in the crowd, this is the server for you!
    • Nations of Ottirion features rules to allow for Nations, Guilds, wars, and even playing solo if that's your thing. Alongside that, it is more roleplay focused than other "factions" genre servers. Nations and Guilds work alongside each other to create a "living history" type of environment, with politics, conflicts, and alliances.
    • ANYONE can make a nation! All you have to do to make a nation is find two friends to join you, a "claim" (a level 2 map) that no other nation owns that you want to build on, and a loose idea of your government's structure!
    • Nations of Ottirion features a renaissance/pre-renaissance theme rule, so to a certain extent builds are consistent across the server.

    Anyone can make a difference on Ottirion, so to join in on the fun join our Discord server today!
    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Hbwfw2QcG9

    submitted by /u/WUTFazen
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    Craft Block [Anarchy] {Community Voting}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:19 PM PST

    Craft block is just another anarchy server that most will not stay around for.... However for those that do decide to make a home on my server, i can promise you that you will not regret it. I intend to follow to lead of the community and build the server with a full steam ahead mentality. The world is fresh and ready for you to plant your flag. All rules are off the table, grieving is not only allowed.... Its encouraged. Join the discord and get moving! https://discord.gg/b9vnTU8MNT

    submitted by /u/McTasty07
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    Greenhouse [Semi-vanilla][SMP] {Whitelist} {1.18.1} {18+} {Discord} {Friendly}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:17 PM PST

    Greenhouse is a semi-vanilla SMP.
    We are a group of adults looking for other like-minded people to play Minecraft with:)
    Our staff is extremely friendly and are online regularly to help with anything.

    About us:
    - Very recently restarted server world for 1.18.
    - LGBTQ+ friendly
    - Zero tolerance for harassment, bullying or trolling.
    - A shopping district where you can set up your own shop to sell items to the community
    - We hold events like mob head collections and build battles.
    - An active discord where we offer laid-back community experiences
    - One-player-sleep feature, mob-griefing off, warps and homes
    - You do not have to download anything to be able to play.

    We're looking for:
    Players aged 18+
    Players who want an interesting server to explore and engage with
    Message me for the discord :)

    submitted by /u/LazyTitan3113
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    LGBTQIA+ Server [Vanilla]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 01:17 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I hope this post is okay:

    I have created a Minecraft server that targets LGBTQIA+ players (Allies welcome too!). We're a newly created vanilla server with 25+ members at the moment.

    The server is called 'The LGBT+ Corner' and we are originally a Runescape clan that has been established for many years. We pride ourselves on being welcoming, supportive and most of all, fun! If you also play Runescape, you'll notice spawn is Lumbridge castle!

    Our server is strictly whitelist and application only to prevent trolls and spam. If you would be interested in joining please visit this discord link:

    Thank you and have a lovely day cuties <3

    submitted by /u/PlanetZooster
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    Terra SMP: [Modded][Roleplay][SMP]{1.18.1} {Semi-Vanilla}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:22 AM PST

    Hello fellow traveller. Welcome to the newly created World of TerraMC. The settlers arrived 8 days ago and didnt advance. The foundations for future civilizations are laid. Join us and create your own story. Join other player groups or make your own one, invite your friends or come alone and talk to people from all over the world.

    The server started 9 days ago with a small friend group in Germany and a couple of new people from all around the world joined. The Ender Dragon is still undefeated and there is a contest going on rn that decides who will get the enderdragon egg (crocodile hunting ;)). There are 2 bases and many scattered pplayers at this point. The server has a dynamic map you can watch live from your browser. I tried to stay Vanillaish wiht the mods with the most game changing being alex's Terraliths amazing advanced terrain generation, better boats, and the tetra mod which adds tinkering to your tools and weapons. There are also many quality of life improvements ranging from the timber mod to sword enchantments on tridents. You can see a list of all mods in the discord.

    There are people from Europe but also overseas.

    My Discord Username: NiklasSchle#9907

    The server IP is :

    The Discord invite (for mods lists etc.) : https://discord.gg/pxVExr9HHR

    Just dm me if interested :)

    submitted by /u/Nicotinetoucan
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    Meta Valley Towny [SMP] {1.18.1} {McMMO} {NEW} {Grief Protection}

    Posted: 23 Jan 2022 05:02 PM PST

    Ready for Caves and Cliffs with friends? Meta Valley is a new towny server that gives players the freedom to build and develop whatever town they desire.

    🗺️IP Address: metavalley.town

    🎉Discord: discord.gg/FaQnUA4XEd

    It is designed with simplicity and community in mind. Our plugins enhance the Towny experience without being over-the-top. The direction of the server is community-driven, and big decisions will be made at the request of the players through our Discord.

    Notable features include:

    • McMMO
    • Ranks (/rankup)
    • Jobs (Coming soon)
    • Keep inventory

    Automatic farms ARE allowed. We have grief protection and backup regularly. Common rules regarding cheating and behavior are in place to ensure a fun, friendly, and fair environment.

    This server is NOT pay to win. There are no donation incentives that give an unfair advantage. Meta Valley serves as an equal field for all players.

    Interested? Start your town today, join an established town, or go solo! We are building our community one block at a time.

    We are constantly working to improve the server. Want a feature implemented? Hit us up on discord!

    submitted by /u/oneidus
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    OreoMC [SMP]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:35 PM PST

    OreoMc [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {1.17.1}

    🍪---OREOMC--- 🍪

    OreoMC is a Minecraft server designed from the ground up with custom content in mind. We have worked countless hours to create something truly unique from your classic Minecraft experience. If you are tired of the same old Minecraft server we invite you to check out our server to experience something that you cannot find anywhere else!

    💻• Java And Bedrock support, we allow bedrock and java versions of Minecraft to connect to our server!

    🌍• Survival SMP- Vehicles, World scale live map, clans, wars, claims, player shops

    🍦•Vanilla SMP- plain survival, no claims, pvp,wars, clans

    🚆• Tpa- allows you to teleport to friends.

    💀• Death -Chests- Keeps your stuff safe from people stealing and your Stuff from de-spawning.

    ❌• NO RESETS- Your work is safe!

    🌳• Spawn- We have a spawn full of activity; it includes shops,pvp,and a meeting place for all and its where you begin your adventure

    🎮 •IP:play.oreo.gg PORT: 19132


    submitted by /u/MarciGHG
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    MC-Adventures [SMP] {1.18.1}{Griefdefender}{vote,normal and legendary crates, all by voting}{Playershops}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:06 PM PST

    We have just opened up the new SMP 1.18.1 24hrs ago and are looking for new players and maybe future friends to join our community.

    We are always looking to improve and are encouraging players to contribute with suggestions for the server/network. Ticket system in the discord if you want to have a private chat about things.

    Main features: - Kind and helpfull staff, available almost 24/7 through discord

    • Small and welcoming community, with discord/livechat from all the different servers. Discord: https://discord.gg/DMyGPZh

    • Griefdefender (Rollback for builds and inventories available if you should be victim of grief of a unclaimed land)

    • Rent shops at spawn or create your own (Playerwarps will be added with a GUI)

    • Beautiful landscape for you to discover

    • Daily, weekly and monthly challenges

    • Easy tree-chopping with falling animation

    Are you and/or your friends looking for a place to build your new home? Why dont you stop by and say hi sometime:D

    IP: play.mc-adventures.com to enter the SMP server do /smp when you get in.

    if you dont feel like playing Survival you can do /menu to get the server menu up (Arcade, Minigames, Bedwars, Skyblock, Creative or Parkour)

    "Peak" hours: 14-23 Cest

    submitted by /u/haugn95
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    MCGC - MeowstardCats Gaming Community Server's [Modded] {Multiblock Madness,Multiblock Madness Overloaded, Techopolis, Ragnamod 6, Project Ozone 3:Mythic Mode} {Discord} {Semi-Whitelisted}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 11:26 AM PST


    I'm TheMeowstardCat.

    I host servers for Modded Minecraft and other games which we play as a community.

    Servers are all running latest version as of this post.

    If modpacks do get updated we will update accordingly.

    My community has a large support and admin group ready to address and solve any issues and questions you may have.

    If you would like to join an active and growing community, we will happily accept anyone.

    We run on a dedicated server and if anything goes wrong we address it the best we can.

    Our server rules are simple:

    No raiding inside claims, No overly offensive language, No spawn trapping. And obviously: Use common sense.

    We invite you to join our growing Discord community as well

    Our servers are semi-public; that means you have to join our Discord and make ticket to be added to whitelist!

    You can check out our community by going here: https://discord.meowstard.cat/( If the above link invite does not work use this invite https://discord.gg/GM7Dg4QHtB)

    ( The above link will redirect you to our Discord server invite )

    Servers we are hosting right now:

    These are domain names ( They work just like Ip address )

    1. Multiblock Madness : mmad.meowstard.cat
    2. Multiblock Madness: Overloaded : mbmo.meowstard.cat
    3. Ragnamod : ragnamod.meowstard.cat
    4. Techopolis : tech.meowstard.cat
    5. Project Ozone 3 Mythic: po3m.meowstard.cat
    submitted by /u/TheMeowstardCat
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    The Spot SMP [SMP] {LGBTQ+ Friendly} {Java} {Playtime Ranks} {McMMO}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 11:02 AM PST

    Searching for a new server to call home? Don't search further!
    Welcome to The Spot SMP.

    In a world that is getting less and less connected, we're here to connect people of all different ages and backgrounds. We strive to maintain a safe space, a place to call home and enjoy your time, without toxicity or drama.

    We are a semi-vanilla, community-driven server which excels at introducing refreshing and custom features without bloating core gameplay. We're transparant in every way we can be; and listen to our community at all times.

    Some of our core features:

    • A ranking system based solely on playtime, with lots of perks to unlock.
    • A custom claim-renting system; designed specifically for our server.
    • Active and engaging economy with a hotspot for player shops.
    • Intuitive claiming system, with a custom guide.
    • A never-resetting map, set in Hard mode.
    • Graves that spawn at your death location.

    And much more! Our server offers a ton of refreshing features you won't find elsewhere.
    From a fully player-run shopping center; to custom features!


    IP: TheSpotSMP.com
    Website: click here
    Discord: click here
    Guide: click here
    Store: click here
    Map: click here

    We hope to see you join our great community soon! :heart:

    submitted by /u/TheSpotSMPmc
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    Porkchop Anarchy [anarchy]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:29 AM PST

    This server is quite new. So if you want to be part of the history, join now and make yourself known.

    There are many abandoned bases you can find good items in. Give yourself a head start.

    There are Clans, all with unique missions. Join one or make one, your history is your choice.

    No rules, just nothing that will break the server.

    The server is janky, i know. i cant fix that. it will get better soon. Please come along, become part of history, claim what is yours. - Cosmicstar66


    submitted by /u/hudsongrundy
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    Holy Roman Empire [SMP]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:59 AM PST

    Our Discord includes access to the main SMP server, a Creative server and a soon to come Zombie Survival Server!

    Season 4 released with 1.18.1 and we are seeking new members for our latest laid back season. We keep things as Vanilla as possible with few quality of life improvements and features voted on by our members to be added. Currently we are in the midst of building our shopping district behind the walls of Arcadia.

    The world of this new season started a couple of days ago. We have a variety of players; from amazing builders to redstone engineers with merchants and explorers constantly roaming the world.

    Some of our main rules include; no cheating, no griefing, no stealing, no harassment of any kind, no controlling, we let people do what they would like to do and let people be who they want to be. Toxic players will be removed at discretion to maintain a peaceful and close community to have fun together. We currently run on realms with plans to go to a dedicated server soon. Soon to be adding outfits for cats designed by the HRE team.

    Please join our Discord and follow instructions there on how to get invited. You can also message any admin on discord: Owner: Brink#5041 Head Admins: Darksolis#3796, ShainaCross#9521, Win Epic Fin#8650, ALoafOfBread#0700

    Join our Discord through this invite link: https://discord.gg/qBSecq46HX

    submitted by /u/LRazzledazzle
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    Amaryllis [Semi-Vanilla]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 12:01 AM PST

    Rules: No hacking/cheating, no griefing, no racism/chat spam.

    Server IP:

    Java server on 1.18. Just a small survival server for friends! We have a few small plugins to help make survival a little easier, such as teleport ask, 50% sleep, tree chopper, vein miner and silk touch spawners. A Small community, but friendly :) Hope to see you in it!

    Server is open to suggestions for changes. We like to create community builds that we can work on together. We have a discord group to communicate. Discord link is in the server spawn in game :)

    submitted by /u/Huntress24
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    Realmportal [PVE] {1.17.1 - 1.18.1} {MMO Survival} {Classes} {Skills} {Magic} {Towns} {Economy} {Custom Terrain} {Custom Mobs} {Custom Items}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:35 AM PST

    ▣ Explore many new biomes and start a town. The world is open and free to build in.

    ▣ Create factories to produce resources. Take part in the economy; Trade or sell with others

    ▣ Choose a class. Each with unique skills. Fight custom mobs and bosses for unique items.

    ▣ Explore dungeons for special loot, experience and exclusive gear

    ▣ Monthly updates and new content. We like to hear the community's feedback and ideas!

    ▣ No mods needed. Just accept the resource pack when you connect!

    ▣ Realmportal is over 8 years old with Experienced admins and mature staff.

    ▣ If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    ▣ Discord link: https://discord.gg/eVvG4ad

    ▣ Connect at: RealmportalMC.xyz

    submitted by /u/PaintsplattersOtter
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    ACE FACTIONS [PVP] [Factions] [Semi-Anarchy] {1.18}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 09:19 AM PST

    Ace Factions is a simple factions server running on the latest minecraft version. We have minimal Rules and offer things such as crates to boost the experience, although we offer crates, we are NOT pay to win, we offer no way to purchase anything in fact. We are looking for new members and possibly new staff that can help the server. We are currently in open beta and are looking for new suggestions that can better our server, we are trying to create a semi smp semi factions style gameplay.

    Discord Server

    submitted by /u/Pretty_Bad_7477
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    Sea of smp [smp]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:25 AM PST

    1. Hello there Fellow Minecraft player, we Welcome you to our private java SMP.
    2. the smp will start febuary 1 or when we have 20 members so you have plenty of time to join the server and tell you friends to join aswell.
    3. Requirements
    4. -must speak English
    5. -must have a java version of Minecraft
    6. -must be in the discord server
    7. And thats it, it is recommended that you have a mic but not necessary.
    8. Heres the link!


    submitted by /u/scarsotoxic
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    DolMiSt Skyblocks [SMP] {Java} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 24 Jan 2022 08:06 AM PST

    Welcome to DolMiSt Skyblocks! We are a new server here to enjoy life sometimes in solitude sometimes with friends! Some of us are trolls in the dungeons and others are angels in the skies. Come try us out and give us a chance. The fun only begins when you are here so why pretend. Meet us on our ip you wont be surprised. Come on in. We don't bite.


    Crate giveaways.
    All around fun-ness.
    Older community.

    Dungeon runs in our two new dungeons! One 3 Person Dungeon another being a 5 Person

    Dungeon specific kits including a Healing class as well as a Death Paladin class.

    Raids on both a PvP and a PvE warzone

    Mines that make worth easier than ever to gain


    Custom resource pack

    Ip: dolmist.mcserv.fun
    Bedrock port: 19132

    Discord Link:discord.gg/TsTncfHRbC

    I know it sounds repetitive to say everyday.... but i was hoping this might reach some people.... if you come and give us a chance. Just see what the community is about. We want you reading this to come see us. Meet us. Hang out with us. And all around have a good time. Your experience matters to us as a whole. If you dont mesh thats completely okay. But just to give an idea of some stuff we've done since opening in our alpha stages 2 and a half weeks ago. We raised 40 dollars directly to a charity (not through our shop which what we made through the shop we also donated to the charity) We have made people who were completely random to our server staff after seeing they were genuinely good people. We have all helped each other in some way or another. And as the owner of the server myself. I found a way to intermingle SMP where if the community wants seasons on our skyblock side the builders in our towny section of the map will be left completely alone. We try to appease everyone we can while knowing we cant appease all. As staff we sit here pondering how to help each other grow as well as the server. Come give us a shot. We even threw a birthday spur of the moment where EVERYONE on the server got involved both discord and minecraft side. The person had their 18th birthday and when they claimed they were in tears all that night we got together and build something i thought was amazing for the person. Their tears had turned happy. So yeah.... thats what we are about. Making smiles. Not everyone will always smile. Maybe we can make you smile. Come see if we can. Thats all I got. if this doesnt reach you as players i really dont know what will.

    submitted by /u/Due-Independent6311
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