• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers The Fruit Basket [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+}

    Minecraft Servers The Fruit Basket [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+}

    The Fruit Basket [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 01:01 PM PST

    What is the Fruit Basket?
    The Fruit Basket is a small SMP made of of a few online friends just to hang out and play some good ole block game. Many of us have our own things going on, but we still wanted to have our own place to hang out as well as make some new friends, and so the Fruit Basket was born! We're a mostly LGBT+ community, so we are very welcoming to anyone and everyone that would like to join us on the SMP :)

    What we have to offer
    In my opinion and from personal experience, we offer one of the most welcoming SMP communities out there. We're a fun and warm little group of people. If you just want a place to chill out with 0 stress, you're in luck! In addition to a pretty great community, we also offer quality of life plugins just to sweeten the experience a bit (Nothing game altering).

    Application & Discord
    To be on the SMP, everyone has to apply for it. All you gotta do is head over to out discord, read the rules, then use the #applications channel. Admins will read over your application and let you know if you was accepted within about a day if not sooner. NOTE: You must be 18+ to apply for the server.

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/svRPA9CD5u


    • Must be 18+ to apply for a spot on the server.
    • Absolutely no discrimination of any kind (Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Xenophobia, etc.)
    • Griefing and Raiding of any kind are not permitted.
    • No Hacking or programs that give an unfair advantage (Lunar client and/or Badlion client is fine)
    • No toxic behavior. Know the difference between joking and actually being a dick.
    • No PvP unless mutually agreed upon.
    • No Auto AFK farms (Grinders are cool, but you have to actively be there to kill the mobs and get the XP)
    • Lastly, just be civil. Don't be rude or obnoxious just to be doing it. Your behavior, believe it or not, can ruin the way a persons experience on the server and we're striving for the best experience possible or each and every one of our players.
    • These rules are here to help you and players around you have the best time on our server. Not following said rules can result in punishment in-game and/or on the Discord server.
    submitted by /u/Pandemics-19
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    Ruqquscraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Economy} {RPG Skills} {Custom Enchants} {Realistic Seasons} {Java} {1.18.1} {3D Map}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 08:19 AM PST

    Hey there! Thank you for clicking on our server ad! Ruqquscraft is an economy driven survival multiplayer server with some modifications to the standard vanilla format! Ruqquscraft was founded back in August 2020 by Kronus_ (my minecraft username), and we have just updated to Minecraft 1.18! Our community is tight-knit, integrated with Discord (in game chat and Discord chat is bridged), and very friendly and welcoming! We hope to see you stop by, take a look around, and enjoy our server :)

    You can find our Discord link in the Quick Links section below, but I recommend reading through the ad first to see if Ruqquscraft seems right for you!

    If you want to come check out our community, feel free to hop onto our Discord Server and we would be happy to answer questions about the servers!


    ▶ About Us & Core Values


    I started Ruqquscraft back when I was getting back into Minecraft in 1.16.3, I am a college grad with a degree in Comp Sci and I love to tinker around with redstone, create awesome builds, and just hang out with my server community in general. I like to encourage all styles of play, whether you like to create automated redstone farms or you prefer to make epic builds or even collaborate with friends to make a town, I want Ruqquscraft to be a place where there is something for everyone.

    My goal is not only to create an active and friendly Minecraft environment, but to also develop and grow a community of friends as well. We have had a solid core userbase since the beginning, but we are always looking to expand our community and make new friends wherever they may come from. Of course, we would love to get to know you!!

    Recently, we decided as a server community that we wanted to do a server reboot, and so with the new 1.18 update we created a brand new map and game mode to go along with it! Before we had a couple of different game modes running at once, but in order to make it easier for us to manage on the backend and to unify our player base we also decided to consolidate down to a single game mode as well. Throughout this process we were in close communication with our players as to what direction they wanted the server to go and it has all culminated into our brand new Economy-Survival game mode!

    If you're interested to learn a little about what that game mode includes, I wrote a nice article on our website for you to read as well ;)

    Here are some of the core values we've been consistently following since the beginning

    • Welcoming & Friendly
      • Ruqquscraft is committed to creating an environment where players feel welcome and included, the staff are good people and an integral part of the community and love to help out newcomers! Every playstyle is welcome, and we love to see the creative ways you play and build in Minecraft. Staff members on Ruqquscraft are friendly and down to earth people who are essentially just another player, but with the power to help resolve problems should they arise.
      • We also want to make it easy to join Ruqquscraft and learn the different mechanics from the start! To accomplish this the server owner (me) has created an in-game tutorial for new players joining the server to introduce the main plugins of the server. I have also written various guides for the different plugins we have on the server as well. You can access these guides via the `/guides` command in game!
    • Community Driven & Transparent
      • We are committed to stick close to vanilla gameplay without any major changes, the `/plugins` command is enabled so you can see exactly what plugins we are running at any time and any change that would affect gameplay is voted on by the community on Discord before it is added to the server. We value feedback, and we want to make Ruqquscraft a place that is fun for the people playing it, because at the end of the day that is what matters most to me.
      • The chat for our server is bridged to our Discord server as well, this means you can chat with friends playing on the server, even while offline!
    • Open To Feedback
      • Ever since Ruqquscraft has began we have been listening to the community and what directions it wishes to take with the server, before we introduce any major gameplay change we poll the community and see how they feel about a change before it is made and we respect people's opinions and suggestions. We want to make a server where it is enjoyable for everyone playing on it so we seriously value any feedback or criticism that the players may have as it only helps us to improve the experience for everyone! If the community does not like a change that is proposed, we respect that decision and do not make the change. Likewise, if a community member makes a suggestion and everyone likes it we implement the change (if it is feasible)


    ▶ Quick Links



    ▶ Rules


    Here's a list of rules that we follow on Ruqquscraft

    • Be kind to your fellow player (AKA the Golden Rule)
    • No griefing or stealing
    • No hacked clients or client side mods that provide unfair advantages, mods like minimaps or litematica are acceptable
    • Just be nice and friendly, we want to have a good time!
    • Don't ask for OP, staff, or spam the chat
    • No lag devices or chunkloaders
    • No duplicating items in any form
    • No sharing of personal information, be it your own or other player's
    • This is a SFW server, please keep your builds and chat PG-13


    ▶ Server Specs


    We host our server with Bloom Host! Here are some specs:

    • Hosted in Dallas, Texas
    • 16 GB RAM
    • 4 Dedicated CPU Threads
    • AMD Ryzen 9 5950X CPU


    We seriously value input from all our members, so if you have any suggestions at all we'd love to hear them! Feel free to message us on Discord or Reddit with any questions you may have.

    We hope you consider checking out our server!!!

    Here's another link to the Discord just in case!

    submitted by /u/imsad19291
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    Venture SMP! [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.18.1} {13+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 04:50 AM PST

    A friend of mine started a server a bit ago and it's a little dead, and so I've decided to get some more people to join his SMP! With his permission of course, anyways, here are some of the things we do or are planning to do in the SMP.

    Well we restarted the world recently for one.

    Two, we're planning on improv and some scripted scenes for lore... and just lore in general

    Three, a lot of us do swear so be okay with that.

    Four, if you can't read the rules in the discord server please DM me

    Anyways if you would like to join my discord is Mintyleaf#1105

    Hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/yayoikusakabe_is_hot
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    GAMESPHERE [Minigames] [Network] {Skyblock} {PVP} {Bedwars} {Partygames} {Prison} {Parkour} {SMP} {Survival} {Semi-Anarchy}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 11:14 AM PST

    Hello and Welcome to Gamesphere!!

    IP: gamesphere.online

    We are a new java network, constantly looking for ways to Improve our server!

    What we offer:

    • 🎉-Party Games
    • ⛏-Prison
    • ⛺️-Vanilla SMP
    • 🌋-Semi Anarchy SMP
    • 🤖-Advanced SMP
    • 🛏️-Bedwars
    • ☁️-Skywars
    • ⚔️-KitPVP
    • ✅-Skyblock
    • 🚀-So much more for you to explore!!!





    submitted by /u/yeeeterrrrr
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    Proelium MC! [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {no-pay-to-win} {Open-server} {1.18.1} {MMORPG}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 01:53 PM PST

    This server is perfect for everyone!

    as we are a survival+ server we invested our time in merging PvE, PvP, Survival, Minigames & Economy in one System where they all fit in with each other perfectly. you can do so much even the admins forget they even added something to the server, such as chess! not only do we have chess, but also many custom weapons & gear with abilities in both PvP and PvE. if that is not enough our minigames are small but fun to play! wherewith the points you gain, eventually are able to buy your own damn 2 player seat plane! or buy a crafting receipt for auto-crafting tables! allowing you and your Redstone skills to design fully automatic factories.

    We also offer the chance to participate in 3v3 Tournaments that when won your team gains real-life money.Do not worry! our Website Shops only sell cosmetics to make sure pay to win is not troubling our tournaments and server. but you can look fabulous & important now.

    Join our Discord so you can join when we release, this way you have a greater chance of inserting dominance in whatever factor you wish!


    submitted by /u/Dorysan-
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    �� STARLIGHT SMP �� NO RESETS �� VANILLA EXPERIENCE �� SOCIAL �� TOWNY �� JOIN NOW �� [smp] [vanilla] [semi-anarchy]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 12:40 PM PST

    >STARLIGHT SMP (21+)


    Join and play without limitations. Create, fight, cooperate. Doesnt matter if you are pvper or builder. WE WELCOME EVERYONE.


    Though, server is on for only a month, and already has the player base and average online of 3-8 players.

    Server runs stable since we got 8 GB RAM.

    Plans are to add MooBot, get 16 GB RAM and make server BE supporting.


    > JOIN NOW - starlight.20tps.ru

    > More info in Discord: discord.gg/YngFVkcg3Z

    submitted by /u/HerophandHuy
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    Echoes [Vanilla] [SMP] {Minimal rules} {Beautiful Terralith terrain} {Custom commands} {Custom Dimensions} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 06:14 AM PST

    Server IP echoes.fun
    Discord echoes.fun/discord


    1. Do not intentionally make the server unplayable.
    2. Do not doxx other players or break the law.
    3. No hacked clients (optifine and minimaps are okay).

    Anything not specified above is fair game!

    Some notes about the server:

    • Echoes has been running (albeit under a few different names) since August 1st of 2017.
    • 100% vanilla; no plugins.
    • Our Discord server is a lot more active than the Minecraft world. To meet our community, we highly recommend checking out our Discord server. Click here to join.
    • Dozens of custom commands. All our commands are added via a chat bot, written by our staff. View a full list of commands here. We're also running a series of data packs made by our staff team over the years specifically for Echoes.
    • A small but close-knit community with 4 years of server history.
    • Unlike other servers with minimal rulesets, griefing isn't encouraged (but not explicitly banned). Instead, we have a much greater focus on building our community.
    • Our map is brand new, generated in 1.18 with the help of the Terralith and Amplified Nether data packs.

    We hope you'll join us.

    submitted by /u/toothydotfun
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    AVALON [semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Discord} {AdvancedEnchatments} {Nations} {24/7} {Friendly} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 11:40 AM PST

    Hey there!

    Welcome to AVALON (1.18.1), we are a Minecraft server that welcomes everyone.

    We have Nations, 3 nations. People in each nation work together and live within the same claim,

    and town. Within this claim, there are cities of people from your own nation where others cant come in!

    There are artifacts that can be earned for nations through competitions and events for nations,

    What are they? Join and find out!

    Server features:

    Server runs 24/7

    Discord SRV

    Warp to nation/spawn

    Beautiful custom Spawn



    200+ Custom enchants

    EXP Bottling

    We also have a super friendly discord server, for people looking for friends!





    submitted by /u/ItzSaf
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    CosmiCraft [Anarchy]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 11:28 AM PST

    Hello Crafters,

    -We are opening our CosmiCraft Anarchy Server at Cosmic Space Station
    -This will be a permanent staple game server here
    -We run dedicated game servers for community building and connecting gamers
    -More game servers inside and daily active chats and VC VOIP so come join
    -There is FREE Steam Game Giveaways weekly and more
    Cosmic Space Station Discord

    submitted by /u/TheCosmonautQ
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    Solo's SMP World [smp] [semi-anarchy] [PvP] {1.18.1}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 10:23 AM PST

    Java & Bedrock editions can join. Everyone is welcome!

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hcw4YzbHpc

    Java/IP: solossmp.net
    Bedrock Port: 19132
    Server Name: Solo's SMP
    Version: 1.18.1---Running on the best hardware around!
    Constantly updated and bringing in new players every day!
    *Log4j Exploit Patched! Runs 24/7. 99% uptime. 32 GB Memory / i9-10900K CPU.
    + No Map Resets!
    + Griefing, PvP & Raiding is allowed.
    + Worldborder: 100k overworld & end dimension. Nether dimension is 12.5k.
    + Plugins installed: TPA, OnePlayerSleep, CombatLog and lots more added!
    + Earn Rewards by Voting for the server using /vote and /voteshop every 24 hours!
    + Discord Giveaways!

    submitted by /u/TRZERO
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    StupidCraft [SMP] {Non-P2W} {Cross-play} {1.18} {Friendly} {Griefing/Raiding}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 10:08 AM PST


    Are you tired of Minecraft servers that add too many features to their survival experience causing the gameplay to become too overwhelming? Are you looking for a Survival Server without any Pay-to-win quirks or lag? Well then StupidCraft is for you.

    What is StupidCraft?

    StupidCraft is a Semi-vanilla Minecraft server started back in 27th March 2020, started by jbob3mm with Triassic's and Ifkov's help, our goal has been to provide an enjoyable and unforgettable Minecraft experience. We achieve this by having a great community where everyone is welcome, you can make new friends here, we have optimized the server as much as we could and still add new optimizations to this very day to make sure the experience is as smooth as possible, we also have a great staff team that listens to the player base.

    Server Features

    • Homes, Warps and Player Teleportation
    • Party and Friends System
    • Spawn Zone
    • Combat Zone
    • Multiple Quality of Life changes that do not affect gameplay too much.
    • Tree Felling and Vein Mining
    • Anticheat that works great for both Java and Bedrock players.

    IP Address and Website

    Are you interested in joining us on our adventure together? Great! Below I have attached the server's IP Address and Website if you wish to join or just find out more about the server!

    • Website:


    • Server IP Address:


    The server port is the default for both editions.

    (25565 for Java and 19132 for Bedrock)

    submitted by /u/techbyteofficial
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    MC Empires! [realms] [smp] [vanilla] {bedrock} {whitelist} {1.18} {16+} {Discord} {LGBT+ friendly}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 02:30 AM PST

    Hello! We are a new whitelist 1.18 Minecraft Realms server looking for builders and survivalists! Inspired by SmallishBeans' Empires SMP. Build your own empire and have your own land, wage wars, trade with other players, and more!

    We have a public Discord, and an application that is REQUIRED to complete. Both listed down below.
    Please join the Discord first and then complete the application. READ THE RULES.
    We're hoping for people who are active and looking to have fun.
    If you have any questions, DM me on Discord! (asteris#0609)
    Discord link: https://discord.gg/DeYHqKcV
    Application link: https://forms.gle/ChUV9VgGxymdcoo59

    submitted by /u/t-rntechgodhead
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    MC D&D w/Mods [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 10:02 AM PST

    Races, Skills, Stats, Custom map and a story (lore)...

    We want to bring the dnd experience into Minecraft. Its going to be an smp with a couple of mods including origins, and Levelz (Not 100% sure YET we might change them). Come join our community for voting on future plans including: Race additions, Powers, New mods, Maps, and more. Joining our community is easy and you most likely wont be rejected into the server!

    Come join our discord server here: https://discord.gg/mVBYzXukZb

    submitted by /u/3nBen
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    Sector Alpha Survival [Vanilla] {1.18.1} {Whitelist} {17}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 09:43 AM PST

    IP : sasha.sector-alpha.net:25565  

    DYNMAP : sasha.sector-alpha.net:8123


    We are sector alpha, a minecraft server started back in 2012! We try to foster an easygoing and mature Minecraft survival server for anyone to join. Our map has actually never been reset since its launch so your builds will always be safe here. While we do often cooperate on builds there are many players who prefer to play alone, so regardless if you're looking for a more social experience or not, our server should fit all people.


    Features: Mature and Dedicated community Dynmap Rich server history Helpful playerbase


    Rules: 1.Don't be rude, grief, steal, etc. 2.No Pumpkins.

    If you would like to join please go to the google form and apply. We hope to see you on!


    APPLY HERE : https://forms.gle/EwzjvDxQty2Pf9QG7

    submitted by /u/powerofthegem
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    Vally Craft Looking for staff!! [Modded] [SMP] {1.12.2} {14+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 09:35 AM PST

    Vally craft is a up and coming modded server that is wip as of the time of this post. I am currently looking for staff to help out with keeping players in line when the server starts and possibly help setting things up inside the server. If you are interested in joining the staff team please join the Discord here.
    I plan to have this server be a small-ish community. The plans I have for the server are having custom boss battles for players to fight until they get tired of them. I will have events every so often to keep the community entertained and try to keep everyone happy. I hope you will help me with this idea.

    submitted by /u/lotusrayne2506
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    Contendium 1.17.1 Anarchy With No Anticheat [anarchy]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 09:09 AM PST

    Contendium is a 1.17.1 anarchy server that seeks to provide an environment of absolute freedom, builds, and war. To achieve absolute freedom there is no anticheat. To get away with having no anticheat there does however need to be a rule in place that prohibits any attacks on the server such as intentionally lagging the server. If you attempt to hinder the gameplay of the server in anyway it will result in a TEMPORARY ban. There will be no permanent bans. Feel free to do whatever else you want such as Hacking, PvP, Raiding, Griefing, etc. :)

    IP: contendium.org

    Discord: https://discord.gg/4f2kxF5kew

    submitted by /u/PowerfulSpecimen
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    Untitled Origins SMP [Modded] [SMP] {Whitelist} {LGBTQ-Friendly} {EU} {New Server}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 03:01 AM PST

    Hey! I'm starting an Origins SMP soon and am looking for some more chill people to come hang out. We'll be using the Origins mod (obviously), currently with just the ExtraOrigins addon but open to suggestions for others, along with some less relevant quality of life and performance mods. My aim is just to create a space for a friendly community to enjoy the game together, this isn't some professional big thing, and much more focused on people than anything else.

    I have not yet made the minecraft server, so far there's only a discord to organize everyone! We'll get things going soon though, I want to build a community before starting so that everybody starts at the same time and nobody has trouble catching up. The server will be Germany based, but there's already a wider array of people from different countries, so it's obviously open to everyone from everywhere. I'd prefer players to be at least 14 or older, although the main focus is on maturity rather than concrete numbers.

    Join the discord here: https://discord.gg/GDux7tnk

    submitted by /u/ultraeggplant
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    Join our 1.18.1 smp! [smp] {whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 08:55 AM PST

    Searching players for our smp!

    Hey there! Me and my friend started hosting a 1.18.1 survival last week and we are looking for some players!

    We have a active discord server with very nice and helpful moderators and over 40 people.

    We added one player sleep and added so u can play on bedrock too so make sure to ask some friends with u!

    Some kingdoms are forming in the server so feel free to join one and make ur cozy base there!

    No requirements!

    Add my discord for the ip!


    submitted by /u/MeesOliebol
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    Frontiercraft [SMP] {1.18.1} {AGE: 18+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 08:36 AM PST


    Join a Friendly Server with dedicated players! The Server Has a Mix of Established Players as well as some new Players! We are looking for people who want to stick around for the long haul! The Server is currently on 1.18.1. We will not be Resetting until 1.19. There are some private some public farms. We Also Have Some Datapacks on the server that help enhance gameplay while Maintaining the Vanilla Aspect of the Game!

    To Apply, Fill out this Application: http://apply.frontiercraftsmp.com/

    For more info, check out our Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Frontiercraftsmp, recruiting Discord https://discord.gg/RyvCBgjVAC, or pm me after applying (Hafner)

    submitted by /u/hafner2000
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    RealmCraft [SMP] {Whitelist} {Semi-Vanilla} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 04:41 AM PST

    Server Location: Vint Hill, VA, USA Discord Invitiation: https://discord.gg/fex4JmsGHW Server Address: Version: Java Edition 1.18.1 GamePlay: Survival (Normal Difficulty)

    Description: Our Server is a HermitCraft Inspired Java Edition SMP that's been live for a little under a month. You can set up your base/house anywhere you like, or even set up a shop in our shopping district to make more diamonds. All Ages and skill levels are welcome to join us online or even our discord below.

    Rules: Don't Steal&Grief Players/Builds (a lot of work goes into our builds) Treat Other Players with Respect in-game chat

    Server Hardware: Ryzen 7 5800X 4.7GHz 8c/16t | NVME RAID1 | 128GB ECC DDR4 3200 MT/s Ryzen 7 3800X 3.9GHz 8c/16t | NVME RAID1 | 128GB ECC DDR4 2666 MT/s

    Plug-Ins: CoreProtect, Dead Chest, FindmyGrave, Votifier, SimpleVotes, EpicTrades, and OnePlayerSleep

    submitted by /u/SolaireSunBro4Life
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    Flour's Mentlegen Collective [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.18.1} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 04:26 AM PST


    I run a semi-vanilla SMP with just a few tweaks (more in config section), currently looking for more members (16+, but it's the maturity that matters). Server has been running since 11th of December 2021 so if you are looking for a fresh server with a map that I have no plans to reset, then this server is for you.

    For the rules, no griefing/stealing/unwanted PvP... Other than that common sense is mostly all I ask, you can even use modded clients to an extent (just no game-breaking stuff like flight, x-ray etc.). I don't want to limit the way you want to play the game, you can play alone on the other side of the world if you really want to.

    Server is in the EU (fabric 1.18.1) and I plan to keep it alive for a long time. More detailed info/rules/commands etc. are in the discord when you get approved.


    • Datapacks: Mob & player head drops
    • Mods: FSU, DynMap, Repurposed Structures, Armor Stand Editor & the rest is optimization stuff (Lithium, Starlight...)

    So if you wanna play join the discord and post your application in #applications channel and I'll accept you ASAP!

    submitted by /u/Flourick
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    Flower SMP revamped [Roleplay] {Whitelist} {Lore} {origins}{Java}{Semi-Modded}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 08:11 AM PST

    Heyy Everyone!

    My name is Hibiscus and I am the owner and admin of Flower SMP! Flower SMP is a tight knit community that has its main focus on building... LORE! The server focuses around making groups and factions and people really just existing as a community. We are looking for players who are consistent, this does not mean always playing, but just to be present. Discord is a MUST since its our main way of communicating (VC is nice but its not required). THIS IS AN ORIGINS SERVER and it is mostly entitled to stay true to vanilla Minecraft with a few tweaks :) The server MOST LIKELY will restart so everyone has a fresh start. If this sounds like a perfect fit for you you can message me on discord Hibiscus#5424, when I add you to the discord server there will be a short interview just to make sure you're fit for the server. ALSO THE AGE REQUIREMENT IS FLEXIBLE! FINALLY, if you have seen this server before and I haven't contacted you send me a dm again! The server was full and I tried not to get too many new people :D.

    submitted by /u/XWhyteFireX
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    The Den [SMP] {1.18.1}{mcMMO}{Tool Levelling}{Graves}{Jobs}{BlueMap}{Economy}{Barrels}{USA/EU}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 07:37 AM PST

    IP: play.densmp.com / Bedrock:

    Website: https://densmp.com/

    Discord:: https://discord.gg/62ue3cDanx

    Version: 1.18.1

    Welcome to the Den! We're a a cosy little SMP with an active, dedicated, and welcoming community. We're a very new server, only about a month old, but our admins are all experienced plugin developers with years of experience. This also means we've got many custom plugins including land claiming, tool levelling, new barrel mechanics, random TP / wild, and more.

    We run a semi-vanilla design, emphasising vanilla gameplay but adding some quality of life things like an admin shop, /trade, and mcMMO.

    The server has a very relaxed atmosphere with many players, and a large map so that everyone can find a perfect spot to base. We regularly regenerate our bonus End World so that everyone can get elytras, while keeping a main end world for farms and builds.

    • Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Ryzen 9 5950X / 3 Cores / 3.8GHz+ / 12 GB DDR4
    • Plugins: [CMI] [AuctionHouse] [BetaBarrels] [BlueMap] [ChestShop] [DiscordSRV] [Graves] [LevelTools] [Harbor] [Jobs] [PlayerWarps] [PvPToggle] [RandomTP] [TimeIsMoney] [TradeSystem] [VoteParty]
    submitted by /u/MCKnightz
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    Enderman Nation [Network][Anarchy]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 06:46 AM PST

    I started a new server for anarchy players on my Enderman Nation network server. There are also survival and creative mode servers on Enderman Nation. As of now they are whitelist only due to problems with griefers etc. and will only be accessible to mature and respectful players. The anarchy server is open to the public and anything goes on there! Have fun!

    Server Address: endermannation.asuscomm.com

    submitted by /u/Cricketboy4K
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