• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers LazyChunk [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{17+}{!Season 2!}

    Minecraft Servers LazyChunk [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{17+}{!Season 2!}

    LazyChunk [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{17+}{!Season 2!}

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 02:00 AM PST

    LazyChunk is server aiming to unite builders and technical-interested players alike! It runs 24/7 on a private root server with dedicated hardware.

    The minecraft version is 1.18.1. Server location is EUW but we have players from overseas, too. Everyone is welcome.

    The community is very friendly, laid-back and looking forward to meeting new players to join our adventure! If you are interested in building big farms and selling stuff in the central district, or just like playing survival and building sick builds - LazyChunk might be the place for you!

    What's new?

    • LazyChunk has gone into Season 2 on January 17 2022! This means you can join in on the action early without having to fear being too far behind! The old map ran for over 2 years and is available to download from the discord!
    • LazyBot , the custom discord bot that I am actively maintaining, has gotten quite a few new features over the past month.
    • Server Chat in discord channel (discord channel <-> server chat)
    • **LazyChunk has a parallel creative server which you can access as you wish. There you can prototype your builds, redstone contraptions or fa
    • Upon being accepted as a member, you get a role corresponding to the season you joined in (as well as all following ones) - so being early is worth it for collectors purposes ;)

    How to apply

    Just join the discord and the application process will be lined out for you! I wrote a custom discord bot that helps me organize the discord and mc server, it will also take care of your first steps!

    More information, in case you're curious

    LazyChunk Started November 02 2019. It started off as an idea I had, creating a community of people who are interested in playing a hermitcraft-like server with no due date. I always felt anxious playing on a semi-technical server because I was scared that after spending many hours on building farms etc the server owner could at any moment decide to drop the server and my precious time would have gone to waste. On LazyChunk, the community is part of the decision process!

    After a successful run of over 2 years the community decided that a new map was due and so on January 17 2022 the new map went live!

    If you are interested in the old LazyChunk map, there is a world download in the discord!

    The server runs on a private root server and is online 24/7, has a custom backup-script and a daily scheduled restart at 6am CET. I personally write all server management scripts on the linux-side.

    About the server

    Check out LazyChunk, a whitelisted vanilla server aimed at a semi-technical playstyle while not excluding normal players:

    • play normal minecraft survival
    • build bases
    • build big (and/or redstone based) farms
    • create shops or minigames in the center district
    • create infrastructure networks
    • create a server economy through trading in center shops or privately

    The freedom is yours!

    Additional info

    My goal is to have a community where at any time there are around 6-8 people online playing and willing to communicate and make new friends! :) I don't want people who will join, play for 3 days and then leave bored. I am looking for players who want to be part of a community!

    There is a well-organized discord server for LazyChunk.

    Server info

    • Server Location: EU/Ger
    • Mc Version: 1.18.1
    • Server: Paper Spigot
    • [Whitelisted]
    • 10 GB dedicated RAM
    • Dedicated CPU (intel Xeon Gold 6230)
    • [Runs at 20 tps with 5 players on so far]

    Gameplay/Plugin info

    The gameplay is fully vanilla as far as papermc allows for it.

    Other plugins

    • CoreProtect
    • DiscordSRV

    Server rules

    • No griefing
    • No cheating
    • No stealing
    • No duping

    Any infriction will result in a permanent ban! That is a no-mercy policy.


    There is more detail to the server which I can't all add to this (already way too long) post. If you are interested in becoming part of the community and an active member of the community, then you're welcome to join the discord and apply.

    There I can answer any open questions and we can figure out if you want to become part of the community.

    submitted by /u/FrAX_
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    Hot Java SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Community} {Whitelist} {15+} {Java 1.18.1} {Mature}

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 06:56 AM PST

    Server Application Here: Server Application

    ⛏ What is Hot Java? Hot Java is an SMP server inspired by all those around it. With only being 3 weeks old we have over 20+ active players.

    🪓 What is our goal? Our goal is to create a diverse community in the wonderful game of Minecraft. Players are here to take some time off and meet fun new people around the globe.

    💎Other Information: Lastly, we follow an application process in order keep out trolls, and griefers. These applications are subject to review by our small team of mods and admins.

    Best, Hot Java Staff

    Server video: Hot Java Season 2 Trailer
    Server images: Player Builds

    submitted by /u/HotJavaMC
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    SubZero SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [PVP]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 08:00 AM PST

    ──・SubZero・ ──

    【 Have u been searching the internet trying to find a lovely SMP ⁇ Well its your lucky day because SubZero Smp is here to save the day!!!】

    • Active discord community! •


    【 Cracked and Paid MC Server!! 】

    ╭♡ You can join from 1.8 to 1.17.1 • • Bedrock And Java

    ╰♡ To join make sure to verify and read .faq channel •


    【What's New: 】

    ╭♡ Multiple Homes • • McMMO •

    ╰♡ Jobs & currency system •


    【 What's Waiting for You 】

    On Discord

    ╭♡Fun Bots: Dank Memer, Poketwo, Tatsu, and more! • Great Staff • Ranking System

    ╰♡ Buyable ranks that give perks •


    【 We Are Looking forward to seeing you On SubZero Smp!】


    submitted by /u/OrdinaryPlane5025
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    Proelium MC! [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {no-pay-to-win} {Open-server} {1.18.1} {MMORPG}

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 07:58 AM PST

    This server is perfect for everyone!

    as we are a survival+ server we invested our time in merging PvE, PvP, Survival, Minigames & Economy in one System where they all fit in with each other perfectly. you can do so much even the admins forget they even added something to the server, such as chess! not only do we have chess, but also many custom weapons & gear with abilities in both PvP and PvE. if that is not enough our minigames are small but fun to play! wherewith the points you gain, eventually are able to buy your own damn 2 player seat plane! or buy a crafting receipt for auto-crafting tables! allowing you and your Redstone skills to design fully automatic factories.

    We also offer the chance to participate in 3v3 Tournaments that when won your team gains real-life money.Do not worry! our Website Shops only sell cosmetics to make sure pay to win is not troubling our tournaments and server. but you can look fabulous & important now.

    Join our Discord so you can join when we release, this way you have a greater chance of inserting dominance in whatever factor you wish!


    submitted by /u/Dorysan-
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    Exalted Gaming Network [SMP] [Creative] {13+} {Non-Whitelisted}

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 12:54 AM PST

    Howdy there, ExaltedPrime here with the introduction of ExaltedGaming Network:

    Who are you?

    So, as always, we started off as a different server at the time, and I had bought the server off of the previous owner, and kept the creative aspect open. Now I've reopened the server after five years and would love to see some fresh new faces!

    What do we offer?

    We offer a variety of things, such as Creative Plots, using the premium PlotSquared, and allowing users to worldedit on their plots.

    We offer a survival/towny aspect of the server as well, pushing the boundaries and allowing towns/solo survival servers with a mix of MCMMO and BottledEXP. I wanted to keep it simple and sweet, so players aren't bombarded with extravagant plugins.

    We offer a Bedrock IP as well, so if you log off on your computer, and want to join the server at work or on the road, then you can!

    The staff side of things is a bit more professional, which is all found either on our website or in the discord, if you decide to read up on them! (We are actively hiring staff members, if that's your cup of tea)

    What kind of ranks do you offer?

    We offer community ranks, either to allow me to offer ranks that can be bought for the multiple game servers we have on the network. The ranks are not pay to win, they offer cosmetics and other things, depending on the game. Some of the games offer time based ranks, which I am proud to announce.

    Is there voting and other stuff offered in the server?

    Yes! We offer voting options for the survival aspect of the server, and have around 10 websites you can vote for each day! We also have daily rewards for those who are grinders, and often give ranks out to those who play the server for the max daily rewards days!

    Website and Server Details:

    https://www.exaltedgaming.net is the website in which I hope to get more active members on it.

    https://discord.gg/9XTa9ErMn4 is the discord server for the whole community.

    play.exaltedgaming.net is the server IP and play.exaltedgaming.net:19132 is the Bedrock IP.

    submitted by /u/TheExaltedPrime
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    Geopolitical [SMP] {Vanilla-Like} {Java 1.18.1} {PVP} {Semi-Peaceful} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 02:44 PM PST

    So me and my friend made a geopolitical factions-like 1.18 smp that'll be launching in a few days. It keeps the vanilla experience by not using claiming plugins. Do not worry about greifing, we have a plugin to roll that back and find the perpetrator. Its gonna have diamonds as the currency, theres gonna be shops, factions, etc. It's gonna be NOT as chaotic as most faction servers-- making it more like Hermitcraft, since it's still gonna be fairly calm and shop based (no stealing from shops). We're looking for more people to invite! If anyone is interested, please message me / add me on discord (evee#4218) and i'll provide you with details!

    submitted by /u/evee333
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    100kA The Small Anarchy Server [anarchy]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 07:22 PM PST

    100kA is a small minecraft anarchy server that allows its players to do whatever they want its an endless fun(kinda) but that doesnt mean its boring since there are not alot of players that give you an advantage you will be able to gather resources and climb to the top now and ok it may not be so big right now but later on it might become huge or not but still join today on 100ka.us.to 1.12.2!

    submitted by /u/_22kewl
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    Core SMP [roleplay]

    Posted: 27 Jan 2022 01:19 AM PST

    Core SMP A warm community with a thriving lore server. We have a application based lore server. -Our lore is 100% original and interesting, to keep you guys guessing. (this season It's set on an exotic jungle island- with tons of interesting plots) That some of our members stream! (not required of course)
    -Our discord has 300+ members, the perfect size. Why should you join us?
    -We have streamers/artists/content creators, keeping the community entertaining!
    -Weekly discord events, this could be a movie night, a game night, a hunger games event, a stage VC event, a talent show, and more!
    -Probably the nicest community you'll ever meet. If you feel this is what you're looking for, feel free to join the discord: https://discord.gg/4gkw5VtHgu

    submitted by /u/End3rGuy
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    CoronaCraft Season 5 [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {18+} {Dynmap} {Discord} {1.18.1} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 02:25 PM PST

    CoronaCraft is a community-based SMP with around 80 members from all over the world and we're looking for more members for our new season that started about a month ago!

    CoronaCraft itself is around 2 years old and has been steadily growing. If you would like to join the server, join using the Discord invite and then you will need to do a small application before gaining access to the whole Discord Server and the Minecraft Server.

    We have:

    - Java & Bedrock Support

    - Server Events.

    - Custom Roles.

    - Friendly and helpful community.

    - Community Projects all the time.

    - Nitro and Server Merch Giveaways.

    - 24/7 Server Uptime.

    - Plugins to prevent thefts/griefs without ruining the vanilla feel.

    - Player/Mob/Mini Block heads to add more to the original gameplay.

    Join using this invite to be part of our great community: https://discord.gg/pGQ6hjaYPj :)

    submitted by /u/BirdMan445
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    Divine SMP [Smp]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 06:16 PM PST

    Helloo!!! Divine SMP is a chill group of people that love to play Minecraft. We have a very active discord server and love new people, we play on 1.17.1. We have lore events mini games and a good server overall. We also have a attached anarchy server that is for the people who don't like peaceful playing and are server runs 24/7

    Why should I join Divine SMP? -We are not very strict -We have constant customer support -Active Staff -Server boosters -Plugins -Friendly and accepting your all people -We are understanding -You can invite your friends for rewards

    All of my staffs DMs are always open so if you have a problem you can contact us directly If you are interested add me on discord at



    submitted by /u/Unknown_Blackie_
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    Old School Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.8.9} {survival}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 02:03 PM PST

    Server IP: mc.osanarchy.com or mc.shitter.cc

    Website: http://osanarchy.com/

    Version: 1.8.9

    Old School Anarchy is a 1.8.9 minecraft anarchy server which means it has no rules and no admins. The server was originally created on December 24th, 2021 and plans to not update ever. The goal is to provide an ongoing 1.8.9 survival experience on a map that never resets. The reason we chose to go with 1.8.9 is simple, end crystals aren't craftable in this version and this was the last update before the PvP system revamp.

    Click here for server news and forums.

    Lag Machine/Server Breaking Policy

    Regarding the anti-cheat

    we have a subreddit as well r/osanarchy

    submitted by /u/osanarchy
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    Guardians of the Throne_bedrock only: Survival Realm looking for new members [vanilla] [factions] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 05:45 PM PST

    Strictly survival realm with a community of factions for trading and a coliseum for PvP events. Monthly Battle Royale to see who the new King/Queen will be. Cheats are turned off, earn your achievements here!

    We just passed our 4-month anniversary and currently have 13 members. Our main farms for trade are iron, gold, wool & bonemeal. Have most enchantments available as well.

    Looking for active members to help build more farms/bases, and PvP fiends to make the events fun. Prefer 18+ yrs old, 16yrs is the minimum and a certain level of maturity is required. LGBT+ welcome.

    DM me on discord if you're interested, OneBreathRIC#6498

    submitted by /u/OneBreathRIC
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    ConstantSurvival [SMP] {Java 1.18} {vanilla-like} {no-land-claim} {raids}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 05:37 PM PST

    SERVER IP: ConstantSurvival.com

    Welcome to ConstantSurvival!! We are a BRANDNEW survival server with some plugins! In this server you are allowed to raid and grief, there is no land claiming! We have a PvP arena, shop, vote crates, and so much more coming in spawn! This is a community driven server with active staff and events! There is always something going on so come join! We have a website and server discord that can be found in spawn. Come show your might and how good you are at Minecraft today! I would recommend going out far so you have less chances to get raided! NO HACKING ALLOWED!!!

    submitted by /u/notthrilledd
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    1.8-1.18+ Naxos [Network]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 05:25 PM PST

    Welcome to Naxos Network a Unique and different vanilla server with a twist, we offer plugins that enhance your experience Here is what we use in our server to make your experience better! Towny is used to establishing your own towns and preventing griefing, meeting new people and creating your own community Jobs are available to help you make money to run your towns and buy stuff from the player auction house, a public marketplace for all players to sell items for money We also offer a friendly community and an active staff team, our server is up 24/7 and provides an endless playtime experience we do however are always maintaining our server to ensure the full experience

    We also offer a kit pvp server for you and your friends to fight each other, you can choose to join this from the hub server, you may also join from version 1.8 as it has 1.8 combot

    You can join our discord server here:discord.gg/MQK5BHB3fz

    any other questions please dm the owner at Ikeameatballs#0001

    submitted by /u/Pokemasterkendrew06
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    2beta2release [ANARCHY] {Beta 1.7.3} {Progressively updating} {Old School} {Discord}

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 02:41 PM PST

    IP: 2b2r.org
    Version: Beta 1.7.3
    Website: https://2b2r.org/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/MFfB9BVzpk

    2beta2release, the anarchy server with a journey through the history of Minecraft!

    Ever wanted to know how the early days of the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft, 2b2t, felt like? Now you can! 2beta2release (2b2r.org) is an anarchy server inspired by 2b2t that will go through every version of Minecraft. The server started on Beta 1.1 and is currently on Beta 1.7.3.

    The server is currently 4 months old and has seen over 500 unique users! It is inspired by 2b2t and knows no rules and has no (gameplay altering) plugins. You're allowed to grief, dupe, steal, kill and cheat without getting banned.

    We are currently on Beta 1.7.3 and will update to Beta 1.8 on February 6, 2022. Server is in online mode, so you'll need a Minecraft account to play!

    Note that it's fairly difficult to join beta servers using Mojang's launcher. We recommend using the Betacraft launcher to play the game: https://betacraft.uk/

    submitted by /u/willemsteller
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