• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Project Nodenium [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Long-Term} {1.18}

    Minecraft Servers Project Nodenium [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Long-Term} {1.18}

    Project Nodenium [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist} {Long-Term} {1.18}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 08:03 PM PST

    What Is Nodenium?

    Project Nodenium is a long-term Semi-Vanilla SMP run on Fabric with running performance and QOL mods/data packs. Community-wise, we are a very tight-knit group of talented, experienced, and long-term players. We're mainly all players who specialize in the building aspect of the game and dedicate hundreds of hours towards large community and individual projects.

    Who are we looking for?

    We're looking for players who are talented in the building aspect of Minecraft. You must be capable of being motivated from within. You must be capable of playing on a server for many months or possibly years. Community players are crucial to the server, you must be an interactive player capable of talking through discord voice chat. We look for those who want to become a part of a tight-knit community.

    How Long Has the World Been up?

    Season 9 began on August 20th, 2021, and is going great!

    Server-Side Information

    We host our server on a dedicated laptop in USE. The server is run on Fabric with the following mods:

    - Simple Voice Chat

    - Lithium

    - Phosphor

    - Carpet

    - Fabric-Discord Link

    - Dynmap

    For Data packs, we use a variety of Vanilla Tweaks to enhance the experience on the server.

    We host two servers. One, our main Survival World, and secondly, a Testing Server with many plugins such as World-Edit to assist us with large-scale projects.

    How do I apply?

    To begin the application process head to https://projectnodenium.com, scroll down, and click apply to be sent to our Application Discord Server where you can fill out a Google Form and create a ticket to begin discussing your application with the Application Team.

    submitted by /u/ProjectNodenium
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    Townscraft [SMP] {Towns} {Whitelist} {Community-focused} {Active small Community}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 04:43 PM PST

    Townscraft is a whitelisted semi-vanilla SMP server with a towny twist that launched in April 2020.

    Our second season started December 19th after sending our old 20 month world off with a bang (literally). The start of our 2nd season had the highest turnout of any event we have ever done, peaking at 54 players on at once, doubling our previous record of 27. Usually we average 3-15 players, though with the hype of the 2nd season we have been seeing a 10-30 player average recently.

    As the name implies, the server has an emphasis on towns. Each town contains houses, shops and farms. You can join an already existing town, create new towns with three or more members, or choose to be a nomad, but it's strongly advised to live in a town to get the best experience.

    We will host various events from pvp tournaments to CTF to hide-n-seek and a lot more in our kindhearted and welcoming community!

    All types of players are welcome, as long as you don't plan on breaking the rules. We don't care if you are a builder, redstoner, veteran or noob, there will always be a town that accepts you.

    There are no major gameplay altering plugins like /warp or /tpa. The four exceptions are one person sleep, the ender dragon being unable to destroy blocks, fire spread off, and horse statistics.

    The server has Coreprotect, so if something is stolen or griefed, the culprit can be identified and the action can be rolled back in just a few minutes.

    Staff are easily identified with prefixes before their names such as [JrMod] [Mod] and [Admin]

    You can join the community using the Discord Server.

    You have to apply to be added to the whitelist, to prevent griefing and stealing. The application platform is also on the Discord server. Please read through our full rules before applying. It's all in our Discord server anyway.

    You can get a good look at some of the old towns and builds from Season 1, in their not-blown-up state, here: https://imgur.com/gallery/nn6X2TS

    The new map is still very young but some towns have already began to pop up and some have been kind enough to offer descriptions for ads already!

    Funkytown II: The graveyard of building regulations and the cradle of creativity. This town features no restrictions on build style meaning that anything you want to build goes. Inspired by a town from the first season with a similar concept that never took off, this iteration of the town seeks to see the idea of an unregulated town through! Leader: Lareno

    Fortuna III: The epic finale to the Fortuna trilogy. What was once just a hole will soon be a town with a hole. The town is situated in a lush jungle with 2 massive cave systems under it. Construction is ongoing, but plans are to have many homes, shops and workstations (smiths, bakeries, etc) as befits a rich town trading its resources. These buildings will be spread out over the jungle and the caves below it. Besides buildings, stored resources, medieval machinery, cargo boats and carts and a massive wheat field will have their place in Fortuna. Leader: ASikke

    New Block City: New Block City is a metropolitan city made up of smaller neighborhoods. The biggest inspiration for NBC is none other than New York City. Some of the neighborhoods include Co-Town, Gardenia, Times Square, Blocklyn, Bayhatten, Broadway, and Gardenia. In-between each neighborhood will be typical things found in NYC, such as Bodegas, Parks, and Brownstones. Underneath the streets there will be nothing but certainly legal activities that definitely don't include drug deals and murder. Leader: RinKiwa

    Ravenstad: Located on the far reaches of the world's oceans, Ravenstad is an island comprising of 3 major districts seperated by rivers. The largest attraction of the town is the amount of shops it has within it, slowly becoming a hub for trading on the server as more and more people visit the town. Leader: xAleckay

    Saltsburg: An industrial city, with modern, residential rowhouses! Leader: theprofessorsalt

    Dominion of Hussaria: Story time, it's the year 1570, a year after Poland has united with Lithuania and created. On King's orders a group of Polish and Lithuanian explorers, decide to set sail to a new land, earlier discovered by Christopher Columbus. After a few weeks of continuous voyage, they finally arrive in what seems to be an ancient civilization. They send out one of the riders to explore the nearby area. After a couple hours, they are notified that a nearby village inhabits a similar set of structures. The Polish explorers, eager to learn about their culture, decide to colonise but at the same time preserve their ancient civilisation in order for the Polish-Lithuanian Kingdom to grow even further. Leaders: Gr4nd

    Pandora: Heavily inspired by Zaun and Piltover, two cities from League of Legends, Pandora consists of two different parts with their respective styles. Zaun is the undercity filled with slums reeking a chaotic, dark and dangerous feel - yet with a glimmer of hope for an equal life as is on the surface. Piltover sits proudly above ground - feigning hope with bright, rich colours and economy, led by greedy, but innovative minds. Founders: Tuuzik, Frikadell, Robeducci, sauter8888, Sondare, pruunlane, Kaur

    submitted by /u/RinKiwa
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    Lush Survival [SMP] {1.18 Survival} {Tree Physics} {Land Claim} {Player Shops} {Skills} {Diamond Economy}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:49 PM PST

    • IP: lobby.lushsurvival.net
    • Java 1.18
    • ✔️ Never Resets
    • ✔️ No lag. The server costs $275/mo for top-of-the-line dedicated hardware. The server is capped at 50 players online at once to ensure a lag-free experience without reducing mobs, view distance, or limiting massing redstone builds like other servers. This approach is applied to the entire server experience and provides the highest quality survival that you can't find anywhere else.
    • ✔️ To combat the pathetic pay-to-win servers, donator ranks are purely cosmetic and all players have access to perks that would normally cost money on other servers. For example, everyone can set up to 100 homes and even fly in claimed land without any special rank!
    • ✔️ In addition to all of that, you won't get kicked for AFK and can use gameplay enhancements like optifine, fullbright, autoclickers, etc.
    • ✔️ Over 35,000 unique players in less than a year!
    • ✔️ Active discord that allows you to communicate with players in-game without having to be online on Minecraft. You can also find important announcements, free giveaways, and so much more.
    • Website| Server Trailer | Discord | Live Map | Rules


    • 🗺️ Server Map View Live Map
    • 🌲 Trees have physics See Example
    • 🏪 Over 300 Player Shops See Example
    • 💎 100% Diamond Based Economy See Example
    • 🐦 Fly in claims See Example
    • ⚗️ Community XP Farm See Example
    • 📦 Chest, Inventory, & Hotbar Auto-Sorting See Example
    • 🏡 Land Claim
    • ⚔️ Toggle PvP
    • 🛒 Auction House
    • ⛏️ 13 Skills to Level Up (mcMMO)
    • 🎒 Extra inventory backpacks
    • 🤸 Custom Armor Stands
    • 🌤️ Vote For Time & Weather
    • 💍 Marriages
    • ✔️ EULA Compliant (Anti Pay-To-Win)
    • ✔️ No Crates
    • ✔️ Minimal limits on your builds or farms
    • ✔️ A true lag-free experience
    submitted by /u/lushsurvival
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    World of Cynera [semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {Roleplay} {1.17.1}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 02:07 PM PST

    Server was released 1st of december, open now! It is a 1.17.1 map as of now, but will definitely be updated soon!

    About the server:

    The server is a Medieval RP/Geopolitical RP server, create your own nation and become a strong world power, create an organization and rule the markets, trades and even raid nations/nomads or you can even start your own religion and worship a God and if none of that is your kind of thing, travel or live as a nomad!

    - The server has a fully rendered Dynmap

    - The server is in a beta state and may undergo some changes

    - Everyone gets a starter kit when they first spawn in: Leather armor, Stone Tools, 20 Bread

    - The Discord with a vetting system and more

    - Custom Terrain - Custom Food recipes

    - Featuring plugins like: MCMMO, Brewery, GlobalLocalChat, Auto ChestSorter and much more!

    - The server is also whitelisted, so you must join the discord to play 📷

    About the Terrain:

    Featuring vast terrain with biomes that you will not see on any other custom world. Despite this appearing as one landmass, this is actually two continents in one. Similar to how Europe and Asia are part of the same landmass. Cynera is the fantasy continent, taking some inspiration from European terrain but with more focus on mountains, mystical forests, rivers and waterfalls. Okosha is pretty much the Asia of Paralon, taking heavy inspiration from Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese terrain. There is also some slight inspiration from Indian terrain. As seen on Planet Minecraft 📷 (edited)

    submitted by /u/Effective_Glass_3374
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    CoronaCraft Season 5 [smp] {Semi-Vanilla} {18+} {Dynmap} {Discord} {1.18.1} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 02:58 PM PST

    CoronaCraft is a community-based SMP with around 80 members from all over the world and we're looking for more members for our new season that started about a month ago!

    CoronaCraft itself is around 2 years old and has been steadily growing. If you would like to join the server, join using the Discord invite and then you will need to do a small application before gaining access to the whole Discord Server and the Minecraft Server.

    We have:

    • Java & Bedrock Support

    • Server Events.

    • Custom Roles.

    • Friendly and helpful community.

    • Community Projects all the time.

    • Nitro and Server Merch Giveaways.

    • 24/7 Server Uptime.

    • Plugins to prevent thefts/griefs without ruining the vanilla feel.

    • Player/Mob/Mini Block heads to add more to the original gameplay.

    Join using this invite to be one of the first players on the new season: https://discord.gg/pGQ6hjaYPj :)

    submitted by /u/BudderKidd
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    The first eclipse [Semi-vanilla] {Greylist} {1.18.1} {Mature}

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 12:10 AM PST

    The first eclipse:

    New update new adventures!. First eclipse is a brand new collaboration of veteran Minecraft players that have recently teamed up to make our own brand new adventure witch we would like to share with like minded mature players.

    If you, like us, love the vanilla Minecraft experience and want to hang out and play with us feel free to join our Discord mentioned bellow and ping a staff member!

    What we can provide:

    - 10k worldborder

    - new map on 1.18.1

    - Active discord, We love to voice chat when we play!.

    - Dynmap

    - Basic life enhancing commands/plugins

    \* /home and spawn

    \* One player sleep, Need a night just say so!.

    \* Core protect (We provide core inspect for the general player base /co i)

    What we ask of you:

    * Be respectful and mature in your gameplay!.

    * Building farms is fine, just don't cause lagg for others

    * Have fun!

    Server name: The first eclipse


    Discord: https://discord.gg/6yCG4ExkH6

    Images: https://imgur.com/a/Y0Nn43u

    submitted by /u/RedYssel
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    CoffeeCraft [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18.1} {Java} {Never Resets}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:42 PM PST

    Ready to start a new survival experience and explore the epic terrain generation in the Caves & Cliffs update? Looking to start a new adventure and make some friends along the way? CoffeeCraft is a new, semi-vanilla (we've got a few fun and useful plugins to enhance your experience,) long-term survival server for 1.18.1, with a fresh, largely unexplored world.

    Here are some of our features:

    • The End Resets Monthly (new end cities, dragon egg)
    • Fresh world for 1.18.1
    • Keep Inventory is OFF
    • Long-Term Survival Server, your builds stay forever!
    • In-depth Land Claim System to protect your property and manage who can interact with it.
    • Gain Free Ranks, unlock useful features as you go!
    • All players have /rtp to help you find the perfect place to build!
    • Teleport to friends easily with /tpa

    No White List, You can join us now!

    IP: play.coffeecraftsmp.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/DkfVgsWB

    submitted by /u/OnionBoots
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    Built From Ashes [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18} {Age 13+}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 10:34 PM PST

    Built From Ashes, a 1.18.1 server, is a plugin SMP that strives to give the best minecraft multiplayer experience and bring together all kinds of players while still keeping the vanilla feel of the original game. (We are also known as BFA.) We are a 13 years and up server that supports all kinds of people, from the LGBTQ+ community to al groups of religion, ethnicity, etc. If you'd like to join, click the invite link [https://discord.gg/Kw3VKk8xC4].

    Be sure to read everything below so you don't go in blind, especially the plugins and datapack sections!

    -Default Difficulty is hard but is customizable for each player with our plugin.

    -AFKING ALLOWED (wont get kicked)


    [Performance & Specs]


    -Server Restarts everyday at 6 AM American CST!

    [Some Notable Plugins]:

    -Griefprevention: Claim and protect your land from those pesky griefers with a golden shovel!

    -DiscordSRV: The MineCraft chat is directly connected to the Discord chat! You can chat through both platforms at once.

    -UltimateTimber: Cuts down trees when you cut down one log, be careful because the leaves can fall on you!

    -SetDifficulty: A plugin which allows you to change your own difficulty with the command /setdifficulty, making you take less damage, more damage or normal damage.

    -Veinminer: Mines all ores when you shift and mine one of them.

    -PvpManager: Allows you to toggle PVP on and off so you are randomly killed!

    [Some Notable Datapacks]:


    -Haste Potions

    -Villager Leads

    -Shulker Respawning

    -Glowing Glow Squids (more fitting, right?)

    [List of all Plugins and Datapacks]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n7ddwDlL2glPF_7ksWgYsqYJ2yMS0gzrOr9nMZ-tQy8/edit?usp=drivesdk

    submitted by /u/BuiltFromAshes
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    The Crafty Table [Semi-vanilla] {1.17.1}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 11:03 AM PST

    About TCT:
    IP: thecraftytable.com

    Welcome to The Crafty Table! We are a small scale, semi-vanilla, survival server with our own creative world. We currently have a small but welcoming community and are always happy for more players to come and join us on our world.

    Our plugins:

    We use a small number of plugins for socialising and convenience including:
    - Griefprevention
    - Worldguard
    - Multiverse
    - Chat feelings
    - Gsit
    - Dynmap

    What makes us unique?

    One of our biggest unique features is our democracy on the server. We allow our players a lot of influence over our world, from plugin suggestions and rules to expansions and our staffing team, if you have an opinion on what you would like to see change on the server our ears are open.

    We host a proposals through our discord where you can put forward such changes which are then discussed and voted on by our community in our meetings at 8pm GMT on Saturdays.

    We also host monthly reviews of our staff where you can feedback on what we do well and can do better, alongside an MVP vote for your chance to highlight outstanding players of our community.

    Key links:
    Discord: https://discord.gg/mezpHTMq64

    Planet MC: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/the-crafty-table-5086328

    Upcoming events:
    - Check out our Discord for more information.

    submitted by /u/The-Crafty-Table-MC
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    Bubble Craft [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.4}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:34 PM PST

    We are a brand new survival server with a Hermit Craft style economy. Here at Bubble Craft we encourage fun and creativity. We have no anti grief plugins and rely on trust to achieve a fun vanilla style feel. We do however make use of data packs, none of these packs impair the mechanics of the game and instead focus on improving the playing experience by allowing for more creative expression. Whether you're a die hard technical player, a nomadic adventurer, or a creative builder Turtle Craft is the SMP server for you.

    I have ran a few servers previously and can ensure Bubble Craft will be a great community for you. I will be responding to any questions in the comments. If your interested in joining fill out this application: https://forms.gle/rBspBKiH7qStjx3y5

    submitted by /u/BubbleCraftSMP
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    RiverCraft SMP [semi-vanilla] {whitelist}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:19 PM PST

    Hello! I am the owner of an amazing community server! We are an 18+ Community that is looking to expand and find new friends. We are a diverse and inclusive family looking for active members that are open to monthly events, shopping district, community builds, and much more! Currently in Season 3 of Rivercraft we are upping the ante! On top of an active player base, we are looking to add members that will become a part of the family. (If you are into posting on social media, feel free to apply as well!)

    Coming Soon...

    Event plans for the next few months, Game Nights, Websites, and more...?!?!


    To maintain the vanilla feel, we try to keep the plugins to a minimum.

    -DiscordSRV (connects in game chat to discord and allows communication from offline members)

    -Essentials X (Private message, colored names, and commands for admin use only that ensure that the server runs smoothly)

    -MobHeads (Drops Mob heads when killed)

    (The world sleep percentage is also set to 1 to allow single player sleep)


    If RiverCraft is just what you are looking for, message RiverCraft SMP#7247 On discord for an application. Once that is completed message back and wait for your application to be reviewed. We try to get to as many done as possible! If you have any questions, feel free to message the discord account and we will be happy to answer them!

    Thank you for your patience, we hope to see you soon!

    submitted by /u/satans6stain
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    Auroearth: Geopolitics, Towny, Survival [SMP]

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 12:51 AM PST

    Over at Auroearth we have a moderately sized active player base on a 1/500 Earth map where our players are encouraged to build Towns, Cities, and maybe even an Empire! Trade, build alliances, start wars, or defend smaller nations as long as you earn money with the jobs system you and your friends can support your nation in its endeavors. We are new player friendly and have a active mod/admin team ready to ensure your time here is fun! Please stop by our discord: http://discord.auroearth.com We have a pretty active community so cmon join in! And don't forget happy mining!

    submitted by /u/AuroEarthMC
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    Chicken Pie Craft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18} {whitelist} {Discord}

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 12:49 AM PST

    The Chicken Pie Craft community was started in december 2013 and is populated by a steady group of 'old' players, mostly age 30+. We enjoy long term vanilla survival gameplay to unwind after our daily tasks. Our maps usually last at least a year, and some of us build some amazingly large projects! We just restarted our world with a new 1.18.1 world. The terrain is stunning.

    We have a creative server for redstone and design experimentation. We have a second server with a different jarfile and a webmap. We use Discord for text and voice communication. We welcome players from all over the globe. Our experience is that your connection to the server will be good. If you are an old geezer or geezette just like us and you think this is just the right community for you, please send me a pm. Tell me why you're interested in joining the server, what kind of minecraft player you are, and what you think of the third rule. I will get in touch with you and I'll send you a Discord invitation.

    • Server Name: Chicken Pie Craft
    • Server Location: Chicago, USA
    • Whitelist: yes
    • Version: 1.18.1 Java
    • Game Play: SMP, vanilla
    • Difficulty: hard
    • PvP: on for those who engage with mutual consent

    Rules: We happily provide a safe and fun community experience. You're most welcome to join and enjoy it. You're required to contribute to the safe and fun community experience at all times.

    • No stealing. No griefing. PvP only with mutual consent. Please ask before harvesting another player's crops or livestock. Breed and replant. You can build anywhere, but please be considerate of your neighbors. Ask permission before altering anyone's builds.
    • No cheating. Please ask before using any mods. No hacks, no minimaps. Do not mess with bedrock or portal blocks, do not abuse (duplication) glitches. Don't use the nether roof, it's too OP for vanilla gameplay.
    • Preserve nature. Travellers bring your own food! You can get food at spawn. You're not allowed to kill the wildlife; it is there to be domesticated by those who settle down.
    • Be pleasant and appropriate. Please greet, be polite and helpful, behave like a kind neighbour. No swearing, no belligerence, no inappropriate exchanges. Don't get too personal, don't play the players, just play the game.
    • Use the ingame chat. Please let others know when you're on the voice server, so they can choose to join you. Being logged in on the voice server is never an excuse for a failure to be active and welcoming in chat towards those who can't participate in the voice communication. Read and follow the voice server usage rules published in the announcements section.
    • No agitating. If you're confronted with unpleasant behaviour, contact me through whisper or a pm. Public discussion about rulebreaking is not allowed because it ruins the fun. If you have a suspicion, I expect you to involve me and to be frank, firm, factual and friendly towards the player we'll have to sort it out with.
    • No bigotry. No racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.... Not even joking around. Just don't go there.
    submitted by /u/CPCadmin
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    Unperished [SMP] [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Discord} {EU} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 12:29 AM PST

    Hello everyone! I just opened a new vanilla SMP server last week.
    I'm looking for around 15 to 25 mature players, preferably good with redstone but that's not a requirement.
    The idea is to create a friendly community of active players so that we can keep the server open for a long time.
    Everyone is welcome, however if you're in the EU you will have a better connection to the server.

    We started on a fresh world and most people started building close to spawn.
    The idea is to create a central common area, but around that everyone can build their own home or anything they like.

    Here are some pictures of the spawn area: https://imgur.com/a/dIQ4j9J

    How to join
    There is a Discord server which you can join: https://discord.gg/f79NVBZY
    (there you'll also find more information about me and the server)
    You will need to write a small introduction to become whitelisted.

    Other information:
    There are backup and grief protection plugins. Render distance is 20 chunks.
    I'm always open to suggestions regarding plugins or other settings.

    If you have questions, feel free to reply here, dm me or say something in Discord.
    Hoping to see you on the server so that we can start creating some big farms!

    submitted by /u/FalloutBe
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    Proelium MC! [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {no-pay-to-win} {Open-server} {1.18.1} {MMORPG}

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 12:25 AM PST

    This server is perfect for everyone!

    as our server is closing its beta, we are happy to say we will release it on September 22th 2021.
    (4 Hours) from now on.

    as we are a survival+ server we invested our time in merging PvE, PvP, Survival, Minigames & Economy in one System where they all fit in with each other perfectly. you can do so much even the admins forget they even added something to the server, such as chess! not only do we have chess, but also many custom weapons & gear with abilities in both PvP and PvE. if that is not enough our minigames are small but fun to play! wherewith the points you gain, eventually are able to buy your own damn 2 player seat plane! or buy a crafting receipt for auto-crafting tables! allowing you and your Redstone skills to design fully automatic factories.

    We also offer the chance to participate in 3v3 Tournaments that when won your team gains real-life money.Do not worry! our Website Shops only sell cosmetics to make sure pay to win is not troubling our tournaments and server. but you can look fabulous & important now.

    Join our Discord so you can join when we release, this way you have a greater chance of inserting dominance in whatever factor you wish!


    submitted by /u/Dorysan-
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    Seventh Mirror [smp] {Earth} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 22 Jan 2022 12:11 AM PST

    Seventh Mirror is an Earth server that uses a 1:500 recreation of Earth as the map. Gold ingots are the currency of the server, and you can use them to claim land with towny. We use Dynmap to show you your player's location in the world, and a host of other custom plugins in order to enhance the gameplay experience. Join the server today and get started with your town.

    IP: play.seventhmirror.net

    submitted by /u/Carth_Onasi96
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    Maldek SMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.18} {Mature} {Whitelist} {Economy} {Discord} {Hermitcraft-Like} {Shopping District}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 11:19 AM PST

    Hi everyone! Thank you for your interest in MaldekSMP!

    Maldek is back for 1.18 with a brand new season! Thanks to the owners tunn and 7G0D, and the player base we are back for another awesome season of some semi-vanilla SMP! We think of Maldek as a semi-vanilla server because we have added a few quality-of-life features to expand upon the game.



    IP (Make sure you apply first):

    What's New?

    • NetherHub Under construction
    • The shopping district is now open!
    • Upcoming End Reset this week!

    Current Data packs/Plugins (Always changing with your suggestions/ideas!)

    • Armored Elytra
    • McMMO
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • Graves
    • More Mob Heads
    • Player Head Drops
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Armored Statues
    • Anti grief/cheat/xray
    • dynmap
    • And more listed in Discord!

    Join the discord to see the rest!

    Once you join head to #apply to be added to the whitelist and unlock the rest of the discord server! https://discord.com/invite/XxU7YbrEuR Hope to see you all there 📷

    Owners: tunn 7G0D

    submitted by /u/_Tunn
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    Quarantinecraft [SMP] {1.18} {Java} {Economy} {Social}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:45 AM PST

    Server IP: quarantinecraft.nl

    What's up guys! We at Quarantinecraft are a laid back, (semi) mature community who want other likeminded people to play vanilla Minecraft with. You looking for a chill community that doesn't take itself too serious? Then you'd fit right in.


    • A laid-back, social experience

    • A pretty spawn area with plenty of buildings or room to build in

    • A server with no 'pay-to-win' donations/game mechanics. Every player is equal.

    • Chest shops and the iConomy plugin


    1. Both griefing and stealing are forbidden
    2. Killing another player is only allowed when both players consent
    3. Do not use any hacked clients
    4. Don't spam the chat or advertise your own server
    5. Don't halt other players' progress for no reason other than just that. (Example: Blocking ender gateways, end portals)

    Discord: https://discord.gg/FkrJvsV

    submitted by /u/salared
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    FishCraft [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {Whitelist} {21+} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:26 PM PST

    Welcome to FishCraft

    FishCraft is a 21 and over Vanilla SMP server, We have datapacks and plugins but it won't affect your vanilla gameplay. We have adjusted our server to be vanilla as possible. We are a fun mature community and we are looking for like-minded people to hang out with. Our map will never reset so feel safe to work on your big projects. The server's birthday is 3-16-2019 and we hope it lasts as long as Minecraft lasts. Hope to see you in-game o/

    1.18 we are starting on a fresh new map!!! but that doesnt mean the previous world is gone. We are keeping both world, and players will be able to travel back and forward.

    Server Rules

    - No Griefing/Stealing. (Respectable pranks are allowed)

    - Must be 21 and over

    - No cheating or hacked clients.


    Double Shulker Shells - shulkers drops two shells instead of one

    CustomArmorStand - able to customize armorstands

    PlayerHeads - players drop head upon death

    MobHeads - chance for mob heads to drop upon kill

    EnderDragonDropsElytra - enderdragon drops one elytra upon kill

    AntiEndermanGrief - stops enderman from griefing

    LargerPhantoms - bigger phantoms! spookyyy


    CoreProtect - anti grief plugin

    Dynmap - live map of our server



    - Age:

    - Minecraft Username:

    - Discord ID:

    - Tell us a little about yourself!:

    (The effort you put into the application will determine your acceptance to the whitelist)

    Discord is Mandatory Must Join to Get Accepted!!! https://discord.gg/kfWkMkE


    submitted by /u/FishCraft-hivemind
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    Aeterna: Gods & Monsters [Semi-Vanilla] {Lands} {Greek Mythology RP} {Custom Items} {PvP and War} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 01:19 PM PST

    Rome. Greece. Carthage. Persia. Four nations sprawl over the vast seas and vibrant landscapes of Aeterna. Those that call these lands home--heroes, monsters, visionaries, and gods--make their mark upon the world, whether by turning the wheels of progress, or fanning the flames of war. The time has come for you to enter the ancient tapestry of the Fates. Forge powerful weapons, construct architectural marvels, and awaken the divine spark within you. Come now, for Aeterna awaits.

    ❖ IP: aeterna.vervara.net ❖ Discord: discord.gg/aeternamc ❖ Custom mobs, classes, and items ❖ Towns and nations ❖ Fresh start (~1 month since last reset)

    submitted by /u/Aeterna_Vervara
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    Realms of Candarion [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Worldbuilding} {Lore} {Discord}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 09:19 AM PST

    Server Name: The Realms of Candarion

    Server Location: USA

    Website: https://candarion.com/

    SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/candarion/

    Server Address: Whitelist. Will be provided following successful application.

    Version: 1.16.4 Java (We will be updating to 1.18 in the coming weeks)

    Game Play Type: Vanilla Survival, Lore / World Building / Medieval Setting Description:

    Do you enjoy lore / world building? If so you may find what you're looking for in the Realms of Candarion. We are a semi-vanilla, survival, medieval server with a big emphasis on world building and lore crafting. Each of our players is either the head of, or a member of, one of several realms, each with a unique history and style.

    New players, after an application period, will start off as a vassal within another players realm, eventually ranking up to noble status where they may then start their own realm. We are not a role playing server in the traditional sense; we focus mainly on the worldbuilding and lore. In-game is spent mostly building and enjoying the MC survival experience.

    To ensure that every member of the server has an enjoyable time and that maturity and respect is maintained at all times, we have a minimum age requirement of 16 years. The average age of our current membership is somewhere between 18 - 22

    You can find our charter and rules here: https://candarion.com/charter.pdf

    You can find a collection of screenshots from across the server here: https://imgur.com/gallery/k0LWk5t

    You can also find a collection of our world maps here: https://imgur.com/gallery/aPcolF9

    You can join our public Discord here: https://discordapp.com/invite/E9RaEzp

    We are currently behind on versions, but when the new worldgen does come out, we will be doing a partial reset of some of our world! If you are interested in joining us please head to our forums and create an application, or check out the discord and have a chat. We look forward to seeing you!

    submitted by /u/bryson283
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    Prosperity [SMP] {Large projects} {Dedicated players} {1.18.1} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 05:11 PM PST


    Prosperity is a survival-multiplayer server with a focus on high level gameplay. This server is a unique evolution on the standard SMP server, that doesn't sacrifice the vanilla experience.

    Join · Wiki · Gallery

    Empowering the player

    Prosperity is heavily focused on empowering the player, you can get the information you need, and work on that projects that you want to.This server doesn't have restrictive rules, and all modifications to the server are publicly documented.

    Mods and tweaks

    Prosperity runs a selection of mods that are focused around improving the base mechanics of the game, while adding engaging gameplay features and not unbalancing the game too far.

    Some of the highlights include:

    • Auto-crafting
    • Vanilla item variations with a server resource pack
    • Better crafting recipes
    • Renewable sand
    • Stackable shulker boxes
    • Various quality-of-life features and bug fixes

    Stability and performance

    Prosperity runs dedicated hardware that is capable of running the server with a high render distance and consistent 20 TPS even with multiple farms running.

    In addition, all optimization on the server respect vanilla mechanics. That means farm designs that work on vanilla will work on this server.

    Community and collaboration

    An SMP's community is make or break, and Prosperity has a good one. Everyone on the server is very helpful and friendly. You can feel comfortable asking for equipment or items, and freely ask for help or ask questions.

    Community projects

    The server has a dedicated projects channel on Discord, as well as several mods that make collaboration easy. Namely, the Syncmatica mod, which allows players to publicly share build schematics for a better experience when working together on builds.

    In addition to collaboration on the server, all custom code written for the server will be open source, such as the website, or potential future projects, like Discord bots or mods.

    Creative server

    Prosperity has a powerful creative server available for testing, with the same configurations as the survival server. You can join here to test things or collaborate.

    Join · Wiki · Gallery

    submitted by /u/CarbonGhost0
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    BLOCKS N BEERS [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP]{Whitelist}{1.18.1}{21+}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 08:25 AM PST

    Server Name: Blocks N Beers

    Server Location: Atlanta GA, United States

    IP: blocksnbeers.com


    Version: 1.18.1

    Server Stats:

    Custom built server private data center housed and controlled by me!

    Server's Rules:

    • You must be 21+ to apply (No exceptions)
    • No griefing
    • No stealing
    • No hacks/modded clients (mini maps, shaders, optifine are GOOD)
    • No cheating
    • PVP is dependent on both players agreeing
    • Small map with border until we have optimization through paper
    • No exploits allowed. No duping.

    These rules are most important:

    • Be excellent to each other!
    • Homophobia, sexism, bigotry, and bullying are absolutely 0 tolerance. You're an adult and this is a game, leave your stupid opinions and beliefs at the door or don't even bother.


    This server is the love child and master development of only the finest people from several servers over the years. A group of friends, both in real life and internet based (and some spouses!) have come together to devote their time and creative super juices to host, supervise, and play on the ultimate adult non-BS and community driven server we could possibly form. Professionals and students, we understand that sometimes life grabs you by the ... uh... and you might not be able to log on every day all day but you are still looking for a place to unwind and decompress. If you're looking for a new group of friends or a discord of friendly people who like to joke, like to meme, but also like to respect boundaries- you've found it here. You don't have to drink beer or drink at all to join us.

    Our server was just reset to 1.18.1 with a brand new map! We are now accepting applications to join the community and grow with us! We have a small limited map to start and just updated to PAPER with a few optimizing plugins. Our border is small but increases about 100 blocks a day. We have yet to go to the end or fight the dragon, that event is happening TONIGHT (Friday January 21)

    Community events every couple Saturday nights, weekly competitions that yield fun prizes, and many other great things to come! :)

    I am looking for players who are looking for a permanent place to play. Fleeting and flaky individuals need not apply. Short term users aren't what we're looking for, we want people to grow with the server, indulge in conversation, make friendships, and have a good time. If you plan to play for a short amount of time and never come back, please don't bother. No pressure for extensive gameplay- casual players with limited free time welcome of course- but those who really want to be involved are most appreciated. We have an active discord which we're still navigating, please bare with us.

    Server is on Hard mode with a 1000 squared border that slowly expands and firespread is currently ON. All mob griefing and damage is currently ON.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/9KFKquyz

    You will be directed to a room in which an interview process will take place in the order which you have arrived. Bare with us, as again we are busy adults with a ton of junk going on. You will need a mic and discord to join our server, just a heads up. If after a week you don't respond or don't find the time to have a VOICE interview, you will be removed from the discord. Feel free to apply again at a time you have availability.

    I am pleased to offer a place for you to play and make new and lasting friendships, welcome to the team!

    Please follow the discord link to join directly:


    submitted by /u/WaffleMC
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    Moonlight District [SMP] [Vanilla] {Bedrock} {Server} {1.18+} {21+} {USA/Canada} {Whitelist} {Discord}

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 07:04 PM PST

    Hey folks, this is my third Minecraft server that I am committed to maintaining until at least 2024 (at which point we can decide what we want to do with it).

    This server is vanilla (no mods) where we all aim to casually build a world together (after work), hangout on discord, and get into a bunch of shenanigans. We really only have one key rule: do not build, modify, steal, attack, interfere, etc. with other players or player property (unless agreed upon).

    If you are interested, I will even configure a teleporter to/from your house and the community area (when ready). I will also offer players a command block to protect your storage area, and in some cases, for an area of the map.

    The community area was mainly started as a way for all players to join up, but now includes shops, and other fun things the community might enjoy (like a roller coaster). You must ask me before building in the community area though.

    Although this server is primarily for adults, your family is welcome to join as well. For this reason, the chat (only in game) and builds must remain kid friendly. Note: You will be responsible for them and must ensure they follow the rules.

    Lastly, like most servers, player count and player frequency is critical. It is important to note that this server is brand new and will take some time to get going. But my last two servers were a great time and I know it will get there one day.

    If you are interested, please send me a message! And if you are willing, I would be curious to know your first name, geographic area, what you do for work, age, and whether or not you are interested in hanging out on discord. There are no wrong answers though!

    Cheers everyone,


    submitted by /u/RedFoxLegacy
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    Vanilla SMP [Vanilla][SMP][PVP][Anarchy]

    Posted: 21 Jan 2022 06:49 PM PST

    Hi all,

    Just created a Vanilla SMP server.
    IP: playmc.makeshifthub.com
    Version : 1.18.1
    Border: 30M

    Feel free to do anything there. All I ask is no hacks that affects the server or gives a huge disadvantage to other players.
    Map will not be reset.
    I will upgrade this server's hardware and content as the player base increases. But be sure that this instance will always stay true to vanilla

    submitted by /u/moistyburger27
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