• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Vanilla Project [Vanilla] {1.18.1} {hard} {no-whitelist}

    Minecraft Servers Vanilla Project [Vanilla] {1.18.1} {hard} {no-whitelist}

    Vanilla Project [Vanilla] {1.18.1} {hard} {no-whitelist}

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 03:50 AM PST

    Project Vanilla! 100% Vanilla run on official Mojang server software!

    No paper, no fabric, no plugins, no nothing, no resets. Just 100% Vanilla on a dedicated server.

    Welcome everybody! What is Project Vanilla? It's a Minecraft server running on the actual software provided by Mojang. This means no plugins or datapacks, nothing other that 100% pure vanilla gameplay.

    Everybody is free to join, there is no whitelist, and you don't need to worry about a reset or a server wipe. This server is hosted on a dedicated server.

    As it's a vanilla server, vanilla gameplay is endorsed. This means the game should be played as it was intended. Meaning no hacks, no cheats, and also please don't spam or be a total dickhead in the chat.

    Other than that, you are free to play however you like. This means making friends, making enemies, building or destroying, hunting or griefing and looting or anything else you can think of. If you wish to keep your buildings or items safe, please consider taking a distance from the spawn area so others won't find your base. Because spawn always gets griefed within a matter of days, at first login you will spawn somewhere around a 10K radius, this also allows you to hide your base better!

    The Minecraft server address is server.projectvanilla.io

    submitted by /u/MarionberryPerfect74
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    Quantum Galaxies [Network] {SMP} {Skyblock} {Prison} {SkyPvP} {Creative} {Parkour} {GTA/RPG} {1.8-1.18}

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 02:38 AM PST

    ♥♡∞:。.。🌌 Why choose Quantum Galaxies? 🌌 。.。:∞♡♥

    We are an imperfect family. We fight, we make up. We give second and third chances. We care. We protect. Even the sometimes spammy, annoying kids. We make friends. We grow close. We are home.

    ♥♡∞:。.。👽 What does QG offer? 👽 。.。:∞♡♥

    ✨ 1.18.1 Survival with many fun plugins + luckyblocks

    ✨ 1.18.1 Skyblock with a bunch of island types, challenges, upgrades

    ✨ 1.16.5 Semi-Vanilla with player shops and diamond economy

    ✨ 1.16.5 Creative, for those who want to build without limitations

    ✨ Ever changing Parkour

    ✨ 1.12.2 SkyPvP with Prestige and 1.8 PvP.

    ✨ 1.16.5 Prison with Prestige, OP items and enchants and many many more.

    ✨ 1.16.5 CityLife Survival (cars, guns, gangs)

    ⬥ ⬥ ⬥ ──── Join all gamemodes on any version from 1.8-latest ──── ⬥ ⬥ ⬥

    ♥♡∞:。.。🚀 Some features on QG 🚀。.。:∞♡♥

    ✨ Large increasing maps; end and nether resets.

    ✨ Overworld cleanups, keeping the map from getting spoiled.

    ✨ Ranks from voting and/or donation store.

    ✨ Many give-aways.

    ✨ Player and server made events, including great rewards.

    ✨ Crates: Vote and donations crates. Changing frequently.

    ✨ Collectable, rare crate items (for the collectors).

    ✨ Player warps and player made shops.

    ✨ Mature, friendly and helpful staff.

    ✨ Listening to what the community wants and providing that.

    ✨ Different economies, something for everyone.

    ✨ Many warps, beautiful builds.

    ✨ No unfair rules, no bullying and toxicity allowed.

    ✨ AFK rewards on certain gamemodes.

    ✨ Playtime rewards on all gamemodes.

    ✨ Vote rewards.

    ✨ Global trading economy; for trading vote points, ranks, etc.

    ✨ Minigames such as Potato, quests, achievements and much more.

    ✨ Everyone can join!

    ♥♡∞:。。💫 Some RULES on QG 💫 。.。:∞♡♥

    ✨ No spamming

    ✨ No bullying

    ✨ No cheating (hacking)

    ✨ No toxicity

    ✨ No excessive swearing

    ✨ English in main chats

    ✨ Some claiming and entity rules.

    ✨ For a full list, see here: https://forums.quantum-mc.net/thread/200/minecraft-server-rules-punishments

    ♥♡∞:。。👾 Join our Discord 👾 。.。:∞♡♥

    ✨ We have many bots in a bots-only channel.

    ✨ Our Mod bot prevents spamming.

    ✨ We are very active on Discord.

    ✨ Discord events, such as movies, games, etc.

    ✨ Many, many emojis!

    ✨ Please join us: https://discord.gg/3xZgrr9

    ♥♡∞:。。💥 Have Questions?💥 。.。:∞♡♥

    ✨ Come ask us.

    ✨ Give us a chance.

    ✨ We're a bunch of fun, often broken misfits, loving and trolling the heck out of each other.

    ✨ We hate punishing/banning players and members, but if they do harm to the community and server, they're not welcome.

    ✨ Please join us: https://discord.gg/3xZgrr9

    ✨ Server IP: quantum-mc.net

    ✨ Website: https://quantum-mc.net/

    ✨ Forums: https://quantum-mc.net/forums/

    ✨ Store: https://store.quantum-mc.net/

    ✨ Rank Permissions: https://store.quantum-mc.net/category/ranks

    ♥*♡∞:。。🌌 See you there 🌌 。.。:∞♡*♥

    submitted by /u/LiveBeyondDreams
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    Origins modded server looking for cool people! [modded] [smp] {whitelisted}

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 01:32 AM PST

    Hey there, this is Varkest.

    A couple of friends and me are looking for fresh faces on our Origins-modded Server. First off, this is a heavily modded server running on the fabric 1.18.1 Launcher/Api.

    While we're primarily looking for small/medium streamers that wish to have a private server to stream on with a couple of others, we are still open for cool people to hang out with!

    Requirements are as follows:

    Be open minded preferably 16+ Discord and a mic! As for Streamers: Dont worry about followers and such, lets grow together! If you are interested hit me up in Discord! Be prepared for a few questions on my part! Varkest#9663

    submitted by /u/Varkestry
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    RuinSpirit [Semi-Vanilla] [PvE] [SMP] {Freebuild} {Citybuild} {Lands} {1.18.1} {Germany}

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 01:27 AM PST

    Hey, du bist auf der Suche nach einem Oldschool Minecraft-Server mit 1.8 Vibes?

    Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!

    Unser Server ist erst seit kurzem am Netz, vertritt jedoch die gleichen Einstellungen, wie zur guten alten Zeit, wo Minecraft-Server nicht nur leere Klone von Servernetzwerken waren. Es gibt wenig schnick schnack und irgendwelche Spielmodi, auf die im Endeffekt eh keiner Lust hat.

    Der Server befindet sich auf der Minecraft Version 1.18.1!

    Wir bieten folgende Welten an:
    - Freebuild
    - Farmwelt
    - Citybuild
    - Lands/Nations + PvP
    - Creative World (bald)

    Wir bieten entspanntes Gameplay mit einer angenehmen Atmosphäre. Ich könnte dir hier noch viel mehr über unseren Server Erzählen, wieviel Arbeit in den Server, Webseite etc. gesteckt wurde, aber am besten checkst du uns einfach selbst erstmal aus und bildest dir Deine eigene Meinung.

    Sollte dein Interesse an einem Oldschool-Server geweckt sein, wo Survival noch im Vordergrund steht, würden wir uns sehr freuen, wenn ihr uns bald auf dem Server Treffen!

    Unsere IP: mc.ruinspirit.net
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ZXFuJKZU3r
    Kurzes Server Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmJW2IGFGfw

    Bis dahin!

    Dein RuinSpirit Team

    submitted by /u/xTroete
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