• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Shady Oaks [semi-vanilla] {whitelist} {season2} {15+}

    Minecraft Servers Shady Oaks [semi-vanilla] {whitelist} {season2} {15+}

    Shady Oaks [semi-vanilla] {whitelist} {season2} {15+}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 02:38 AM PST

    We are looking for new members to join us!

    Shady Oaks started its second season at the very end of last year with a new 1.18 world. Since then we have built up spawn and nether highways which make starting out now a lot easier. Many more community projects to come and take part in, but you are also welcome to only do your own thing.

    It's one of the best communities to be part of and truly feels like a family. I have built servers before and server-hopped for a while to find one were to say. Shady captured my attention and I haven't or will change my choice. I honestly can't recommend it enough. It's hard to find such an incredible and supportive community but Shady is most definitely all that.

    The server is mostly vanilla, with only a few vanilla tweaks to up the quality of life aspect so everyone can play however they like.

    Whitelist is in place, no griefing allowed and a rollback system for bad apples so your builds are safe. The admin team is active and very very helpful in all matters. We have an age limit of 15+.

    Join us in this amazing place! https://discord.gg/Y37vYFZWGT :)

    submitted by /u/HyperionH
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Java} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.18.1} {Survival}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 02:07 AM PST

    Near Vanilla is a close-knit community server where we've created an environment where players come together to build, collect, explore, and have fun. The perks of being a member can be seen in our cooperative builds, player competitions, vibrant shopping district, and other events. All play styles are welcome, from those who want to venture out on their own to those who want to work cooperatively with others. We're sure you will find exactly what you are looking for in your SMP experience while making some great friends and builds along the way.

    Near Vanilla is an international, community-driven server. There is constant communication on our Discord, both serious discussion and silliness. We constantly seek the opinions and views of the player base and large changes are made through player discussion. Suggestions are always welcome. A dedicated admin team is always on hand to make sure things are working smoothly, bad behavior is squashed, and your time on the server is stress-free. Our DynMap, which can be viewed through the website, allows you to navigate to your favorite biome and see how close/far you are from your fellow players.

    If this all sounds like your kind of place, grab your sword and pick and jump into NearVanilla and show us the creations you can make! Apply now!

    Requirements: * 18+ only * Be Nice

    Zero Tolerance Policy: No hacking, glitching, or duping allowed. Any of these will result in a permanent ban. No griefing, stealing, bullying, insulting, discrimination, or prejudice behavior tolerated. Toxic behavior is not welcome.

    The "Near" in "Near Vanilla" * Deathlog: Lets you know where you died * WanderfulAdditions*: control armor stands and make item frames invisible * Kickafk: Kicks players who afk more than 3 hours * Custom plugins created for our server * A few Admin tools to help mods keep things friendly and welcoming Players can suggest Non-Vanilla additions if they do not remove from the vanilla experience which will be discussed on our Discord.

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website. Applications with more information are more likely to be accepted.

    1. How are you doing today?
    2. What is your in-game name?
    3. What is your age?
    4. Tell us a bit about yourself.
    5. What are some of your goals for this server or what do you do in a typically play session?
    6. What is your favorite aspect of playing with other players?
    7. Have you ever been banned from another server? If yes, why?
    8. How did you hear about our community?

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    Midcraftia [Vanilla] {SMP} {PvE} {PvP} {1.18.1}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 05:02 AM PST

    Midcraftia SMP is a survival multiplayer server based on vanilla gameplay but with some custom added features to make the world more interesting to explore! Join today to find your place in the small yet ever expanding world and community of Midcraftia! we are looking for friendly players who plan on sticking around and building the world and the lore with us :)

    the IP is:

    No White List

    submitted by /u/S4m_H
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    RiseMC [SMP] {TOWNY AntiGrief} {1.18.1} {McMMO} {Economy} {Custom Items/Ores} {Custom Enchants} {Unique Perks} {Earnable Ranks} {Recently Reset!}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 09:13 PM PST

    IP: play.risemc.com

    Website: www.risemc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/jH2ADHx


    We're a small server who first started out in April 2013. In August 2019, we relaunched to bring a new and improved version of the RiseMC experience to our active Minecraft community.

    We at RiseMc do not sell anything for real money. No in-game ranks, items, cosmetics, etc. All items and ranks in the game are earnable through playing and/or voting. We pay for server costs out of our own pockets so players don't have to feel like people are shilling to them for cash.

    Who are we and who do we want?

    We Want

    We're looking for fun, dedicated Minecraft players. Our server is owned and operated by adults, but all ages are welcome. As a general rule of thumb, all players should behave in a way that does not negatively represent our community or ruin the game experience for other players. Please keep in mind that we believe PVP does not ruin the experience, PVP is part of RiseMC. That said, actively targeting weak/new players or deliberately provoking people with trash talk or other toxic actions are not respectful behaviors and are not tolerated.

    We Are

    Currently the average age of our player base is about 20 years. We have a friendly community that knows how to work together.

    Our staff fully consists of people above 20 years old. All of the staff have had staff positions and done staff work for several years since our start in 2013.

    More Information


    • Version 1.18.1
    • Towny
    • MCMMO (Heavily customized to fit our server philosophy. Some skills are turned off.)
    • Economy

    Game Altering Features:

    Generally the philosophy is vanilla+ experience in a balanced economy that will hopefully keep you playing for the weeks and months to come. Some interesting changes brought by our special sauce of plugins include:

    • Custom items, tools and ores!
    • Custom enchantments
    • Worship Deities for powerful bonuses! (Custom Plugin)
    • Hunting other players (Custom Plugin)
    • Earnable Flying Boots for use inside your town!
    • Earnable Custom Ranks and rankup system that isn't paywalled in any way.
    • Spawn shops
    • Player shops
    • Mob arena coming soon!


    For the sake of keeping this post from being extra long, you can find our rules by either navigating to the #rules channel of our discord, or you can simply run the command /rules in-game! All major punishment is logged and discussed by the Admin team, and all punishment can be disputed via our discord.

    How to Join

    No applications needed, just join in!

    To rank up in-game, however, you must join our discord.

    IP: play.risemc.com

    Website: www.risemc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/jH2ADHx

    submitted by /u/Shmoochies
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    Orioncraft [SMP] {AntiGrief} {1.18.1} {McMMO} {Dynamic Economy} {900+quests} {Custom Enchants} {DynMap} {Jobs} {Chest Shops}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 12:55 AM PST

    IP: play.orioncraft.org

    Website: www.orioncraft.org

    Discord: discord


    We're a small server who first started out in late 2021.

    Who are we and who do we want?

    We're looking for fun, dedicated Minecraft players. Our server is owned and operated by adults, but all ages are welcome. As a general rule of thumb, all players should behave in a way that does not negatively represent our community or ruin the game experience for other players.. That said, actively targeting weak/new players or deliberately provoking people with trash talk or other toxic actions are not respectful behaviors and are not tolerated and we have tried to add in methods to prevents such issues.

    Our staff fully consists of people above 16 years old. All of the staff have had staff positions and done staff work since the beginning.

    More Information:

    • Version 1.18.1
    • semi vanilla survival
    • MCMMO
    • Dynamic Economy (prices change based on supply and demand)

    More Features:

    • 900+ quests to complete from
    • Treasure hunt in spawn
    • Custom enchantments
    • Tons of custom enchants
    • Spawn shops
    • Player shops
    • More coming soon


    can be found in our forums or discord

    How to join?

    IP: play.orioncraft.org

    Website: www.orioncraft.org

    Discord: discord

    submitted by /u/tiptronic07
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    SentinelCraft [Network] {Survival} {Land Claim} {Towny} {McMMO} {Skyblock} {Minigames} {Friendly Community}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 04:19 AM PST

    IP: play.sentinelcraft.net

    Minecraft 1.18 Version!

    SentinelCraft is a bungeecord server that started in May 2013.

    The server has very active and mature staff with years of experience and a dedicated player base. We have a well defined rule set to keep your time here friendly, enjoyable and fun!

    We have enough plugins to keep you entertained without making things too complicated or laggy.

    Major Plugins:
    • Essentials (with a stable Economy)
    • Grief Prevention
    • Towny
    • Dynamic Map
    • McMMO
    • Skyblock
    • Quests
    • LogBlock
    • MobArena and more Minigames
    • Disguises
    • And other minor plugins.

    Besides the Regular Worlds which are Survival, we also have some special worlds such as Flatgrass (Creative Only Mode), Minigames (MobArena, PVP, Spleef, Ect), Skyblock, and a Resource World!

    Make sure to check our Website and our Preview Video for more detailed information!

    I hope you guys have fun on your server!

    --SentinelCraft Staff

    submitted by /u/SentinelCraft
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    YoutubeSMP [Roleplay] [Modded] [PvP] {1.12.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 09:47 PM PST

    I'm putting together a modded SMP role play server, nuclear war themed, does anyone wish to join? The setting is as follows: Welcome to a new continent, filled with fresh new resources for you to fight over, only discovered a little over 6 years ago, yet there are still a large amount of bandits, corporations, and various para-military groups all trying to claim it, what will you be? Modpack link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/nuclear-war-modded-smp-modpack-very-nice Application form: https://forms.gle/CeWtf7BJhYdMvg5o6

    submitted by /u/TravyDad
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    MythicalTowny [SMP]{SlimeFun}{Towny}{Custom Items}{Custom biomes}{CustomMobs}{Proximity VoiceChat}{Dynmap}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 03:23 AM PST

    [JAVA 1.18.1]

    We just updated to version 1.18!

    Valentines day Event!! <3

    Community based SMP with:

    • Ranks bought with ingame money
    • SlimeFun
    • Custom items: look at this pretty sword that summons lighting
    • Towny
    • Custom biomes that have custom structures
    • Resource worlds that reset every 2 weeks!
    • Jobs
    • MCMMO
    • Completely player based economy
    • Pyrofishing
    • Pyromining
    • Events every season
    • Lootcrates: several types, can be obtained by voting/ReactChat/ingame money
    • Proximity voice chat! link your discord and talk to people within 30 blocks of you!

    IP: mythicaltowny.dedimc.io

    Website: https://mythicaltowny.enjin.com/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/D3G94XG5Eg

    Dynmap: http://mythicaltowny.dedimc.io:25568/

    submitted by /u/MythicalTowny
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    PROJECT SMP [SMP] {21+} {Whitelisted} {1.18.1} {Survival} {Java}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 03:01 AM PST

    Welcome to Project SMP

    Project is a community consisting of players in their 30's, which is why we set a 21+ age requirement to try to cater to a similar age group. We promote a low-stress environment, helping one another in-game and out. The lead members of Project have been running servers for Minecraft since 2010.

    Friend referrals from the community are welcome if you wish to bring others along.

    We offer two servers, our main server is currently a fresh world prepped for 1.19 with a limited world border until 1.19 releases, server setup details are listed below. Our secondary server is a fully vanilla world on hard difficulty which is quite popular.

    Community members that join Project SMP will also have access to our Valheim server we provide for our Minecraft players.

    Main Server Setup:

    We are a simple setup, with a few changes to better cater for multiplayer along with several additions on top of the standard gameplay. Our survival alterations are as follows:

    ✅ Night Time cycle cannot be skipped. ✅ Phantoms are disabled - Bats drop membranes. ✅ Can /home to your bed. ✅ Toggleable auto fill hand. ✅ Shift-Click toggle visible/invisible item frames. ✅ Faster Minecart system. ✅ McMMO - With OP aspects nerfed, used for score tracking. ✅ Creepers, Enderman, cannot damage/pick up blocks. ✅ Sign chest protection. ✅ Player controlled trading. ✅ PvP death keeps inventory. ✅ Slime chunk checker. ✅ End dimension generation expanded. 
    We do have some rules we require players to follow.
    1. Please speak English in public chats.
    2. No griefing or stealing.
    3. No harassment in the chat of any kind.
    4. Avoid being inappropriate in chat, most notably sexual comments, and media.
    5. No Cheating of any means to give an unfair advantage (Duplicating, X-Ray resource packs, map modification mods, obtaining seed, scripts of any kind, flying, ...).

    Interested to be apart of Project SMP?

    To apply, join our discord and fill out the form. If successful you will gain access to the rest of the server.

    submitted by /u/BadContent
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    SigmaCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18.1} {Economy} {SMP} {Towny} {Community} {Chest Shops}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 02:16 AM PST

    Welcome to SIGMACRAFT! This server is a 1.18.1 economy/smp server! You can build incredible bases or structures and compare them with other players or insane grinders and farms to climb the economy and become the richest person on the server! Join now at SIGMACRAFT.MCSERVER.US ! We're looking for staff, discord developers and possibly trustworthy server developers! Though our playerbase is currently tiny we do have many dedicated players with days of play time!


    submitted by /u/Working-General7735
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    The Lovely Server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1 past reset, none planned} {1.18.1} {Australia}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 10:29 PM PST

    The Lovely Server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1 past reset, none planned} {1.18.1} {Australia}

    Hey guys, welcome to the lovely server! I'm u/NaRmisE or Narmis#3531, one of the members of this
    Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running 1.18.1.

    B R I E F

    • about 2 years old

    • various QoL datapacks (listed on discord)

    • various administrative and QoL plugins (listed on discord)

    • Simple Voice Chat

    • Dynamic Map

    • survival

    • whitelisted

    • hard difficulty

    • 8GB RAM, PebbleHost Premium plan based in Australia

    V I S I O N

    the lovely server is a place for people who love survival Minecraft. Ideally, we can use this to plan out and create some amazing areas and builds. If you like to spend time in the details, or enjoy large scale building, or just want to spend some time playing good old survival; this might be the place for you :)

    A B O U T (From the owner Quake1880)

    I have been a fan of Minecraft for about ten years, and it's been pretty much the only game I've played growing up. As a player, I really enjoy taking my time and enjoying each moment of a game, which is why I decided to set up this long-term server with no planned world resets.

    I have participated in a few survival Minecraft SMPs over the last couple of years and I'm keen to give back and create a new community around this fantastic game.

    R U L E S (generalised)

    • Be mature

    • Be respectful

    • Be considerate

    • No Griefing, Stealing, Cheating etc.

    This server is open to everyone. I want it to be a safe place. All rules and respective consequences will be enforced at the discretion of myself and any moderators to the best of our ability.

    J O I N

    Please read through the previous sections first! Here are the steps you need to take to apply:

    Fill out this Google form

    Join the Discord. Our staff will over your applications and get you online. Feel free to give us a ping if there's a delay or any issues. Please don't contact us on Reddit, We don't check messages here very often. Better to send a DM on discord.

    Please make sure to have a discord account in order to be added!

    submitted by /u/NaRmisE
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    Ironforge: The Purge [Semi-Vanilla] [Semi-Anarchy] [PvP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:03 PM PST

    Ironforge: The Purge only launched today! There are currently around 20 whitelisted players.

    Come and join us at: https://discord.gg/Y2RWNWRR

    The Premise: This is a simple world - people are free to do whatever they wish. Murder, theft, and deception are all possible - but luckily for you, you can protect yourself with your trusty claim shovel. However, beware - once every week, the purge will occur. All claim protection will be removed for one hour. Hide your goods, your family and your dog - or murder your annoying neighbour.

    Claims may be shared amongst people, and may be expanded with in-game currency - gold. Gold may be attainable not only by mining or thievery, but is also awarded to grand structures as they stand the test of time - or grand feats of destruction.

    The server is only destined to last until April 16th at GMT midnight (end of the day), at which time the winner will be declared (/baltop). Other secret tweaks may have been made to the world, so keep your eyes open.

    The Purge: Will occur every Saturday, 1pm-2pm GMT. At that time all claims will be disabled temporarily.

    submitted by /u/Farboid
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    Master Realm NOHACKS [SMP] {Laws & votes} {Java And Bedrock Crossplay}

    Posted: 19 Feb 2022 12:06 AM PST

    Master Realm is currently a small growing SMP server which allows you to do whatever you would like in a survival Minecraft world!
    McMMO + Auctionhouse & weekly events!
    No Elytra or Pearls in PVP + LOGOUT DURING PVP = DEATH Decapitate your enemies & get their heads! World Border expands slowly to ensure no resets EVER! (Make your dream survival base, it will never reset!) True Lawless Server Hard difficulty (Not Hardcore) NOHACKS - NO X-RAY
    DiscordSRV 16gb RAM - 16 View Distance - 24/7 uptime
    Auto updating Paper (1.18.1+) Cheaters get the ban hammer.
    To get the IP to join, please join the Discord to stay informed on rules & events! https://discord.gg/UkXPQRpaJQ

    submitted by /u/Equivalent-Win-6059
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    New Trident SMP! [vanilla] [semi-vanilla] [smp]

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 05:59 PM PST

    Welcoming new members to join our week old SMP! Founded by a small group of friends, we are looking to expand our little tight knit community! All types of players and people are welcome, preferably those who are active, like to voice chat in discord and are 18+! :)

    Most current members are based in North America, but all EU players are more than welcome to join us as well!

    Current Plugins: Dynmap, Ultimate Mob Heads, Dragon Drop Elytra, Fast Leaf Decay, CoreProtect and Anti-Cheat!

    Join the discord, come chat, answers a few questions and earn yourself a whitelist! :) https://discord.gg/BhgbCzgzrK

    submitted by /u/TheImmaculateCroc
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    Pixelmon Modpack [SMP] {Custom Starters} {Shiny Starters} {READ DISC}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 10:16 PM PST

    Me and my small group of friends (about 5 of us) started a pixelmon server and with a couple of days later we almost have 50 members so there will always be someone on. I got custom starters and they are all shiny and a GTS so you can sell Pokemon and items to the server. The discord is https://discord.gg/pjcMPn7B or you can DM me RecoilClock#4983 so come join us and have fun!!

    submitted by /u/RecoilClock
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    Helrims' Fable [Modded] [PvP] {Whitelist} {RPG} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 09:05 PM PST

    •Modded Minecraft •Java Forge 1.16.5 •Casual roleplay •Alchemy⚗️ •fantasy races✨️ •No grief/steal unless planned raids/wars⚖️ •Vast balanced weapon arsenal, fight how you want to fight⚔️ •More boats🛶 •Immersive world🌎 •Custom terrain and caves⛰️ •Medieval fantasy theme🔮 •Nation building⚒️ •Voice proximity chat 🗣 •Cosmetic armor, be a knight, viking, samurai, or others with our MANY armor options🛡 •Diverse PVP, there is no "best set up" there are many different weapons and tools🗡 •Something here for everyone📚 •Diverse game play, be a soldier, king, assassin, samurai, passive farmer, a citizen of a nation, a person who lives in the woods by themselves, a miner, it's YOUR story. Play how you want.🔓

    Discord: https://discord.gg/KMkeZdhdgR

    submitted by /u/johnthejohnlywarlord
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