• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {No Resets} {1.18.2}

    Minecraft Servers CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {No Resets} {1.18.2}

    CubedMC [SMP] [PVE] {Towny} {Economy} {No PVP} {No Resets} {1.18.2}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 01:29 PM PDT

    💢 Server IP: CubedMC.org 💢

    CubedMC is a relaxing, anti-grief survival experience with almost 3 years of history.

    How to lead a successful life on CubedMC:

    💢 💸 Earn money:

    • 🌿 Farm Crops: Grow crops and sell them to the server for some in-game money.
    • 📜 Do Jobs and Quests: Select from jobs like Lumberjack, Miner, Builder, Digger, Farmer, Hunter, Fisherman, and More!
    • 💰 Set up Shops: Make your own chest shops to sell goods to other players
    • 🏛️ Run Towns: Become the Mayor of a community, or join and help expand an existing community!

    💢 🛡️ Get reputation/tiers:

    • Purchase ranks and reputation with in-game money
    • Each reputation rank/tier gives you extra commands and abilities to use on CubedMC
    • Each rank/tier also comes with a unique chat tag to show off your reputation!
    • Level up to 12 in-game ranks/tiers to unlock abilities like marriage, nametags, particle trails, sethomes, /fix, /heal, spawner conversions, drills, land claims, and much much more!

    💢 📚 Improve your skills:

    • Increase your McMMO power level to unlock special abilities by performing tasks!
    • Level up abilities like Acrobatics, Alchemy, Archery, Axes, Excavation, Fishing, Herbalism, Mining, Repair, Salvage, Smelting, Swords, Taming, Unarmed and Woodcutting!
    • Unlock skills like Dodge, Roll, Catalysis, SkillShot, Daze, , ArmorImpact, GreenThumb, Disarm, Deflect, and more!

    💢 ➕ Do more things:

    • 💍 Marriages with partner perks like heal, gifting, marriage homes and marriage chat.
    • 🎆 Special abilities that go beyond Minecraft enchantments.
    • Become a member of a tight-knit and mature community!

    Features, but not limited to:

    • Towny
    • Free Ranks
    • MCMMO
    • Player Shops
    • Jobs
    • Economy
    • Pets
    • And so much more!


    1. No griefing
    2. No cheating
    3. No macros/automated scripts
    4. Be respectful to other players
    5. Keep the server appropriate
    6. No player traps
    submitted by /u/tquo
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    AureliumMC [SMP] {1.18.2} {Towny} {Jobs} {McMMO} {Seasons} {Player Based Economy} {Dynmap} {Meteorites} {Creative World} {Arenas} {Events} {Discord}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 02:42 PM PDT

    Server Name: AureliumMC

    Server Location: Virginia, USA

    Server IP: Play.AureliumMC.com

    Server Discord: https://discord.gg/aPFataaxwC

    Version: 1.18.2


    AureliumMC is a Towny server focused solely on the player economy. Players can create towns, manage their own homes, jobs, chest shops, and claims. Purchase more job slots, fish and complete your fishing list, and create a town to specialize in something. We have many custom features and many well known plugins listed below. Come join us and our growing community.

    Towny Focus:

    Our server is focused all around the Towny plugin. Our economy is fully player run to not interfere with any gameplay features. We also have additional Towny features such as Histories, War, Camps, Resources, and Missions coming soon. While Towns are a focal point, we made sure to enhance every vanilla feature we could, to make this truly the best experience for you to explore, collect, and build.


    We have multiple events on the server, such as meteorite showers, Paint Nights, and PvP Events with more to come. Every week there is something different going on, so come find out!

    Main Feautres:

    🚩 No Pay To Win

    🏰All Towny Plugins




    Economy Features:

    💑Fully Player Run Economy

    🛒Chest Shops

    ⚡Player Warps


    🎁Custom Shops

    ❎Vote Shop

    For Fun Features:

    🍺Brewery Plugin

    🐝Better Beehives

    🎰In Game Casino (purely in game currency)

    💬Chat Games

    🎈Pinata Parties

    👾Mob Arena

    🏛Creative World

    Community Features:


    🌠Meteor Showers

    🎨Paint Nights

    🎲Game Room

    ⚔PvP Arena

    We're always planning new features and updating the server constantly. We hope to see you online!

    submitted by /u/Dynamite9991
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    Aventura [SMP] {Towny} {Aurelium Skills} {Jobs} {Fishing} {Java} {Bedrock}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 02:10 PM PDT

    Server IP (Java): play.aventurasmp.com Server IP (Bedrock): play.aventurasmp.com Port: 8083

    We are on version 1.18.2.

    Welcome to Aventura! This is a brand new SMP Minecraft server open to everyone! We need new players to help us build this world. We have the Aurelium skills plugin, which will give you skills that are more interesting than McMMO. We have jobs and chestshops to keep the economy going. We have fishing competitions as a way to earn more money. We also have ranks.

    We are a towny server, and we are open to Java and Bedrock players. This server was created by a group of friends who have played for years on other servers together. We want to form new friendships as we build the world of Aventura together.

    We definitely encourage players to stream while they are playing and make cool YouTube videos, too! Please join our Discord, too, since it usually has a lot more information.

    Come experience a new adventure in Aventura!


    Discord: https://discord.gg/JEwTbj6b

    submitted by /u/markaus77
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    VoltaicMC [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Greylist} {16+} {1.18.2} {Survival} {Java} {Dynmap} {Discord}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 04:32 PM PDT


    What is Voltaic?:

    • A 1.18.2 minecraft server with a fresh 1.18 map!
    • A player base that is dedicated to creating COMMUNITY BONDS.
    • A bustling player ran trade economy (standing on the back of a thriving BLACK MARKET.)
    • A WORLDWIDE player base so there are always people online.
    • A SAFE world from griefers and trolls. (Trustworthy/trusting community)
    • Player events & community builds.
    • A server influenced by suggestions and the voting of its members.
    • Greylist where you can login and look around before applying for membership!
    • A place where we escape from the politics and BS of the outside world and focus on our opinions on whether diorite should have ever been created!
    • An active staff team that's willing to help whenever needed, all hours of the day.

    If you care about the boring details:

    Some of our plugins

    • Greylist (allows people to join and look around before applying)
    • Griefprevention (Helps with preventing grief)
    • Coreprotect (Another form of preventing grief)
    • Worldborder (Keeps the community close, and prevents from map resets every update)
    • Dynmap (View the map from your browser!)
    • Discord integration (chat with people in game from Discord)

    Some of our datapacks

    • Armor Statues
    • Ability to sleep the night away.
    • Black dye from coal/charcoal
    • Sit anywhere and everywhere. Command : /sit
    • Double shulker shells (They have two shells!)

    Things you should expect from Voltaic:

    • 100% Server Uptime unless notified.
    • A close knit community of respectful adults.
    • A long-term place with freedom and acceptance for all kinds of players.
    • An active staff team for all of your questions.

    What we are looking for in players:

    • Mutual respect of your fellow players, including no griefing, stealing, or insults.
    • Involvement and participation in our community.
    • Players that are 16 and older.
    submitted by /u/VoltaicMC
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    Boredom SMP [SMP] {Adult 17+} {Whitelist} {HermitCraft-Like} {1.18+}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 11:02 AM PDT

    Adult 17+ Whitelisted Survival Community!

    Server Name: Boredom SMP

    - Server IP: play.boredommc.com

    - Version: Java Edition [1.18+]

    - Host Details: 64G RAM | E-2286G CPU | 1Gbps Network

    - Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada | Excellent Global Connection

    View Season 1 Image Gallery

    Apply Now via. Discord

    Join our Discord and Apply! (https://discord.gg/boredomsmp)

    How we're different

    • Purely Vanilla Gameplay. Keeping the game the way it's meant to be played, with some HermitCraft-style data packs.
    • Highly active community with a 10-20 online player average
    • Proximity Chat is available to all, but it is optional and doesn't affect vanilla players.
    • We can easily recover Grief (CoreProtect)
    • Donations that don't give any gameplay advantages to donators.
    • Active staff that helps out with anything you need
    • We provide a creative server for all members to use by running /creative in game.

    Discord & Dynmap

    • Talk to players on the server through Discord (Server <--> Discord Cross chatting)
    • View the world with Pl3xmap (map.boredommc.com)

    What you should expect from Boredom SMP

    • A close-knit group of respectful adults
    • Server-wide events and competitions
    • 100% Uptime & 20 TPS Average
    • Community projects
    • A long-term community with freedom and acceptance for all kinds of players

    Server Rules:

    - Show respect to others at all times both in game, voice chat, and

    - You must have Discord to join the community

    - Actively participating in projects and conversations are encouraged but not required

    - Do not steal (or "borrow"), grief, or do anything to bother other players

    View more detailed guidelines and our rules in our Discord.

    Apply in our Discord by joining here! (https://discord.gg/boredomsmp)

    submitted by /u/absolute_zenologia
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    Vanillarite [SMP] {age 16+} {claims} {no-grief} {player-shops} {1.18.2}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 01:19 PM PDT

    Vanillarite is a server that is unique. It's a server of players and communities, of map art and building. Vanillarite is fascinating and if anyone has ever felt "I don't belong here", Rest aside this server has a place for everyone. As long as you are 16 or older.

    ✪ Grinders

    ✪ Builders

    ✪ Sellers/Shop Owners

    ✪ Redstoners

    ✪ Map Art builders, Artwork viewable in game as a map or on the dynmap. ALL have a place on Vanillarite.

    The server also has excellent features for players such as:

    ✪ Claiming with toggleable flags, By default explosions/PvP are disabled but if you have a need for them you can enable them!

    ✪ Ranks, You gain "Claim blocks" as well as more commands as you get more playtime there is ZERO pay to win on this server.

    ✪ and there's the "Ice ways" A server wide teleportation system removing the need for the modded feel of TPA.

    Anyways I would like to thank anyone who took the time to read this, I hope to see you on the server, maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday.

    IP: play.vanillarite.com

    Map: map.vanillarite.com

    Rules: rules.vanillarite.com

    Discord: discord.gg/wVEJMzd

    submitted by /u/Aitnys
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    Kingdoms [Hardcore]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 03:24 PM PDT

    The Kingdom is a minecraft server where everyeone is united in 1 kingdom. The kingdom consists of the monarchy the rulling party lead bye the king (who will be voted on the day before the event). And 3 partys all lead bye they're own ruler and ideolegy. All leaders will be voted on at the begging of the event. Everyeone will be dropped on a custom map where the game has intentionaly been made way harder. There is a mod for voicechat in minecraft you are not allowed to use discord or anything like that.
    Join if intrested: https://discord.gg/veYN6gHB93

    submitted by /u/NathanRed2
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    Enchanted Evergreens [SMP] {Java 1.18.2} {dynmap} {Events} {mcMMO} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 02:40 PM PDT

    The Enchanted Evergreens SMP is looking for new active members to join our SMP! We host daily in-game events, with rewards, prizes and in game cash! We're a growing semi-vanilla server looking to form a close community. If you're looking for a place to build as part of a community or an active discord server to make friends in, we might be what you're looking for! We are an 18+ community

    Join our discord to get started! https://discord.com/invite/enchantedevergreens

    A few of our plugins:

    ・Multi-verse - 4 different worlds for all your Minecraft needs! We have our /hub which allows you to go between the three other worlds: Events - where we will host mini-games, etc. for prizes Monthly world - resets every month and good for players who like the initial grind and for speed runners Permanent world - good for players who want to build the oasis of your dreams or work on super long projects.

    ・mcMMO - check out the mcMMO wiki for info!

    ・Essentials: /home /back /spawn /tpa /pay /balance /afk /job

    ・AngelChest - Allows you to retrieve all of your items after death.

    ・CreeperConfetti - Less stress when it comes to creeper mess!

    ・Chest Shop - A plugin allowing you to sell an item with a chest. ・Dynmap - A plugin allows you to view a live map of your Minecraft server world

    ・MoneyfromMobs - Killing hostile mobs earns you money.

    ・SafariNet - Allows the capture of unsuspecting mobs.

    ・SmoothTimber - Break a tree with an axe for faster resource gathering.

    ・VeinMiner - Crouch/shift on an ore to quickly break and gather groups of ores.

    ・Jobs - Join up to 2 jobs to earn money which you can then use to buy from player chest shops!

    ・MobArena - If you enjoy fighting monsters for glorious prizes or just the sheer thrill of battle, you can now join forces against hordes of Minecraft evils in the exciting gladiator-style survival mini-game MobArena!

    ・PlayerHeads - When a player or mob dies, it drops their heads (not 100% of the time) PvP must be mutual.

    Some of our server rules: ・No griefing or stealing. This is an instant ban.

    ・X-ray, hacked clients, duping or exploits are not allowed. This is an instant ban.

    ・We value a safe, mature, fun server so bullying or griefing is not tolerated and is dealt with swiftly by active moderator

    submitted by /u/xkrax17
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    BlueTorch Survival [PvP] {1.18.2} {Survival} {ChestShop} {GriefPrevention} {No Resets}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 08:33 PM PDT

    Welcome to BlueTorch!

    Our MAIN goal is to have a Community-Based, Classic Survival Server!



    DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ADqJVG7cER


    What to Expect?

    We're a fairly new server, but We have a Very Welcoming Community, and are completely Vanilla-Survival!



    YES! Events are our #1 Exciting Factor, Very In-Depth, and Exciting!


    - We Launched our FIRST Egg Hunt 2022 Event!

    - Come and check it out!

    Egg Hunt Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQL0FKtBRsE

    - We also have Weekly Tournaments, wars, etc!

    We have started our "Game Nights" Come check it out! Fun Events EVERY Weekend!



    We have an entire Shop-World dedicated to Our Shops! Just type /warp Shops!

    As well as an Auction House!


    What's it Like?

    We're super chill, pretty Usual Rules, a Free-Build Spawn Area, you're free to do

    whatever you feel, as long as it Follows the Rules!


    What Else?

    We have Custom Structures built just for the server.

    Fun build competitions.

    PVP Fight Contests.

    And crazy fun Community Moments!

    And Awesome Build Competitions!


    Hop on in today, we're excited to have you!


    submitted by /u/Ethm-BT
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    SlimeForge [Semi-Vanilla] {Slimefun} {Skyblock}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 08:31 PM PDT



    Brand new as of April 22' Slimefun and Skyblock for the most fun Slimefun experience available. Our server hosts hundreds of quests, dungeons, kit pvp, envoys, and much much more.

    Notable features: Ingame Ranks, Custom Bosses, Custom Minions, Envoys, Quests, Shop, Spawners and many more...

    Slimefun Addons: AlchimiaVitae, Brewery, DankTek2, EcoPower, ExoticGarden, Fluffy Machines, Infinity Expansion

    submitted by /u/ManDoingStuff
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    CovfefeCraft [SMP] [Vanilla] {Hermitcraft} {Whitelist} {Avg. 20 Online} {Shopping District} {Hermitcraft Inspired} {1.18.2}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 11:33 AM PDT

    IP: mc.covfefe.club

    Now on 1.18.2 both Java and Bedrock!

    About us

    - New World (20k x 20k Map)

    - Shopping District

    - All hand built by players

    - 100% Survival

    - Server Name: CovfefeCraft

    - Server IP: mc.covfefe.club

    - Version: 1.18.2

    Apply here! https://discord.gg/FUGdWVkg5W

    Do you like survival? Do you enjoy SMP? Do you love Hermitcraft? We do too! Join our Hermitcraft-inspired vanilla server, CovfefeCraft! We also offer pure Vanilla experience on our other servers.

    It is like no other server you have played on before. New things happen on the server every minute. Trading, dragon fights, new redstone inventions, competitions, events, making friends, and many more!

    Why is this the community for you? --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • LGBTQ friendly
    • Accept all kinds of players. Zero discrimination tolerance. (Let's be friends!)
    • Helpful community with a balanced economy (Diamond based trading)
    • Well organized Shopping District
    • A very active community with 20-30 players on average
    • Fast ticket support from staff
    • All staff play in survival & get treated as players
    • Grief recovery. (Coreprotect)
    • Active Xray Protection
    • Most current Paper optimization
    • Community Projects
    • Active Discord server

    New map: https://craft.covfefe.club/



    • Treat all players with respect & follow chat etiquette.
    • No cheating, no stealing


    IP: mc.covfefe.club

    Discord: https://discord.gg/FUGdWVkg5W

    Apply here: https://discord.gg/FUGdWVkg5W

    submitted by /u/CovfefeNetwork
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    V For Vanilla [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18.2} {No Map Resets} {Minimal Rules}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 10:00 AM PDT


    Server IP: VForV.net

    Version: 1.18.2

    V For Vanilla is a new vanilla Minecraft server started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with the best vanilla survival experience possible. We have minimal admin interference, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone. In order to keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game changing plugins or commands.

    Voting for the server allows you to add custom lore to ingame items. For every 10 votes you can choose to add lore text to any item of your choosing, as well as change the item name color, allowing you to create unique player artifacts that do not have any effect on actual gameplay other than aesthetics.

    Basic Server Info:

    - World Border At 30M

    - No Map Resets

    - 5k random, unprotected spawn area

    - No TPA or Sethome

    - Griefing & Killing Allowed

    - No Duping allowed, TNT bombers are the only exception

    - Chat isn't strictly moderated

    - Dedicated server hosted in Finland

    Server Rules:

    - Doxxing is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban

    - Cheating is a 3 Month temp ban, permanent on second offense

    For a more detailed list of rules and other server information make sure to check out our discord

    We hope to see you soon on V!

    submitted by /u/_Haxington_
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    UNITED LANDS [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {Towny} {Earth} {War} {Economy} {PvE and PvP} {Brewing and Alcohol} {Custom Items} {1.17.1} {RP}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 11:59 AM PDT

    ✨Welcome to United Lands! We are a Towny-based Earth SMP that strives to bring a unique experience to everyone. We accomplish this by integrating peace, war, roleplay and economics into one cohesive system. ✨

    🌎 There are no limits for your creativity here, settle anywhere on our beautiful 1:500 Earth map or join an already existing Town and play with others. Develop your land into thriving nations and empires that span the globe!

    🎉No two sessions are the same - we often hold events on our Discord and Minecraft server ranging from talent shows to limited time gameplay events.

    ⬆⬆ Become as strong as you want with our upgrades system, you can spend in game money to buy new abilities and privileges.

    💰There are many methods to increase your wealth: Join a job, beat others at chat games or even win a war. All revenue streams have been carefully balanced to provide both a challenge and enjoyment to the player.

    ⚒ The server is always changing, keep an eye out for frequent updates that always come with new bugfixes and enhancements.

    📦 We are not the typical vanilla experience, with our server comes several unique and functional custom items that provide completely new game play experiences. Grow amazing custom trees, use our new guns or brew delicious alcoholic beverages - you can even change the biome you're standing in with some tools!

    🖥 Take a look at our handcrafted website that provides incredible insight into the server with pages dedicated to towns and players with real time map locations!

    ⛰Team up with your friends to fight in the all new dungeons system! Immerse yourself in a unique storyline and exhilarating combat before taking on a fearsome boss. Your prize will be unique and powerful gear sure to bring envy to your enemies...

    👥 Our server is not just limited to Java players only. With our parity system Bedrock players can join in the fun too! See our website linked below on how to do that.

    If you're looking for a server with distinctive features, a friendly community, and an active development team then United Lands is the place to be!

    📑 IP┋red.unitedlands.org 📑

    💻 Website┋https://unitedlands.org/ 💻

    💬 Discord┋https://discord.gg/unitedlands 💬

    🗺 Map┋ https://unitedlands.org/maps/ 🗺

    submitted by /u/UnitedLandsMC
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    ComparatorCraftSMP [semi-vanilla] [SMP]{Hermitcraft-like}{Average 10-20 online}{Dynmap}{whitelisted}{Java}{1.18/1.18.2}{Community events & Projects} {15+}{Active Mature Community}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 01:21 PM PDT

    ♦️ ComparatorCraftSMP ♦️

    Discord To Apply In: https://discord.gg/vQ4K4AwJGd

    Website: https://comparatorcraftsmp.net

    Dynmap: https://map.comparatorcraftsmp.net

    Statistics: https://plan.comparatorcraftsmp.net/server/Server%201#tab-server-overview

    ComparatorCraftSMP is a Hermitcraft like Minecraft server experience with our own spin. We are a community focused SMP for more hardcore players, builders, and technical players. Our goal is to try to grow a community of skilled and dedicated players to push the limits of what is possible in survival Minecraft. Here are some important things about the server.

    🔻 Community Focused - We regularly poll things and let the community decide and have a say in what happens on the server. The SMP also has a suggestion system where players can suggest changes to the server. Other players can vote and give feedback on whether they like the idea or not and why.

    🔻 As Vanilla As Possible - We want to keep the server as close to vanilla as possible when it comes to core game mechanics. Even though we do use paper most redstone contraptions, and farms should work. We will not make additions to the server that will break or remove farms, or core game mechanics. Compared to most servers we limit as little as possible when it comes to client side mods we ban (we only ban hacked clients, and xray mods). We do not have plugins/modifcations like tpa, homes, mcmmo, keep inventory, towny or claims.

    🔻 As Informed As Possible - We strive to inform our user about all the changes that are made to the server, and news about future changes to our SMP too.

    If you love this and all of this interests you apply today


    • We just finished an awesome Easter egg hunt organized by staff and played by players.


    • Proximity Chat
    • Bluemap
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Double Shulker shells
    • More mob Heads
    • Dynmap
    • DiscordSRV (discord - Minecraft chat bridge)
    • Plan (A statistics website)
    • A creative server

    Things we don't have and will never add

    • MCMMO
    • Any Teleportation commands (/home, /tpa, /rtp)
    • Claims (we're trust based and we do have methods of rolling back theft and griefing)
    • Towny
    • Custom Enchants or Custom items (We are a vanilla SMP)


    1. Be respectful in chat, dont intentionally try to hurt someone in chat
    2. No Griefing, stealing, or destorying any players creation without consent
    3. No using exploits that give an unfair advantage unless it is

    ⚫ Bedrock Breaking

    ⚫ End Portal/ Portal Frame Removal (not including the communal portal or ⚫ Main island Gateways without prior approval from staff)

    ⚫ Update Suppression Machines (Please only use when the server is quiet for lag reasons)

    ⚫ TNT Duping

    ⚫ Carpet Duping

    ⚫ Rail Duping

    Also don't intentionally cause server lag or duplicate general items. 4. No hacked clients allowed, and no xray texturepacks or xray mods 5. No advertising other Minecraft servers or discord servers without staff approval 6. Do not share illegal content 7. Be respectful in VC

    submitted by /u/comparatorcraft
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    The Baby Bros SMP [SMP] {Realms} {Bedrock}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 06:27 PM PDT

    The Baby Bros SMP is a Minecraft Bedrock Realm that revolves around Mario. We have a storyline which features the Baby Bros as the main characters, the versions of which are from the SuperMarioZaxiom YouTube channel. There will be many events held on the server in the future.


    1. Don't be dumb

    2. Be smart

    3. Discord TOS

    4. Basic discord rules

    5. No racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.

    6. Keep your opinions to yourself

    7. Don't talk about ages. If you openly talk about being under 13, you will be banned.

    8. No swearing

    Discord: https://discord.gg/sadjtyfq9Y

    Realm Code: https://realms.gg/UTsxyv7NJAs

    submitted by /u/TheZaxiom
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    VoidSMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP} {18+} {Whitelist} {18.2}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 06:20 PM PDT

    Hey there! My name is Nell and I'm looking for people to join my new server. As of now there is only myself and 3 other people, and we've been only up and running for 2 days.

    We are looking for people who are 18 and older to join. We are located in the US, but don't let that stop you! I personally keep the oddest of hours so it's likely that you will find me online at just about any time.

    While we're not necessarily aiming to be a "lore" based server, but whatever ends up happening is up to you. I am intending to mainly just work on some mega builds I have had in mind for a while. Also if anyone is interested I do intend to set up a shopping district area on the spawn island.

    Pretty much any play style is accepted, but I will warn that any and all pvp has to be discussed prior.

    We are also a very open minded server and will not tolerate and form of hate towards one another.

    This is a mostly vanilla 1.18.2 server with a few plugins like dynmaps, core protect, proximity chat (which will require you to run a modded client to work - but is not a necessity), ect. I am happy to provide a full list of the plugins and data packs if requested!

    Basic rules

    • Have to be 18 and up

    • No griefing/stealing

    • No hacking, x-ray, ect

    • No racism, homophobia, sexism, or hate in general

    If you are interested or have any questions please dm me on Reddit or comment below and I'll reach out!

    submitted by /u/AuroraRae
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    AutoCraft [SMP] {Content Creators} {Hermitcraft-like} {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 02:26 PM PDT

    Are you looking for a Minecraft server to join? Look no further!

    We are looking for:

    - Exclusively Content Creators

    - At least 16 Years Old

    - Java edition Minecraft players

    We offer:

    - An awesome community of content creators

    - Hermitcraft/Scicraft like server

    - Minecraft players excited to collaborate

    If you have any questions, DM us on discord

    Splashes in Puddles🦎#5153 or Deathdealer#4692 on discord!

    Interested? Fill in an application!


    Not inspired yet? Come check out some of our creators projects!


    submitted by /u/splashes-in-puddles
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    Great Phermesia [Creative] {Long Lasting} {Active}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 01:56 PM PDT

    Welcome to Great Phermesia! | Apply to Join on Discord: https://discord.gg/dgXgKJPDYu. This is a long-term server with almost 9 years of history. We proudly welcome players of all build and play styles, and embrace having players from all over the world.

    Currently at 500+ members and growing, but we still keep the small community feel! There are several different areas to build and create in. From medieval to modern, there is a place for you to build. To Join, click on the Discord link and apply to join the server in our discord.

    submitted by /u/Congrosium
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    Zilla's Domain [Semi-Anarchy] [Factions] {1.18.2} {Java} {Bedrock} {Discord}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 05:34 PM PDT

    Hello and welcome to Zilla's Domain!

    Zilla's Domain is a small server looking for more players. It's mostly vanilla with some tweaks to certain game aspects to balance gameplay better for multiplayer. These changes are meant to keep players from making themselves completely invulnerable and squashing everyone who hasn't sunk as much time into the server. This means everyone gets an equal chance to build, kill, and farm as they please.

    • Do whatever you want. With the exception of exploiting or anything that will negatively affect the overall health of the server.
    • Caves and Cliffs update! There are plans to keep Zilla's Domain updated to the latest version any time a new Minecraft update is released, meaning that you won't have to miss out on new Minecraft features on this server when minecraft updates.
    • Factions and Claiming. With factions you can team up with other players and protect your buildings and land. Faction claims can protect from all kinds of griefing; block breaking, tnt, mob damage, etc.
    • Open world, go build some stuff! Seriously, get out there and make things! The spawn area is a protected safezone, but everywhere else is free real estate ;] That includes the nether and the end too. Make cool redstone contraptions, cities, bases and fortresses, all of that kind of stuff.
    • PvP enabled. PvP is enabled. PvE is also enabled. You can even start a war between factions. It is not against the rules to kill someone, but keep in mind it's also not against the rules for them to kill you back, so don't be surprised if they do.

    There are only 3 rules:

    1. Be respectful
    2. Don't exploit or cause harm to the server
    3. Have fun :]

    Java IP:


    Bedrock IP:


    Bedrock Port:


    Zilla's Domain has full crossplay support. This means that both Java and bedrock players can join, so you and your friends can play together even if you don't own the same version of Minecraft.

    Please feel free to invite friends! This server is not whitelisted or greylisted, literally anyone who owns modern Minecraft can join!

    And feel free to join the Zilla's Domain Discord where you can chat about the Minecraft server, make suggestions for it, participate in gamenights and use the integrated minecraft chat channel:


    submitted by /u/ninjakitty844
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    Odd request - I need someone to help me get whitelisted on an [smp]

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 05:24 PM PDT

    There's this SMP I want to play on, but in order to get whitelisted you need to join the discord and just prove you're not a bot, etc. I'm not allowed to have discord, so it would be greatly appreciated if someone could request "Oms19" to be whitelisted at the following link. r/Minecraft wouldn't allow me to post this, so that's why I'm posting here.


    submitted by /u/Oms19
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    SumSMP [semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.18.2} {Canada/America} {Discord}

    Posted: 23 Apr 2022 05:09 PM PDT

    • Server Name: SumSMP
    • Server Location: Canada/America
    • Version: 1.18.2 Paper Server
    • Gameplay Types: [Survival]
    • Server Address: DM SumChump#7354 on discord
    • Description: Ok so hear me out. I know you have seen all of the other advertisements here where all of the servers seem to have everything in order, they seem professional. We are really stupid, as we are just a group of people from the internet playing Minecraft, we don't really care about professionally built spawn areas or even being politically correct in what we say. The community is just everyone poking fun at each other with a common respect. Here is a video advertisement created by one of the admins and the owner that should give you a better idea of how this server operates.
    • Plugins: [AdvancedEnchantments], [CoreProtect], [dynmap], [ImageOnMap], [LuckPerms], [OpenInv], [Ridermc], [Shopkeepers], [Simpletpa]
    submitted by /u/wabwaber
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