• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Insurgence Vanilla Anarchy [Semi-Anarchy] {1.18.2}

    Minecraft Servers Insurgence Vanilla Anarchy [Semi-Anarchy] {1.18.2}

    Insurgence Vanilla Anarchy [Semi-Anarchy] {1.18.2}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 05:42 PM PDT

    Welcome to the Insurgence. A brand new, free for all java&bedrock vanilla anarchy server based on the concept of anarchy without hacks, just like how Mojang intended Minecraft to be played. Raid, pillage, grief, trust, explore, the world with the choice of anything is yours. Like 2B2t but no hacks, we bring a lag-free environment for everyone.

    No need to buy ranks to change your name.

    No Queue.

    No Admin interference.

    No stupid ranks

    Maximum World/Nether and End

    No Lag

    100% uptime


    Join the server's discord to connect with the community-

    Java ip- play.insurgencemc.com

    (Bedrock players must go through our server Host)
    Bedrock ip- join.ancestorstudios.com
    Bedrock port- 19130

    submitted by /u/ShakyMuffin
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    Arcadia [Semi-Vanilla] {Vanilla} {PVP} {Raiding} {1.18}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 12:11 PM PDT

    Arcadia is the best Semi-Vanilla/Semi-Anarchy server! (NO HACKS)

    PvP & Raiding | No Land Claiming| No Grief Protection

    Arcadia is designed to give a nostalgic survival experience ! Players get tpa and set homes so you don't have to travel far distances, as well as some other QoL plugins. No land claiming and no grief prevention except at spawn. Good luck hiding your base !

    Server Details:

    • 250k World Border

    • Running on 1.18

    • NA East Server


    • Server address: play.mcarcadia.com

    • Discord: https://discord.gg/arcadia

    submitted by /u/XxMouseslayerxX615
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    Enchanted Evergreens [SMP] {Java 1.18.2} {dynmap} {Events} {mcMMO} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 06:49 PM PDT

    The Enchanted Evergreens SMP is looking for new active members to join our SMP! We host daily in-game events, with rewards, prizes and in game cash! We're a growing semi-vanilla server looking to form a close community. If you're looking for a place to build as part of a community or an active discord server to make friends in, we might be what you're looking for! We are an 18+ community

    Join our discord to get started! https://discord.com/invite/enchantedevergreens

    A few of our plugins: ・Multi-verse - 4 different worlds for all your Minecraft needs! We have our /hub which allows you to go between the three other worlds: Events - where we will host mini-games, etc. for prizes Monthly world - resets every month and good for players who like the initial grind and for speed runners Permanent world - good for players who want to build the oasis of your dreams or work on super long projects. ・mcMMO - check out the mcMMO wiki for info! ・Essentials: /home /back /spawn /tpa /pay /balance /afk /jobs ・AngelChest - Allows you to retrieve all of your items after death. ・CreeperConfetti - Less stress when it comes to creeper mess! ・Chest Shop - A plugin allowing you to sell an item with a chest. ・Dynmap - A plugin allows you to view a live map of your Minecraft server world ・MoneyfromMobs - Killing hostile mobs earns you money. ・SafariNet - Allows the capture of unsuspecting mobs. ・SmoothTimber - Break a tree with an axe for faster resource gathering. ・VeinMiner - Crouch/shift on an ore to quickly break and gather groups of ores. ・Jobs - Join up to 2 jobs to earn money which you can then use to buy from player chest shops! ・MobArena - If you enjoy fighting monsters for glorious prizes or just the sheer thrill of battle, you can now join forces against hordes of Minecraft evils in the exciting gladiator-style survival mini-game MobArena! ・PlayerHeads - When a player or mob dies, it drops their heads (not 100% of the time) PvP must be mutual.

    Some of our server rules: ・No griefing or stealing. This is an instant ban. ・X-ray, hacked clients, duping or exploits are not allowed. This is an instant ban. ・We value a safe, mature, fun server so bullying or griefing is not tolerated and is dealt with swiftly by active moderator

    submitted by /u/xCoffeeMan
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    Trident SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Java} {18+} {1.18.2} {Hermitcraft-inspired} {Diamond Economy} {Whitelist} {Small Dedicated Community} {Building-Orientated}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 08:11 AM PDT


    Trident SMP is a new Java server made up of a small, active and dedicated community of adults all over the age of 18. The world is only eight weeks old, with new players always coming in, so you won't have to worry about catching up! We don't plan on doing a reset for at least a year. We are looking for experienced and dedicated players, who want a long-term server and like to build big projects. We have a few community farms to help people get started, but we also encourage players to be self-sufficient and run shops in our shopping district! We have players from all around the world, but most are in either the US or Europe. We have a great team of dedicated admins to ensure the server runs smoothly at all times. The server is hosted in Virginia, US and runs on Paper.


    The server is vanilla but with a few quality of life features and plugins similar to what you'd see on Hermitcraft.


    -Coordinates HUD

    -Silence Mobs

    -Anti Endermen Grief

    -/trigger spawn

    -Fast Leaf Decay

    -Dragon Drops Elytra

    -Mob/Player Heads

    -Multiplayer Sleep

    -Afk display

    -Coreprotect. You won't ever have to worry about griefing or stealing!

    -Anti-cheat and anti-xray plugins. Anyone caught cheating will be immediately banned and reported.

    -No world border and no planned world reset. We plan on keeping the server active for a very long time!

    How to apply:

    Please apply on our discord and tell us a little about yourself. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have. We do require players to share some screenshots of their builds, as it gives us a good idea of what you'd like to accomplish on the server. We are looking for players that focus primarily on building, so if you're mostly a technical player, this probably isn't the right server for you. Must be 18 years or older to apply! https://discord.gg/NAP4VXHF

    Some of our Builds/ WIP Builds: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DqfeLzyeuqtB2qOFaX0fqOwM4Jw3WuOL?usp=sharing

    submitted by /u/throatbutterz
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    SupernaLuna [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Java 1.18.1} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 05:33 PM PDT

    Come join the SupernaLuna SMP community! We are an adult community (Yes, that means 18+) seeking new players to help shape our server with us. We are a whitelisted SMP that uses a fabric server. What does this mean to you? Perks. Contraptions are less likely to break, and we can have special interactions with mods on your client. However, we make sure that the server is completely playable with a vanilla client. We welcome suggestions to make server quality of life better; we want to hear from you. Whether you're a technical MC player, a large-scale builder, or anything in between – there's a place for your gameplay here.

    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr

    A full list of Mods and Features can be found on our Discord, but here's a taste:

    · Interdimensional – Custom dimensions accessible through custom portals – Resource World (will reset often), Floating Islands, etc.

    · We've made sure to preserve vanilla behavior

    · Additional crafting recipes for QoL

    · Endermen that don't make your ears bleed

    · Player specific commands, ie. /insomnia – disables phantoms for only you, allowing other players to collect all the membrane they need

    · Ledger – Corrective action measures for griefing

    · Dragon can be respawned fully equipped with Elytra drop

    · Mob and Player heads with a fix to maintain names when they're placed

    · XP Bottling

    · More enchants available for different gear (axes ofc, also sharp and power on tridents or power and infinity on crossbows)

    · Vein Miner – Mine the entire ore vein at once

    · Tree Feller – A mod that allows new ways of farming trees

    Other things to know:

    · There will be an established shopping district – what you sell, what you charge/trade is your call.

    · Diamonds as main currency, but other trades/bartering is encouraged

    · No griefing or stealing

    · PvP must be consensual

    · No x-ray, hacked clients or item duping

    · Zero tolerance for hate speech

    And last but not least – there's always cookies.

    And one more time for the people in the back – Discord Link: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr

    submitted by /u/LunaMinecraft
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    Shattered Ring/Elden Ring [Modded]

    Posted: 04 May 2022 05:32 PM PDT

    so me and some friends made an ELDEN RING modded minecraft server it has a lot of stuff that elden ring contains including dungeons, 3rd person animation and realistic fighting along with realistic mobs which makes for a wonderful and vibrant experience when it comes down to gameplay. In other words, it is not your everyday minecraft modded server.

    https://discord.gg/vjgXq4e4ES Server link for ip and everything

    video on what its about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2PQ5hDejUM&t=1s

    submitted by /u/Bellv6
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    The Sanctuary [SMP] [Semi-Vanilla] {18+} {Season 3} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 08:35 AM PDT

    Hey! Welcome to the Sanctuary!

    We are now starting Season 3 of our server, launching tomorrow, and are looking for dedicated and active players to join our community! We pride ourselves on having an incredibly friendly community made up of both members from season 1 and 2! We are looking for around 20 more active players to join our server! Our server is focused on an enhanced vanilla experience, so players can play the game as Mojang intended it, but with some helpful quality of life tweaks and plugins to keep our community safe!

    A note before you apply and read on: Cheaters, Griefers, X-Rayers, you WILL be caught. Our staff checks for this daily. It is not a question of 'if', it is a question of 'when'. If you have any intention to cheat, stop reading, and find another server. We run a zero tolerance policy on this.

    Anyway! To the players who want to join our community! We are looking for people who can dedicate time to building a fun and caring community, and who want to enjoy Minecraft with friends. Whether you live the Hermit lifestyle, or love to build towns with other players, as long as you respect members, there is a place for everyone on our server! Both prior seasons have had beautiful shopping districts and spawn areas and have had everyone's portals linked on the nether roof!

    We want players who will stick around, and play consistently, so if this sounds like you, we encourage you to apply as we'd love to have you! This is what The Sanctuary can offer you:

    - Active Staff Team ✅

    - Powerful and Capable Hosting Service✅

    - Friendly and Active Discord Community ✅

    - Strong Economy that Staff Ensure Isn't Tanked on Day One ✅

    - Expansive Shopping District Plans ✅

    - World Border of 10k by 10k ✅

    - Events ✅

    - Server Build Team ✅

    - Dynmap with Pins ✅

    - No Cheaters ✅

    If this sounds like the server for you, come and apply! At this point in the server we are looking for enthusiastic players, so please put effort into the application! Applications should take 5 minutes at most, and staff review them ASAP! Here's the link to apply and we look forward to having you!


    submitted by /u/Zebronky_
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    UnitedSMP [Vanilla] [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 12:32 PM PDT


    UnitedSMP is a hermitcraft inspired survival multiplayer server (smp). the goal is to have an as close-knit community as we can, where we can have fun, build stuff together, and in general have a great time together :)

    we haven't yet started on this server, because i want everyone to have a fair start. we are not going to add more people once we started, so if you want to invite people, do that asap :)

    here is the list of all the datapacks we currently use. we only use datapacks to enhance, but not drastically change, the vanilla experience. these datapacks will not affect the vanilla aspect of this server.

    1. afk display
    2. armor statues
    3. double shulkershells
    4. multiplayer sleep
    5. player head drops
    6. silence mobs
    7. track (raw) statistics
    8. more mob heads
    9. wandering trader trades

    we also have two mods installed, but these are only installed to improve the performance of the server. these include lithium (general optimisation) and starlight (faster/better chunkloading).

    if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to dm me on discord (VeynVI#5260)!

    are you interested? you can apply via the discord server! https://discord.gg/dH3yRHVQ25

    submitted by /u/ItsYeBoyVeyn
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    Shady Oaks [semi-vanilla] {whitelist} {season2} {15+}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 06:27 AM PDT

    Hey! Would you like to join us? :)

    Shady Oaks started its second season at the very end of last year with a new 1.18 world. Since then we have built up spawn and nether highways which make starting out now a lot easier. Many more community projects to come and take part in, but you are also welcome to only do your own thing. Mega bases are starting to pop up and would love to have some new ones added to the mix. We are happy to give everyone some gear and support to get started and not feel left behind, we are one big group here.

    It's one of the best communities to be part of and truly feels like a family. I have built servers before and server-hopped for a while to find one where to stay. Shady captured my attention and I haven't or will change my choice. I honestly can't recommend it enough. It's hard to find such an incredible and supportive community but Shady is most definitely all that.

    The server is mostly vanilla, with only a few vanilla tweaks to up the quality of life aspect so everyone can play however they like. We also have Blaze and Cave's advancement pack for some extra challenges.

    Whitelist is in place, no griefing allowed and a rollback system for bad apples so your builds are safe. The admin team is active and very very helpful in all matters. We have an age limit of 15+.

    Join us in this amazing place! https://discord.gg/Y37vYFZWGT :)

    submitted by /u/HyperionH
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    OreoMc [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {1.18}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 02:18 PM PDT

    🍪---OREOMC--- 🍪

    OreoMC is a Minecraft server designed from the ground up with custom content in mind. We have worked countless hours to create something truly unique from your classic Minecraft experience. If you are tired of the same old Minecraft server we invite you to check out our server to experience something that you cannot find anywhere else!

    📌Server IP: play.oreo.gg

    📊Bedrock Port: 19132

    🔗Discord: https://discord.gg/5E9W8W48rw

    💻• Java And Bedrock support, we allow bedrock and java versions of Minecraft to connect to our server!

    🕹️• Versions 1.12.2 to latest [1.18]

    🌍• Survival SMP- Vehicles, mcMMO, clans, claims, player shops, No Griefing, PvP toggle

    🍦•Vanilla SMP- plain survival, no claims, pvp, wars, clans, Griefing allowed

    🚆• Tpa- allows you to teleport to friends.

    ❌• NO RESETS- Your work is safe!

    submitted by /u/Voidmasterxd
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    Hey, give us a shot! Join the Cookie SMP! [SMP] [Vanilla]

    Posted: 04 May 2022 06:01 PM PDT

    Hey, welcome to the Cookie SMP! We RESET our world a few days ago, for our THIRD consecutive season! We have a small active pre-existing community but we are definitely looking for new players to join us! We are a JAVA smp WITHOUT CRACKED SUPPORT, we try our best to keep our server as fun, inclusive, and community run as possible, and I would really love to see you come and at least check us out and give us a chance. To show that our community is very close and reliable, we recently raised +$200 from donations on a Ukraine Charity Event!

    Terralith 2.0 is datapack that makes us unique, because we managed to get working on the server, adding 200+ unique large scale biomes, and many new structures, it makes minecraft so much more fun while remaining 100% java! No mods or anything is needed to join!

    We are an all-inclusive community, with no tolerance for hate speech or extremist toxicity, we strive to keep an active community that everyone can join. We also try to make an open environment so you can do whatever you want on our SMP, want to start lore with some of your friends? go ahead. Want to build a megabase and a thousand automatic farms for literally every item in the game? Sure. Want to build a small town with your friends and spend entire nights chatting about life? Go ahead! Want to just play solo and relax after a long day? Be my guest.

    If you want to be a part of the Cookie SMP, join our discord server! ttps://discord.gg/XMJRZZhKTY
    NO interview, and NO application required, just join the discord and get the IP!

    submitted by /u/CookieIsCool1
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    Mangrove [SMP] {Towny} {Survival} {Economy} {Mini-games}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 01:32 PM PDT

    IP: mangrove.fun

    Bedrock port: 25565

    Mangrove is an upcoming towny and survival server prepared to create a community that is loving and lasting. Mangrove has a promising future with a diverse community and communicative staff team.

    • Active, communicative, and respectful staff
    • Consistent updates
    • Not pay to win
    • Quality plugins
    • Helpful, accepting, and open community
    • Free of lag
    • Amazing developers
    • Fun mini-games
    • Towny event wars
    submitted by /u/QueasyWeek
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    Solestial [SMP] {Economy} {Towny} {Java & Bedrock}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 04:39 PM PDT


    Do you have what it takes to start a business? Run a town?

    Solestial is a completely new take on Minecraft Towny.

    Start from a small village and build a megacity with your friends. Learn how to operate a factory, how to negotiate trade deals, invite your friends to help run your town and expand across the map, and earn crypto for playing on our server!

    Our goal is to teach people about Web3, Crypto & Finance through Minecraft. Hosting monthly giveaways for achievements in-game. With achievements and certificates to be awarded for creativity, negotiation skills and roleplaying.

    Welcome to Solestial!


    Server IP Java: mc.solestial.io (Make sure you're on 1.18.1!)

    Server IP Bedrock: bedrock.solestial.io

    Website: https://solestial.io/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/Solestial Solestial [SMP] {Economy} {Towny} {Java & Bedrock}

    submitted by /u/hevxr
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    Frosky [Semi-Vanilla] {1.18.1} {US-East} {PvE} {PvP} {SMP}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 04:23 PM PDT

    Frosky Server IP: mc.playfrosky.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/yEN5NQ5t8r

    Hello everyone and welcome to Frosky! Come to our survival server and join our ever-growing community of active players from all over the world. Frosky is a perfectly balanced semi-vanilla server with much to offer! It's worth noting that our server is not pay to win—donations grant only cosmetic and small quality of life improvements.

    Major Update Release Coming Soon!

    The update will introduce a whole new aspect to the game, putting players on countless adventures. It will contain game changing armor, tools, and weapons that can be acquired through rigorous grind sessions or long adventures that take you on a journey. Over 50 new intricate additions, such as crafting recipes, drops, and play styles. If you enjoy grinding for new items, having competition, and being put up against a multitude of playstyles, then get ready!

    submitted by /u/Frosky_SMP
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    Momento Magika [SMP] [Roleplay] {Whitelist} {16+}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 07:16 AM PDT

    Server Information:

    We are a 1.18.1 built server with a custom world generator featuring an epic 10k x 10k map which will grow and expand over time. Our Server is open to all, welcoming and friendly!

    We are looking for players who want to join our community, to build a character and to tell their story and experience everything our world has to offer!

    Our Server is based on the idea of a conflict between three classes of players, Mages, Humans and Natives. We have enchanting systems, crafting, firearms, magic and plenty of professions for you to choose from to build your unique character, and to tell your story.

    Our Server is currently in Alpha but constantly undergoing improvements and changes. There will be no resets on stats, builds or terrain!

    What is a Roleplay Server? and why choose us?

    A roleplay server is where you create a character, and then you act as that character. You live out your story, create a kingdom, travel the world, fight as a mercenary, or live a simple life as a fisherman/blacksmith/farmer, the choice is up to you!

    We constantly strive to implement features and engage with community feedback to provide you with the best experience possible, we're very amenable to suggestions.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/nUg8pkbrbY

    Gamemode: Survival - Hard Mode


    • Dynmap
    • Unique Crafting Mechanics - Spells, Firearms (Muskets) and enchants!
    • Unique casting system for players.
    • Level up your player with Attributes and Skills, build the character you want!
    • MythicMobs - Unique mobs and bosses to fight and overcome!
    • 10k x 10k world, complete with custom Biomes.
    • Lottery System
    • Bounty System
    • Towny Plugin - Forge your kingdom and create your Legacy! change the world.
    • No Pay to Win mechanics
    • Unique Farming and Weather/Climate system
    • Controllable/Hireable NPC's featuring an advanced, unique and powerful AI system.
    • Ships are being worked on and will be introduced shortly.
    submitted by /u/Warm-Coconut4784
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    CarsonSMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Vanilla} {SMP} {1.18.2}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 02:18 PM PDT

    CarsonSMP is a semi-vanilla server with little to no rules with the exception of NO GREIFING. Apart from that, I want to play with some chill people :)

    This server is whitelisted, so just comment your IGN and I will add you in!

    Server Details:

    • Infinite World Border

    • Running on 1.18.2

    • NA East Server


    • Server address:

    submitted by /u/cdcarson99
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    Citizen Snips [Modded] {Whitelist} {1.16.5}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 02:16 PM PDT

    It seems the Final Easter Bunny remains elusive! Easter Bunnies will stay for another week while people are buying and selling the eggs for the rewards offered by the bunnies.
    This week Citizens are taking work tickets to help build the Great South Road and get paid!
    Also, we say good-buy to 2 old mods that never really worked the way we all wanted them to and start votes for new added mods. Approved by BeeBuild first, of course!
    Join us on MC Snips for a classic Minecraft Feel plus a whole lot more.
    We've tried to create a place for Builders, Machinists, Wizards, and Adventurers alike!
    * Want to build adorable structures with furniture inside? We got you.
    * Want to work a kitchen or farm? We got you.
    * Want to explore dungeons, caves, and ruins? We got you.
    * Want to blast holes in the ground with spells? We got you.
    * Want to battle bosses and collect trophies? Yep, we got you too!
    * Don't like quests? Cool, ignore them!
    Mod Highlights:
    - Create
    - BetterEnd
    - Alex's Mobs
    - Ars Nouveau
    - Lightman's Currency
    - ALL of the Building Mods you could want!
    - Better Dungeons, Strongholds, Repurposed Structures for the explorers out there.
    - Twilight Forest for the Boss Hunters
    - All of the Macaw's Stuff 'cuz Cute Builds!
    We're running weekly events and competitions combined with open Discord discussions and feedback. Message me to get the Discord invite where you'll find all of the connection and mod info.

    submitted by /u/BeeBuild
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    HomelyCraft [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.18.2} {Discord} {Java}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 02:15 PM PDT

    Are you looking for an engaging experience in an SMP server?

    Well look no further! HomelyCraft has loads of things to keep everyone entertained! From bosses, to location discoveries, we have it all! That's not it though, because we offer multiple ways for people to get the most out of the server with custom plugins, spawn shop, player warps and so much more!

    Among some of the basic things are:

    -Access to warps
    -Set homes
    -Rewards system
    -Resource worlds
    -Toggle-able pvp and so much more

    Soon we will be opening an RPG world for players to join! This involved hundreds of custom builds, missions, npcs and a full storyline to play along with. In addition, we will be adding a server wide passive ranking system, which will function in all the worlds.

    We've recently added discoverable graveyards to the main survival world, just to spice things up a little and we will soon be adding custom "Randomly generated" structures and cities as well.

    We have loads of new updates on the way and will continue to improve this server in everyway possible. Join us on the journey today!

    Connect now: homelycraft.apexmc.co

    Join the discord: https://discord.gg/6mb8wtV5

    Check out our PlanetMinecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/homelycraft-smp/

    submitted by /u/HomelyHerald
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    Baby's first FtB [modded] {noob friendly} {4 day old} {relax take it easy}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 01:38 PM PDT

    This is a new server running through the Feed the Beast launcher running version 3.5.0 of FtB Revelation.

    so far the player cap is at 20 and 6 slots are filled

    This server will not be listed anywhere publicly other then adverts I post in various places

    Understandably this can be someone's first modded experience and we do all we can to help others set up things if they struggle to install, etc.

    we have a discord server set up that's in its early stages but it helps us all keep in touch as well as let users see when any updates come out, or if the server will be down for any reason.

    FtB #Revelationv3.5.0 IP: *694201997.serverminer.com*

    discord link: #https://discord.gg/sYrr5NE6me

    submitted by /u/KakujaLovee
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    AetherTechPack [Modded] {1.7.10}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 01:36 PM PDT

    AetherTechPack is tech / exploration server based loosely around Reika's mods. Explore the many dungeons and structures as you raft down rivers that flow deep into wide caves. Experiment with dangerous machinery that kills the uncareful and rewards those who open a book and read. Grow a wide variety of crops (and ores), and farm the resources you need.

    And of course chill and chat with other players.

    This is a PVE 1.7.10 modpack.

    You will need to get the Technic Launcher from https://www.technicpack.net/download

    The pack link is https://api.technicpack.net/modpack/aethertechpack (put that into the launcher searchbar, after you install the launcher). The server address is included in the modpack. Mods list is on the modpack description page below:


    Join our Discord at


    submitted by /u/Aetherpirate
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    FantasyMc Skyblock 300$ is top [Network]

    Posted: 04 May 2022 01:30 PM PDT

    We have a new upcoming soon-to-be-released skyblock server, the winner will get 300$ (in gc), and the event is hosted monthly.
    Discord: https://discord.gg/Mr3u9AH82n
    Minecraft: fantasy.mc-join.xyz:25569
    Join to become part of the beta team.

    The next big minecraft skyblock server, well so we want to be, what are you waiting for? Come and join us! We will be releasing soon, the sooner you join. the better. I hope to see you guys soon. I can't wait to release, our servers will be 24/7 with no lag.

    minecraft, rewards, minecraft skyblock, hiring, 24/7 minecraft server, always online minecraft server, minecraft smp, minecraft oneblock, one block, one block, skyblock, skyblock, bedwars, giveaways, events, fun, community, active, new, releasing soon.

    submitted by /u/Far-Zookeepergame883
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    XploSMP [SMP] {No age restrictions} {Semi-Vanila} {Building-oriantated} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 11:37 AM PDT

    Looking for a new server to join long term? Join Xplo SMP! It's a bedrock semi vanilla realm no grieving or chest/ death looting. We have a pvp arena!! And we also have a few commands! 1. One player sleep, stand on your bed and sleep and you'll be set for the night! No more waiting around for every player under the sun to make it home to their beds! 2. We have a tree captivator command set so if you chop one tree log, the rest comes tumbling down! Other than that the realm is survival given only me and mods are in creative from time to time only for the sole purpose of working on huge build projects. We have some parkour and aswell as a fun maze you can participate in to get rewards in game. We're LGBTQ+ rainbow friendly and we don't care how old are you as long as you have common sense, we're looking for builders and people who love hermicraft type server and making friends and just love playing Minecraft in general! Message me if you're interested (SAMOKO#6480) I'll send you a link to the discord and once you become a member you can access the realm code and start your adventure! : )

    submitted by /u/KindaTheQuietkid43
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    The Nova Origins [SMP]

    Posted: 04 May 2022 11:22 AM PDT


    *** __ Brand New __*** Origins modded smp with a cool enhanced vanilla concept!

    Choose your origin! This is your fantasy

    Includes Live google map of the entire world

    What if I dont know how to join modded servers/get mods?

    __ Nothing to worry about! Because our support team will assist you, and we will provide you with a tutorial video that was made specifically for the server! __

    Dm for a invite

    Video https://youtu.be/dYu4H48gNxc


    submitted by /u/RareSnowX
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    Blockius [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 May 2022 11:13 AM PDT

    Hello all, I am starting a new server in a couple days, Blockius! This is a completely vanilla server on Bedrock and Java that you and your friends can sign up for and join! Discord is required so we can contact each other outside of Minecraft, and so you can get the IP address. I hope to see you there soon! (Members must be 13 or up. Please read rules in Discord.)

    Sign up: https://forms.gle/oStcFRKQ9E8wM7Hr9

    submitted by /u/gs19ca613
    [link] [comments]


