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    Minecraft Nether Neglect

    Minecraft Nether Neglect

    Nether Neglect

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 10:30 AM PST

    The Nether is hollow in comparison to the two other realms. There's only one structure, a small handful of mobs, and little to no reason to explore after you've gotten what you need. There's no biomes and little generation variety. I'm always dissapointed when I visit the Nether or consider building a hell-base, simply because of how barren it is.

    With great danger should come some great incentives. These don't always have to be items. In fact, just amazing sights and truly interesting structures would be reward enough. I understand that the Nether is in part supposed to be somewhat deserted, which is fine- But it doesn't have to be bland.

    What would I suggest?

    Unique/Interesting Biomes.

    • Yellow Sulfuric Biomes, with pillar-like Stalagmites(somewhat like very amplified ice spikes)

    • Volcanic Mountains/Hills

    • Some sort of Ghast Breeding Ground(soul sand, nests, ect)

    More Structures.

    • Delapitated Pigman Villages/Homes With Nether Wart Farms, Gallows, ect.

    • Much improved Nether fortresses. Perhaps some interior decoration/rooms with purpose instead of empty halls

    • Statues of some sort


    • Souls, fading in and out of visibility. Passive.

    • Rare hellhounds. Agressive.

    • Lost Villagers. Offering rewards if you get them out of the Nether. Passive.

    There's SO MUCH POTENTIAL just waiting to be tapped into. If you want to see changes to the Nether, please upvote and comment what you'd like to see added.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/0hb0i3Am
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    Add limestone, a pale gray stone that's a smidge darker than quartz.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 04:53 AM PST

    It bothers me that the only white stone we have in the game is quartz. We either have gray stone or so-bright-it-hurts-my-eyes quartz. I propose we have something in the middle: limestone! Limestone is a smooth, light gray stone often used to carve statues. The ancient Pyramids of Giza had a sleek limestone cover over them at one point. It was used to make beautiful pillars and grand decorations.
    Limestone is perfect for the builders among us that thing stone is just too gray and quartz is just too white.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    Poison Potatoes and Rotten Flesh should be taken by composter

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 08:06 AM PST

    Poison Potatoes and Rotten Flesh are basically useless in the game, by making them some of the few items you can put in the new composter block they can at least have some practical use for giving bonemeal.

    submitted by /u/The_Clash_Dude
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    Can we get a fire work rocket villager?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 11:03 AM PST

    He could trade different color rockets, fly times, and gunpowder.

    submitted by /u/rich_chibba_hunter
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    Add brown dye to mob spawner dungeon loot as an easter egg for longtime players

    Posted: 30 Jan 2019 07:42 PM PST

    Like the title says,

    incase you didnt know, before jungles were introduced cocoa beans aka brown dye was only found in dungeon chests, since you can now farm them they were removed from the loot tables,

    adding brown dye in dungeon chests wouldnt be farmable so whatever you get is finite

    plus if any old players still playing dont know that this feature was added, and were to stumble upon a dungeon i think this easter egg would bring a smile to alot of peoples faces

    submitted by /u/edon543Empire
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    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 07:15 AM PST

    I'd love to see tomatoes come to the game! When harvesting tomatoes, there should be a chance for a rotten tomato that can be thrown or composted, and a chance to receive a green tomato.

    Tomatoes could be broken down at the crafting table to collect the seeds.

    Tomato (green or red) + bowl = tomato soup Green tomato + furnace/blast furnace = fried green tomato Tomato (red) + water + crafting table = tomato sauce Carrot + potato + tomato sauce + beef + bowl = beef stew Bread + tomato (red or green) = tomato sandwich Tomato + crafting table = tomato seeds

    submitted by /u/katrealynne
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    Bamboo Planks 1.14

    Posted: 30 Jan 2019 08:47 PM PST

    Requires 9 bamboo in a crafting table and outputs 1 single bamboo plank Would be the 7th addition to the other planks in the game and have the exact same properties. https://i.redd.it/v0qfdp2kuod21.png

    Also as shown in the picture a few other stairs in the game, that is to show that most colors (ex. blue purple yellow red orange) have stairs but green stairs are missing, good opportunity to implement this now.

    submitted by /u/edon543Empire
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    Salmon should swim through flowing water

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:25 PM PST

    This post made me think that this could be a fun little nod to salmon breeding season where they swim up rivers from the ocean to lay their eggs. Perhaps (as mentioned in the comments) they could occasionally jump out of the water when they swim upstream? And maybe even you could catch them by right-clicking them while they're jumping? You could make a fun little game out of it.

    I don't know, it's kind of a useless addition, but I think it could be a fun little extra detail to make salmon special compared to other fish types.

    submitted by /u/_Koza
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    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:11 PM PST

    If a wandering trader is hit by any entity near by trader lamas should spit at the entity.

    submitted by /u/Yak_Luc
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    Different colors of fire

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 04:34 AM PST

    There should be blue fire and maybe other colors. These could possibly even work differently (Blue Fire could spread faster for example). Ultimately, though, this would only be for aesthetic

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Leaving wheat for 2-3 time the regular growing period turns it into tall wheat

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Once grown if you leave the wheat 2-3 times longer the wheat grows into tall wheat. Or bone meal'ing more than usual.

    Tall wheat would be how tall grass is for grass but it would offer 2-3 times as much wheat as regular wheat.

    Honestly I was thinking of this being more of a decorative block for large wheat fields to vary it's height and to have really thick fields of wheat

    submitted by /u/I-hav3-a-us3rname
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    Choosing mobs

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 02:27 AM PST

    I was thinking of an idea for the future, since we are getting pillagers and new mobs. I'm not to keen (due to my world) of the standard mobs like creepers and zombies.

    I was wondering if you could make a choice area where you pick what mobs you'd like to spawn into your world. So if I want just pillagers, I can simply click the spawn button to on and he will spawn.

    submitted by /u/Branman1234
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    Crossbow Stand (inspired by Mumbo Jumbo)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:56 PM PST

    Some form of redstone-activated crossbow stand would be a great addition to the game, even if it would be a new craftable block.

    It would be roughly player height (two blocks tall), and would accept redstone inputs for firing from sides/bottom and hopper/dropper inputs for arrows from the sides/bottom. It would be aimed by right-clicking on the top half to rotate it every 45º

    Inventory space would be roughly that of a single chest and could only accept arrows/fire charges/firework rockets/tridents

    Recipe would be something like:
    [s] [b] [s]
    [r ] [s] [r] => [cbs]
    [s] [c] [s]
    b = crossbow
    c = chest
    s = stick
    r = redstone

    cbs = crossbow stand

    submitted by /u/bewe3
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    Get a cold from running around in the rain...

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:55 PM PST

    There should be a small chance of catching the cold when you run around outdoors in the rain or snow.

    The effect of having a cold should be that, as long as you have it, you can't regenerate health, even if your hunger bar is full. Also, you should sneeze periodically. This would cause the screen to shake and alert nearby mobs to your presence.

    To remove the effect, eat a bowl of (craftable) chicken soup.

    submitted by /u/TheKnobleSavage
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    How about like, an actual 4K update, with, I don't know, like a Super Duper Graphics pack?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 09:57 AM PST

    I know that sounds crazy, but I think people would like it.

    submitted by /u/weiserca
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    Posted: 30 Jan 2019 11:45 PM PST

    A harmless feature. Just craft it using 2 beds, 2 ladders, and 2 sticks. It is 3 blocks tall and the ladder part can be climbed. Both bed parts are functional.

    submitted by /u/RemarkableStatement5
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    Unicorns: a rare mob

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:15 PM PST


    Unicorns would be a neutral mob that spawns rarely in the wild, slightly more likely in mushroom field shores and flower forests.


    The unicorn looks like a white horse with rainbow mane and light magenta horn.


    If you damage the unicorn or any nearby horses, wolves, ocelots, or cats, the unicorn will try to ram into you with its horn. If you get skewered you get Wither 2, Slowness 1, and Blindness. You have to get 150 blocks away for it to not notice you.

    Taming & Tamed Behavior

    To tame it, you have to give it 1 to 4 Nether Stars. When tamed, if you are near it and low on health or hunger, it will cast magic by bowing its horn and restore your health or hunger all the way back to 16hp/16hng. It will also follow you if you right click it.

    submitted by /u/pac2005
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    The Nether but better, Creatures.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 02:07 PM PST

    Since people seen to dislike large forests of giant text, I feel forced to break my previous post "The Nether but better" into smaller posts so people feel less intimidated to read my giant text.

    Please check the other posts talking about this, so things will make more sense.

    The Nether, but better, Biomes.

    The Nether, but better, Blocks and Items.

    The Nether but better, Structures.

    Netherrack worm: Peauceful, these creatures are found commonly in the Cold Nether and rarely in the regular nether, they are the "baby" form of the Nether Giant Worm, only drops XP and Lava Moss

    Nether Giant Worm: The adult version of the Netherrack worm, this creature is commonly found in the Cold Nether and the regular nether, and uncommonly found in the Magma Ocean biome, neutral they only attack if attacked, or if the player gets too close to a Netherrack Worm, they are capable of storing lava and later using it to set other creatures on fire, can drop magma cream.

    Lava Fungus Monster: Uncommonly found in the Cold Nether, these creatures cannot move, they tend to release deadly spores that gives poisoning to nearby players, whenever it gets hit once by an arrow it hides itself under a resistant protective layer, rarely drops the Magma Mycelium Block and commonly drops Magma Mushrooms.

    Lava Creeper: Uncommonly found in the Cold Nether and Regular nether, and commonly in the Core Nether, when they explode they tend to set nearby blocks and entities on fire and uncommonly melt stone related blocks into lava.

    Sunker Swimmer: Uncommonly Found in the Magma Ocean, they look like a giant snake, and is capable of swimming fast across lava, they commonly attack by jumping out of the lava. Drops Lava Shell Fragments.

    Fire Sea Pigs: Rarely found in groups in the Magma Ocean, they are as big as a player and are neutral, attacking only if the player gets too close, or if the player is on a Mycellium reinforced boat or if the player has gold in his inventory, they commonly drop the player out of the boat. Drops gold and porkchop.

    Fire Fish: Commonly found in the Magma Ocean, they are small peauceful fish. Drops blaze powder.

    Molten Pig Dragon: A mini-boss creature summoned upon activating a totem using the sunken ship's item. It can swim extremely fast under the lava, sometimes swimming to behind the player, or even throwing the player into the air. It can throw fire balls and has fire breathing, sometimes it will try to attack the player with its tail. Drops lava shell fragments, gold and porkchop, and very rarely Corestone.

    Burning Magma Drop: Magma cube like creatures, great in height they are found commonly hanging in the ceiling of Core Nether, if attacked they fall down and explode.

    Giant Magma Slug: Sometimes disguised as a Burning Magma Drop, they are big creatures that attack the player by smashing him. Drops magma cream and rarely gunpowder.

    Moss Flies: Found by breaking an infested Common Nether Moss block, it is a large group of moss flies very organized acting as a single entity, can be considered the silverfish of the nether as it only drops xp.

    Fire Golden Ant: A creature as big as a spider commonly found in the regular nether, they are neutral, attacking only if attacked or if the player has gold in his inventory, unlike the name suggests they arent golden, if one is attacked all the other ants becomes agressive as well. These creatures do not like zombie pigmen. Drops gold and Ant meat.

    Ant Queen: Mini-boss found in Fire Golden Ant Colony structur, bigger than a horse. Drops Queen Ant meat, gold and rarely a golden apple.

    Molten Spider: Looks like a Magma cube, but it is way more magma than rock, uncommonly found in the regular nether and commonly found in the Core nether. Can become a lava source upon death, or can drop Netherrack, quartz and magma cream.

    submitted by /u/_L2_
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    The Nether, but better, Structures.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Since people seen to dislike large forests of giant text, I feel forced to break my previous post "The Nether but better" into smaller posts so people feel less intimidated to read my giant text.

    Please check the other posts talking about this, so things will make more sense.

    The Nether, but better, Biomes.

    The Nether, but better, Blocks and Items.

    The Nether but better, Creatures.

    Cold Nether:

    -Destroyed villages: villages built in a similar way to the Nether fortress, lot similar to the nether fortress can be found in them.

    -Abandoned Temple: this temple with golden details can be found often, on its altar you can find various ores(commonly gold, uncommonly iron and rarely diamonds)

    -Fire Palace Ruins: Remains of the Fire Palace, rarely found in the Cold Nether, usually contain golden armor and tools, uncommonly contains magma cream and iron related items, and rarely contains Lava Shell Fragments.

    Magma Ocean:

    -Shunken Ships: Destroyed ships deep down the lava ocean, rarely contains in its loot the Nether Emblem

    -Pig Totem: Rare structure found on the islands, used to summon the Molten Pig Dragon with a Nether Emblem.

    -Molten Shrine: Uncommonly found on the islands, can contain ores used as offerings for the Molten Pig Dragon, rarely contains a Golden Apple.

    Regular nether:

    Golden Ant Colony: Large structured composed of randomly generated tunnels, its main loot is ore and nether warts obtained by the Ants.

    Destroyed Nether Fortress: Destroyed version of the Nether Fortress, sometimes contains better loot.

    submitted by /u/_L2_
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    The End Islands, but better

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 10:03 AM PST

    This post is a combination of all my 4 posts done on the Minecraft Feedback Website talking about this subject, if possible go there and vote on my posts if you like the ideas I will be showing here.

    Ah, The End, a nice place, full of things to do, you kill a dragon, kill shulkers to make a backpack like block, you get the capacity to fly around... and... that's it, but lets face it, there could be so much more.

    Yarr!! Pirates have Yarrived to the End, these pirates are rather ugly, they have big noses and look a lot like a mix of Pillager and Enderman, they wander across the End Islands in their flying ships, bringing terror and attacking the End Cities, dont think that a closed door can stop them, they will teleport to you, but they also hate water! In huge flying fleets of ships they appear, shooting with their brand new cannons and are ready with their cutlass swords to kill you and any living thing, and also bringing their companion, the loyal End Parrot, which is a lot like the regular Parrot, but it can teleport, and it is a bit angry, but can be tamed with Chorus Fruit if there are no pirates around, and they will fight on your side! But they still wont attack the pirates.

    With the pirate's cannons you can shoot cannon balls to destroy weak blocks, TNT to cause mass destruction, a ton of arrows if you like that, ender pearls and even throwable potions! But they require gunpowder for every shoot, and dont even ask me how these pirates get the gunpowder while in the middle of the End, ask them while they kill you with their Cutlasses, which are fast on their approach, these things hurt a little more than the regular sword, but they seen to break faster and they arent craftable, so if you want a new one, you will have to face these ugly pirates again.

    Sometimes you will be able to find the pirate Mothership, a huge flying ship ready for battle, and, with it, the great Pirate Captain, which is a little bigger than the regular pirate, and also stronger(I guess he never heard of a diet), otherwise you can find the Captain in the pirate main land, the Frozen End Islands! These places are so cold that almost nothing lives there, the perfect place if you dont want creatures near your stuff. In these places you can not only find a lot ton more of pirates but you can also find stuff like the ancient Frozen Chorus Monster, a creature that feeds from the ground and ice below it, you could compare it to a plant, except it will throw ice shards in all directions as soon as it feels threatened, and is ready to fight and defend its territory.

    These islands are so cold that, in ancient times, a mysterious gas rained down these islands, making small lakes of End Juice, so small indeed that most of the time you get only a few buckets if you're lucky, just dont drink this "Juice", unless you're ready to face a serious case of Ender Poisoning, dont even swim in it, it will teleport you to 101 different places, which can be either just the ground, or in the middle of the air or almost in the edge of the void, you would rather take it to a brewing stand and mix with Chorus Fruit to make a delicious teleportation potion, which most of the time teleports you(within a certain range) to where you are looking at, and sometimes it teleports you somewhere random.

    These biomes seems like the reason why the End is so dry, this biome is so cold that all water froze there, making up a great portion of the ground and sometimes creating entire islands of floating ice, besides, water reacts weirdly with this mysterious gas, creating the Purple Ice, a block of ice that sucks all heat around it, it solidifies any liquid that comes in contact with it and gives the End Cold to any creature that touches it, I wouldnt recommend touching it, also, did I mention that the mysterious End Juice tends to evaporate outside of cold biomes? no? Sorry, it evaporates outside of any biome that isnt in the End or that isnt cold at all.

    Meanwhile, in the regular boring End Islands, the Chorus Plants are dying thanks to a parasitic creature known as the Chorus Parasite, these creatures are very good at camouflage and move around with their spider-like legs, also I wonder how they know where they are going if they dont even have eyes! These creatures infest chorus plants and sometimes creates the Chorus Colony block, which is a developed version of the regular infestation, but these small creatures can make really big things, when they are with the Mother Chorus they can create great colonies, that are basically a whole new structure to explore, big and full of Chorus Parasites, with the Mother Chorus in the core of the colony.

    With Players, and Pirates and a Dragon™ and parasites all over the place the End needs defences, that's why we have the End Golem, emotionless and fearless, these creatures look like a mix of enderman and iron golem, great arms and proportional legs, a big body with a big head, they attack things that looks like invaders, just like you! haha yes, and also we got the Observer Creature, coming from the deepest parts of the void, these creatures stalk you for hours, when you attack they run like cowards, but when you place blocks or destroy blocks, they attack angrily, if you dont like them you can visit their surface cousins in the End Mountains/End Field, the Flying Eye of the End, and please, dont think that they will stare at you to death, that goes to the Sea Temple Guardians, they fly in small or large groups across the End Field, descending down to attack any creature they see, they seen to like attacking the eyes of their victims, if the creature doesnt have eyes they will probably not care, seems like the Chorus Parasite is safe I guess, oh, btw, it will give you blindness on the attack,

    These creatures are probably one of the reasons why there are no pirates in the End Field, but probably it is also because this area is full of huge floating islands with thousands of smaller islands around, these huge islands are huge in height, dwarfing mountains, in these islands you can find ores, clues of the violent past of this biome, from the past in which constant collisions between islands would happen, also, look where you are stepping at, this area is also known for the rather unstable ground in some areas, the Unstable Endstone isnt as stable as it looks like and will crack under your weight, there are even small islands made of these.

    While the End Field is completely out of the range of any End Pirate, these weird mix of Pillager and Enderman still live there, forming End Communities, small villages. They built a lot of structures, from houses to small castles, even underground shelters. They come in a nice variety of jobs, but they all have something in common, and it is the fact that they are ugl-I mean, they are all geared up for combat. The hostile ambient of the End doesnt allow for peauceful communities, any weird looking creature that comes across these communities of warriors will see its doom, and you are included in the list of weird looking creatures.

    While the Chorus Parasite on itself is enough of a pest, there is also another creature that is quite annoying and sometimes dangerous, the End Butterfly, these pests looks harmless and quite adorable, they feed from ender pearls, so they tend to stick around endermen, sometimes when endermen come to the Overworld they bring a few End Butterflies with it, but these butterflies can also feed from Overworld creatures, preferably players, these creatures will land on your head and will start feeding from you, damaging you in the process, and armor doesnt help you, because these pests evolved to cut through hard stuff, armors included, and the only way to get rid of it is to jump in water, or ask a friend to kill it for you, or get some sort of poisoning, which will make the butterfly go away...

    submitted by /u/_L2_
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    The Nether, but better, Biomes.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 12:51 PM PST

    Since people seen to dislike large forests of giant text, I feel forced to break my previous post "The Nether but better" into smaller posts so people feel less intimidated to read my giant text.

    Please check the other posts talking about this, so things will make more sense.

    The Nether, but better, Structures.

    The Nether, but better, Blocks and Items.

    The Nether but better, Creatures.

    Cold nether / Mushroom nether: This is a colder variant of the nether biome, has less lava, and Lava Moss all over the place, with Giant Magma Mushrooms commonly appearing forming forests of mushrooms sometimes, as well as common structures in a wide variety.

    Magma Ocean: Variant of the nether biome, mainly ocean with a few islands scattered, and a few structures, has many lava waterfalls.

    Core Nether: This is a warmer version of the nether biome, doesnt have as much lava as the Magma ocean, but Lava waterfalls are quite common, and has the common sight of Molten Moss, it is so warm that wooden tools in the inventory are burned and the stone tools get damage over time, has a rare ore that can be used in a variety of crafts. This biome is marked by the amount of magma blocks and for the lava geysers.

    submitted by /u/_L2_
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    The Nether, but better, Blocks and Items.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 12:41 PM PST

    Since people seen to dislike large forests of giant text, I feel forced to break my previous post "The Nether but better" into smaller posts so people feel less intimidated to read my giant text.

    Please check the other posts talking about this, so things will make more sense.

    The Nether, but better, Structures.

    The Nether, but better, Biomes.

    The Nether but better, Creatures.

    Lava moss: Found in the Cold nether, it can be used as a fuel comparable to wooden planks, can spread like grass.

    Giant Magma Mushroom Block: Composes the Giant Magma Mushroom, drops Magma Mushrooms, which can be used for crafting.

    Magma Mycellium Block: Rarely found underneath Giant Magma Mushroom, can be used in a few crafting recipes.

    Hot Mushroom Soup: Made from Magma Mushrooms, can feed the the player.

    Mysterious Mushroom Soup: Made using a Hot Soup and Magma Mycellium Block, gives fire resistance.

    Mycellium Reinforced Boat: Made using both wood and Magma Mycellium, this boat can swim in lava, but it is destroyed by Netherrack Worms, Nether Giant Worm and Fire Sea Pigs, which tends to target this specific boat.

    Nether Emblem: Found in Shunken Ships, these are used in the Nether Totem to summon the Molten Pig Dragon.

    Lava Shell Fragments: Mob drop used for various recipes.

    Shell Reinforced Boat: Made using wood and Lava Shell Fragments, this boat is more durable, faster and can swim in lava, but it shinks in water.

    Fire Arrow: Crafted using Lava Shell fragments and regular arorws, these arrows are always burning and can damage the Fungus Monster under its protection.

    Shell Reinforced Shield: Made with Lava Shell fragments, this shield can be enchanted to, sometimes, set enemies on fire.

    Common Nether Moss: Found in the regular nether and the Magma Ocean, it can be used as a fuel, comparable to coal, and can grow up to Moss blocks, which can burn like a coal block.

    Moss Blocks: Result of growing Common Nether Moss.

    Infested Moss Block: Moss Block infested by Moss Flies.

    Ant Meat: Meat dropped by Fire Golden Ants, can be cooked and eaten.

    Queen Ant Meat: Meat dropped by the Ant Queen, when cooked can recover almost all of the hunger.

    Lava Geyser: Non-obtainable blocks found in the Core Nether, regularly emits a geyse of lava into the air.

    Corestone ore: Ore more rare than diamond, found in the Core Nether and dropped by some mobs, can be used to separate redstone wires and in various recipes.

    Corestone tools: Faster than diamond, but with durability comparable to stone pickaxes.

    Corestone Armor: Can give as much defence as a diamond armor, protects from fire damage, but its durability is almost comparable to golden armors.

    Corestone block: Crafted with 4 corestone ores, this block has great redstone conductivity, transporting redstone signals for up to 5 blocks.

    Molten Moss: Found in the Core Nether, can be used as a fuel comparable to lava buckets, can damage the player while he moves.

    submitted by /u/_L2_
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    A new structure for the nether. the hell shipwreck.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 11:39 AM PST

    this would generate on the shores of lava lakes and be a really creepy looking boat with some nether structure like loot and the bow of the ship would have a skeleton skull on it. it is made of some sort of non-flammable material and it appears to have been built to sail on the lava. it would resemble a greek trireme in style. this is a greek trireme if your wondering. https://res.cloudinary.com/dk-find-out/image/upload/q_80,w_1920,f_auto/MA_00179351_maagfo.jpg so what do you think? what are your thoughts? ( Also if you have access to the official Minecraft suggestions page plz post this on there for me and take any credit you get. thanks!) but please tell me you posted it.

    submitted by /u/pr0mc
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