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    Minecraft Nether portals spawning over ocean should spawn at the ocean's surface with an obsidian platform

    Minecraft Nether portals spawning over ocean should spawn at the ocean's surface with an obsidian platform

    Nether portals spawning over ocean should spawn at the ocean's surface with an obsidian platform

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 04:07 AM PDT

    Nether portals spawning over oceans are a bit wonky. The portal spawns in the Overworld over oceans using the same rules as the Nether: in a cave or in the air. It shouldn't have to do this if the Overworld ocean is a water ocean. (Considering the fluid is needed because the default fluid for the Overworld ocean is specific to the world save and lava oceans are possible.)

    The spawning rules for Nether portals in the Overworld over oceans should be modified as follows: if the Overworld ocean is a water ocean, the Nether portal should be placed at the ocean surface with an obsidian platform. The obsidian platform is the same size as the obsidian platform for floating portals.

    submitted by /u/bdm68
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    Other items like the debug stick

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    Before reading this, look up how the debug stick works.

    Sure, anything can be done with command blocks, but it can take a little too much time to type out everything you want to do. That's why they added the debug stick; everything that could be done with the debug stick could be done with commands, but it would take a while to do something as simple as rotating a block. Here are some ideas for other command wielding tools (remember these would only be accessable through commands):

    One Hit Stick

    You can kill anything instantly with one hit.

    Data Editor Stick

    With the data editor, you can right click on mobs to change their data. For example, if you wanted to change a villagers profession, before you would have had to do something like this: /data merge entity @e[type=villager,limit=1,distance=..3] {Profession:2} But with the data editor stick you could just click on them and type in Profession:2 This could also work on block data.

    Teleporter Stick

    Just right click towards the place you want to teleport to.


    There is already a plug-in for this, but having a tool like this in default Minecraft would be useful. You would simply set a command to the stick and whenever you right click with it, it executes the command. For example if you want to repeatedly add 10 to the time, instead of scrolling up in chat to the command and then hitting enter, just hold the powertool in your hand and type /powertool time add 10 Then you can spam away.

    Please make any comments to make suggestions about these or especially any more ideas for possible command sticks

    submitted by /u/doogawa2
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    Rose Bushes should damage mobs

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:23 AM PDT

    In Real Life, Roses have thorns to harm animals trying to eat them so Rose Bushes can deal 2 Points of Damage or 1 Heart but wont slow Mobs down unlike the Sweet Berry Bush

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Make Glowstone generate in Stalagtites

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    Since the Nether is essentially a cave, there should be Stalagtites (hang from the ceiling) and Stalagmites (rise from the floor).

    But since the floor is covered in a sea of magma, most Stalagmites would generate hidden, and would probably never be mined.

    But that doesn't mean we can't have Stalagtites.

    I think Glowstone would be the most appropriate material, because the way it currently generates is random and rather ugly.

    Wouldn't it look cooler if it generated in solid, pointy Stalagtites hanging from the ceiling. Almost like natural chandeliers.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    If you throw a stick or a bone a tamed wolf will bring it back in its mouth like foxes and swertberrys

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    The Hermit—A New (Aquatic) Spider Variant (concept art included)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    The Hermit—A New (Aquatic) Spider Variant

    If you like this suggestion, please support the feedback post! It's the only platform where it has any chance of inspiring anything in the game. Link:


    Over the past few updates, mobs such as skeletons and (especially) zombies have gotten a fair amount of variants. There are Husks, Strays, Drowned, Wither Skeletons—all in addition to the base Zombie and Skeleton.

    These variants give a massive edge to enchantments such as Smite and overall lead to a lesser representation of the other mobs in the game.

    To help alleviate this issue, I propose the Hermit—a spider variant that could add a bit of variety to the game's mobs.

    Some concept art: https://imgur.com/a/CNrFxnf

    There would also be a more spiderlike model without a shell (as it can be removed).

    Spawning and General Information:

    • Hermits spawn on the ground under ocean biomes and occasionally on beaches.
    • Hermits themselves have 15 health. However, they have a massive defense boost from their shell, which can only be removed with a pickaxe.
    • They have two attacks (of sorts), one of which is a more passive attack.
    • While their shell is present, they are very slow (in return for their massive amounts of defense). They become much faster (but much more vulnerable) when it is removed.
    • They are weak to Bane of Arthropods.


    Hermits have two attacks.

    1. They can grab the player with one of their massive claws. This deals a medium amount of damage and traps the player in place. It also allows the Hermit to repeatedly deal low damage to the player.
    2. Just by touching the Hermit's shell, the player is dealt damage (due to its spikes, as shown in the image).


    Just like Spiders, Hermits are able to climb walls. However, they have a couple other abilities:

    1. While underwater, Hermits can jump a moderate vertical distance. This allows them to possibly reach a player that is not close to the sea floor. They cannot do this on land.
    2. Hermits, despite being aquatic, can venture on land. However, they will return to either the beach or ocean before they go too far, meaning they can be easily escaped so long as the player goes beyond an ocean or beach.


    Hermits will drop their shell (if not having been mined off already) and rarely a Claw.

    This claw can be either placed or attacked with. When placed, it can be activated w/ a Redstone signal to close, hurting anything within it in the process.

    When used as a weapon, it does moderate damage and continues to do very low damage (in the range of 1-2 health). However, it does keep the enemy close to the player, allowing said enemy to deal more damage.


    • Sometimes, empty shells will spawn on the ocean floor. Hermits will sometimes disguise themselves as being empty.
    • Similarly, shell-less Hermits can also spawn, being much more vulnerable but much faster. They will not drop a shell.
    • Shells can be mined (either when empty or off of a Hermit) and used as decoration/traps (maybe it could be craftable into a special building material? I don't know).

    Edit: As AlexanderChippel pointed out, there should be a way to escape the Hermit's grab attack, as movement is vital to combat. Maybe if you deal enough damage it releases you and is stunned for a couple of seconds (as to not immediately grab you again)? At any rate, it's something I should have thought of.

    submitted by /u/SendineisTheParadox
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    Ravager running over cobblestone/stone turns it into gravel (renewable gravel)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    Alright, so I have been thinking about a renewable gravel source for a long time.

    (not that gravel is the most required resource, it would be nice to have some way to make it renewable if you want to use the block for decoration or get tons of flint for some reason.)

    The idea is as follows:

    Ravagers from raids will be able to walk over stone blocks and cobble stone blocks to smash them into gravel, not only is this great for creating gravel, but also a neat gameplay element for fun. (maybe only happens when ravager jumps or something to make it not to OP/intensive.)


    • Renewable gravel
    • More behavior for ravager.


    • If for some reason the ravager is close to player built base or whatever, could unwantedly turn (cobble)stone into gravel and cause somewhat major destruction. (except the ravager's spawnability is highly controlable)
      • You could also have other stone types be affected instead of the common stone or cobble stone. send your ideas.
    • It still isn't a super efficient way to get gravel, unless you know of a pillager command post nearby.

    Ravagers are amazing for the job, as alternatives would be boring dense gravel of some sorts, or hammering down stone such as mods propose. Other ways to make gravel renewable would be to make it drop from certain blocks or otherwise.

    As it is, gravel already spawns quite frequently in some mountain biomes, so you could already obtain lots of it anyway and it isn't a much required resource like sand is for TNT, glass, glass bottles, sandstone... , etc. So a, somewhat inefficent, but fun implementation using the ravager might be interesting.

    submitted by /u/M124367
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    New Villager Things

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:09 AM PDT

    A perfect new game for Baby Villagers, they continuously jump over other Baby Villagers like leapfrog.

    New Job: Prankster

    Novice Pranksters sell 3-5 Chicken Eggs and 7-9 Snowballs for 5 Rotten Flesh

    Apprentice Pranksters sell 1-5 Rotten Flesh for 3 Emeralds, 2 Pufferfish for 15 Chicken Eggs and 2 Emeralds for 1-3 Snowballs and/or 1-2 Chicken Eggs

    Journeymen Pranksters sell 5 Pumpkin Pies for 5 Emeralds, 3-7 Monster Eggs for 5-9 Emeralds, 10 Wither Roses for 5 Emeralds, 8 Emeralds for 5 Pufferfish and 3 Emeralds for 17 Snowballs and 10 Rotten Flesh

    Expert Pranksters sell 1 Pufferfish in a Bucket for 9 Pumpkin Pies, 1 Splash Poison Potion for 8 Emeralds, 7 Dead Bushes for 13 Snowballs or Chicken Eggs, A Flint and Steel for 5 Emeralds and 9 Emeralds for 15 Rotten Flesh

    Master Pranksters sell 30 TNT for 10 Emeralds, 1 Lava Bucket for 25 Chicken Eggs, 1 Splash Weakness Potion for 15 Rotten Flesh and 1 Lingering Potion of Harming for 8 Emeralds

    A Jobless Villager can Turn into A Prankster if the villager is near to a Cake Block

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Dolphin's Grace should allow the player to jump out of the water like a dolphin

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    The speed increase granted by the effect translates naturally into the ability to keep that speed as you reach the surface and jump into the air like a dolphin.
    This move would be very fun to pull off despite its ease, and a satisfying sound effect should accompany it.

    submitted by /u/roblitzmanguy
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    New Villager Profession: Aviator

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 11:06 PM PDT

    Aviator villagers offer paper, gunpowder, firework stars and fireworks to buy or trade for emeralds. Possibly even phantom membranes as they are used to repair elytras. Their coexisting workbench could be a new bench that would help simplify the crafting of fireworks. The villagers could have those commonly seen aviation glasses as part of their outfit.

    submitted by /u/AshtonMinecraftIdeas
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    Decorative ore blocks

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Perhaps a bit of a useless suggestion, but what if we had decorative ore blocks? They'd be crafted with one item of the ore you want (coal, iron, gold, diamond, emerald, lapis, redstone) and eight stone. In the case of nether quartz, it'd be eight netherrack.

    Decorative ore are difficult to obtain without silk touch, and you can't just craft ores because you could get infinite items with the fortune enchantment. Decorative ores would drop themselves instead of their normal drops, and could be mined without a tool.

    Edit - People are saying it would be weird to have two different items sharing the same texture. I see where you're coming from, but trapped/normal chests and oak and dark oak leaves are already like that. Maybe flip the textures vertically or horizontally or something?

    Alternatively, maybe make it so they have a comparator output when mined/interacted with/updated (like redstone ore) so they can be used in pranks 😈

    submitted by /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit
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    Infested stone blocks arent in the inventory

    Posted: 29 Mar 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    To explain more, I mean that instead of there being infested blocks with their own id, the infestation would be a data tag of the block.

    Example: Instead of minecraft:infested_stone_bricks you would have something like minecraft:stone_bricks{Infested:1b}

    And maybe there could be another tag that would set what mob comes out of the block when broken

    Example: minecraft:stone_bricks{Infested:1b,Infestation:{id:pig}}

    submitted by /u/doogawa2
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    Splash Water bottles help hold of phantoms... kinda

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    I think it would make sense to be able to use splash water bottles to help with phantoms because in real life, if you are tired, splashing water in your face helps Wake you up, it wouldn't complete get rid of the phantoms, but maybe it would reduce their damage by 10-20% and slow them down a little bit.

    submitted by /u/MattgMac04
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    Being able to place redstone under a slab

    Posted: 28 Mar 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    It would be great to be able to put Redstone under a slab of a block or at least enough to be able to cover up a hole using a slab, this could probably be done by somehow coding a block that acts as a block powered by Redstone and then you can place a redstone on top of the slab

    submitted by /u/steampunk_doctor
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