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    Minecraft Pets should passively give you XP over time

    Minecraft Pets should passively give you XP over time

    Pets should passively give you XP over time

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 04:46 AM PST

    Currently there is no good reason to travel the world with parrots or cats or saddled pigs.

    I propose that pets grant you 1 point of XP for every 500 metres they move while following or ridden by you.

    Just a little encouragement to experience the world with your pets by your side.

    Support the Minecraft Feedback page here.

    Edit: As a way to circumvent xp farms (and because this was actually something my friend mentioned when he suggested this idea to me) the pets should level up as they walk with you.

    Each level should take more distance to attain, increase the pet's health (and potentially damage) and each level should grant you more XP. Maybe 1 xp, 2xp and then a jump to 5xp to signal the max level.

    Hope you like that fix. I'll add this as a comment in the mc feedback post.

    submitted by /u/SpawnLegacy
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    A simple way to introduce ships without rewriting the entire game

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Before you start: I've also posted this text on Minecraft Forum so don't be too surprised if you may have seen it before. I just wanted to ask more people for possible Feedback to see if this idea holds some merit or needs to be fleshed out a bit more...either that or discarded.

    Hi there! First time poster with English only being my second language (so typos will unfortunately be a thing here and there). Since the release of MC version 1.13 a lot of people seemed to enjoy hunting for treasures, finding the occasional shipwreck or are enjoying the now not so dead oceans (as opposed to the earlier almost empty iterations bare of any life except for squids... well and guardians).

    It was a matter of time until some people asked about another means of transport (in this case some form of ship) to add to the nautical feel. This has in turn sparked quite a bit of interest as seen (in some of the posts) with ideas similar to the modded solutions (like for example the aforementioned Archimedes ship mod in the title), but those however also brought up some valid concerns with the implementation of said ideas. How does the game know which part of your construction is your ship and which part is the pier? How much memory would be used up if a handful (or God forbid... 10+ players on servers) of players built giant ships that crossed the seas wrecking the RAM due to having to simulate all kinds of collisions (or partial functionallity for blocks like workbenches/furnaces etc. on board of such ships)? After a bit of thinking and seeing that some people would be happy with at least something more than a rowingboat.

    Thus I came up with a compromise.

    What I'm suggesting here is basically a craftable item called a ship (I know I mentioned cogs or something like a sloop but this is Minecraft and we want to keep things as simple as possible). The ship is basically a slightly slower boatlike vehicle that comes equipped with a single chest inventory (similar to a floating donkey that swims significantly better and makes less fuss) and moves a bit slower than the normal boat. It is slightly larger than the boat and just like the aforementioned vehicle it will come in all wood variants.

    So what is different other than speed? Well...

    First: -It takes more resources to craft (see pic/fig.1).

    Second: -It is slower than the boat (7.5 m/s so same speed is riding the donkey).

    Third: -It can take 24 points of damage (12 hearts) before it breaks dropping a wooden log and 1 to 3 sticks ...well and the content of the chest of course (yes you heard it right! Once you have placed this thing it is there to stay... you can't pick up the ship and carry it arround. I thought there should be some drawbacks to not make boats obsolete^^).

    Fourth: -It has an Inventory slot like Donkeys and Lamas but travels on water (I decided it should have the inventory size of one chest).

    Fifth: -Can carry one additional mob like a boat. The passenger/mob in this case will sit in the center whereas the player will sit in the upper back of the ship.

    That's all nice and such...but what will these 'ships' look like? Will they be massive and customizebale?

    Well... No and kind of yes. You see they will be kind of smaller than what most people would anticipate when hearing the word 'ship', but it will be something akin to what we would see in games like Age of Empires II when comparing with other units. The scale is not realisitc... but then again. Realism sometimes has to make way for balance or technical limitations. As such I added a few conceptual pictures that can kind of explain what these ships would look like in the end (see pic/fig.2 and pic/fig.3). So I'm afraid you wont be building a massive galleon any time soon with this... But as for customisation options there could be an additional sail slot similar to the saddle/carpet slots used with lamas, where players could add their own banner pattern. Leaving this slot empty will depict the bog standard white sail rigging (white banner here).

    Thx to Scotmiser for that suggestion.

    The control scheme will be identical to that of the boat/mount using WASD controls with pressing E to access the inventory. As for the sails... they will be purely decorational, since there are no wind mechanics in the game (and I hardly doubt that many people would like that...since it would make things needlessly more complicated for MC standards)...another thing would be that the ships won't have oars at their sides unlike the boats (they have in my pics because I just cobbled a few boats and blocks together to make it look kind of like little ship like thingies).

    As for weapons (yes I know there are a lot of people wanting to be pirates)... I did have a think on using a front mounted dispenser block that would activate upon pressing a key (that could be configured in the games controls menu)... but I discarded this idea since it seemed to 'mod-like' while also giving too much grief potential (fire charges would be too much of a hassle... splash potions would have too little range... and as for arrows you might as well just use your bow/crossbow since it shoots further than the dispenser).

    So in short: I decided for NO weapons and made it a transport/trade vessel instead. I hope I do sound somewhat reasonable and would like constructive feedback in regards of balancing or possible exploits, cost etc. Also I added the pictures as attachments just so people could make sense of what I have written so far. I know... my text formatting is attrocious.





    Post scriptum:

    Yes I reuploaded this because I messed up my first attempt (having accidentally overlooked the "you need 10+ karma to post something" rule... my bad). I apologize for the inconveniece it may have caused.

    submitted by /u/DeadonWorldSpawn
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    Burning logs will have a slight change of it dropping charcoal when destroyed by the fire

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:13 AM PST

    could even have a 1:1.000.000 change of it turning into charcoal block

    submitted by /u/kootje555
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    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:16 PM PST

    A larger variant of the Llama that only spawns in deserts.

    It still spits and can be carpeted and wear chests, however it can be saddled and controlled as well.

    Simple addition.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    Following recent update patterns, here’s what I think a decent roadmap could be regarding future updates

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:47 AM PST

    When update aquatic was announced, and continuing with the village update, the Minecraft team is attempting to "modernize" outdated aspects of the game. The biggest updates in the game's history(at least what most would agree on) were beta 1.8 and release 1.7. While these updates(and the smaller ones in between them) help shaped Minecraft to its current form, there's no doubt many features introduced, while great at the time, have fallen behind as time has gone on(for reference, beta 1.8 was released in late 2011, over 7 years ago, and release 1.7 was released around mid-late 2013, over 5 years ago). Anyways, here's my take on many issues of the game and what should be done. Any form of criticism and feedback is welcome. Before I start off, I would like to add that at its current state, I simply do not believe that Minecraft is updated frequently enough, as controversial as that sounds. At the moment, updates seem to be coming around about once every 10-12 months. With this subreddit in mind, I feel as if needs in the game are being realized faster than what we're getting with update frequency. While sometimes this is justified like with the update aquatic, I have a hard time believing the village update has taken 10 months to fully implement. I can't offer any solutions to this, but I feel the need to point this out.

    1. Add/update biomes, and update terrain generation. Arguably the most dated aspect of the game lies within the terrain, largely unchanged since 1.7. Rare geographical features, think like waterfalls, canyons, cliffsides, simply don't exist to spice up the world. All we currently have are occasional lakes and ravines, along with very little geographical diversity in biomes(most are flat with rolling hills, the only really difference is the frequency of said hills). Additionally, biomes like Savanna mountains and extreme hills are limited by the outdated height limit of 256, restricting the scale of what they can achieve. While 1.7 helped add many new biomes to spice up worlds, there's a few environments still lacking that could still be implemented. With the update aquatic, a tropical island biome would fit nicely into the game, along with volcanic islands, just to name a few. Minecraft is one of the most beautiful games ever released, but it's being held back by the bland world generation, with mods we can see the potential that the game should be striving to achieve.
      1. Continue adding new weapons. Rather short point, but with Tridents and crossbows being added in, continuing increased weapon diversity will help the game immensely, especially in the PVP department. With crossbows now added in, competition with the sword logically follows next, maybe a battle axe that's slower but more powerful or a halberd with greater reach but lower damage. The sky is the limit with new weapons.
      2. New dimensions. While updating the nether and end should be the priority, eventually 2 alternate dimensions doesn't cut it anymore. A vanilla implementation of the Aether has been long called for as a sky dimension in contrast to the underworldish nether. A new outlet to put in grotesque/fantastical mobs should always be a welcome addition, and the ability to start from scratch should allow developers to show off their creativity if a sky dimension isn't appealing to them.
      3. Update caves/ores Since the update aquatic, a hypothetical cave update has almost unanimously been the most called for feature. Diamonds, iron, gold, emerald, red stone, and lapis aren't enough anymore, especially in regards to viable armor and tools(Iron and diamond being the only ones). New armor types would be a welcome addition to the game, especially if individual ores had different properties in their tools/armor. Caves are essentially the same that they've been since beta, and are in desperate need of terrain changes. increasing the scale of caves and adding new stones would go a long ways. One of the most upvoted posts in this subreddit goes into detail what a revamped cave system could look like, much better than what I could do.
      4. A true late game, complex boss To be honest, for any half decent player the wither and ender dragon are a cakewalk with maxed out armor and weapons. While a new boss doesn't have to be dark souls or Nioh levels of difficulty, a true late game challenge is something players should be able to build up to. Complexity would be important so that this new hypothetical boss wouldn't die to gimmick strategies, and should be powerful and bulky enough to take on maxed out diamond armor and weapons. To compliment a more potent final boss, a reward impossible to achieve through mining and enchanting should be rewarded for taking down this new boss. I'm almost tempted to make a full post about this in itself.

    Minor suggestions: 1. For bedrock additions, for the love of god release the graphics pack. At this point there's no excuse for not having a simple shader incomplete after a reveal nearly 2 years ago. "Rewriting the engine" can only work for so long, and transparency about the project needs to happen. At this point it's almost entirely forgotten about which is unfortunate. 2. Unique hardcore mode. The mode hasn't been touched since it's release and could use some new life. Modifying mechanics and exclusive monsters/bosses would help the game mode have a new breath of life.

    Notes: I don't want to suggest that these changes can be implemented within a small time frame. Revamping the game on this scale would likely take at least 2-3 years but from what my suggestions point out, many parts of the game need to be remodeled. I'm also not suggesting to stick rigidly to this list, moreso just to point out aspects of the game that are overdue for updating. Lastly, any feedback is greatly appreciated and because my list wasn't exactly extremely in depth by any means, I'll listen to any request for more detailed explanations/suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Koonkin_
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    A couple new biomes

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:25 PM PST

    1: Steppe Tundra A cold savannah, no trees, patches of snow, and only cows, horses, and sheep can spawn here. Think mammoth steppe.

    2: Temperate Rainforest A mega taiga variant, but with very common rainfall, lots and lots of ferns and tall ferns, no podzol, just grass blocks, and bright green jungly terrain colors. Trees have vines on them.

    3: Scrubland A scrubland full of grassless dirt, dry cracked mud, dead bushes, Sagebrush, and very short uncommon oak trees. A variant known as the Outback Scrubland will have red sand as well as mini acacia trees and Kangaroos could spawn here.

    4: Outback Scrubland (already mentioned)

    5: Tropical Dry Forest Variant of the Jungle, but with more wide open spaces, lots of podzol and grassless dirt, tall grass on all the podzol, and baobab trees spawning rarely. Madagascan plants such as the pachypodium could spawn here, or just spiny succulent-like plants that resemble palm trees in a way. If rhinos or hippos were added, they would spawn here

    6: Bayou A fully watered swamp, cypress-like swamp trees would be very common here. Very little land, water is green and firefly particles could be found here. Alligators could spawn here. Trees are very common and surround large areas of water, but there is still very little land.

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    Potion Arrows should be found in chests

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:44 AM PST

    Structures like dungeons, temples, and strongholds should have regular and potion arrows in their Chests.

    submitted by /u/blenders33
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    A more interesting end

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:10 PM PST

    *Optional when creating a new world.

    I wish that the end was more challenging. It seem like it should be the hardest part of the game. It has an important boss fight and it is literally called "the end". It feels like it should be a sort of endgame. One idea I have is a stronger breed of enderman that's only found in the end. It could be a herder, (smarter, more health, taller, commands a small herd of regular endermen, maybe ranged attacks), or maybe some kind that helps the ender dragon during the battle, (a few of them that fix crystals and maybe ride the dragon). Another thing is the ender dragon could have some parts of the battle walking on the ground. Ground abilities could be teleporting behind you, shooting fireballs, and giving blindness. Maybe more boss fights, like a king enderman, (extremely tall, has a wizard staff or something and maybe strikes you with lightning, might ride a mini dragon, commands endermen and enderman herders). I wish the dragon egg could hatch and become a baby dragon that you could tame and grow into a full sized one that you can ride. Maybe just more dragons all around, in every dimension, good and bad, different powers and elements.

    submitted by /u/Universe-Cat
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    Putting carrots in an item frame attracts pigs.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 01:14 AM PST

    The same would be with cows, chickens, sheep, wolves, ocelots and all other tameable animals.

    submitted by /u/xSkwodd
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    Give the Petrified Oak Slab it's own texture

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:12 PM PST

    When playing around in one of the snapshots, I discovered the Petrified Oak Slab. I thought it was pretty cool, but found it annoying that it looked exactly like the normal Oak Slab.

    According to a Reddit user and some research, this item was added to keep backwards compatibility with older worlds. When Oak Slabs were first added, they were just the stone slab with an Oak Planks texture. You even had to mine it with a pickaxe! Later on, they were fixed, leading to the slabs we have today. Now that's good that Mojang did this, but I highly doubt that everyone is opening ancient worlds with the early versions of the Oak Slabs at any given time.

    So my idea is to give it a unique texture to make it look different from regular Oak Slabs. Nothing too crazy, but something like a more shiny or stonier Oak Planks texture. This does not hurt the slab itself, it just helps you distinguish between the two versions.

    What do you think about this idea?

    submitted by /u/AidenS2014
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    Expanded Noteblock Range

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 08:17 AM PST

    As it stands, notebooks have a fairly limited range of two octaves per instrument. While this still offers tons of possibilities, it doesn't provide the same flexibility as a full seven octaves. I propose adding in a way to shift noteblocks up or down two octaves in order to expand their possible range.

    This could be implemented in a number of ways, such as making the shifted versions distinct blocks that can be crafted, (perhaps using a regular notebook and a block of quartz to go up and a block of obsidian to go down), or by adding some way to toggle a noteblock between different states, like using a fishing rod on it or something.

    Adding in a way to shift the octaves of a noteblock would greatly expand the players ability to use them to create interesting music, especially with the recently added new instruments. Even allowing a single shift up and down would expand the players options to six octaves rather than only two.

    Thank you for reading this little suggestion for an improved musical system in minecraft, and have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Icejustice
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    Pigs and foxes steal from composters

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Swamp Changes

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 08:08 PM PST

    I didn't know what tag to put so I just put general. Anyway, the swamp is pretty useless. Other than for Slimes and maybe Witches, people don't really go to the Swamp. The terrain is boring and the water and grass is quite ugly. This can be changed!

    Terrain: The Swamp has no unique blocks, to help this, there should be a unique tree for the Swamp Biome; maybe a mangrove tree. There also should be sub-variants of the Swamp; the standard swampy shallow water and a flat grass land with a new block...

    Waterlogged Block: The waterlogged dirt/grass is a block that will exclusively appear in Swamps and maybe river banks. When you mine it, it will turn into water and when viewed from the side is much darker than the traditional dirt block. I don't know of any actually use for the block, other than maybe the rare loot drop from mining it, like a pair of boots, a fishing rod, or even an iron or gold nugget.

    New mobs: The Swamp, as I said, is quite dull; this could be helped if new mobs were added. For one, a frog mob that both goes on land and swims in water would be a nice ambient touch. Another mob could be a variant of the Drowned that fits with the Swamp and has more brown and dull color pallets.

    Witches: One of the only interesting things in the Swamp, the Witch and the Witches Hut, are sadly underused. I have the idea of there being multiple variants of Witches Huts like Abandoned Shipwrecks; there could be Abandoned Witches Huts, Ground Level Witches Huts, and many more. There could be the rare chance of a neutral Witch which will trade with the player for potions and items like Glowstone or Endrods. Witches could also interact with each other, maybe fighting or trading. This would add a bit more life to the Swamp Biome.

    This is my first time writing something like this. If you have any criticism or recommendations, please tell me. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/LieutenantLeroy
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    Sweet berry pie

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 06:31 PM PST

    Heals 6 hunger point

     Its nice to see a use for sweet berrys 
    submitted by /u/lukemassie11
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    Speakers linked by redstone to note blocks and jukeboxes.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:28 AM PST

    They increase the volume of the sound played around the area.

    submitted by /u/xSkwodd
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    Putting slime on a face of a block makes other blocks move with it when pushed by a piston.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 02:47 PM PST

    Title says it all.

    For further explanation, take a slime ball. right click on a face of a block to apply the slime to it, and right click again to remove the slime. And so, blocks attached to a sticky face will be able to move too whenever a piston is activated.

    The main use for this could be things like decorative structures on a moving platform. There should also be a gamerule limit that can be set by server admins.

    submitted by /u/Tuaam_Is_Back
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    Sluice: new use for platforms

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 06:03 AM PST

    When water flows over a scaffold block, it will flow down through it and produce a 'sluice' structure.

    The sluice is activated when a suitable item such as cobble or gravel flow over it. They will flow down into the scaffold's mesh slowly and produce a more granular material, sometimes also producing a metal nugget. These then flow out in the same direction as the water.


    • Cobblestone -> Gravel (15% chance of nugget)
    • Gravel -> Sand (50% chance of nugget)
    • Sand -> nothing (25% chance of nugget, the sand is completely consumed and either produces a nugget or nothing)

    When you do get a nugget you will get a random amount from 3 to 5. For each nugget there is a 75% chance of it being iron, and a 25% chance of it being gold.

    This would be used to renewably farm metal in peaceful/where a mob farm is an invalid option, and also to renewably generate gravel and sand (as these resources are mostly non-renewable).

    EDIT: scaffold, not platform

    submitted by /u/ctb33391
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    Make the Void black like in Java edition, but as an option

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:27 PM PST

    It doesn't make any sense to have the Void have the day/night cycle and same sky colours. The Void should be pitch black at a light level of 0, like in the Java edition, and this should be a world option (not a cheat as this is purely cosmetic).

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Magic villagers

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 12:36 PM PST

    Before I start, I would say this should be optional and customizable. As for multiplayer, pvp server owners could decide if they implement it and how much they would implement.

    Villager wizards are not quite villagers, they just would be similar in how they look and how they trade with players. They would take journeys far from their houses sometimes, maybe even biomes over, but usually of the time stay in their homes. The houses would be towers, sometimes in a village and sometimes alone, found on elevated areas, (tops of hills and mountains), themed to the biome they were in. There could be ones in the sky and the ocean, too. They could trade for staffs and other magic items. For instance, a lightning one could trade something like 64 emeralds and a nether star for a staff that shoots a blue fireball strikes lightning where it lands when you right click. The staff ability would be the same as the villager's. There could be different power levels indicated by appearance, and the price and power of magic items from trades would be higher from higher levels. Cloaks could also have different powers. A sky wizard might sell one that acted as a more powerful elytra. It could trade something like a nether star and an elytra for it. If you provoke one, a medium level will be about as challenging to kill as a wither, and the highest level would be practically impossible to beat unless you had magic gear of the same level, and knew how to use it. If you have magic gear, boss fights will be very easy. To make up for that, they could be made harder and/or there could be dark wizards that are just as powerful as regular ones.

    submitted by /u/Universe-Cat
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    Different overworld/nether/end interaction

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:53 AM PST

    Some way to break bedrock in survival would let you fall through the ceiling of the nether, then through the floor of the nether, the end. Maybe if you had a big enough hole, ghasts, or even the ender dragon, could fly into the overworld. It would probably have to be harder to make it into the end though, like a different kind of bedrock that could only be broken with materials from the end, so the stronghold could still be practical. This would also let you control more aspects of each dimension more easily when creating a custom world. This would be optional and have customizable layers a bit like a superflat world.

    submitted by /u/Universe-Cat
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    Use banner as page background at books

    Posted: 02 Mar 2019 09:45 PM PST

    Like you can put a banner on your shield, using lectern you will put a banner on the page to decorate it.

    submitted by /u/omer_g
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