• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Neubrite Kingom [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}

    Minecraft Servers Neubrite Kingom [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}

    Neubrite Kingom [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Neubrite Kingdom:
    A Hermitcraft Inspired Server

    Years ago, the Neubrite Kingdom server started out as The Network server back in 2013. Since then, we have grown into what we all know and love today. Here at Neubrite Kingdom, we strive to make a community much like the Hermitcraft and Mindcrack servers have. We want to create a place where people from all over can come and get together to play a game we all love and enjoy. We try to hold fun events for our members at least once a month. We currently have a Dynmap which you can check out down below. The current map we are on began on January 24, 2019. We always have room for more people and will do our best to make you feel welcome!

    Some Requirements:
    *Age 16+ (maturity is more important than age though)
    *Be Friendly
    *Be Energetic!

    Rules: (Also Listed on the Website)
    1. No stealing! (Immediate Ban)
    2. Pranking is allowed. No TNT or fire is allowed, if seen there will be consequences.
    3. Be mature and friendly.
    4. No Racism Towards Other Players (Immediate Ban)
    5. No Duplication Glitches
    6. No Cheating (This includes X-Ray, or any other mods/changes that would give you a benefit over others which you added yourself and are not server-side.) (autoban)
    7. No arguing with staff!
    8. If you kill someone return their items back to them. Do not kill without permission!
    9. No advertising other servers!
    10. If inactive for more than two weeks (without notice), you will be unwhitelisted, we want to keep an active community on the server. This has room for change depending on the situation

    Yes, we do have plugins, however, these plugins are simply plugins that help us keep more detailed records. These records will help us identify the griefer if we were to be griefed.

    Important Links:
    *Website: www.neubritekingdom.com
    *Click here to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRys9-u_BTTp5JsvR_pVwpl9LS6BohJMJhjaSaOlXoyondNg/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Thank you for taking time to read the post. I hope to see you on the server soon! Sincerely, Sir_Cam Owner, Neubrite Kingdom

    submitted by /u/NeubriteKingdom
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    SuperFunTime Survival [SMP][PvE][PvP] {Economy}{MCMMO}{Custom Plugins}{Updated to 1.13.2}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 07:11 AM PST

    SuperFunTime Survival IP - mc.superfuntime.org

    Website: http://www.superfuntime.org

    Who are we you ask, well we're an active and established gaming community who've been going on strong for 8 years! We put our focus on an enhanced vanilla server along with several modded servers. Some things that you can expect to find on SuperFunTime are a developed economy with hand run shops, autoshops, and global market listings. We also have Slimefun, Mcmmo, and plenty of other plugins to make your experience that much better on survival and so much more on our other servers!

    If you want to live a pacifistic lifestyle on survival, we got you covered. Players are allowed to toggle pvp on or off to prevent (or allow) others to engage in awesome/totally not awesome combat. We run the most up to date version of minecraft so you should be able to find something interesting to do. Our active team of 40+ staff members will be more than happy to assist you with any issues or questions you have,and our mod+ team will be happy to protect your builds for you so they won't be griefed.

    Currently on our survival server /fly is free for everyone!

    Hey! We also have servers outside of survival! If you've ever thought "Man minecraft is fun and all but what if I could have monsters fight AND play minecraft at the same time with other people" well do we have a solution for you and it's called sft pixelmon, which you can checkout here https://www.superfuntime.org/forum/index.php/topic,167987.0.html. Maybe you want to be a magician or a science guy then you may want to check out our 1.7.10 server where the worlds of magic and machines clash by downloading the 1.7.10 pack from the technic launcher and punching in games.superfuntime.org:1338(also sphax has an integrated texture pack so that's pretty neato). In case you want to play on the go, we also have a pocket edition server at: games.superfuntime.org

    Do you feel like you're a cut above the rest when it comes to survival skills? Well you should come and try out our Survival Hardcore Server! Now open to everyone! You can join the server by going on play.superfuntime.org(Vanilla MC) and typing /shc. Check it out now!

    Join our discord server at -> https://discord.gg/RTfQ7AT can also obtain the link from in-game by doing /discord!

    Rules Overview

    Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Xeon E5-1620v2 / 4 Cores 8 Threads / 3.7GHz+ / 64 GB DDR3 / 1 GBps (hosted with OVH)

    Owners: TowelieDOH, Dpa1991, saywhat2365

    Did you know CaptainSparklez made a video about us? Check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8

    Don't forget to check out what Jesus thinks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C986V0qsuPA&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/SFTMedia
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    Crystal Skies [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.13.2} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 04:38 AM PST

    * Server Name: Crystal Skies Vanilla

    * Website: http://crystalskies.org

    * Discord: http://discord.gg/0blZNtEUkzyi2Qwl

    * Server Address: Given upon successful application.

    * Version: 1.13.2

    * Game Play Type: Vanilla survival

    Whitelist Application: http://www.crystalskies.org/vanilla



    * Welcome to Crystal Skies!

    * We pride ourselves on having a friendly array of players and staff as we are a community server which means that everyone knows each other and tends to work together to make Crystal Skies a good place to be.

    * Please remember to join our Discord when applying, as being in our Discord is a requirement for being accepted!

    * Our server is run on a vanilla jar, so there are no plugins or mods.

    * Fire spread and mob griefing have been disabled, one player sleep is enabled. Difficulty is set to normal.

    * Join in on fun events and competitions run by staff or other players!

    Brief rules:

    * No griefing or stealing.

    * No use of x-ray, hacks or unauthorised mods.

    * No spamming or advertising.

    Full rules can be found on the discord.


    * Owner: Matt Wildness

    * Co-Owners: donutnut1, EdsChannel

    * Staff: Gem, Bluez13, bear818, yoniblue22

    submitted by /u/Donutnut1
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    Emerald Haze [Anarchy]{Survival}{Semi-Vanilla}{PVP}{No Whitelist}{Discord}{1.13.2}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 10:04 AM PST

    Emerald Haze is an Anarchy Survival server that has tried to maintain the vanilla feel.


    Griefing and Raiding are Encouraged!!

    PvP is Allowed!!


    Warp Wild, Warp Spleef!

    Rare Spawning Mobs

    Player Heads

    Mob Heads which are trade-able for a unique currency!

    Weekly Fishing Event!

    Friendly Helpful Players and Staff available 24/7

    Come Join our active Minecraft community Now!!

    Our IP is: emeraldhaze.mc-shock.com

    Our Discord is: https://discord.gg/cqCzFV6

    Rules 1) No Hacking 2) No Duping 3) No Spamming 4) No Advertising

    submitted by /u/Ninjalette
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    Enigma Craft [PvP] {Factions} {Survival} {McMMO} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:55 AM PST

    Attention, new Java PC Factions PVP Server open for all!

    We are a new exciting and cutting edge server designed with everyone in mind. We boast many fun and exciting plugins to keep things new and fresh.




    *Ultimate Kits

    *Ultimate Timber

    *Bounty Hunter

    *Mob Arenas

    We have a tight-knit community and are looking to expand and grow into a large and popular server.

    Cheats are off so you can get those wonderful achievements, everyone here maintains a generally nice attitude and we do not discriminate against age, race, religion ETC.

    Our rules are simple.

    *No cursing (you never know who is on the other side of the screen)

    *No racism

    *No homophobia

    *No sexism

    *Have fun

    We currently are running a contest where if you join and bring 5-10 players with you then you will receive one of our donor ranks. And if you bring more than 10 you can get one of our higher level ranks!

    If you or someone you know wants to join, or if you have any questions, join our discord at https://discord.gg/HMdy85E!

    We look forward to seeing you at enigmacraft.apexmc.co

    submitted by /u/Voleyr
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    IronboundMC [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.13.2} {Discord}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Ironbound is a mature (18+) community of adults that just want to have fun while playing a relaxing game of Minecraft.

    We have no previous seasons/maps before, because this will be our very first launching! Our goal is to grow into a very tight knitted community of friends from all around the world!

    Our Minecraft server is currently running on 1.13.2 and it's semi-vanilla. We love to play vanilla as much as the next guy, but we just had to add a few tweaks to make it a little bit more enjoyable, like Multiplayer Sleep, Mob Head Drops, Customizable Armor Stands, etc.

    To welcome new members, we've ensured that we have our spawn built and prepared for them, along with a nether portal too! This way, you have the choice to either explore the overworld right away or travel through the nether for a faster way of getting further away from spawn. We also have a few projects that need assistance, like the nether hub and flattening the lands around spawn!

    If that isn't enough to keep our members as active as possible, later on, we'll be hosting all kinds of events: build contests, minigame competitions, and hopefully, we'll start hosting our own UHC events too!

    Server Rules:

    • Don't use any hacked clients, x-ray texture packs/mods, and/or anything else that may alter your gameplay.
    • Griefing and stealing is absolutely prohibited! If it's not yours, don't touch it!
    • No harassment of others, hate speech, discrimination, bullying, etc.
    • PVP and pranks must be agreed upon by all that are involved!

    If you're interested in joining, all you have to do is submit an application on our discord and staff will notify you as soon as we can!

    Also, it would be a PERFECT time to join us right now 'cause we'll be fighting the enderdragon fight reeeal soon, plus spawn will be ready for shops soon too! Come join the fun!

    submitted by /u/Nerdseh
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    FrappsMC [Vanilla] [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [PVP] {1.12.2}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:28 AM PST


    This server is purely vanilla with 3-4 plugins to get basic functionality. Everything is allowed here! No rules! Hack, grief, destroy everything or do ANYTHING your heart desires. This server is basically like 2b2t but I can't even connect to 2b2t because It's 24/7 full so I thought of making another one of these kinds of servers. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/FrappyTex
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    Liberty Minecraft [SMP] {1.13.2}

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 06:53 AM PST


    Liberty Minecraft is focused on voluntary interaction, competition, innovation, trade, property ownership, and hard work.

    The World: Liberty Minecraft's world is 7000 x 7000 blocks; about 19 square miles, roughly the size of Manhattan Island, New York. The Nether is the same size as the Over World. The End is 10x larger.

    Updates: Player donations are reinvested in custom content and Dev work. Liberty Minecraft funded the development of AntiXray for PaperMC, GPRealEstate, Liberty Referrals, ClaimblockAdjuster, and ClaimlistClassifier which includes: ClaimNames, ClaimSorting, ClaimExpireDelay. Right now we are developing Auctions for GPRealEstate. This week we created a bounty to identify the cause of a recent bug in PaperMC.

    Money: In Liberty Minecraft Diamonds are money. All of the money is produced or discovered by our players. There are a finite number of Diamonds in our world. If you throw a diamond into lava then less money will exist in the world. Players can split their diamond into $10,000 at the Diamond exchange located at spawn.

    Property: All resources and products are created by the players. All prices are set by supply and demand. Players own property and trade it. No one may use your property without your consent. This includes your player character. You may engage in combat by turning it on.

    Economics: Our Economy is Real. All Items are player created or discovered. The money is Diamonds. In 2018 our players engaged in more than 100,000 transactions. Our world has several competing market places that are privately owned by the players. More than 15,000 hours have been played in the last 5 months.

    History: Liberty Minecraft was created in December 2015 after I saw and experienced what happens when an incompetent or corrupt server operator runs with the money and leaves players without answers. I created Liberty Minecraft to provide a better option.

    Player Guides: To help you get started and earn your first buck, claim your first shelter I've created a guide: Your First Day in 10 Steps.

    The Rule:

    [1] Resolve nonviolent disputes nonviolently.

    Terms Of Use:

    [2] Read and understand the rules.

    [3] Malicious Hacking and/or X-raying through blocks is not permitted.

    My Promise:

    [4] Everything you have claimed is yours. Land claimed by someone else and unclaimed land is not yours.

    Visit our claim guide for more information.

    submitted by /u/Liberty_Minecraft
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    [Wanted][Vanilla][PVE] Europe server

    Posted: 04 Mar 2019 02:16 AM PST

    Hi There! I haven't played Minecraft for years and I want to try it again. I'm in search of vanilla server, no mods, no nothing, just a standard server with no PVP where we can build and enjoy life.


    • No mods
    • PVE-only (no PVP, no grievers)
    • Europe (anywhere)

    I don't even need a discord community, I just want to build stuff on a server in piece and quiet. In my game 'Servers' tab there are only five servers and they are all just minigames. I've tried to search, but they are all heavily modded and almost all are strictly PVP. I just want to build stuff. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/deimos-chan
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    Zerzura! [PvE] {Towny} {Jobs}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 05:05 PM PST

    IP - play.zerzura.xyz

    Welcome to Zerzura, a 1.13.2 PvE Towny Survival Server! We hope to deliver a community-driven survival experience with features including, but not limited to:

    • TOWNY: One of the best ways to prevent grief! Create or join a town and have fun with friends.
    • JOBS: Players are able to join 2 of a total of 7 unique jobs. Each job gives you income for specified actions and you can even earn perks just leveling them up!
    • McMMO: Skills are granted to various jobs to assist in their money-making endeavors.
    • THONKTWEAKS: Custom Mobs spawned at various tiers with unique abilities to make gameplay more interesting!
    • MYTHICDROPS: Earn custom items by defeating challenging mobs in our Resource worlds!
    • RANKS: We don't believe in offering Pay-To-Win ranks and so all ranks are earned with playtime. You can even earn /fly by just playing!


    • 1. No hacked clients, exploits, macros or any other illegal modifications.
    • 2. No griefing or stealing! Griefing is the intentional destruction of property that is not your own. Stealing will not be tolerated either.
    • 3. No harassment or hateful speech. We classify these as words or phrases targeted toward an individual or group with negative intent or connotation.
    • 4. No inappropriate content. This includes but is not limited to: extremely vulgar and/or excessive language, sexual/18+/N.S.F.W. media.
    • 5. No spamming. Don't be an annoyance and excessively send or repeat messages.
    • 6. No advertising. Don't intentionally promote another server or website.

    Join us on discord: https://discord.gg/rXhDtWQ
    We hope to see you on soon!

    submitted by /u/Funnyfarm21
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    Infernal Realms [PvP] {MMO RPG} {3D Monsters} {Skills / Classes} {Huge Open World}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 10:16 PM PST

    IP: Play.YomNetwork.ca

    Come play YomNetworks newest gamemode 2 Years in the making, Infernal Realms! Infernal is a MMO RPG with Real Time Strategy components! Join the server and survive the lower lvls as you work your way across the world leveling up and unlocking / finding hundreds of new and powerful gear! Fight over 400 custom 3d Monsters ranging from Beetles to Massive dinosaurs. Beat over 20 Bosses and dungeons scattered across the world! Complete quests for exp and rewards! Make a clan and claim land, raid other clans lands and take them for yourself! Become the Strongest clan and BECOME KING of the realm! As King you can TAX every other player in the server! However.... Can you stay King?

    • Massive World
    • 14 Classes and Skills
    • Thousands of Items to find and unlock
    • over 400 custom 3d Monsters and Bosses to defeat!
    • Make, Ally, and War against Player Clans to claim land and rule your empire!
    • Become King!

    Enjoy this fun MMO RPG full of intense action, fun PvP and raids, grind and accomplishment, politics and strategy!

    One of a Kind server! Interested?



    submitted by /u/YomNetwork
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    Community Craft [Semi-vanilla][SMP] {1.13}{Small Community} {USA}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 09:44 PM PST

    This is a small community server based on the vanilla aspect of Minecraft but with a twist. We have basic plugins like /home, and /tpa to make it easier. We keep it small so people can play Minecraft while having a community to make it fun. We do not have any patron what so ever. We have mods on to help you out in case you need it.

    We have basic server rules: · No griefing · Respect the staff · No hacking · No DDOS

    We have anti grief plugins incase something does happen we can make it right! We believe Minecraft should be fun for all and no one person should ruin it. We hold people responsible for their actions to keep it fair.

    Our current ranks are New Player (Gray), Member (Gold), Moderator (Cyan), Supermod(Red), and Owner(Purple)

    When you first join the server, you will join as a New Player, after you play for about three days, you will be promoted to member. Newplayers can have one home set, with /sethome and get back to it with /home. Although new players can't claim, a moderator will be happy to do so for you. When you hit member, you have very little restrictions. You can have 5 home sets, you can claim your own land by yourself, and more!

    The server ip is :

    submitted by /u/Bubby0406
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    Polarity Skies [PVE]{MCMMO}{Jobs}{Dynmap}{MobArena}{Land Claims}{Shopkeepers}{Auctions}{RTP}{CraftBook}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:26 PM PST

    IP: PolaritySkies.com

    We are 1.13.2

    Come try us out! We're a chill server that's basically vanilla Minecraft but with a few plugins you may use to your liking that will make life easier and more fun.

    We have plugins such as MCMMO to make your time feel well spent and Mob Arena for if you ever get bored and just want to combat mobs. We also have CraftBook for optimizing farms, or even just fun little mechanics. You can set up your own Shopkeepers with the help of staff to trade with other players when you're not around too. We have Jobs which is a fun and easy way to make money however you'd like to!

    There are smaller plugins too like an armor stand editor, a custom map tool for importing real pictures and you can rename your items with /rename instead of an anvil! Pets, including parrots and all, are invincible and can be teleported around! There's so many little things on the server that make it more enjoyable and I think you'll have a fun time if you come try it out.

    If you'd like to put something up on an Auction, you can do that too! We have an auction house plugin, easily accessible with /ah.

    Spawners can be silk touched too and can be combined together with the same spawner or spawners of different types!

    You may shop at the IslandShops spread throughout the world, there is also a place on the Islands to rent your own shop spot.

    Our Admin Shops do not sell basic materials, such as diamonds.

    So come join and see what you think!


    1. You may curse but be reasonable and do not harass.
    2. Do not use banned mods, texture packs or hacked clients.
    3. Do not spam or advertise in the chat.
    4. No form of griefing or stealing is allowed.
    5. No racism or any kind of discrimination.
    6. No duping or exploitation of any kind.


    Each world is 16k x 16k.

    There is a tree feller plugin.

    There is a pet plugin.

    We have a few custom recipes.

    XP loss is disabled and XP can be turned into bottles via command.

    We have CoreProtect!

    ChatFeelings is fun.

    Phantoms only spawn in our Adventure world and are custom.

    Crops grow faster than normal and sugar cane/cactus grow a bit taller.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/7vNBcQF

    Website: https://www.polarityskies.com/

    Dynmap: World

    Server Location: Ashburn, Virginia

    submitted by /u/Kappable
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    WarriorCraft [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {NEW} {14+} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:22 PM PST

    Have you ever seen advertisements for servers that look awesome, but you join, poke around a bit, and realize there's very little space for you? How about joining a new SMP, but it's more like playing singleplayer with very little development or community-based builds? How about joining a community server, but the community is overrun by twelve year olds (nothing against you, I'm just a grown-up!)? I know I have!

    Look no further, though; WarriorCraft is here to fill those needs and more! We are a two weeks old, community-driven, friendly server looking for new members to join our fun.

    What can we offer?
    - A server optimized by Spigot;
    - Datapacks installed to put the 'fun' in functional;
    - Safe, community-based space with friendly people;
    - Moderated by a team of friends looking to make new friends;
    - A developing, functioning economy;
    - Community projects such as the shopping area, city builds, nether hubs, and more;
    - A brand new world to get established and set forth on your projects;
    - "Soft borders" - feel free to explore the world at your leisure, but anything outside 10,000 blocks is liable to be reset for future updates

    Server Rules:

    - 14+ only, please!
    - No cheaters, griefers, or general party-poopers!
    - No AFK-Fishing! We all want to be on the same level
    - Damage-free pranks are totally okay!
    - You must join and participate in the discord community before being whitelisted!

    (Don't wanna play, just wanna watch? Feel free to still join the discord!)

    Join below - Run and owned by me!

    submitted by /u/shriekingsiren
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    True Minecraft [SMP][PvE]{1.13.2}{No Whitelist}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 07:22 PM PST

    Connect, there's no whitelist: play.trueminecraft.com

    Enhanced, authentic survival experience. Friendly community. Come play vanilla-style survival, enhanced for multiplayer, featuring land claims and unique, post-based teleportation.

    Our features add to vanilla without altering the game's fundamental mechanics. Here are some of our key features:

    • Enterprise-grade, speedy hosting, designed for Minecraft
    • Unique teleportation allows for collaboration, while maintaining difficulty
    • Disruptive players are removed quickly and unobtrusively
    • Advanced, easy-to-use anti-grief claiming system available for everyone
    • New players spawn with others, encouraging a sense of community
    • The rotating spawn location always has resources available
    • Plants, animals, grass, and trees respawn, eliminating resource depletion
    • Certain mobs drop easily-depleted resources (ghosts drop glowstone)
    • When a dragon is slain, an elytra drops
    • Diamonds are spawned in (with extreme sparsity) eliminating depletion
    • Trees "fall down" creating a realistic animation, removing "hovering trees"
    • Chests and inventories can sort themselves automatically (optional feature)
    • Donors perks are simple, encouraging gameplay (not making it easier)
    • And much more! Join for more information…

    See /help upon join for more specific information about these perks!

    This server is run by very experienced staff. And this particular server has been up for over four years; we're in it for the long haul.

    Our world is quite large, and has ample open building space. The community is friendly and diverse in many ways. Players are mature and respectful.

    Hop on today and mine with us! :)

    Server Rules:

    • Treat others with respect, while focusing on resolving the problem at hand, instead of bashing the other person. Maturity is required here.
    • No attempting to destroy work created by others. No griefing or stealing.
    • Do not spam blocks, text, or anyting else. No spamming.
    • Use the default Minecraft client, with exception of OptiFine, shaders, and minor cosmetics. No hacking.
    • Play the game as it is intended. Do not use any glitches, exploits, or server problems. Please report these to staff.
    • We are an english speaking only, in public chat.
    • Advertising anything unrelated to True Minecraft is not allowed. No advertising.
    • Explicit, mature, controversial, or otherwise offensive builds are not allowed.
    • We are a family-friendly community. Please converse with this in mind. Keep your laugage PG. Young kids play here.
    • Use your common sense and intuitoin when interpreting our rules. We take intention into consideration. No dodging or "sneaking around" rules.
    submitted by /u/True_Minecraft
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    HGBeta [Anarchy] [Semi-vanilla] {b1.7.3} {Chaos}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:44 AM PST

    If you're looking for an old school authentic minecraft experience, like the good old days, look no further.

    Join hgbeta.hopto.org

    I have a map from a defunct server that was created in the beta days and shutdown around beta 1.7.3. The server has no rules and no lag. Come and explore this huge 2011 map!

    Formerly the map of popular Roulworld server in 2011. Join us today for a fun and chaotic beta experience!

    submitted by /u/justsometurtleguy
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    BrotherServer [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{18+ and mature}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:24 AM PST

    --The server--

    We are a small server owned by 2 brothers that have been playing casually since the nether updates. It is a small server with about 7-8 active players and is about four month old. We are not stressed about server events nor progress - so everyone can go their own pace. The community is also very generous.

    The reason we made a server, after joining many in the past, is because we seem to always end up with irresponsible server owners that either become paranoid, or dissapear with the server one day with no explanation. We hope to break that curse and make a nice environnement for minecrafters.

    --The Rules--

    Players must be mature.

    PvP allowed, if both parties agree.

    Pranks allowed, but grief and outright stealing is not.

    Buildings must be aesthetically pleasing. (exeptions for things like grinders). This is judged in usually one day from our discord. We post the picture you send publicly and people vote on it. Enough votes and you're in.

    Build at least 500 blocks away from spawn.

    No cheating, of course.

    --Plans for the future--

    We aim to get a small community of people to play minecraft in a mature environment while making nice builds everyone can be proud of.

    Me and my brother are personally city builders. We encourage people to build a summer house in our towns. We don't want to restrict our community to any type of builds, but we enforce a ''District'' policy where nearby builds must match eachother.

    --Addons & others--

    There is a non-public discord

    There is a non-public dynamp

    We run on Spiggot and have a few mods, including AFK detectors, custom armor stands, one-player-sleep and Inventory spy (In case we get accusations of theft)

    We have custom villagers that will sell decoration items to add variety into your builds. They also sell hard-to obtain blocks for outrageous prices

    --How to join--

    In order to keep the rule of aesthetically pleasing buildings, we demand at least 1 screenshot of a previous build you've done when you apply. This is simply done to avoid mud huts and wooden cubes - and to show there is a maturity to your builds. We also want to know your age and location, and also for how long you've been playing. This, either by PM or post right here. The application process usually takes a day max

    For the rest, it's up to you! We're seeking a small adult community that can play Minecraft in a mature and fun way. If this is what you're seeking as well, why not give it a try?

    submitted by /u/Kokojos
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    [Wanted][SMP] Populated Balanced Factions

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 11:59 AM PST

    A Few years ago I used to play factions all the time. It was one of my favourite gamemodes, building a base, raiding and finding the most powerful faction.

    Nowadays whenever I go on factions they are usually overpowered offering enchanted diamond kits to new players. I'm looking for an old-style factions server, where you have to start from scratch to become powerful.

    submitted by /u/HeartlessLoner
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    Orchid Economy [SMP] {Towny} {Dynmap} {ChestShop}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 03:00 PM PST

    The Orchid Economy Server

    The purpose of the orchid economy server is to bring together a small community of players in a towny server to work together and build various cities and builds. We Currently have many features such as a dynmap, real-time stock trading, auction house, chest shops, mall plots, and jobs. Please consider joining our server, as we would love to create a small community to work together and build many great nations in vanilla, and custom generated terrain.

    IP: play.orchideconomy.com


    • Towny set up in 2 worlds, one vanilla terrain one custom terrain.
    • Jobs, shop plots, a working mall, auction house to make money.
    • Real-time stock trading.
    • Ranks, crates, giveaways, & competitions.
    • Player-driven economy with NO admin shops (besides purely survival created shops by the staff).
    • Various FREE Ranks to purchase with in-game currency to level up in the server, most with benefits associated to them.
    • Random teleportation the survival worlds.
    • Community driven. The community plays a huge part in the server and how we operate it. If you have something you want to address to us, let us know!


    Our lovely little spawn for the server

    Our incredible Epic World spawn! Built by Builder Tjm

    Our little Vanilla World Spawn, also built by Builder Tjm


    • No excessive swearing.
    • Use common sense whenever possible.
    • No disrespecting or harassing players/staff.
    • No begging for items, money, ranks, staff, etc.
    • No spamming, advertising, or being vulgar.
    • No AFK Pools, AFK Bypassers, or fish farms.
    • No TP trapping
    • No griefing unless permitted to under war laws.
    • No lag machines or builds that cause useless lag.
    • No griefing the landscape in the epic or towny world.
    • No asking for or giving our personal information
    • Bad talking the server will get you muted.
    • Max 3 accounts per IP.
    • No exploiting bugs or glitches.
    • No hacking, x-ray, cheating, dupeing, scripting, macros, or x-ray resource packs.

    We have the right to punish players for any reason we see fit. If you are trolling, yelling about sensitive topics, you will be banned. By reading these rules you agree to play on the server under these conditions.

    If your intention is to come on the server to troll, disrupt our community, or just try to get banned please do not join. Running this server puts a lot of stress on our staff team, and it just makes things worse when trolls join the server and harass us all. Thank you very much.

    We hope you enjoy your time on the Orchid Economy server. Please let me know if you have any comments or concerns. Thank you for reading all the way through.

    This post will be re-posted at 6:PM EST every Sunday.

    submitted by /u/SharkDice
    [link] [comments]

    Crafting Ignited [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {16+} {1.13.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 03 Mar 2019 02:03 PM PST

    Crafting Ignited

    Hello all, this our second time around recruiting new members for our server. Crafting Ignited is a friendly, community based Minecraft server that uses a few commands to enhance vanilla gameplay. We strive to have further build our population of mature and active players. Whether you prefer group projects or working solo, Crafting Ignited caters to you.

    Our server has been open to the public for a little over a week and we have nearly 10 active members but there's always room for more! If you are interested, check out our Discord and Apply further down.


    Get a taste of what has been accomplished so far! Check it out!

    Server Rules

    Let's go over the rules

    1. No griefing
    2. No stealing
    3. No cheating/abuse of any kind
    4. Be mature
    5. Be considerate of other players
    6. Do not engage in PvP unless every player involved has consented
    7. No excessive use of vulgar language, all caps, or spamming in the chat or in Discord
    8. Absolutely no offensive/hateful messages or harassment of any kind

    We will show leniency for minor rule breaks, but please know that any broken rule is a potentially bannable offense! We want a community of mature and considerate players. If you feel that you fit that description, then these rules should be no problem to follow.

    General Information

    Here's brief rundown of what to expect if you join now

    • The server is in hard mode
    • The server features a death counter in the Tab menu, and a health indicator below each player's name
    • The server is semi-vanilla. It adds no drastically game changing elements, mostly commands for the sake of convenience. These include /tpa to request to teleport to other players, /home and /sethome with up to 3 homes able to be set. All teleporting requires you to stand still for 3 seconds, and has a 30 second cooldown. Other tweaks include one-player sleep, Creeper griefing disabled, Ender Dragon drops an elytra, and shulkers drop 2 shells. If you have additional questions, feel free to ask!
    • We have a 40,000 x 40,000 world border, but if space becomes an issue we can expand
    • The End has already been explored, but there's still plenty left to find. An enderman farm is mostly complete as of typing this by some server members.
    • Spawn is reserved for community-oriented builds (e.g., shops) and none have been made so far. Feel free to pretty up the spawn area, or set up a shop, just don't build your home there please.
    • The server features a Dynmap, which is available to any player after being accepted to the whitelist
    • The server is physically based in Dallas, Texas
    • The server uses plugins to track, prevent, and rollback griefing.

    How to Apply

    If this all sounds like something you'd like to become a part of, here's how you can apply:

    1. Join our Discord Server. From there you can apply in the #apply channel
    2. Fill out an application here. You can specify how you want to be contacted back from there
    3. Apply here on reddit. See the application questions below.
      • What is your Minecraft In Game Name?
      • What is your age?
      • Where do you live? (No need to be specific)
      • Have you ever been banned on a Minecraft server before? If so, please explain the circumstances of your ban.
      • How long have you been playing Minecraft?
      • What is your niche in Minecraft? What do you enjoying doing above all else?
      • What do you think you can add to the server?
      • What experiences (if any) have you had on other Minecraft servers?
      • How active do you think you will be on the server?
      • What is your favorite type of wood?
      • Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself? (optional)


    If you're interested in joining or just getting a feel for our server, check out our Discord server. Feel free to ask any questions there!

    submitted by /u/jakeNnate
    [link] [comments]


