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    Minecraft Allow Bamboo to craft paper, just as Sugar Cane does.

    Minecraft Allow Bamboo to craft paper, just as Sugar Cane does.

    Allow Bamboo to craft paper, just as Sugar Cane does.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    I personally don't think that Sugar Cane should no longer be able to craft paper, but instead have both Bamboo and Sugar Cane craft paper.

    submitted by /u/Cptbubbles848
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    Dimming Redstone Lamps

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    Currently, the only Redstone Lamp we have flashes bright at 15 light levels no matter how much signal strength it has given. I actually like this feature, so as not to completely change the idea of a Redstone Lamp, I added a new KIND of redstone lamp, the dimming redstone lamp, which changes its light intensity depending on the signal strength it's given.

    submitted by /u/janMekalo
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    Make it so ocelots are still tameable along with cats

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    Taming ocelots has always been how you get cats and now that they're untameable they're just another useless mob. I think that should be tameable again but just keep the ocelot skin once tamed

    submitted by /u/DespacitoJeffo
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    Obsidian Block Set

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    This is a fairly simple suggestion asking to add these three things:

    -Walls, stairs, and slabs for Obsidian. Inherits its blast resistance and hardness.

    -Obsidian Bricks, cuz normal Obsidian is very ugly. Looks and is crafted like Stone Bricks made from Obsidian. Has its own walls, stairs and slabs. Inherits blast resistance and hardness.

    -Smooth Obsidian. Like Smooth Quartz or Smooth Sandstone. Once again, inherits blast resistance and hardness.

    I personally think Obsidian deserves more love. Anyways, make sure to tell me what you think!

    EDIT: I just got another couple of ideas: obsidian pillars and Chiseled Obsidian!

    submitted by /u/-UberTheSylveon-
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    Witches should have a small chance of dropping their hat that you can wear as a helmet!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    I think witches should have small chance of dropping their hat (1 in 250) so that the player can wear it. This will give reason to go grind witches and adds another achievement. This would also open up many opportunities on servers like new mini-games. It also adds more customization to Minecraft, which I really think it needs.

    The hat could have an attribute where when worn your potions last for longer or are stronger. The player could swap this out instead of a helmet like people swaped out their chest plate for Elytra or helmet for turtle shell.

    submitted by /u/Shadowalker124
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    Player Detectors

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    Have you ever wondered who was entering your base/s this whole time? Or have you ever wanted to secure your entrances by making them enemy-proof by locking them with your Player ID? Well, this is exactly the right suggestion to read if you ever wanted that awesome stuff.

    Introducing the.. PLAYER DETECTORS! These babies have 3 important uses and they are some well-thought pieces of machinery if you ask me! Let's just dive straight into these three functionalities!

    1. The Player ID-Reader Mechanic!

    This mechanic built in the device can make it read the Player ID (or the players' uniqueness) of every single one of the people in-game that have stumbled into the thing. If you still haven't understood it's okay, it's a bit complicated. This mechanic can help you know who was entering your base/s and even if they are near you! However, the radius of the player-scanning is 16 blocks or so, so don't think it's gonna detect every entity that looks at the detector, it's limited. This mechanic can be very helpful if you want the truth of who was there and stuff.

    1. The Player ID-Lock Mechanic!

    This mechanic can make you lock/secure your entrances (doors etc.) with only a single click. Just get your detector and put it near the entrance of your choice so it could detect and see the difference of who's the owner/doorkeeper and who's the enemy that can't get in. So, if you got a very grievous and cruel player, don't let him in with this. You can also try to make your doors unbreakable (I don't know how) so no pro breaks in using his strong tools.

    1. The Player-Observer Mechanic!

    I know this title sounds synonymous with the Player ID-Reader but this is what I'll name it. So, whenever any player gets near such an object, the thing will activate and give a length of 16-redstone-dust power/signal, so this means you can activate some cool contraptions when somebody stumbles into this thing therefore it's like a pressure plate but barely noticeable.

    About the GUI

    The GUI that appears when the block is getting used by the owner of it is a little complex, so you might be a little careful using it. There will be three buttons in the GUI mentioning all of these mechanics we have just talked about and what gets pressed obviously will be the selected mode. Be aware that only one of the three can be used once or twice, so yeah.

    About the appearance

    The blocks main appearance is like of the observer but it has a different facial expression or something, I don't know. However, the block should be well-hid by camouflaging it or even adding another button in the GUI that makes it unnoticeable when used for the Player ID-Lock mechanic/mode so it avoids getting damaged by the enemies.

    What difference it could make for Minecraft

    I can see so much potential in this suggestion and I think that it will make the gameplay even better!

    Last Words

    I hope you enjoyed reading this suggestion I made. It took me some hours for me to complete by the way.. If you have any criticism and opinions about this thing I would love to read them in the comment section below, bye!! :3

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    Hear me out! Piercing and Multi shot should be able to be combined and here's why.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    The crossbow is cool and all, but realistically is obsolete when compared to the bow. This is due the lack of any power enchantment for the cross bow. In middle to late game you will most likely be using a Power V bow which one shots most mobs, where as the crossbow takes 3 shots for a kill no matter what. This is quite a shame as the crossbow is a really cool feature and should be used more. But instead of adding a power enchantment to the crossbow and making the bow obsolete a better idea would be to allow for the combination of Piercing and Multi shot as it will give the crossbow the unique functionality of clearing out large groups of mobs quickly with out being too OP as it will still take 3 shots for kills and many arrows will end up missing anyway. This would warrant the use of both bow and crossbow making the Minecraft playing experience more diverse and fun.

    Please up vote if you agree :)

    submitted by /u/Shadowalker124
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    Twinkling stars in the sky and constellations

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:49 PM PDT

    Irl stars twinkle, minecraft should have twinkling stars. Also should be of different faint pastel colours as well as white. Would be nice to make constellations in Minecraft and see twinkling stars. Why not post this to feedback site?

    Note that I was banned for plagiarism of bedrock feedback there, so I can't do it myself.

    This should also apply to Bedrock Edition.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Increase the durability of Gold equipment.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 11:37 PM PDT

    As simple as that. It's FRUSTRATING how useless gold has been in this game. The only reason I use them is to make tracks and golden apples.

    Make the durability slightly more than iron but less than diamond. The argument here made is that Gold is a very fragile material, but if that's true then why is Obsidian the hardest material in the game? In real life it shatters quicker than glass. Even diamond tools should shatter as it's very fragile irl.

    Gold already has the perk of being more enchantable? I guess. But it's utterly useless because of how bad the durability of it is.

    If the durability is increased players can have 2 options:

    If they want more durability and power, they can go for Diamond (but less enchantments)

    If they want a little less durable but a material which can have more and better enchantments they can go for Gold.

    A better alternative: Add 'hardened gold' which is obtained on heating gold ingots in a blast furnace. Using this material you can craft more durable hard gold equipment.

    submitted by /u/K4PT4IN_13
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    New Game Rule: Villager Trading Limits/Replenish True/False

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    To remove the tedious grind of converting effort to emeralds (currently one can acquire all of 32 emeralds in a single mine-craft day from a villager), I propose a new game rule that would be able to 'toggle' the trading limits/replenish frequency or similar.

    Specifically an 'infinite trade' would appeal to those that enjoy the '1 villager for this item', and an adjustable 'this many trades till locked' would appeal to those that wish for a similar trading plan/farm as previous experienced in Minecraft.

    Why a game rule, and not just "Spawn a custom villager/play in creative" - because game rules are set once, and apply for the rest of the game. It really brings my community out of the fun when we have to input a command to make the game as pleasant as it was before.

    submitted by /u/ExLibrisXVI
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    Let pillagers open houses doors

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    This is kinda of a personal thought, knowing not anyone might appreciate it, but I really liked the idea of pillagers opening up houses doors and hunting the villagers inside; it give a sense to the update itself and a sense of fear for loosing precious villagers whenever a raid occurs; the main thought that makes me love this feature is the fact that as pillager AI is now, villagers are still safe in their homes and, as long as an evoker doesn't show up, there will be no losses, no need or incentives to build and design a strategy plan, to build external walls and moats other than just, why not?, making this event just an excuse for fighting mobs and not for, as stated during minecon, creating defences for the village.

    This is, for me, the only variable that will make me love or not this update.

    So my suggestion is PLEASE, Mojang, make my effort to build the greatest wall around my 2 villagers worth their life and find a way for pillagers to open doors.

    submitted by /u/marchesetto
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    Setting an iron block alight with fire or pouring lava on it will make the block go red and emit a light level of 3

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    It happens to iron in real life. Plus, walking on it without the frost walker enchantment or walking and not sneaking on the block damages the player. Should also change to hot blockstate in the Nether. Using water on it stops the redness and light from it, making it safe to walk on again.

    It will not produce bubble columns however when in the heated state, so as not to make it too OP. Should any animal die on the iron block while its in the hot state will make it produce cooked versions of its raw foods, just like fire and lava, and will melt snow and ice, but the block will quickly revert back to its cooled state.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    A New Dimension Idea - Nefarious Extremities

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    So I'm not very good at these types of suggestions but I thought it would be a very cool dimension to explore. Something unique that creates unique challenges and battles never thought of.

    • This dimension would purely be filled with 32 different kinds of liquids. 16 colors and 16 various liquids that would help you get blocks. Not easily but worth the fight.
    • It would add 2 new mobs, have all the ocean mobs swimming in certain liquids, and it's sky color would be bright pink.
    • This dimension would have a few natural blocks.
      • These blocks would represent the end islands space and gaps except they would be flooded.
      • First Main block for the islands would be golden grass. A grass that stays golden all the time, even under water. Basically a very bright gold though, brighter than the grass path. This grass would also be able to be dyed a different color, a tint of 30% applied by placing it in the crafting table along with dye. It's dirt would stay the same brown color.
      • Second block: The new ore making worth exploring of course. It would be Aurora. It would look like an lapis lazuli ore except glow a bright glow. It would also have blocks to create an whole block, half slab, wall, etc. i;e useful for decorative block, reason to go find and get it.
      • Third Block: Aurora Block This block when crafted would dim the sky like rain does in a 10 block radius and add's a rainbow above it. That is all it would do. It would look like an aurora for the blocks decoration, hence it's name. Also would have it's decorative block counterparts
      • Fourth Block: The Nefarious Tree. A tree only found in this dimension that is pure gold, and I mean bright gold. Brighter than concrete gold. It would be able to be dyed other colors for new colored planks and logs. You place these trees in the crafting table along with one dye and to receive dyed plank or log. This tree will burn the player when touched. The planks will not.
      • Fifth block: A diamond crystalline. Also acts like a cocoon to a mob found in it as a secondary block, mob reads will be down the line. This would hang in the caves of the islands under this flooded dimension. This mob is in the very first mob description under mobs.
    • This dimension is flooded. Meaning no air gaps whatsoever. You would end up having a temporary air gap when arriving but soon to be flooded again. This would only work due to having different biomes of water now.
      • All 16 colored liquid waters which would be able to transport and move to a new dimension obviously. You would be able to swim in these liquids. These will not merge or do anything with other liquids. If game can handle it, possibly fade in regular not colored water. You can't create these with dyes. They are only found here. Due to being colored obviously normal fish and dolphins can't swim in this, it would be poisonous. You are very naughty person.
      • Molten Coal: A liquid of coal ore flowing smoothly but rather rapidly. You wouldn't be able to swim in it without taking damage and suffocating. If you attempt to move this liquid to the over-world, due to loss of heat it would become a block of coal. In the nether it would stay liquid. In the end, it would become stagnant, not moving. This liquid when touching other liquids will not merge or do anything.
      • Molten Iron: A liquid of iron ore flowing smoothly but rather slowly. You wouldn't be able to swim in it without taking damage and suffocating. If you attempt to move this liquid to the over-world, due to loss of heat it would become a block of iron. In the nether it would become solid iron block. In the end, it would become stagnant, not moving. This liquid when touching other liquids will not merge or do anything.
      • Molten Gold: A liquid of gold ore flowing rough like being whipped by air but rather slowly. You wouldn't be able to swim in it without taking damage and suffocating. If you attempt to move this liquid to the over-world, due to loss of heat it would become a block of gold. In the nether it would become solid iron gold. In the end, it would become stagnant, not moving. This liquid when touching other liquids will not merge or do anything.
      • Lava would be found here as well, be-careful where you swim. It will not generate near regular waters due to lag issues of forming together
      • Water would be found here as well.
      • Other liquids I'll leave up to you, but it could be copper, adamantium, steel, etc. Keep in mind this is dimension is very hot but also has wind. Also if you choose to add an molten hot metal you can add if it adds armor, or something. I am not good with armor or weapon suggestions. Or even an item, i;e the sole requested lightning rod could be made out of copper or steel found from this dimension.
    • Mobs
      • A insect similiar to silverfish but lives in a diamond cocoon. When that cocoon is broken it will attack the player. It does same damage as silverfish, and hoards as well.
      • A water mob that is fast, swims so fast you almost can't see it. It can move through all liquids due to it's incredible speed. Because it is fast it doesn't attack you. It eats fish found in water
      • A chicken that can live underwater. Basically a chicken variant for once
      • Guardians, drown, and elder guardians also can live here in the respective waters that is.
      • Drowned Creepers: A hybrid of drowned and creeper. keeps the stats, health and explosion of the creeper and can still harm players underwater. But only found here. But it would look similar to the drowned mob, with a different skin. And it wouldn't have the creepers legs anymore
      • Illusioner mob would be found here.
      • Maybe the voted mobs other than the winning phantom could be re-worked and live here. With their abilities and skills, could make it worth while to come here.
      • Insanity: A Creature of pure darkness that isn't visible to the player. It looks like a shadow when a player adds light. It can attack the player with a firebolt that is golden blue. It does 4 damage. It swims in molten gold liquid. It can also survive in the air. This creature could drop gold ingots. If you move this creature into the overworld, it becomes weak but useful. You can use it to absorb power from light but keep hostile mobs away. Though it needs molten gold to survive, so you would need to pool 4 lava buckets next the the molten gold in order for it to live in the overworld and with the molten gold vanishing into the block.
      • The Boss:
        • Royal Melting Red Dragon: It looks like a dragon made of pure molten gold but pure tinted red. It can attack you by biting you. It's loyal subjects are the illusioners. You would have thousands of these guys swarming him. This boss is not the boss you would not want to fight without maybe godmode activated. So don't go to 6666,6666,6666 in this dimension if you are not ready. On console it would be at 66,66,66 or etc. This Dragon will produce random red lightning strikes within the dimension. It would also make one of these [sounds.]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXA4x_uve3g) Lastly this dragon will give an egg that is like the dragon egg, except pure red. Mixing this egg with the enderdragon egg might create a new something special
      • Golden Dragon Pet: It would look like a dragon but with gold wings and phantom styled features. it would be created by placing the red dragon egg by the enderdragon egg. It is an very rare pet and only one would exist. it would allow that player to fly if you attach the elytra to it as it's saddle. You would be able to fly as long as you want anywhere until the elytra runs out. In order to get more of these mobs as the eggs are one and only, this dragon can reproduce by itself. It would be the first asexual mob in minecraft. For it's reproduction, you would have to do something challenging. Maybe killing it in a certain liquid will cause it to reproduce a new mob. Maybe take it to the end dimension and feed it an enderman. Up to you guys.
      • I'll add more when I think about it
    • Structures
      • It would have guardian structures found in the colored waters as well as normal waters. Guardians and Elder Guardians would be able to survive as they are fantasy mobs after all, so breathing in poison wouldn't hurt them.
      • A structure of pure black concrete and black bricks. Insanity mob would be found here.
    • Crafting certain blocks or creating weapons or armor would be up to you guys, as I'm not that good at it. Sorry.
    • NOTE: If you do not like this idea or dimension, I am sorry but I would love feedback not downvotes. I want to improve this suggestion. You can downvote all you want, it won't bother me but I'd much rather have comments what appeals and doesn't appeal to you. Thank you. Reason is someday I'd like to make this a mod if vanilla doesn't like the idea. As I know dimension suggestions are very controversial here and hence this note, thanks in advance.
    submitted by /u/SkylieTuff
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    The Twisted

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 03:47 AM PDT

    The Twisted is a dimension that does not obey normal laws. Gravity is strange, petrified trees hang on the ceiling , the inhabitants are mangled and twisted. Lava becomes safe like water. The dimension of Weird.

    Plants and fauna: The plants that inhabit the Twisted are an amalgamation of other plants in the Overworld and the real world. One is the Hunter. It is a small plant with a mouth. When threatened it will move. When attacked it will begin to relentlessly "hunt" the player. Another plant is the Shapeless. Its is just a normal plant but when trampled on it will twist and turn and tangle the player. If they don't attack the Shapeless. They will proceed to take damage and succumb to it. An animal of the Twisted is the Grower. An amalgamation of a dog and a tree. It can be tamed but you must fight the beast. If you fall, a tree will be planted where you died and your items will be stored. If you tame it with sticks, it will follow you and when you die it will plant that tree to store your items.

    Cities of the Cracked: The cities of the Cracked are huge towers stretched to the ceilings of the Twisted the people that live there are the Cracked. They were once humans like you and me. They stayed in the Twisted too long. Their bodies are missing chunks of skin and organs. They are too unstable to go to the Overworld now. If they do they will slowly rot away and die. You can trade with them, but you need to gain their trust. Bring slightly friendlier Cracked certain items and they will spread the word that you are a traveler of the dimension. A special ore known as Aformantium is highly valued in the Twisted as an energy source.

    Firearms: In the Twisted their technology is advanced a lot more than the Overworld. They can use Flintlock weapons. They are quite inaccurate but when it hits. IT HITS. Wiping out zombies, skeletons and creepers with ease. They also have a long reload so get to a mid range before engaging.

    Mobs: A human that wasn't so lucky is called the Inverted. It's a screeching pile of flesh and bone.the screeching are in reverse. Giving It it's name. It will start crawling towards you. What happens when an Enderman enters the Twisted? You get the Twistedman If you look in its general direction, it immediately begins to teleport uncontrollably. If you don't deal with it quickly, your life will be over quick.

    Terrain: The terrain of the Twisted has things that don't obey gravity like the grass. You can walk up the walls and even go upside down! Just don't jump.

    When travelling through the Twisted use extreme caution. Many things can kill you and damage you.

    submitted by /u/Battlepassnow
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    [Console] Custom skins please

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    We need custom skins in Console editions of BE. Transferring a PNG to the unit we should be able to import it like PE and Win10.

    submitted by /u/clarkmar
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    Enemy Pirates

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:32 PM PDT

    Something I think that would enhance the ocean even more than how it is now would be enemy pirate ships. Not only would this enhance the somewhat lacking mob/enemies currently available in the ocean, it would provide a chance to get loot at the sea, and make it more interesting. Imagine you're at sea, and you see a big ship in the distance. You and the other ship shoot crossbows at each other for a bit, and then you jump over, and loot the boat. This would make the oceans way more engaging to be in. Maybe even after you take over the ship, you can ride it back to your house/dock and customize it to how you want.

    submitted by /u/ethanenwrong
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    Wall and fence changes

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    Short and simple. If there are no solid blocks underneath fence and wall tiles, they should flip horizontally and make a beam.

    submitted by /u/LemonsAreFroonts
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    Chicken Jockeys Shouldn't Dismount In The Water

    Posted: 25 Apr 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    Chickens swim around just fine and baby zombies aren't that big. It would be cool if they stayed on in the water.

    This was inspired by a weird encounter I had this afternoon with a baby drowned with a trident and a conch shell who was swimming around next to his chicken. Obviously there is a chicken and the egg issue with drowned jockeys, but since the game seems to have code for drowned jockeys they should stay on their mount, and from that, game logic suggests that all chicken jockeys should stay on since they are the same size as a baby drowned. This would, in practice, mean that unless you shot his mount out from under him baby zombies wouldn't drown which begs the chicken and the egg question of just where do baby drowned chicken jockeys come from if the chicken keeps it afloat, but that kind of logic is above my pay grade (or, you know, he caught it and got on after drowning.)

    It probably should work for skeleton traps that happen in the water too. The skeletons shouldn't automatically dismount in the water, just sink along with their horse.

    Optionally, but possibly cooler, each zombie variant could have a corresponding chicken variant. The pigman chicken could be redish and fireproof. The drowned one could ride it both on and below the water. The regular one could ride it on the water. The husk one I'm not sure about. Any ideas?

    (Let me know if you like just the basic idea or if you like the minor chicken variant powers)

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Nacoran
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    Dark Elves

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    This suggestion is from my son. When you dig down to bedrock, you should sometimes find a city of dark elves. It should be like a village, but the dark elves should have purple and green houses. They should trade magic items with you and should use potions when they fight with you.

    submitted by /u/jww1066
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