• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Lasagn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelisted}{1.13.2}{16+}{Weekly Events}

    Minecraft Servers Lasagn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelisted}{1.13.2}{16+}{Weekly Events}

    Lasagn [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelisted}{1.13.2}{16+}{Weekly Events}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 10:19 AM PDT


    Lasagn is a whitelisted, semi-vanilla SMP server established June 8, 2018. Our friendly and welcoming community focuses on having fun playing the game with others and constructing big projects together. You'll always find something interesting to do--whether its participating in weekly events, joining a town, helping with a community build or stocking your shop in the shopping mall! We recently reset the map in December 2018 and we won't reset again until the community calls for it.

    We like the atmosphere to be a laid-back, low stress, fun environment. If you enjoying hanging out, joking around and having fun playing Minecraft, this server is perfect for you. We typically have 25-50 people online at any given time and host fun events each week! Our server is vanilla with a few plugins to help with moderation, and we always welcome feedback and ideas about how we can improve the server.

    Server Settings: Hard Mode Survival, 1.13.2, Vanilla (Our server will be updating to 1.14 once all our plugins have been updated! We will also be expanding the soft border at that time.)

    What We Offer:

    • Soft Border - You will be able to explore to your heart's content, but everything outside the 5K soft border may be deleted for future content.
    • Semi-Vanilla - This server is running Spigot and we have only added plugins that have NO effect on the vanilla feel. This means no TPA, land protecting or any plugins that alter vanilla mechanics.
    • Dedicated Server - This server is hosted by a reliable hosting company, meaning that we should have 100% up-time and multiple servers on our box for a creative server, etc.
    • Other Features - Including a dynmap, datapacks, and many more.
    • Whitelisted - Filtered out griefers and trolls.
    • Tight-Knit Community - We aren't like those servers that accept you and never talk to you again. We love the community on the server and are very welcoming to new people!
    • Weekly Server Events - Each week we host fun events ranging from UHC to brand-new games!
    • Community Builds - Including a shopping mall, campground, farms and more.


    1. Respect one another and don't ruin others' experience. If you have any problems with a player, contact staff.
    2. Don't grief. Innocent pranks are fine, but destruction of property and non-consensual PVP are not. If you break it, you fix it.
    3. Don't steal. If the chest isn't marked free, or you don't have explicit permission from the owner, don't take from it.
    4. The answer to the last question on the application is "Penguin" :)
    5. No game-changing mods. Things like JourneyMap, BetterVillagerTrading and most QOL mods are fine, but anything that'll give you an unfair advantage (X-ray, PVP hacks, etc.) server-side is not allowed.

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game and want to become a part of our community. We are currently accepting ages 16+, but also expect a high level of maturity from everyone. To apply, simply join our Discord and click the application prompt.


    Administrators: Hilltest, Omgtrees, Jun

    Moderators: Bevan, Blewburries, PurpleValkyrie, MadisonFaye, Faelia, Aoriis, Taramisu, Bacterias, Lazykiwi, Nkkolai, Eggsplant, JPFreeski

    IP: mc.lasagnmc.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/v5Psken

    Dynmap: http://mc.lasagnmc.com:1337/

    Specs for the Curious:

    CPU - Intel (R) Xeon (R) E3-1270 CPU v6 @ 3.80GHz Cores : 8 Cache : 8192KB

    RAM - 32 GB

    Disks - Softraid 2 x 2000 GB

    Network Connection - 1 Gbps

    If you have any further questions, check us out on the discord!

    submitted by /u/MadisonFayeMC
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    SwanCraft [SMP] {1.13.2} {Survival} {Community Focus} {Movie Events} {No Grief} {Monthly Events} {Collectible Series}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 11:57 PM PDT

    🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹 ──── What Makes Us, Us ────🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹

    In a world full of soulless Minecraft Networks and "one-size-fits-all" hub servers, SwanCraft aims to give you something different: a place to call home. Our close-knit community is ready to welcome you into our family!

    Check the comments for testimonials from our players!

    🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹 ──── Basic Server Info ────🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹

    • Name: SwanCraft
    • IP: play.swancraftmc.com
    • Version: 1.13.2
    • Website: SwanCraft
    • Discord: Use /discord in game for a link.

    🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹 ────Features────🔹⬥🔶⬥🔹

    ➖Map Info➖

    Map Size

    Overworld: 70k x 70k

    Nether: 30k x 30k

    The End: 30k x 30k

    ➖"Semi" Vanilla➖

    We aim to keep gameplay itself as vanilla as possible, while providing access to some commands that make Minecraft life a little less mundane. For example, we have /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn.

    ➖Grief Prevention➖

    We utilize a plugin that allows you to claim your land and only give access to people that you trust! This prevents griefing and raiding, which gives you peace of mind and gives staff more free time to plan features and events!


    Our ranking system is determined by how many votes you accumulate for the server. There are 7 voting sites, so you can gain as many as 7 votes per 24 hours. As you rank higher, you gain access to additional features and some custom named items! Some additional features include /workbench, /nick, /enderchest, and kits. We also have 6 donator ranks that offer a broad range of added perks without being pay-to-win.

    Donation Store


    For every vote that you cast, you receive one SwanCrate Key. These may be used at spawn to open the SwanCrate. There are numerous rewards available in the crate. It is a gamble though! Sometimes you may win amazing prizes, other times...not so much. :P But that's the luck of the game! We also have a Donation Crate that has higher chances of getting OP items and heads with no "gag" items at all.

    ➖Community Feel➖

    We want everyone to enjoy their time on SwanCraft. We try to promote a friendly environment free from toxic energies. Players are encouraged to voice any suggestions or concerns they may have for the community.


    More than one event will be held monthly. Ideally, we like to hold events at different times of day to try to cover all of the time zones. Although sometimes that isn't possible, we certainly do try our best! Events Typically Include:

    • Falling Crate Keys
    • Map Art Contests
    • Movie Nights
    • Build Contests
    • Art Contests


    Fellowship Rules

    Be respectful to your fellow players and staff members.
    Do not instigate fights.
    Respect the decisions and requests of staff.
    We strive to be a friendly community, incessant trolls and troublemakers will be dealt with accordingly.
    Basically, don't be a jerk.

    Chat Rules

    Harassment, racism, and sexism will not be tolerated.
    Do not spam.
    No excessive swearing. (To be defined on a case by case basis by staff.)
    Do not beg for items or ranks.
    Do not impersonate staff or other players.
    English only in main chat.

    No Griefing or Raiding

    Griefing is defined as altering someone else's build without permission or killing their mobs without permission.
    Raiding is defined as stealing from chests that are not yours.
    Do not claim someone else's base.
    "Abandoned" buildings are off-limits.
    If it isn't yours and you don't have permission to build there, don't touch it.
    Do not build within 150 blocks of another player without permission.

    No Hacking or Cheating

    Do not use alt accounts to give yourself extra event rewards, vote rewards, etc.
    Do not use a mod that gives you an unfair advantage.
    These mods include, but are not limited to: x-ray, fly, speed, kill aura, jesus, tracers, Schematica, etc.

    Lag & Entities

    Max entities per chunk: 30
    Entities include: mobs, item frames, paintings, boats, carts, and armor stands.

    Tile Entity Limits

    Max tile entities per loaded area: 2000
    Tile entities include: Hoppers, Droppers, Signs, Banners, Chests/Shulkers, Furnaces, Brewing Stands, Beacons, and Heads.

    Mob Farms & Redstone

    Overworld Pigmen Farms: No more than 30 max size portals.
    Iron Phoenixes and Iron Titans are not allowed.
    Farms cannot have constant light, water, or piston updates.
    Rotating lights (lighthouses) are not allowed.
    Constant clocks in general are not allowed.
    AFK Fish farms are not allowed.


    AFKing is allowed, so long as you are not causing lag. If you are unsure, please ask an admin before building an AFK farm.


    Do not advertise the IP or name of another server on our services.
    Do not attempt to poach players or staff.
    No soliciting.

    PvP Guidelines

    PvP is on, but don't be a jerk about it.
    No tp killing.No spam killing.
    If someone doesn't want to PvP, then don't fight them.
    If you PvP someone, you must return them to their items.

    We are a community that is here to stay!

    🔸⬥🔷⬥🔸────Current Staff────🔸⬥🔷⬥🔸

    Staff work tirelessly to give you the best Minecraft experience possible!

    Owner > Siuan
    Admins > ObbyDobby, JustAnts
    Developers > tWizT3d_dreaMr
    Senior Mods > Josephany, Nepwey, Olnessa
    Moderators > zbobzack
    Builder/Helper > SorryItsEllery
    Helpers > vixxstarlight, GrimmTaryn, Yoyoplex, KittyTier

    submitted by /u/SwanCraft
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    RoastedToast [SMP] {Survival} {RPG} {custom-recipes} {bosses} {wands}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    <━━> 𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭𝓣𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽 <━━>

    What makes us so different from other servers?

    Admit it, normal Minecraft can be pretty boring sometimes. So that's why we made custom-recipes, bosses, new mobs and craftable wands! Feel free to join!

    What kind of server are we?

    We are a survival server with a bit of a RPG styled experience. There is a warp to the boss battle arena where you can fight the Zombie King and The Skeleton King. Both king's have rare drops! As I mentioned we made Custom-recipes like: Emerald armor and Tools, Herobrine armor and tools and much more! And besides that we also have a active and social community! Come take a look!

    <━━> 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 <━━>

    <━━> 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 <━━>

    • Zombie Rank - € 2
    • Skeleton Rank - € 5
    • Creeper Rank - € 10
    • Vindicator Rank - € 15

    More information about our ranks can be found on our buycraft website: http://roastedtoasts.buycraft.net/buy/2tXjq


    No swearing and racism!

    Swearing is allowed but not directly towards someone. And of course racism is absolutely NOT allowed!

    Be respectfull!

    Don't bully or make a shame of someone no-one likes bullies.

    Don't grief!

    Griefing is NOT allowed on our server since it is a survival/rpg server. Not a factions server, but just a normal survival server. This also means that you can't set a home on someones claimed land without permission. We really hate people that grief. Griefing means --> insta ban!

    Don't advertise without permission!

    Don't go spamming your insta account or minecraft server in chat. If you want to advertise something you can just ask us. Just don't go spamming around in chat or our discord!

    Kill system:

    Killing is allowed when agreed upon on!

    Don't ask staff for items or staff!

    If you want to be staff you can just visit our website(or e-mail us) and make a staff appeal. Don't ask owners or other staff for ranks!

    No scamming!

    Don't scam, make fair trades. And if someone does scam you please report it to a staff member.

    Speak English

    Our server is a English server with an English speaking community. So don't start chatting in Spanish or French!


    • Owners: TWBoom, TiagoYOLOBOY and BeestSiebren
    • Admins: Elitewatermeloen
    • Builders: robinisvis12 and TigerCrafter7
    submitted by /u/RoastedToastserver
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    Cryptic Factions [Modded] [Pvp] {Pvp Focused} {Guns}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    How to play:

    Download the technic launcher

    Once you have technic installed Search Cryptic Factions, OR paste this link in the search bar of technic


    Then open up your game and click official server.

    [Discord] For more information join the official discord [https://discord.gg/S5hNfPe]

    About Cryptic Factions

    Cryptic Is a modpack meant to be played on the official server

    Cryptic is pvp focused with guns and a rather lite modpack, there are 4 Structures on the map kown as mines that are required for getting resources.

    Kill, sell and buy, build and destroy, Play your way.

    Rules: 1: No mods allowed that would give you an advantage over others.

    2:No Spamming, Self promotion, or Advertising.

    3:No public arguements, Take it to dms.

    4:No racism, sexism, sexually explicit or otherwise offensive content.

    Features: Duels: Players will be able to challenge another player to a duel with kits with guns that are tested and fun to use.

    Mines: There are 4 hand made structures around the map that are known as mines you can go to with buildings and areas with ore that reset once per hour.

    Vehicles: We have vehicles ranging from tanks to airplanes.

    Crates: Custom crates with different tiers that can drop things such as Vehicles, Medkits, Higher tier crate keys, Ranks, and Commands.

    Supply Drops: We have a custom supply drop plugin that will drop a supply drop at one of the 4 mines every 1-2 hours with goodies inside.

    Events: Every once in awhile we will provide a fun event for the players.

    Shop: You can sell materials you have gathered from the mines for money and use that money to buy guns and materials you will need for defending your base and raiding others.

    Factions/w Faction top

    Version: 1.7.10

    submitted by /u/FirstWarzone
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    KrumbledMC [SMP] [PvE] [PvP] {Greylist} {Economy} {Dynmap} {1.13.2} {Mature} {Casual} {18+} {Adult} {Lockette} {ChestShop} {Vanilla World} {Creative World} {SkyBlock} {Mining World} {Multi-World}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:17 AM PDT


    KrumbledMC was created back in February 2015 by 2 experienced Owners and opened to the public, by the following April. We have players from very diverse backgrounds and countries.


    We are an adult only server, offering a unique player experience, serving people who are 18 and older. We have a large map with lots of room to build. We utilize anti-griefing plugins along with a variety of other plugins to make the game fun and your builds safe. The plugins we have aren't meant to take the challenge out of the game, but to add a whole new dynamic to your gaming experience on our server.   To make things more fun, we have a Vanilla map for those who enjoy minecraft in it's purest form with no plugins. We also have a City Map where you can enjoy building your favorite high-rises and such using creative.  



    • Applying for Membership


    You must apply on the forums.  


    See you soon! :)

    submitted by /u/krumbledmc
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    Kingdoms of the Earth 1.14 [Vanilla] [PvE] [PvP] {Custom Datapack} {Discord} {Dynamic Cities} {Warp Relays} {3 years in Development!} {No More Map Resets!} {Mature}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 08:57 PM PDT

    Server IP: mc.homiecraft.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8RwBBYw

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HomieCraft

    Kingdoms of the Earth

    (This servers features only use Vanilla in-game commands that have been developed over 3 years!)

    Welcome to Kingdoms of the Earth 1.14! If you dislike servers that allow grief but you still like the idea of impermanence, PvP, and the rise and fall of civilizations, then this server is for you!

    We have created a unique balanced system, using in-game commands, called Dynamic Cities. This allows players to craft a City Core and start their own City; which greatly reduces the capabilities of griefers!

    Level up your City by growing it's population to extend its reach, provide boosts to your citizens, and unlock unique Roles for your population!

    Cities will actively defend against hostile players by attacking them and reducing their ability to grief builds, even if no one is online! They will also alert all citizens that are online if there is a Hostile in the area!

    Once your City is high enough Level, you can form a Kingdom, which unlocks Team Chat and allows Citizens to respawn at the City if they die without a bed! You can also flag other Cities in the world as Hostile or Allied!

    The world is fairly large and will grow bigger slowly over time. Since there is no tpa, we have also designed a system called Warp Relays! This allows players to build simple, yet expensive, structures in the world that link together and allow teleportation between 2 points!


    • SET YOUR BED PROPERLY IN A SAFE LOCATION TO SET YOUR RESPAWN (proper placement means you must have no blocks next to the bed).
    • PvP and griefing is a thing. However, it is discouraged to do it against your own Kingdom. City Leaders and the Cities themselves have the power to flag other players as Hostile, which is a massive reduction in griefing capability!
    • Admins will not tp you anywhere. Use the Warp Relays feature to tp.
    • The world map is 7.5k+ x 7.5k+. Not too big and not too small. It grows slowly over time in size!
    • Players wanting to play with friends will need to actually coordinate with their friend to meet up at a location.


    1. Be respectful.
    2. No mods or hacks.
    3. Have fun!

    Server IP: mc.homiecraft.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8RwBBYw

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HomieCraft

    submitted by /u/I3ladeDragon
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    ShadowRift [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.13.2} {15+}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Hello all, thought I'd make a post seeing as I have this minecraft server collecting dust and it needs new players.

    Shadowrift is an old server of mine (multiple attempts) but for this one all you need to do is join the discord


    And follow the rules. PM either in the discord or under this post your minecraft usernames and I will add you to the server.


    Swearing IS allowed.

    No Griefing

    No Hacking

    No Stealing

    Don't be a jerk

    Don't be toxic

    Everything I say goes, so if I don't like you because your toxic or break a rule you will get 2 chances, after those it's a ban with no hope to return.

    The server will be updated to 1.14 either today or tomorrow whenever I can find time.

    The map will not reset unless everything achievable is done or its voted to be reset by a 70% majority.

    Also, quick side note I will probably not update this post except when I update the server to 1.14 so you will get all updates in the discord, (I strongly advise you to join)

    Thanks for reading,


    submitted by /u/stormblade282
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    Builders Tools [Anarchy] {1.12.2} {No Protection}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 08:11 AM PDT


    Builders & Tools is a brand new Minecraft anarchy server in the likeness of 2b2t. A huge world that will NEVER be reset with NO rules and NO protections. Hack, Lie, Steal, Anything goes. The server was created on 4/19/19 and we have a nice community already starting to form. Donations are optional and help pay for the server bill, but no in game advantages are offered, more info about donating in our discord.

    Links & Contact

    Server IP: btcraft.mc-dns.com

    Owner: apex#1968

    Discord: https://discord.gg/N2Cx9tV

    submitted by /u/Netherhermit
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    Straight Up Survival [SMP][PvP] {No Protection}{1.13.2}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    **About Straight Up Survival**

    *Straight Up Survival or SUS has been operating since 2012.*

    *Our current map was started September 8th 2018 (Season 7)*

    We created the server after some of our favorite servers closed and we were unable to find the same game style. We are a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. We allow raids, PVP, and griefing. On Straight Up Survival you cannot protect/claim land or chests so your best protection from raids/grief is to build far out in our borderless world. Straight Up Survival is a somewhat anarchy style server with some limited moderation. Play your way on SUS. Grief and raid, hide and collect, design and construct, enchant and pvp, it's up to you.



    1. No hacks or clients.

    2. Do not evade a ban in any way.

    3. Adhere to the Admin's directions.



    Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Our most active time of day is around 4 PM ^(CST) \- 11 PM ^(CST). The majority of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use type "/ignore <player>" for anyone that bothers you.

    We have an active Discord server for Straight Up Survival. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. [INVITE LINK](https://discord.gg/JJgzTt8) You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account.



    *Administrators (4)*: Mawcks, Wasted\_Ticks, Zerek, Azelofa

    *Moderators (0)*: ^(Currently NONE)

    [No Staff Nonsense Environment](https://i.imgur.com/nss2sDD.jpg)

    *IP*: [straightupsurvival.net](https://straightupsurvival.net)

    *Version*: 1.13.2

    *Difficulty*: Hard

    *Jar*: PaperSpigot


    *^(Don't forget to upvote : ))*


    **Server Features**

    * *Teleportation* \- You are able to teleport to a few warps ^(/warp, /warp <warp>), spawn ^(/spawn), a private home location set by you ^(/sethome, /home), and other players if they accept ^(/tpa <player>). You will teleport with anything that you're riding on or in. E.g. a horse or a boat.

    * *World* \- The world generation is default vanilla. There is no world border.

    * *The End* \- The End resets every 20 days. The reset occurs at 8 PM ^(CST). This makes the end a very poor choice for a base location.

    * *Ender Chests* \- Ender Chests are uncraftable and unusable. We've done this to make raids more profitable.

    * *Clans* \- Players are able to create clans with other players. A shared clan home location (separate from your private home location) can be set for clan members to teleport to. You can also chat privately to clan members by using the command /. <message>.

    * *Spawners* \- All players are able to collect spawners my mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.

    * *Beds* \- On SUS, beds have no effect on your respawn location or home location. The night will pass exponentially as the percentage of sleeping players increases.

    * *Events/Mini games* \- From time to time we provide fun games or events to the players. These do not affect the survival world inventories.

    * *Discord* \- As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and the center of our community. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.


    *If you have any questions please comment below or contact us through discord* [*INVITE LINK*](https://discord.gg/JJgzTt8)*.*

    submitted by /u/StraightUpSurvival
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    24CarrotCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Greylist}{16+}{1.13.2}{High-Scores}{Weekly Events}{3 Years Running}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Server Information

    • Server Address/IP: mc.24carrotcraft.com

    • Server Locale: East Coast (Canada)

    • Game Play Type: Semi-Vanilla Survival Hard Difficulty

    • Version: 1.13.2

    Server Rules

    We only have a few rules here that apply server-wide. Follow them and you will not be banned.

    1.Respect public and private builds, spaces and boundaries

    • No griefing, no altering of other player's builds without consent. Respect builds and boundaries of spawn, nether hub and public tunnels.
    • Repair damage caused by mobs
    • No PvP unless agreed upon

    2.Do not cheat

    • Don't try to get ahead of other players by cheating. No X-RAY, duping, flying, etc. Some mods for enhancing gameplay are allowed, ask staff about them.

    3.Do not steal

    • Don't take anything from other players without permission. All chests are private unless marked otherwise. Be sure to pay for what you buy!

    About us

    We are a community that has been playing Minecraft together for just over 3 years at this point. We like to keep our server a friendly and welcoming place. Our staff is passionate about the game, dedicated to the community and will work hard to ensure we are around for years to come. We will have someone available to help you around the clock no matter how big or small your problem is and they will help you in a mature, professional manner.

    • 24CarrotCraft Season 1 started December 15 2015.

    • 24CarrotCraft Season 2 started December 15, 2016.

    • 24CarrotCraft Season 3 started August 12, 2017.

    • 24CarrotCraft Season 4 started September 1, 2018

    We will not have another reset until either no one is still playing on the map or we are forced to because of another update that changes biomes.

    We strive for an experience as close to Vanilla Survival as Minecraft will allow in multi-player. All installed plugins serve an administrative purpose. No plugins have been installed in order to limit or enhance gameplay. We use Coreprotect and Prism for logging block and chest transactions, this will help guard you against unwanted theft and griefing.

    The average age on the server is around 21. We usually have about 30 members online at any given time but have peaked as high as 135. Our server runs a greylist so feel free to drop in and check us out. There is no pressure at all, spend as much time as you'd like looking around and chatting with the community. If you decide you would like to become a member of our community just fill out an application: here.


    Server Specs

    • i7-7700k OC 4c/8t - 4.7 GHz/5.00 GHz

    • 64GB DDR4 2400 MHz

    • SoftRaid 2x450GB nvme

    Our Server Team

    • Admins: Aeskdar, Etzelia, YMCA

    • Senior Mods: Coreagen, ubiq, Vakky

    • Mods: zinnerzPT, ZeroHD, JBurd67, Doot_YEET, LifeSponge, PrincessNorthern, ShyannMaye, kac21, U_N_

    • Hype Squad: AwDaviZ, __DZ, Purevega, Nostson, Sir_Derpycakeman

    submitted by /u/24CC-Official
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    Merchant Villages [PVE] {Unlimited Land} {Land claim} {No Griefing} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Address: mc.merchantvillages.com:25665

    Friendly Players, Small Community, Mature Staff, No Griefing

    Have you had enough of childish drama, disrespectful players and rude staff ruining your Minecraft Experience? If so your long search for a fun Minecraft server is over.

    Welcome to Merchant Villages! :-)

    What makes us different?

    We strive to be the server you've been looking for with a fun, friendly and mature environment. MV is well established having been online since January of 2013. We have a strong economy originally based off the NPC trades created by Mojang with EssentialsEco, Chestshop, Shopkeepers, Auctions and other plugins to make trading with other players easy and fun!

    What else do we have to offer?

    • No plot limits. Your region will expand as you build.
    • Everything protected - No griefing, everything logged
    • Four home sets and more as you rank
    • Combat cooldown removed
    • Random tp; No starting in overpopulated areas
    • 50% more diamonds in the ground.
    • Fall damage off - Creeper and ghast block damage off
    • Craftbook which includes pipes, wireless redstone, and much more
    • Creative plot world
    • Minigames including parkour, spleef, hunger games and more!
    • Friendly rules including (1) Respect other players, (2) No offensive language, (3) no hacks, and of course (4) No griefing.

    So come join the Merchant Villages family for the most fun-filled Minecraft experience available!


    submitted by /u/FatherWh0
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    Pixelmon Evolution [Modded] {Factions} {1.12.2}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 11:25 PM PDT

    ♚ Pixelmon Evolution ♚

    ♚ Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-evolution-reforged.1417196

    ♚ IP:

    ♚ Website: Http://www.pixelmonevolution.com

    ♚ Discord: https://discord.gg/CPfzh6Q

    ♚ Versions: Minecraft 1.12.2 | Pixelmon Reforged 7.0.5

    ♚ Official Launch Events (27/4 - 28/4)♚


    ♚ Late Easter Celebration

    ♚ Celebi Questline

    ♚ Free Donator Ranks

    ♚ Free Legendaries

    ♚ Free Crate Keys

    ♚ Global x2 Shiny and Exp Boosters

    ♚ Server Features ♚

    ♚ 2x Pixelmon EXP

    ♚ Quests

    ♚ High Legendary & Shiny Spawn Rate

    ♚ Survival, Claim Blocks, Factions, Economy

    ♚ End-game Player Gyms

    ♚ Shiny Starters

    ♚ Amazing, Friendly Community and Staffs

    ♚ Vote Crates

    ♚ Battle Frontier

    ♚ Rules ♚

    ♚ Be Respectful

    ♚ Have Fun!

    submitted by /u/Fayth_97
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    GShack [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{Growing Fast}{Latest Versions}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 06:08 PM PDT

    Hey, thanks for considering playing with us. We're a growing community only a week old and we have over 30 active players who get on almost every day. We are always looking for more people to add to our amazing community. Keep in mind, we have plugins. Things that are for mere convenience. We aren't going all out. We want to get as close to the vanilla feel as possible without anything in the way. We're going to remain on the latest versions. Keep in mind, we're all about working with one another to do amazing things. Please continue filling out the application, and hope to play with you soon.

    Server Rules: 1. No hacking/cheating 2. No stealing 3. No griefing 4. No pvp unless mutually agreed upon 5. No disrespect to others 6. Just use common sense in everything you do.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to add Gokor#1430 on discord and talk. For more information or to join our discord/apply, check out our website - https://thegshack.weebly.com


    submitted by /u/Gokor
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    The Empire of the Divine - FTB: Interactions[Modded][PVE]{1.12.2}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 05:17 PM PDT


    I have a small dedicated FTB: Interactions server I am looking to expand with a few mature like-minded individuals who just love the game and want to build cool, beautiful things.

    Rules are simple, no racism/bigotry/sexism. No griefing/stealing. Lets just try and keep it fun.

    Chunk Claims/Loading are enabled with FTB Utilities, and currently their are no banned items.

    Feel free to join us in discord as well!

    WARNING: Occassionally you time out on first load in. Server runs fine, just reconnect and you'll be fine. :)


    Link to pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/ftb-interactions

    Current Version: 1.2.1

    We have added a few mods to the pack.

    • DecoCraft 2.6.2
    • PTRLib 1.0.4

    This is to give players an extra opportunity to decorate their base.


    Any questions feel free to join us in discord (You get extra claims and a rank just for joining) this allows us to communicate better with our community!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/TFbY7uS

    #minecraft_general_chat is the channel name you want

    We really hope to see you all in-game!

    submitted by /u/omegapsychosis
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    Borealis Networks [Modded] [PVP] {Discord} {Earth} {1.7.10}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    Hello! I am the owner of a recently opened Minecraft 1.7.10 forge server. We use a 1:1500 scale replica of Earth, complete with ore generation, village generation, etc. You spawn on Greenland with supplies and a boat, and it's your duty to sail off into the ocean to colonize the planet! We're sort of a mix between survival and factions, factions being an option. We also have a discord where you can get modpack and server information. We'd love it if you joined. :)

    Discord: https://discord.gg/whXXBKE

    Rules: No spamming chat. No building in Greenland. (Spawn Area)

    That's pretty much it. The other server rules like "no nuking" aren't so much as server rules as they are U.N. rules. (United Nations) Go wild if you want. :)

    submitted by /u/A_J_A_X
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    Old School Minecraft: BoxPVP [Anarchy][Vanilla]{Old School}{Beta 1.5_01}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    BoxPVP: Old School Minecraft

    BoxPVP is a Minecraft server with no rules that has been running for a couple months now. We are completely vanilla. The only twist is that the server version has gone back in time 8 years. Today's date for the server is currently April 26th, 2011. The server version will update according to the Java Edition Version History. This means that we are currently on Beta 1.5_01, and that we will update to Beta 1.6 on May 26th.

    Server IP: boxpvp.tk

    Join our Discord to find out which version we are currently on, to get important updates, and to chat with everyone.

    Here's a video I made on how to switch to a beta version.

    submitted by /u/thexinabox
    [link] [comments]

    Moonlight SMP [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    Hi! Thank you for considering to join our server! We started two weeks ago, some of use are well established but the spawn island still has plenty to be done! We run a few un-gamechanging datapacks, for example Armor Stand Editing. We'd like to keep the server 16+ but exceptions can be made. If accepted I will DM you a link to our discord server where you can find the IP. To get accepted faster you can just join our discord and post your application there. https://discord.gg/kBGfb8


    1. No duplications with some exceptions, those being rails and carpet.
    2. Be nice to all members
    3. Keep drama to DMs
    4. The only allowed mods are Optifine, any Minimap, and JEI
    5. No Xray texture packs/modded or hacked clients.

    - The application is pretty simple. I am no longer accepting 3-7 word answers. There is an example of a great application below the application format. It REALLY helps acceptance if you post screenshots of your builds.

    Age :

    IGN :

    Discord name and # :Favorite thing to do in-game :

    How active will you be :

    Pictures of past builds (Optional but preferred):

    Youtube/Twitch (Optional) :

    - From this point on (4/19/19) We will only be accepting applications of this quality, this is one of our members PRlNS

    Age 19


    Discord Prins#(#s excluded)

    Favorite thing to do in-game : This one is hard, I can't specify a single action I enjoy playing the most. Both adventuring and automation come to my mind at first when asked, but the more thought I give to this question the more I realize that the biggest thing I actually enjoy in-game is interacting with a community. Thus, my favorite thing to do in-game is play integrated with others.

    Activity : As of right now, I will be able to be very active. At least 3 hours a day, more on weekends.

    Pictures of past builds[/b]Unfortunately forgot to back them up as I was performing a system format.Twitchtwitch.tv/PRlNS

    submitted by /u/DraxxisMC
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    NeatoBuilds [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 05:27 PM PDT

    Server IP: mc.neatobuilds.com

    Website: http://neatobuilds.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/EH8wJyy

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neatobuilds/

    Welcome Everyone

    We have been running strong since 2015 with a simple motto, play as if you were on single player, but with friends. What this means to us is you have the freedom to play and build wherever and as large as you want.
    The way we keep it fresh is by changing the world spawn point every year so new players can find new areas easier and old players can keep on building.


    ExNihilo: This is our main server which consists of three survival worlds.

    1. Amplified hard survival with keep items on death, since 2015

    2. Vanilla hard survival with drop items on death, since 2016

    3. Vanilla hard survival with drop items on death, since 1.13 update


    Laetus (Realistic); Once you have mastered survival and feel like you need a bit of a challenge then come here. We have created a survival world with custom world generation and filled it with plugins that make you need to sleep, find medicine, build with support or blocks will fall, water has physics, and be careful in caves.


    Valhalla: Creative, new world and we are still building the spawn area so come and help us create and decide how we should run this world.

    It can be confusing on first join, but once you pick a world that you like and a spot you want to build then its really easy to continue.

    Players decide how things should be changed, spawn towns are created by players.

    We keep things simple, no crazy plugins, no overwhelming rules, no pay to win. We do have a patreon but we do not give any in game bonuses for supporting the server. Players who play on the server and are able to can help keep the server running for as little as 1 dollar a month, completely optional.

    Plugins Each server has some plugins to help deal with griefers, we can roll back any damage made by specific players without bringing down the server, our survival server uses essentials so we can set up protected player run shops, and we use DiscordSRV to be able to link our in game chat with our discord.


    1. Don't build too close to someone else, 500 blocks distance preferred

    2. Do not steal, do not grief, PVP only with consent

    3. No over exploitative builds, please ask a mod before building something you think is an exploit

    submitted by /u/NeatoBuilds
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    VentusMC [PVP] {Factions} {McMMO} {USA} {1.8-1.12.2}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    VentusMC. A new and unique factions server with dedicated hosting meaning that the pesky lag you experience from other servers will never follow you here. In fact, there is enough power to keep players completely immersed in their gameplay with no lag for hours. Furthermore, security is taken very seriously, anti-cheat and DDoS protection are always running, ensuring that your fun will never be spoiled by cheaters. The staff are very dedicated to their roles and ensure that the game is fair and fun so that you enjoy yourself, taking care of everything so that you don't have to! Critical and common faction plugins and add-ons, such as: mcmmo, silk touch, spawners economy and plenty more meaning that you won't just spawn in an unknown world with unfamiliar plugins, you can easily get started and enjoy yourself without the unnecessary suffering via research. We will be starting faction top prizes soon so if you enjoy free stuff this is a great place for you.

    IP: VentusMC.com


    The following are the rules that we require all members on this server to follow. The rules are quite simple to grasp and if not followed, will result in a mute, kick or possibly even a ban from this server. We ask that all members should read this page before proceeding any further as this may prevent any future accidental rule breakage.

    1. Pornography or other inappropriate content such as gore gifs/pictures are not tolerated in any member's signature/avatar/post/coverphoto/background, and is not to appear on any other part of the server. We try to keep things to a low level so that users of all ages can communicate.
    2. No spamming. Spamming will get you muted for a long period of time or even permanently because frankly it's just very annoying.
    3. No advertising. This includes any: links, invites, server IPs and more. This is to ensure that all channels are kept to their purpose.
    4. Racism and homophobic behaviour will not be tolerated.
    5. Assisting banned members in any way will not be tolerated - they were banned for a reason!
    6. Demotion or ban reports with fake/untrue information will lead to a severe punishment.
    7. Defamation of fellow members or staff will not be tolerated and will lead to a warning.
    submitted by /u/mblade1
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    Vexius Survival [SMP]{Towny}{Custom Bosses}{1.13.2 Aqua}{Rankup System}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 04:23 PM PDT

    Welcome to Vexius!

    Teamwork isn't just practiced at Vexius - its perfected. We make each day great, together. We create an exciting gaming atmosphere with a culture focused on fun and community.

    → McMMO (new)

    → Quests

    → Custom Bosses

    → Grief prevention

    → PvP

    → Towns

    → Balanced Economy

    → Jobs

    → Dedicated OVH server

    → Anti: Cheat | X-ray | Bot system!

    → Griefing and stealing allowed in unclaimed areas!

    Server IP: vexius.org

    Webiste: https://www.vexius.org/

    Forum: https://www.vexius.org/forum/


    Complete ruleset can be found (Here)

    A few of them:

    → Griefing/stealing allowed in unclaimed areas

    → No spamming, excessive caps etc.

    → No modded clients (like x-ray)

    See our awesome trailer (Here)

    Best regards


    submitted by /u/VexiusNetwork
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    The Fun of Crafting! [SMP] {Discord}

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    Server IP: tfoc.mooo.com
    Discord: https://discord.gg/wYkbJf5

    The Fun of Crafting is an re-opening of an old server. Here, we are a friendly survival community that doesn't allow griefing. We have plugins such movecraft, slime fun, jobs, and more! We have very diverse ways in which you can play. We have faction wars, airship wars, and a pvp arena. TFoC has plenty of opportunities to rank up due to being a new server! We are looking for new staff and community members to join today!

    submitted by /u/xXTFOCXx
    [link] [comments]


