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    Minecraft Auto-Jump should be off by default

    Minecraft Auto-Jump should be off by default

    Auto-Jump should be off by default

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    The auto jump option should be off everytime you change between versions (Should also be off by default)

    submitted by /u/Nombredeus
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    A Wolf Buff

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 03:33 AM PDT

    Wolves kinda suck. Yeah, they're cute, but you can't fight any mobs when they're with you, because they try to help and just... Die.

    So I think wolves should be changed. I think that wolves should resemble wolves more in the wild. They should be larger, travel in actual packs, and be grey. When you get near them, they may growl, and attack if you get too near. They would do more damage and have more health than original wolves, and considering that they would travel in large packs, unless you were prepared with a speed potion, or a way to defend yourself, you'd be pretty screwed.

    However, because these wolves would be so powerful, taming them should be harder. You'd have to gain their trust over a few days, and visit them every day to give them raw meats. They would stay in the same space near a cave or other spot. Eventually, one of them, a weaker one, would end up liking you, and that's where it starts. It would follow you more and more every time you came to visit, until it follows you full time. Then, this weaker wolf opens a gateway to befriending the entire pack. You gradually make friends with the weaker end of the pack until you befriend the beast at the top. By this point, you have many wolves with you, all able to fight for you, and do what you command.

    However, what if you want a cute dog like before?

    That's covered too. There could be something like "appreciation points". Every time you stroke your wolf, they love you more, of course. You can reward a good fight with a pat, which would restore a little bit of health. A few pats per day won't turn your dog into a domestic dog, but excessively stroking them and feeding them lots and lots, and not letting them fight, will eventually turn them into an original dog. They will now run away from fights, instead of attacking what you attack, reducing the deaths of cute dogs.

    I think that's about it for what I've thought of.

    submitted by /u/Rezza2020
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    Villager Who Sells Redstone Componants

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    Given the difficulty we now have with iron farming, and how challenging it would be to make the farms more efficient without breaking the way villages work now, I think an interesting solution would be to add a new villager (perhaps called the "tinkerer" or something similar) who buys redstone dust and/or slime balls and sells redstone componants such as competitors, repeaters, and most importantly, hoppers. Really the only reason iron farms are so critical is because we need hoppers for most redstone contraptions and they cost too much iron for us to just mine it, but if we were to have another source of hoppers, the nerfed iron farms could actually be sufficient again, and I think the new profession could be a really interesting addition to the villages. No idea what his workstation would be, and I imagine most of his trades would have to be expensive for balancing purposes, but to me, it feels like it could be a good solution.

    submitted by /u/ViridiusGaming
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    Undead mobs aren’t slowed by soul sand

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 09:48 PM PDT

    Regular septimam memores (remember rule seven). This is a simple suggestion for today. It makes sense to me, because the undead are related to souls (and hence wouldn't be "dragged down"). It also makes soul sand an actual threat. Right now people are looking for Nether update stuff, and I think this fits the bill.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Middle Mouse Clicking an item in Survival while the Crafting Recipe Book Interface is open will show you what crafting recipes contain that item

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 12:58 AM PDT

    This will give the middle mouse a function in survival and should make crafting items easier instead of going through multiple pages and tabs.

    submitted by /u/JJFreshMemes
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    Armour skin layer

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    A new layer of the skin that is shown when wearing armour, on top of that armour.

    This way, players can customize how their armour looks. Perhaps add some trimming or such, or a neat little crown. As it is right now, players' skins are almost completely hidden under armour, which is usually worn all the time.

    There should be a way to prevent players from completely disguising their armour to appear as a different armour. (E.g. pretending you're wearing iron when you're wearing diamond.) Maybe there's a limit to the number of pixels that can be used for the armour skin layer. Any more, and Minecraft won't accept the armour skin layer. Maybe a third of the total pixels.

    submitted by /u/CallMeAdam2
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    There should be a crafting recipe section for things you can craft using things you can craft

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    With some items, the smaller craftable items used to craft them are things that I wouldn't normally craft without knowing that they are used in the crafting recipe that I want. Therefore, I think it is appropriate to have a section for those other items. This is useful because sometimes you craft things only because you want to craft something else with it and you have to look up the crafting recipe on the internet because you don't have it unlocked.

    submitted by /u/comicalben
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    My suggestion added?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    1.14 just came out, and it was my first time playing on it, when I stumbled on an unemployed villager and tried to trade with it.

    3 months ago I had posted a suggestion saying the nitwits should shake their heads if clicked, but now it's a feature.

    Was wondering if anyone could explain what could have happened, because I checked the feedback site and could not find a copy of my suggestion.

    Here's the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/af2na3/make_the_nitwits_green_villagers_shake_their_head/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    submitted by /u/bibizu
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    Better Potion localization

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    • It isn't currently possible to localize long potions separately from the potions that they're crafted from. i.e. a long swiftness and swiftness II potion's display names are the same as the swiftness potion. You can't give them separate names.

    • Custom lingering potions make uncraftable arrows rather than correctly transferring the modified nbt data from the lingering potion to the arrows. These can't be localized with the lang file or through a custom crafting recipe.

    submitted by /u/xkforce
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    Tree leaves and log metadata

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    A change in how log, leaf, and sapling metadata works. Logs and leaves by default should share a value in their data that connects them with each other. This means that if you chop an oak tree, while really close to a birch tree, the oak leaves will not stay connected to the birch tree. This would be the average player's new experience with trees.

    Also, presumably using data packs, a person could connect a retextured log, leaf, and sapling, creating a new type of tree. Perhaps with different tree shapes as well.

    submitted by /u/SaneGhoul
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    Enchanting Book Update

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 11:21 AM PDT

    Enchanting books could use an update. Yes, they're useful, as they allow us to add other enchants to tools and armour, but what about the enchants on them we can't use? Say you have a sword, and your enchanting book (that you found in a stronghold, let's say) has Knockback and Feather Falling on it, but putting it on your sword removes the Feather Falling. How about we change the way that works, so if you use an enchanting book, it only removes the enchantments that you use, leaving the others still on the book, in a similar way to how the loom works. Going back to the previous example, with my idea added, if you were to put that enchanting book on the sword, it would only add Knockback to the sword, giving you back a Feather Falling book. It could also be added that if you use all the enchants on a book, you are given back a blank book, as it would just wipe the enchant from the book rather than deleting the book entirely. The only downside to this would be you wouldn't be able to decide what enchantments you want to put onto the tool, unless they add a menu where you can decide what enchantments you want on your tools and what ones you want to keep on your enchanting book.

    submitted by /u/Jaythecat
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    A spider boss

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    A Spider Boss that lives in the Dirt zone in the mineshafts, she drops cobwebs and spits something like acid , the drops could be the normal things that a spider drops and drops with atributements like i said up there or a new enchantmen "acid" that you can put it in your sword and it makes the mobs bleeds , like fire aspect but without the fire , and this make that the enchantment will affect the nether mobs , since fire aspect dont affect them

    submitted by /u/Nombredeus
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    There should be flower seeds

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    It is kinda infuriating to have to go semi-adventuring to find flowers for dyes. There should be flower seeds so we can re-grow flowers. Maybe breaking a flower should give us a seed for that type of flower?

    submitted by /u/ZakiFC
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    Option to host a server in our own pc

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    An option to host a server in our computers and being able to invite people from around the world , without need something else like Hamachi , server jar , or something else , just an option that says : "Open world" then you put the name and that is all (I know that there is the server jar , but i mean an easier way , just "Open world" or "Host world" like bedrock , but for Java♥)

    And NOT , i am not talking about a Realm , realms are hosted by mojang , i am talking to let US host the server, like hamachi and the Server.jar but easier

    submitted by /u/Nombredeus
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    Pillager outposts need to spawn at least 1000 blocks away from villages

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    They're so awkwardly close the villages right now, it looks goofy. It would look better if they were farther away.

    submitted by /u/FedoraTipper15
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    Sticks Should Make Wood (Useful In Desert Spawns!)

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    The desert is very scarce in everything, especially wood. If you spawn in the middle of a desert then your doomed as there is no wood around making crafting impossible.

    There are dead bushes though, which do drop sticks. So I think that putting 4 sticks in a crafting table should make one oak wood. This can actually make it possible to start in a desert. This can also make stick accidents with wood semi-fixable.

    (The reason I chose oak wood is because it's found in basically every biome)

    Anyway that was just my idea. Please let me know if you dislike it or have a suggestion as it is much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    How to make ocelots not useless: Helping out in the water.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Ocelots are pretty useless now so here is an idea: Make them tameable again however they keep the generic skin.

    Ocelots in real life are good swimmers and don't dislike water unlike domesticated cats. I think it would be interesting if this ability could be featured in Minecraft as ocelots could swim fast in the water and hunt fish which they will hold in their mouths and give back to the player. Maybe they could jump off boats when they see fish and then be able to teleport back if they get too far?

    submitted by /u/Welsh-Matt
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    Perpetually flowing water/River Currents

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Before you think "why should we add infinitely flowing water" it isn't that.

    What I'm suggesting is a new state of water which keeps flowing in one direction without needing a source block. Always flows.

    This could be used for example, in rivers! The current Minecraft rivers are very still, and more of a line of water than an actual river. This could also be useful for transport.

    tl;dr river currents and such.

    submitted by /u/Khitrish_mapping42
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    The End Walls- a new and exiting land formation

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    The End is composed of a main island with many outlying ones separated by a gulf of emptiness. This structure explains this by proposing that the main island at one time fell from the sky and formed a "crater" in the emptiness.

    The End Walls are huge boundaries of the emptiness between the main island and the far end. It is on the edge of the far end islands and looks like big floating slanted mountains(second image, but floating, snowless, end stone, and with a higher angle). It is made of end stone but occasionally has some purpur blocks, end stone blocks or other blocks found in End cities. As these are strange wastelands, there are no chorus trees or chests, but rarely shulker boxes symbolizing shulkers killed in the blast.

    submitted by /u/AllTheThings0of
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    Ocelot Overhaul

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 01:24 AM PDT

    With 1.14 here, ocelots got completely replaced with stray cats. You could still make the ocelot trust you, but it wouldn't follow you around. So basically making the ocelot trust you have no purpose whatsoever.

    familiarity tag / AI

    Each ocelot has a tag that determines how familiar to the player they are. All wild ocelots have a familiarity of 0.

    familiarity 1---Completely wild. Hunts parrots and fishes for food. Would attack the player if they are not sneaking or standing still.

    familiarity 2---still attacks the player if they sprint or walk towards them. However, they would not attack a walking player if they are holding food.

    familiarity 3---Won't attack that player at all

    familiarity 4---Would follow the player but usually gets distracted by nearby fish or parrots, would still kill parrots.

    familiarity 5---Would not attack player-tamed parrots, would still kill and eat wild parrots

    familiarity 6---Completely tame. Follows the player around. Would sit, follow or wander by the player's command. Would attack creepers and other mobs that you attack. Sometimes bring the player "gifts", such as gunpowder (creeper innards), fish, and feathers. Completely tamed ocelots would not un-trust the player, like any other tamed mob.

    Taming Ocelots

    To tame an ocelot, you would need to, as mentioned above, increase their familiarity with you.

    There are two ways of gaining trust from an ocelot:

    feeding fish: This is pretty straightforward, feeding an ocelot would have a 10% chance of gaining 1 trust. Not the best way of gaining trust but fish really aren't hard to come across, especially in 1.13 when you can use swords to hunt them.

    Breeding: You can only breed ocelots that already have a familiarity of 3. Breeding a pair of ocelots would produce a baby with +2 familiarity of their lowest parent. Both the parents have a 30% chance of +1 familiarity

    There are also ways to make ocelots untrust you (these don't apply to familiarity 6 ocelots):

    Hitting---Hitting an ocelot would cause that ocelots and any other ocelots nearby to -1 point of familiarity

    Killing---killing an ocelot around other ocelots would make them -2 points of familiarity

    Extra Notes/Balance notes

    1. there would be a cooldown to when you can feed an ocelot fish to gain trust. This prevents the player from taming an ocelot in 3 seconds. Of course, the cooldown would be short 1-3 minutes
    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    You should be able to place two chests on mules, but if you do so you can’t place a saddle on it

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    Pretty self-explanatory, this would make traveling with a lot of stuff easier

    submitted by /u/Eineg_Htims_Lliw
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    Allow Java Edition players to use Bonemeal on Sugar Cane

    Posted: 26 Apr 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    I play on both Java and Win 10 edition. Made a cool auto Sugar Cane farm on Win 10 edition a while back which used bonemeal from a skele spawner to rapidly grow sugar cane, which was then chopped down by a piston.

    Having started on a realm on the Java edition, I found and made a skele spawner. I had loads of excess bones and thought I would recreate this auto farm. So I built everything, put the bonemeal into the dispenser (powered by a rapid redstone pulse) and nothing happened. The bonemeal wouldn't grow the sugar cane.

    Upon further research, it appears while using bone meal on sugar cane on the Win 10 edition is possible, it is not possible on the Java edition.

    I don't quite understand why there is a difference between the two versions and would like this to be addressed.

    Note: The last post I saw on this topic was 4 months ago so wanted to resurface this.

    submitted by /u/James_McNic
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    Elemental special equipment items similar to elytra

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    This is something that could be implemented one special piece of equipment for each element type such as air, water, fire and earth, air already has the elytra which allows flight.

    But other pieces of equipment can be a ancient divers helmet, magma pants and boost boots (names work in progress)

    These items are not craft-able but can be found in special places

    The Ancient Divers helmet is found in the ocean monument giving the player another reason to clear it out. it has the durability of iron armour and defence of gold with the ability to breath underwater and see better. the design looks like old divers helmet and the view inside is limiting like pumpkins.

    Magma pants are found in neather strong holds but are a rare find they grant fire resistance and the ability to swim in lava. they have the durability of iron and the defence of gold, they look similar to neather brick mixed with magma blocks

    Boost boots are found in stronghold chest with a rare chance to spawn they are boots that grant speed boost it has the durability of iron and the defence of gold, they look like gold boots but have wings sticking out of the side.

    All of these items have some special type of elemental speciality

    submitted by /u/Tom-o-tron
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