• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers ToastCraft [PvP] {1.13.2} {Survival} {ChestShop} {GriefPrevention}{SilkSpawners} {No Resets}

    Minecraft Servers ToastCraft [PvP] {1.13.2} {Survival} {ChestShop} {GriefPrevention}{SilkSpawners} {No Resets}

    ToastCraft [PvP] {1.13.2} {Survival} {ChestShop} {GriefPrevention}{SilkSpawners} {No Resets}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    Welcome to the best thing since sliced bread.

    PVP / PVE survival server - do not accept teleport requests from strangers!

    Grief prevention

    Silk touch spawners

    Mob egg drops

    PVP player head drops



    "Safe" Spawn Region

    • Custom terrain? (we f'd up, but we like it so it's staying)

    • Website: http://www.toastmc.net/

    • Server Address: PLAY.TOASTMC.NET

    • Discord Link: https://discord.gg/VRHGCJH

    • IRC link: #ToastCraft on irc.esper.net (for you old school people)


    1. No griefing.

    2. No spamming.

    3. No cheating or exploits.

    4. Do not impede staff.

    5. Chat is pretty lenient and you may say most things. In the case of harassment or personal attacks, it is strongly encouraged to use /ignore, mute, block, etc. Please ping a mod or admin if you need further assistance.

    Join our discord or visit our website for more info.

    submitted by /u/CrescentBread
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    GeoCraftica is a geopolitical sandbox server for Minecraft. Form your own town, join a nation and conquer earth!


    discord: https://discord.gg/QgstJrc

    Geocraftica is a geopolitical sandbox server with a custom made earth map. This guide will get you started on your adventure. join our Discord server and open the server world map in your browser. You can view other nations you want to join or take coordinates of the map to find a place you want to conquer


    -No bullying or racism

    -No Duping or taking advantage of in game glitches

    -No excessive farms

    -Do not intentionally deface spawn or other players bases. This is griefing and will result in a ban

    -Do not build within 400 blocks of spawn

    submitted by /u/LightYugen
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    Fusion [SMP]{1.12.2}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    Fusion is a not just any normal survival server. The server has been defined by the many things that make it unique and the close knitted community that supports it. I have put in a lot of time working on this server to make it as perfect as it can be!


    - Respect all players and staff
    - Don't spam chat or be obnoxious in Discord voice channels
    - No advertising
    - No griefing
    - No NSFW content in game chat
    - Don't build your base too close to someone else's. Try to be at least 150 blocks away from their claim

    - A nice beautiful spawn with many secrets to discover
    - Economy
    - Custom item and decorative head traders
    - Crates with cosmetics and other great items
    - Custom Enchants
    - Quests
    - Spawner Shop
    - Custom Mobs

    Server Information
    IP: Fusionmc.hosthorde.net
    Host Area: United States


    submitted by /u/TwoZeroTV
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    Simplistica [SMP] {Vanilla} {1.12.2} {Whitelisted}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    Simplistica is a vanilla survival multiplayer server where you can claim home. The server aims to gather a dedicated group of players who want a more "role-play" style server, minus all the plugins that ruin player to player interaction:

    This means all trade is to be done in person, and all travel is done on foot or animal. It places emphasis on real economy.

    It also encourages teamwork and community; towns and cities are very much so encouraged, just as long as you abide the (rather lenient) rules that apply server wide (exemption being in places in which the residents do deem "Lawless," for those towns and cities are free to have that chaos as long as they clean up and don't hack). Rules are on the Discord, along with the IP

    Please give a username in the general chat! Remember, it is whitelisted!

    Currently we have three player towns!

    Sorcia, a prosperous town, and also the first town

    Cortigo, a start up town of low population (and lots of space to live!). Coords are on the MOTD

    Waterfall Mountain, a town near Pumpkin Outpost that prefers peace in political aspects

    We also have three currently known about outposts (travel stops)!

    Pumpkin Outpost, first outpost and the one with the most shelter

    Mapork, personal home of lokimarkus with a large farm. Home of the Map Corps

    Pfarnol, an outpost that is miles away leading to an abandoned sanction.

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7hzGdxz

    IP: Simplistica.aternos.me

    The server isn't garunteed to be constantly on, however we are migrating soon! This means that the server will have more consistency. You can contact me on the Discord server if you want me to get it back online, if it is offline (My name is kind of messy to type, so for reference it is "Lokimarkus")

    We have currently 20ish regular players in total, out of 36 players joined. Hopefully you add to that!

    submitted by /u/lokimarkus
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    Skinhead [Vanilla] {1.14} {Whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Skinhead has been a server originally planned to be played between myself and a group of close friends. I chose to keep the server vanilla and I trust the people I have invited on to play to not disturb each other. Now after having the server open for about a month I feel like we should attempt to invite a couple more people to play with us and enjoy the small friendly environment we play in.

    Rules we follow:

    -No stealing or breaking others stuff

    -No farming trees or other sources right around another players establishment

    -Be sure to fix creeper explosions

    -No hacking of any kind

    -We only PVP when both players agree

    -Be nice to each other

    -Lots of joking around and profanity (18+)

    We all use TeamSpeak 3 as a communicator while playing, upon acceptance any player will be allowed to join as well.

    We are currently using a host and I have extended the slots to about 10 players, my hopes are not to blow this server up but to have a constant flow of active people on a smaller basis.

    If this seems like something you are interested in please proceed to fill out a white-list application.

    If you have additional questions feel free to private message me here on Reddit or comment on this post,

    I look forward to hearing from you guys!

    (Disclaimer) We are on 1.14 and we will continue to be, with that said there will be constant battles of lag until a hotfix is released, nothing we can do unfortunately.

    submitted by /u/ohril
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    The Atlas Project [PvP][SMP]{Nations}{Dungeons}{Quests}{Custom World}{Leaderboards}{Magic}{Lore}{Smelting}{Sieges}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:04 PM PDT

    Server Name: The Atlas Project

    Server Version: 1.13.2

    Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/Wwbg2ES_ssg

    Server Album: https://imgur.com/a/vjuMa

    Website: http://www.mc-atlas.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/FtSsDsf

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/atlasproject

    Server Address/IP: play.mc-atlas.com

    Rules: https://forums.mc-atlas.com/showthread.php?tid=207

    "So...you have arrived upon this world of Atlas? Sadly that means your old world is no more. And this new world you have washed up on has plunged into all-out war.

    You are not the first refugee to be saved from destruction by the Obelisk - and you will not be the last. For fifteen years, we have been the keepers of the Obelisk, the harbingers of lost souls like you. Some have integrated into our people. Others have struck out into the harsh and brutal world of Atlas to build empires of their own. Fewer yet have succeeded.

    But an evil force is gaining power in the world, threatening to undo the very fabric of reality itself. Centuries ago, the Arkayo nearly succeeded in summoning their brutal god of chaos into this world. And after all this time, hidden in exile, I fear they are close to summoning him once again.

    Grieve quickly for your old world, for there is little time. We have saved you from the brink of destruction, traveler… now it is you who must save us…"

    Atlas is an immersive MC experience like no other. A custom nation creation system, mixed with the rich backstory and quest progression of an MMORPG, make for a world that MC players of any style can enjoy!

    Players find themselves as refugees from their ruined worlds, arriving in the world of Atlas just in time to see the resurgence of a dangerous cult, thought to be eradicated long ago. Through exploration of the unique, hand-painted world, completing the hundreds of available quests across dozens of NPC towns, and even building their own nations to compete on the world stage, players must make choices that affect their gameplay and reputation throughout Atlas and craft their own unique legacy!

    Featuring a series of custom-made, never-before-seen plugins, players can do anything from discovering dozens of new ores and alloys through smelting, to training in robust schools of magic, to smuggling goods and sparking economic warfare. The possibilities are endless!

    Join Atlas today and craft your legacy! Adventure awaits...

    After a 4 month development period, Atlas is back and better than ever. And just today we have upgraded to much more powerful hardware! We've fixed the bugs and added some new awesome mechanics like leaderboards and town levels! Some awesome new skills like cartography, cooking, and agriculture. And even more the world itself has been brought into the future with fully rendered 1.13 oceans and a custom map! We have been live for a little over 2 weeks now and we are ready to bring in some more new players. So join us for an adventure on Atlas with an all new world to explore and conquer!

    Custom and Featured Mechanics

    • Found Nations and Towns

    • Large-scale Siege system

    • Unique Crafting Skills: Smelting, Tanning, and Brewing, Cooking and more!

    • Dynamic, fluctuating Economy

    • Magic and Spellcasting

    • Deep and Immersive Lore

    • Massive Dungeons

    • Hundreds of Quests

    • Legendary Items

    • 1.13.2

    Admins: Ajaxan (Wafflezman on Reddit), Iyoforeayo, Tyrriel, Wizardteepot

    submitted by /u/WafflezMan
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    TurtleSMP [Modded]{Enigmatica 2 Expert}{Whitelist}{Community/Discord}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:50 AM PDT

    Join the community of 30+ active players who are always welcoming and happy to lend a hand!

    We are looking for more like minded players who are respectful, friendly and are committed enough to play regularly for the foreseeable future! Completely free to join and get whitelisted, the community has been running since Vanilla 1.12 and is looking forward to a long future

    Join the community now to be there for the beginning of a new world!


    • 8GB Private server
    • New events, community projects and themes are regularly organised to keep the community strong and reduce burnout.
    • Community run in-game shops, games, projects
    • Pack changes every 6 months
    • Access to our main Vanilla server: https://www.reddit.com/r/mcservers/comments/a9c9du/turtlesmp/


    Simply no griefing or stealing, be mature and an active member of the server and community!

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/JJwmFQu

    Join our discord or comment below for more info!

    submitted by /u/TommyD_55
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    Broken Worlds [Modded]{1.12.2}{Roleplay}{Fantasy}{Events}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:28 AM PDT


    This is a role-playing server, not a survival one or a single-player one. You will be expected to work together, form communities and interact with others, not just wander off into the wilderness .

    Welcome to the Broken Worlds; a dedicated fantasy-inspired role-playing server whose community has stuck together for over 6 years! Over this time, we have changed maps as the main storylines come to a close, but are now focusing on a much more longer-term map!

    In the beginning, we were heavily inspired by Dwarf Fortress. As years have gone by, we have slowly drifted away from that, but our current world is much more DF-inspired than previous maps.

    We are a vanilla server, with a few plugins. Search for 'BWRP' on Technic and select the vanilla option.

    We have the SkillAPI plugin! Classes and professions are available, with a number of different skills. The system is still in progress, so some updates may happen.

    The World

    We have custom-written lore, put together by our team of Storytellers (our moderators) and Community Managers, custom-made maps and a rich backstory of both regions and individuals in this world. All of this lore is often put forward by the players, working it into their backstories of their characters.


    With a world crumbling to an end at his feet, Beor Fellhammer, First and Last Dwarven God of the Second Pantheon, cradles in his palm his cherished homeland.

    Reaching into the void, he brings Dwarves from the time of their deaths to him, in order to build a better future.

    Dwarves from all realms and times have found themselves waking up in a small, rudimentary chapel, dedicated to Beor. This chapel is, in turn, found within a larger Fortress; Rakust Dosîm.

    The world outside has been changed drastically. Surrounding the Fortress; a gigantic chasm pockmarked with caves, with a magma ocean stretching as far as the eye can see.

    Dwarves have settled into their new surroundings, building rooms, workshops and chambers to suit their needs. As the population grows and more questions arise, only time will tell what will be revealed.


    Fleeing the destruction of their realm, the Elves utilised a device that would float their city high up into the sky, far away from the dangers of the world below.

    However, the machine tore the city from the fabric of reality itself and now it floats in the abyss; an idyllic paradise surrounded by nothing.

    In the heart of this tiny island is a small portal that connects to the Dwarven realm. Travellers can come and go freely, but so can the horrors from the other side.


    During a recent expedition to the Kingsgrave Keep; a ruined Fortress in the caves, a small seed was discovered.

    Upon planting this seed, the Humans have started to appear.

    They have since made their home in the caverns. A new settlement; Petrichor, built overlooking the Elven territory in the realm and teeming with fungus and mushroom life.


    On this server, you will be playing a character. For this world, specifically, you will be playing a Dwarf, Elf or Human who has been displaced from their home (whether they remember that or not, is up to you).

    Think of a backstory, which can be as detailed as you want. Where does your character come from? What are their interests? How do they talk and act? Are they brave or cowardly? All these little nuances will add up to create a truly memorable character.

    You can be any profession you wish, from mechanically-based ones such as blacksmiths, farmers and alchemists, to more roleplay-based ones, such as scholars, explorers, cheesemakers, and many more. Our team of Storytellers and Community Moderators will do their best to allow each player to form their own stories and make their own experiences.

    How To Join

    • Join our Discord server, via the link on our Wiki.

    • Read our Rules.

    • Fill in our application available via Discord

    • Get whitelisted and play!

    submitted by /u/BrokenWorldsST
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    TurtleSMP [Vanilla][SMP]{Discord Community}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    Join the community of 30+ active players who are always welcoming and happy to lend a hand!

    We are looking for more like minded players who are respectful, friendly and are committed enough to play regularly for the foreseeable future! Completely free to join and get whitelisted, the community has been running since 1.12 and is looking forward to a long future


    • The 7GB server hosted by Cubedhost
    • No enderman, blaze and ghast griefing
    • One player sleep
    • Several Vanilla Tweaks datapacks
    • New events, community projects and themes are regularly organised to keep the community strong and reduce burnout.
    • Community run in-game shops, games, projects
    • Dynmap link: (offline until 1.14 update)
    • Additional access to our modded server (currently playing Enigmatica 2 Expert)


    Simply no griefing or stealing, be mature and an active member of the server and community!

    Screenshots of the server: https://imgur.com/a/vEZgYWl

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/JJwmFQu

    Join our discord or comment below for more info!

    submitted by /u/TommyD_55
    [link] [comments]

    Hemitite [Semi-Vanilla][SMP] {Discord}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    Hello! Welcome to Hemitite!

    We are simply a semi-vanilla SMP server that offers the best vanilla experience possible with minimal use of plugins. No Towny, no MCMMO, no bullshit. The plugins we do have are here to ensure your items are protected and to keep griefers at bay. Hemitite has a history spanning over 7 years, and after a brief hiatus, we have finally returned to providing players with a wholesome, pure Minecraft server. Our server has a history of keeping a close and friendly community with several active players and a dedicated staff team. We do everything we can to keep our players content with the server, while also minimizing our impact on the vanilla experience. Our staff team is smart and easily accessible, and our simple rules are swiftly and effectively enforced. If you are feeling nostalgic for a great Minecraft community of mature and friendly players, then look no further than Hemitite. Our map is still fresh, come join the community! We hope that you give our server a chance, and that your stay here is long and enjoyable!

    Here are some pictures of builds and towns on the server!

    Note: The server is currently at version 1.13.2. Once Spigot releases a full 1.14 version, we will update the server. The map border will also be expanded significantly once we update.

    No whitelist, come on in!


    These are the rules and guidelines for playing on our server. If you do not follow these rules, you will be swiftly and effectively banned.

    • Griefing: Don't do it. Don't grief, don't steal. This is not an anarchy server.
    • Be a good neighbor: Respect others, do not engage in PVP without consent, don't swear in excess.
    • Keep this server a welcoming environment for everyone.
    • Play fair: No client hacks or X-Ray of any kind, we'll know. (Minimaps and Optifine are A-OK)
    • Love the world: Avoid nature griefing, keep the world clean. (No floating trees)
    • Be mindful: Try to not build excessively laggy animal farms or circuits. Don't spam chat.
    • Think first: Use common sense. Don't disrupt another player's experience.


    Here are some helpful links to being involved with the Hemitite community. Our Discord is open for all interested players!

    Staff Team

    Our current staff are as follows:

    The Council: Lord_Lonk, RadioactivFly, BaronWaqa

    Moderators: TheGrandSand, ishan1099, Planties, eemeze

    submitted by /u/NinjaPlatupus
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    Hyperserver [SMP] {Land Claim} {Chest Locks} {Laissez-faire} {economy} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Hyperserver is a brand new server dedicated to the grind and art of minecraft. We focus on vanilla gameplay but with modifications to enhance multiplayer interactions, all are completely optional. Primary enhancements: land claiming and auto-economic system. Rules are minimal and anyone can build in un-claimed regions by default, no need to apply. Details below:

    Game Address: mc.hyperserver.us

    ---> Features:

    • Land claiming: Up to 2 regions each 800 blocks, for all players.
    • Emerald economy
    • Chest Shops
    • Hard Difficulty Survival
    • Auto-chest locking, doors can be locked too
    • Very active staff and cheat / harassment monitoring

    ---> Rules

    • No client mods / hacking
    • No harassing other players
    • No asking for items / perms / staff
    • No advertising

    ---> More Info

    Hyperserver runs on a privately owned dedicated servers. This is a long term project with no end in sight. We are very active and responsive to suggestions and requests. Thank you for considering and hope you enjoy! :)

    Game Address: mc.hyperserver.us

    submitted by /u/theother42
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    Unity [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.13.2} {Whitelist} {Discord} {18+}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 04:55 PM PDT

    The Unity Server is only a month old and looking for more active players! We're a long-term focused server, so we would like to see people working towards larger projects and dedicating a fair amount of game time to the community in the form of community builds and farms.

    As mentioned, we are roughly a week old, but we DO already have some farms built suchs as a iron farm at spawn, a hostile mob farm, and a guardian farm.

    DISCLAIMER: We are looking for ACTIVE PLAYERS. We are a casual server, but we are consistently online and interacting with each other both in discord and on the server.


    1. Respect other player's builds and personal property, generally just don't be a dick
    2. We're hoping to keep people close to spawn, so in and around the 200-1000 block radius from spawn is strongly suggested for a base.
    3. You have agreed to become part of a server, so make sure you are willing to participate and work with others.
    4. No building in spawn.
    5. As this is a community based server...be friendly! Reach out to other players if you need help with something, and pitch in if you see another player who could use help. Ultimately, we are hoping this server concept will allow for incredible builds and an especially enjoyable player experience.

    Application (To be submitted on Discord)

    • Username:
    • Age:
    • Location (General is fine):
    • Why you'd like to join the Unity Server:
    • How often do you play? And for how long?
    • What is your playstyle? (Redstone, Builder, Technical, Survival):
    • Have you read the rules of the server?:

    The world is new and our current player base is very friendly, so don't worry about being behind. Trying to build a tight community so don't be shy to join, we'd love to have you!

    Send a PM to me to be added to our Discord!!

    submitted by /u/drummer8x8
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    Chill MC [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Discord}{1.14}{Whitelist}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 11:39 PM PDT

    Hello, and welcome to Chill MC!

    We are a brand new community looking to explore the new 1.14 content together! Chill MC has a simple yet epic approach that I think we're all gonna love. It includes sticking to the roots of Minecraft's Vanilla just like the good ol' days!

    How does chilling on Discord with a bunch of cool dudes/gals while playing Minecraft sound? Pretty chill, right? We agree.

    Here are the rules:

    • Do not Grief.
    • Do not Steal
    • Do not PVP without consent.
    • Do not exploit in any shape or form.
    • Do not Cheat/Hack.
    • Do not maliciously cause bugs/errors.
    • Be friendly =)

    They seem fair, don't they? No restrictions, just enforcing the basics of common sense.

    If you're interested in tagging along and becoming part of/making this community you will need to apply via our Discord. You're gonna wanna join anyways, it's awesome. We got our own Music Bot, DJ Events and everything.

    You can join here, this is where the fun begins: https://discord.gg/uu67DD3

    submitted by /u/R3CONIK
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    UnrulyCraft [Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! My friends and I have created a new semi-vanilla Minecraft server, it has been online for three weeks,The server is located in Canada and is Running Buckket 1.13.2

    Here are some screenshots of the server: https://imgur.com/a/GJmy9f7

    The server is a whitelisted server, that is running several plugins to help people with several aspects of the game

    -/home command so players can TP back to a base quickly-/spawn command so players can return to spawn quickly-Land Claims Players can claim areas of land that would prevent other players from opening chests, destroying chests or building in that area. Land Claims are created easy with golden Shovels.- Economy Plugin, we will have a market up very soon where you can buy materials using gold.- Ender Dragon drops elytra

    We would love to have you on board!

    About us: we have about 25 active members, of which 19 are on just about every day. We have people from all over the place on here

    Rules:- Don't be a dick,- Follow rules posted by mods- Must Be Able to use discord

    We currently have a very active roster, of about 25 people.. just last night 9 of us were on.

    Apply Via Discord

    submitted by /u/ZeroSugars
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    SwitchMC [Semi-Vanilla] [PVE] {1.13} {GriefPrevention}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    Server IP: Play.SwitchMC.Net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/scKYWGd

    Hi Everyone.

    Let me tell you about SwitchMC and my goal.

    SwitchMC is a open for all PvE server, with an emphasis on building relationships between players. My goal with SwitchMC is to focus on the people that play on my server.

    Curent Server Rules

    No PvP and Griefing, No Raiding, No Advertising, Don't ask for Handouts, Respect Everyone, Keep it friendly and clean in global chat, Build 100 Blocks away from players, and 200 Blocks from towns, Keep swearing between private messages, Destroy your 1 block towers and your bridges please!

    I want SwitchMC to be a fun, no-grief, and no-PvP server that everyone can enjoy. We don't have any crazy special features, nor do we have any special incentives to entice players to join. However, I would love for people to come and play with their friends. Hopefully, if you quit sometime, and want to come back to playing Minecraft in a year or two, SwitchMC will still be up and running. :)

    With that being said, let me tell you about my plans for SwitchMC.

    100% Transparency As I am developing, testing, and playing on SwitchMC, I want to publicly share the things I improve on, or ideas that players have. This includes advertising strategies, new plugins, updating the server, and more. This will be shared through a Trello Board + our discord server.

    Uptime I've had my fair share of joining servers and investing a lot of time into them. However, many of them have shut down due to Owners selling them off, lack of time, or money. As a working adult, I'm looking to keep SwitchMC up for a very long time. This means that I can financially support myself, as well as pay for server expenses.

    We're a bit rough around the edges, but we would still love for you and your friends to join our small and humble server.

    Let us know if you have any questions!

    IP: Play.SwitchMC.Net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/scKYWGd

    submitted by /u/MineSwitch
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    Beyond Vanilla Season 2 [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelisted}{1.14}{18+}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 02:02 PM PDT


    Beyond Vanilla is a whitelisted, semi-vanilla SMP server established January 2019. We started off strong, built a community, shops, some rad bases, and all around had a good time.

    As 1.14 grew closer, activity on the server faded out a bit, but now that it's been released, we've decided to reset the world with a new map and make some new friends!

    Server Settings:

    • Server: Dedicated

    • Ram: 4GB

    • Host: Server.pro

    • Difficulty: Normal

    • 1.14

    • World Border: 6,000 Blocks


    • CoreProtect

    • Multi Player Sleep


    • Dragon Drops Elytra

    • More Mob Heads

    • AFK Display

    • Anti-Enderman Grief

    • Double Shulker Shells


    1. Be Respectful of other Players
    2. No Griefing. Pranks are fine as long as they're not destructive. If you break it, you fix it.
    3. No stealing, no looting player placed chests, even if they're unmarked.
    4. No client-side mods that give you an edge over other players (X-Ray, PVP hacks, etc)
    5. No item duping, except for specific projects. I.E. TNT duping to remove massive amounts of blocks for a farm. (OK it with Mods first)

    Interested in Joining?

    We're looking for players who enjoy playing the game with other people, building with other people, and fostering a good community. We're currently accepting ages 18+, but expect a high level of maturity from everyone.

    To apply, message me directly, and I'll put you in touch with one of our Mods/Staff.

    If you have any other questions, respond in this thread or send me a DM.

    We're looking forward to playing with you!

    submitted by /u/rocky_tiger
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    PotatozCraftMODDED [Modded]{Forge}{MrCrayFishMods}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    Hello, I have created a modded server full of fun mods (will add more)

    Some mods include:
    MrCrayFish Mod Collection
    Pam's Harvest Craft
    Dynamic Lighting
    Dynamic Weather
    Dynamic Surroundings

    /!\Must Have This Exact Forge Version: Forge 1.12.2 (!\
    Modpack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uFMGsJOciinSAmfqSAvhz8lKO5ltA8yg/view?usp=sharing

    Server IP: PotatozCraft.aternos.me


    1. No Hacking/Exploiting
    2. Try Not To Grief Too Much
    3. Have Fun!

    Note: If I do not have the correct permissions to use the mods in this server, then please contact me through [wyattagumdev@gmail.com](mailto:wyattagumdev@gmail.com)

    submitted by /u/wyattagum
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    Butterfrog Empire - Zeal [SMP] [PvP] [PvE] [Modded] {Dynmap} {discord} {North America} {EU} {no resets}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    Server IP:

    Discord and Dynmap found at: discord.gg/HqanKZK

    NO whitelist! All you need to do is download the modpack at https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/butterfrog/files to join! You can also search "butterfrog" in the Twitch app.


    Some of the fun things you can do with the mods on this server:

    Tame and ride dragons Become a wizard Morph into mobs Control a colony, and wage wars
    Fly to space, planets, and build a station Build, and drive a car Travel to alternate dimensions Search for buried treasure
    Play musical instruments Claim some land, and build in a town Build a zoo, and tame animals Make a portal gun


    • No more overpowered people playing survival! The player experience is designed to keep mostly vanilla building functionality, with lots of modded exploration options. Mods are not designed to make players overpowered. You need to face difficult challenges to improve your abilities.


    • No more paying to win! This server does not have pay to win mechanics. Every new player starts with the ability to claim a few chunks of land. No annoying votifier, and no special paid items.


    • No more lag! The server is hosted on a fast internet connection with Shockbyte servers. This means nearly 24/7 uptime. The server is located in Northern USA/eastern Canada. This means ping times of less than 60ms for most of the USA, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, UK, and Ireland. The rest of the EU has below 80ms ping times. If you're doubtful, you can check out your ping based on your location here


    • No lengthy whitelist interview and wait times! Visit the server Discord at discord.gg/HqanKZK to review server guidelines, the current mod list! Simply paste the discord address into the "add server" tab, and you should have access. Admins respond fast. All players are welcome! You just need the server modpack.


    • No server resets! When there are new minecraft updates, the server owner simply trims the map edges (the places where nobody has built), which allows new content to spawn, and your builds and items stay intact!


    • We're a community who appreciates creative minds. You can see some examples of what is built on the server here. On the server, you can find fan-made works from Chrono Trigger, to ancient wonders such as the Lighthouse of Alexandria.



    This is a modded PvE/PvP minecraft server running on 1.12.2. Notable mods include: FTB Utilities, Galacticraft, Minecolonies, Twilight Forest, The Betweenlands, Thaumcraft, Ice and Fire, Immersive engineering, Dimensional Doors, ultimate car mod, chisel, and many more. Download the modpack, and you can join today!


    Server rules are listed on the Discord, and below:

    1. Be respectful. Follow the golden rule. This includes using respectful language. Chat spamming, racist, and sexist language are considered disrespectful. The default server language is English.

    2. Do not deface player builds, or take what is not yours. No griefing. Ask permission before you build right next to another player. If you are unsure about something, ask in chat. If you want a chest or item container to be open to the community, make sure you label it as such. In general, builds should be open for everyone to access and appreciate. If you don't want anyone to enter your home, or area, make sure you label it, and let people know.

    3. Play fair. Use only approved server mods. If you find a bug, or exploit, report it to the admins. If you find a loose command block somewhere, let admins know. Do not use command blocks unless given permission from admins. Hacking is a bannable offense.

    4. Do not build near the spawn.

    5. If a player asks you not to attack, respect their wishes. While PvP is enabled on the server, there are also players who prefer PvE. We think both modes can be fun. Accidents will probably happen occasionally, but repeat offenses will be subject to admin disciplinary action. Admins are also expected to play fair if they are in survival mode and participating in PvP.

    6. Do not advertise other servers, or solicit outside services. It is OK to run your own in-game shop, or bank, however. Admins are not responsible for what happens with those shops or banks.

    7. If there is a conflict, you can present the issue on the discord under "admin requests". Admins will look at your issue, and help to resolve it. This includes conflicts between players (such as land ownership). You may also report other players in this same manner.

    8. Do not excessively label or abuse the Dynmap. Players are permitted to put labels on the dynmap, but they should limit labels to their home, or special locations. Admins can remove labels if they feel they are inappropriate.

    9. Follow all Minecraft/Mojang TOS.

    10. Players who do not follow these guidelines are subject to a ban. Bans may be appealed. Admins are not permitted to ban a player without first warning them and explaining what they did wrong (except in the case of breaking guideline 3, which can result in an instant ban). Admins determine how many warnings they give before a ban is issued. Admins may determine other behaviors not explicitly listed on these guidelines are inappropriate, and are subject to discipline. In the case where a player feels they have been unjustly treated by an admin, they may make an ultimate appeal to Timeherald (the server operator) on the Discord channel.

    submitted by /u/timeknight
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    Beanscraft [SMP] {GriefPrevention} {PvP} {Discord}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 06:56 PM PDT

    Beanscraft is a 1.13.2 Minecraft survival server with PvP, GriefPrevention, /siege, /tpa, and of course - the complete Minecraft experience with nothing taken away! Supported clients: 1.4.7 to 1.14. The server is optimized well for performance, and players rarely report any server-side lag.

    I've played Minecraft since Beta 1.7.3. I decided a small while back to put together a new server of my own now that I'm older and more than capable of doing so effectively. The goal with things like this is always constant expansion, so while Beanscraft may likely turn into a network in the future, my plans for now are simply to have a well made Survival Server to act as the foundation for the hypothetical network, long term. What better way to start building a community of block gamers than by doing it with the quintessential type of Minecraft server - Survival Multiplayer?

    There is no whitelist, nor are there any hoops to jump through to start off. Play with friends, play alone, you have plenty of freedom here.

    Aside from the Minecraft server, we have an advanced-plan Enjin website and a discord server! Please join Beanscraft and help us build a great community around this game we all love!

    Minecraft Server IP: mc.beanscraft.ca or

    Port: 25565

    Website: Beanscraft.ca

    Discord: Discord.gg/CWVGEw9

    Rules: Beanscraft.ca/rules

    submitted by /u/Beanscraft
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    Corbacraft [PVE] [SMP] {1.13.2} {Survival} {Towny} {Family-Friendly} {Anti-Grief} {Economy} {Weekly Events}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    The Corbacraft Network is a family-friendly survival server network founded in late 2012. The server features active and friendly staff, an exciting events team, and loads of friendly Minecrafters just like you. Corbacraft is packed with all kinds of different dedicated folks from around the world, striving to make each day in the server better than the last.

    Here at Corbacraft, we offer two worlds packed into one server so you can chat with your friends and still make completely different positive memories to keep with you forever. Custom plugins allow for a unique experience from other servers, while more conventional ones are also offered for that familiar touch you may be looking for.

    Survival World Features

    The Survival World on Corbacraft is the default world. Here, players can chat, build, and explore without worry. Friendly and active staff are ready to help out if you run into any problems. The chat is always bright and bustling with players new and old, welcoming everyone to talk in an environment safe for even our youngest gamers. Don't forget to ask about when our next events will be hosted too! Events occur frequently in the survival world, allowing players to compete for rare items and limited-edition tools.

    • No-Whitelist
    • PVE
    • No-drop PVP arena at spawn
    • Expansive, fresh map
    • Custom economy
    • Unique donator ranks

    Towny World Features

    The Towny World on Corbacraft is not for the faint of heart. Boasting the ability to PVP outside of claims, and take items or builds left unclaimed, this world leaves players fighting tooth and nail to be the best-looking, most reputable town around. Given the nature of this world, access is only granted through applying, and towns containing 3 or more players must be registered.

    Featured Plugins

    • Grief Prevention
    • CoreProtect
    • Auction House
    • Marriage
    • Economy
    • Crates

    General Rules

    • No swearing or adult topics in chat
    • No spamming, flooding, or character spam
    • Be respectful to yourself and others
    • No inappropriate builds
    • Diamonds must be sold at $100 a piece minimum

    Server IP


    Corbacraft Social Media

    Website: CorbacraftMC

    Twitter: @Corbacraft

    Youtube: CorbaCrew

    Instagram: @Corbacraft

    submitted by /u/Regallity
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    Jewelcraft [Vanilla] [Pvp]

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    Jewelcraft is a survival world for now. This server was created 4/27. Our plan is to make it a Factions server w/land claiming and Pvp. We also plan to introduce economy. As for now its just a vanilla survival server. We are looking for players who want to overall have a good time on a minecraft server. Basic rules.


    submitted by /u/OTX_Kz
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    GrinningLimes [Modded] {Magic and Exploration Based} {1.7.10} {18+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    Main Mods: Aether II, Betweenlands, Hardcore Ender Expansion, Ruins, Thaumcraft 4, Twilight Forest, and Witchery.

    Notable Mods: Smart Moving, Dynamic Lights, Gravestone, Gilby's Voice Chat (allows for in-game voice chat)


    • Dedicated Host on US East Coast
    • Pregenerated dimensions (up to the world border [16k radius in Overworld]) which reduce generation lag from other players.
    • Well-traveled dimensions (The End, Twilight Forest, and Wyvern Lands) are reset on the 1st and 16th of every month.
    • Hourly incremental backups of the server.
    • Over 200 unique Ruins generated throughout the Overworld (many with traps.. and many more with treasures).
    • Four unique underground cities are hidden somewhere in the Overworld.
    • Custom spawning rules (JAS); rivers have fish!

    Opened (03/21/2019):

    Choice of starter kit (classic, exploration, and magic) when you join. The pack and server is challenging so you'll probably need it!

    Join using the "join" button on the homepage. Likewise, download the pack using the "download" button... For those interested, I'm online right now so I can quickly whitelist you.

    Server rules: https://grinninglimes.com/server-information/rules/

    More info is available here: https://grinninglimes.com/

    submitted by /u/GrinningMoon
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    Bedrock Console Tree Village Realm [SMP] [Vanilla] {Bedrock} {Whitelisted} {18+}

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Bedrock Console Tree Village Realm

    Hi everyone, I'm part of an 18+ AVG survival server that is only about a week old. We are on v1.11. We've got a great community already and looking to add more. We are set up in a jungle where each player has their own platform up in a tree (24x24) and you own that plot to bedrock. We have a lot of community offerings such as a chicken and cow farm for quick cooked meats and drops. We also have a community micro crop farm as well as three XP grinders all in close proximity of the central hub. One player set up "Ore Mountain" at the base of his plot for quick mining of ores that you may need and not want to go mining for. There's even diamonds splashed in! He's also just finished setting up a blaze spawner down there too. It's 100% survival but achievements are off as the admin is using command blocks for certain things like a hub to teleport to biomes further away. We also have a resident alchemist for potions and are in the beginning stages of developing a realm shop with possible player shops to follow. Another player is almost completely done setting up our community slime farm. Maybe you can help? We have an amazing welcome center with everything you would need to get started and not feel left out or too far behind players that have already been working in the realm. You can find full sets of iron armor, stone tools and weapons, wool, food, coal, cobble, and logs. There's also a bed already set up in case you spawn in the dark and need to sleep right away.

    We have been working as a community to find the stronghold and frequently do many adventures together like outposts and village raids as a group. We will be having organized events and games coming soon as well. Everyone is incredibly friendly and helpful so if you need anything at all, all you need to do is ask. Some players opt to keep to themselves more and work specifically in their own areas or go the raids alone and that is fine too! We require that you at least have some sort of base on the platform you choose within town, but we have no limit on how far you can explore and you're welcome to set up a secondary base wherever you so choose.

    We would like to add more people and as long as you follow the realm rules, are 18+, and use our discord for communication (mic optional for voice chats) then we'd love to have you! Please let me know if this sounds like a good fit for you!

    submitted by /u/AgentKitteh
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