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    Minecraft Blockbirds, a mob to make forests interesting (with models)

    Minecraft Blockbirds, a mob to make forests interesting (with models)

    Blockbirds, a mob to make forests interesting (with models)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 04:27 AM PDT

    Forests, one of the oldest biomes in the game. Haven't been getting big updates for a long time. I know that deserts and savannas are a bigger priority right now. So maybe later?


    Blockbirds (link brings you to the model) would be tiny creatures that spawn in groups of 3-4.

    They seek out blocks called nests. These would generate naturally around forests, stuck to trees. Nests would have two models, one while connecting the an adjacent block, and another model for when it is free-standing.


    The only thing a blockbird would drop is a feather, because why would you want to kill one? They drop no EXP, by the way.

    The Nest, however, would have a 50 chance to drop itself, as an item, a 25% chance to drop 2-4 sticks and a 25% chance to drop 1 leaf block.


    Nest Claiming:

    One of the birds in the group would have a leader tag, the others would always follow that bird, if the leader dies, a random bird in the group gets the leader tag. When a leader bird finds a nest, it will claim that block, and the members of that group would see that nest as their home. Blockbirds that don't find a nest in a certain amount of time would despawn.


    If there are less than 5 blockbirds in a group, a blockbird would occasionally lay an egg on their home nest. These would later hatch and into blockbirds that belong in the same group as their parents. A max of 3 Eggs can be in a nest at one time.

    Sensing danger:

    Being such a defenseless creature, they would need to learn how to survive in their group. If a player holds a weapon around them for 3 seconds, that group of blockbirds would scatter away, and they would remember you as a dangerous entity. Hitting them also does that.

    Undead like zombies also try and hunt them down, and blockbirds will always sense them as danger.


    After they sense you as a dangerous entity, its not too late to turn back! Feeding them seeds or berries can slowly earn their trust. Blockbirds that trust you will sometimes give you free stuff.

    They would give you:

    1. 2-3 seeds of all sorts (50% chance)
    2. 1-4 berries (35% chance)
    3. 3-4 iron nuggets (only 10% chance)
    4. 1-2 iron nuggets (3% chance)
    5. 2-3 apples (1% chance)
    6. 1 Diamond (0.5%)
    7. Emerald (0.5%chance)

    Nest info


    stick leaves stick
    string stick string


    A player made nest would attract nearby blockbirds,

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Ability to trigger via command the elytra rocket boosts and apply levitation effects to gliding players.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    It would be extremely useful for map makers to be able to apply the right-click rocket boost effect as well as the levitation effect via commands to in-flight players using elytra.

    submitted by /u/theravensrequiem
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    Wandering Traders AI Changes

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:53 AM PDT

    Currently, when wandering traders spawn, they stay in their general area until they despawn. That doesn't fit their name very well, along with some other AI twerks I would like to change.

    Wander Mode

    Wandering mode is exactly what it sounds like, The Wandering Trader chooses a direction and walks that way, stops at flowers or other interesting features. They would change direction after one or two minutes.

    Traveling Mode

    They would travel to the nearest village. When they do that, a 3D Map model will show up on his / her hand

    Hide Mode

    Currently, wandering traders drink invisibility potions at night. However, they shouldn't always do that. When they arrive at a village (aka traveling mode, or if they spawn there), they should simply just go inside a house instead of drinking a potion. This also applies to random houses the player built in the wild

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Blindness Range based on Effect Level

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Blindness could be more interesting if the level of the effect being higher made you more blind and lower make you less blind. Though it'll probably only be useful for maps, unless they add Illusioner and he can give a higher blindness level.

    submitted by /u/GeoThePebble
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    Obsidian could be obtainable by smelting soul sand

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    Obsidian just takes forever to mine, it would be nice if there was a faster way to obtain it once you've already built one nether portal.

    submitted by /u/danformal
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    Redstone bug

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    In Minecraft 2.0(the April fool's joke) there was a mob known as the redstone bug. This is a red silverfish that spawned when there was a redstone error. I believe this would be a fun mob, might add a slight danger to redstone, and would add renewable redstone because I propose it's drops to be 0-2 redstone and it's health would be the same as a silverfish.(it would be hostile)

    Thank you fo reading :)

    Here is an image: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Java_Edition_2.0#/media/File%3ARedstone_Bug.png

    submitted by /u/NAFTAmapper
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    Villager gossip bubbles (Repost because the linked post has been approved)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 06:20 PM PDT

    When villagers meet at the village bell, they "gossip." But there's no way to tell when they actually do it. To add some flavor, I think the there should be speech bubble particles, so the villagers don't just look like they're walking around and staring at each other.

    Concept picture:


    The "golem" gossip is, of course, a golem, the "trading" gossip is an emerald, and the "minor_negative" gossip is a sword.

    Also vote on the official feedback site!

    submitted by /u/HowToChangeMyNamePlz
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    Add "Redstone bug" to the fps list

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    It was an april fools joke, so they obviously didnt take it seriously, yet several people have made suggestions to re-add it. It was an idea mojang thought didnt fit in the game and didnt make sense. This years joke was an illuminati eye; do you think they are going to add that?

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Wandering traders should spawn in the nether on occasion

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    They have glowstone dust trades, it only makes sense.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Adding More Uses To Lapis

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 02:18 PM PDT

    Lapis is currently almost useless with the new addition of the cornflower as now Lapis is only used for enchanting your items in an enchantment table (it barely even makes sense as lapis has nothing enchanting about it). It desperately needs more uses. Lapis irl is used to make bowls, jewelry, boxes, art, small statues, and vases. It is also irl considered the stone of wisdom and inspiration.

    Lapis Bowl:

    • Crafted in a crafting table like so:
    Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli
    Lapis Lazuli
    • Can be used just like a normal bowl except it gives 0.5 exp for each time you eat from it and it has 300 durability so it can match real life and to not be too OP.

    Potion Of inspiration:

    • Crafted in the brewing stand like so:
    Lapis Lazuli Block
    Awkward Potion Awkward Potion Awkward Potion
    • The potion has four tiers and gives 0.5 exp per every tier when mining, smelting, fighting, etc.

    Wisdom Statue:

    • Crafted in the crafting table like so:
    Gold Ingot Lapis Lazuli Block Gold Ingot
    Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli
    • You are able to transfer 10 blocks of Lapis Lazuli to get 1.0 xp. After five transfers you will have to wait for a couple of minutes as it has a cooldown.

    Anyway these were all my ideas to make Lapis more useful and helpful. Please let me know if you disagree on anything or want to change something or add something to my idea.

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Dyeable slimeblocks

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    Idk pretty self explanatory, just for a Redstone or building purpose so slimeblocks don't look out of place but keep there... well slime ability

    submitted by /u/pixlexGaming
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    Nether Fortress Suggestions

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 08:00 PM PDT

    Nether Fortresses are currently very bland and honestly feel like a boring task instead of a fun adventure.

    New Items:

    • Soul - used with sand to make soulsand. Can be used with red sand to red soulsand which basically makes netherwart grow faster.
    • Diamond Shard - nine diamond shards can make one diamond.
    • Nether Fortress Compass - made out of gold and netherack, leads to the closest nether fortress.

    Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/xVP4bkF

    New Blocks:

    • Red Soulsand - has reddish soulsand texture with different looking ghosts. Netherwart can be placed on it and it makes grow faster.
    • Soul sandstone and variants - a decor block similar to sandstone. Made with soulsand.
    • Withered Netherack - Decayed netherack that has blackish texture.
    • Withered Netherbrick (has all the variants) - Decayed netherbrick that has a blackish texture.
    • Blaze Powder Block - a decor block that has a powdery texture, can be made with 4 blaze powder. Can be used as a fuel for the furnace, blast furnace, and smoker too.

    New Mobs:

    • Netherwart Maggot - a slow passive mob that spawns and lurks commonly in netherwart room. They would not wander around that much. They love to eat netherwart and the player can get them to follow him/her with netherwart. Drop 0-2 netherwart.
    • Flamesfly - a fast flying hostile mob that spawns in and around the netherwart room. Can also spawn if a netherwart maggot ate 15 netherwart. They are considerably quicker then the player which makes them deadly. When they attack the player will be knocked back considerably and will gain slowness II. Drop 0-5 fire charges.
    • Spirit - a slow moving hostile mob that spends most of the time in the soulsand room. It spawns invisible to the player and only when it attacks the player does it become visible. When on soulsand they gain speed II and strength II. Drop 1 soul.
    • Warrior - a medium moving hostile zombie pigmen like mob that spends most of it's time guarding the corridors of the nether fortress. They are equipped with a diamond axe. When they see the player they will charge at them, dealing a considerable amount of damage. Drop 0-2 rotten flesh, (rare) 0-1 diamond shard, 0-1 diamond axe.

    New Rooms:

    • Soul Chamber - a chamber that is filled with soulsand and precious loot! Heavily guarded by the spirits though. Is made out of soul sandstone and it's variants.
    • Netherwart Field - better hurry before all the crawling maggots become full fledged flamesflies. A huge room that appears to be a field but it isn't! It is mostly made out of soulsand, netherwart block, and red netherbrick.
    • Hallways - everything is linked with these netherbrick hallways! The only problem is that Warriors guard every inch of it. Rarely there are some chests but there is a chance that the chest will simply go kaboom! (aka a trapped chest).
    • Lava Well - seemingly peaceful room that lead to more hallways and has a well made of lava.
    • Decaying Cavern - a cavern like room that is indeed very dangerous due to the wither skeletons but filled with fantastic loot. It is mostly made out withered nether bricks and withered netherack.
    • Blazed Valley - Blazes spawn a lot more common here! There is loot here though not as valuable compared to the other rooms. Made out of blaze powder block and netherbricks.

    Anyway these were some of my ideas to make the nether fortress come alive more. If you disagree or have any suggestions then please say so, so that I can improve the idea!

    It would be nice if you were to also vote on the official minecraft feedback as it really counts over there!: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043202552-Nether-Fortress-Overhaul

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Please, for All That Is Good, Support 2D Sprites in Minecraft Going Forward

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 11:41 PM PDT

    I've seen it all.

    I've always wondered as to what Minecraft would look like with 2D entities (bar the other filters). It looks hilarious, and even fitting.

    I would adore that this type of entity rendering be supported mainline in-game, and even through an assortment of resource pack images (looks like it's just a filter though).

    Maybe even add a spooky mob that uses this render method distinctly, adding to its terror.

    That is all. Good one this year, Mojang xD





    submitted by /u/Niknokinater
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    Slinger weapon in Minecraft

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Slingers are a very ancient weapon that are quite effective. I was thinking if you put two strings and a leather in the middle in a diagonal line you can make a sling, and shoot clay out of the sling to damage mobs and other players.

    submitted by /u/billythecorndog
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    keep "Minecraft 3D" around as a profile setting.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    honestly, i kinda like the overall feel of the MC3D.... snapshot? mode? whatever, honestly its kinda charming in its own respect. i'd personally ditch the exploding barrels, but maybe give other blocks like that (chests, brewing stands, ground torches, flora, etc.) the same effect. also, the bit-crushed sounds should be togglable as well.

    obv. it shouldnt be in the base game but as a profile option switch like "run this profile in MC3D mode" or sumn (only goes so far back, tho, maybe no further than 1.7.10)

    submitted by /u/umbreonman
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    If the player is stuck by lightning, they get strength X and speed X.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    If the player is struck by lightning I think it would be comedic for them to get enhanced speed and strength sort of like minecraft adrenaline.

    submitted by /u/JingyBreadMan
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    We should be able to shoot a bow in the off hand in Bedrock

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 04:33 AM PDT

    Would make it so much easier with tipped arrows

    submitted by /u/JeremyB43
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    Re-texture the Music Discs to be each one of the 16 different colors.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    There are already 12 Music Discs. I think they should add another four to bring the total to 16.

    And since Minecraft already has a 16-color pallette when it comes to blocks like Glass, Beds, Concrete, ect.

    Each Music Disc should be assigned one of these colors, so that we are better able to tell them apart.

    Here is a before and after graphic that I made in MS Paint:


    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Furnace minecarts act as chunk loaders

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    We all now that furnace minecarts have little to no use. I think a way to change this would be to make them act as chunk loaders. I'm sure I'm not alone in having thought of the idea of having complex minecart systems that gathers or drops off items around your world, of course this doesn't work beyond nearby chunks as minecarts can't travel in unloaded chunks. So if furnace minecarts have the ability to act as a player and load chunks, that would be really cool imo.

    This might cause lag issues of course, but they could also add a gamerule that can limit the amount of 'chunk loaders' in a world, which maybe defaults to 8, but can be changed by the player.

    Ultimately I think this would allow a whole lot of new ideas to be implemented in the game and I would love for this to be added.

    Edit: The furnace minecart would also only load chunks when it is burning coal, which would make it a bit easier to work with and also make it less "game breaking".

    submitted by /u/Kapa62
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    Wandering Traders should trade with villagers, giving the Villagers a more exotic trade.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    Such as, giving smiths redstone/quartz making them able to trade complex redstone components.

    Giving Farmers things like Netherwart, or exotic flowers.

    Giving librarians better enchantments, or enchanting tables.

    etc etc

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Make us able to hold a pickaxe in our off hand.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2019 09:21 PM PDT

    Even if we can't use it. I have a silk touch pickaxe with Mending and it's a pain to fix with xp. I pretty much have to just shoot mobs with my bow then switch to my pickaxe to collect the xp

    submitted by /u/Hawksteinman
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