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    Minecraft Glowing mob heads

    Minecraft Glowing mob heads

    Glowing mob heads

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:02 AM PDT

    With a lantern and a mob head, you should be able the combine the two to make a glowing mob head. acts like a normal mob head but emits a light level of 15, just like a normal lantern.

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    More Explosion sounds

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    Currently Minecraft uses only one explosion sound for anything that explodes, and really I'm not a fan of it. I think TNT, End Crystals and Lightning should have their own explosion, and creeper keeps the current one. (Also if you somehow never heard it, yes lightning uses the sound, it just has to be close enough to you to hear it)

    submitted by /u/GeoThePebble
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    The Ravager mob is nearly impossible to defeat without a shield in the Minecraft 1.14 update.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    I suggest to add a charge up feature for the Ravager mob in Minecraft 1.14. This will give the player a short time to give some hits, but to quickly retreat after the ravager charges up for its attack.

    This is important because Ravagers only spawn in villager raids, and it's not the wisest to leave your villagers to die as you go mining because you forgot your iron, or a ravager broke your shield. A nice example I have in mind is how a creeper can be stopped from exploding once you hit it far enough. Hopefully players without shields could at least have a chance to defeat this new frightening mob soon.

    submitted by /u/Bleuwu
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    Please add foam to water, it would look nice!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    I feel there is something missing to water. If you jump in it, or make a bubble column or send flowing water over a cliff to make waterfalls, there really should be this foam effect, represented in either small blocks of white which get smaller and fade very fast, or some kind of texture overlay to the water when disturbed enough by something like the player. This would add a lot of aesthetics, and it could produce bubble particles. Foam could also be turned off in the Video Settings if possible.

    Not sure what flair this goes to.

    Someday this idea may make it into the game I hope. The waters really need this feature of foam!

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Can we get beaches back like how it was in beta 1.7?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Small suggestion but i think it would be good for a quality of life update

    submitted by /u/vykard
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    Solar Gilders, the opposite of phantoms

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    Solar Gliders would be a neutral flying creature that spawns when you slept for a few days in a row.


    Solar gliders spawn in groups of 4-5, like phantoms. They would soar around the sky mostly aimlessly.

    Being the opposites of phantoms, they would fight each other when the night comes, other undead mobs would also try and hunt them down.

    They would despawn after a few in game days. Assuming that they survived through the multiple nights of their lifetime.

    For phantom spawnings, the game keep tracks of how many days you haven't slept and will proceed the summon phantoms when that reaches a certain point. For the solar glider to work, the game would also need to track how many times the player slept in a row, let's call this variable days_slept

    The variable needed for these to spawn are different in each difficulty;

    Easy---3 days slept in a row

    Normal---5 days slept in a tow

    Hard---7 days slept in a row

    "Air cutter" and "Glider's Grace"

    Air Cutter:

    Solar Gliders are kind of like flying dolphins. If you use an elytra to glide near them they would grace you with an effect called "Air Cutter". The effect would increase in level depending on how many solar gliders are around you. This would allow you to fly faster with more acceleration when using the elytra.

    They would try and follow the fast gliding player around aiding the player in his/her journey.

    Glider's Grace

    Since the air cutter is pretty late game, being only for players with elytras obtained. The Glider's Grace would be a land version of Dolphin's grace. When you get this effect, you will fall slowly, like having slow fall, but when falling for a few blocks, you would enter dive mode. The player model would look like your swimming and you could glide slowly through the air, you cannot go up in glide mode and you cannot accelerate quickly in the mode.

    If the effect wears off while you're in glide mode, you would get slow falling until you reach the ground.

    Note: In multiplayer mode, these effects would only be given to players with a high enough days_slept variable.

    Attack Patterns

    If you attack them, they would no longer be graced with Air cutter or Glider's Grace, instead, you days_slept variable would be set to zero and your flying friends will no longer aid you while you travel. They would act more like phantoms and would attack by swooping down.

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Codes from 3D edition should be in Java edition as commands

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    This codes are really nice, flying, invincibility, speed horse...I need them in Java! Of course they would be added as commands, for example /poweroverwhelming would give invincibility. Also I think there should be one more code/command "heroesofarrowstorm". It would make a player shoot arrows from bow or crossbow like in old beta of Minecraft (instantly).

    submitted by /u/GoldenShadowSpringy
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    Lanterns Placed ON a Solid Block Can Be Placed Like Player/Mob Heads with Having Rotation! :D [Java Edition/Bedrock]

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    Lanterns Placed ON a Solid Block Can Be Placed Like Player/Mob Heads with Having Rotation! :D

    [EI: Slabs, Stairs Bottom, or A Solid Block]

    Having Lanterns on Fences, Slab Top Blocks, Stair Bottoms, Walls, Solid Blocks Being Rotated via how you placed it aka the direction your facing when placing it like a player head would be very very cool and a nice touch to extra details! :D

    Upvote the post if you agree with this minor tweak that makes lanterns like player heads on the ground (possibly ceilings to maybe? i wish it could be walls, ceilings and floors but if we cant I can settle for floor placement.) Also Check out the Official Place to Vote on Suggestions on the MC Feedback Site:


    submitted by /u/CraftTV
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    Lighting System Changes

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    In Survival, mobs and hunger are great. I love having a blast building during the day, and then fending off mobs at night. However, the way that mobs spawn is both frustrating and... relatively easily fixable. I'm no code god, so I'm not going to underestimate how difficult it might be, but I wouldn't think it would be ludicrously difficult.

    Anyway, what I propose is the ability to change how and when mobs spawn in different light levels. Right now, any light level 7 or lower spawns hostile mobs. While this seems great on paper, forcing people to light up their houses, it also makes the actual act of lighting up those houses annoying.

    Right now, you have only a few lighting options. Lanterns are a fantastic addition, but still not perfect nor fixing the initial issue. If you want a big house (where the walls are far apart) you have to place torches everywhere. On the walls, hanging from the cieling, in the floor. Even using carpet and glowstone, while it works, also means that top floors of houses need to be 2 blocks deep so you can't see that glowstone through the roof of the bottom floor.

    Gamerules are a fantastic addition because they allow us to turn off things like the Daily Light Cycle and Fire Tick, meaning you can have maps where it's perpetual night or a house with a blazing fire that won't burn down the entire building. It would be really cool to see some sort of gamerule to change the light level that mobs spawn naturally. This would keep the normal rules (7 or lower) to be the default, but allow people to make dark/light maps and houses and have the option to choose whether they want mobs to spawn there.

    For someone who likes to build cool houses, it's a massive shame that you can't use moody lighting as an aesthetic. Everything has to be lit up perfectly or you can have a creeper spawn in the middle of your hard work. Even when it comes to caves, having mobs spawning in nooks and crannies regardless of how many torches you use is a little frustrating.

    TL;DR, some sort of game system that allows the player to change what light level hostile mobs spawn in. This would let the players that enjoy the current system to keep it the way they like it, but allow those who want to change it to... well... change it.

    submitted by /u/Berdyie
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    Sage bushes and Scrubland biome

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    A new plant should be added in 1.15, the Sage bush. It would spawn in bunches in mountains as well as a new biome, the Scrubland. Sagebushes would not really have a use, they would just be decorative. I have been working on a texture from them, will attach when done.

    Scrublands are a new flat warm biome that is as common as deserts. They spawn with coarse dirt, dead grass, some dead bushes, Sage bushes, as well as hardened clay/terracotta (normal color) and possibly Cracked Mud. An example of an animal that would spawn here would be an Armadillo, or a Kangaroo, or maybe a Glyptodon (if they weren't extinct).

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    More technical combat: replacing cooldown, slowing down movements & limiting jump attacks

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    Here is my post from the official feedback site. Please, if you like the idea, vote it there too.

    Even if the combat is not the focus of this game, we can't deny it plays an important role in both singleplayer and multiplayer survival. The 1.9 Combat update tried to make battles fair and remain faithful to the old playstyle, but in my opinion it didn't solve the problem in a really interesting way, as we can see from the people who stay in the old system.

    I don't want Minecraft to become an highly technical fighting game, but following well-established fighting games' mechanics, such as frame data and landing lag, can help the combat of this game to evolve in a much more solid system.

    I will follow the idea that an engaging combat system is one where you have many opportunities but also costs, decisions that have risks you are willing to take. Because of this many of these points are nerfs to the current system.

    These changes aren't meant to make the combat more difficult, but to make it less repetitive.


    Start-up and recovery frames instead of cooldown: Prevents spamming attacks and allows more interactions (hit during a start-up to cancel the enemy attack).

    Player's movement speed lowers a bit during attack animations: easier to escape enemy attacks and more readable action.

    Jump attack recovery: can still jump but can't deal any more damage until you stay on ground for a short period; Prevents spamming jump to be elusive.

    Cooldown issues: heavy and light blows looks the same

    Previous to 1.9, there were no penalties for spamming attacks, and this made the game hard and repetitive. This was changed with a simple but not so clear mechanic. Waiting for the weapon to cool down to strike an heavy blow or hitting earlier if you want time advantage.

    This is a choice that can make a fight more strategic, but in the current state the idea is conveyed very poorly and isn't explained in-game. Players don't see or hear any difference between the two types of attack, and, as the enemy is constantly pushed back, a new player may think that spamming is the best option. (This may also be solved with an infinite knockback resistance when the damage is too low.)

    Attack Animation

    Meaningful attacks need start-up and recovery frames (or animations). Being hit during these periods will result in the cancelling of the attack and a stagger (or stun, or any other name) that will prevent you from attacking again for a very short period of time (but still being able to move).

    This will make spamming completely useless and encourage waiting for openings and good timing. (The player can still spam, but it will be less efficient.)

    The first player that attacks will be in advantage and will lead the dances as the opponent needs to adapt to his playstyle. Hitting the opponent in his start-up animation rewards the player with an extra hit. If the opponent instead waits the attack to land before counterattacking, he will gain advantage.

    Each weapon has different attack animation duration, similarly to cooldown times (but they need to be slightly shorter, as the player will lose control over the attack button).

    Slow down the pacing

    In the heat of fast paced battles, especially in first person view, attacks seem invisible and your enemies will exit the screen while still in the damage animation. For an attack to feel good, it needs to have visible impact on the opponent.

    This problems can be solved in a system where, during attack animations, the player's walk and run speed diminishes. Even if the battle slows down only by a small bit, all attacks will seem more important and successful hits will feel more empowering.

    This also let the players execute a deathly dance against the opponent, trying to move out of range to avoid enemy hits while also moving in range to land yours. Speed potions and healing items will be revalued too as they change the players' speed.

    Another strategy is to stand still while the opponent moves backward to evade your attacks and falls in some pit behind him.


    Trying to hit one or more enemies while jumping to increase the damage while being more difficult to hit is fun(?). Hitting an enemy this way may seem skillful play but it's actually pure luck.

    Differently from many games, where being airborne is both useful (powerful attacks, bypass shields) and a danger (easy to see and hit), in Minecraft, jumping has no downside and also makes you deal critical hits.

    This can be solved with a landing lag that prevents new attack while still allowing to move. The landing lag should start after an aerial, and be paused while airborne, to prevent players to do damage if they keep jumping.

    Random Notes

    • To feel powerful, attacks also need a good visual and sound design (clashes and particles on successful hits or stagger, for example).
    • Some items don't follow one of these mechanics (e.g. the shovel bypasses landing lag as a shovel knight reference) to create variety in strategies.
    • Battles against mobs who hold items can become more strategic.
    • Bosses don't follow these rules, so their battles become more unique.
    submitted by /u/Essojadojef
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    New ore- Onyx.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Onyx is a black coloured ore found excusively in the end. It spawns as regularly as gold and is found in similar sized veins.

    When mined, it will drop a singular onyx. I 'm debating whether or not fortune would effect it due to the high value of this ore.

    Anyway, Onyx has many functions and uses, these being-

    Decorative blocks- Onyx blocks, stairs, slabs and pillars are all craftable. It has a black colour and is basically the opposite of the nethers quartz. Due to it's rarity, building from this could be a way to show your richness better then building from gold or diamond blocks since it looks better.

    Enchanting - Onyx can also be used for improved enchantments. I was thinking either a new item made like an enchantment table but with onyx instead of diamond or just using onyx instead of lapis in a regular table. Would be nice to hear what would be prefered. Anyway, this gives the player access to level 40 enchants that use 4 levels. This allows you to get efficiency and sharpness V straight from the table, as well as other enchants only available by combining books. It would also give access to new enchant levels, such as protection V , unbreaking IV and fortune IV. Fortune IV would definitely effect onyx ore. You would not be able to get mending or frost walker.

    Brewing- putting onyx into a crafting table gives onyx dust used in place of blaze powder in brewing stands. This allows for the creation of tier 3 potions, as well as tier 2 potions that last for up to 8 minutes.

    Beacons - feeding Onyx to a high tier beacon unlocks higher tiers of current effects, such as speed and jump boost 3

    Shadow beacon- made like a beacon but with onyx blocks in place of the obsidian. When placed on a pyramid of blocks similar to a regular beacon, it can give others negative effects. Mobs or players that come within a certain radius of the shadow beacon (Similar to a regular beacons radius) they will be effected with slowness, weakness, blindness, nausea or poison. A whitelist is a avaliable that lets the original crafter of the beacon chose certain players who won't be effected by it.

    Onyx pearl - combining onyx dust with an ender pearl makes an onyx pearl, which points towards end cities.

    Onyx crystal - the onyx crystal is a single use item made with 4 onyx around an end crystal. When combined with a tool, weapon, elytra or armour piece, in an anvil it will cost what ever the current repair coat is. It will not fix the tool, but rather it will reset the repair cost, preventing it from getting insanely high and eventually reaching the too expensive tag.

    Redstone- Onyx dust can be placed on the ground similarly to redstone dust. It can interact with all redstone components, be placed directly next to a line of redstone without connecting to it and travel up to 25 blocks without a repeater opposed to redstones 15.

    Would appreciate any feedback on this idea. Tell me ways to improve it and what parts you did and didn't like.

    submitted by /u/D_Wigz
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    One last Raid edition: A Boss

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    At the very last wave on a raid, if it is Bad Omen 5, a powerful illager boss will spawn. Always spawns riding a Ravager, this bulky tank of a mob will attack by lighting a cannon he holds over his arm. The cannon will take several seconds to charge, but fires a powerful cannonball that deals tremendous armor-ripping damage. Boasting the same health as a Ravager, but with armor points as well, any and all villagers and iron golems tremble upon this boss! Best him in combat, and you can get the cannon itself! It will take an anvil and iron to repair it, since it will have durability lost when firing. Also requires iron to make cannonballs.

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    Tricking Zombie Pigmen

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    Since attacking Zombie Pigmen makes them agro whoever hurts them, I think it would be in interesting idea if players could use that aggressiveness they have to their advantage.

    Currently, Skeletons, Pillagers, Witches, and Snow Golems use a ranged weapon that the player can obtain (bow, crossbow, potions, snowballs). If Zombie Pigmen wonder (or is moved) into an area with one of these mobs, then it would be amusing to see a group of Zombie Pigmen thinking a different mob attacked them when the player (or a dispenser) was the one that actually them, but from a distance.

    I came up with this idea when thinking of useful for traps for the upcoming raids. Imagine setting a trap that releases captured Zombie Pigmen from a holding cell and firing an arrow at a Pigman. They would attack the incoming Pillagers since they are the first ones they see. This could also be great for PvP battles and give them a bit more character and use since they currently don't do much.

    submitted by /u/Dan_Esp
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    Tridents (and the Ocean) - Discussion/Problems/Fixes (Megapost)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    Just to say, everything here I already posted to r/minecraft. But I realise now, thanks to someone who commented, that this would probably be a better place. Sorry if this seems like a repost, but I wanted to relocate it to a better spot. Anyway...

    I really like tridents. Like... REALLY like tridents. There are a lot of weapons that Minecraft could add to combat (although most mods do go overboard) and I think the dev team did a really good job deciding which one out of the hundreds of options was a good choice. Tridents allow players to actually kill Guardians (and Drowned, but they were added in the same update anyway) from afar, which was always a huge annoyance. They are the go-to underwater battle armament, with very little competition otherwise. Not only that, but they can get that one pesky Skeleton who sits in the middle of a lake and fires at you and YOU JUST CAN'T GET TO HIM BECAUSE THE KNOCKBACK KEEPS YOU AWA

    Point is, Tridents are a great addition. But they aren't perfect. As many people have pointed out, they don't do well outside of water (they're serviceable at best when compared to even unenchanted late-game weapons, regardless of which version you're playing on) and their enchantments are pretty lame. They're over-specified to the point of their only damage enchantment being effective against two mobs (one of which being a subtype), the Guardians and Elder Guardians. That kind of crippling over-specialization is kind of what sucks about the Trident, but NOT something that should be completely taken away.

    To give Tridents a simple buff to, say, their attack speed; or make them enchantable with Sharpness or Power, would be quite silly. There's over-specialization, and then there's over-generalization. It's a pretty thick line between the two. Swords (and Axes if you're into that sort of thing) should always remain the go-to hand-to-hand killing sticks. Bows should always be the ranged options, with Crossbows for those who... want more options? (let's just ignore Crossbows for now, they're kind of in a niche of their own). Tridents should remain as the king of aquatic fighting and stay that way. Found in the ocean, fights in the ocean, remains in the ocean.

    SO, what can we do to fix tridents? They can't be too good; otherwise they would become the jack-of-all-trades, and no one wants that. But they also can't remain in the state that they do, because being super effective against a single type of mob and literally nothing else isn't a viable weapon. Well I have some suggestions, and I implore you to write your own if you want to. Tridents are really cool, and here are some things to do to make them even better:

    1) The Ocean. (warning, goes on a slight tangent, but arrives at the point eventually)

    Yeah. Number one thing to fix the trident is to fix its homeland. This is probably going into territory that is VERY subjective, but I have a very love/hate relationship with the Ocean. On one hand, the Update Aquatic added so much stuff that makes it really fun to explore, but on the other hand, it's not... really that explorable. The oceans are far too shallow to actually be dangerous to explore. That's not to say you can't drown in them, especially while looting a treasure chest, but it feels a little too shallow to actually be a proper threat to reach the bottom. In real life (which, remember, should not perfectly mirror Minecraft) the ocean is deep. Very, very deep. And what do you find in a deep ocean? Awesome treasures, fierce creatures and new methods of exploring the deeps that you physically shouldn't be able to reach without those methods.

    The biggest problem with making the ocean deeper is the rest of the world would also need to be deeper. As I said previously, I can't really argue against someone who stated that Minecraft was already deep enough, so making the ocean deeper (and thus making the rest of the world deeper) would probably cause more than a few issues. However, this could be its own update as a whole, adding new massive cave systems (on the scales of ravines) and allowing for a biome below the ocean biome. New creatures, new plants, new generation. The deep ocean could be an entirely new world, and it would open up space for the water above the deep ocean to be filled with larger creatures, some of which could hopefully be dangerous.

    Right now, you have two dangerous creatures in the ocean. Guardians and Drowned. No sharks, no sea snakes, no krackens. It's pretty dull fighting. Treasure generates too close to the surface (even in places where no ship would even be able to sail, let alone be effective) and, while I'm very grateful for the additions they added in Update Aquatic, we have 3 plants in total. The ocean has so much potential to be an entirely new world, but it feels very barebones even with all the additions they put to it.

    Adding more to the ocean, both in terms of scale and in terms of creatures to fight, would allow the trident to have a real purpose. It would be the ultimate underwater weapon, even more so than it is now, because of the dangerous nature of the deep ocean that could potentially be added. Also, just seeing the addition of a new ocean boss (fought with a trident, of course) would be pretty cool, but also relatively unnecessary compared to other changes.

    2) Tridents and their enchantments

    Onto the meat of the post. Well, the meat being the actual changes to tridents themselves. Let's go over the enchantments (not the stats, because they are fine) and see what's wrong:

    Loyalty - There is no argument here. Loyalty is by far and away the best enchantment that the Trident has. The ability to receive your trident back (from any range), is both extremely helpful AND extremely balanced. If you miss a shot, you can be without a weapon until it comes back. No changes are necessary here.

    Channelling - This seems like the most awesome enchantment ever, and in some respects it really is, but it's so unbelievably niche that it's completely worthless outside of a rare weather event. Getting this on a trident doesn't feel like an achievement. It just feels like a little bit of dressing on the top of a mundane salad. Fun when it works, worthless when it doesn't.

    Riptide - I'll be 100% honest, I haven't actually properly used this enchantment. From what I have heard, however, it's only ok. While this adds insane movement abilities, it also takes away the ranged aspect of this weapon (well, not totally, but it also puts you within melee range of whatever you throw it at so...) so the use isn't as universal as you would expect. I'm not really going to touch this one, however, because I don't feel like I'm qualified to based on my short time with it.

    Impaling - Easily the most insulting of any enchantment I've seen. While Channeling is almost just as specialized, Impaling isn't even FUN. Being able to cast lightning is awesome, but doing more damage to a grand total of 1.5 hostile mobs is completely pathetic. Sure, you do insane levels of damage to Guardians, but Guardians only spawn in Ocean Temples. So not only is this making the trident specialized to the ocean, but it's also making them specialized to the fucking Temples.

    Other than the various general enchantments, that's it. You got a movement enchantment, an extremely useful (and downright necessary) ranged enchantment, and two over-specialized damage enchantments. This is probably the biggest downside that the trident has. So, how do we fix the current enchantments? And what do we add to make it even better?

    Loyalty - Remains as it is. Perfectly fine.

    Channelling - I'm not really sure exactly what to do with this, but allowing it to deal more damage on a hit while both you and the mob are submerged in water (not rain, and this is calculated when the trident actually connects, not when it is thrown) would make it a fun enchantment for dealing with hostile mobs that you lead to the water. Hell, make it unable to strike aquatic mobs (including the Drowned), so it's only effective against mobs that you actively set up. Even then it would be better than what it is now.

    Riptide - I'm not going to touch this one based on my own inexperience with it. However, based on what I have read, it has some minor issues (especially when it comes to PVP)

    Impaling - This one is very, very simple. Make it deal more damage to creatures that are wet, and also able to affect undead (like the Drowned). This is actually how the enchantment works on Bedrock Edition. However, dealing upwards of 20 damage per strike doesn't seem very fitting for a now-non-specialized weapon, even if it's only effective in rain/water. Lessen the damage, but make it more effective. Sharpness and the other Sword-damage-enchantments already do insane levels of damage (especially the mob-specific ones), so being able to deal incredible damage outside when it's raining should be a no-brainer.

    Poseidon's Arm - Name is subject to change, of course, but some enchantment to allow the trident to both charge quicker and throw faster (with only small damage additions). This could have levels up to 2-3, with faster firing speeds and even faster throws (with added damage on the side) the higher it gets. This could be on the same "meh" level as Sweeping Edge, which is only sort-of-good. Both of them would be a nice addition to another enchantment you were aiming for already.

    Bleeding - Cannot be combined with Impaling. Just like any Fire or Flame enchantment, this would deal damage over time for a few seconds. However, this would only affect creatures with flesh (lucky Skeletons) and applies a non-extinguishable DOT on every melee and ranged strike. As it can't be applied with Impaling as well, this could be the general-damage vs the specialized-damage. Deal high damage in rain/water, or deal extra (but not insane) damage at any time. The main difference between this and the regular Fire enchantments is the non-extinguishable part, complimenting the ocean/rain specialization very well.

    So, with some tweaks to the current enchantments, and the addition of two extras, we might have a suitable weapon that, while still outclassed by swords and bows on land, is much more powerful when in the ocean/rain.


    3) General quality of life changes

    The trident is slow. Too slow. While the main attack is fine, throwing the trident feels really sluggish and not really a powerful "initial ranged attack before the melee starts". That's mainly because it a) slows you down while you start to throw and b) takes quite a while to charge for a sem-combo weapon. It feels clunky and unweildy, even when in the water.

    Poseidon's Arm was just one thing to help alleviate that clunky-ness. Being able to throw it faster would really help with those throw-grab-hit combos that would be REALLY awesome to pull off if they actually currently worked. However, as a general change the trident should only slow the player to regular speed (so sprinting would be cut down to walking speed, but not stopped) so you could effectively charge at the enemy while preparing the beginning throw. A bow, which takes careful aim, draw and steadiness, makes sense to be as slow as it is. However, the trident should be able to be pegged, even at a reduced accuracy (only if need be), to make it an even more fun weapon to use.

    Another change should be some sort of identification of the hotbar/offhand selection when you throw a trident. It's extremely frustrating to have to micromanage your inventory because you want to use a weapon. Hell, it could even have a "ghost trident" in whatever slot you threw it from, so no item can replace it until 10 seconds have passed. This would give the player time to go and grab the trident again, immediately replacing this "ghost trident" (which, on a side note, CANNOT be removed with /clear)

    Anyway, I'm done. These are my suggestions to make the trident a truly great weapon, hopefully without making it too over-generalized. Do you agree with me? Do you not? Do you have suggestions of your own? Please, write about them! I put discussion at the top because I want to talk about this subject. Hell, even if Mojang never actually sees this post, let alone takes it into consideration, it's still nice to discuss things!

    Anyway, bye.

    submitted by /u/Berdyie
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    Evokers in raids

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    Evokers can heal 3 hearts (6 hp points) illagers/pillagers/witches/ravagers from time to time.

    submitted by /u/Junachitos
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    Tents/camps (would spawn wandering trader)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    camps would spawn in groups of 1-4 tents made of wool that serve as an outpost for the wandering travelers each would have a campfire in the middle and one wandering traveler per tent. These camps would always spawn far away from villages to give a sense of isolation. And will spawn in any land biome.they can contain chests sometimes but the items aren't very valuable. Building viable structures in the camp will cause the traders to become villagers.

    submitted by /u/8-Bit-Oddish
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    Next Update Should Be a Transportation Update

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    There are a lot of fun ways to maintain and facilitate transportation. However, the options are limited and the transport of items and mobs long distance are notoriously difficult. There should be more in game options for large scale item or mob transport such as arks, or minecart trains to move chests or multiple mobs at once especially over the oceans. Also camels to be desert llamas just for fun.

    submitted by /u/theBuckweat33
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    New item- Air conduit

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    This would be a new item in the game that is similar to beacons and regular conduits. Due to how powerful they are, they would be made with hard to get blocks and items. Maybe you'd need chrous fruits, or a new shulker drop that would only drop around 10% of the time. I

    Basically, this item gives an area of effect similar in size to beacons and conduits. When In this area, the player basically has access to creative mode flying, making it easier to build big structures where an air conduit is set up. Allternatively, if this is seen as too overpowered it could work more like swimming in the air or maybe you'll start to fall if you stay in 1 spot for too long.

    submitted by /u/D_Wigz
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    A suggestion

    Posted: 03 Apr 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    I would like to suggest a change/ addition to the realm system. I suggest a button in the world menu called CONVERT TO REALM or something like that. It would turn a world into a realm, and after the host stops paying, it reverts into a world again.

    submitted by /u/Cornchips1234
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    New Item: Eagle-Eye Goggles for Elytra Flight

    Posted: 02 Apr 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    You know how Eagles can see 4 to 5 times further than humans, because they have a 'magnifying' type of lens in their eyes?

    What if there were an item in Minecraft called 'Flight Goggles' that enabled the player to have a magnifyed 'binocular' type of vision while using an Elytra, so you could either see farther, or while looking at close objects, see them larger.

    If you were using Elytra flight to search for something, it could help you find it.

    You could just craft it with some glass panes and leather (maybe a potion).

    I think players would look cool when equiped with an Elytra and a pair of Flight Goggles. lol

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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