Minecraft New spider behaviour/traits |
- New spider behaviour/traits
- Give composter a loot table
- How scaffolding could be improved (Video concept included!)
- Add support for local textures for custom skulls
- Wither Skull-etons
- Glowing XP Slimes
- Frogs!
- Monster Seidge
- Helmets should be placeable.
- The Quasi-Block: A block that emulates Quasi-Connectivity for Bedrock Edition
- Mob ideas eagles����������������
- A hotkey to switch to the next appropriate tool to mine the highlighted block. (Shift-middle-click?)
- Villager parentage
- Soggy sheep
- Small Changes to the Combat!
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 09:13 AM PDT Spiders should have these behaviour traits implemented: Spider Eggs: They are rather like turtle eggs, but they have a chance of spawning either a spider/cave spider. Poisons anything it is thrown at, except monsters. If you eat it, it restores two drumsticks of hunger, but will badly poison the player (Poison IV with Nausea II) They can be broken and picked up as an item, and thrown at a mob or player for some immense poisoning fun. Eating it should only be a last resort like spider eyes are. Spider Eggs take about 0.5 - 1 minecraft day to hatch, and spiders can only lay about like 3 to 5 eggs every 12 minutes. Breeding: You can make spiders breed with cobwebs, but they must be in a dark place/at night if outside to do so. Behaviour in water/rain: Spiders and other insects absolutely hate water. They drown in it. Spiders should be able to swim a little bit and drown. When rained on, spiders will seek shelter from the rain similar to how zombies and skeletons seek shade from the sun. Spiders will take damage in rain, but it's very little compared to water, which damages them by a massive amount. Spawn sizes/Egg hatch sizes: To give variety, so you feel as if its not the same spider appearing, the size of the spider will be randomised between a size of 0.3 (tiny) to a whopping 2.0 (massive). HP, amount of XP rewarded and damage goes up with size increase and vice versa. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 07:42 AM PDT Giving the composter a loot table would allow map makers to change the items that are dropped by the composter. Additionally it would be nice if you could change the accepted items and make specific inputs generate corresponding outputs. The former would allow maps like Skyblock to be alot more interesting ( by dropping dirt or podzol ), the latter could for example completely change how custom NPC shops are set up. https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043314552-Add-loot-table-to-composter [link] [comments] |
How scaffolding could be improved (Video concept included!) Posted: 11 Apr 2019 01:14 AM PDT TL;DR: Ability to place below scaffolding, remove the horizontal support limit in favour of base block, and scaffolding drops at the block that was mined. If it's too OP, add it to Iron Scaffolding which could be useful in the Nether or End. Video and Feedback site post (New ideas are emboldened.) Currently, placing scaffolding more than 6 blocks away horizontally from a pillar causes the block to fall to the ground. This lowers its usefulness below dirt and slime blocks in terms of convenience, as extra time, resources and inventory slots must be sacrificed to build additional supports. It is useful for creating a safe way down as you can drop enough scaffolding to make a new pillar, but this could also be achieved by adding the ability to place blocks below scaffolding, perhaps by looking down and sneak placing. Scaffolding's structural rules do correspond with its most useful property: If a scaffolding block is supported, it will break when that support is removed. However, a tiny selection of blocks are affected by gravity and those play by simple rules: if there's not a block directly below them, they'll fall. Further contributing to confusion is how scaffolding can only be horizontally supported by adjacent scaffolding. It's consistent with the rest of its behaviour, but not with Minecraft as a whole. To solve this, replace the current support behaviour with what I will call "base block" behaviour. It works as follows: when scaffolding is placed on a non-scaffolding block, it will take on a slightly different texture, signifying it is a base block, which will only be broken if mined. All other scaffolding will be stabilised by any scaffolding it touches, regardless of the direction. If it is no longer stabilised, it will break. This way, you can have as many base blocks as you like, and destroying the whole structure is as simple as destroying all the base blocks. Distance from supports would be irrelevant, meaning it would never fall under any circumstances. No confusing physics, less scaffolding required, and easier construction and destruction. Speaking of destruction, it would also be useful for all the blocks to drop at the base block when destroyed, to save the hassle of picking them all up. The latest snapshot has made scaffolding excel at its current uses. But if the base block behaviour were added, they would be suitable for a larger range of activities, such as quick bridges across hostile environments like the Nether or End. And if this lies too far outside the developers' vision for scaffolding, there could be a new tier - iron scaffolding, which could also be immune to fire, have a higher blast resistance, allow you to climb faster and even prevent you from falling off as if you were always sneaking. It could also allow you to hang from the bottom for increased accessibility. In conclusion, Mojang's execution of scaffolding is more versatile than that of mods, but its reliance on supports has made the block significantly less useful. However, Village and Pillage has included a massive amount of community suggestions, which proves they are definitely listening to us. If you agree with these ideas and want to see the scaffolding block improved, please upvote this post. Special thanks to GreasyTroll and OreoLamp who helped with the ideas and Nox for the textures. Feedback site link: [link] [comments] |
Add support for local textures for custom skulls Posted: 11 Apr 2019 11:30 AM PDT There isn't really an easy way to add new custom skulls to the game due to how skulls are textured. What I'm proposing is that Minecraft support the use of local texture files in addition to the current methods to allow for reverse compatibility while making it far easier and simpler to add new skulls. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 12:11 PM PDT This would be a new Wither Skeleton variant, that has an 'active' blue Wither Skull on their head. When they spot the player, they start running towards them, while their head locks onto them, and starts flashing. If the player doesn't leave their line of sight (which is 32 blocks), they will shoot their head towards the player, which explodes on impact. After that they are headless, and will attack the player without any weapons, only punching using their arms. Edit: Oh, and they have a chance to drop a wither skull just like normal skeletons, but the drop comes from the explosion. If you like this idea, please also vote on feedback.minecraft.net [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 01:42 PM PDT This is a fun, but less practical edition that I think would be cool in Minecraft. For every fifty slimes that spawn underground (not in swamps) a golden and glowing Slime that drops a lot of XP spawns. For a better idea on the color of the Slime look at a picture of a rare Chu from Zelda: Twilight Princess. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 03:23 PM PDT Frogs should spawn in marshy territory and have a passive version of Slime AI. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 05:50 AM PDT With the recent addition of raids, I would like to propose another (not as common) thread to the villagers, monsters. However, by monsters, I mean undead, having creepers or spiders would be a bit overboard. ConditionsUnlike raids, seidges can only happen to large villages, which means small growing player-made villages won't be overrun by seidges. For a seidge to start, a village would need to have:
Also unlike raids, seidges are more like random-occurrences than player-triggered. A seidge would randomly start if the conditions of the above are all true. When a seidge has happened, there will not be a seidge again in 5 days' LeadersEach wave would have a leader tagged the mob, They would be holding a banner with a zombie skull pattern in their left hand. They would be a 10% chance of dropping the banner they are holding. Enemies and DifficultyEasy-----3 waves Normal-----5 waves Hard-----8 waves Note:
Wave 1 around 6-10 zombies accompanied by 1-2 skeletons. Wave 2 2-3 skeletons, 10 zombies. The leader has full leather amour Wave 3 3 skeletons, 15 zombies, 1 zombie raiding a horse. All zombies have a 30% chance of wielding a weapon Wave 4 3-5 Skeleton horsemen, 10 zombies, 0-5 husk, 0-1 strays Wave 5 1 skeleton horsemen, 15 zombies, 1 trident-wielding drowned, 3 skeletons Wave 6 10 husk, 10 strays Wave 7 5 skeleton horsemen (strays on top of horses), 5 zombie horsemen (zombies on zombie horses) Wave 8---Final Wave 5 zombie horsemen, 3 skeleton horsemen, 1-3 wither skeletons, 20 zombies, 0-2 phantoms RewardsThe last enemy to die would release 1 creeper patterned firework, followed by the villagers celebrating by launching fireworks. You would get an effect with the name of "Monster Slayer", this should come as a tag that gives you a status effect, they would need to be done so that drinking milk wouldn't make this effect absent. When you have this effect, all monsters (excluding bosses and some mobs) would not bother you and would run away. They would only attempt to attack when you get too close. This tag/effect last for 3 in-game days [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 12:58 AM PDT It would act functionally like a Mob Head. Depending on how you're standing, the helmet would rotate just like a Mob Head. You'd still be able to shift-click and air-click it onto your head like normal, the only difference would be that you could place them. [link] [comments] |
The Quasi-Block: A block that emulates Quasi-Connectivity for Bedrock Edition Posted: 11 Apr 2019 11:35 AM PDT Although quasi connectivity is useful for making walls of pistons and hiding wire, there are a lot of things buggy about it that make it a pain to work with. So I think quasi-connectivity should take the route of bud switches and get a block exclusively for the mechanic instead of having a separate set of pistons or making it a toggleable option. Of course I'm suggesting this for Bedrock only because the redstone community would probably riot like they did with the 1.13 prototype water mechanics. When the quasi block is powered, it powers the block adjacent to it as well as the block adjacent to that block. When a block is 1 block away from the quasi block, it will not receive power unless you provide a block update, in which the block will power momentarily, then turn off again until another update is provided. So with this block we could have walls of pistons without the need of redstone automatically connecting to them, as well as lamps, dispensers, droppers, etc. So I had this posted on the Feedback Site, but apparently it was worthy of being deleted so here is the next best thing: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360010962752-Quasi-connectivity-on-bedrock-solution- (not the post idea but the comment by PolarMammoth) [link] [comments] |
Mob ideas eagles���������������� Posted: 10 Apr 2019 08:59 PM PDT The only known birds in Minecraft are chickens and parrots and the upcoming ostrich so why don't we add another one the majestic eagle Eagles are a block and a quarter tall sizes vary among variations, spawn alone or in a mated pair, if you find a pair and follow it you can find a baby eagle it is gray and around the size of a baby chicken, they have three growth stages, newborn, juvenile, and adult. newborns are small and cannot fly. Juveniles are bigger around chicken size. And can fly for short distances before landing. Adults can fly for long distances and glide like phantoms. They attack other mobs depending on the variation, Bald Eagles, found around lakes and warm seas attack all aquatic prey besides turtles and dolphins and baby sea turtles. Harpy and Philippine found in jungles attack parrots, chickens, pigs, baby pandas, ocelots, basically all jungle mobs. golden eagle found in plains, tundras, Taigas and mountains attacks all mobs other than wolves which attack them back. Snow biomes are home to Steller sea eagles, which attack all mobs other than polar bear adults which prey on them. One unique trait is parenting Once a pair is mated which can happen naturally or by player means, they build a nest and lay around 1 egg rarely 2. after a hatch time of ten in-game days, they hatch revealing a newborn. Newborns have a quick hunger bar so parents must hunt. one parent hunts while the other stay once a meal has been brought which they can hold in their mouths, they give it to the baby which he will eat to survive. After a feeding period of 10 in-game days. It becomes a juvenile they do not become hungry as quick like newborns. But still quicker than adults. They can fly bait but have to stay close by the nest to avoid enemies. After 30 in-game days. They become adults and leave the nest. To hunt and find a mate. Because they are predators doesn't mean they're invincible. During egg and newborn stage wolves, ocelots, parrots, polar bears, spider and phantoms try to kill the newborn but are chased away by the parents. Juveniles are targeted by all the ones except parrots. Adults have few enemies like wolves and polar bears. Taming one is hard. First you have to find two individuals who are not in a pair. The you have them live and hunt together to be a pair then they lay the egg. Which to have a tame eagle. You have to help the parents by feeding, providing prey and protecting it. Which is long and difficult like 20 in-game days. But that isn't the only way to tame them. You can travel to villages in their biomes to find a new villager called a hawker. You can buy tame eagles from them for 30 emeralds (hey it's a live bird) and it will follow you now. They can drop the contents of its stomach (like if an eagle ate a pig before you killed it, it will drop a pork chop) a couple of feathers and bones. That's my idea [link] [comments] |
A hotkey to switch to the next appropriate tool to mine the highlighted block. (Shift-middle-click?) Posted: 11 Apr 2019 10:25 AM PDT Side note, I always forget to use middle-click to select the block I want to use and it's ridiculous. But I'd love it if you could use a modified middle click to switch tools - so you don't HAVE to have 5 hotbar slots taken up; so you can easily switch between your silk touch and fortune tools; and of course when you're on a big landscaping spree. Perhaps if you do it on a mob it'll give you a weapon? Then there's maybe shears, maybe buckets...? Flint and steel probably not. I dunno. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Apr 2019 09:38 PM PDT Baby Villagers seem so disconnected with parents, and I know this might break the bed system when they grow up but baby Villagers should sleep with parents similar to how tamed cats do with players [link] [comments] |
Posted: 10 Apr 2019 07:16 PM PDT Sheep should get soggy when it rains or they go into water and shake it off like dogs when they're out. When you shear a soggy sheep it should give off water particles. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 11 Apr 2019 07:48 AM PDT You can't atack when the cooldown isn't complete. When you hit a player and they defend with a shield you get stunned for 1 second. [link] [comments] |
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