• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Saturia [semi-vanilla]{1.14}{18 plus}{whitelist}{NEW WORLD}

    Minecraft Servers Saturia [semi-vanilla]{1.14}{18 plus}{whitelist}{NEW WORLD}

    Saturia [semi-vanilla]{1.14}{18 plus}{whitelist}{NEW WORLD}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:31 AM PDT

    Hey guys, ign Qetesh here, co-owner of Saturia.

    We are playing on a fresh, mostly vanilla, 1.14 world (literally just reset), and our player base is looking for some new building buddies!

    Saturian folk are a diverse bunch, from young parents, an old parent, students, the gainfully employed, the gainfully unemployed, anyone is welcome as long as they follow the one rule; Don't be a dick. If you want drama free, chill times, but within a fun vibrant community, our server might be for you!

    The admin team let the server run as the community want, only stepping in when there is a problem. We all play the game just like the rest of you, if we want to travel somewhere in world, we run. If we want to find something, we hunt. The only times we step in is if there is a problem and someone is upset. If we feel something significant needs to happen we always try to consult the community. The server doesn't belong to the admin team, it belongs to those who play on it.

    We are vanilla as much can be. We have good grief protection and identification. We run a small plugin that stops creeper damage (on servers you end up with pot holes everywhere, or someone accidentally damage your work, nobody likes that), Beside that, everything else is under the hood and you won't know its there!

    One of our players took some screen shots of the last world so you can have an idea of how the world "may" end up. http://elrion404.deviantart.com/gallery/

    We have a subreddit, https://www.reddit.com/r/Saturia/ and a discord chat https://discord.gg/vTEz2q6 (discord is a chat program).


    let us know a bit about you, style of play, age, favorite colored real life and minecraft sheep (this matters to us), what ever you feel we should know.

    You can apply through:

    Posting in here, sending me a pm, Our discord thread, or pm one of our lovely subreddit mods.

    If accepted, our address is

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    submitted by /u/DobbyDun
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    Twisted Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {New Map} {Java} {1.13.2} {Long-Term Map} {PVE/PVP}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    Server Details:

    Discord: Please join discord before you will be accepted >>>Discord Link<<<

    IP: Given after application acceptance: >>>Apply Here<<<

    Server Location: Central Time Zone, US

    Version: 1.13.2 (Will expand/upgrade when 1.14 becomes more stable)

    Gamemode: Survival - Hard Mode

    Launch Date: 4/16/2019

    Dedicated Server, 32GB server


    This is new 1.13.2 server and map. We had a major failure with a prior host and lost our last world causing this fresh start. This server is intended to be a LONG term map with no resets, so tackle those big projects! Our old members have been in the world for a week, but we are looking to expand our playerbase at this point.

    We are aimed at bringing together mature players (18+) who enjoy not taking things too seriously and are respectful of others while having a good time. We appreciate that people have different play styles (lone wolf, team, or community builders), with varying play times and schedules, as well as individual strengths (redstone, terraforming, large builds, details, etc) A strong community needs all of these.

    We encourage the community to participate in community builds, provide feedback on how the server operates, and we are always open for suggestions to improve and build a stronger community.


    • LONG term map - border will expand, but world will not reset
    • World Border: 8k each direction (16k world border) - will expand with 1.14
    • Monthly Build contests with rewards
    • Customized Items (Unique graphics) - (Ex Looting 3 Axe, Mending/Infinity Bow)
    • Community Events & Builds


    Customizable Armor Stands

    Anti Enderman Griefing

    Custom Crafting

    2x Shulker Shells

    Dragon Drops Elytra

    Dungeon Gems

    Growing Phantoms

    Mob Head Drops

    One Player Sleep

    Statistic Tracking Scoreboards

    Increased Mob difficulty underground

    Resettable Woodland Mansion


    • Be mature and use common sense! If you break something, fix it, creeper hole, fix it, community farms, replant it. Don't yell in discord or spam chat.
    • Use judgement entering someone else's base, do not poke around in chests that are not yours or identified as public.
    • PvP - There will be a dedicated area/events for this, or as long as both parties agree
    • No Griefing/Stealing Period - You will be banned
    • Pranks are allowed, just know the difference between funny and destructive
    • X-Ray, hacking, using exploits, and modified clients will result in an immediate ban
    submitted by /u/jhvanis
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    [Wanted][Vanilla][PVP][Anarchy] Looking for a 1.14 100% vanilla server

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 10:19 AM PDT

    Hello there,

    With the 1.14 finaly released, I decided to get back at minecraft after a good pause (haven't played since 1.12).
    Hence, I'm currently looking for a server matching my expectations, if such a thing exist!

    Here's what I'm basically looking for :
    - The server should be in 1.14

    - The server should be vanilla for players. I don't mind plugins making moderator's job easier, but a player should not have any sort of command directly impacting gameplay. (No teleportation, no build limit, no grief protection etc). I'm fine with small exceptions such as a protected spawn zone (although I don't really care) or something allowing a player to loot the head of another player he killed, but that's pretty much my limit concerning changes to gameplay.
    - The server should have no rules beyond the classic "no cheating/no doxxing" kind of stuff. Players should be free to act as they wish : Griefing, looting, hunting, betraying, the whole bunch that makes an anarchy server. That's part of the charm : Knowing you can lie to people, but they can lie to you as well. You can trap someone's base, only to come back finding your own base gone. Complete anarchy, alliances forged and broken, this kind of thing. Let the players handle things.
    I've mostly, if not only played on this kind of servers for 8 years now, and the really cool part about anarchy is you never know how it's going to turn out. Sometimes, you end up chasing someone spawn killing new players. Sometimes, you end up being that guy. Sometimes, a huge groups forms up and they can accomplish amzing thing without even fearing other players, because they know everyone on the server and can easily make them pay, mafia style.

    - The server should have a limited map size. Having someone behave rudely then running to the far end of the world is annoying, and having your own base impossible to find is boring. The thrill of an anarchy server is also finding better and better ways to hide your base, or finding someone else's. Checking the number of entities via F3 to discover a secret mob farm, waiting for hours at spawn with invisibility potions only to follow someone back to their base...

    - The server should be on Hard Mode.

    - Bonus feature : Having a sort of deathban cooldown could : When you manage to wipe out a rival group you'd have plenty of time before they're back, you'd have to plan out your trips, etc because dying isn't as trivial. Not absolutely necessary though. Spawn protection seems would make sense with a deathban, otherwise you could pretty much for your ennemies to respawn and kill them asap, ruining the purpose of a risky life.

    - Bonus feature : Hidden coordinates, making you use maps to travel etc. Combined with a limited map size, you quickly get to know the world around you.

    - Bonus feature : Something I wouldn't mind, but isn't an actual criteria considering its nature (dunno if such servers exist anyway, but given the possibilities with data packs this wouldn't be a stretch) :
    Some random/unique rewards from dungeons etc using the attribute system. For instance, you could loot a Diamond Sword with a slightly increased attack speed, an axe with additional damage or boots with slight knockback resistance.

    These wouldn't fundamentaly change the gameplay as the gear progression would stay the same relatively, but it would add a random factor with exploring that would encourage exploration, especially with a limited map. Once every unique item is in a player hand, they'd make some valuables trophies etc.

    Anyway, that's pretty much it. (and that's quite a lot already!)
    If you know a server matching those conditions, even if they don't match all of them, do tell me. I've done some searching before making this post, saddly it didn't go well so here I am. See y'all!

    submitted by /u/Baladeur
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    SuperFunTime Survival [SMP][PvE][PvP] {Economy}{MCMMO}{Custom Plugins}{Updated to 1.13.2}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    SuperFunTime Survival IP - mc.superfuntime.org

    Website: http://www.superfuntime.org

    Who are we you ask, well we're an active and established gaming community who've been going on strong for 8 years! We put our focus on an enhanced vanilla server along with several modded servers. Here are some things that you can expect to find on SuperFunTime:

    If you want to live a pacifistic lifestyle on survival, we got you covered. Players are allowed to toggle pvp on or off to prevent (or allow) others to engage in awesome/totally not awesome combat. We run the most up to date version of minecraft so you should be able to find something interesting to do. We have a developed economy with hand run shops, autoshops, and global market listings. We also have Slimefun, Mcmmo, and plenty of other plugins to make your experience that much better on survival.Our active team of 40+ staff members will be more than happy to assist you with any issues or questions you have and our mod+ team will be happy to protect your builds for you so they won't be griefed.

    We just recently updated and relaunched our Pixelmon server! Download SFT Pixelmon from the technic launcher and join pixelmon.sftmc.org:1339 to check it out, you wont regret it!

    Maybe you want to be a magician or a science guy then you may want to check out our 1.7.10 server where the worlds of magic and machines clash by downloading the 1.7.10 pack from the technic launcher and punching in games.superfuntime.org:1338

    In case you want to play on the go, we also have a pocket edition server at: games.superfuntime.org

    Do you feel like you're a cut above the rest when it comes to survival skills? Well you should come and try out our Survival Hardcore Server! Now open to everyone! You can join the server by going on play.superfuntime.org(Vanilla MC) and typing /shc. Check it out now!

    Join our discord server at -> https://discord.gg/NMNynFS can also obtain the link from in-game by doing /discord!

    Rules Overview

    Server Hardware: Dedicated server: - Xeon E5-1620v2 / 4 Cores 8 Threads / 3.7GHz+ / 64 GB DDR3 / 1 GBps (hosted with OVH)

    Owners: TowelieDOH, Dpa1991, saywhat2365

    Did you know CaptainSparklez made a video about us? Check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HKXMxQbW8

    Don't forget to check out what Jesus thinks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C986V0qsuPA&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/SFTMedia
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    Echoes Hardcore [Anarchy] [Hardcore] [Vanilla] {1.14} {Dedicated Server} {No Phantoms} {Cities}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 07:16 AM PDT

    IP: hc.echoes.fun

    Echoes Website

    Echoes Discord



    This server is in hardcore mode. If you die, you will be banned until the following Monday.



    1. Dont threaten to lag/crash the Minecraft servers;

    2. Don't doxx anybody.

    If you're not doing either of these things, you can do whatever your heart desires. The rules on our discord are virtually the same (the only difference is that excessive spam isn't allowed). We're a fun-loving, lighthearted community.

    About the Server

    If you're struggling to find a server where you fit in, Echoes is the place for you.

    Ever since the server's inception in mid-2017, Echoes has been a community for the liberty-minded. We are dedicated to providing a home for the disenfranchised interlopers and outsiders who go from server to server searching for someplace that feels like home. A total of 9,879 players like you have logged into Echoes servers since we started began hosting them. Come check us out! We'd love to see you on our server or even on our Discord.

    What Makes Us Different?

    If you read this far, great! We're glad to see you have an interest in Echoes.

    Echoes may not have the age or player numbers (avg. number of people online at any given moment ranges from 6-12 players on weekdays and 15+ on weekends) of bigger anarchy worlds like 2b2t or Minewind. However, we've got features to set us apart from other worlds.

    • Let it be noted that every unique feature listed after this is done without plugins, mods, or server wrappers. Echoes is 100% vanilla. You can verify this by pressing F3 after you login. In the upper left corner of your screen, you'll see this, which indicates that you're playing on a vanilla world.
    • Though our staff login daily, all Echoes Network servers are (primarily) maintained by a bot named Saltshaker. In-game, this bot's name is saltshakerBOT. Saltshaker has a couple of features worth noting:
    • Saltshaker has the ability to teleport players to cities. This works via a number of steps involving two commands specific to accessing each city.
    • The first command, an invitation, is whispered to Saltshaker with a player's username after it. The invitation to visit a city called Otes is "pardon." So, if your username is qazt19, you'd whisper "pardon qazt19" to Saltshaker. After this, you'll be able to use the teleport command.
    • The second command is a teleport command, usually a phrase or book quote translated into Latin. Each city's teleport command will only work if you've been invited to the city you're trying to reach. For example. you cannot use the teleport command for Otes if you haven't been invited to visit Otes. So if my username is qazt19, and assuming I have already invited myself to Otes by whispering "pardon qazt19" to saltshakerBOT, I could then type the teleport command for Otes into public chat. If you'd like to try this for yourself, type "o tempora o mores!" into chat. Be careful of using these teleport commands in the End or Nether, because you'll be teleported to the city's coordinates regardless of which dimension you're in.
    • There is a caveat to all of this! ANYONE who knows a city's teleport command can invite WHOEVER THEY WANT to that city. If you follow the steps listed above, you can invite any player you choose to Otes, regardless of whether or not you've even invited yourself first.
    • Ready to try it yourself? Join echoes.fun, whisper "pardon <your username here>" to saltshakerBOT, and then type "o tempora o mores!" into chat. You'll be teleported to Otes!
    • Saltshaker will also teleport you to spawn via the !spawn command. We're working on a functioning (but nerfed) !back command, equivalent to /back on some other servers.
    • Saltshaker has functional !sethome, !delhome, and !home commands, equivocal to /home and its associated commands on spigot servers.
    • This command is a bit of a novelty; saltshakerBOT will place any block or item on your head that you desire (but the item will be enchanted with curse of vanishing and curse of binding) using the !hat command.
    • View a full list of saltshakerBOT's commands here.
    • Unlike most other anarchy worlds, pvp on Echoes is rare. Despite our lack of constraining rules, Echoes is a very community-centric server. For the most part, everyone you'll encounter is friendly and cooperative. Be warned, however, it's still anarchy, and there will always be people out to mess with you.
    • We also incorporate vote rewards into the server, courtesy of xMamo's vanilla votifier. In exchange for voting for the server (vote links are available on our Discord, and on the server by typing "!vote" into chat.), you receive 10XP levels and the world border will expand by 5,000 blocks. As I write this, the world border sits 577,500 blocks from the origin.
    • We have a custom resource pack with sounds (mostly memes) activated by certain keywords in chat. For example, saying "bruh" will cause Bruh Sound Effect #2 to play.
    • If you're a fan of Fallout: New Vegas, you're going to like our player base. We're all huge fans. We've got a custom Discord bot that streams Radio New Vegas 24/7 in our voice chat, complete with Mr. New Vegas' narration.
    • In-game, we're working on a bot user form of Mr. New Vegas. Using server resource packs, we're close to making it such that you can tune into Radio New Vegas as you play Minecraft. This should be completed by the beginning of May.


    Echoes comes highly recommended from all of its regulars. Check us out!

    submitted by /u/EchoesNetwork
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    [Wanted] [Vanilla] Looking for new ish 1.14 Vanilla server no cheats or duping

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    I've played bedrock edition for quite a while, I'm 17 and I love making hella redstone builds. Looking for a new ish server with cool people, preferably new enough to where there isn't a farm for everything already. Also with pretty strong rules around duping or anything like that. Apparently reddit has more rules than anything that has ever existed in the history of ever so this has to be 300 words, and on the app you don't get a word counter, this blows. I've just put this in a word counter and I'm not even at 100 words so I'll just explain why I'm switching to Java now. Really the only thing I enjoy doing much late game is making crazy over the top farms and redstone builds, and I'm always blown away by the type of things you can do on Java, on bedrock you can only load blocks in a 64 radius sphere around you, so like nothing ever loads unless you're touching it. Because of this it's almost impossible to do two things at once, ex you could never build something and smelt iron at the same time, unless you're building a wall around your furnace. Also my realm that I've been on for the past 6 months or so has become pretty inactive and it makes things not as fun, so I've figured that plus the new update would be a good time to finally get away from bugrock.. really looking forward to finding a good server l. And I've still got about 50 more words, and I'm realizing they really need to change up the whole word count thing because it seems pretty excessive. I get they want people to describe their server but damn like you should have to publish a book to post on Reddit? I think it's a bit much

    submitted by /u/loneleek234
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    HerobrineHunters [vanilla][SMP]{1.14}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    I'm gathering players for a minecraft server hopefully to be similar to the hermitcraft server. Overall vanilla without plugins, but with some datapacks(maybe). Would be great if you have good minecraft knowledge. Server will not be available instantly because i want to do a grand opening. Server is located in eastern Europe. DM me on discord for more details. Pollux#3954


    1.No griefing

    2.No NSFW content

    3.Have fun:)

    submitted by /u/ernestovics
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    DeadDropPvP [Vanilla] {Amplified} {Survival} {KeepInventory}

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    Hello and welcome to DeadDrop PvP server! We currently are running a PvP Amplified survival server running Version 1.14. Keepinventory is True meaning When you die you do not drop your inventory (This may change if demand is high enough). Map is set to Amplified for a more ambitious creative player. Game is and always will be survival. We will not tolerate cheating, if you are caught cheating you will be banned. We currently do not have a discord but if demand is high enough we will create one. Server hosted by PebbleHost.

    Server IP:

    RULES: No cheating, No begging to be admin, no spamming chat, no xray mods

    submitted by /u/BallsLikeItsFifa
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    [Wanted] [SMP] [Modded] FTB Builder's Paradise

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 10:32 AM PDT

    So yesterday, FTB released a medium-sized building-focused pack and I am so there. I much prefer playing on servers to alone, though, so I was wondering if anyone knows of any or is considering setting one up? I'm a very low-key player and I promise not to break anything ;-)

    I'm really just after the kind of server this pack was made for - something nice and friendly without PVP or griefers or whatever, where I can get on with making a pretty farmhouse in peace!

    submitted by /u/PersephoneHazard
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    Fully Toasted [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{Discord}{Mature Community}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Fully Toasted Pure Vanilla Sever


    Welcome to Fully Toasted gaming cluster! We just added a Vanilla Server to our cluster today!



    We are a close-knit community of developer, players, and content creators! Applications are always open and if you are looking for a chill community, look no further. Check out our (Fully Toasted) to learn more, and if we sound cool it's because we are please send us an application in a post with the information below, or apply on our (Fully Toasted Apply)



    Fill out an application on our website or fill out one in the comment section.

    After that, join our Discord! Discord Come hang out and introduce yourself, we'd love to get to know you. It will also help us get you white listed faster



    The IP for the [Pure Vanilla | Version 1.14] server is: **vanilla.toastedpack.world**



    Tl;dr don't be dumb and don't be a jerk.

    No griefing/stealing

    No cheating/duping

    No excessive/unnecessary PVP

    Be mindful of offensive behavior or speech



    Intel i7-7700K OC

    4c/8t - 4.7GHz /5GHz

    64GB DDR4 2400 MHz

    SoftRaid 2x450GB NVMe

    + SoftRaid 1x4TB SATA

    500 Mbps bandwidth

    99.9% Uptime

    Hosted in Quebec, Canada *(server specs do not include maple syrup or poutine)*



    *Whitelist Application: Please copy and paste below!*

    **IGN** -

    **Why would you like to join this community's server** - *(Note: hiding cakes in another player's base is not the best answer)*

    **What are your favorite mods/packs?** -

    **Do you have Discord?** -

    **Write a little bit about yourself!** -


    Hope to see you in the servers! @ https://discord.gg/rRndTtU- Fully Toasted Staff and Community :D

    submitted by /u/Re-RenderReality
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    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 10:42 PM PDT

    Icarus MC is a newly established PvP Towny server. This is your chance to gather your friends or make new allies and create a thriving town. You can live peacefully or declare war on a neighbouring town; create alliances and begin to form a nation.

    We currently have McMMO so you can level up your survival skills, Silk Spawners so you can gather spawners for experience grinding, and an extensive server shop so you can make money by selling everything from mob drops to crops. More great features will be added as our server grows.

    So what kind of town will you make? A farming community? A military base? A Gambling Utopia? A Party Haven? The possibilities are endless, so bring your friends and experience just how high you can soar.

    Join us on icarusmc.net

    Server Rules:

    • Do not advertise. Promoting your social media or referring to another site is fine.
    • Be respectful to all members.
    • Do not spam.
    • No racism or hate speech.
    • No NSFW content.
    • Do not threaten or troll members.
    • Do not impersonate other members.
    submitted by /u/KohiBear
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    [Wanted] [SMP] [Vanilla] server wanted for small streamer.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:06 PM PDT

    Hello lads. Im small streamer from Slovakia, that streams a lot of games including Minecraft. As I always watch YouTube I came across Hermitcraft server. Seems like a lot of Fun, but im not that big streamer to be included there. So im looking for Smp server that is kind of same as Hermitcraft, but you dont need thousands of subs. Also some friendly community ofc. In advance thanks.

    submitted by /u/FreakDustSK
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    Dark Sect. [Vanilla] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:00 PM PDT

    Whats good everyone, this is pretty new server. I have run multiple servers in the past, but it's been a few year's since i have.

    We're all here looking to play a game we enjoy. We wan't to make a community that will have fun together in more then just Minecraft.

    We have the server difficulty set to hard, with these datapack installed:

    Multiplayer sleeping

    We're creating a chill server for everyone to have fun, with no strict rules. If you offend someone on the server, well they shouldn't have such weak feelings.

    But here's the rules:

    This server is no where near PG so if you can't handle that too bad?

    Don't be a jerk

    Don't grief If you wanna complain about something not important do that by yourself

    I'm not here to babysit you

    We won't give you items

    Don't hack

    Don't use X-ray/X-ray texture packs

    No PvP unless both parties agree

    No duping resources(example: diamond, redstone ect...)

    Duping rails, and similar things are aloud

    Don't build near someone else unless you ask permission

    If you would like to apply to the server please join: https://discord.gg/z5Qydz2

    Visit #Rules-Application-Format and post your application in #applications

    submitted by /u/__Soul
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    Neubrite Kingom [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.14}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Neubrite Kingdom:
    A Hermitcraft Inspired Server

    Years ago, the Neubrite Kingdom server started out as The Network server back in 2013. Since then, we have grown into what we all know and love today. Here at Neubrite Kingdom, we strive to make a community much like the Hermitcraft and Mindcrack servers have. We want to create a place where people from all over can come and get together to play a game we all love and enjoy. We try to hold fun events for our members at least once a month. We currently have a Dynmap which you can check out down below. The current map we are on began on January 24, 2019. We always have room for more people and will do our best to make you feel welcome!

    Some Requirements:
    *Age 16+ (maturity is more important than age though)
    *Be Friendly
    *Be Energetic!

    Rules: (Also Listed on the Website)
    1. No stealing! (Immediate Ban)
    2. Pranking is allowed. No TNT or fire is allowed, if seen there will be consequences.
    3. Be mature and friendly.
    4. No Racism Towards Other Players (Immediate Ban)
    5. No Duplication Glitches
    6. No Cheating (This includes X-Ray, or any other mods/changes that would give you a benefit over others which you added yourself and are not server-side.) (autoban)
    7. No arguing with staff!
    8. If you kill someone return their items back to them. Do not kill without permission!
    9. No advertising other servers!
    10. If inactive for more than two weeks (without notice), you will be unwhitelisted, we want to keep an active community on the server. This has room for change depending on the situation

    Yes, we do have plugins, however, these plugins are simply plugins that help us keep more detailed records. These records will help us identify the griefer if we were to be griefed.

    Important Links:
    *Website: www.neubritekingdom.com
    *Click here to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRys9-u_BTTp5JsvR_pVwpl9LS6BohJMJhjaSaOlXoyondNg/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Thank you for taking time to read the post. I hope to see you on the server soon!

    Owner, Neubrite Kingdom

    submitted by /u/NeubriteKingdom
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    EscapeRestart [Hub] {Lava Survival} {Creative} {PvP} {RPG Survival}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Server Information:

    Server IP: lobby.escaperestart.com

    Server Name: EscapeRestart

    Website: [EscapeRestart.com](https://escaperestart.com)

    Discord: [EscapeRestart Discord](https://discord.gg/h3Z9cvj)

    Subreddit: /r/EscapeRestart

    Version: 1.13.2 (Can join via 1.14)

    Gameplay Types: [PvP] [SMP] [PvE] [CTF] [Tag] [Creative] [MultiMode]


    Welcome to EscapeRestart! EscapeRestart is a Minecraft Community / Hub that dates all the way back to 2009 (formerly TheOnes / Blocktopia), founded back in alpha days of MC. EscapeRestart is one of the oldest Minecraft communities, but still offers services in Premium MC today. We host multiple servers that can conform to any players style, and host tons of fun events on the side! The current servers are as listed

    Rituals of Fire [Lava Survival] [PvE]

    Army of Darkness [PvP] [PvE] [CTF] [Multimode]

    Create [Creative] [Plots] [Flatland]

    Rules: [EscapeRestart ToS & Rules](https://escaperestart.com/forum/help/terms)

    ---------- Server Descriptions ----------

    • Rituals of Fire [RoF]

    - RoF is unique game-mode - Classic lava re-imagined. Here, players must survive together against the rising waves of lava. The lava has varying moods and speeds - so be prepared for different plans each time you hop on. You earn currency from surviving rounds that you can use to obtain higher ranks - and with that more cool, new items.

    - RoF offers multiple unique maps and fun mini-games to play while you wait. Hop on to relive the updated version of the old classic now!

    • Create

    Create is our Creative Server, where WorldEdit is allowed for everyone upon joining. It features not only plots, but 3 FlatLand worlds, and a terrain world. Create has a rank system, which includes the following ranks:

    - Novice

    - Builder

    - Specialist

    - Adv. Builder

    - Architect

    All of these ranks come with special permissions and cool new features. Novices also have WorldEdit in their plots - so you can go ahead and use it right away! Fun and limitless perks and no donor catering makes this server unique in many ways.

    • Army of Darkness [AoD] [PVP]

    AoD hosts multiple gamemodes inside of itself. Including:

    - Mob [PvE] - Survive against waves of Mobs with friends.

    - Infection [Tag] - A classic re-imagined. One person starts out infected and must tag everyone else to infect them.

    - Zombie [PvP] - One person starts out as a zombie and must kill other players to turn them.

    - CTF [PvP] - Work with your team and use "rockets" to shoot enemies and capture the enemy's flag.

    - TNT [PvP] - Blow up the enemy teams core with the explosive weapons you are provided!

    - TDM/FFA [PvP] - Battle it out against players, either with a team or by yourself.

    AoD also offers a ton of unique maps built by our community with a central theme in mind. The Map Authors also choose the weapon kits users start out with, so you have balanced game-play, with no over-powered donor kits! Have fun and fight fair on AoD.

    • Survival [SMP]

    A super fun RPG-like 1.13.2 survival experience. Master classes, build up empires, conquer other ones by raiding, killing and stealing, explore old ruins and abandoned towns, or simply life peacefully alone growing wheat.


    Server Hardware: Dedicated: server with i7 powered, and SSDs.

    Plugins: Multiple - Many Custom

    Head Admins: Hex, nillbugwtw, Robo

    Pictures/Videos URL: [Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCExqNnDNHn6eNPFhd0_SqsA)

    submitted by /u/EscapeRestart
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    CoreCraft:Builders of the Lair [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{HermitCraft-Inspired}{1.14}{Whitelist}{Community}{Discord}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    Welcome to CoreCraft: Builders of the Lair!

    We are a community of crafters looking for fun individuals just like you!

    This server was started as a way to find like-minded individuals to explore, craft, invent, innovate, and build with. Founded in Winter 2018, the server continues to grow and expand, and with the launch of 1.13 and 1.14 bringing more excitement down the road, we're looking to add even more smiling faces to our community!! Our community dates back to 2015 and if you chose to make us your home you can read more about our history on our discord. Feel free to check us out today and make your mark on our brand new world!!

    Our next season begins with the launch of 1.14. Come and join us for a brand new fresh and exciting adventure! Who will be the first to defeat a village raid? Could be you!

    Who We Are

    Founded by a small group looking for greener pastures, our server has steadily grown into a tight-knit community, full of fun and energy. There's always someone about to say hello, build with, or chat with if you'd like! We feature a Discord for further ways to connect with members on the server while not on Minecraft. Featuring games nights, community projects, and even building competitions, you'll never run out of things to do!

    Rules, rules, rules, what're the rules?

    As with any server, we have rules to follow but we like to not restrict you too much. That said, it is important to follow the few we have in place or you may have a temporary / permanent ban based on what you do, and that's never fun!

    • Please respect nature, no floating trees
    • Please do not spam.
    • This includes Discord, especially the use of @
    • No stealing / griefing / hacking
    • No PvP without first asking the user
    • Have fun!

    The Application!

    Thank you thank you thank you for taking the time to read over all of this!

    If you are still confident this is the server for you, or just want to get your feet wet, please head over to our posting on the minecraft forums and complete the application there. Everything you need to know and more is located at:


    THANK YOU FOR READING! We hope you enjoy CoreCraft!!

    submitted by /u/Sturped
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    [Wanted] Minecraft server windows 10 edition [PVE] {1.11.1}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    Hi i have right now the minecraft windows 10 edition v1.11.1, looking for some adventure or survival, not minigames server.

    ive been away for a while so i dont know what "vanilla" "semi vanilla" means or "white list" "grey list"

    if the servers is un USA better for my conecction speed ( even better if is in south america), but i have no problems with english servers.

    submitted by /u/Spike-Cbbp
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    Recentibus: Survival Re-Imagined.[Modded][RPG}{Raiding}{PvP}{1.12.2}{claims}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    General Info:

    Recentibus is the official server for a WIP modpack known as Recentibus with enhanced vanilla being the sole focus. this modpack is only really ever fun with friends, we have raiding, economy, and RPG aspects with many mods that enrich the entire experience. more importantly, the more people who join the better. we are currently an actively growing community with an active discord that hopes to achieve greatness. if you support us, you can join us by downloading recentibus ( https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/recentibus/files ) and joining habrox-3.mcnode.net or by checking out our discord (https://discord.gg/3hWJ74m)


    -Be Respectful

    -No hacking (or exploiting)

    -no placing down profane images on Online Picture Frames (pornography or other explicit material

    -raiding is allowed once every real-life week (but during a raid you may not grief the structure, only steal from chests, kill defending pets and/or players, etc but NO GRIEFING)

    -no griefing

    -no spamming chat

    -people with OP are not exempt from these rules and if they are caught they could be demoted or even banned

    -have fun xoxoxo

    submitted by /u/The_Rifter
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    Dropped Dungeon [SMP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    Dropped Dungeon is a collaborative, SMP styleMinecraft Realm. It is going to be season-based and we are recruiting our first roster of players. There will be massive dungeons under the ground that you must clear with the others on a server, if you go alone, you may receive a temporary house-arrest on the server(invisible barriers will be built around your home). There are few requirements, so here is the list: -You must be a streamer and/or YouTuber -You must be playing on Bedrock -You must be politically correct on/off the server(by which I mean, in the rest of your streams/videos) -You must be willing to be taken out of the server when the season ends If you would wish to participate, please message me privately or comment below. Rules of the server: -No Hacking -No Mod Clients -PvP is allowed if consensual

    submitted by /u/DMmaster5E
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