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    Minecraft Shouldn't you be able to move faster in shallower water?

    Minecraft Shouldn't you be able to move faster in shallower water?

    Shouldn't you be able to move faster in shallower water?

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    I feel like it'd be more logical to walk slower in deeper water, but in-game the opposite is true.

    submitted by /u/kham132
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    Dromedary camels should be added to vanilla MC.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Since we have llamas, why not add a cousin to the llama, the dromedary camel to PC and Bedrock editions? You can read a lot about real world camels here: https://www.livescience.com/27503-camels.html

    Some quick facts about real world dromedary camels (these are the ones that have one hump on their back):

    1. For thousands of years, humans have ridden on camels and used them for transport of both people and items.
    2. They are farmed for wool, leather, milk and meat.
    3. They eat plants with thorns.
    4. Camels are designed for living in arid environments, and do not need access to water and foliage to the same degree as other non-desert living animals.

    That being said, other than rabbits, there aren't any animals in desert biomes worth farming. It takes far too long for rabbits to become a good source of food and leather, so this makes living in a desert in survival mode kind of pointless, even late in the game.

    So here's what I think the features of dromedary camel mobs should be, and why:

    • Camels can be fed one block of cactus to breed them with another camel. This makes sense because they eat thorny plants in real life, and cacti are a good source of water in an arid environment.
    • Camels do not take damage from cacti because they can eat them. This would make desert transport a lot easier and safer than with horses/donkeys/mules.
    • Camels can be sheared to obtain one block of wool. They aren't as fluffy as sheep, so one block of wool would be fine. They can be an alternative to sheep, but provide a nice challenge to collecting wool.
    • Camels can be killed to obtain camel meat and leather. The meat would have a 1 - 3 drop rate, and the leather would have a 0 - 2 drop rate. Players won't be able to get milk from camels, since that would be too many resources to obtain from one mob, and make the game too easy.
    • They will have a much more uncommon spawn rate than other mobs, and spawn in groups of 2 - 4. This would make them harder to find, and keep survival challenging. They will only spawn in deserts and red deserts.
    • For creative mode, they would add a nice atmosphere to desert cities and landscapes. Certainly make a desert feel more like a desert. Arid environments have more life in them than people realize, it's not all cacti and sand with the hyperactive rabbits!
    • In order to tame a camel, I was thinking of two options: The first, more obvious would be sitting on a camel multiple times until it becomes tamed to the player. The other option, would be feeding it cooked cactus. It could take anywhere from 10 - 32 cooked cactus to tame a camel. Again, keeping things challenging.
    • Another fun behavior to consider, would be that a player cannot pull a camel along with a lead if it has not been tamed. Camels will refuse to follow a player and spit at them, and then the lead will break and drop on the ground. Once the lead is broken, the camel will no longer spit, unless the player tries to attach a lead to it again.
    • Camels can be equipped with a chest, and will have two rows of inventory space.
    • As far as color variants are concerned, for the desert biome, camels could be a color similar to sandstone, and drop white wool by default. Unlike sheep, they cannot be colored with dye, so their wool would have to be colored in a crafting table. (Purple sheep are cool, purple camels are just silly). In red desert biomes, camels could be brown, and drop brown wool as default.
    • It also would be pretty cool, to have wandering traders spawn into deserts with "trader camels", instead of trader llamas.

    That's everything that I could think of. I'm curious what you guys will think about this.

    submitted by /u/theartbook35
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    We need to rethink the phrase "the theme of minecraft"

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:22 AM PDT

    Note to mods: This is a suggestion as well as discussion thread, do not remove it D:

    I've seen people talking about minecraft is a "medieval themed game" and stuff get rejected for being "too modern" or "does not fit the theme of minecraft.

    However, I do think minecraft have a way more diverse theme than the classic medieval games, consider the following stuff in minecraft and its reference.

    Redstone - Electronics

    Guradians - laser shooting fish

    Beacon - Kinda futuristic design

    TNT, rail and minecart - All post-industrial stuff

    Concrete - Also pretty modern stuff

    So what is the point?

    Well, these items are all not medieval in core, but still they are adopted into the base game in a way that fits the game.

    My conclusion is, minecraft does not have a clear theme, it is more like a theme of itself, lots of "too modern" thing can actually be remade into something that fits minecraft.

    (for example, while aeroplanes are hard to fit into the game, steampunk-styled airship with ender feature mixed in might be better)

    (Another example, iron golems are inspired by robots in Castle in the Sky)

    So for people creating and reviewing suggestions, think a bit of what "theme of minecraft" is, and try to make the suggestion in a way that fits into the game, and try not to simply pass out stuff that appears "too modern"

    submitted by /u/Explosive_Cake
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    An Update to Abandoned Mineshafts

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    Mineshafts as of 1.14 are rather... dated. This is also true to many other structures, but today I'll focus on the mineshaft. This is more on the smaller side for changes, but sometimes small updates are nice.

    note: apologies for formatting, this was written on mobile

    Below is my changelog: •Lanterns will generate instead of torches. •Tunnels come in 3 sizes: 1x2, 2x2, and the classic 3x3. The 3x3 tunnel keeps the same wood-and-fence design as before. •The wood type for the supports is dependent on the wood (or lack thereof) on the surface. A plains or forest would have oak, savannahs acacia, jungles jungle. Deserts and mesas would use the sandstone variants. •The ends of shafts would either end in a dead end, a pile of TNT, a chest, a workbench, or rarely a pile of assorted ores. •The sloped parts of the mineshaft would use stone stairs for their floors. •The dirt room is supposed to be the hub. Perhaps it could have some chests and furnaces to give it life. •Small offshoot rooms could be found occasionally, such as a chest room or barracks. •Cave ambience would play much more frequently inside mineshafts.

    Here's what a part of an acacia mineshaft would look like: http://imgur.com/gallery/DEpz12L

    Feel free to critique and add your own suggestions if you'd like. Enjoy your day.

    submitted by /u/LemonsAreFroonts
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    Clocks should be placeable without needing an item frame

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:28 AM PDT

    Bonus points if you also let us place compasses on flat surfaces.

    submitted by /u/N1cknamed
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    /eval command - Evaluate JSON and execute it

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    /eval <raw json text> - Evaluate the given raw json text and execute it.

    For example, let's say we have score testIndex = 8 for the current player.


    /eval [ {"text": "execute as @p run data get entity @s Inventory["}, {"score": {"name": "@s", "objective": "testIndex"}}, {"text": "]"} ] 

    would evaluate to:

    execute as @p run data get entity @s Inventory[8]

    which would return the players last hotbar slot. Then you could decrease the testIndex score by 1 to get the second last hotbar slot. Of course, you could also use an nbt value instead of score as the index here.

    While this is just a very simple example to showcase the idea, it would still take a lot more commands at the moment. Even if we had a command for dynamically accessing a certain index of an nbt list using a score, there would still be dozens of commands that currently have no way of being used with scoreboard or nbt data. For example, we cannot dynamically modify arguments of the /particle command like speed. The best you could do is hard code a lot of cases and then use a bunch of execute if's to choose the command with the right parameter.

    As far as I can see, something like this is one of the remaining puzzle pieces to allow for all kinds of datapack and map making.

    submitted by /u/motleybook
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    "Monster of the Village" effect and it's affects.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 05:47 PM PDT

    When your weapons run red, know that you bear the mark of the dead..

    Monster of the Village is an effect that is obtained after killing every villager in a village, it adds a slight red tint to any weapons you're holding.

    Monster of the Village effect icon

    Length: 7 in-game days. Particles: No. Effect stacking: No. Curable with milk: No.

    How to get the effect: When you murder an entire village, you are inflicted with the effect, the icon flutters on the screen and an ominous horn is blown, wherein your weapons gain a slight red tint.

    Reverse the effect: To reverse the effect you must kill a raid captain, gain Bad Omen, and defeat a raid to gain the Hero of the Village effect, only then will villagers accept you.

    What the effect does: Pillagers, Ravagers, & Illagers become neutral, villager built iron-golems become hostile & attack on sight, Villagers will run into their home upon the player entering a village, the Villagers will then lock their doors, stay silent, refuse to trade, and run when approached by the player with the effect, after the effect wears off/cured, the villagers will have highly increased their prices, and children will run from the player when they come close.

    This post was denied by HelenAngel, so please don't spam this suggestion on the official Minecraft suggestion website, you may freely mod this idea in anyway you see fit, with or without my credit, enjoy.

    submitted by /u/TheDustOfGandalf
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    feather falling boots prevent crops from being trampled.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Basically, if your boots have the feather falling enchantment you won't be able to trample crops when wearing them. Could be useful around farms. The level wouldn't make a difference, so feather falling I and feather falling IV would have the same effect. Wearing the boots makes trampling crops completely impossible.

    I thought about suggesting this as a new enchantment, but enchanting some boots and getting that would be worse than getting bane of arthropods

    submitted by /u/D_Wigz
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    Composter needs work

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    This update was amazing except for the composter. It should be able to take spider eyes, rotten flesh, and poisonous potatoes, and other materials that have next to no purpose.

    submitted by /u/idontfanart
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    Breaking a full composter drops a Podzol block

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Make Lanterns hang off Iron Bars

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 02:57 PM PDT

    Lanterns can be placed below walls, or below regular blocks. For some reason though, lanterns can't hang below iron bars. I'm thinking of descending lights from the ceiling, but I suppose hanging them off the side of iron bars would have to work as well? I don't understand the mechanics yet, I just want a simple chandelier. The other options are a lot bigger and more of an eyesore than a lantern would be with just a thin metal line above it.

    submitted by /u/Kaatmandu
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    Having a popularity of -15 or more causes Illagers to be neutral towards you

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    Trading might not be a possibility, but I don't see why they couldn't become neutral if you've proven yourself to be just as evil as them.

    After all it IS the Village and Pillage update.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Making leather armor viable early on

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    Let's be real, leather armor is pretty much useless as early-game protection. This is mainly because of the sheer volume of leather you need to gather in order to make a full set of armor- a task which often takes longer than simply mining some iron. So how can this be fixed?

    Easy- make the recipes take less material. Either allow leather to be crafted into 9 "leather strips" or "scraps", and make the armor craftable out of those, or simply make the recipes smaller- for example, caps could be crafted out of three leather instead of five, boots with two, etc.

    Making this change would lead to leather having a legitimate use in early game, and allow players to have more protection early on- something every new player is in need of, at one point or another.

    submitted by /u/swordlover87
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    1.14.1 suggestion possibly

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    It's a simple suggestion. If you cannot decrease the price for a trade anymore, increase the quantity you receive!

    submitted by /u/bambo15109
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    Concrete machine

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    There should be a machine like we have in real life to mix concrete powder with water instead of having to throw it into a sea or ocean. There are new machines like the stonecutter already so why not for concrete too?

    The way it would work is simple, you fill it up with water and put in your powder blocks and its gonna process them into concrete.

    submitted by /u/Schikatu
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    Bed usage in improper dimension only damages user

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    Currently, when attempting to use a bed in the Nether or the End, it creates a massive explosion; this renders TNT obsolete in those dimensions, and it can make the Ender Dragon fight ridiculously easy (as you can safely activate the bed from behind a blast-resistant wall).

    I think beds should only hurt the user; just make the bed have a simple explosion animation, and take health from the player.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Villages should have better population control to account for players’ beds.

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    In a village, the population is controlled by beds (which admittedly makes more sense than doors) and I just feel kinda weird having to kick a villager out of my bed every night so that I can sleep. So beds placed by players should be "tagged", one tagged bed per player, to allow players to actually have their own individual bed.

    submitted by /u/EonEMP
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    All living animals and NPCs blink

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    Cheap solution to add a bit of life.

    submitted by /u/Koala_eiO
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    New combat concepts - Part 1: weapon combos

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:13 AM PDT

    I'll be posting a few suggestions regarding combat. I'll put the links to the other suggestions below (the list will be updated as I make the suggestions).

    Note that these ideas are independent of each other.

    List of suggestions:

    (other suggestions coming soon)

    One of the main complaints about 1.9 combat of that it is slow-paced, contrasting with pre 1.9 combat, which is dictated by whoever spams the attack button faster.

    I think the solution would be a compromise between the two: keeping the attack cooldown, but adding a way to speed up battles.

    Weapon combos would be the way to do this.

    Combos would be triggered by performing a second attack before the attack cooldown fills 1/4 (or 1/3, depending on what's more balanced).

    This would deal a second blow with 75% of the damage and a different animation.

    Also, depending on the weapon, there's an extra effect: the sword ignores a bit of armour (represented by a stab animation); the axe deals extra knockback (because you hit with the blunt side of the axe). Maybe other tools could also have a special effect like this.

    What do you think?

    Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Drawing Table - Another utility block!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    Just what it sounds like! A block that lets you create art on a piece of paper, which can be placed in an item frame like a map. Because making art on maps is so difficult. This would be a great tool for mapmaking, servers, or just decoration.

    It wouldn't be anything advanced, around the same resolution as a map, and limited to the same colours as a map, but it would make many tasks much easier.

    Not an incredible suggestion, but I like it nonetheless :)

    submitted by /u/weedlazer69
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    Iron Signs

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I have an idea for a new type of sign, the iron sign. It will be like the normal sign, but be as wide and tall as a block, but it isn't a block, from the side it will look like an item frame, but another color. My idea for crafting it is it will look like this

    iron bar | iron bar | iron bar
    iron bar |woodsign|iron bar
    iron bar | iron bar | iron bar

    And then you get 8 signs. Then, when you take those signs again, the same recipe, and replace the woodsign with any dye, and it turns to that color. For darker colors like black, brown, etc, (red too) make that the text you type is white, otherwise it's black.

    Also, two things to this and the pre-existing signs.

    1. Make that walls and fences connect to signs. Else it looks like they float.
    2. Make it that when you get a sign, and type just one letter, say 'A', it would display in the size of the entire sign, not just one line. Like in the minecraft ripoff Survivalcraft.
    3. Maybe you can make some buttons at the bottom of the screen where you enter the text for the sign, where you can enter arrows, like ↑, but in all directions and 45° angles too.

    Have a nice day,

    submitted by /u/doofesschnitzel
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    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    Saplings that fall from leaf blocks have a chance of planting themselves. (On a valid block)

    submitted by /u/it_me_reese
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    Damage to a player should change the texture of their hearts.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 10:43 PM PDT

    Since the texture for the player's hearts change to green when they are poisoned and change to black when they are withered, they should change depending on other long-term effects like drowning and fire. Drowning could just change them to blue, and fire could be orange or maybe have small fire texture/animations on each of the hearts.

    submitted by /u/Biznasty_
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