• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers [Wanted] Minecraft server to reignite my love for the game! [PvE] {16+}

    Minecraft Servers [Wanted] Minecraft server to reignite my love for the game! [PvE] {16+}

    [Wanted] Minecraft server to reignite my love for the game! [PvE] {16+}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I am 19 years old from England, and am looking to get back into Minecraft after a two-year break. I haven't played in those years, but am looking to join a community where I can get back into the game and learn. I love being part of building projects as well as engaging in interesting rules that servers may have.

    If you are looking for a dedicated member for your server I am your man, please let me know via message or comment what your server has to offer and you will have the absolute pleasure of hearing back from me :D

    Thanks a lot,


    submitted by /u/Shortirito
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    Kingdoms of Bandera [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{Discord}{1.14}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Kingdoms of Bandera SMP

    Now that 1.13 has finally been released, I have decided to create a whitelisted SMP server to bring mature, experienced players together to enjoy the full extent of this update. Kingdoms of Bandera is a community server centred around builders.

    Who are we looking for?

    I am looking for players who are committed and experienced. Building experience is an added bonus.

    How do you join?

    Fill out the application form through the link below. Once complete, reply to this post saying that you have done so, and leave your IGN.


    The plan?

    Those who have been accepted will be invited into the Discord server, from there we will decide as a community on a plan. I would like there to be a strong sense of community, so community builds and areas will be highly encouraged. The rules are as goes: No griefing or unpleasantness. All in all, be nice :)

    About the Owner.

    Hey there, I'm CJ. Having run countless game servers in the past including a couple of whitelisted community Minecraft servers, I am very experienced when it comes to server management; to ensure everyone has the smoothest experience possible. I started as a technical minecrafter, taking interest in redstone and command blocks above anything else, but have come to develop a love for building over the years. I started with Minecraft 1.7, so have been an active member of the community for quite a while now. My schedule is fairly busy, however, I will be more than capable of running the server with the utmost care and confidence. I would love to be able to bring experienced members together to create some wonderful moments and structures, and I hope through this server I can achieve just that.

    My Discord: CJ#7508

    Sidenote, if you are thinking of applying, please upvote this post to help me build the community.

    Best of luck,


    submitted by /u/C4_55
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    Neurotic Lily [Vanilla]{1.14}{PvE}{Hard}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    Dying Lily - Simple, hard, vanilla.

    A no frills, default, hard Minecraft experience. Dying Lily is a bloat-free server, no overbearing spawn structures, or game changing plugins will be found here. The plugins you will find here only improve the gameplay experience in a balanced manner. The rules are easy to grasp and you're sure to get the hang of it easily.  


    IP Address:  



    1. No hacking, cheating, bug-exploiting, racism, or griefing.


    • Grief Prevention ( Allows players protect their buildings from others )
    • WorldGuard ( Keeps spawn area in tact and prevents world destruction )
    • ClearLagg
    • EssentialsEX ( Minor helpful quality of life commands)  



    While the server is vanilla players are allowed to teleport home and to spawn at fixed cost. This however has a long cooldown and cast time. Players can sell items with /sell to do this.

    submitted by /u/Computer_Mutt
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    ChronoBreach Server [SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {Youtubers}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Description: The ChronoBreach server is a youtuber only Whitelist SMP. Think Hermitcraft, but for small Youtubers. Our server has unique lore/theme that will tie all members into the world. Each server member's world is "connected" to the ChronoBreach world. When a member joins the server a "breach" forms between their world and the server's world, connecting them. The server is its own stand alone world, so everyone's worlds aren't actually a part of the server. The lore is just to give some inspiration to start the server.


    Apply to the ChronoBreach Server by filling out the application sheet.


    1. No hacked client/xray.
    2. Some client mods are allowed (ex: replay mod and optifine). If you want to use other mods ask an admin to see if it is okay.
    3. No stealing or griefing.
    4. Pranking is allowed. If you are worried your prank idea might be considered griefing talk to an admin about it.
    5. Be respectful.
    6. Do net be racist, homophobic, or sexist.
    7. You are not required to make a curtain number of videos, but we do encourage everyone to make them.
    submitted by /u/BreachSMP
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    Novadia [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] [PvE] [PvP] {1.14}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:50 AM PDT

    NOTE: The server is temporarily whitelisted and vanilla until Spigot 1.14 releases. See application at the bottom of this post.

    Server IP Address: Novadia.ga

    Novadia is a low-plugin survival server that is geared towards creating an engaging semi-vanilla world. We offer players the experience to play Minecraft the way it was meant to be played, including a lively social dynamic that characterized the earlier days of Minecraft servers. Gathering a vibrant community is one of our top priorities, with weekly social events, tournaments, and building projects, there is always something to be done.

    Server Details:

    Every aspect of Novadia has been carefully decided to promote a fair and fun version of the vanilla experience. Plugins are very minimal, with an anti-griefing tool for players being one of the few noticeable exceptions. There are no warps or player teleportation available, only a /spawn that serves as the hub of the server's activity and creativity. The idea behind this is to promote more interesting methods of travel which are offered by the vanilla game; such as riding horses, sailing across vast oceans, or constructing intricate minecart railways. This also encourages friendly players to live in close proximity to each other, forming towns and creating allies. And although the server is centered around a social PvE dynamic, PvP is still encouraged and always enabled outside of a small spawn radius. Tournaments and conflicts between player groups will keep things interesting for anyone craving a rewarding and intense combat experience. There are no ranks on Novadia - all players are treated as equals, and everyone is meant to feel included. Finally, every structure on the server is made in survival.

    Novadia seeks to capture everything that makes Minecraft great at its core, and we hope that you will join our community!


    1. Respect all players
    2. No griefing or stealing from chests
    3. No game altering mods or hacks
    4. No exploiting or bypassing plugin features
    5. No spectator accounts, duping, or AFK fishing

    Server Properties:


    • 1.14
    • Bukkit server
    • Player shops
    • PvP always on
    • Hard difficulty
    • 300 Block Spawn Protection Radius
    • Player submissions to build within the spawn parameters
    • Land claiming tools with increased claim amounts given to settlement leaders

    Plugins- (All disabled currently)

    • CombatLogX (A short PvP logout timer before you may disconnect safely)
    • CoreProtect (Staff investigation tool)
    • EssentialsX (Fine-tuning and support tools)
    • GriefPrevention (Player tool to protect small amounts of land)
    • WorldBorder (15,000 x 15,000 block world border, will expand with time)

    Whitelist Application-

    1. What is your Minecraft username?:

    2. How long have you owned Minecraft?:

    3. Why would you like to join our server?:

    4. What are you looking for in a server?:

    5. What is your favorite Minecraft memory?:

    submitted by /u/LeSchvin
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    HoopSkoop [Vanilla]{1.14}{SMP}{Whitelist}{Discord}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    So HoopSkoop is just a normal survival server. For the past few years, it's been a modded survival server. We've run mostly FTB mod packs and some other custom one but right now we're wanting to play some classic vanilla Minecraft with the release of 1.14. We don't have any fancy additions or plugins, just simple Minecraft. We like the idea of a chilled, fun environment. If you just want to joke around, hang out and have fun then that's what we do. One thing we aren't a fan of is having huge numbers, we usually have around 20 people max whitelisted at once and have about 5 - 10 online at once.



    • Dedicated Server - The server is currently hosted in France buy a reliable hosting company that we've used for years. The server has a 99% uptime, only going down for administration purposes very rarely.
    • Whitelisted - Allows us to avoid randoms joining the server and causing chaos.
    • Discord Server - Allows players to join voice channels and use the text channels to talk about projects and ideas for the server.
    • New Wipe - Ther server world was freshly created yesterday so the world is still fresh.
    • Community - One thing that we like to have is a community that actually talks to each other. We don't like to be one of those servers who get new members and then no one talks to each other. Every wipe we usually try to do something as a community, we've built towns, a zoo and even once we've created different medieval kingdoms.


    Server Rules:

    • Don't be a dick. Basically, don't go around destroying peoples builds or stealing their resources. Now we're all for playing pranks and having a laugh but there is a line.
    • Don't be rude. Respect everyone else and don't deliberately ruin their experience. If you have an issue with any of the other players' feel free to message an admin.
    • No use of mods or hacks. This just gives you an unfair advantage, now small QoL mods are fine, like OptiFine and such.
    • If must be active on both the server and the discord. If a player hasn't been around for a week then they'll get a message but after 2 weeks they're removed. If a player gives an admin a warning though that is fine.


    We're currently looking for any players who enjoy playing the game and are wanting to be part of our community. We're looking for ages 16+. To apply join our discord below then click the link to the application in the announcements text chat. If you have any question feel free to message me here or ask on the discord.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/KmXkzjN
    Application: https://forms.gle/z24GyKpfemPMzJe88

    submitted by /u/Jiggly_Bear
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    VREV [Vanilla][SMP]{USA}{Whitelist}{18+}{1.14}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Victorious Revolution [VREV] Vanilla Survival Multi-Player [SMP]


    Vrev is a multi-gaming group that has been running for many years and is now looking for people to join a Minecraft vanilla server. We want a group that wants to play Minecraft in a fun and mature way. With vanilla play and no cheating by the players or the server admins. We want the server to be a fun and respectful place, with a regularly active player base. With the option to play other games in the group, but with the main focus being Minecraft. The map uses a custom seed with key biomes within a 5000 block range of spawn, so people can get the materials they need to build. Whether to have Shops along with other options such as soft borders or specific build style areas can be voted on by the group later.

    The Key Biomes for the seed are:

    -Mushroom Island
    -Ice Spikes
    -Warm Ocean
    -Frozen Ocean
    -Mega Taiga

    The spawn for the server is on Peninsula, with plains at spawn with forest, taiga, and mountains to the south in that order so everyone can have some good options for building close too spawn. With a large Savanna Island to the east of spawn for people interested.


    -Griefing: Don't grief and don't steal.
    -Don't be a douche, respect others and their space, do not engage in PVP without consent.
    -No client hacks or X-Ray of any kind (Optifine is okay)
    -Mob/Terrain Griefing: Fill in creeper holes and creeper damage to builds the best you can if possible or inform the person that owns the build about the damage. Try not to leave floating trees, no one likes them, so just don't.
    -If you are going to build something clearly mark the area so others know you are building there. Maybe include what you are building, people may just help you out.

    In general, be nice to others and don't cheat.

    Data Packs:

    -One Person Sleep
    -Enderman Can't Pickup Blocks
    -Dragon Elytra Drop
    -Double Shulker Shell Drop
    -Mob Heads Drop
    -Player Heads Drop

    More can be added on server vote and suggestion.

    How to Join

    Fill out the forum here and we will get to you within 24 hours and contact you by your preffered method if you are accepted.

    Do not post join requests here or in pm they will not be accepted, if you want to join use the link above.

    submitted by /u/djae_95
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    Chillcraft [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12}{Small Community}{Discord}{Dynmap}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    • Server Name: Chillcraft
    • Server Location: France
    • Server Address: Chillcraft.duckdns.org
    • Version: 1.12
    • Game Play Type/s: [SMP][Vanilla]

    • Description:

    Chillcraft is a small community based arround our survival minecraft server. We are a drama free comunity and want to stay that way, hence the whitlist.

    • How to join?:

    Join our discord : https://discord.gg/rQcCePx And apply to be whitelisted !

    • Rules:
    1. Don't be a dick.

    2. No cheating, or using hacks, or any sort of advantage like xray resource packs. If you want to use a mod check with staff first. Any abuse of glitches or bugs is punishable.

    3. No griefing (pranks are allowed, but only to a certain extent. No destroying)

    4. No stealing.....if it isn't yours or you have not been given permission to use or take it, then do not touch it, even though we have the lockett plugin allowing people to lock chests so only they can access them if chests do are not locked you still CANNOT steal.

    5. Please keep your political and religious chat to a minimum, although every single person is welcomed, any race, gender, body size, sexual orientations, and abilities are respected as much as everyone else. If you do not agree with this, then this is not the server for you.

    6. If you are going to leave the server please clean up your base, we do not want to have to clean up everyone's messes they left behind over and over, along with this dont grief somones base even if you think they have left.

    7. Respect my admins, we work hard to keep this running and we aren't going to deal with bullsh*t.

    8. Be a minimun of 50 blocks away from someone. unless they agree to it. we don't want people building too close to each other and blocking them.

    9. If there is a rare resource like compressed ice for instance taking all of it unless you sell it for an extremely low price is punishable. Likely punishment would be to return all the items and possibly a temp mute. May escelate to a higher punishment.

    10. Do not mass mine blocks and make the area ugly unless your 2500 or more blocks out.

    • Server Hardware: Dedicated server: 2 Cores / 8GB Dedicated / 1GBps DOWN / 300MBps UP
    • Plugins: [Essential] [WorldBorder] [MultiVerse2] [dynmap]
    submitted by /u/mrgove10
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    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 03:12 AM PDT


    Iperios is a small growing server that search new players. We are a whitelist server that want to create a geopolitics and diplomatic atmosphere around the server. we also have a towny plugin to create your own town and nation and,if you don't want to create your nation you can also join one that other players created aswell.We also have ressources camp in-game that you can accumulate ressource for geopolitical purposes.If you like survival too you can also exchange farmed ressources for geopolitical ressource(Iron,leather,wool,dyes,wheat,horses and much more!). We also have a in-depth geopolitical book with lots of buildings and military units variety!

    If you ever wanted to know more about us and the server you click on the link below:

    -https://www.facebook.com/groups/203761273381878/?multi_permalinks=594741630950505&notif_id=1548597978086046&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic (Our facebook page)

    -https://discord.gg/3KT7w2P(Our discord page)

    If you want to join us just answer some questions shown below:

    What do you like in a minecraft server?:

    do you like rp?:

    Rl hobby?:

    Rules of the server:

    1.Be polite and friendly with all the players aswell as the staff.

    2.No griefing or raiding will be tolerated.

    3.Respect the rp and geopolitics scene at all time.

    4.Respect the geopolitical system and don't try to abuse it.

    submitted by /u/Dazandran
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    Project Full Moon [Semi-Vanilla] [PvP] {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 08:17 AM PDT

    Full Moon is a whitelisted Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server project. Its idea is to improve vanilla Minecraft experience by adding and adjusting some features with data packs and rules thus making the game more challenging and interesting to play.

    What could be looked at as the beginning of the Full Moon is the old times when I (the founder of this project) and close friends of mine had a small private server with this idea. Since it worked out fantastically, and we had a blast playing it I want to bring it back to life again but this time bigger and better.

    We all know Minecraft is a sandbox game. Other than defeating the Dragon or let's say getting the achievements there really aren't any set goals. The way I see it, players get together and create closed communities to make the game last longer, be more fun, etc. but these communities usually don't last very long. To put it simply everyone still plays the game as if it's singleplayer. I want to change that. The community is the core of this project. Many activities, events, and general gameplay are going to be based on interaction with and just being around other players. Here's how it's going to work.

    The server has a big spawn which is basically a safe zone made of players' houses/bases, markets/shops/trading areas, general buildings for entertainment like minigames, community structures like farms and so on. In order to avoid the mess, everything more or less is split across the land into smaller areas. The choice of the global building style is medieval. No crazy floating spaceships or houses made of wool will be acceptable. In order to create a specific style or a texture, it's allowed to expand the palette of blocks but to keep the game realistic and consistent forget all the rainbow "puke".

    The reason why I call the spawn the safe zone is because of PvP. Outside the safe zone, it's all about you. Any other player for no reason can kill you and take your loot. Chests can be looted, buildings can be destroyed, raided unless it's marked as community property. Same goes for The End and Nether unless it's Nether Hub or the main island of The End. All those little details are in the Book of Rules which is available for members of the project. So, as I mentioned before the project's goal is to enhance all aspects of Minecraft and fighting is one of it. Eventually, all players will have to risk getting resources or buy them from others, therefore, creating an economy.

    One more thing the project has are events to which members of the community can and should contribute. It can be as simple as a group of players goes together to defeat the Dragon or there's someone's made minigame that can be played for a prize. All players have a chance to create some sort of event themselves and allow others to take part in it. This means there always will be things to do in free time.

    Full Moon is not a short term "I'm bored... wanna play some... have nothing better to do..." deal. It's a commitment to a seriously aimed project which is set to last for a long period. We are accepting people who have time to play games, and they choose Minecraft without hesitation. We understand there is work/school or just life to take care of thus project has no specific amount of time set to be spent in the server but note that if you want to become a member one way or another you'll have to show that you're active and also... creative. Like I mentioned at the beginning Minecraft isn't a long game so you must have things to do. Build, explore, fight others it doesn't matter. Ability to come up with ideas to make you interested in playing is crucial.

    Anyway, that's a Full Moon for ya. If you want to join, fill and submit the form located below. If we think you'd fit right in we'll send you an invitation in 1-2 days, and then we'll proceed with making you a member of the project.

    The server is located in Europe.


    submitted by /u/z1lvis
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    Insert Name Here Pixelmon Server. [SMP] [Modded] {1.12.2} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    I apologise. Naming things isn't my forte.

    That said there is a new(ish) Pixelmon server which I am running which is free to join by anyone, as long as you are over 18+. The intention as with most servers is to create a friendly community of people whom simply enjoy playing the game together. When more people arrive we will consider world resets though will definitely be implementing things like tournaments for prizes and what not.

    The standard rules apply.

    - No Griefing

    - No Stealing

    - No Cheating

    - etc...

    There are a few quality of life mods (satchels, JEI, Journeymap etc...) which are easily found and installed. We also have a few commands added also including /pc, /ivs and evs etc, and also a joining pack including some apricorns, pokeballs and few other bits to help you get started.

    Nothing on this server is gated by reward systems.

    If sounds interesting, let me know either here or PM and i'll send you a message with a Discord link. Be mindful that it may take me a bit to respond.

    submitted by /u/DurkaTurk02
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    Drop-In PvP [PvP]

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    A survival realm for the bedrock version where there is only only one rule: No mods or hacks. Everything else is allowed. You can build whatever you want. You can kill whoever on the server. It is going to be all out warfare. Join now and drop in to get the best weapons first. The admins will drop powerful items onto the map every few hours. Realm Link: https://realms.gg/9Ezr-2T6x80

    submitted by /u/DMmaster5E
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    RoastedToast [SMP] {Survival} {RPG} {custom-recipes} {jobs} {bosses} {wands}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 12:57 AM PDT

    <━━> 𝓡𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭𝓣𝓸𝓪𝓼𝓽 <━━>

    What makes us so different from other servers?

    Admit it, normal Minecraft can be pretty boring sometimes. So that's why we made custom-recipes, bosses, new mobs and craftable wands! Feel free to join!

    What kind of server are we?

    We are a survival server with a bit of a RPG styled experience. There is a warp to the boss battle arena where you can fight the Zombie King and The Skeleton King. Both king's have rare drops! As I mentioned we made Custom-recipes like: Emerald armor and Tools, Herobrine armor and tools(recipes can be found in discord) and much more! And besides that we also have a active and social community! Come take a look!

    <━━> 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 <━━>

    <━━> 𝓡𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 <━━>

    • Zombie Rank - € 2
    • Skeleton Rank - € 5
    • Creeper Rank - € 10
    • Vindicator Rank - € 15

    More information about our ranks can be found on our buycraft website: http://roastedtoasts.buycraft.net/buy/2tXjq


    No swearing and racism!

    Swearing is allowed but not directly towards someone. And of course racism is absolutely NOT allowed!

    Be respectfull!

    Don't bully or make a shame of someone no-one likes bullies.

    Don't grief!

    Griefing is NOT allowed on our server since it is a survival/rpg server. Not a factions server, but just a normal survival server. This also means that you can't set a home on someones claimed land without permission. We really hate people that grief. Griefing means --> insta ban!

    Don't advertise without permission!

    Don't go spamming your insta account or minecraft server in chat. If you want to advertise something you can just ask us. Just don't go spamming around in chat or our discord!

    Kill system:

    Killing is allowed when agreed upon on!

    Don't ask staff for items or staff!

    If you want to be staff you can just visit our website(or e-mail us) and make a staff appeal. Don't ask owners or other staff for ranks!

    No scamming!

    Don't scam, make fair trades. And if someone does scam you please report it to a staff member.

    Speak English

    Our server is a English server with an English speaking community. So don't start chatting in Spanish or French!


    • Owners: TWBoom, TiagoYOLOBOY and BeestSiebren
    • Admins: Elitewatermeloen
    • Builders: robinisvis12 and TigerCrafter2
    submitted by /u/RoastedToastserver
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    CoreCraft: Builders of the Lair [SMP][Semi-vanilla]{1.14}{Community}{whitelist}{discord}

    Posted: 29 Apr 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Welcome to CoreCraft: Builders of the Lair!

    We are a community of crafters looking for fun individuals just like you!

    This server was started as a way to find like-minded individuals to explore, craft, invent, innovate, and build with. Founded in Winter 2018, the server continues to grow and expand, and with the launch of 1.13 and 1.14 bringing more excitement down the road, we're looking to add even more smiling faces to our community!! Our community dates back to 2015 and if you chose to make us your home you can read more about our history on our discord. Feel free to check us out today and make your mark on our brand new world!!

    Our next season begins with the launch of 1.14. Come and join us for a brand new fresh and exciting adventure! Who will be the first to defeat a village raid? Could be you!

    Who We Are

    Founded by a small group looking for greener pastures, our server has steadily grown into a tight-knit community, full of fun and energy. There's always someone about to say hello, build with, or chat with if you'd like! We feature a Discord for further ways to connect with members on the server while not on Minecraft. Featuring games nights, community projects, and even building competitions, you'll never run out of things to do!

    Rules, rules, rules, what're the rules?

    As with any server, we have rules to follow but we like to not restrict you too much. That said, it is important to follow the few we have in place or you may have a temporary / permanent ban based on what you do, and that's never fun!

    • Please respect nature, no floating trees
    • Please do not spam.
    • This includes Discord, especially the use of @
    • No stealing / griefing / hacking
    • No PvP without first asking the user
    • Have fun!

    The Application!

    Thank you thank you thank you for taking the time to read over all of this!

    If you are still confident this is the server for you, or just want to get your feet wet, please head over to our posting on the minecraft forums and complete the application there. Everything you need to know and more is located at:


    THANK YOU FOR READING! We hope you enjoy CoreCraft!!

    submitted by /u/Sturped
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    no caps vibe [PvE] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.13.2} {discord} {dynmap} {whitelist} {18+}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    howdy pardners!

    no caps vibe is a new, low plugin vanilla server that is mainly just for casual play and or people who want to create expansive cities or other large projects (additional plugins will be considered if they are needed and or will improve QOL)

     currently the server is operating on craftbukkit but will migrate to papermc once it is updated to 1.14 


    • Please try to reduce environmental damage. Breaking bedrock is only allowed on the ceiling of the Nether, and not in the Overworld.

    • Please keep content on the Discord to its respective channels.

    • We are a near vanilla server. There is no sethome or TP as we focus on connections via rails and iceboat tracks in the Nether.

    • Advertising your servers is not allowed.

    • Hacks are not allowed, modded clients besides Optifine are not allowed without permission of an admin.

    • Automatic, AFK Farms, and Redstone machines are allowed. Farms and contraptions designed to lag the server are not.

    • While swearing is allowed, don't be a dick for no reason!

    timezone is GMT, server is located in london btw! there is a discord which can be found here: https://discord.gg/XBArcqn dynmap is found here: http://dlusionist.mine.nu:7673/# server ip: dlusionist.mine.nu:25673 

    I know that not everyone has a lot of time to play so this would be the perfect place to come and get your minecraft craving sated with friends (and memes)

    lots of love, gently

    submitted by /u/PenisOverlord
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    Obscuros Pixelmon [Modded] {Reforged 7.0.5}{Custom Pokemon}{Survival}{DynMap}{GriefPrevention}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    Obscuros is a new community-based Pixelmon

    We offer a fresh new world to explore and build in with the option to go through our progression system with Ranks that can be bought with in-game Pokédollars. Unlock new areas, battle Player and NPC Gyms, and explore Custom Cities with daily boss Trainers to defeat. Experience our Mt. Battle, Gym Leader Castle, train at our EV Training Center, and participate in several monthly events and tournaments. This and more to see.

    SERVER IP: mc.playobscuros.com

    Website: https://obscuros.enjin.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/HqwwFHK

    Dynamic Map:

    Travel Guides: https://obscuros.enjin.com/travelguides

    Rules: Have common sense and don't be rude

    -Friendly Community
    -Custom Pokémon [alongside normal Pokémon]
    -Keep Inventory
    -All Ride Pokémon Enabled [no tokens required]
    -Earnable Ranks and Event Ranks
    -Unlockable Areas-Events & Contests
    -Tournaments hosted by players and staff-Custom Cities to explore, with Boss Trainers and Pokéloot
    -Unique Gyms & Elite Four [AGP] [open applications]
    -Mt. Battle [Battle through all 100 Trainers] (coming soon!)
    -Gym Leader Castle (coming soon)
    -Victory Road
    -EV Training Arenas
    -Pokémon Parks
    -Resource World [Pokémon free]
    -Land & Chest Protection

    submitted by /u/EvilDusk320
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    [Wanted] A well tended survival server with specific things, such as; [SMP][PVE]{McMMO}{Jobs}{GriefPrevention}{1.13.+/1.14}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 01:19 PM PDT

    EDIT: I believe I have found the server I am looking for! You can visit it at play.bastionmc.com for yourselves, should anyone happen upon my list and agree with my idea of a fun minecraft server! (Tell them JaiGuru sent you and they'll give you a free soda.) Thank you to everyone who replied, and you should check out their servers too! Not one of them was lacking in any way!

    Hello all!

    I'm an older player (37) who's looking for a nice server to build on. I have been playing almost since the beginning, back in ye olde days when there were only like 9 blocks. My preferred hobby is to wander far away, find a nice secluded megataiga, and build a sprawling village with pastoral land surrounding.

    Since I've been with Minecraft so long, I've kind of developed pretty specific ways I like to play. (I hope I'm even able to find a server that fits what I'm trying to do!) I have a list of things I need from the server, and a follow up of things I prefer, but which are not necessarily deal breakers. I'll tell you more about myself in my justifications for my list of things I like so you can decide if I'm right for your server. If I sound like a good fit, I hope you'll let me know as I'd love to come build something pleasant and joke around in the chat!

    Required: (Edit - To be clear, my required list is more or less non-negotiable. Please do not spend your time on me if your server does not meet them. There are other fish in the sea and I don't want to see you all doing these long write ups on my account if you don't have to.)

    • GriefPrevention: Very specifically, I want to be able to acquire a LOT of space, if not unlimited space, to protect my village. These often sprawl as large as a medium sized biome, which is a big part of why I tend to get far away from others so I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. I enjoy accruing blocks and purchasing them, so either/or system is fine.

    • Large draw distance: One of the few things that turns me off entirely is being boxed in and not being able to see a few yards ahead of me. It doesn't necessarily have to be max, but it does have to be default at a bare minimum.

    • McMMO and Jobs: I prefer to have both of these as I really enjoy the added meta-game of getting to the next level in both of those systems. As a consequence of playing as long as I have, the more tedious activities have really started to wear on me so having those little fireworks of success, and the trinkets that fall at higher McMMO levels really lights up the ol' pleasure centers of the brain for me.

    • Enderman Farm: Some manner of access to a server enderman farm (or the right to build one myself) is necessary as I dig VERY large areas out to fill with underground structures. I'm all for a challenge, but it's just not practical to not have access to numerous high level enchants when you're digging out a 90 x 90 by 40 deep hole, you know? Otherwise I'm ambivalent to mob farms, preferring not to build or use them at all. I know this particular entry doesn't suggest it about me, but I really do prefer the slow burn of doing things the hard way, saving enderman farm sessions for the impractically large projects.

    • Must be at least on 1.13: Ideally looking to expand the world when you update to 1.14 rather than restart the map entirely.

    Preferred Features:

    • A robust economy: preferably including ranks you can buy after saving up a while. Generally speaking, the more meta-game a server has, the more likely I am to be a long lasting member. I really might be an addict...

    • A polite, but not overly curated social atmosphere: I know saying "I want to swear" raises red flags, but it's more that I just don't want to spend time in a socially claustrophobic setting when I play. I am not a bigot, and I do not tolerate them. Nor do I want to discuss politics of any variety, social or civic; there's plenty of that EVERYWHERE else. I also don't want to feel like I have to walk on eggshells every time I post. In general, a mature community who respects each other and is on Minecraft to play, yet can hear the occasional "well, shit!" expletive without having a melt down...it seems pretty basic to me, but from experience I see a lot of servers that go WAY too far in one or the other direction.

    • Ranks in-addition to Jobs and McMMO: Something that adds little abilities here and there, like more homes or faster mining or something that I can purchase is always nice.

    • Visual Menus: They're not necessary, but they are nice.

    • Strange Features: Plugins like loot boxes or Bloodmoon are always fun. Again, anything that enhances the meta-game is a plus in my book.

    This was a long post. If you read it, even if you don't think I'm a good fit, I thank you for the courtesy!

    submitted by /u/Ducks_Arent_Real
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    [Wanted] A Family friendly server [PVE] [Hub] {1.13+/1.14}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 06:24 PM PDT


    I'm currently looking for a family friendly server for myself, my friend and her three children under 10 to play on.

    We're looking for a community that is not toxic, and is pretty stable in terms of connection and downtime/lag and wouldn't mind having a couple of occasional players.

    Multiple worlds with survival, creative, minigames and skyblocks would be a plus.

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/TrebledHeart
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    GeoCraft [SMP]{1.13.2}{Survival}{Community based}{Whitlisted}{Semi-Vanilla}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ -- Our server GeoCraft is -- ⬥ ⬧ ⬥

    GeoCraft is a Semi-Vanilla Minecraft server that tries to stay as close as possible to complete vanilla. We impose no limits to all sorts of creations ! We just started out today (April 28th, 2019) and we seek to grow a good respectful community ! We plan to update to Spigot 1.14 when it comes out but for now we stay on 1.13.2.

    ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ -- Whitelist -- ⬥ ⬧ ⬥

    We are not strict with players who want to apply, we have no restrictions. You can apply here:

    ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ -- Server Information-- ⬥ ⬧ ⬥

    ⬤ Host Area: Montreal, Canada

    ⬤ Version: 1.13.2 (For now)

    ⬤ Seed: 6790374135078540839

    ⬤ Discord: https://discord.gg/KaKPvGW

    ⬤ IP:

    ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ -- Rules -- ⬥ ⬧ ⬥

    -Basic Rules

    1. No unrespectful comments.
    2. Play with common sense and respect !
    3. AFK is allowed.

    -More Complex Rules

    Player VS Player: Is allowed only when the two parties (or more) consent it.

    Advertising: Leaking another server IP or whatever link is not allowed.

    Chat: Do not spam or beg for items. Racism, sexism, and harrasment is not allowed !

    Griefing or stealing: Mods that advantage yourself over someone else is not tolerated. (Ex: Kill arua ,Fly, x-ray etc.)

    To conclude: Respect staff and other players, build where it is allowed, be friendly and speak english.

    ⬥ ⬧ ⬥ -- About GeoCraft -- ⬥ ⬧ ⬥


    Our server is Semi-Vanilla, meaning that we want and will stay as close as posible to complete vanilla (We only have few plugins) mainly our plugins help the staff to keep and good and nice server.


    No economy is decided for now ! We let you decide it during you're first trades,sells and buys. (To be more precise we try to let the community decide each and every aspect of the server posible) Even the economy !


    Right now no events are decided but we have plans for future events, here they are:

    • PVP Arena
    • Build Contests
    • Art Contests

    We want to add a few more but for now we plan adding these in the next weeks.


    Owners - Negan2503 & Stoui

    We are not searching for staff right now, but if we expand we will of course.

    submitted by /u/Negan2503
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    Eggland Survival [PVE] {1.14 Bukkit}{Anti-Grief}{Flying-Boats}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    IP: play.worldrecordegg.us


    Eggland survival is a small community 1.14 server with a few enhancements.

    These enhancements is as follows:

    • Players can catch passive mobs with chicken eggs
    • Three /sethome locations
    • Explore the world with flying boats
    • Cut down trees with ease (timber)
    • Grow crops and trees instantly with the old bonemeal

    mechanics enabled!

    • Disable/Enable pvp with /pvp
    • Showoff with the /trails plugin
    • Public reset mine with plenty of minerals


    • Do not abuse cheats or exploits
    • Be respectful to both players and staff
    • Griefing, defacing and Stealing is prohibited in the overworld
    • Exploring is highly encouraged


    Eggland Survival is in need of staff and moderators

    submitted by /u/ThePresenter183
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    VanillaBean [Vanilla] [PvE] {1.14} {13+} {No Whitelist}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    VanillaBean is a new vanilla server mainly focusing on bringing minecraft back to its basics. This server has no plugins and is 100% Vanilla. We are a brand new community founded on 4/26/2019. My IGN (Owner): Neon_Tigerr. You can apply for member rank on our discord (You will get a yellow name). You can join our discord with this link: https://discord.gg/VxbTpJt ip:


    1. No Cheating/Hacking of any kind (optifine is allowed)
    2. No use of racial slurs or excessive spam of offensive language.
    3. Have fun, dont be a dick.
    submitted by /u/redshealy
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    Zippycraft [SMP] {1.13} {Semi-vanilla} {PVE}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    Zippycraft is an enhanced 1.13 SMP server where everyone is welcome. There is currently a small community with an amazing staff team. We're open to suggestions and players interested in joining staff. Our server includes the following features and even more! |Jobs, mcMMO, Custom Mob Drops, Custom Enchants, Infernal Mobs, GriefPrevention| We're looking forward to you joining our server in the near future.

    Rules: Respect all players, no cheating/exploiting/hacking, no advertising, no spamming, no asking for staff/ranks/perms, do not impersonate users, scamming IS allowed, threats will be taken seriously, use /ignore to block users, AFK pools/machines are not permitted, & have fun!

    IP: zippycraft.skynode.host
    Site: https://zippycraft.weebly.com
    Discord: https://discord.gg/xZ9NT7v

    submitted by /u/Zippytron
    [link] [comments]

    hartlisSMP [Modded][SMP]{Whitelist}{Pixelmon}{24/7}{DISCORD}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 09:39 PM PDT

    Looking for dedicated members to participate in this brand new 1.12.2 Pixelmon Whitelisted server

    Going for an a communicative and active community for friends and players!

    There will be tournaments and events!

    hartlisSMP is a up and coming community focused on Pokemon and Minecraft! So similarly we will be having tournaments every month or so to come together as a community. We are looking to start a server with possible people who would enjoy recording or streaming it! Or people who would just like to join a whitelisted server and enjoy. They're will be tournaments against other players and weekly events!

    Apply here: https://discord.gg/eN6Sfyt

    Looking to start accepting applications soon!


    (1) No hacking or exploiting glitches.
    (2) No Griefing

    submitted by /u/Huge_Mango
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    BalaizeLand [Semi-vanilla] {1.13.2} {Public}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    Hi everyone !

    I just created a new survival server with 2 friends, we are in Canada and France, anybody from anywhere is welcome :)

    We are just looking for good peoples to play with on a good server :)

    The map just has been generated at the moment I write this message !

    This is the server address : survival.balaizeland.org

    This is the link to join the discord : https://discord.gg/59NH4c4

    We was on many other servers since 2 month, but always we was fighting lags (or bad admins ...) so we decided to create our own.

    We are creating backup script by our own (we are developer), to be able to save it often as possible.

    Griefing is allowed with one rule : you need to say you done it on discord, leave a mark in game, and it's a declaration of war.

    Because of this, we decided to create a museum where all bases that where abandoned/griefed will be copy via structure blocks on backup server to a museum server if the creator ask for it :)

    We are creating our own backup script to allow the server to save it more often as possible, in case of problems.

    We also replicate how we do at our jobs to deploy new things on the server, that mean everything will be tester on a copy of the server before deployed online, to avoid possible bugs.

    We are on 1.13.2 for the moment because Spigot is still not available for 1.14 , their is still many bugs, and this is so useful to admins that we decided to wait for Spigot 1.14 :)

    We do not use any plugin at the moment, it just to have to possibility to use some if it's needed one day.

    See you soon buddies ! :D

    submitted by /u/xeewi
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    MountainViewMC [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Economy}{1.3.2 Unwhitelisted}

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:54 PM PDT


    FRIENDLY and EXPERIENCED Minecraft Players. DEDICATED 24/7 5.0GHz 3GB Server. ACTIVE Staff. LIVE Interactive World Map.

    Mountain View MC started with a group of friends, who are now looking to expand our server and find more people to share our unique Vanilla experience with. We are a server with authentication, anti griefing, and a few other quality of life mods to improve the overall Minecraft experience.

    Website: https://mountainviewmc.enjin.com/

    submitted by /u/Krawk101
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