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    Minecraft Nitwit turns into scientist when struck by lightning

    Minecraft Nitwit turns into scientist when struck by lightning

    Nitwit turns into scientist when struck by lightning

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 03:34 AM PDT

    So I know any villager that gets struck by lightning will turn into a witch in game.. However, I think it would be really cool if there's a chance of turning the village idiot into something useful - like say, a scientist?

    A scientist could potentially trade the player potions of water breathing, regeneration, ect. in exchange for emeralds. As far as I know the only villager that you can get any potion from currently is the cleric - and he only has the bottle o enchanting. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the nitwits presence in the game - he's a jolly fellow with no care in the world! But it would be really cool if there was a possibility (however slim) that he could turn into a useful villager - a scientist (or perhaps mad scientist?)

    Edit 1: After reading comments currently on the post a couple things I'd like to add. Alchemist may be a better name for the proffesion if the trades are kept strictly to potions. However, scientist could still potentially also be a good profession name if you consider having most of the trade options be potions but maybe one (max of 2) non potion trades.

    Edit 2: After reading more suggestions it would be great to have redstone trade options with the scientist as well. I've seen good suggestions in the comments regarding the possibility of redstone gadgets/ redstone plans as a possible trade option for this proffesion (that way it's not all potions).

    submitted by /u/Rebaebae_
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    Jungle temples should spawn with poison tipped arrows

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Let's make the worst trap in the game a little bit more dangerous shall we?

    This would also give tipped arrows some more exposure, as I'm pretty sure many players don't even know they exist.

    submitted by /u/N1cknamed
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    Make mobs avoid campfires

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    my horse died on my campfire while I was farming sugarcane, passive mobs and probably also hostile mobs should avoid stepping on campfire blocks

    I'm lazy at formatting and stuff but it's a basic concept, if someone else steals my idea but presents it nicely go ahead

    submitted by /u/Fricking-Heck
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    If all your armor has Thorns I (at least), you shouldn't get damaged by cactus, berry bushes, etc...

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    I believe that it would give thorns a little more use, specially when farming cactuses, berry bushes... etc.

    submitted by /u/Rubenazo1999
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    "Pillagerised" Illagers for use in raids (Mockup included)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 05:12 AM PDT

    With the addition of villager appearance changing depending on biomes, I think that Evokers and Vindicators should have a different appearance when participating in raids because (In my opinion) they look quite out of place outside of their mansions. I have prepared some pictures to demonstrate what I mean please tell me what you think

    Evoker Mockup

    Vindicator Mockup

    Witch Mockup

    A criticism that may appear is that my Vindicator mockup may look too similar to regular pillagers, this is why I prepared a separate mockup here: Vindicator Version 2

    submitted by /u/Randomaspland
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    Minecraft deepworld

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    I heard a lot of suggestions said that 1.15 should be focus on caves and mining content. I personally would like to see layers in the world with harder rock and more harsher environment. Less random distribution of ores but more dangerous to mine,rare mini nether biomes with portals 'infecting' overworld, and even more rare mini end island on top of oceans filled with ender mites....

    But all these suggestions run into a massive problem that minecraft terrain for the most part only go down to bedrock about 64 -80 blocks.(and 180ish block up) making many suggestions less viable with space we got. The new underground content, layers and new cave won't feel as crammed if we have more vertical space. I know it challenging for rendering so I am not suggestion to increase all world's build height. What I am suggesting that it's possible maybe sometime in future to give players options (like in terraria) to have worlds with greater build height and deeper terrain?

    You could have standard height of 256 blocks then you have the "deepworld" opinions to choose 512 and 1048 world with more content. I would also like to see mojang experiment on cube rendering for chunks

    submitted by /u/potatoe_farmer_
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    Helmets with night vision

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    Miner helmets have been rejected because they're too modern. This could be an alternative. It would work similar to turtle helmets - but instead of water breathing effect, it would give the player night vision. The crafting recipe could include glowstone or prismarine crystals.

    If you have other ideas for alternatives to miner helmets, please share.

    submitted by /u/ka128tte
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    For future versions, please save our config to our account so we don't have to rebind all our keys at every update or pc.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    I have an "azerty" keyboard and I like to play in different versions depending on the servers and gamemodes I like to play on a few different computers. Every time I change version or computer I have to rebind about 8 different keys.

    Having it online could also allow modpacks to adapt their key bindings to the users preferences.

    Saving FoV, Sensitivity, Auto jump (off) would make adapting to the newer version a lot smoother.

    submitted by /u/Dereavy
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    My Thoughts on the Crossbow

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    TL;DR - It didn't need to be faster, it needed to hit *harder*.

    I read somewhere that Mojang was still considering additional tweaks for the crossbow, but that was months ago and for all I know they think it is in a great spot now. I do not. It seems obvious that a well-upgraded bow is far superior.

    I will admit, it is a very, very fun weapon to shoot. I've used it in spite of its ineffectiveness if that's any indication. The clunkiness of its charge-up holds it back. The charge-up requires you to let go of the mouse button to receive the preloaded variant. Why? It feels like a cheap internal work-around wherein Mojang is giving you another item (which is extremely ghetto). Not organic enough, needs work.

    The amount of extra effort it takes to preload the number of crossbows it would take to outclass a single power 5 bow just goes to show it is not simply an 'alternative'. Furthermore, MC's after-hit invincibility timer renders this potentially very fun strategy with only limited effectiveness. I do not see this attribute as a counter to a power 5 bow at all. Has potential, hope it is improved.

    Quick Charge should not be in the game at all. A slower, preloaded weapon is interesting and new to MC. By immediately offsetting the uniqueness of this weapon upon release with an enchant it seems they had a very poor understanding of the role their new item was trying to fill. Its slowness should be a *highlight* of its identity, not removed in the same patch of its implementation.

    Multishot is fun, but not very helpful - how often are you ever perfectly lined up to hit multiple mobs in MC? why not just get an axe/sword and shield? It's less finicky - and safer - to do that. The amount of time it takes to line everyone up for your epic crossbow maneuver is far more than if you were to just be good with standard weaponry and annihilate them with no extra hinges.

    Piercing is basically a worse version of infinity since again, you usually aren't fighting a ton of things at once. Not much to say here.

    The design of the crossbow is what prevented it from having a standard damage bonus, which means the execution is faulty. Every other viable weapon in the game has a damage enchantment, except for this one?

    It reminds me of games where you can "confuse" or "fear" mobs away. Why would I ever want to do that when I can just kill them flat out?

    submitted by /u/ManallLockhart
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    Named mobs drop name tag when killed

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    Regulae septimam memores ("remember rule seven").

    I hated it when I named a mob, then it died and the name tag disappeared from existence. This suggestion would mean that, if you name a mob and it dies, the name tag drops with the name on it.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Make sand smeltable in blast furnaces, and add a new furnace type: a "kiln"

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    My logic is that gold and iron are already renewable for advanced players, with iron golem and zombie pigman farms, so after a certain point the current blast furnace won't be too useful. In real life, sand requires extremely high temperature to smelt into glass, so it would go along with iron and gold smelting

    A Kiln would smelt clay- and rock-like items, like a Potter's Kiln in real life. You would use it to smelt clay items, clay blocks, netherrack, terracotta into glazed terracotta, stone, sandstone, stone bricks, and I'm not sure if I missed any more items of this type. It would smelt them twice as fast as a normal furnace would, and it would not be able to smelt anything else. It would be crafted similarly to a blast furnace, but with bricks instead of iron ingots.

    submitted by /u/tseries_will_fail
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    For each Villager level up, they gain +1 max health

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    This would help increase the chances of survival (at least by a little bit) for Villagers that you have traded with and devoted lots of resources into.

    submitted by /u/zombiej12
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    Shield Function Change

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    Shields, as it stands, are... mediocre. There's a lot that could be done with them. As they initially were, they were unbalanced and practically broken, the only downside being the movement speed. But we've seen nerfs which have had them go from broken, to practically useless, thanks to being changed to require you to hold it up for a second or two before they'd block anything- though this may be due to playing on Realms with my friends, they had claimed to have the same issue in singleplayer.

    Put simply, in there current form, they're kinda broken. You simply can't balance it out- it's either too good, or absolutely useless. So i wanted to propose a potential change for it, with two styles to pick from- Parry style, and Charge style.

    Starting with parry style, it's simple- when holding up your guard, your movement speed doesn't change. Should you be attacked in that manner, damage will be reduced, but not nullified. However, if you block within a certain window, damage is nullified, and the durability taken off the shield is reduced. This would reward players for getting the timing down- but with projectile weapons, which have issues with the location from which they fire from, especially in a server setting, this may be difficult.

    Charge style involves a block meter that initiates when holding the shield up, meaning you can only block for a certain amount of time, dictated by the shield- after the meter runs out, it has to recharge. This means that you can't just hold the shield up and slowly walk forward. It also somewhat means you have to choose your battles, in a manner of speaking- if your shield is on cooldown at the wrong time, then... well, have fun.

    If you can think of any holes in these ideas, please do let me know- if there are any, I'd love to amend them to change combat in a manner that we can all enjoy.

    submitted by /u/CellytheDork
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    The Quiver , the shulker box for arrows

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    This is used to carry arrows in it instead of your inventory , this is opend by shift right-clicking while the item is in your main or off hand , this item can also be placed like a shulker box.

    This item is made by having a hopper in the center of the crafting table and surrounding it by 4 picies of leather ,it can hold up to 5 stacks of arrows at the same time. Tipped arrows will be used in order from left to right ,like how hoppers drop their items into chests,furnesses , ect..

    Dew to the quiver being made of leather it can be dyed using the crafting bench (or cauldron in bedrock)

    Please if you have any suggestions , comments or criticism please leave it in the comments section , I will keep all your comments in mind ,these will help greatly in the making of this item

    submitted by /u/TheRealAXEMAN
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    A New Nether Mob?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 07:26 AM PDT

    Right now, the nether needs a new update. I thought adding some new mobs to the nether would make it less...bland. This is my first suggestion, sorry if it has bad formatting.

    Sleeper Shark. As much as I want sharks in Minecraft, I read the FAQ and sharks dont belong... except this shark is different. Sleeper sharks can live in underwater volcanoes, and while in real life they would die in lava, I think a bit of suspension of disbelief is alright here. I think sleeper sharks could be a rideable. Sleeper sharks are so rare and live so deep that no human would realistically come in contact with one, so the cookies-and-parrots thing wouldn't happen again. As for the other reasons why, they are extremely sluggish and not as hostile as other sharks, so they could possibly be ridden with some suspension of disbelief. A renaming could take place, however, as to not encorage people to throw sleeper sharks in lava, although that's pretty hard because they live deeper then humans can go.

    As for its functionality, maybe you could tame it with obsidian or something. Maybe a new food item could be added. It wont fight for you, but it will let you ride it over lava - very very slowly. Also, it drops meat upon death, but the meat is extremely poisonous - just like in real life. And anyone who attacks it gets Poison 2, as it most likely wont be able to fight back.

    submitted by /u/NaturePhantom
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    Horseshoes: Redeem Horses as Transport

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    I would like to suggest the usefulness of horseshoes. Purpose: Cosmetic (Same range as horse armour), and can be enchanted (A frost walker/feather falling/thorned horse?).

    Would also add another cool piece of rare loot to loot tables, and maybe a new item for village smiths to trade. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SquintonSmugly
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    Website issue

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    I don't really have much to say but finding out where to submit suggestions from the minecraft website is super hard to find. Now obviously I've discovered a subreddit for suggestions but i spent 2 years looking from the home page and it never hit me once to look on reddit. So my point is, make it easier to submit suggestions from the minecraft website homepage please.

    submitted by /u/Traincraze
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    Crayfish - A new mob idea with a lot of potential

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    It seems as of recently that Mojang has really been going out of their way to create a variety of new content in the game, and in particular, a notable focus on mobs, with 1.14 adding 6 new mobs, both a variety of passive and aggressive, however, there's also been a noticeable increase in new food sources added in recent updates, notably wild Fish and kelp last update, and sweet berries in 1.14. Another notable addition is that Mojang seem to be going through and improving older biomes with less content by giving them new things.

    This idea, including Crayfish, actually covers all three.

    Swamps, in terms of unique content, are lacking. With no unique trees, it's original unique mob now finable anywhere and no really stand out unique features in general, aside from water colour, desperately need more content (Although not as much as caves do). Crayfish aim to fix that.

    Crayfish are, at a basic level, just another food mob, but with a lot more to them. First of all, they can be bred like most other mobs, but with Crayfish being scavengers they can be bred with poisonous potatoes and rotten flesh, finally giving these items a real use. Crayfish also be picked up in a bucket for easy transportation.

    When killed, they drop raw Crayfish, which can restore up to 2 hunger points when eaten, or 4 if cooked. However, if left alone, can also shed their claws. Claws can also be eaten.

    Another drop they have is the Crayfish carapace, which is a potion ingredient. When used in a potion, it creates the Potion of Durability, which acts like a temporary Unbreaking I/II, but for all equipment at the same time. It can, however, also stack with any tool that has Unbreaking already on it, making it last longer even longer, making this potion very useful for keeping around any picks or swords around that you want to keep for longer. Not only that, but the corrupted version of the potoion also exists, the Potion of Fragility, which makes whoever drinks/hit by it's effect's tools break faster, which could be useful in combat.

    submitted by /u/11Slimeade11
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    Villagers sleeping, & child villager interactions.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    None of these really affect gameplay, but just makes it seem more immersive.

    Currently villagers sleep with eyes wide open, my proposal: When villagers enter a sleep state, a separate skin for the head is made visible, in which the villagers close their eyelids and lower their eyebrows, in this state you can sometimes hear slight nasal-y snoring.

    During work hours, a child will stay near the parent villager while they work, and when work hour stops, the baby will leave to go and horse-around, or whatever kid villagers do. Baby villagers sleep on top of their parent villager, like the new cat sleeping animation, to make it seem like they have more of a connection with their parents.

    submitted by /u/TheDustOfGandalf
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    How I Would Implement Ostriches

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 12:39 AM PDT

    Mojang promised us ostriches some time ago and I'm super excited for them. They've shown that they can be very creative with new mobs as seen in 1.13 and 1.14, but they can also goof up and make them kind of useless (I'm looking at you, polar bears). So here's what I'd like to see from our feathery flightless friends.

    1. Ostrich nests. These are composed of coarse dirt/path blocks and a single egg, and the two ostriches that do spawn here will be highly territorial, murder-kicking anything that gets near for 2 hearts of damage (plus a decently fast attack speed). There are also wild ostriches which are not so murderous.
    2. Ostriches should be tamable. If you do separate an ostrich egg from its parents and allow it to hatch, it will bond to you and become a pet. Like with turtles, baby ostriches and ostrich eggs are the desired poultry and omelettes of a certain hostile mob, but in this case skeletons (and all variants) are the poachers.
    3. When your ostrich grows up, you should be able to ride it. I think that the regular saddle should be fine for this purpose.
    4. You can armor up your ostriches. Leather (dyeable), iron, gold, and diamond ostrich armor should be added, with the leather variant craftable (see recipe below) and the others found as loot in structures. Obviously, armor makes your ostrich live longer. Leather armor reduces damage taken by 10%, iron 25%, gold 40%, and diamond 60%
    5. You can equip your ostrich with claws that boost its damage. Wooden, iron, gold, and diamond variants should all be available (with the wooden variant being craftable and the others spawning in structure chests). Wooden claws boost damage by half a heart, iron claws by 1 heart, gold claws by 1.5 hearts, and diamond claws by 2 hearts.
    6. An ostrich can have a saddle, claws, and armor all equipped at the same time. The point is to have ostriches as battle mounts that can fight alongside you or while you ride them.

    Recipe for leather ostrich armor

    leather iron ingot leather

    Recipe for wooden ostrich claws

    wooden planks
    wooden planks
    submitted by /u/Karimo101
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    Increase the amount of storage on llamas so that they *might* be useful

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    Llamas can be ridden but not controlled, llamas can spit-attack but not at the mobs your fighting, llamas have chest storage, but less than that of a donkey.

    Llamas are completely useless.

    My suggestion for making them potentially useful is if they could store a lot more items - so that they can store more than a donkey. Maybe a large chests worth?

    And llamas in a caravan should not share one inventory, but rather add to it.

    submitted by /u/enderwraith11
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    Make the campfire recipe be 2x2

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Campfires are used when you are travelling and don't have coal to cook food, so you shouldn't need to carry a crafting table with you to make it.

    submitted by /u/snowyoutthere
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    Recyclable potions! Another use for the cauldron!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2019 05:46 AM PDT

    Have you ever made a potion you didn't actually want to and you've wasted that ingredient that took you so long to get, yes? Well then what if you could place a cauldron above a heat source, fill up said cauldron with the unwanted potion, let it evaporate thus leaving behind some/all of its potion ingredients? It's useful, shows its good to recycle and gives a use to cauldrons that involves potions.


    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth3
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    Smelting all non-food items in the blast furnace.

    Posted: 27 Apr 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    With the new furnace options, it's nice being able to cook ores and foods faster. However, it's annoying that there are some items that fit in neither the blast furnace nor the smoker. My suggestion is that either the blast furnace to updated to smelt items such as cobblestone or terracotta, or a new furnace variation (such as a kiln) be added so that every furnace recipe has a potential to be upgraded. I'm sure that players who use a lot of stone blocks in their builds will appreciate this change.

    submitted by /u/flameoguy
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