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    Minecraft Baby villagers should occasionally hold out fish for cats

    Minecraft Baby villagers should occasionally hold out fish for cats

    Baby villagers should occasionally hold out fish for cats

    Posted: 02 May 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Since stray cats spawn in villages, it seems that villagers must know how to tame them (Maybe they were the villagers' pets?). New players, on the other hand, may not know that. This could be an easy place to put a sort of in-game tutorial on cat taming, as well as add a bit of immersion.

    Also vote on the official feedback site!

    submitted by /u/HowToChangeMyNamePlz
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    Placing a Lapis Lazuli Block under an Enchantment Table increases the chances that it gives slightly better Enchantments

    Posted: 02 May 2019 01:41 AM PDT


    I'd like to keep the idea flexible, so I did not add any restrictions or behavior patterns. I believe that the title is an adequate elaboration.

    I encourage you to read the comments because somebody might have some interesting input on the subject

    submitted by /u/REALMADEINGREECE
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    Add "Cracked" Stone Brick Slabs, Walls, and Stairs

    Posted: 01 May 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    We have every other type of stone brick variant (Mossy AND regular) thanks to the new 1.14 stonecutter mechanics which I regularly use. In order to add so much more flexibility to dungeon-type builds, it'd help to implement cracked stairs, slabs, and walls. (Besides, it's a bit weird that it didn't get added with mossy stone brick variants anyways.)

    submitted by /u/DarkDevero
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    Blossom trees

    Posted: 02 May 2019 11:30 AM PDT

    Two types of blossom trees should be added to Minecraft.

    Type 1 is the cherry blossom. Frequently found in plains. It adds beauty and the leaves are flowers. May drop a sweet berry, but this is rare like oak trees when it's flowers are broken. Pink flower particles float off it constantly.

    Type 2 is the almond blossom. Same as above, but white, does not drop a sweet berry, and is purely aesthetic. Has its flower particles in white. You can use almond blossoms to fake snowfalls.

    If seasons are added, the trees will flower in the spring, and be leaves like any other tree in the other seasons and twigs in the winter. The difference though, is that their leaves are slightly darker and greener than other trees (like the jungle ones, but a little less green)

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    The Striker - New Hostile Desert Mob

    Posted: 02 May 2019 01:35 AM PDT

    The Striker


    The deserts feel a little empty right now. That's fine, because they are deserts. With the promise of ostriches and palm trees in the near future, that got me pretty excited! However, even after these updates, the desert will still be missing a crucial element. A unique hostile mob. These small bipedal… things… will be faster than a baby zombie, because right now there aren't many mobs you can't outrun by walking. The Striker aims to fix this by having it's max speed the same as a sprinting player *gasp*. Filling an empty niche in the desert, I think these 'sand wolves' will be an interesting addition to the Minecraft universe.


    Strikers are bipedal orange creatures that are about half a player's height. With short arms, long tails, two ears and a sleek appearance, they will really stand out in Minecraft's current array of mobs. For an image, click here https://imgur.com/a/NJV0ZwH (Left: Idle position, Right: Running position)


    Upon killing them, they will drop 1-3 xp (I'm not sure if that's enough) and 0-2 leather. Other drops could be 0-1 bones and rarely 0-1 raw rabbit.


    They will travel in packs of 4 or 5, and will spawn pretty much 24/7. They will be uncommon, and will punish players for wandering out in the open. They won't actively pursue players at night time, as there are all kinds of hostile mobs already. Despite this, they won't be particularly active at midday either. When the sun is at it's highest, the Striker will seek shade (by standing under a block). When it's either morning or dusk, the Striker packs will begin to roam around, automatically hunting rabbits and searching for the player. They have a couple of attack strategies; Rush, Flank, and Ambush. In this order they take priority, for example, if Ambush fails, they will fall back to Flank, and if that fails, back to Rush.

    • The Rush strategy is reserved for either low-level/passive creatures and players in corners. It involves every member of the pack running directly at the target to inflict damage.
    • The Flank strategy works a little differently. Instead of running head on to face the opponent, the Strikers will attempt to surround the target before attacking. This will be used on mid-level mobs and players out in the open.
    • The Ambush strategy is again, different. This technique is for dangerous targets, like players with diamond gear. They will try to attack from behind.


    The sounds they make are somewhere between a dog and a sea lion. Kind of like the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park.


    While the player won't be able to tame the animal, they will be able to appease them. This is done by holding raw meat in front of them. Doing this will make them stop for a few seconds (provided you haven't directly provoked them), before they slowly resume their assault. Before they start attacking again, the player can feed 2-5 raw meat to one of the pack members. After doing so, the pack will become neutral for 30 seconds and will actively avoid the player. If they meet the player again, they will restart their hostile behaviour.

    And that was the Striker, my idea of what would make a cool Desert themed mob! I would much appreciate feedback and if you have any questions please ask!

    submitted by /u/Quantum_Crab
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    [World Option] Achievements upon making a new world are reset

    Posted: 02 May 2019 11:18 AM PDT

    Achievements should be reset upon making a new world, which should be a World Option, not a cheat.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Villager Trades control a greater Village Economy

    Posted: 02 May 2019 01:30 PM PDT

    Just like a capitalist economy, Villager trades should be influenced by the principles of supply and demand (in this case only demand):

    All villager trades in a village will start out about the same. The cost of a specific item will be about the same with all villagers, forming an average price. The average price for an item will differ from village to village. If a player trades with a villager, then the price of the item that was bought will go up by a certain percentage throughout the entire village. The villager that carried out the trade will have a double percentage increase in the cost for that specific trade, to encourage the player to trade with other villagers.

    If a player doesn't perform trade with any villager in that village for several in-game days, then the average prices of all items will drop to an absolute minimum. If the player doesn't trade for 3 days after that, then the economy will collapse, and villagers will stop trading with the player.

    Villager trades will not change if the village is not within a player's view chunks.

    submitted by /u/REALMADEINGREECE
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    More berries with randomized effects.

    Posted: 02 May 2019 03:43 AM PDT

    this idea comes from unturned. in that game there are berry bushed with randomized berries in them. they have give you all sorts of screen effects like inverse colors or blurry movement. i think it could be fun if we had the same thing in minecraft.

    we have five types of berries, red, blue, green, black, and purple, and on every world their effects are randomized between one of five.

    • adding hunger points (current vanilla)

    • inverted movement controls.

    • dolly zoom (look it up)

    • removing hunger points (making you more hungry)

    • tripping.

    I'm going to go more into detail with tripping. when your tripping, the models for passive mobs and hostile mobs switch. cows look like zombies, sheep are skeletons, villagers are pillagers, etc. water gets a rainbow effect and everything goes generally wrong. it would be fun because you wouldn't know which berry does what until you try. so you could be testing them and realized that you just took the VERY wrong berry.

    submitted by /u/Tobymaxgames
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    Gpu worldgen and more efficient world save

    Posted: 02 May 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    First, i think worldgen could be so much improved with compute shaders, for example the perlin noise. And then,if the worldgen become much faster, we could create a new type of block, only in the chunks files to store a block that was not changed.this block could be more compressed.it would be more efficient because many ckunks are saved just for some changed blocks

    submitted by /u/pwouik
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    Coral blocks can be crafted from coral/coral fans

    Posted: 02 May 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    We know that we can farm coral and coral fans easily by using bone meal on warm oceans, however we cannot get coral blocks by this methods. Currently, the only way to renew coral blocks is by mining coral block underwater (this need a Silk Touch pickaxe and underwater mining!) or by trading with the wandering trader which is hard to get! So I suggest the following recipe:

    | Coral/Coral Fans | Coral/Coral Fans | --> | Coral Block | | Coral/Coral Fans | Coral/Coral Fans | 
    submitted by /u/HaydenBorisMutthew
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    You can pick up and carry pets and certain small mobs.

    Posted: 01 May 2019 05:05 PM PDT

    You can pick up dogs, foxes, cats, ocelots, rabbits, and chickens. You would do this by emptying both your main and off hands and holding right-click on them. Once you have them in your arms, you can carry them around, and you put them down by releasing the right-click.

    Untamed Foxes, Wolves, Cats, and Ocelots

    You can pick these animals up, but they will wriggle for a while and deal a bit of damage before jumping out of your grasp and running away. Don't wrestle wild animals please.

    Tamed Foxes, Dogs, Cats and Ocelots

    Your pets can be safely picked up 20 minutes after taming them. When they're familiar enough with you. And you can walk them around and put them in certain spots.


    If you manage to catch a rabbit, you can hold him for a few seconds before he jumps away. Unlike the other wild mobs, he doesn't bite or scratch so he won't deal damage.


    Though wild, chickens can be held indefinetly. But after 30 seconds, chickens will continuously spawn and despawn around you, swarming you until you let that chicken go.

    I'm just kidding. They also will just harmlessly jump out of your hand like the rabbit.


    Primary reason I would use this is because I bred a fox and I want to take him home with me, but as per his AI, he doesn't exactly follow me. I don't think I should have to build a railroad or tie him to a rope to drag him home.

    But you can use this for other things too. Maybe you want to travel with your pet but don't want them to fall off a cliff or get into fights with other mobs.


    i briefly considered the player being able to pick up horses and llamas, which would give you the advancement "role reversal" but decided against it. But I thought I'd mention it anyway because its kinda funny.

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Gift boxes for festivities!

    Posted: 02 May 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    When you want to send someone a gift, you drop the item or send a shulker box. The problem is, items can disappear or get destroyed, and shulker boxes are expensive.

    There has to be an expendable solution.

    My solution is to make a small item box. Carrying capacity is very small, and if the sender and receiver aren't specified, the box rejects the items. So it can't be used as a mini shulker box.

    The box can be placed anywhere and opened anytime. Its block form is slightly larger than a player head.

    There are 3 variants:

    • Bomb: explodes upon opening. Damages entities but doesn't destroy blocks.

    • Confetti: for celebrations. Blows up colorfully, but deals no damage.

    • Normal: harmless gift box.

    I suggest using the sweet berries as hollies to seal gift box lids, and paper as wrappers, as both are renewable, quickly obtainable, and plentiful.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    A Cocoon to go with Elytras.

    Posted: 02 May 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Can only be hung from ceilings, dangling down one block from the ceiling.

    Entering it, only the player's face will poke out, like a sleeping bag.

    Sleeping in it is optional. Players can just idle in it.

    When sleeping, time will skip forward partially, unlike a bed's full skip. Then, the weather will start raining or snowing and that is when the player wakes up.

    Waking up, they stay in the cocoon.

    Mobs can enter the bags, too.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Biome/Dimension Based Enchants

    Posted: 02 May 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    Occured to me when commenting else where that enchants limited to certain world spaces could be a very cool thing for this game. It has two/four benefits I can think of:

    1. Currently most enchants are available almost immediately, and there's no great system for naturally introducing better ones. Mending is hidden behind fishing and villagers, and everything else only has levels. By tying some enchants to the end or rare biomes you add some amount of pacing to certain enchants that could seem game breaking early on, and Quality of Life by end game.

    2. It encourages exploration. Having certain enchants tied to certain biomes would encourage you to build in multiple biomes. That encourages setting up travel routes, encourages multiple bases, encourages players interacting with other player's bases, etc. As long as important enchants are available everywhere this seems like a net gain.

    3. It adds a lot of character to your gear. If the enchants reflect the biome/dimension, then you'll associate that gear with that area. It wont just be another sword, it'll be one you had to enchant in a snowy biome.

    4. Could be used to avoid specific enchants possibly.

    Minecraft already has a temperature system, so for a number of enchants you have an immediate visual indicator. Does it snow there? Does it rain? Does it do neither? Most biomes would simply be lumped into those groups. Keep in mind for plenty of enchants you could get them anywhere, but more often in the corresponding area. Other enchants might be entirely restricted. Here are the groupings as I imagine them:

    Cold Biomes:

    Ice Aspect/protection. Similar to fire but slows instead of burns. If possible the effect would be negated within cold biomes and most effective in warm ones.

    Frost Walker, no brainer.

    Neutral Biomes:

    More chance for generic protection/sharpness/etc.

    Perhaps new, neutral enchants like an anti-knockback.

    Warm Biomes:

    Reverse. Fire Aspect/Flame/Fire Protection.


    Aqua affinity, Depth Strider, Luck of the Sea, Lure, Respiration, Riptide

    The Nether:

    Hot Biome Enchants

    Maybe lock fortune/silk touch behind it, or at least make it more likely here.

    The End:

    Random Effect/Chaos enchant.

    Better chances at some good enchants like feather falling

    Perhaps enchants considered too OP or weird. Lava walker, mending?

    Rare Biomes Possibly:

    Not many ideas, but easy for there to be fun. Mushroom biomes could have an anti-starvation enchant for example, stopping players from dropping below 6 (3 haunches), etc. Maybe jungles could have a poison resistance/poison aspect.

    Problems as I see them, and possible solutions:

    • Complexity. This game wisely avoids too many text boxes, and having a system this complex could be confusing to players who don't read wikis, as I assume most don't. Adding a 'regional enchants' tab to the enchanting gui could go a long way to fix this. Even just having wordless icons that are greyed out until you get it once. It lets any player know that not all enchants can be found there.

    • Limits on different forms of gameplay. This would effect things like skyblock, and I'm sure many other creative game types people make for the game. Best solution I can consider is making this changeable with data packs. Still, there are surely players that would rather stay in one biome while playing vanilla. Perhaps the traveling trader or fishing would remain a good source.

    submitted by /u/ArtisanVirgil
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    Carpenter villagers that build houses for new villagers

    Posted: 01 May 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    Carpenters are new villagers that build houses for when baby villagers grow up and choose a profession, and can also expand houses.

    First off, let's cover the supposed prerequisites for a new baby villager. I feel that two villagers should breed when the village has gone a few days without any attacks from pillagers, zombies or players, as well as enough food from the farmers, butchers and fishermen. A check for this "safeness" variable should happen maybe every 3-5 in-game days. When that check returns positive, that the village is safe, then a random villager is chosen to breed with the closest nearby villager.

    This is a complete rework of the current (1.14) breeding system, where villagers must be "willing" to breed. This willingness comes from having recently made a new trade (so not one that you've already done) and having enough food in the villagers' inventories.

    When the baby villager grows up, they will have the profession of either of their parents on a coin-flip, with a very slight random chance of taking any other profession. Perhaps the professions would be weighted as well - if a village has way too many farmers and not nearly enough blacksmiths, the blacksmith probability would be bigger than the farmer one.

    When the profession is assigned, a carpenter will go to the edge of the village, extend the road a bit if there isn't enough road, then build a house based on the "blueprint" of the house assigned to the new villager.

    The other job the carpenter has is expanding houses. In this system, every villager is given a unique string (perhaps Minecraft could have a name generator) which is assigned to a bed - in a way, every villager has their own house. Let's say we have a fisherman named Jimmy (the name generator might be more fictitious and original with the names, but this is for the same of example). If you made enough trades with Jimmy that he upgrades from a stone token to an iron token. When Jimmy's invisible "profile" states that he's at a higher level, a carpenter villager will come and rebuild his house be destroying the roof and adding a level. This can be done again and again until he reaches the top level, diamond. Either this could mean he has a five-storey house, or there could be other additions to the house given enough room. Since structures in villages are now based on jigsaw blocks, perhaps the extra wiggle room between the houses could have little elements associated with the occupant's profession. Jimmy could have a little pond to keep a few fish in.

    This was a lot more complicated than the plan I initially had when I started typing; the ideas kept coming. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Neocoustic
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    Status effect icon for Saturation

    Posted: 01 May 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    Now that it's possible to get the saturation effect in survival via suspicious stew from villagers, it should have an icon like the rest of the obtainable effects.

    submitted by /u/AntisocialWeeb
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    The Sandworm

    Posted: 01 May 2019 07:22 PM PDT

    A unique hostile that sometimes spawns in deserts, and rarely in other biomes. It can burrow through soft terrain, but not hard. Also, they are attracted by sounds and movement, but will flee from explosions. It is as fast as a zombie pitman, so if you don't sprint, you can't outrun it.

    Edit: it also drops worm flesh, which can be eaten to give you 30 seconds of Haste.

    submitted by /u/ZillaRex420
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    Item frame hitbox while on container

    Posted: 02 May 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    Item frames, when on something storage, for example a chest, a barrel, a furnace, a hopper, the furnaces, etc. Should have a smaller hitbox so instead of rotating the item in the frame you would open the container. Or you could make it so that you can right click through the item frame unless you're holding shift. I know that this is a problem on bedrock, but i haven't tested anything on java.

    submitted by /u/Renario910
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